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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #3953)

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T h e  P C - S I G  L i b r a r y  o n  C D - R O M,

                1 2 t h E d i t i o n


The PC-SIG Library on CD-ROM, winner of the Optical Publishing
Association's Best Consumer Product Award, has added a hypermedia
interface that makes it easy to find and download any type of program
you could want. The WordCruncher text retrieval program has also been
implemented to assist you insearching this vast collection.

This CD-ROM contains over 3700 fully functional shareware programs, each
with a detailed review. The 12th Edition has added over 300 new programs
and over 500 updates since the release of the 11th Edition. The
collection is always kept current and now contains over 70 megabytes of
Windows 3.0 and 3.1 applications, fonts, icons, games and wallpaper

The range of software is phenomenal! There are huge assortments of
games, everything from adventure games with full SVGA and SoundBlaster
support to favorites like Klondike, Chess and Othello. Spreadsheets,
databases, wordprocessors and graphics programs are instantly available
and there are literally hundreds of unique and specialized programs that
will save you time and money. This amazing collection will help you get
a handle on all your business and home accounting and also teach your
children about zoology.

Each of the more than 3700 programs has a one-line description for quick
reference, Just pick one of the 13 software categories and a subcategory
to begin browsing for a program that interests you. You might choose the
Games Category, where you can pick from 12 subcatgories including
Adventure, Arcade, Cards and more. A mouse click (or keyboard stroke) on
the program title takes you to a detailed description of the program.
you can immediately download the software to your hard or floppy drive,
and in many cases view a screen shot.

You can find any program in the collection quickly and easily by using
the search button. When you are in a program category just type in the
title of the program and you will be taken to the description of that
program. The popular WordCruncher text retrieval program has been added
to allow searching every description for any word within that
description, not just in the title or keywords chosen by someone who
thinks differently than you do. The WordCruncher is ideal for finding
programs which perform a specific function, just try searching for
"split", "math" or "subtract". Or switch to the Disks section where you
will find an alphabetical list of all the programs which can be searched
by program title or disk number.

Everyone has their favorite programs and we're no exception. Our 44
favorite programs can be run immediately. No downloading is necessary,
all you do is click on the word "RUN" in the program description and
you'll be working or playing with top notch software right on the CD.

The power of hypermedia will allow you to try out more software than you
ever thought possible. We are sure that you will find a multitude of
programs to your liking on the P-SIG Library on CD-ROM.

System Requirements: IBM PC/AT PS/2 or compatible with 640K, DOS 3.3 or
higher, Microsoft MS-DOS CD-ROM Extensions and a CD-ROM player. We
recommend a 386 with a VGA monitor.

T h e E s s e n t i a l H o m e & B u s i n e s s C o l l e c t i o n

"Never before has such a valuable collection of popular shareware been
compiled on one CD-ROM that everyone can afford." Dr. File Finder a.k.a.
Michael Callahan

Finally, 368 of the most useful, popular, important shareware programs
have been put together on one CD. No matter what your need, it's on The
Essential Home & Business Collection.  Everything from Administration to
Windows software is here.

The Essential CD incorporates the WordCruncher text retrieval system.
Every program on the disc is indexed by title, filename, PC-SIG disk
number, and every word in the program description.  A new utility, Narc,
is implemented so you can look at the program files and the author's
on-line documentation without having to first copy the program to your
hard disk.  By using WordCruncher and Narc, you can quickly find the
program you want and review it to be sure, without ever having to run it
from your hard disk.

If you've got a CD-ROM player at home and want to get more use of it and
your computer, or if you're trying to avoid purchasing another Nintendo
cartridge, or if you just enjoy looking at new software, you need The
Essential Home & Business Collection.

System Requirements:

IBM PC/XT/AT PS/2 or compatible with 384K memory DOS 3.1 or higher and
Microsoft MS-DOS CD ROM extensions.

T h e  P C - S I G   G a m e s    C D - R O M

Now you can play a game a day fo over a year.  This CD-ROM is jammed
with over 380 shareware games of all types, designed to appeal to the
new generation of CD-ROM users out for fun.  The CD incorporates a
hypermedia interface and allows 250 of the games to be played directly
from the CD-ROM.

