PCjs Machines

Home of the original IBM PC emulator for browsers.


PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #4059)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5170" to load....




INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  1


MAIN MENU WINDOW . . . . . . . . . . . . .  1

USING A MOUSE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  2

VOICE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  2

MUSICAL REWARDS. . . . . . . . . . . . . .  2

SUBMENUS OR LEVEL WINDOWS. . . . . . . . .  3

LASER BLAST. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  3

BUG NUMBERS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  4

APPLESPIDER. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  4

TIMESTABLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  5

ADDITION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  5
     Add Level 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . .  5
     Add Level 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . .  6
     Add Level 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . .  6
     Add Level 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . .  6

SUBTRACTION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  6
     Sub Level 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . .  6
     Sub Level 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . .  7
     Sub Level 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . .  7
     Sub Level 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . .  7
MULTIPLICATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  7
     Mul Level 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . .  7
     Mul Level 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . .  8
     Mul Level 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . .  8
     Mul Level 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . .  8

DIVISION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  8
     Div Level 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9
     Div Level 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9
     Div Level 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9
     Div Level 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9

ALGEBRA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9

SOME FINAL NOTES . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

                 MOM'  MATH
                 The Manual

The strength and prosperity of the U.S. has always
relied on the level of our education and character of
our people.  Now, the education level in the U.S. is
actually decreasing rather than increasing.  Illiteracy
is becoming common and knowledge of science and
technology is becoming rare.  In most U.S. Universities
the foreign students specializing in science and
technology now outnumber the American students.  By
placing this software on the market we hope to do our
part to rectify this problem.

This program is divided into 9 math options.  These are
Laser Blast, Bug Numbers, Applespider, Timestable,
Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, and
Algebra.  Multiple levels are provided to allow growth.

The minimum hardware requirements for running Mom's Math
are 256K RAM and EGA graphics adapter.  A mouse is
optional.  The minimum software requirement is DOS
version 2.0 or higher.

This window lists all the main options you may choose
from.  There are several ways to select an option from
Main Menu.  You may use the up or down arrow keys to
highlight the desired option then press the ENTER key to
accept the option.  Or, you may press the key
corresponding to the first letter of the desired option
until the option is highlighted then press the ENTER
key.  You may also use the mouse to select an option as

described in the next section.   Accept QUIT or press
the ESC key to stop the program.

If you have a mouse and have installed it's driver, you
can use it in the option windows to select options.  To
select an option using the mouse just move the mouse
cursor to the option you want then press the left button
twice.  The first press will highlight the option and
the second press will select it.

The right mouse button can usually be used in place of
the escape key (ESC) to exit menus or options.  Also,
the left button can usually (not always) be used in
place of the ENTER or RETURN key.  Instructions are
usually given on the screen to tell you when this is

If you're not using a Microsoft (tm) compatible mouse
you may have trouble using Mom's Math.  If so, turn off
the mouse support in Mom' Math by pressing the t or T
key during the opening screen.  Tandy (tm) and Agiler
(tm) mice are sometimes not Microsoft (tm) compatible.

If you have purchased the voice files for Mom's Math,
you can use this option to turn on the voice.  If Voice
is on and Musical Rewards is off you'll get voice
compliments after each correct answer.  If Musical
Rewards is on, you'll get a musical reward after each
correct answer.

You may or may not want the computer to make sounds.  To
turn the Musical Rewards off select this option from the

Main Menu.  If you select ALWAYS, you'll get musical
rewards for each correct answer and a beep for incorrect
answers.  If you select SOMETIMES, you'll get musical
rewards for every 100 points.  If you select NEVER
(OFF), all sound will be off except for Voice.  Voice is
controlled separately.

Most options have submenu windows.  These windows are
used to select learning levels or to choose a particular
suboption.  Choose from these menus using the same
techniques as in Main Menu.  In particular, use the
mouse, arrow keys, or the key corresponding to the first
letter of the option to highlight the desired option
then press the ENTER key or the left mouse button to
accept.  Accept Return, or press the ESC key, or press
the right mouse button to return to Main Menu.

This is an exciting game that entertains and teaches
quantity.  First, a number of space ships are shown.
Then, colored numbers begin to float across the screen.
The object of the game is to shoot the correct number
with the laser.  The correct number is the one that
equals the number of space ships.  To shoot, simply push

To get numbers 0 through 4, start the game by choosing
the first option.  To get numbers 5 through 9 choose the
second option.  Obviously, most pre-schoolers should
start with the numbers 0 through 4.

Points are given for each hit.  The faster you play, the
more points given.  The speed can be increased by using
the > key and decreased using the < key.

To return to Main Menu press ESC.

