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PCx86 CPU Tests


; Posted in comp.sys.ibm.pc by Michael A. Shiels 8/16/89
; From https://groups.google.com/forum/#!searchin/comp.sys.ibm.pc/single-step$20interrupt/comp.sys.ibm.pc/irWPIdzmCHQ/SyqEtq9mqCEJ

	title	CPUID - Determine CPU & NDP Type
	page	58,122
	name	CPUID

; CPUID uniquely identifies each NEC & Intel CPU & NDP.
; Notes on program structure:
;    This program uses four segments, two classes, and one group.
;    It demonstrates a useful technique for programmers who generate
;    .COM programs.  In particular, it shows how to use segment
;    classes to re-order segments, and how to eliminate the linker's
;    warning message about the absence of a stack segment.
;    The correspondence between segments and classes is as follows:
;	Segment		Class
;	-------		-----
;	STACK		prog
;	DATA		data
;	MDATA		data
;	CODE		prog
;    The segments apprear in the above order in the program source
;    to avoid forward references in the CODE segment to labels in
;    the DATA/MDATA segments.  However, because the STACK segment
;    appears first in the file, it and all segments in the same
;    class are made contiguous by the linker.  Thus they precede
;    the DATA/MDATA segments in the resulting .COM file because
;    the latter are in a different class.  In this manner, although
;    DATA and MDATA precede CODE in the source file, their order
;    is swapped in the .COM file.  That way there is no need for
;    an initial skip over the data areas to get to the CODE
;    segment.  As a side benefit, declaring a STACK segment (as
;    the first segment in the source) also eliminates the linker's
;    warning about that segment missing.  Finally, all segments
;    are declared to be in the same group so the linker can properly
;    resolve offsets.
;    Note that if you re-assemble the code for any reason, it is
;    important to use an assembler later than the IBM version 1.0.
;    That version has a number of bugs including an annoying habit
;    of alphabetizing segment names in the .OBJ file.  If you use
;    IBM MASM 2.0, be sure to specify /S to order the segments
;    properly.
;    If the program reports results at variance with your knowledge
;    of the system, please contact the author.
; Environments tested in:
;		   CPU Speed
;    System	    in MHz	CPU		NDP
;    ------	   ---------	---		---
;    IBM PC AT		6	Intel 80286	Intel 80287
;    IBM PC AT		9	Intel 80286	Intel 80287
;    IBM PC AT		6	Intel 80286	none
;    IBM PC AT		8.5	Intel 80286	none
;    IBM PC		4.77	Intel 8088	Intel 8087-3
;    IBM PC		4.77	Intel 8088*	Intel 8087-3
;    IBM PC XT		4.77	Intel 8088	none
;    IBM PC XT		4.77	Intel 8088	Intel 8087-3
;    IBM PC Portable	4.77	NEC V20		none
;    COMPAQ		4.77	Intel 8088	none
;    COMPAQ		4.77	NEC V20		none
;    AT&T PC 6300	8	Intel 8086	Intel 8087-2
;    AT&T PC 6300	8	NEC V30		Intel 8087-2
;    Tandy 2000		8	Intel 80186	none
;    * = faulty CPU
; Program structure:
;	Group PGROUP:
;	Stack	segment	STACK, byte-aligned, stack,  class 'prog'
;	Program segment CODE,  byte-aligned, public, class 'prog'
;	Data	segment DATA,  byte-aligned, public, class 'data'
;	Data	segment MDATA, byte-aligned, public, class 'data'
; Assembly requirements:
;	Use MASM 1.25 or later.
;	With IBM's MASM 2.0 only, use /S to avoid alphabetizing the segment names.
;	Use /r option to generate real NDP code.
;	MASM CPUID/r;			to convert .ASM to .OBJ
;	LINK CPUID;			to convert .OBJ to .EXE
;	EXE2BIN CPUID CPUID.COM		to convert .EXE to .COM
;	ERASE CPUID.EXE			to avoid executing .EXE
;	Note that the linker doesn't warn about a missing stack segment.
; Author:
; Original code by:
;	Bob Smith    May 1985
;	Qualitas, Inc.
;	8314 Thoreau Dr.
;	Bethesda, MD   20817
; Arthur Zachai suggested the technique to distinguish within the
; 808x and 8018x families by exploiting the difference in the
; length of their pre-fetch instruction queues.
; Published in PC Tech Journal - April 1986 - Vol 4 No 4
	subttl	Structures, Records, Equates, & Macros

ARG_STR struct
ARG_BP	dw	?	; caller's BP
ARG_OFF	dw	?	; caller's offset
ARG_SEG dw	?	;	   segment
ARG_FLG dw	?	;	   flags
ARG_STR	ends

; Record to define bits in the CPU's & NDP's flags' registers

CPUFLAGS record RO:1,NT:1,IOPL:2,OF:1,_DF:1,_IF:1,TF:1,SF:1,ZF:1,R1:1,AF:1,R2:1,PF:1,R3:1,CF:1

NDPFLAGS record R4:3,IC:1,RC:2,PC:2,IEM:1,R5:1,PM:1,UM:1,OM:1,ZM:1,DM:1,IM:1

;	FLG_PIQL	Pre-fetch instruction queue length, 0 => 4-byte, 1 => 6-byte
;	FLG_08		Intel 808x
;	FLG_NEC		NEC V20 or V30
;	FLG_18		Intel 8018x
;	FLG_28		Intel 8028x
;	FLG_87		Intel 8087
;	FLG_287		Intel 80287
;	FLG_NERR	Faulty NDP switch setting


; CPU-related flags

FLG_PIQL	equ	001b shl FLG_CPU
FLG_08		equ	000b shl FLG_CPU
FLG_NEC		equ	010b shl FLG_CPU
FLG_18		equ	100b shl FLG_CPU
FLG_28		equ	110b shl FLG_CPU

FLG_8088	equ	FLG_08
FLG_8086	equ	FLG_08 or FLG_PIQL
FLG_V20		equ	FLG_NEC
FLG_v30		equ	FLG_NEC or FLG_PIQL
FLG_80188	equ	FLG_18
FLG_80186	equ	FLG_18 or FLG_PIQL
FLG_80286	equ	FLG_28 or FLG_PIQL

; NDP-related flags

;			00b shl FLG_NDP	Not Present
FLG_87		equ	01b shl FLG_NDP
FLG_287		equ	10b shl FLG_NDP
BEL		equ	07h
LF		equ	0ah
CR		equ	0dh
EOS		equ	'$'

POPFF	macro
	local	L1,L2
	jmp	short L2		; skip over IRET
	iret				; pop the CP & IP pushed below along
					; with the flags, our original purpose
	push	cs			; prepare for IRET by pushing CS
	call	L1			; push IP, jump to IRET
	endm				; POPFF macro

TAB	macro	TYP
	push	bx			; save for a moment
	and	bx,mask FLG_&TYP	; isolate flags
	mov	cl,FLG_&TYP		; shift amount
	shr	bx,cl			; shift to low-order
	shl	bx,1			; times two to index table of words
	mov	dx,TYP&MSG_TAB[bx]	; ds:dx => descriptive message
	pop	bx			; restore
	mov	ah,09h			; function code to display string
	int	21h			; request dos service
	endm				; TAB macro


INT_VEC	segment at 0			; start INT_VEC segment
		dd	?		; pointer to INT 00h
INT01_OFF	dw	?		; pointer to INT 01h
INT01_SEG	dw	?
INT_VEC	ends				; end INT_VEC segment


; The following segment both positions class 'prog' segments lower in
; memory than others so the first byte of the resulting .COM file is
; in the CODE segment, as well as satisfies the LINKer's need to have
; a stack segment.