The hottest games in shareware are on this disk, including the
action/arcade games "Jill of the Jungle" and "Wolfenstein 3D," which
rival or surpass commercial PC and Nintendo for use of animation,
SoundBlaster audio, and VGA graphics.  There are also games designed to
teach children mathematics, spelling and even ecology.  All these games
for less than a dime each!

Over 250 of the games can be played directly from the CD without copying
them to a floppy or a hard drive.  Being able to run from the CD means
that users can explore games without using up valuable hard disk space
or spending time downloading and deleting files.  The hypermedia
interface makes it easy to browse the titles, read a one line
description or full review, and copy or start a game by clicking the
mouse or using the keyboard.

T h e   P C - S I G   W o r l d   o f   G a m e s   C D - R O M

The new PC-SIG World of Games CD-ROM contains over 550 of the best
shareware games, including 53 educational games for children and 57
Windows games. 430 of them can be played directly from the CD without
using your hard drive space.

This edition employs the award-winning HyperReader interface, allowing
easy searching and playing by using a mouse or the keyboard.

This CD is the first in a six-volume PC-SIG Encyclopedia of Shareware
series. Each volume will include the programs from a section of the
PC-SIG collection and also the programs and text from the current issue
of Shareware Magazine. This CD contains the entire text from the
May/June issue of Shareware Magazine, featuring hardware reviews of
the Tandy Sensation and the Media Vision Pro 16 Multimedia System.
Software reviews included cover 58 new shareware releases, security,
educational, CD audio and PIM's. 159 of the programs mentioned in the
magazine are included and can be downloaded using the HyperReader

There are also 89 programs which were updated since the last issue of
Shareware Magazine, helping those of you who have purchased the 12th
edition of the PC-SIG Library keep on top of the everchanging world
of shareware.

As well, a description of every program in the PC-SIG Library can be
searched with the WordCruncher text retrieval program. This Games CD
continues the ten year PC-SIG tradition of providing quality programs
and information to help you find the best program for your purpose.

System Requirements: IBM PC/AT/PS/2 or compatible computer with 640K,
DOS 3.3 or higher, Microsoft MS-DOS CD-ROM Extensions and a CD-ROM
player. We recommend a 386 with a VGA monitor.

To Order in the U.S.A.: Call 800-245-6717 and ask for Customer Service.

For Technical information: Call 408-730-9291 and ask for Technical

Outside the U.S.A.: Call (408) 730-9291 for the name of the dealer near


                           DFF3 Documentation
                             DannySoft Inc.
                              Daniel Doman
                          166 East 96th Street
                          New York, N.Y. 10128
                          212-289-1024 (voice)
                          212-427-1805 (data)

	DFF is available free of charge to the general public. You may not
charge for its use without the written permission of the author. Feel
free to distribute this program freely provided that no fee is charged
for such copying and distribution, and that it is distributed ONLY in
its original, unmodified state. No `shareware registration' is asked
for or expected. Of course, if you want to send something anyway  well
I am not crazy...

	DFF is a fast file finder. It can search one or more drives for one
or more filenames. It will work fine on both local and `Network'
drives. It does all of the things that Norton's (tm) "FF" will do plus
a few additional things. I originally wrote DFF because FF was so slow
on large network drives. It used to make me crazy to stare at a blank
screen for endless seconds wondering what was going on while the
network server squeaked away madly. DFF displays the current
subdirectory that it is searching, so you always know what it is

	By default DFF searches for a file from the "root" directory of the
current drive. If your search argument includes a path, DFF will only
search `under' that path. You can tell DFF to search specific drives,
specific paths, scan across multiple drives or any combination.
Command line switches can be given anywhere on the command line. If
two switches conflict, the last switch given takes precedence.

