PCjs Machines

Home of the original IBM PC emulator for browsers.


PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #4189)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5170" to load....



               This file contains important license information regarding
               the use of the BIBLOGIC program. This information applies to
               individual users who wish to pass copies out to friends and

               BBS SYSOPs, User Groups, Computer Clubs, Disk Vendors and
               Distributors, Subscription Services, Disk-of-the-Month
               Clubs, etc., should refer to the VENDOR.DOC file for
               complete information relating to them.

               PLEASE! Show your support for Shareware by registering the
               programs you actually use. Biblogic Computer Services
               depends upon and needs your support. Thank you!


               BIBLOGIC is NOT a public domain program.

               It is Copyright (c) 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992
               Stephen Champion, Biblogic Computer Services. All rights

               This software and accompanying documentation are protected
               by United States Copyright law and also by International
               Treaty provisions. Any use of this software in violation of
               Copyright law or the terms of this limited license will be
               prosecuted to the best of our ability. The conditions under
               which you may copy this software and documentation are
               clearly outlined below under "Distribution Restrictions".

               Stephen Champion, Biblogic Computer Services hereby grants
               you a limited license to use this software for evaluation
               purposes for a period not to exceed sixty (60) days. If you
               intend to continue using this software (and/or it's
               documentation) after the sixty (60) day evaluation period,
               you MUST make a registration payment to Biblogic Computer

               Using this software after the sixty (60) day evaluation
               period, without registering the software is a violation of
               the terms of this limited license.

               The licensee shall not use, copy, rent, lease, sell, modify,
               decompile, disassemble, otherwise reverse engineer, or
               transfer the licensed program except as provided in this
               agreement. Any such unauthorized use shall result in
               immediate and automatic termination of this license.

               All rights not expressly granted here are reserved to
               Stephen Champion, Biblogic Computer Services.



               As the copyright holder for BIBLOGIC, Stephen Champion,
               Biblogic Computer Services authorizes distribution by
               individuals only in accordance with the following

               (BBS SYSOPs, User Groups, Computer Clubs, Disk Vendors and
               Distributors, Subscription Services, Disk-of-the-Month
               Clubs, etc., should refer to the VENDOR.DOC file for
               complete information relating to them.)

               Individuals are hereby granted permission by Stephen
               Champion, Biblogic Computer Services to copy the BIBLOGIC
               diskette for their own use for evaluation purposes or for
               other individuals to evaluate, ONLY when the following
               conditions are met.

               The BIBLOGIC package is defined as containing all the
               material listed in the PACKING.LST text file. If any files
               listed in the PACKING.LST text file, or the PACKING.LST file
               itself, are missing, then the package is not complete and
               distribution is forbidden. Please contact us to obtain a
               complete package suitable for distribution.

               The BIBLOGIC package - including all related program files
               and documentation files - CANNOT be modified in any way and
               must be distributed as a complete package, without
               exception. The PACKING.LST text file contains a list of all
               files that are part of the BIBLOGIC package.

               No price or other compensation may be charged for the
               BIBLOGIC package. A distribution cost may be charged for the
               cost of the diskette, shipping and handling, as long as the
               total does not exceed US$18.00 in the U.S. and Canada, or
               US$25 internationally.

               The BIBLOGIC package CANNOT be sold as part of some other
               inclusive package. Nor can it be included in any commercial
               software packaging offer, without a written agreement from
               Stephen Champion, Biblogic Computer Services.

               The PRINTED User's Guide may not be reproduced in whole or
               in part, using any means, without the written permission of
               Stephen Champion, Biblogic Computer Services. In other
               words, the disk-based documentation may not be distributed
               in PRINTED (hardcopy) form.

               The BIBLOGIC package cannot be "rented" or "leased" to


               The licensee shall not use, copy, rent, lease, sell, modify,
               decompile, disassemble, otherwise reverse engineer, or
               transfer the licensed program except as provided in this
               agreement. Any such unauthorized use shall result in
               immediate and automatic termination of this license.

