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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #4188)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5170" to load....


              Copyright 1991 Jerry King, All Rights Reserved
                         by Jerry King
                        CIS 70521, 2600

        BIBLE JUMBLES 1 is released as "Shareware".  It is not free.  If
        you like it and use it beyond a 30 day trial period, please reg-
        ister it.  The registration fee is $16.00 (U.S.).  You can use the
        registration form or order form that should be on the disk.  Or
        just send a check or money order to:
                                                King Software
                                                1200 Jones Drive
                                                Salem, Ohio 44460
        For a more complete discussion of the shareware concept, see the
        last part of this document.  Those who register will receive the
        latest version of the game without the opening and closing share-
        ware screens, and a list of the names used in the game.


        BIBLE JUMBLES 1 - NAMES is a game where you figure out what Bible
        name is jumbled up.  To start the game, change to the drive and
        directory where the game is.  You must be in the same directory,
        or you will get an error message.  For example, you cannot from
        the C:> prompt type "A:bnamess", it will not run.  Switch to drive
        A: and then type "bnamess".  The game will work from either your
        hard drive or a floppy disk.  To install on your hard drive, just
        copy the EXE file to the drive and directory of your choice.
        The shareware version EXE file is called bnamess.exe.  The EXE
        file in the registered version is bnamesr.exe.  The two versions
        are the same except that the registered version does not have the
        opening and closing shareware screens.

        After the opening screen disapears, you have five choices:
        A The entire Bible, B Old Testament only, C New Testament only,
        D Women of the Bible, or ESCAPE to exit.  Make your choice and
        you are ready to play.

        You will be given a jumbled name to figure out and three chances
        to do so.  You will notice in the lower right side of the screen
        a visual clue telling whether the jumble is from the Old Testament
        or the New.  Just type in your guess.  You can use the backspace
        and insert keys to edit your answer.  Then hit the ENTER key. If
        you are incorrect, another clue will appear on the right side of
        the screen giving the first letter of the name.  You have two more
        chances.  At the end of each turn, your score is totaled and you
        are given the choice of continuing or exiting.  The game lasts
        twelve turns.  (I settled on twelve because it seemed like a good
        Biblical number, the twelve tribes of Israel, and the twelve

        Scoring:  On the first try, the jumble is worth points equalling
        twice the length of the jumble.  (A five letter jumble is worth
        ten points.)  On the second try, the jumble is worth half the
        original points (or the same amount of points as there are letters.
        On the third try, the jumble is worth a third of the points that
        it was worth on try one, rounded down. For example, an eleven
        letter jumble would be worth 22 points on try one, 11 points on
        try two, and 5 points on try three.  In addition, there are
        bonus points for getting them right in streaks.  The bonus points
        continue to grow with each correct answer till on the twelvth
        correct answer you could get 48 bonus points if you got the answer
        on the first try.  However, miss once and you start over.

        There are no three letter names in the game (That would be too
        easy.), so you will not find Eve or Job.  Nor did I include names
        that have hyphens, so no Tubal-Cain, Bar-Jesus, or (and this hurt)
        Tiglath-Pileser.  The names are of people, except for the angels
        Gabriel and Michael.  I did not include the pagan gods.  And I
        did not feel it to be reverent to jumble up the names of Jesus or
        Jehovah.  I tried to not include obscure names only mentioned in
        lists of begats or the greetings of Pauls letters.  But I did try
        to be educational.  So I included all of the Kings of Israel and
        Judah, except Asa and Elah.  (Elah has the same letters as Leah.)
        Also included are all the Judges. (I think.)  If two names had the
        same letters like Leah and Elah, I kept the more prominent one. So
        you will find Laban instead of Nabal, and Ishmael instead of Mishael.

        Old Testament characters mentioned in the New Testament are in the
        game treated as Old Testament characters.  Only Melchizedek was a
        problem here since he is mentioned much more in the New Testament
        than in the Old.  The angels Gabriel and Michael appeared in both
        Testaments, and so appear twice in the game.  Names that appear in
        both Testaments with different people appear twice in the game.
        These include Joseph, Levi, Simeon, Saul, and Zechariah.  In the
        game they have different references and the O.T. or N.T. visual
        clue will be different.

        The game was programmed with Borland's Turbo C and GENUS' GX
        Series Developer's Pak.

        If you find any misspellings in my references or names, please
        bring them to my attention, and I will correct them in the game.
        Please enjoy and learn.  -  Jerry King



        Shareware distribution gives users a chance to try software
        before buying it. If you try a Shareware program and continue
        using it, you are expected to register. Individual programs
        differ on details -- some request registration while others
        require it, some specify a maximum trial period. With
        registration, you get anything from the simple right to continue
        using the software to an updated program with printed manual.

        Copyright laws apply to both Shareware and commercial software,
        and the copyright holder retains all rights, with a few specific
        exceptions as stated below. Shareware authors are accomplished
        programmers, just like commercial authors, and the programs are
        of comparable quality. (In both cases, there are good programs
        and bad ones!) The main difference is in the method of
        distribution. The author specifically grants the right to copy
        and distribute the software, either to all and sundry or to a
        specific group. For example, some authors require written
        permission before a commercial disk vendor may copy their

        Shareware is a distribution method, not a type of software. You
        should find software that suits your needs and pocketbook,
        whether it's commercial or Shareware. The Shareware system makes
        fitting your needs easier, because you can try before you buy.
        And because the overhead is low, prices are low also. Shareware
        has the ultimate money-back guarantee -- if you don't use the
        product, you don't pay for it.