Below are the possible command line switches:

 /D	-	Search All Drives Starting With The Current Drive
 /C	-	Search All Drives Starting With Drive C:
 /Dx	-	Search All Drives Starting With Drive 'x'
 /M{#}	-	Limit Matches - Default Is One
 /N	-	Non-Stop Mode - Do Not Pause After Full Screen
 /Q	-	Quiet... Do Not Display Search In Progress


	If you want to capture DFF's output, just redirect it to any file.
DFF will continue to write to BOTH the screen and your output file. If
you are redirecting it, DFF will not pause after every screen. In the
example below, DFF will search for two files on all drives starting
from C: - its output is sent to "capture.lst".

		DFF /C weird.com fanny.flg >FOUND.LST

DFF zazupit.d*		-	Search Only Current Drive

DFF .\sludg.*		-	Search From Current Directory

DFF ..\Snit.*		-	Search Start From Parent Directory

DFF zazupit.d*    /M 	-	Stop After First Match

DFF zazupit.d*    /M3	-	Stop After 3 Matches

DFF zazupit.d*    /C	-	Search All Drives Starting With C:

DFF zazupit.d*    /D	-	Search All Drives Starting With Current

DFF zazupit.d*    /Dd	-	Search All Drives Starting With D:

DFF d:\zazupit.d* /D	-	Search All Drives Starting With D:

DFF this that     /C	-	Search For This.* and That.* on All Drives
                                   Start with C:

Changes From DFF.exe Version 1:

-	Screen Pause added. DFF now pauses after every screen full of data
   and waits for the user to press a key to continue. This can be
   disabled by the /N(onstop) switch. DFF examines the Video table to
   determin the number of lines per screen.

-	Quiet mode added. Although DFF was originally written to display
   the directories it searched, some people found this irritating. The
   /Q(uiet) switch will make DFF less verbose.

-	Matches Limit. The /M(atches) switch was added to allow the user to
   limit the search to the first xxx matches. In really large network
   environments this can be really handy.

-	Redirection. DFF version 1 wrote to a log file specified by a
   command line argument. Most users preferred to simply redirect the
   output. DFF now sense redirection and adjusts its output

-	DFF version 1 started searching multiple drives with the /D(rives).
   Adding a "+" to the /D would tell DFF to start searching from drive
   "C:". I don't know where I cam up with that particular bit of
   logic. Although /D+ works the same way, the /C switch tells DFF to
   search multiple drives starting with drive C:. A /DC would also do
   the same thing.

-	Additional logic was added so that DFF would search with the same
   wild card expansion as DOS - Specifying "FOO" would search for
   "FOO.*", and "FOO*" would search for "FOO*.*".

Changes From DFF.exe Version 2:

-	DFF2 was still born. A a last minute typo in my "make" file caused
   the /D switch to be disabled. Although this error was caught within
   24 hours, it seemed prudent to release DFF under a new version


                    Composing Messages for MCI Mail
                    ========= ======== === === ====

                 by Pete Maclean, 8th September, 1990.

Preparing outgoing messages
--------- -------- --------
When you use MCI Mail in terminal mode, it prompts you for every element that
is required in an envelope:  Tos, CCs, Subject, etc.  When preparing a message
for Emma to upload to MCI, you must compose not only the text of your message
but the envelope as well.

Outgoing messages should be created, one per file, using a word processor or
editor that produces text in pure ASCII.  Here is a simple example:

     To:  Emma Peel
     To:  John Steed
     Cc:  Mother
     Subject:  Dead mice

     The message text starts here and continues...

Every message must have an envelope and a text.  Messages sent to other MCI Mail
subscribers may also have one or more attachments (as described below).  Each
message starts with an envelope that serves to identify the addressees and the

The basic components of an envelope are addresses and a subject.  Addresses are
specified as TO:'s and CC:'s.  An envelope must start with a TO: address.  That
is followed by as many more TO:'s as you need and then, optionally, some CC:'s.
The envelope is normally completed by a single SUBJECT: line but this may be
omitted.  The envelope must contain no blank lines but must be separated from
the message text by a blank line.

Do not include a FROM: line.  MCI Mail adds that on your behalf as well as
inserting a line recording the time and date that the message was mailed.

Each line of an envelope begins with a keyword, such as "to" or "subject",
followed by a colon.  MCI is case insensitive; you can write in uppercase,
lowercase or any mixture.  Any amount of blank space may separate the colon and
the text that follows.