               U.S. Government Information: Use, duplication, or disclosure
               by the U.S. Government of the computer software and
               documentation in this package shall be subject to the
               restricted rights applicable to commercial computer software
               as set forth in subdivision (b)(3)(ii) of the Rights in
               Technical Data and Computer Software clause at 252.227-7013
               (DFARS 52.227-7013). The contractor/manufacturer is Stephen
               Champion, Biblogic Computer Services, PO Box 1424, Thousand
               Oaks, California 91358-0424.

               All rights not expressly granted here are reserved to
               Stephen Champion, Biblogic Computer Services.


               Commercial or institutional users wishing to use multiple
               copies of the BIBLOGIC package may register copies for a
               substantially reduced fee under a site license agreement.
               Contact Biblogic Computer Services for details.


               BIBLOGIC is a "shareware program" and is provided at no
               charge to the user for evaluation. Feel free to share it
               with your friends, but please do not give it away altered or
               as part of another system. The essence of "user-supported"
               software is to provide personal computer users with quality
               software without high prices, and yet provide incentive for
               programmers to continue to develop new products. If you find
               this program useful and find that you are using BIBLOGIC and
               continue to use BIBLOGIC after a reasonable trial period,
               you must make a registration payment of US$47.00 to Biblogic
               Computer Services at:

                            Biblogic Computer Services
                            P.O. Box 1424
                            Thousand Oaks
                            CA 91358-0424

               Please make check or money order payable to "Biblogic
               Computer Services". RESIDENTS OF CALIFORNIA MUST ADD SALES
               TAX. Checks should be in US dollars and drawn on a US bank.

               Special note: We can now accept checks (or cheques!) in
               Pounds Sterling drawn on a UK bank or Australian Dollars
               drawn on an Australian bank. Please use prevailing exchange
               rates to calculate the correct equivalent of US$47.00.

               The $47.00 registration fee will license one copy for use on
               any one computer at any one time. You must treat this
               software just like a book. Specifically, this software may
               be used by any number of people and may be freely moved from
               one computer location to another, so long as there is no
               possibility of it being used at one location while it's
               being used at another. Just as a book cannot be read by two
               different persons at the same time.

               You are encouraged to pass a copy of BIBLOGIC along to your
               friends for evaluation. Please encourage them to register
               their copy if they find that they can use it.

               Registered users receive the right to support via fax or
               mail. They are also eligible to receive low-cost updates and
               are able to disable the registration reminder screen which
               is displayed when the program is run.

               This file contains important license information regarding
               the use of the BIBLOGIC program. This information applies to
               individual users who wish to pass copies out to friends and




               This file contains details of the latest changes to the
               program, that were made since the instruction manual was
               last revised.

               It also contains instructions on installing BIBLOGIC.

          VERSION 3.01

               BIBLOGIC is distributed in two forms:

               1)   DISTRIBUTION DISKS. The program package is supplied on
                    two 360k floppy disks. An installation program is
                    supplied to simplify decompression and installation on
                    a hard disk. Follow the instructions below.

               2)   BULLETIN BOARD FILES. The program is supplied in the
                    form of two compressed files. Together, these files
                    contain all of the files on the distribution disks
                    except the installation program, which is not required.
                    Follow the instructions below.


               To install BIBLOGIC from distribution disks into
               C:\BIBLOGIC, put the first distribution disk in drive a: and


               then press <Enter>. Follow the on-screen instructions. When
               prompted, insert the second disk.

               It is recommended that you run the demo program included in
               the distribution package. The installation program gives



               To install BIBLOGIC from BBS files, do the following:

               1)   Create a directory on your hard disk called "BIBLOGIC".

                    NOTE: It is possible, but not as straightforward, to
                    install BIBLOGIC in a subdirectory with a name other
                    than "BIBLOGIC". To run BIBLOGIC successfully, you will
                    need to read the appendices in the manual.

               2)   Decompress both of the distribution files into the
                    BIBLOGIC directory.

               3)   Check that the CONFIG.SYS file on your boot drive has
                    at least FILES=20 and BUFFERS=15. Reboot your system if
                    you change CONFIG.SYS.