STACK	segment	byte stack 'prog'	; start STACK segment
STACK	ends				; end STACK segment

I11_REC	record	I11_PRN:2,I11_RSV1:2,I11_COM:3,I11_RSV2:1,I11_DISK:2,I11_VID:2,I11_RSV3:2,I11_NDP:1,I11_IPL:1

DATA	segment	byte public 'data'	; start DATA segment

	assume	ds:PGROUP

OLDINT01_VEC	label	dword		; save area for original INT 01h handler

NDP_CW	label	word			; save area for NDP control word
		db	?
NDP_CW_HI	db	0		; high byte of control word
NDP_ENV		dw	7 dup(?)	; save area for NDP environment

DATA	ends
	subttl	Message Data Area

MDATA	segment	byte public 'data'	; start MDATA segment

	assume	ds:PGROUP

MSG_START	db	'CPUID -- Version 1.0'
MSG_8088	db	'CPU is an Intel 8088.'
		db	CR,LF,EOS
MSG_8086	db	'CPU is an Intel 8086.'
		db	CR,LF,EOS
MSG_V20		db	'CPU is an NEC V20.'
		db	CR,LF,EOS
MSG_V30		db	'CPU is an NEC V30.'
		db	CR,LF,EOS
MSG_80188	db	'CPU is an Intel 80188.'
		db	CR,LF,EOS
MSG_80186	db	'CPU is an Intel 80186.'
		db	CR,LF,EOS
MSG_UNK		db	'CPU is a maverick -- 80288??.'
		db	CR,LF,EOS
MSG_80286	db	'CPU is an Intel 80286.'
		db	CR,LF,EOS

CPUMSG_TAB	dw	PGROUP:MSG_8088		; 000 = Intel 8088
		dw	PGROUP:MSG_8086		; 001 = Intel 8086
		dw	PGROUP:MSG_V20		; 010 = NEC V20
		dw	PGROUP:MSG_V30		; 011 = NEC V30
		dw	PGROUP:MSG_80188	; 100 = Intel 80188
		dw	PGROUP:MSG_80186	; 101 = Intel 80186
		dw	PGROUP:MSG_UNK		; 110 = ?
		dw	PGROUP:MSG_80286	; 111 = Intel 80286

		dw	PGROUP:MSG_8087		; 01 = Intel 8087
		dw	PGROUP:MSG_80287	; 10 = Intel 80287

MSG_NDPX	db	'NDP is not present.'
		db	CR,LF,EOS
MSG_8087	db	'NDP is an Intel 8087.'
		db	CR,LF,EOS
MSG_80287	db	'NDP is an Intel 80287.'
		db	CR,LF,EOS

		dw	PGROUP:MSG_CPUBAD	; 1 = CPU faulty

MSG_CPUOK	db	'CPU appears to be healthy.'
		db	CR,LF,EOS
MSG_CPUBAD	db	BEL,'*** CPU incorrectly allows interrupts '
		db	'after a change to SS ***',CR,LF
		db	'It should be replaced with a more recent '
		db	'version as it could crash the',CR,LF
		db	'system at seemingly random times.',CR,LF,EOS

NERRMSG_TAB	dw	PGROUP:MSG_NDPSWOK	; 0 = NDP switch set correctly
		dw	PGROUP:MSG_NDPSWERR	; 1 = NDP switch set incorrectly

MSG_NDPSWOK	db	EOS			; no message
MSG_NDPSWERR	db	'*** Although there is an NDP installed '
		db	'on this sytem, the corresponding',CR,LF
		db	'system board switch is not properly set.  '
		db	'To correct this, flip switch 2 of',CR,LF
		db	'switch block 1 on the system board.',CR,LF,EOS

MDATA	ends				; end MDATA segment

	subttl	Main Routine

CODE	segment	byte public 'prog'	; start CODE segment

	assume	  cs:PGROUP,ds:PGROUP,es:PGROUP

	org    100h			; skip over PSP

INITIAL	proc	near
	mov	dx,offset ds:MSG_START	; starting message
	mov	ah,09h			; function code to display string
	int	21h			; request DOS service

	call	CPU_ID			; check the CPU's identity

	TAB	CPU			; display CPU results
	TAB	NDP			; display NDP results
	TAB	CERR			; display CPU ERR results
	TAB	NERR			; display NDP ERR results

	ret				; return to DOS
INITIAL endp				; end INITIAL procedure

	subttl	CPU_ID Procedure

CPU_ID	proc	near			; start CPU_ID procedure

	assume	cs:PGROUP,ds:PGROUP,es:PGROUP

; This procedure determines the type of CPU and NDP (if any) in use.
; The possibilities include:
;	Intel 8086
;	Intel 8088
;	NEC V20
;	NEC V30
;	Intel 80186
;	Intel 80188
;	Intel 80286
;	Intel 8087
;	Intel 80287
; Also checked is whether or not the CPU allows interrupts after
; changing the SS register segment.  If the CPU does, it is faulty
; and should be replaced.
; Further, if an NDP is installed, non-AT machines should have a
; system board switch set.  Such a discrepancy is reported.
; On exit, BX contains flag settings (as defined in FLG record) which
; the caller can check.  For example, to test for an Intel 80286, use
;	and	bx,mask FLAG_CPU
;	cmp	bx,FLG_80286
;	je	ITSA286

	irp	XX,<ax,cx,di,ds,es>	; save registers
	push	XX

; test for 80286 -- this CPU executes PUSH SP by first storing SP on
; stack, then decrementing it.  earlier CPU's decrement, THEN store.

	mov	bx,FLG_28		; assume it's a 286
	push	sp			; only 286 pushes pre-push SP
	pop	ax			; get it back
	cmp	ax,sp			; check for same
	je	CHECK_PIQL		; they are, so it's a 286

; test for 80186/80188 -- 18xx and 286 CPU's mask shift/rotate
; operations mod 32; earlier CPUs use all 8 bits of CL.

	mov	bx,FLG_18		; assume it's an 8018x
	mov	cl,32+1			; 18x masks shift counts mod 32
					; note we can't use just 32 in CL
	mov	al,0ffh			; start with all bits set

	shl	al,cl			; shift one position if 18x
	jnz	CHECK_PIQL		; some bits still on,
					; so its a 18x, check PIQL
; test for V20

	mov	bx,FLG_NEC		; assume it's an NEC V-series CPU
	call	CHECK_NEC		; see if it's an NEC chip
	jcxz	CHECK_PIQL		; good guess, check PIQL

	mov	bx,FLG_08		; it's an 808x

	subttl	Check Length of Pre-Fetch Instruction Queue

; Check the length of the pre-fetch instruction queue (PIQ).
; xxxx6 CPUs have a PIQ length of 6 bytes,
; xxxx8 CPUs have a PIQ length of 4 bytes
; Self-modifying code is used to distinguish the two PIQ lengths.

	call	PIQL_SUB		; handle via subroutine
	jcxz	CHECK_ERR		; if CX is 0, INC was not executed,
					; hence PIQ length is 4
	or	bx,FLG_PIQL		; PIQ length is 6

	subttl	Check for Allowing Interrupts After POP SS

; Test for faulty chip (allows interrupts after change to SS register)

	xor	ax,ax			; prepare to address
					; interrupt vector segment
	mov	ds,ax			; DS points to segment 0

	assume	ds:INT_VEC		; tell the assembler

	cli				; nobody move while we swap

	mov	ax,offset cs:INT01	; point to our own handler
	xchg	ax,INT01_OFF		; get and swap offset
	mov	OLDINT01_OFF,ax		; save to restore later

	mov	ax,cs			; our handler's segment
	xchg	ax,INT01_SEG		; get and swap segment
	mov	OLDINT01_SEG,ax		; save to restore later