This option teaches the concept of multi-digit numbers.
You are shown three large boxes.  The box on the right
will have 0 to 9 large individual bugs.  The center box
will have smaller bugs grouped in clusters of 10 each.
The box on the left will have very small bugs in groups
of 100 bugs each.  Your job is to find how many bugs are
shown on the screen.

You must first count the number of groups that contain
100 bugs each.  Press this number on the keyboard.  This
gives you the most significant digit.  Next, count the
number of groups that contain 10 bugs and press this
number key.  This gives you the next most significant
digit.  Finally, count the number of large bugs on the
right side and type this number.  This gives you the
least significant digit and you're done.  Ten points and
an animation are given for completion.

This is a very exciting and intense game that drills you
in basic addition, subtraction, multiplication, or
division.  From the Applespider opening screen choose
Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, or Division.
Next, you must choose the playing speed.  Your options
are Very Slow, Slow, Medium, Fast, or Very Fast.  More
points are given for playing faster.

The applespider wants to eat your apple.  You must
prevent this by using the arrow keys to move the apple
out of the spider's way.  At the beginning you are given
10 free moves.  To get more moves you must solve the
equation at the bottom of the screen.  For every correct
answer you get five more moves and points are added to
your score.  As your score increases, the spider gets

Your Applespider score will get added to your total Math
score only if you win the game.  You win when you have

correctly answered 20 math problems.  When this happens
another apple will fall on the spider and squash him.

As always, press ESC to stop.

After selecting this option you'll have to select a
level from one to seven.  If you choose Level 5, for
example, the number 5 will be used in the multiplication
table.  After you choose a level a worm will move that
many apples onto the screen in one row.  Then, you'll
have to multiply that number by 1 to continue.  Let's
assume again that you chose the number 5.  After you
give the answer to 5 X 1 the worm will move another row
of 5 apples onto the screen.  You must now give the
answer to 5 X 2.  This continues until 5 rows are done.
You can always find the answer by adding the total
number of apples.

When you're done just press the ESC key.  You'll then be
shown how many points you accumulated.  More difficult
multiplication tables give higher scores.

This option has four levels of difficulty.  In each
level the numbers are chosen at random.

Add Level 1
In this beginner's level, stars are shown beside each
number.  The number of stars equals the number.  For
example, suppose you are asked to add the numbers 2 and
3.  Beside 2 there will be two stars and beside 3 there
will be three stars.  To find the answer just count the
number of stars, type the answer and press the ENTER
key.  After you've entered the correct answer you must
press a key to continue.

Add Level 2
This level is exactly like Level 1 except the numbers
are larger and the stars are not shown.

Add Level 3
This level illustrates how to add multiple digit numbers
by stepping you through the process.  Again, all numbers
are chosen at random.  Active elements of the problem
are highlighted by flashing the digits.  Individual
questions in the form of simple equations are shown at
the bottom of the interactive window.   A flashing
cursor at the end of this equation indicates that an
input is expected.  If you enter the correct value it
will be placed in its proper spot.  The computer will
beep if the answer is incorrect.  When you've finished
with the problem, you must press a key to continue.

Add Level 4
This level is exactly like Level 3 except numbers with
decimals are used.

In each of these levels a complete correct answer is
rewarded by the addition of 10 points to your score.  If
sound is on you'll also get a tune for every 100 points.
You can press ESC to quit and return to Math Menu when
you're done.

This option has four levels of difficulty.  In each
level the numbers are chosen at random.

Sub Level 1
In this beginners level, stars are shown beside each
number.  The number of stars equals the number.  If you
are asked to, for example, subtract 2 from 4 there will
be two stars beside the number 2 and four stars beside
the number 4.  However, two of the four stars beside the
number four will be blinking to indicate the two that
will be taken away.  Also, the two stars beside the

number 2 will be blinking.  To find the answer just
count the number of stars that are not blinking.  After
you've entered the correct answer you must press a key
to continue.

Sub Level 2
This level is exactly like Level 1 except the numbers
are larger and the stars are not shown.

Sub Level 3
This level illustrates how to subtract multiple digit
numbers by stepping you through the process.  Again, all
numbers are chosen at random.  Active elements of the
problem are highlighted by flashing the digits.
Individual questions in the form of simple equations are
shown at the bottom of the interactive window.   A
flashing cursor at the end of this equation indicates
that an input is expected.  If you enter the correct
value it will be placed in its proper spot.  The
computer will beep if the answer is incorrect.  When
you've finished with the problem, you must press a key
to continue.

Sub Level 4
This level is exactly like Level 3 except numbers with
decimals are used.

In each of these levels a complete correct answer is
rewarded by the addition of 10 points to your score.  If
sound is on you'll also get a tune for every 100 points.
You can press ESC to quit and return to Math Menu when
you're done.