               It is recommended that you run the demo program included in
               the distribution package. After uncompressing the files, go
               to the BIBLOGIC directory and type DEMO<Enter>.


               If you are updating from a previous version, you need only
               the following files:

               Any new .PFF files you wish to use.

               The easiest way to update the system is to install the new
               system in a temporary directory (other than where the old
               system is installed) and then copy over the files you need.

               It is strongly recommended that you make a complete backup
               of your existing BIBLOGIC installation before attempting to
               update to the latest version.

               It is recommended that you run the demo program included in
               the distribution package. After updating, go to the new
               BIBLOGIC directory and type DEMO<Enter>.



               MANUAL.DOC contains the BIBLOGIC instruction manual.
               SUPPL.DOC contains a supplement to the manual.
               README.DOC is this file.

               All of these files are in raw ASCII form and may be printed
               on any ASCII printer with 80 or more columns and 66 or more
               lines per page. The files contain form-feed characters
               between pages and use back-space characters for underlining
               and bold.

               To print these files, copy them directly to your ASCII
               printer or use the DOS print utility. For example:

               COPY *.DOC LPT1:
               PRINT *.DOC


               This program is produced by a member of the Association of
               Shareware Professionals (ASP). ASP wants to make sure that
               the shareware principle works for you. If you are unable to
               resolve a shareware-related problem with an ASP member by
               contacting the member directly, ASP may be able to help. The
               ASP Ombudsman can help you resolve a dispute or problem with
               an ASP member, but does not provide technical support for
               members' products. Please write to the ASP Ombudsman at 545
               Grover Road, Muskegon, MI 49442 or send a CompuServe message
               via CompuServe Mail to ASP Ombudsman 70007,3536.


               Biblogic Computer Services can be contacted at:

                         Biblogic Computer Services
                         P.O. Box 1424
                         Thousand Oaks
                         CA 91358-0424

               *** NEW ***  Fax and CompuServe numbers (not shown elsewhere
               in the documentation):

                         Fax:           1 (805) 493 0364
                         Compuserve:    75020,556

          This file contains details of the latest changes to the program,
          that were made since the instruction manual was last revised.

          It also contains instructions on installing BIBLOGIC.



               This file provides information for BBS SYSOPs, Shareware
               Distributors, Disk Vendors, and Computer Clubs, User Groups
               or other organizations which wish to distribute the BIBLOGIC

               Individual and Company Users: Please refer to LICENSE.DOC
               for information.

               For sample descriptions which you may use to describe the
               product please see below.


               Individuals who wish to distribute the BIBLOGIC package to
               friends or associates may do so in accordance with the
               restrictions outlined in LICENSE.DOC.

               BBS SYSOPs, Shareware Distributors, Disk Vendors, Computer
               Clubs, User Groups or other organizations wishing to add the
               BIBLOGIC package to their disk library or Electronic
               Bulletin Board System (BBS) may do so in accordance with the
               Distribution Restrictions listed below.


               As the exclusive copyright holder for BIBLOGIC, Stephen
               Champion, Biblogic Computer Services authorizes distribution
               only in accordance with the following restrictions.

               ASP Approved Vendors or BBS Members in good standing are
               hereby given permission to distribute the BIBLOGIC package,
               without explicit notification to Biblogic Computer Services.

               Non-ASP member vendors or BBSs must meet all of the
               requirements listed here. IN ADDITION THEY MUST NOTIFY
               DAYS OF COMMENCEMENT OF DISTRIBUTION. The following MUST be

               o    Name & address of organization distributing BIBLOGIC
               o    Telephone & Fax number (if public)
               o    Version number of BIBLOGIC distributed
               o    Type of distribution (Disk, Disk set, BBS, etc.)
               o    Distribution fee to be charged
               o    A signed statement that the distributor is "willing to
                    comply with the license conditions and restrictions set
                    out in the document VENDOR.DOC supplied by BIBLOGIC
                    with the package".


