Microsoft (R) Macro Assembler Version 4.00 3/16/18 13:04:46 download.asm Page 1-1 title download.asm page ,120 ; ; By Jeff Parsons (@jeffpar) 2018-03-15 ; Monitors INT 14h for file download requests ; ; This very tiny and simplistic file downloader relies on having our ; INT 14h extensions TSR (INT14.COM) loaded first. You may load INT14.COM ; in "polled mode" (/P), but if you do, it's probably best to use the COM port ; at its default speed of 2400 baud. Also, if you loaded it for a non-default ; port (/1), then make sure you run DOWNLOAD.COM with the same option (/1). ; ; The 'protocol" is currently very fragile, and if unusual things happen ; (eg, a block is interrupted or comes up short), we may wait indefinitely; ; fortunately, you should always be able to press a key (eg, ESC) to abort ; the operation and try again. ; ; Currently, the only component that knows how to send files to DOWNLOAD.COM ; is our Node test utility: /tests/pcx86/testmon/testmon.js: ; ; node testmon.js [--baud=xxxx] ; ; After running DOWNLOAD.COM, run testmon.js and press Ctrl-F to initiate a ; file transfer. You can use the DOS MODE command before running DOWNLOAD.COM ; to specify a baud rate other than 2400, eg: ; ; MODE COM2:9600,N,8,1 ; ; but make sure you pass the same baud rate (eg, --baud=9600) to testmon.js. ; = 0400 MAXBLK equ 1024 = 000C MAXNAM equ 12 0000 code segment word public 'code' 0100 org 100h assume cs:code, ds:code, es:code, ss:code 0100 main proc near 0100 E8 02C9 R call chkCOM ; verify that INT14.COM is installed 0103 72 05 jc m1a ; abort 0105 E8 0251 R m1: call readB ; read a COM byte 0108 73 02 jnc m2 ; got one 010A CD 20 m1a: int 20h ; abort 010C 3C 06 m2: cmp al,06h ; Ctrl-F? 010E 75 F5 jne m1 ; no 0110 BA 07A3 R mov dx,offset begXFR ; DX -> beginning transfer message 0113 B4 09 mov ah,09h 0115 CD 21 int 21h Microsoft (R) Macro Assembler Version 4.00 3/16/18 13:04:46 download.asm Page 1-2 0117 E8 0212 R call readBlk ; read initial block (with file info) 011A 72 23 jc m4a ; on error, just start over ; ; First up: the 8.3 filename (after the first '|' separator) ; 011C AC lodsb ; get next character 011D 3C 7C cmp al,'|' ; there IS a separator, right? 011F 75 34 jne m4x ; um, no, error 0121 BF 073C R mov di,offset fName ; DI -> filename buffer 0124 B9 000C mov cx,MAXNAM ; CX == maximum filename size 0127 3B DE m3: cmp bx,si ; passed the end of buffer? 0129 72 14 jb m4a ; yes, error 012B AC lodsb ; get next character 012C 3C 7C cmp al,'|' ; reached the next separator? 012E 74 06 je m4 ; yes 0130 49 dec cx ; reached the 8.3 limit? 0131 7C F4 jl m3 ; yes, just keep looking for the separator 0133 AA stosb ; no, save the next filename character 0134 EB F1 jmp m3 ; get more 0136 C6 05 00 m4: mov byte ptr [di],0 ; filename complete ; ; Next up: the file's size, as 8 hex digits ; 0139 B9 0008 mov cx,8 ; CX == # digits 013C E8 028F R call getHex ; DS:SI -> hex digits, BX is still buffer limit 013F 72 14 m4a: jc m4x 0141 A3 0749 R mov fSize,ax ; AX == file size (low) 0144 89 16 074B R mov fSize+2,dx ; DX == file size (high) 0148 AC lodsb ; get next character 0149 3C 7C cmp al,'|' ; hopefully it's a separator 014B 75 08 jne m4x ; no, error ; ; Next up: the file's date and time, also as 8 hex digits ; 014D B9 0008 mov cx,8 ; CX == # digits 0150 E8 028F R call getHex ; DS:SI -> hex digits, BX is still buffer limit 0153 73 03 jnc m5 0155 E9 01E7 R m4x: jmp m8err 0158 A3 074F R m5: mov fTime,ax ; AX == file time 015B 89 16 074D R mov fDate,dx ; DX == file date 015F 8A 04 mov al,[si] ; get the FINAL character in the first block 0161 3C 7C cmp al,'|' ; which should be another separator 0163 75 F0 jne m4x ; but it's not :-( 0165 3B DE cmp bx,si ; are we at the end of the block now? 0167 75 EC jne m4x ; no, something's wrong Microsoft (R) Macro Assembler Version 4.00 3/16/18 13:04:46 download.asm Page 1-3 ; ; Display the filename we're about to download ; 0169 BA 07C3 R mov dx,offset doXFR ; we have enough info to begin 016C B4 09 mov ah,09h ; so let the user know 016E CD 21 int 21h 0170 BA 073C R mov dx,offset fName ; DX -> filename 0173 8B CF mov cx,di ; DI still points to the end of filename 0175 2B CA sub cx,dx ; CX == length of filename 0177 BB 0001 mov bx,1 ; BX == STDOUT 017A B4 40 mov ah,40h ; display the filename 017C CD 21 int 21h 017E 52 push dx ; lot of work just to display a CR/LF... 017F BA 07C0 R mov dx,offset crLF 0182 B4 09 mov ah,09h 0184 CD 21 int 21h 0186 5A pop dx ; ; Create the file ; 0187 2B C9 sub cx,cx ; CX == no special attributes 0189 B4 3C mov ah,3Ch ; create the file 018B CD 21 int 21h 018D 72 53 jc m7err 018F A3 0751 R mov fHandle,ax 0192 93 xchg bx,ax ; ; Start reading and writing blocks ; 0193 BF 0003 m6: mov di,3 ; DI == retries + 1 0196 B8 010D mov ax,010Dh ; send a Ctrl-M accepting the last block 0199 8B 16 0338 R m6r: mov dx,comID ; and requesting the next block 019D CD 14 int 14h ; write to COM port 019F F6 C4 80 test ah,80h ; error? 01A2 75 43 jnz m8err ; yes (weird) 01A4 83 3E 0749 R 00 cmp fSize,0 ; any more blocks expected? 01A9 75 07 jne m7 ; yes 01AB 83 3E 074B R 00 cmp fSize+2,0 ; well? 01B0 74 2B je m7end ; no, all done 01B2 E8 0212 R m7: call readBlk ; read next block 01B5 73 08 jnc m7a ; no error 01B7 B8 0112 mov ax,0112h ; preload AX with Ctrl-R retry command 01BA 4F dec di ; any retries left? 01BB 75 DC jnz m6r ; yes 01BD EB 28 jmp short m8err ; no, report an error 01BF 8B CB m7a: mov cx,bx ; calculate block size 01C1 2B CE sub cx,si ; 01C3 41 inc cx ; CX == total bytes (BX-SI+1) 01C4 29 0E 0749 R sub fSize,cx ; subtract from total size Microsoft (R) Macro Assembler Version 4.00 3/16/18 13:04:46 download.asm Page 1-4 01C8 83 1E 074B R 00 sbb fSize+2,0 ; 01CD 72 18 jc m8err ; file size error (too MUCH data?) 01CF 8B 1E 0751 R mov bx,fHandle ; BX == handle 01D3 8B D6 mov dx,si ; DS:DX -> block buffer 01D5 B4 40 mov ah,40h ; write to file 01D7 CD 21 int 21h ; 01D9 72 07 jc m7err ; file write failed 01DB EB B6 jmp m6 ; read next block ; ; Download complete; close the file and print message ; 01DD BA 07D6 R m7end: mov dx,offset endXFR 01E0 EB 