        Users of BIBLE JUMBLES 1 must accept this disclaimer of warranty:
        "BIBLE JUMBLES 1 is supplied as is.  The author disclaims all
        warranties, expressed or implied, including, without limitation,
        the warranties of merchantability and of fitness for any purpose.
        The author assumes no liability for damages, direct or conse-
        quential, which may result from the use of BIBLE JUMBLES 1."

        BIBLE JUMBLES 1 is a "shareware program" and is provided at no
        charge to the user for evaluation.  Feel free to share it with your
        friends, but please do not give it away altered or as part of
        another system.  The essence of "user-supported" software is to
        provide personal computer users with quality software without
        high prices, and yet to provide incentive for programmers to
        continue to develop new products.  If you find this program
        useful and find that you are using BIBLE JUMBLES 1 and continue to
        use it after a reasonable trial period, you must make a reg-
        istration payment of $16.00 to KING SOFTWARE.  The $16.00
        registration fee will license one copy for use on any one
        computer at any one time.  You must treat this software just like
        a book.  An example is that this software may be used by any
        number of people and may be freely moved from one computer
        location to another, so long as there is no possibility of it
        being used at one location while it's being used at another.
        Just as a book cannot be read by two different persons at the
        same time.

        You are encouraged to pass a copy of BIBLE JUMBLES 1 along to your
        friends for evaluation.  Please encourage them to register their
        copy if they find that they can use it.  All registered users
        will receive a copy of the latest version of BIBLE JUMBLES 1, that
        does not have the opening and closing shareware screens.  Registered
        users will also receive a list of the names used in BIBLE JUMBLES 1.

        You may also feel free to upload BIBLE JUMBLES 1 to Christian BBS's.
        (Or other BBS's for that matter.)  Please distribute only the
        shareware version to BBS's and to your friends.  Thank you!



		       ORDER FORM   (11/24/91)

	NAME    ___________________________________________________
	STREET  ___________________________________________________
	CITY    _____________________  STATE _______  ZIP__________

	"BIBLE JUMBLES 1 - NAMES"  -  Guess the what the jumbled name
	is.  Over 300 Bible names with scriptural references.  It is
	both fun and educational.  You can play OT only, NT only, the
	entire Bible or Women of the Bible.  EGA or VGA required.
	  disk size:   5.25 ___  3.5 ___   ___ x $16.00 =  _________

	"BIBLE JUMBLES 2 - PLACES"  -  (Available 1/15/92)  Guess what
	Bible city, region, or country is jumbled up.  Over 300 Bible
	locations with scriptural references.  You can play cities,
	countries, regions, or the entire Bible.  EGA or VGA required.
	  disk size:   5.25 ___  3.5 ___   ___ x $16.00 =  _________

	"BIBLE BOOK JUMBLES" - Guess which Bible book name is jumbled
	up.  You can play OT only, NT only, or the entire 66 books of
	the Bible.  EGA or VGA required.
	  disk size:   5.25 ___  3.5 ___    ___ x $5.00 =  _________

	"JKROSES" - A 256 color floral graphics show/screen saver.
	It displays small photos of some beautiful roses at random
	locations, using various special effects.  It is not a TSR,
	so it needs to be started manually.  VGA or SVGA required.
					     ___ x $8.00 =  _________
	  disk size:   5.25 ___  5.25HD___  3.5 ___  3.5HD___

	(You must have a copy of "ULTIMATE GOLF" to use these disks.)
	Vol 1 - Black Swamp Country Club, Candiland, St. Gertrude's,
	Greenbrier Golf Club, Sylvan Lakes, King's Par 3.
	Vol 2 - Beaver Creek East, Beaver Creek West, Island Breeze,
	Flatrock Country Club, King's Mountain, King's Mountain in Winter.
	Vol 3 - Box Canyon, Hills and Lakes, Mercy Hills, Pinnacle Par 3,
	Royal MacCutcheon, Seventeen Lakes.
	     disk size:               Vol 1 -  ___ x $8.00 = _________
	  5.25 ___    3.5 ___         Vol 2 -  ___ x $8.00 = _________
	  5.25HD ___  3.5HD ___       Vol 3 -  ___ x $8.00 = _________

	Send check or money order to:           order total  _________
		  KING SOFTWARE                 6% sales tax _________
		  1200 JONES DRIVE               (Ohio only)
		  SALEM, OH 44460               TOTAL        _________

	If no disk size is chosen, 5.25" will be sent.

	The prices for the above programs include full registration.
	Defective software will be replaced.  Software being what it
	is, I am sorry, there can be no returns.


                                             November 24, 1991

                        Registration Form

                "BIBLE JUMBLES 1 - NAMES" is distributed as share-
        ware.  If you like it and use it for more than a 30 day
        trial period, please register.  The suggested registration
        is $16.00 (U.S.).  Registered users will receive the latest
        version of "BIBLE JUMBLES 1" without the opening and closing
        shareware screens.  They will also receive a list of all
        names used in the game.

        Name:  ___________________________________________________

        Street:  _________________________________________________

        City:  _______________________  State: ___  Zip:  ________

             Number of copies to register____ x $16.00 = $_________

        Disk size:  5.25" ___   3.5" ___
        If no choice is made, 5.25 will be sent.

        Send to:    King Software
                    1200 Jones Drive
                    Salem, OH 44460

        Note:      You can also register by using the order form
        (order.doc) on disk.

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #4188

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

BNAMES   DOC     10161  11-25-91  12:12a
BNAMESS  EXE    197399  11-24-91  11:14p
ORDER    DOC      2612  11-25-91  12:15a
REGISTER DOC      1238  11-24-91   4:14p
SHOW     EXE      2040   9-12-88  10:48a
GO       BAT        34  10-21-93  11:08a
        6 file(s)     213484 bytes
                      106496 bytes free