               The BIBLOGIC package is defined as containing all the
               material listed in the PACKING.LST text file. If any files
               listed in the PACKING.LST text file, or the PACKING.LST file
               itself, are missing, then the package is not complete and
               distribution is forbidden. Please contact us to obtain a
               complete package suitable for distribution.

               The BIBLOGIC package (including all related program files,
               documentation files, and demonstration files) CANNOT be
               modified in any way other than as described in the following
               paragraph. The BIBLOGIC package must be distributed as a
               complete package, other than as described in the following
               paragraph. The PACKING.LST text file contains a list of all
               files that are part of the BIBLOGIC package.

               Small additions to the package, such as the introductory or
               installation batch files used by many shareware disk
               vendors, are acceptable. The addition of a small text file
               to each compressed file or a short message which will
               display when the file is decompressed is also acceptable.
               These methods of promoting your BBS or services may only be
               used provided that the program and documentation is
               otherwise unmodified and complete. For BBS distribution, the
               part of the package (as described in the PACKING.LST file)
               containing the demonstration program may be posted for
               downloading without the remainder of the package, providing
               that the recipient is given equal access to the remainder of
               the package.

               No price or other compensation may be charged for the
               BIBLOGIC package. A distribution fee may be charged for the
               cost of the diskette, shipping and handling. Such charges
               must not exceed a total of US$18.00 in the U.S. and Canada,
               or US$25.00 internationally.

          DISK SETS & CD-ROMs:

               The BIBLOGIC package CANNOT be sold as part of some other
               inclusive package. Nor can it be included in any commercial
               software packaging offer, without prior written agreement
               from Stephen Champion, Biblogic Computer Services.

               ASP Approved Vendors who wish to distribute the BIBLOGIC
               package as part of a collection or a CD-ROM package may do
               so provided that all the other restrictions are met.

               Vendors (non-ASP Vendor Members) who wish to distribute the
               BIBLOGIC package as part of a collection or a CD-ROM package
               must obtain authorization from Stephen Champion, Biblogic
               Computer Services PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF DISTRIBUTION.


               If you wish to add any of our programs to a collection,
               please check the release date of the version you have. If
               the version is over twelve (12) months old then please
               contact us to ensure that you have the most current version.


               If you would like to distribute the BIBLOGIC package as a
               Disk-of-the-Month, or as part of a subscription or monthly
               service, then the following restrictions apply:

               ASP Associate (Disk Vendor) Members in good standing are
               hereby given permission to distribute the BIBLOGIC package
               under the Disk-of-the-Month style of distribution.

               Others (non-ASP Members) must contact us in advance to
               ensure that you have the most current version of the

               You cannot use a Disk-of-the-Month distribution to use up
               your inventory of old (out of date) disks. Only current
               versions may be shipped as Disk-of-the-Month disks.


               The PRINTED manual may not be reproduced in whole or in
               part, using any means, without the written permission of
               Stephen Champion, Biblogic Computer Services.

               You may not list any of our products in advertizements,
               catalogs, or other literature which describes our products
               as "FREE SOFTWARE". Shareware is "Try-Before-You-Buy"
               software, it is not free.

               Stephen Champion, Biblogic Computer Services prohibits the
               distribution of outdated versions of the BIBLOGIC package,
               without written permission. If the version you have is over
               twelve (12) months old, please contact us to ensure that you
               have the most current version.


               The licensee shall not use, copy, rent, lease, sell, modify,
               decompile, disassemble, otherwise reverse engineer, or
               transfer the licensed program except as provided in this
               agreement. Any such unauthorized use shall result in
               immediate and automatic termination of this license.



               Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government of
               the computer software and documentation in this package
               shall be subject to the restricted rights applicable to
               commercial computer software as set forth in subdivision
               (b)(3)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer
               Software clause at 252.227-7013 (DFARS 52.227-7013). The
               contractor/manufacturer is Stephen Champion, Biblogic
               Computer Services, PO Box 1424, Thousand Oaks, California,

               All rights not expressly granted here are reserved to
               Stephen Champion, Biblogic Computer Services.


               It is the policy of Biblogic Computer services to keep ASP
               member Vendors and BBSs up-to-date using the ASP Official
               Group Mailing.