08 jmp short m9 ; ; Assorted error paths (make sure any open file gets closed) ; 01E2 BA 07EF R m7err: mov dx,offset filErr 01E5 EB 03 jmp short m9 01E7 BA 0807 R m8err: mov dx,offset reqErr ; ; TODO: If the message isn't endXFR, perhaps we should delete the file ; 01EA 8B 1E 0751 R m9: mov bx,fHandle 01EE 85 DB test bx,bx 01F0 74 19 jz m9msg 01F2 52 push dx 01F3 8B 0E 074F R mov cx,fTime ; before we close the file 01F7 8B 16 074D R mov dx,fDate ; set the date/time we were given 01FB B8 5701 mov ax,5701h 01FE CD 21 int 21h 0200 B4 3E mov ah,3Eh ; now go ahead and close 0202 CD 21 int 21h 0204 C7 06 0751 R 0000 mov fHandle,0 020A 5A pop dx 020B B4 09 m9msg: mov ah,09h 020D CD 21 int 21h 020F E9 0105 R jmp m1 main endp ; ; Read a block of data into our block buffer. ; ; If successful, CARRY is clear and SI and BX contain the block boundaries. ; 0212 readBlk proc near 0212 51 push cx 0213 57 push di 0214 E8 0274 R call readBB ; read block byte Microsoft (R) Macro Assembler Version 4.00 3/16/18 13:04:46 download.asm Page 1-5 0217 72 35 jc rblk9 ; error, pass it on to caller 0219 8A C8 mov cl,al 021B E8 0274 R call readBB 021E 72 2E jc rblk9 0220 8A E8 mov ch,al ; CX now has 16-bit block length 0222 81 F9 0401 cmp cx,MAXBLK+1 ; too large? 0226 F5 cmc 0227 72 25 jc rblk9 ; yes 0229 8B F1 mov si,cx ; save block length in SI 022B B4 00 mov ah,0 ; AH == CRC 022D FC cld 022E BF 033C R mov di,offset block ; DI -> block buffer 0231 E8 0274 R rblk1: call readBB ; read a byte 0234 72 18 jc rblk9 ; exit on error 0236 AA stosb ; save the byte 0237 02 E0 add ah,al ; update the CRC 0239 E2 F6 loop rblk1 ; loop for more 023B E8 0274 R call readBB ; read one more byte: the CRC byte 023E 72 0E jc rblk9 0240 3A C4 cmp al,ah ; CRC match? 0242 F9 stc 0243 75 09 jne rblk9 ; no 0245 8B DE mov bx,si 0247 BE 033C R mov si,offset block ; SI is starting block address 024A 03 DE add bx,si 024C 4B dec bx ; and BX is the maximum block address 024D F8 clc 024E 5F rblk9: pop di 024F 59 pop cx 0250 C3 ret readBlk endp ; ; Read a character from the COM port. ; ; If CARRY is clear, AL has the character. No other registers modified. ; 0251 readB proc near 0251 51 push cx 0252 52 push dx 0253 91 xchg cx,ax ; save AH (in CH) 0254 8B 16 0338 R rb1: mov dx,comID ; DX == adapter # 0258 B4 02 mov ah,2 ; AH == read request 025A CD 14 int 14h ; do INT 14h 025C 84 E4 test ah,ah ; anything (valid) available yet? 025E 74 0F jz rb9 ; yes (and CARRY is clear) 0260 B4 01 mov ah,1 ; peek the keyboard 0262 CD 16 int 16h ; anything? 0264 74 EE jz rb1 ; no 0266 B4 00 mov ah,0 ; read it Microsoft (R) Macro Assembler Version 4.00 3/16/18 13:04:46 download.asm Page 1-6 0268 CD 16 int 16h ; 026A 3C 1B cmp al,1Bh ; ESC? 026C 75 E6 jne rb1 ; no 026E F9 stc ; set CARRY to indicate error/abort 026F 8A E5 rb9: mov ah,ch ; restore AH 0271 5A pop dx 0272 59 pop cx 0273 C3 ret readB endp ; ; Read a block byte from the COM port. ; ; If CARRY is clear, AL has the character. No other registers modified. ; 0274 readBB proc near 0274 E8 0251 R call readB ; read a byte 0277 72 15 jc rbb9 ; abort 0279 3C 5E cmp al,'^' ; control character lead byte? 027B F8 clc ; 027C 75 10 jne rbb9 ; no, return as-is 027E E8 0251 R call readB ; read another byte 0281 72 0B jc rbb9 ; abort 0283 3C 5E cmp al,'^' ; special double lead byte sequence? 