PCjs Machines

Home of the original IBM PC emulator for browsers.



First released in 1987 by COMPAQ Computer Corp, this version of MS-DOS displays the following messages on boot:

The COMPAQ Personal Computer MS-DOS
Version 3.31

(C) Copyright Compaq Computer Corp. 1982, 1988
(C) Copyright Microsoft Corp. 1981, 1987

This was the first version of DOS to support 32-bit logical sector numbers, enabling partitions larger than 32Mb and partitions that extended beyond the first 32Mb of disk space. These features were soon added to DOS 4.0 and OS/2 1.1 as well.

An older version of COMPAQ MS-DOS 3.31 can be found on the COMPAQ Diagnostics 5.08 diskette, a 360Kb disk image from the PCjs Archives that contains hidden MS-DOS 3.31 files dated September 1987. The disk displays a different boot message:

The COMPAQ Personal Computer MS-DOS
Version 3.31

(C) Copyright Compaq Computer Corp. 1982, 1987
(C) Copyright Microsoft Corp. 1981, 1987

making it clear that the diskette is a COMPAQ MS-DOS 3.31 diskette from 1987; all the other sources we’ve checked only have disks from 1988 or later.

UPDATE: PCjs has since unearthed another diskette, COMPAQ MS-DOS 3.31 (1987), containing more 1987 binaries.

Later revisions of COMPAQ MS-DOS 3.31 were released as well. We have archived three “Rev. G” disks obtained from WinWorld (see “Microsoft MS-DOS 3.31 [Compaq OEM Rev G] (3.5-720k)”). All the files on those disks are dated May 1990.

The FASTART program on Disk 1 expects a “USER PROGRAMS” disk. For example, you could use the “COMPAQ User Programs (1989)” diskette, which was part of a later COMPAQ MS-DOS 4.01 release, since COMPAQ states that the disk “supersedes earlier versions”.

Directory Listings of the distribution diskettes are provided below.

[PCjs Machine "deskpro386"]

Waiting for machine "deskpro386" to load....

Directory Listings

The following disk is from the PCjs Software Archive, and unfortunately, it is not an original distribution disk, but it’s included here because it’s the only available copy of other COMPAQ MS-DOS 3.31 binaries released in 1987.

It’s safe to say the following binaries were not part of the original distribution:

but, in the interest of preserving all manner of historical curiosities, we have decided to leave the disk as-is.

Directory of COMPAQ MS-DOS 3.31 (1987)

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

IBMBIO   COM*    23591   9-16-87  12:00p
IBMDOS   COM*    30632   9-16-87  12:00p
COMMAND  COM     25332   9-16-87  12:00p
EXMM     SYS      4574  11-05-86  12:07p
ANSI     SYS      1709   9-16-87  12:00p
CLOCK    SYS      1787   9-16-87  12:00p
COUNTRY  SYS     11254   9-16-87  12:00p
DISKCOPY COM      6264   9-16-87  12:00p
DISKINIT EXE     49971   9-16-87  12:00p
DISPLAY  SYS     11259   9-16-87  12:00p
DRIVER   SYS      1385   9-16-87  12:00p
ENHDISK  SYS      3321   9-16-87  12:00p
FASTOPEN EXE      3888   9-16-87  12:00p
FDISK    COM     54051   9-16-87  12:00p
FORMAT   COM     13643   9-16-87  12:00p
KEYB     COM     10868   9-16-87  12:00p
KEYBOARD SYS     41144   9-16-87  12:00p
MODE     COM     15159   9-16-87  12:00p
PRINTER  SYS     13559   9-16-87  12:00p
SYS      COM      6193   9-16-87  12:00p
VDISK    SYS      3634   9-16-87  12:00p
XCOPY    EXE     11216   9-16-87  12:00p
APPEND   EXE      5794   9-16-87  12:00p
ASSIGN   COM      1530   9-16-87  12:00p
ATTRIB   EXE     10656   9-16-87  12:00p
BACKUP   COM     30048   9-16-87  12:00p
CHKDSK   COM     11923   9-16-87  12:00p
COMP     COM      4183   9-16-87  12:00p
DEBUG    COM     16000   9-16-87  12:00p
DISKCOMP COM      5848   9-16-87  12:00p
EDLIN    COM      7495   9-16-87  12:00p
EXE2BIN  EXE      3050   9-16-87  12:00p
FIND     EXE      6403   9-16-87  12:00p
GRAFTABL COM      6208   9-16-87  12:00p
GRAPHICS COM      7576   9-16-87  12:00p
JOIN     EXE      9612   9-16-87  12:00p
LABEL    COM      2346   9-16-87  12:00p
LINK     EXE     39076   9-16-87  12:00p
MORE     COM       282   9-16-87  12:00p
PRINT    COM      8995   9-16-87  12:00p
RECOVER  COM      5369   9-16-87  12:00p
RESTORE  COM     35720   9-16-87  12:00p
SHARE    EXE      8664   9-16-87  12:00p
SORT     EXE      1946   9-16-87  12:00p
SUBST    EXE     10552   9-16-87  12:00p
TREE     COM      3540   9-16-87  12:00p
WORDS              660   9-16-87  12:00p
BASIC    COM      3532   9-16-87  12:00p
BASICA   COM      3532   9-16-87  12:00p
BASICA   EXE     79272   9-16-87  12:00p
NLSFUNC  EXE      3029   9-16-87  12:00p
REPLACE  EXE     13886   9-16-87  12:00p
SELECT   COM      4188   9-16-87  12:00p
SETCLOCK COM      3715   9-16-87  12:00p
INTEREST BAS       384   9-16-87  12:00p
4201     CPI     17089   9-16-87  12:00p
5202     CPI       459   9-16-87  12:00p
EGA      CPI     49065   9-16-87  12:00p
HIMEM    SYS      6261   8-19-88  10:54a
SMARTDRV SYS     10224  12-29-88  11:37p
       60 file(s)     782546 bytes
                      418304 bytes free