; note we continue with interrupts disabled to avoid
; an external interrupt occuring during this test

	mov	cx,1			; initialize a register
	push	ss			; save ss to store back into itself
	pushf				; move flags
	pop	ax			; ... into ax
	or	ax,mask TF		; set trap flag
	push	ax			; place onto stack
	POPFF				; ... and then into effect
					; some CPUs affect the trap flag
					; immediately, some
					; wait one instruction
	nop				; allow interrupt to take effect

	pop	ss			; change the stack segment register
					; (to itself)
	dec	cx			; normal cpu's execute this instruction
					; before recognizing the single-step
					; interrupt
	hlt				; we never get here


; Note: IF=TF=0
; If we're stopped at or before POST_NOP, continue on

	push	bp			; prepare to address the stack
	mov	bp,sp			; hello, Mr. stack

	cmp	[bp].ARG_STR.ARG_OFF,offset cs:POST_NOP	; check offset
	pop	bp			; restore
	ja	INTO1_DONE		; we're done

	iret				; return to caller


; restore old INT 01h handler

	les	ax,OLDINT01_VEC		; ES:AX ==> old INT 01h handler
	assume	es:nothing		; tell the assembler
	mov	INT01_OFF,ax		; restore offset
	mov	INT01_SEG,es		; ... and segment
	sti				; allow interrupts again (IF=1)

	add	sp,3*2			; strip IP, CS, and flags from stack

	push	cs			; setup DS for code below
	pop	ds
	assume	ds:PGROUP		; tell the assembler

	jcxz	CHECK_NDP		; if cx is 0, the dec cx was executed,
					; and the cpu is ok
	or	bx,mask FLG_CERR	; it's a faulty chip

	subttl	Check For Numeric Data Processor

; Test for a Numeric Data Processor -- Intel 8087 or 80287.  The
; technique used is passive -- it leaves the NDP in the same state in
; which it is found.

	cli				; protect FNSTENV
	fnstenv NDP_ENV			; if NDP present, save
					; current environment,
					; otherwise, this instruction
					; is ignored
	mov	cx,50/7			; cycle this many times
	loop	$			; wait for result to be stored
	sti				; allow interrupts
	fninit				; initialize processor to known state
	jmp	short $+2		; wait for initialization

	fnstcw	NDP_CW			; save control word
	jmp	short $+2		; wait for result to be stored
	jmp	short $+2
	cmp	NDP_CW_HI,03h		; check for NDP initial control word
	jne	CPUID_EXIT		; no NDP installed
	int	11h			; get equipment flags into ax
	test	ax,mask I11_NDP		; check NDP-installed bit
	jnz	CHECK_NDP1		; it's correctly set
	or	bx,mask FLG_NERR	; mark as in error

	and	NDP_CW,not mask IEM	; enable interrupts
					; (IEM=0, 8087 only)
	fldcw	NDP_CW			; reload control word
	fdisi				; disable interrupts (IEM=1) on 8087,
					; ignored by 80287
	fstcw	NDP_CW			; save control word
	fldenv	NDP_ENV			; restore original NDP environment
					; no need to wait
					; for environment to be loaded
	test	NDP_CW,mask IEM		; check interrupt enable mask
					; (8087 only)
	jnz	CPUID_8087		; it changed, hence NDP is an 8087
	or	bx,FLG_287		; NDP is an 80287
	jmp	short CPUID_EXIT	; exit with falgs in BX

	or	bx,FLG_87		; NDP is an 8087

	irp    XX,<es,ds,di,cx,ax>	; restore registers
	pop    XX

	assume	ds:nothing,es:nothing
	ret				; return to caller
CPU_ID	endp				; end CPU_ID procedure

	subttl	Check For NEC V20/V30

CHECK_NEC proc	near

; The NEC V20/V30 are very compatible with the Intel 8086/8088.
; The only point of "incompatibility" is that they do not contain
; a bug found in the Intel CPU's.  Specifically, the NEC CPU's
; correctly restart an interrupted multi-prefix string instruction
; at the start of the instruction.  The Intel CPU's incorrectly
; restart in the middle of the instruction.  This routine tests
; for that situation by executing such an instruction for a
; sufficiently long period of time for a timer interrupt to occur.
; If at the end of the instruction, CX is zero, it must be an NEC
; CPU; if not, it's an Intel CPU.
; Note that we're counting on the timer interrupt to do its thing
; every 18.2 times per second.
; Here's a worst case analysis: An Intel 8088/8086 executes 65535
; iterations of LODSB ES[SI] in 2+9+13*65535 = 851,966 clock ticks.
; If the Intel 8088/8086 is running at 10 MHz, each clock tick is
; 100 nanoseconds, hence the entire operation takes 85 milliseconds.
; If the timer is running at normal speed, it interrupts the CPU every
; 55ms and so should interrupt the repeated string instruction at least
; once.

	mov	cx,0ffffh		; move a lot of data
	sti				; ensure timer enabled

; execute multi-prefix instruction.  note that the value of ES as
; well as the direction flag setting is irrelevant.

	push	ax			; save registers
	push	si
	rep	lods byte ptr es:[si]
	pop	si			; restore
	pop	ax

; on exit: if cx is zero, it's an NEC CPU, otherwise it's an Intel CPU

	ret				; return to caller

	subttl	Pre-Fetch Instruction Queue Subroutine

PIQL_SUB proc	near

; This subroutine discerns the length of the CPU's pre-fetch
; instruction queue (PIQ).
; The technique used is to first ensure that the PIQ is full, then
; change an instruction which should be in a 6-byte PIQ but not in a
; 4-byte PIQ.  Then, if the original instruction is executed, the PIQ
; is 6-bytes long; if the new instruction is executed, PIQ length is 4.
; We ensure the PIQ is full be executing an instruction which takes
; long enough so that the Bus Interface Unit (BIU) can fill the PIQ
; while the instruction is executing.
; Specifically, for all byt the last STOSB, we're simple marking time
; waiting for the BIU to fill the PIQ.  The last STOSB actually changes
; the instruction.  By that time, the orignial instruction should be in
; a six-byte PIQ byt not a four-byte PIQ.

	assume	cs:PGROUP,es:PGROUP
@REP	equ	3			; repeat the store this many times
	std				; store backwards
	mov	di,offset es:LAB_INC+@REP-1 ; change the instructions
					; at ES:DI
					; and preceding
	mov	al,ds:LAB_STI		; change to a sti
	mov	cx,@REP			; give the BIU time
					; to pre-fetch instructions
	cli				; ensure interrupts are disabled,
					; otherwise a timer tick
					; could change the PIQ filling
	rep	stosb			; change the instruction
					; during execution of this instruction
					; the BIU is refilling the PIQ.  The
					; current instruction is no longer
					; in the PIQ.
					; Note at end, CX is 0.
; The PIQ begins filling here

	cld				; restore direction flag
	nop				; PIQ fillers

; The following instruction is beyond a four-byte-PIQ CPU's reach,
; but within that of a six-byte-PIQ CPU.