               Non-ASP vendors and BBSs may obtain updates directly from
               Biblogic Computer Services. To obtain a copy from us, please
               send US$7.00 to us to help cover the cost of disks and
               shipping. You will receive the latest copy of BIBLOGIC on
               disk and will be placed on our mailing list. You will be
               informed of updates to the program, which you will be able
               to receive at cost.


          FILE NAMES FOR BBSs:

               For consistency and to help users locate the files, please
               use the following file names:

               If the demonstration program and main program are in
               separate archive files, please use the following names (both
               must be posted). The files shall only be split as defined in

                    BIBLOGI1.ZIP   Demo program and main program overlays
                    BIBLOGI2.ZIP   Main program and documentation

               If the programs and documentation are contained within a
               single archive file, please use the following name:

                    BIBLOGIC.ZIP    Complete BIBLOGIC package

               If the program is compressed using some other file
               compression method, then please use the name "FileName" with
               the appropriate extension (PAK, ARC, LZH, ZOO, etc.).





               Word-processing add-ons, Writing tools, Research tools,
               Education, College/University


               Bibliographic database manager


               The BIBLOGIC bibliographic database program is a
               research/writing tool which allows the user to store,
               retrieve and print bibliographic information and associated
               remarks. The program can generate selected reference lists
               in many styles to satisfy the requirements of different
               publishing bodies. It also allows users to organize their
               own notes on references. The comments on a particular
               concept may then be selectively combined into a single
               document for further word-processing. BIBLOGIC is compatible
               with most word-processors. Hardware: IBM-PC running DOS 2.11
               or better, 640k memory, Hard Disk. Cost of registration:


               The BIBLOGIC bibliographic database program is a
               research/writing tool which allows the user to store,
               retrieve and print bibliographic information and associated
               remarks. The program can generate selected reference lists
               in many styles to satisfy the requirements of different
               publishing bodies. It also allows users to organize their
               own notes on references. The comments on a particular
               concept may then be selectively combined into a single
               document for further word-processing. BIBLOGIC is compatible
               with most word-processors.

               The program was initially written to meet the needs of PhD
               candidates who found that existing programs fell short of
               their requirements. Since the first version of this program
               was released, it has been refined to incorporate many
               suggestions from its users. The program is currently being
               used in universities, hospitals and government departments,
               by researchers in a wide range of disciplines.

               Hardware: IBM-PC running DOS 2.11 or better, 640k memory,
               Hard Disk.
               Cost of registration: $47.00



               If you try BIBLOGIC and continue using it, you are required
               to register your copy. The cost of registration is US$47.00

               When you register your copy, you will receive the right to
               support via fax or mail. You will also be able to receive
               low-cost updates, and you will be able to disable the
               registration reminder screen which is displayed when the
               program is run.

               For complete user registration information please refer to
               the LICENSE.DOC text file.


               We would appreciate copies of anything you print regarding
               BIBLOGIC. Please send us a copy of any reviews, articles,
               catalog descriptions, or other information you print or
               distribute regarding the BIBLOGIC package. Thank you for
               your time and assistance and for supporting the shareware
               marketing concept.

               Thank you for your support!


               Biblogic Computer Services is a small software company owned
               and operated by Stephen Champion.

               Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions,
               comments or suggestions. We can be reached by mail at the
               following address:

               Biblogic Computer Services
               PO Box 1424
               Thousand Oaks
               California, 91358-0424

               This file contains information for vendors and BBS sysops
               wishing to distribute this program.

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #4189

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

LICENSE  DOC      9879   5-25-92   3:32p
README   DOC      5880   6-14-92   9:04a
VENDOR   DOC     15031   6-10-92   7:44p
INSTALL  EXE     29598   6-10-92   1:36p
INSTALL  FIL      6818   6-10-92   9:10p
PACKING  LST      2759   6-12-92   6:29a
BIBLOGIC PAK    286123   7-01-92  10:03p
GO       BAT        24  10-21-93  10:59a
        8 file(s)     356112 bytes
                        3072 bytes free