Directory of COMPAQ MS-DOS 3.31 (Disk 1)

 Volume in drive A is FASTART
 Directory of A:\

IBMBIO   COM*    23591  10-03-88  12:00p
IBMDOS   COM*    30648  10-03-88  12:00p
COMMAND  COM     25332  10-03-88  12:00p
AUTOEXEC BAT*       11  10-14-88  12:00p
CONFIG   SYS*       46  10-14-88  12:00p
EXTDISK  SYS     11721  10-14-88  12:00p
FORMAT   COM     13675  10-14-88  12:00p
FASTART  EXE    232841  10-14-88  12:00p
        8 file(s)     337865 bytes
                      387072 bytes free

Directory of COMPAQ MS-DOS 3.31 (Disk 2)

 Volume in drive A is STARTUP
 Directory of A:\

IBMBIO   COM*    23591  10-03-88  12:00p
IBMDOS   COM*    30648  10-03-88  12:00p
COMMAND  COM     25332  10-03-88  12:00p
ANSI     SYS      1709  10-03-88  12:00p
CLOCK    SYS      1787  10-03-88  12:00p
COUNTRY  SYS     11254  10-03-88  12:00p
DISKCOPY COM      6264  10-03-88  12:00p
DISKINIT EXE     55795  10-03-88  12:00p
DISPLAY  SYS     11651  10-03-88  12:00p
DRIVER   SYS      1385  10-03-88  12:00p
ENHDISK  SYS      3441  10-03-88  12:00p
FASTOPEN EXE      3888  10-03-88  12:00p
FDISK    COM     45052  10-03-88  12:00p
FORMAT   COM     13675  10-03-88  12:00p
KEYB     COM     10974  10-03-88  12:00p
KEYBOARD SYS     41144  10-03-88  12:00p
MODE     COM     15188  10-03-88  12:00p
PRINTER  SYS     13559  10-03-88  12:00p
SYS      COM      6193  10-03-88  12:00p
VDISK    SYS      3759  10-03-88  12:00p
XCOPY    EXE     11216  10-03-88  12:00p
       21 file(s)     337505 bytes
                      382976 bytes free

Directory of COMPAQ MS-DOS 3.31 (Disk 3)

 Volume in drive A is OPERATING
 Directory of A:\

APPEND   EXE      5794  10-03-88  12:00p
ASSIGN   COM      1530  10-03-88  12:00p
ATTRIB   EXE     10656  10-03-88  12:00p
BACKUP   COM     30048  10-03-88  12:00p
BASIC    COM      3532  10-03-88  12:00p
BASICA   COM      3532  10-03-88  12:00p
BASICA   EXE     79304  10-03-88  12:00p
CHKDSK   COM     11939  10-03-88  12:00p
COMMAND  COM     25332  10-03-88  12:00p
COMP     COM      4183  10-03-88  12:00p
DEBUG    COM     16000  10-03-88  12:00p
DISKCOMP COM      5848  10-03-88  12:00p
DISKCOPY COM      6264  10-03-88  12:00p
EDLIN    COM      7495  10-03-88  12:00p
EXE2BIN  EXE      3050  10-03-88  12:00p
FIND     EXE      6403  10-03-88  12:00p
FORMAT   COM     13675  10-03-88  12:00p
GRAFTABL COM      6272  10-03-88  12:00p
GRAPHICS COM      7576  10-03-88  12:00p
JOIN     EXE      9612  10-03-88  12:00p
LABEL    COM      2346  10-03-88  12:00p
LINK     EXE     39076  10-03-88  12:00p
MORE     COM       282  10-03-88  12:00p
NLSFUNC  EXE      3029  10-03-88  12:00p
PRINT    COM      8995  10-03-88  12:00p
RECOVER  COM      5385  10-03-88  12:00p
REPLACE  EXE     13886  10-03-88  12:00p
RESTORE  COM     35720  10-03-88  12:00p
SELECT   COM      4188  10-03-88  12:00p
SETCLOCK COM      3715  10-03-88  12:00p
SHARE    EXE      8664  10-03-88  12:00p
SORT     EXE      1946  10-03-88  12:00p
SUBST    EXE     10552  10-03-88  12:00p
TREE     COM      3540  10-03-88  12:00p
XCOPY    EXE     11216  10-03-88  12:00p
4201     CPI     17089  10-03-88  12:00p
5202     CPI       459  10-03-88  12:00p
EGA      CPI     49065  10-03-88  12:00p
INTEREST BAS       384  10-03-88  12:00p
WORDS              660  10-03-88  12:00p
       40 file(s)     478242 bytes
                      231424 bytes free