LAB_INC	label	byte
	inc	cx			; executed only if PIQ length is 6

LAB_STI	label	byte
	rept	@REP-1
	sti				; restore interrupts

	ret				; return to caller

	assume	ds:nothing,es:nothing
PIQL_SUB endp				; end PIQL_SUB procedure

CODE	ends				; end code segment

	end	INITIAL			; end CPU_ID module


bits 16
cpu 8086

CPU_86 equ 0
CPU_NEC equ 1
CPU_186 equ 2
CPU_286 equ 3
CPU_386 equ 4

section code start=0 vstart=0x100

    mov dx, .tcpu
    call print
    call getcpu
    push ax
    xchg si, ax
    shl si, 1
    mov dx, [si+.tt]
    call print
    pop ax
    cmp al, CPU_286
    jnb .getmsw
    int 0x20
    cpu 286
    push ax
    mov dx, .tmsw
    call print
    smsw ax
    call hex2
    mov dx, .tibase
    call print
    sub sp, 6
    mov bp, sp
    sidt [bp]
    pop cx
    pop dx
    pop ax
    call hex2
    xchg ax, dx
    call hex2
    mov dx, .tilimit
    call print
    xchg ax, cx
    call hex2
    pop ax
    cmp al, CPU_386
    jnb .getcr
    int 0x20
    cpu 386
    push ax
    mov dx, .tcr0
    call print
    mov eax, cr0
    push eax
    call hex3
    mov dx, .tccr0
    call print
    xor eax, eax
    mov cr0, eax
    jmp $+2 ; just in case...
    mov eax, cr0
    pop ecx
    mov cr0, ecx
    jmp $+2
    call hex3

    pop ax

    int 0x20
    cpu 8086

section data follows=code vfollows=code

.tcpu:      db "CPU: $"
.tt:        dw .t86,.tnec,.t186,.t286,.t386
.t86:       db "8088/8086$"
.tnec:      db "V20/V30$"
.t186:      db "188/186$"
.t286:      db "286$"
.t386:      db "386+$"
.tmsw:      db 13,10,"MSW: 0x$"
.tibase:    db 13,10,"IDTR: base 0x$"
.tilimit:   db " limit 0x$"
.tcr0:      db 13,10,"CR0: 0x$"
.tccr0:     db 13,10,"Cleared CR0: 0x$"

section code

    mov ah, 0x09
    int 0x21

    sub sp, 6
    push sp
    pop bp
    cmp sp, bp
    je ._286
    mov ax, -1
    mov cl, 0x21
    shr ax, cl
    or al, al
    mov al, CPU_186
    jnz .done
    mov ax, 0x101
    aad 0x10
    cmp al, 0x11
    mov al, CPU_NEC
    jne .done
    mov al, CPU_86
    add sp, 6
    cpu 286
    sidt [bp]
    pop ax
    pop ax
    pop ax
    or ah, ah
    mov al, CPU_286
    jnz .done2
    mov al, CPU_386
    cpu 8086

    cpu 286
    mov bx, ax
    mov cx, 4
    rol bx, 4
    mov ax, bx
    and al, 0x0f
    cmp al, 0x0a
    sbb al, 0x69
    xchg ax, dx
    mov ah, 0x02
    int 0x21
    loop .hexloop
    cpu 8086

    cpu 386
    rol eax, 16
    call hex2
    rol eax, 16
    jmp hex2
    cpu 8086


;   test386.asm
;   Copyright © 2012-2018 Jeff Parsons <Jeff@pcjs.org>
;   This file is part of PCjs, a computer emulation software project at <https://www.pcjs.org>.
;   Overview
;   --------
;   This file is designed to run both as a test ROM and as a DOS .COM file (hence the "org 0x100"),
;   which is why it has a ".com" extension instead of the more typical ".rom" extension.
;   When used as a ROM, it should be installed at physical address 983296 (0xf0100) and aliased at
;   physical address 4294902016 (0xffff0100).  The jump at jmpStart should align with the CPU reset
;   address (%0xfffffff0), which will transfer control to 0xf000:0x0100.  From that point on,
;   all memory accesses should remain within the first 1Mb.
;   The code which attempts to update myGDT and addrGDT will have no effect when installed as a ROM,
;   which is fine, because those data structures are predefined with appropriate ROM-based addresses.
;   See the machine definition file in /modules/pcx86/bin/test386.json for a configuration that can
;   load this file as a ROM image.
;   REAL32 Notes
;   ------------
;   REAL32 is NOT enabled by default, because based on what I've seen in VirtualBox (and notes at
;   http://geezer.osdevbrasil.net/johnfine/segments.htm), if CS is loaded with a 32-bit code segment
;   while in protected-mode and we then return to real-mode, even if we immediately perform a FAR jump
;   with a real-mode CS, the base of CS will be updated, but all the other segment attributes, like
;   the 32-bit EXT_BIG attribute, remain unchanged.  As a result, the processor will crash as soon as
;   it starts executing 16-bit real-mode code, because it's being misinterpreted as 32-bit code, and
;   there doesn't appear to be anything you can do about it from real-mode.
;   The work-around: you MUST load CS with a 16-bit code segment BEFORE returning to real-mode.
;   "Unreal mode" works by setting OTHER segment registers, like DS and ES, to 32-bit segments before
;   returning to real-mode -- just not CS.  SS probably shouldn't be set to a 32-bit segment either,
;   because that causes implicit pushes to use ESP instead of SP, even in real-mode.
;   The code below ensures that, before returning to real-mode, all of CS, DS, ES, and SS contain
;   16-bit protected-mode selectors; note, however, that my 16-bit protected-mode data descriptor uses
;   a full 20-bit limit, so DS, ES, and SS will still have a limit of 1Mb instead of the usual 64Kb,
;   even after returning to real-mode.  I use the larger limit because it's convenient to have access
;   to the first 1Mb in protected-mode, with or without a 32-bit data segment, and the larger data
;   segment limit shouldn't affect any 16-bit real-mode operations.
	cpu	386
	org	0x100
	section .text

	%include "dos.inc"
	%include "misc.inc"
	%include "x86.inc"

	bits	16

PAGING equ 1

;   If we built our data structures in RAM, we might use the first page of RAM (0x0000-0x0fff) like so:
;	0x0000-0x03ff	Real-mode IDT (256*4)
;	0x0400-0x0bff	Prot-mode IDT (256*8)
;	0x0c00-0x0cff	RAM_GDT (for 32 GDT selectors)
;	0x0d00-0x0d07	RAM_IDTR
;	0x0d08-0x0d0f	RAM_GDTR
;	0x0d10-0x0d13	RAM_RETF (Real-mode return address)
;	0x0d14-0x0fff	reserved
;   And in the second page (0x1000-0x1fff), we might build a page directory, followed by a single page table
;   that allows us to map up to 4Mb (although we'd likely only create PTEs for the first 1Mb).
;   However, the code to do that is currently disabled (see %ifdef RAM_GDT), because it's just as easy to define
;   the structures we need inside the .COM image and statically initialize them to the values assumed for ROM
;   operation.  For RAM operation, we tweak the structures as needed; the tweaks have no effect when loaded in ROM.
;RAM_GDT	equ	0x0c00
;RAM_IDTR	equ	0x0d00
;RAM_GDTR	equ	0x0d08
;RAM_RETF	equ	0x0d10

CSEG_REAL	equ	0xf000
CSEG_PROT16	equ	0x0008
CSEG_PROT32	equ	0x0010
DSEG_PROT16	equ	0x0018
DSEG_PROT32	equ	0x0020
SSEG_PROT32	equ	0x0028

;   We set our exception handlers at fixed addresses to simplify interrupt gate descriptor initialization.
OFF_INTDIVERR	equ	0xe000