This option also has four levels of difficulty.

Mul Level 1
This level is similar to Add & Sub Level 1 because you
must count stars that do not blink to find the correct

answer.  The difference is that the stars are grouped
differently and there is only one line with stars.  For
example, suppose you are asked to find the product of 4
and 2.  At the bottom, where the answer belongs, you
will find two groups with four stars each.  In other
words, the computer has taken the four stars and placed
them in the answer line twice.  There is a total of 8
stars and they have been placed on the line where the
number 8 belongs.

Mul Level 2
This level is like Level 1 but larger numbers are used
and no stars are displayed.

Mul Level 3
This level leads you through long multiplication with
multiple digit numbers.  As in Add & Sub levels 3 & 4,
active elements of the problem are highlighted by
flashing the numbers.  The instructions and questions to
be answered are displayed at the bottom of the
interactive window.  The flashing cursor at the end of
this question or equation is an indication that the
computer is waiting for an input.

Mul Level 4
Level 4 is identical to Level 3 except decimals are

In each of these levels a complete correct answer is
rewarded by the addition of 10 points to your score.
You can press ESC to quit and return to Math Menu when
you're done or press any other key to continue.

This option also has four levels of difficulty.

Div Level 1
This level is similar to Add & Sub Level 1 because you

must count stars that do not blink to find the correct
answer.  The difference is that the stars are grouped
differently and there is only one line with stars.  If
you are asked to, for example, divide 12 by 3 then
beside the 12 will be placed three groups of stars with
4 stars in each group.  Only one group will not be
blinking.  So, if you count the stars that do not blink,
you'll find the correct answer to be 4.

Div Level 2
This level is like Level 1 but larger numbers are used
and no stars are displayed.

Div Level 3
This level leads you through long division with multiple
digit numbers.  As in Add & Sub levels 3 & 4, active
elements of the problem are highlighted by flashing the
numbers.  The instructions and questions to be answered
are displayed at the bottom of the interactive window.
The flashing cursor at the end of this question or
equation is an indication that the computer is waiting
for an input.

Div Level 4
Level 4 is identical to Level 3 except decimals are

In each of these levels a complete correct answer is
rewarded by the addition of 10 points to your score.
You can press ESC to quit and return to Math Menu when
you're done or press any other key to continue.

This option also has four levels of difficulty.  All
four levels are basic introductory algebra but the
difficulty level does increase slightly with each level.
In each level you must solve for the unknown value of Y.
Just follow the instructions and answer the questions,
and the computer will lead you through the solution.
When you see the cursor flashing, the computer is

waiting for an input.

In all the Math options, the active parts of the
equation are highlighted by flashing the numbers.  Also,
the final correct answer is rewarded by the addition of
10 points to your score.   Press ESC to quit and return
to Math Menu when you're done or press any other key to

I hope you enjoy this software and your children learn
much from it.  I'll continue making additions,
improvements, and corrections.  Other software packages
may be prettier but the fancy graphics require huge
amounts of memory and, therefore, limit the utility of
the software.  I believe those software packages are all
bun and very little meat.  Mom's Math is designed to
have just the right amount of both to make it useful and

This software is dedicated to three people.  First, to
my wife for her patience as I've worked late nights and
early mornings for the last 5 years writing this
program.  Second, to my 9-year-old adopted son who
provided the motivation for this software.  And, third,
to the unwed teenage girl who gave birth to our son then
gave him to us rather than choosing to terminate his


Dr. Andrew Motes
Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering
John Brown University

All rights reserved, 1992    MOTES EDUCATIONAL SOFTWARE
                             PO BOX 575
                             Siloam Springs, AR  72761



                        PO BOX 575
                 Siloam Springs, AR  72761
               For orders call 1-800-839-7031
            Otherwise please use (501)-524-8741

                        ORDER FORM

1.   Mom's Math Site License                            _______
     A.   You may use this program on one
     computer as long as you want without
     payment.  We're doing this in hopes that
     you'll like our software and decide to
     purchase additional software.
     B.   2 - 4 computers ($10 per computer)
     C.   5 - 10 computers ($50)
     D.   11 - 30 computers ($75)
     E.   More than 30 computers ($100)
     F.   Network ($50)

2.   Mom's Math Voice Files                             _______
     These files allow Mom's Math to
     talk with real human voice either
     through the PC speaker or sound
     board.  Hard drive required. ($10)

3.   School-Mom PLUS                                    _______
     Math, English, Alphabet, Art, Music,
     Telling Time, Exam Generator and more.
     This is the deluxe version with an EGA
     coloring book option.  A hard drive is
     required. ($10)  Add an additional $5 if
     you want your name added to the Main Screen.

