PCjs Machines

Home of the original IBM PC emulator for browsers.


PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #4148)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5170" to load....


Company: PractiComp                 Author: Vicki Watson
6490 Dubois Rd.                     Compuserve: 71043,3706
Delaware, OH 43015-8931             614-548-5043

Program Title: Talking Number Machine 1.0
Previous Version: (none)

Category: Education/Elementary

BBS Name: TNUM1A.ZIP    (Disk 1)      TNUM1B.ZIP    (Disk 2)

Detailed Program Description:
TNUM is designed to help children recognize, say, and write numbers
from 1 to 9,999,999,999,999. TNUM uses high quality digitized speech
to say the numbers which appear on the screen. Mouse and/or keyboard
commands may be used. The program includes the following activities:

  Number Machine - Click on the Number Machine and the machine will
      produce an interesting fact containing a large number with an
      accompanying picture. There are options to say, write, and
      form the number. The registered version contains 175 facts.
  Enter any Number - The user may enter (calculator style) any number
      up to 13 digits. There are options to say, write, and form the
  Enter the Written Number - The computer will "think" of a large
      number and display that number in words, for example - nine
      million two hundred fifty one thousand three hundred seventy
      two. The user must enter the digits to make that number.
  Count By - TNUM can also help your child learn to count (by
      increments of 1 to 10). If the user selects 2 the program will
      begin counting by 2's - 2, 4, 6, 8, etc. until you decide to stop.

Short Program Description:
TNUM is designed to help children recognize, say, and write numbers
from 1 to 9,999,999,999,999. The Number Machine displays interesting
facts which include large numbers. TNUM uses high quality digitized
speech to say the numbers.

Intended User:  ages 5 to 10 (approximately)

Unique Features:
Uses clear digitized voice to say numbers from 1 to
9,999,999,999,999. Displays interesting number facts with
accompanying graphic images. Activities include entering
numbers as digits, writing numbers as words, having the
computer speak or write numbers, and counting by increments
of 1 to 10. Program utilizes both mouse and keyboard.

System Requirements:
640K, Hard Drive (approx. 425K), EGA or VGA Color Monitor,
Mouse optional.
*** Not Microsoft Windows compatible.
*** requires a 286 or higher for speech capability.

Starting The Program:
Once installed just type TNUM.

Shareware Registration Fee/Support Provided:
$10.00   * Receive 150 additional number facts for use in TNUM.
         * Receive a utility program to add facts to TNUM.
         * Receive a registered copy of an additional
           program - "Talking Time Tutor".
         * Removal of the initial shareware screen.
         * Most current version of this program at the
           time of registration.
         * Notification of and discounts on program upgrades.
         * Support via phone or mail.

Files Included:
TNUM may be distributed on a single 720K disk, or two 360K disks.
TNUM program files are compressed and then split into the two
files TNUM10.~~1 and TNUM10.~~2 to accommodate 360K distribution
disks. The installation program recombines these files and then
uncompresses them.  The file TNUM10.SI must be included also.

VENDORS: These files are for vendor use only and do not need
         to be distributed to users.
         ---> VENDOR.DOC   * this file.
         ---> TNUM10.PCX  * graphic for catalog use, if desired.
         ---> FILE_ID.DIZ  * description file for BBS's

!!!! The following files are required for proper installation !!!!
  READ.ME         * installation instructions
  BROWSE.COM      * file viewer
  INSTALL.EXE     * installation program
  TNUM10.SI       * required to recombine the split files
  TNUM10.~~1      * split file 1
  TNUM10.~~2      * split file 2

  *** Disk1
  READ.ME         * installation instructions
  BROWSE.COM      * file viewer
  INSTALL.EXE     * installation program
  TNUM10.SI       * required to recombine the split files
  TNUM10.~~1      * split file 1

  *** Disk2
  TNUM10.~~2      * split file 2

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #4148

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

READ     ME        504   8-14-93   1:00a
BROWSE   COM      1088   7-09-87   5:58p
INSTALL  EXE     51856   8-14-93   1:00a
TNUM10   SI         96   8-14-93   1:00a
TNUM10   ~~1     90000   8-14-93   1:00a
GO       BAT        33  10-22-93  10:38a
VENDOR   DOC      4845   8-14-93   1:00a
TNUM10   PCX     41721   8-14-93   1:00a
FILE_ID  DIZ       313   8-14-93   1:00a
        9 file(s)     190456 bytes
                      126976 bytes free