;   The "defGate" macro defines an interrupt gate, given a selector (%1) and an offset (%2)
%macro	defGate	2
	dw	(%2 & 0xffff)
	dw	%1
	dw	(%2 >> 16) & 0xffff

;   The "defDesc" macro defines a descriptor, given a name (%1), base (%2), limit (%3), type (%4), and ext (%5)
%assign	selDesc	0

%macro	defDesc	1-5 0,0,0,0
	%assign %1 selDesc
	dw	(%3 & 0x0000ffff)
	dw	(%2 & 0x0000ffff)
    %if selDesc = 0
	dw	((%2 & 0x00ff0000) >> 16) | %4 | (0 << 13)
	dw	((%2 & 0x00ff0000) >> 16) | %4 | (0 << 13) | ACC_PRESENT
	dw	((%3 & 0x000f0000) >> 16) | %5 | ((%2 & 0xff000000) >> 16)
	%assign selDesc selDesc+8

;   The "setDesc" macro creates a descriptor, given a name (%1), base (%2), limit (%3), type (%4), and ext (%5)
%macro	setDesc 1-5 0,0,0,0
	%assign %1 selDesc
	set	ebx,%2
	set	ecx,%3
	set	dx,%4
	set	ax,%5
	call	storeDesc
	%assign selDesc selDesc+8

start:	nop
;   If we didn't CALL or PUSH anything on the stack AND we turned interrupts off, the top of our image would be
;   safe, but if we're running in RAM, we do issue a few DOS calls before switching into protected-mode and onto
;   a new stack, so we need to set SP to a safer location inside the .COM image.
	mov	sp,tempStack
;   Quick tests of unsigned 32-bit multiplication and division
	mov	eax,0x80000001
	imul	eax

	mov	eax,0x44332211
	mov	ebx,eax
	mov	ecx,0x88776655
	mul	ecx
	div	ecx
	cmp	eax,ebx
	jne	near error		; apparently we have to tell NASM v0.98.40 "near" for all long forward references

	xor	dx,dx
	mov	ds,dx			; DS -> 0x0000
;   Quick test of moving a segment register to a 32-bit register
	mov	eax,ds
	test	eax,eax
	jnz	near error

	jmp	initGDT
	times	32768 nop		; lots of NOPs to test generation of 16-bit conditional jumps
;   storeDesc(EBX=base, ECX=limit, DX=type, AX=ext, DI=address of descriptor)
	push	ax
	mov	ax,cx
	stosw				; store the low 16 bits of limit from ECX
	mov	ax,bx
	stosw				; store the low 16 bits of base from EBX
	mov	ax,dx
	shr	ebx,16
	mov	al,bl
	pop	ax
	shr	ecx,16
	and	cl,0xf
	or	al,cl
	mov	ah,bh

addrGDT:dw	myGDTEnd - myGDT - 1	; 16-bit limit of myGDT
	dw	myGDT, 0x000f		; 32-bit base address of myGDT

myGDT:	defDesc	NULL			; the first descriptor in any descriptor table is always a dud (it corresponds to the null selector)
	defDesc	CSEG_PROT16,0x000f0000,0x0000ffff,ACC_TYPE_CODE_READABLE,EXT_NONE
	defDesc	CSEG_PROT32,0x000f0000,0x0000ffff,ACC_TYPE_CODE_READABLE,EXT_BIG
	defDesc	DSEG_PROT16,0x00000000,0x000fffff,ACC_TYPE_DATA_WRITABLE,EXT_NONE
	defDesc	DSEG_PROT32,0x00000000,0x000fffff,ACC_TYPE_DATA_WRITABLE,EXT_BIG
	defDesc	SSEG_PROT32,0x00010000,0x000effff,ACC_TYPE_DATA_WRITABLE,EXT_BIG

addrIDT:dw	myIDTEnd - myIDT - 1	; 16-bit limit of myIDT
	dw	myIDT, 0x000f		; 32-bit base address of myIDT


	dw	0x3FF			; 16-bit limit of real-mode IDT
	dd	0x00000000		; 32-bit base address of real-mode IDT

    %ifdef RAM_GDT
	set	edi,RAM_GDT
	mov	[RAM_GDTR+2],edi
	setDesc	NULL
	xor	eax,eax
	mov	ax,cs
	shl	eax,4
	setDesc	DSEG_PROT16,0x00000000,0x000fffff,ACC_TYPE_DATA_WRITABLE,EXT_NONE
	setDesc	DSEG_PROT32,0x00000000,0x000fffff,ACC_TYPE_DATA_WRITABLE,EXT_BIG
	setDesc	SSEG_PROT32,0x00010000,0x000effff,ACC_TYPE_DATA_WRITABLE,EXT_BIG
	sub	edi,RAM_GDT
	dec	edi
	mov	[RAM_GDTR],di
	mov	word [RAM_RETF],toReal
	mov	word [RAM_RETF+2],cs
;   This code fixes the GDT and all our far jumps if we're running in RAM
    	xor	eax,eax
	mov	ax,cs
	shl	eax,4				; EAX == base address of the current CS
	mov	edx,eax				; save it in EDX
	mov	[cs:myGDT+CSEG_PROT16+2],ax	; update the base portions of the descriptor for CSEG_PROT16 and CSEG_PROT32
	mov	[cs:myGDT+CSEG_PROT32+2],ax
	shr	eax,16
	mov	[cs:myGDT+CSEG_PROT16+4],al
	mov	[cs:myGDT+CSEG_PROT32+4],al
	mov	[cs:myGDT+CSEG_PROT16+7],ah
	mov	[cs:myGDT+CSEG_PROT32+7],ah
	mov	eax,edx				; recover the base address of the current CS
	add	eax,myGDT			; EAX == physical address of myGDT
	mov	[cs:addrGDT+2],eax		; update the 32-bit base address of myGDT in addrGDT
	mov	eax,edx				; recover the base address of the current CS again
	add	eax,myIDT			; EAX == physical address of myIDT
	mov	[cs:addrIDT+2],eax		; update the 32-bit base address of myIDT in addrIDT
	mov	ax,cs
      %ifdef REAL32
	mov	[cs:jmpReal+5],ax		; update the segment of the FAR jump that returns us to real-mode
	mov	[cs:jmpReal+3],ax
	mov	[cs:jmpStart+3],ax		; ditto for the FAR jump that returns us to the start of the image
;   Now we want to build a page directory and a page table, but we need two pages of
;   4K-aligned physical memory.  We can use a hard-coded address (segment 0x100, corresponding
;   to physical address 0x1000) if we're running in ROM; otherwise, we ask DOS for some memory.
    	cmp	ax,CSEG_REAL
    	mov	ax,0x100			; default to the 2nd physical page in low memory
    	je	initPages

    	mov	bx,0x1000			; 4K paragraphs == 64K bytes
    	mov	ah,DOS_SETBLOCK			; resize the current block so we can allocate a new block
    	int	INT_DOS
    	jnc	allocPages

    	mov	dx,errDOSMem

	int	INT_DOS

	db     "Insufficient memory",CR,LF,'$'