0285 74 07 je rbb9 ; yes, pass through 0287 2C 40 sub al,'@' 0289 72 03 jb rbb9 ; invalid sequence 028B 3C 1C cmp al,28 ; in the control-character range? 028D F5 cmc ; set carry if not 028E C3 rbb9: ret readBB endp ; ; Get CX hex characters from the block buffer at SI (up to BX) and convert to a number i n DX:AX. ; 028F getHex proc near 028F 57 push di 0290 2B C0 sub ax,ax 0292 2B FF sub di,di 0294 2B D2 sub dx,dx ; DX:DI will accumulate the result 0296 FC cld 0297 3B DE gh1: cmp bx,si ; still in bounds? 0299 72 2C jb gh9 ; no 029B AC lodsb 029C 2C 30 sub al,'0' 029E 72 27 jb gh9 ; error, invalid digit 02A0 3C 0A cmp al,10 ; was the digit 0-9? 02A2 72 0B jb gh2 ; yes 02A4 2C 07 sub al,'A'-'0'-10 ; assuming it was A-F, subtract a bit more 02A6 3C 0A cmp al,10 ; did we get 10-15 as a result? 02A8 72 1D jb gh9 ; no Microsoft (R) Macro Assembler Version 4.00 3/16/18 13:04:46 download.asm Page 1-7 02AA 3C 10 cmp al,16 02AC F5 cmc 02AD 72 18 jb gh9 02AF 0B F8 gh2: or di,ax 02B1 49 dec cx 02B2 7E 12 jle gh8 02B4 D1 E7 shl di,1 ; shift DX:DI left 4 bits for next digit 02B6 D1 D2 rcl dx,1 02B8 D1 E7 shl di,1 02BA D1 D2 rcl dx,1 02BC D1 E7 shl di,1 02BE D1 D2 rcl dx,1 02C0 D1 E7 shl di,1 02C2 D1 D2 rcl dx,1 02C4 EB D1 jmp gh1 02C6 97 gh8: xchg ax,di ; result is now in DX:AX 02C7 5F gh9: pop di 02C8 C3 ret getHex endp ; ; Check for a /1 or /2 to determine which adapter we should monitor. ; 02C9 chkCom proc near 02C9 FC cld 02CA BE 0080 mov si,80h ; DS:SI -> command line 02CD AC lodsb 02CE 98 cbw 02CF 91 xchg cx,ax ; CX == line length (as a fail-safe) 02D0 AC chk1: lodsb 02D1 49 dec cx 02D2 3C 0D cmp al,0Dh ; end of command-line? 02D4 74 14 je chk3 ; yes 02D6 3C 2F cmp al,'/' 02D8 75 0C jne chk2 02DA AC lodsb 02DB 49 dec cx 02DC 3C 31 cmp al,'1' ; /1? 02DE 75 06 jne chk2 ; no 02E0 81 06 033A R 0100 add comAddr,100h ; bump 2F8h to 3F8h 02E6 85 C9 chk2: test cx,cx ; any more command-line characters? 02E8 7F E6 jg chk1 ; yes 02EA 06 chk3: push es 02EB 2B C0 sub ax,ax 02ED 8E C0 mov es,ax assume es:nothing ; since ES is zero 02EF A1 033A R mov ax,comAddr 02F2 BB 0400 mov bx,400h ; access RBDA @0:400 instead of 40:0 02F5 2B D2 sub dx,dx 02F7 26: 39 07 chk4: cmp word ptr es:[bx],ax ; matching port? Microsoft (R) Macro Assembler Version 4.00 3/16/18 13:04:46 download.asm Page 1-8 02FA 74 12 je chk5 ; yes 02FC 43 inc bx 02FD 43 inc bx 02FE 42 inc dx 02FF 80 FA 04 cmp dl,4 0302 72 F3 jb chk4 0304 BA 078E R mov dx,offset errMsg ; no matching port was found; abort 0307 B4 09 mov ah,09h 0309 CD 21 int 21h 030B F9 stc 030C EB 28 jmp short chk9 030E 89 16 0338 R chk5: mov comID,dx ; comID is 0 for COM1, 1 for COM2, etc. 0312 B4 AA mov ah,0AAh ; quick-and-dirty INT14.COM installation check 0314 CD 14 int 14h 0316 F6 D4 not ah 0318 80 FC AA