4.   School-Mom Utilities                               _______
     This program is for teachers and parents.
     It allows you to edit or change the
     School-Mom data files, exams, etc.  ($10)

5.   School-Mom PLUS Bound Manual                       _______

6.   School-Mom Voice Files                             _______
     This is an add-on that allows School-Mom
     to talk though the PC speaker or sound
     board with real human voice.  Hard
     drive required. ($10)

7.   School-Mom Additional Exam Files                   _______
     Over 30 additional exams that cover
     history, geography, math, vocabulary,
     etc.  ($5)

8.   Spelling BEEZ                                      _______
     A VGA spelling practice program that
     you can even use with your spelling
     homework.  It talks too!  Requires a
     hard drive. ($10)

9.   Children's Graphics and Dr. Motes' Colorbook       _______
     Fun graphics programs for kids.  ($10)

10.  School-Mom for Windows, Volume 1 (Colorbook)       _______
     This is the first of 10 volumes planned.

11.  ESC Shareware Package                              _______
     This package contains about 100 educational
     shareware programs written by members of the
     Educational Software Cooperative.  All programs
     are compressed.  A decompression program is
     included but this package is recommended for
     experience computer users only.  Only available
     on 3.5 inch, high density diskettes. ($40)

                                       SUBTOTAL         _______

                        Arkansas tax (add 7.5%)         _______
                        (Arkansas residents only)

                        Shipping and handling           _______
                        ($5 for North America or
                        $10 for all others.)

                                        TOTAL           _______

You may pay using a check on a US Bank, an International Money
Order, a Postal Money Order, or you may use VISA or MASTER CARD.

If using credit card
Credit card number:  ____________________________________
Expiration Date:     ________
Signature:           ____________________________________

Customer's Telephone Number:   _________________________________

Customer's Name and Address:   _________________________________

Disk size desired:             _________________________________
3.5" LD  _____
3.5" HD  _____                 _________________________________
5.25" LD _____
5.25" HD _____

Send order to address at top of this document.


                MOM'S MATH Version 4.3

The minimum software requirement is DOS 2.0 or higher.  The
minimum hardware requirements for MOM'S MATH are 256K of RAM
and EGA graphics.  A mouse is optional.

To run the program simply place the disk in the drive, type
GO, MM or MES, then press ENTER.

You may install this program on your hard drive.  To do this
just type GO then press ENTER.  Select the INSTALL option
from the menu that appears on your screen and follow the


Program Name:  Mom's Math

Version: 4.3

Hardware Requirements: 256K RAM, EGA Graphics

Software Requirements: DOS version 2.0 or higher

Author: Dr. Andrew Motes

Other software written by author: School-Mom, The Children's Graphics
    Program, Dr. Motes' Colorbook

    Whether playing the arcade-style games or using the problem
    solving tutorials, children ages 4 to 14 will learn math concepts
    ranging from counting to pre-algebra.  The tutorals on addition,
    subtraction, multiplication, division and pre-algebra have
    multiple learning levels allowing your child to master each level
    and advance at his or her own pace.  Requires 256K RAM and EGA
    graphics.  A mouse is optional.

Files on disk:
    go.bat - Loads the MES installation and shell program.
    mes.exe - The installation and shell program.
    mm.exe - The Mom's Math executable program.
    mmreadme.doc - ASCII file for the user to read.
    mm_man.doc - ASCII manual file.
    mmorder.doc - A letter that customers can use to purchase software
    vendor.doc - This file.  Vendors may delete this file before distributing.
    sceen3.doc - Graphics file
    file_id.diz - A short description for BBS use

There are 9 files on this disk.

Note to BBS operators - Please use file name MM43.ZIP for the
zipped file if possible.  Otherwise use MOMA43.ZIP

You may copy and distribute this program on diskette, BBS, or CD-ROM as long
as you do not charge for the software.  You must inform your customers that
they are purchasing your disk and services but not this software.  You may
not change any file on this disk without the permission of the author.  You
may delete the VENDOR.DOC file before you distribute the disk to your
customers. Rack vendors must pay the author at least a 10 cent royalty
per disk sold.

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #4059

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

MM       EXE     69773   7-18-93   4:30a
MES      EXE     35549   7-18-93   4:30a
MMREADME DOC       506   7-18-93   4:30a
MM_MAN   DOC     17727   7-18-93   4:30a
VENDOR   DOC      1873   7-18-93   4:30a
MMORDER  DOC      4012   7-18-93   4:30a
SCEEN3   DAT     28008   7-18-93   4:30a
FILE_ID  DIZ       236   7-18-93   4:30a
GO       BAT        22   7-18-93   4:30a
        9 file(s)     157706 bytes
                         512 bytes free