	mov	bx,0x2000			; 8K paragraphs == 128K bytes
	mov	ah,DOS_ALLOC
	int	INT_DOS
	jc	errDOSMem
;   AX == segment of 64K memory block
    	movzx	eax,ax
    	shl	eax,4
    	add	eax,0xfff
    	and	eax,~0xfff
	mov	esi,eax				; ESI == first physical 4K-aligned page within the given segment
    	shr	eax,4
    	mov	es,ax
    	xor	edi,edi
;   Build a page directory at ES:EDI with only 1 valid PDE (the first one),
;   because we're not going to access any memory outside the first 1Mb (of the first 4Mb).
	mov	eax,esi
	add	eax,0x1000			; EAX == page frame address (of the next page)
    	mov	ecx,1024-1			; ECX == number of (remaining) PDEs to write
    	sub	eax,eax
	rep	stosd
;   Build a page table at EDI with 256 (out of 1024) valid PTEs, mapping the first 1Mb of the
;   first 4Mb as linear == physical.
    	mov	ecx,256				; ECX == number of PTEs to write
initPT:	stosd
	add	eax,0x1000
	loop	initPT
    	mov	ecx,1024-256			; ECX == number of (remaining) PTEs to write
    	sub	eax,eax
    	rep	stosd

	cli					; make sure interrupts are off now, since we've not initialized the IDT yet
	o32 lidt [cs:addrIDT]
	o32 lgdt [cs:addrGDT]
	mov	cr3,esi
	mov	eax,cr0
    %if PAGING
	or	eax,CR0_MSW_PE | CR0_PG
	or	eax,CR0_MSW_PE
	mov	cr0,eax
	jmp	CSEG_PROT32:toProt32

	bits	32

	mov	ax,DSEG_PROT16
	mov	ds,ax
	mov	es,ax
;   Of the 128Kb of scratch memory we allocated, we may have lost as much as 4Kb-1 rounding
;   up to the first physical 4Kb page; the next 8Kb (0x2000) was used for a page directory and a
;   single page table, leaving us with a minimum of 116Kb to play with, starting at ESI+0x2000.
;   We'll set the top of our stack to ESI+0xe000.  This guarantees an ESP greater than 0xffff,
;   and so for the next few tests, with a 16-bit data segment in SS, we expect all pushes/pops
;   will occur at SP rather than ESP.
	add	esi,0x2000			; ESI -> bottom of scratch memory
	mov	ss,ax
	lea	esp,[esi+0xe000]		; set ESP to bottom of scratch + 56K
	lea	ebp,[esp-4]
	and	ebp,0xffff			; EBP now mirrors SP instead of ESP
	mov	edx,[ebp]			; save dword about to be trashed by pushes
	mov	eax,0x11223344
	push	eax
	cmp	[ebp],eax			; did the push use SP instead of ESP?
	jne	near error			; no, error
	pop	eax
	push	ax
	cmp	[ebp+2],ax
	jne	near error
	pop	ax
	mov	[ebp],edx			; restore dword trashed by the above pushes
	mov	ax,DSEG_PROT32
	mov	ss,ax
	lea	esp,[esi+0xe000]		; SS:ESP should now be a valid 32-bit pointer
	lea	ebp,[esp-4]
	mov	edx,[ebp]
	mov	eax,0x11223344
	push	eax
	cmp	[ebp],eax			; did the push use ESP instead of SP?
	jne	near error			; no, error
	pop	eax
	push	ax
	cmp	[ebp+2],ax
	jne	near error
	pop	ax
;   Test moving a segment register to a 32-bit memory location
	mov	edx,[0x0000]			; save the DWORD at 0x0000:0x0000 in EDX
	or	eax,-1
	mov	[0x0000],eax
	mov	[0x0000],ds
	mov	ax,ds
	cmp	eax,[0x0000]
	jne	near error
	mov	eax,ds
	xor	eax,0xffff0000
	cmp	eax,[0x0000]
	jne	near error
	mov	[0x0000],edx			; restore the DWORD at 0x0000:0x0000 from EDX
;   Test moving a byte to a 32-bit register with sign-extension
	movsx	eax,byte [cs:signedByte]
	cmp	eax,0xffffff80
	jne	near error
;   Test moving a word to a 32-bit register with sign-extension
	movsx	eax,word [cs:signedWord]
	cmp	eax,0xffff8080
	jne	near error
;   Test moving a byte to a 32-bit register with zero-extension
	movzx	eax,byte [cs:signedByte]
	cmp	eax,0x00000080
	jne	near error
;   Test moving a word to a 32-bit register with zero-extension
	movzx	eax,word [cs:signedWord]
	cmp	eax,0x00008080
	jne	near error
;   More assorted zero and sign-extension tests
    	mov	esp,0x40000
    	mov	edx,[esp]			; save word at scratch address 0x40000
    	add	esp,4
    	push	byte -128			; NASM will not use opcode 0x6A ("PUSH imm8") unless we specify "byte"
    	pop	ebx				; verify EBX == 0xFFFFFF80
    	cmp	ebx,0xFFFFFF80
    	jne	near error
    	and	ebx,0xff			; verify EBX == 0x00000080
    	cmp	ebx,0x00000080
    	jne	near error
    	movsx	bx,bl				; verify EBX == 0x0000FF80
    	cmp	ebx,0x0000FF80
    	jne	near error
    	movsx	ebx,bx				; verify EBX == 0xFFFFFF80
    	cmp	ebx,0xFFFFFF80
    	jne	near error
    	movzx	bx,bl				; verify EBX == 0xFFFF0080
    	cmp	ebx,0xFFFF0080
    	jne	near error
    	movzx	ebx,bl				; verify EBX == 0x00000080
    	cmp	ebx,0x00000080
    	jne	near error
    	not	ebx				; verify EBX == 0xFFFFFF7F
    	cmp	ebx,0xFFFFFF7F
    	jne	near error
    	movsx	bx,bl				; verify EBX == 0xFFFF007F
    	cmp	ebx,0xFFFF007F
    	jne	near error
    	movsx	ebx,bl				; verify EBX == 0x0000007F
    	cmp	ebx,0x0000007F
    	jne	near error
    	not	ebx				; verify EBX == 0xFFFFFF80
    	cmp	ebx,0xFFFFFF80
    	jne	near error
    	movzx	ebx,bx				; verify EBX == 0x0000FF80
    	cmp	ebx,0x0000FF80
    	jne	near error
    	movzx	bx,bl				; verify EBX == 0x00000080
    	cmp	ebx,0x00000080
    	jne	near error
    	movsx	bx,bl
    	neg	bx
    	neg	bx
    	cmp	ebx,0x0000FF80
    	jne	near error
    	movsx	ebx,bx
    	neg	ebx
    	neg	ebx
    	cmp	ebx,0xFFFFFF80
    	jne	near error
;   Test assorted 32-bit addressing modes
    	mov	ax,SSEG_PROT32			; we want SS != DS for the next tests
    	mov	ss,ax

    	mov	eax,0x11223344
    	mov	[0x40000],eax			; store a known word at the scratch address

    	mov	ecx,0x40000			; now access that scratch address using various addressing modes
    	cmp	[ecx],eax
    	jne	near error

    	add	ecx,64
    	cmp	[ecx-64],eax
    	jne	near error
    	sub	ecx,64

    	shr	ecx,1
    	cmp	[ecx+0x20000],eax
    	jne	near error

    	cmp	[ecx+ecx],eax
    	jne	near error

    	shr	ecx,1
    	cmp	[ecx+ecx*2+0x10000],eax
    	jne	near error

    	cmp	[ecx*4],eax
    	jne	near error

    	mov	ebp,ecx
    	cmp	[ebp+ecx*2+0x10000],eax
    	je	near error			; since SS != DS, this better be a mismatch