cmp ah,0AAh 031B 74 0A je chk6 031D BA 0764 R mov dx,offset chkMsg ; INT14.COM needs to be installed for that port first 0320 B4 09 mov ah,09h 0322 CD 21 int 21h 0324 F9 stc 0325 EB 0F jmp short chk9 0327 80 C2 31 chk6: add dl,'1' 032A 88 16 0756 R mov comMsg+3,dl 032E BA 0753 R mov dx,offset comMsg 0331 B4 09 mov ah,09h 0333 CD 21 int 21h 0335 F8 clc 0336 07 chk9: pop es assume es:code 0337 C3 ret chkCOM endp 0338 FFFF comID dw -1 ; 0-based index of COM port in BIOS data area 033A 02F8 comAddr dw 2F8h 033C 0400[ block db MAXBLK dup (?) ?? ] 073C 000D[ fName db MAXNAM+1 dup (0) ; enough space for an 8.3 name plus terminating NUL 00 ] 0749 0000 0000 fSize dw 0,0 074D 0000 fDate dw 0 074F 0000 fTime dw 0 0751 0000 fHandle dw 0 0753 43 4F 4D 3F 20 6D 6F comMsg db "COM? monitored",13,10,'$' 6E 69 74 6F 72 65 64 Microsoft (R) Macro Assembler Version 4.00 3/16/18 13:04:46 download.asm Page 1-9 0D 0A 24 0764 52 75 6E 20 49 4E 54 chkMsg db "Run INT14 to install I/O handlers first",13,10,'$' 31 34 20 74 6F 20 69 6E 73 74 61 6C 6C 20 49 2F 4F 20 68 61 6E 64 6C 65 72 73 20 66 69 72 73 74 0D 0A 24 078E 43 4F 4D 20 70 6F 72 errMsg db "COM port not found",13,10,'$' 74 20 6E 6F 74 20 66 6F 75 6E 64 0D 0A 24 07A3 52 65 63 65 69 76 69 begXFR db "Receiving transfer request..." 6E 67 20 74 72 61 6E 73 66 65 72 20 72 65 71 75 65 73 74 2E 2E 2E 07C0 0D 0A 24 crLF db 13,10,'$' 07C3 44 6F 77 6E 6C 6F 61 doXFR db "Downloading file: $" 64 69 6E 67 20 66 69 6C 65 3A 20 24 07D6 46 69 6C 65 20 74 72 endXFR db "File transfer complete",13,10,'$' 61 6E 73 66 65 72 20 63 6F 6D 70 6C 65 74 65 0D 0A 24 07EF 55 6E 61 62 6C 65 20 filErr db "Unable to create file",13,10,'$' 74 6F 20 63 72 65 61 74 65 20 66 69 6C 65 0D 0A 24 0807 49 6E 76 61 6C 69 64 reqErr db "Invalid transfer request",13,10,'$' 20 74 72 61 6E 73 66 65 72 20 72 65 71 75 65 73 74 0D 0A 24 0822 code ends end main Microsoft (R) Macro Assembler Version 4.00 3/16/18 13:04:46 download.asm Symbols-1 Segments and Groups: N a m e Size Align Combine Class CODE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0822 WORD PUBLIC 'CODE' Symbols: N a m e Type Value Attr BEGXFR . . . . . . . . . . . . . L BYTE 07A3 CODE BLOCK . . . . . . . . . . . . . L BYTE 033C CODE Length = 0400 CHK1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L NEAR 02D0 CODE CHK2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L NEAR 02E6 CODE CHK3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L NEAR 02EA CODE CHK4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L NEAR 02F7 CODE CHK5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L NEAR 030E CODE CHK6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L NEAR 0327 CODE CHK9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L NEAR 0336 CODE CHKCOM . . . . . . . . . . . . . N PROC 02C9 CODE Length = 006F CHKMSG . . . . . . . . . . . . . L BYTE 0764 CODE COMADDR . . . . . . . . . . . . L WORD 033A CODE COMID . . . . . . . . . . . . . L WORD 0338 CODE COMMSG . . . . . . . . . . . . . L BYTE 0753 CODE