COMPAQ MS-DOS 3.31 (Rev. G)

Directory of COMPAQ MS-DOS 3.31G (Disk 1)

 Volume in drive A is FASTART
 Directory of A:\

IBMBIO   COM*    23740   5-08-90  12:00p
IBMDOS   COM*    30650   5-08-90  12:00p
COMMAND  COM*    25398   5-08-90  12:00p
AUTOEXEC BAT*       11   5-08-90  12:00p
CONFIG   SYS*       45   5-08-90  12:00p
FASTART  EXE    227233   5-08-90  12:00p
EXTDISK  SYS     10406   5-08-90  12:00p
        7 file(s)     317483 bytes
                      408576 bytes free

Directory of COMPAQ MS-DOS 3.31G (Disk 2)

 Volume in drive A is STARTUP
 Directory of A:\

IBMBIO   COM*    23740   5-08-90  12:00p
IBMDOS   COM*    30650   5-08-90  12:00p
COMMAND  COM     25398   5-08-90  12:00p
DISKCOPY COM      6850   5-08-90  12:00p
FDISK    COM     51136   5-08-90  12:00p
FORMAT   COM     14733   5-08-90  12:00p
KEYB     COM     11076   5-08-90  12:00p
MODE     COM     16618   5-08-90  12:00p
SYS      COM      6227   5-08-90  12:00p
FASTOPEN EXE      3888   5-08-90  12:00p
XCOPY    EXE     11776   5-08-90  12:00p
ANSI     SYS      2023   5-08-90  12:00p
CLOCK    SYS      1789   5-08-90  12:00p
COUNTRY  SYS     11254   5-08-90  12:00p
DISPLAY  SYS     11971   5-08-90  12:00p
DRIVER   SYS      1520   5-08-90  12:00p
ENHDISK  SYS     10406   5-08-90  12:00p
KEYBOARD SYS     41164   5-08-90  12:00p
PRINTER  SYS     13751   5-08-90  12:00p
VDISK    SYS      3768   5-08-90  12:00p
       20 file(s)     299738 bytes
                      421888 bytes free

Directory of COMPAQ MS-DOS 3.31G (Disk 3)

 Volume in drive A is OPERATING
 Directory of A:\

APPEND   EXE      5810   5-08-90  12:00p
ASSIGN   COM      1530   5-08-90  12:00p
ATTRIB   EXE     10656   5-08-90  12:00p
BACKUP   COM     30738   5-08-90  12:00p
BASIC    COM      3534   5-08-90  12:00p
BASICA   COM      3534   5-08-90  12:00p
BASICA   EXE     79434   5-08-90  12:00p
CHKDSK   COM     11941   5-08-90  12:00p
COMMAND  COM     25398   5-08-90  12:00p
COMP     COM      4183   5-08-90  12:00p
DEBUG    COM     16002   5-08-90  12:00p
DISKCOMP COM      5848   5-08-90  12:00p
DISKCOPY COM      6850   5-08-90  12:00p
EDLIN    COM      7495   5-08-90  12:00p
EXE2BIN  EXE      3050   5-08-90  12:00p
FIND     EXE      6403   5-08-90  12:00p
FORMAT   COM     14733   5-08-90  12:00p
GRAFTABL COM      6274   5-08-90  12:00p
GRAPHICS COM      7578   5-08-90  12:00p
JOIN     EXE      9612   5-08-90  12:00p
LABEL    COM      2363   5-08-90  12:00p
LINK     EXE     43988   5-08-90  12:00p
MORE     COM       314   5-08-90  12:00p
NLSFUNC  EXE      3029   5-08-90  12:00p
PRINT    COM      9309   5-08-90  12:00p
RECOVER  COM      5387   5-08-90  12:00p
REPLACE  EXE     14304   5-08-90  12:00p
RESTORE  COM     35868   5-08-90  12:00p
SELECT   COM      4190   5-08-90  12:00p
SETCLOCK COM      3717   5-08-90  12:00p
SHARE    EXE      8666   5-08-90  12:00p
SORT     EXE      1946   5-08-90  12:00p
SUBST    EXE     10552   5-08-90  12:00p
TREE     COM      3540   5-08-90  12:00p
XCOPY    EXE     11776   5-08-90  12:00p
4201     CPI     17089   5-08-90  12:00p
5202     CPI       459   5-08-90  12:00p
EGA      CPI     49065   5-08-90  12:00p
INTEREST BAS       384   5-08-90  12:00p
WORDS              660   5-08-90  12:00p
EGA_THIN CPI     49030   5-08-90  12:00p
LCD_THIN CPI     10618   5-08-90  12:00p
LCD      CPI     10752   5-08-90  12:00p
       43 file(s)     557609 bytes
                      150528 bytes free