	mov	[0x40000],edx			; restore word at scratch address 0x40000
;   Now run a series of unverified opcode tests (verification will happen later, by comparing the output of the tests)
	mov	esi,tableOps			; ESI -> tableOps entry
	movzx	ecx,byte [cs:esi]		; ECX == length of instruction sequence
	test	ecx,ecx				; (must use JZ since there's no long version of JECXZ)
	jz	near testDone			; zero means we've reached the end of the table
	movzx	ebx,byte [cs:esi+1]		; EBX == TYPE
	shl	ebx,6				; EBX == TYPE * 64
	movzx	edx,byte [cs:esi+2]		; EDX == SIZE
	shl	edx,4				; EDX == SIZE * 16
	lea	ebx,[cs:typeValues+ebx+edx]	; EBX -> values for type
	add	esi,3				; ESI -> instruction mnemonic
.skip:	cs lodsb
	test	al,al
	jnz	.skip

	push	ecx
	mov	ecx,[cs:ebx]			; ECX == count of values for dst
	mov	eax,[cs:ebx+4]			; EAX -> values for dst
	mov	ebp,[cs:ebx+8]			; EBP == count of values for src
	mov	edi,[cs:ebx+12]			; EDI -> values for src
	xchg	ebx,eax				; EBX -> values for dst
	sub	eax,eax				; set all ARITH flags to known values prior to tests
	push	ebp
	push	edi
	mov	eax,[cs:ebx]			; EAX == dst
	mov	edx,[cs:edi]			; EDX == src
	call	printOp
	call	printEAX
	call	printEDX
	call	printPS
	call	esi				; execute the instruction sequence
	call	printEAX
	call	printEDX
	call	printPS
	call	printEOL
	add	edi,4				; EDI -> next src
	dec	ebp				; decrement src count
	jnz	testSrc

	pop	edi				; ESI -> restored values for src
	pop	ebp				; EBP == restored count of values for src
	lea	ebx,[ebx+4]			; EBX -> next dst (without modifying flags)
	loop	testDst

	pop	ecx
	add	esi,ecx				; ESI -> next tableOps entry
	jmp	testOps

	jmp	doneProt

;   printOp(ESI -> instruction sequence)
;   Rewinds ESI to the start of the mnemonic preceding the instruction sequence and prints the mnemonic
;   Uses: None
	dec	esi
	mov	al,[cs:esi-1]
	cmp	al,32
	jae	.findSize
	call	printStr
	movzx	eax,al
	mov	al,[cs:achSize+eax]
	call	printChar
	mov	al,' '
	call	printChar

;   printEAX()
;   Uses: None
	mov	esi,strEAX
	call	printStr
	mov	cl,8
	call	printVal

;   printEDX()
;   Uses: None
	mov	esi,strEDX
	call	printStr
	mov	cl,8
	mov	eax,edx
	call	printVal

;   printPS(ESI -> instruction sequence)
;   Uses: None
	pop	edx
	dec	esi
	mov	al,[cs:esi-1]
	cmp	al,32
	jae	.findType
	movzx	eax,byte [cs:esi-2]
	and	edx,[cs:typeMasks+eax*4]
	mov	esi,strPS
	call	printStr
	mov	cl,4
	mov	eax,edx
	call	printVal

;   printEOL()
;   Uses: None
	push	eax
;	mov	al,0x0d
;	call	printChar
	mov	al,0x0a
	call	printChar
	pop	eax

;   printChar(AL)
;   Uses: None
	push	edx
	push	eax
	mov	dx,0x2FD			; EDX == COM2 LSR (Line Status Register)
.loop:	in	al,dx				;
	test	al,0x20				; THR (Transmitter Holding Register) empty?
	jz	.loop				; no
	pop	eax
	mov	dx,0x2F8			; EDX -> COM2 THR (Transmitter Holding Register)
	out	dx,al
	pop	edx

;   printStr(ESI -> zero-terminated string)
;   Uses: ESI, Flags
	push	eax
.loop:	cs lodsb
	test	al,al
	jz	.done
	call	printChar
	jmp	.loop
.done:	pop	eax

;   printVal(EAX == value, CL == number of hex digits)
;   Uses: EAX, ECX, Flags
	shl	cl,2				; CL == number of bits (4 times the number of hex digits)
	jz	.done
.loop:	sub	cl,4
	push	eax
	shr	eax,cl
	and	al,0x0f
	add	al,'0'
	cmp	al,'9'
	jbe	.digit
	add	al,'A'-'0'-10
.digit:	call	printChar
	pop	eax
	test	cl,cl
	jnz	.loop
.done:	mov	al,' '
	call	printChar



%macro	defOp	6
    %ifidni %3,al
	%assign size SIZE_BYTE
    %elifidni %3,dl
	%assign size SIZE_BYTE
    %elifidni %3,ax
	%assign size SIZE_SHORT
    %elifidni %3,dx
	%assign size SIZE_SHORT
	%assign size SIZE_LONG
	db	%%end-%%beg,%6,size
	db	%1,0
    %ifidni %4,none
	%2	%3
    %elifidni %5,none
	%2	%3,%4
	%2	%3,%4,%5

strEAX:	db	"EAX=",0
strEDX:	db	"EDX=",0
strPS:	db	"PS=",0
strDE:	db	"#DE ",0			; when this is displayed, it indicates a Divide Error exception
achSize	db	"BWD"

ALLOPS equ 1

	defOp	"ADD",add,al,dl,none,TYPE_ARITH
	defOp	"ADD",add,ax,dx,none,TYPE_ARITH
	defOp	"ADD",add,eax,edx,none,TYPE_ARITH
	defOp	"OR",or,al,dl,none,TYPE_LOGIC
	defOp	"OR",or,ax,dx,none,TYPE_LOGIC
	defOp	"OR",or,eax,edx,none,TYPE_LOGIC
	defOp	"ADC",adc,al,dl,none,TYPE_ARITH
	defOp	"ADC",adc,ax,dx,none,TYPE_ARITH
	defOp	"ADC",adc,eax,edx,none,TYPE_ARITH
	defOp	"SBB",sbb,al,dl,none,TYPE_ARITH
	defOp	"SBB",sbb,ax,dx,none,TYPE_ARITH
	defOp	"SBB",sbb,eax,edx,none,TYPE_ARITH
	defOp	"AND",and,al,dl,none,TYPE_LOGIC
	defOp	"AND",and,ax,dx,none,TYPE_LOGIC
	defOp	"AND",and,eax,edx,none,TYPE_LOGIC
	defOp	"SUB",sub,al,dl,none,TYPE_ARITH
	defOp	"SUB",sub,ax,dx,none,TYPE_ARITH
	defOp	"SUB",sub,eax,edx,none,TYPE_ARITH
	defOp	"XOR",xor,al,dl,none,TYPE_LOGIC
	defOp	"XOR",xor,ax,dx,none,TYPE_LOGIC
	defOp	"XOR",xor,eax,edx,none,TYPE_LOGIC
	defOp	"CMP",cmp,al,dl,none,TYPE_ARITH
	defOp	"CMP",cmp,ax,dx,none,TYPE_ARITH
	defOp	"CMP",cmp,eax,edx,none,TYPE_ARITH
	defOp	"INC",inc,al,none,none,TYPE_ARITH1
	defOp	"INC",inc,ax,none,none,TYPE_ARITH1
	defOp	"INC",inc,eax,none,none,TYPE_ARITH1
	defOp	"DEC",dec,al,none,none,TYPE_ARITH1
	defOp	"DEC",dec,ax,none,none,TYPE_ARITH1
	defOp	"DEC",dec,eax,none,none,TYPE_ARITH1
	defOp	"MULA",mul,dl,none,none,TYPE_MULTIPLY
	defOp	"MULA",mul,dx,none,none,TYPE_MULTIPLY
	defOp	"MULA",mul,edx,none,none,TYPE_MULTIPLY
	defOp	"IMULA",imul,dl,none,none,TYPE_MULTIPLY
	defOp	"IMULA",imul,dx,none,none,TYPE_MULTIPLY
	defOp	"IMULA",imul,edx,none,none,TYPE_MULTIPLY
	defOp	"IMUL",imul,ax,dx,none,TYPE_MULTIPLY
	defOp	"IMUL",imul,eax,edx,none,TYPE_MULTIPLY
	defOp	"IMUL8",imul,ax,dx,0x77,TYPE_MULTIPLY
	defOp	"IMUL8",imul,ax,dx,-0x77,TYPE_MULTIPLY
	defOp	"IMUL8",imul,eax,edx,0x77,TYPE_MULTIPLY
	defOp	"IMUL8",imul,eax,edx,-0x77,TYPE_MULTIPLY
	defOp	"IMUL16",imul,ax,0x777,none,TYPE_MULTIPLY
	defOp	"IMUL32",imul,eax,0x777777,none,TYPE_MULTIPLY
	defOp	"DIVDL",div,dl,none,none,TYPE_DIVIDE
	defOp	"DIVDX",div,dx,none,none,TYPE_DIVIDE
	defOp	"DIVEDX",div,edx,none,none,TYPE_DIVIDE
	defOp	"DIVAL",div,al,none,none,TYPE_DIVIDE
	defOp	"DIVAX",div,ax,none,none,TYPE_DIVIDE
	defOp	"DIVEAX",div,eax,none,none,TYPE_DIVIDE
	defOp	"IDIVDL",idiv,dl,none,none,TYPE_DIVIDE
	defOp	"IDIVDX",idiv,dx,none,none,TYPE_DIVIDE
	defOp	"IDIVEDX",idiv,edx,none,none,TYPE_DIVIDE
	defOp	"IDIVAL",idiv,al,none,none,TYPE_DIVIDE
	defOp	"IDIVAX",idiv,ax,none,none,TYPE_DIVIDE
	defOp	"IDIVEAX",idiv,eax,none,none,TYPE_DIVIDE
	db	0