CRLF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L BYTE 07C0 CODE DOXFR . . . . . . . . . . . . . L BYTE 07C3 CODE ENDXFR . . . . . . . . . . . . . L BYTE 07D6 CODE ERRMSG . . . . . . . . . . . . . L BYTE 078E CODE FDATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . L WORD 074D CODE FHANDLE . . . . . . . . . . . . L WORD 0751 CODE FILERR . . . . . . . . . . . . . L BYTE 07EF CODE FNAME . . . . . . . . . . . . . L BYTE 073C CODE Length = 000D FSIZE . . . . . . . . . . . . . L WORD 0749 CODE FTIME . . . . . . . . . . . . . L WORD 074F CODE GETHEX . . . . . . . . . . . . . N PROC 028F CODE Length = 003A GH1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L NEAR 0297 CODE GH2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L NEAR 02AF CODE GH8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L NEAR 02C6 CODE GH9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L NEAR 02C7 CODE M1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L NEAR 0105 CODE M1A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L NEAR 010A CODE M2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L NEAR 010C CODE M3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L NEAR 0127 CODE M4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L NEAR 0136 CODE M4A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L NEAR 013F CODE M4X . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L NEAR 0155 CODE M5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L NEAR 0158 CODE M6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L NEAR 0193 CODE Microsoft (R) Macro Assembler Version 4.00 3/16/18 13:04:46 download.asm Symbols-2 M6R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L NEAR 0199 CODE M7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L NEAR 01B2 CODE M7A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L NEAR 01BF CODE M7END . . . . . . . . . . . . . L NEAR 01DD CODE M7ERR . . . . . . . . . . . . . L NEAR 01E2 CODE M8ERR . . . . . . . . . . . . . L NEAR 01E7 CODE M9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L NEAR 01EA CODE M9MSG . . . . . . . . . . . . . L NEAR 020B CODE MAIN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . N PROC 0100 CODE Length = 0112 MAXBLK . . . . . . . . . . . . . Number 0400 MAXNAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . Number 000C RB1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L NEAR 0254 CODE RB9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L NEAR 026F CODE RBB9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L NEAR 028E CODE RBLK1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . L NEAR 0231 CODE RBLK9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . L NEAR 024E CODE READB . . . . . . . . . . . . . N PROC 0251 CODE Length = 0023 READBB . . . . . . . . . . . . . N PROC 0274 CODE Length = 001B READBLK . . . . . . . . . . . . N PROC 0212 CODE Length = 003F REQERR . . . . . . . . . . . . . L BYTE 0807 CODE 438 Source Lines 438 Total Lines 80 Symbols 48242 Bytes symbol space free 0 Warning Errors 0 Severe Errors