PCjs Machines

Home of the original IBM PC emulator for browsers.


PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #4183)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5170" to load....


                              NumFall Version 1.00
                              (C) 1993  Albert Hon


     NumFall Is Distributed "As Is" Without Any Form Of Warranty, Either
Implied Of Written, On Any Subject Concerning The Program. The Author Claims
No Warranties And Responsibilities On The Compatibility, Merchantability,
Ability And Items As Such Of The Program. The Author Is In No Mean Liable
For Any Results In Using The Program Such As Loss, Damages And Items As

Distrubuting The Program.....

     NumFall Version 1.00 Is Distributed As A Shareware. Users Are Granted
An Unlimited Time Period To Try The Program Until Future Announcements. Users
Are Strongly Encouraged To Distribute Copies Of The Program Given That The
Copies Are Unmodified And Not Charged For More Than $5 (U.S. or CDN).


     Users May Use The Program As They Wish. However, If Users Find The
Program Interesting Or Think It Is Good, A Contribution Is Cordially
Suggested. Contributions Of Any Amount Are Greatly Appreciated. Contributions
Of $12.95 (U.S. or CDN) Or Over Will Entitle Contributor To Various Benefits.
These Benefits Are Outlined In The Program Itself.

System Requirements.....

     NumFall Version 1.00 Requires IBM PC Or Compatibles. Suggested Speed
Is 8 MHz Or The Program May Seem A Little Slow. EGA Display With 256K Minimum
Video RAM Is Also Required.

Starting The Program.....

     To Start The Program, Just Type NUMFALL And Press ENTER. Make Sure The
Files STAND.EXE And CLIPS.Exe Exist On The Same Directory.


     To Prevent Loss Of Documentations, They Are Built-In. Documentations
Can Be Found Inside The Program Under Option 3.

List Of Files.....

     The Following Files Should Be Included In Every Copy Of
NumFall Version 1.00:

        - NUMFALL.EXE (Main Program)
        - STAND  .EXE (Font Supplier)
        - CLIPS  .EXE (Clip Arts Supplier)
        - NUMFALL.DOC (This Document)

For More Information Concerning The Program And Contribution Please Choose
Option 3 Under The Main Menu In The Program.

NUMFALL.DOC - (C)1993 Albert Hon

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #4183

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

CLIPS    EXE     42092   6-12-93   6:53a
NUMFALL  DOC      2191   6-20-93   8:00a
NUMFALL  EXE    111210   6-24-93   6:45a
STAND    EXE     57436   6-12-93  10:08p
GO       BAT        35  10-21-93   1:32p
SHOW     EXE      2040   9-12-88  10:48a
        6 file(s)     215004 bytes
                      103424 bytes free