	align	4


.bvals:	dd	0x00,0x01,0x02,0x7E,0x7F,0x80,0x81,0xFE,0xFF
	ARITH_BYTES equ ($-.bvals)/4

.wvals:	dd	0x0000,0x0001,0x0002,0x7FFE,0x7FFF,0x8000,0x8001,0xFFFE,0xFFFF
	ARITH_WORDS equ ($-.wvals)/4

.dvals:	dd	0x00000000,0x00000001,0x00000002,0x7FFFFFFE,0x7FFFFFFF,0x80000000,0x80000001,0xFFFFFFFE,0xFFFFFFFF
	ARITH_DWORDS equ ($-.dvals)/4

.bvals:	dd	0x00,0x01,0x02,0x3F,0x40,0x41,0x7E,0x7F,0x80,0x81,0xFE,0xFF
	MULDIV_BYTES equ ($-.bvals)/4

.wvals:	dd	0x0000,0x0001,0x0002,0x3FFF,0x4000,0x4001,0x7FFE,0x7FFF,0x8000,0x8001,0xFFFE,0xFFFF
	MULDIV_WORDS equ ($-.wvals)/4

.dvals:	dd	0x00000000,0x00000001,0x00000002,0x3FFFFFFF,0x40000000,0x40000001,0x7FFFFFFE,0x7FFFFFFF,0x80000000,0x80000001,0xFFFFFFFE,0xFFFFFFFF
	MULDIV_DWORDS equ ($-.dvals)/4

	; Values for TYPE_ARITH
	dd	ARITH_BYTES,arithValues,ARITH_BYTES,arithValues
	dd	0,0,0,0
	; Values for TYPE_ARITH1
	dd	ARITH_BYTES,arithValues,1,arithValues
	dd	ARITH_BYTES+ARITH_WORDS,arithValues,1,arithValues
	dd	ARITH_BYTES+ARITH_WORDS+ARITH_DWORDS,arithValues,1,arithValues
	dd	0,0,0,0
	; Values for TYPE_LOGIC (using ARITH values for now)
	dd	ARITH_BYTES,arithValues,ARITH_BYTES,arithValues
	dd	0,0,0,0
	; Values for TYPE_MULTIPLY (a superset of ARITH values)
	dd	MULDIV_BYTES,muldivValues,MULDIV_BYTES,muldivValues
	dd	0,0,0,0
	; Values for TYPE_DIVIDE
	dd	MULDIV_BYTES,muldivValues,MULDIV_BYTES,muldivValues
	dd	0,0,0,0

error:	jmp	error

	times	OFF_INTDIVERR-0x100-($-$$) nop

	push	esi
	mov	esi,strDE
	call	printStr
	pop	esi
;   It's rather annoying that the 80386 treats #DE as a fault rather than a trap, leaving CS:EIP pointing to the
;   faulting instruction instead of the RET we conveniently placed after it.  So, instead of trying to calculate where
;   that RET is, we simply set EIP on the stack to point to our own RET.
	mov	dword [esp],intDivRet

	mov	ax,DSEG_PROT16
	mov	ss,ax
	sub	esp,esp

    %ifndef REAL32
;   Return to real-mode, after first resetting the IDTR and loading CS with a 16-bit code segment
	o32 lidt [cs:addrIDTReal]
	jmp	CSEG_PROT16:toProt16
	bits	16

	mov	eax,cr0
	and	eax,~(CR0_MSW_PE | CR0_PG) & 0xffffffff
	mov	cr0,eax
	jmp	CSEG_REAL:toReal

	mov	ax,cs				; revert to the usual .COM register conventions
	mov	ds,ax
	mov	es,ax
	mov	ss,ax
	mov	sp,0xfffe

	cmp	ax,CSEG_REAL			; is CS equal to 0xf000?
spin:	je	spin ; near jmpStart		; yes, so loop around, because we have nowhere else to go
	int	INT_DOSEXIT			; no, so assume we're running under DOS and exit

;   Fill the remaining space with NOPs until we get to target offset 0xFFF0.
;   Note that we subtract 0x100 from the target offset because we're ORG'ed at 0x100.
	times	0xfff0-0x100-($-$$) nop

;   Unfortunately, when PC-DOS 2.0 loads our .COM file, the last 4 bytes are not valid, in part because DOS must
;   zero the last 2 bytes so that a near RET will return to the PSP's INT 0x20 and gracefully terminate the program.
;   Newer versions of DOS simply refuse to load the file (the safest thing to do), claiming insufficient memory.
;   To avoid these loading issues, I now omit the last 4 bytes from image, and it will still work as a ROM image as
;   long as jmpStart is at offset 0xFFF0.

	jmp	CSEG_REAL:start			; 0000FFF0
	db	0x80				; 0000FFF5  80
	db	0x80				; 0000FFF6  80
	db	'PCJS',0			; 0000FFF7  "PCJS",0
;	db	0x00				; 0000FFFC  00
;	db	0x00				; 0000FFFD  00
;	db	0xFC				; 0000FFFE  FC (Model ID byte)
;	db	0x00				; 0000FFFF  00 (normally a checksum byte)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5170" to load....

Directory of PCx86 CPU Tests

 Volume in drive A is CPUTESTS
 Directory of A:\

CPUID    ASM     19038   3-08-20  12:38a
ID       ASM      2299   3-08-20  12:38a
ID       COM       347   3-08-20  12:38a
TEST386  COM     65276   3-08-20  12:38a
        4 file(s)      86960 bytes
                       72192 bytes free