You must use exactly one TO: or CC: line per addressee.  Extra information may
be necessary to complete each address as discussed below for the various
possible cases.

It is a good idea to make a template envelope for each correspondent or group
to whom you'll frequently be sending messages.  Then, when the time comes to
post a piece of mail, you need only insert the envelope at the start of the
message and perhaps edit the subject field.

Emma is accompanied by a batch of template message files to guide you in
composing your own.  These files are:

     COMPUSRV.MSG    a model for sending to a CompuServe subscriber.
     FAX.MSG         for taking advantage of MCI's fax dispatch.
     INTERNET.MSG    for sending to an Internet mailbox.
     MCI_MBOX.MSG    for addressing another MCI-Mail subscriber.
     PAPER.MSG       for generating paper messages.
     TELEX.MSG       for directing a message to a telex machine.

Addressing Other MCI Subscribers
---------- ----- --- -----------
If the addressee's name is unique among MCI Mail subscribers then it is
sufficient to provide the name alone, but it must be spelled precisely.  If you
know the party's MCI Mail ID then it is wise to include that too.  If the name
is not unique then some other item of information must be included and the ID is
the surest.  Follow the name with a slash and then the ID as in:

     To: Emma Peel/123-4567

Fax Machines
--- --------
List the name of the person to whom the fax is directed on the TO: or CC: line
followed by "(fax)".  Then add a line giving the fax number as in this example:

     TO:  Beautiful Zelda (fax)
          Faxno:  415-555-5555

Telex Machines
----- --------
Again list the name of the intended recipient on the TO: or CC: line then add
the full telex number and answerback as in:

     To: John Steed
         TLX: 123456789 BROLLY

CompuServe Subscribers
---------- -----------
Put the subscriber's name on the TO: or CC: line then complete the address as
in this example:

     To: Miles Pickens
          MBX: 22222,222

The MBX: line carries the CompuServe ID of the addressee.

Paper Mail
----- ----
When a message is to be printed and hand delivered, a suitable address must be
given.  Here are two examples:

     To:       John Smith (PAPER <options>)
               Company:  First Class Widgets
               Line1:    1750 Meadow Road
               Line2:    Suite 100
               City:     Anytown
               State:    Virginia
               Code:     22102

     To:       Jane Brown (PAPER <options>)
               Company:  British Widgets
               Line1:    40 Queen Street
               City:     London
               Code:     W1A 2F
               Country:  England

Any field that is not needed in a given address may be omitted, but a foreign
address must include the Country.

The <options> field can contain such standard MCI options as "receipt", "onite",

Internet Mail
-------- ----
Here is a template for sending mail via MCI to the Internet.  The Internet
address follows the "mbx:" on the third line.

               To:  An Internet mailbox (ems)
                    EMS: internet
                    MBX: tom@internet_site.dom

Sending to AT&T Mail and TeleMail
------- -- ---- ---- --- --------
MCI Mail has X.400 links to AT&T Mail and TeleMail.  Addressing mail to users of
these particular systems is a bit more difficult than other cases so I'm taking
the liberty of omitting instructions here.  If you need the information, connect
to MCI Mail in terminal mode and enter a command such as:


More on addressing messages
---- -- ---------- --------
You may direct a message to addressees in any combination of the above
categories.  For example, you might send a message TO: another MCI subscriber
with a CC: to someone else's fax machine and another CC: to a third person via
telex.  Sometimes, if I have a very urgent message for someone, I'll send copies
to his MCI mailbox, his fax machine and his Internet mailbox -- given, of
course, that he has all three.

Some people have written companion programs to compose messages for Emma.  I
find my word processor to be sufficent for the purpose.

The foregoing sections provide only the rudiments of MCI Mail addressing.
Addresses can get much more complex.  For more information on creating
addresses (except for faxes) see The Complete MCI Mail Handbook by Stephen
Manes (Bantam Books, 1988).

Attachments are PC files that are sent along with a message.  They are permitted
-- indeed they make sense -- only for messages that are directed to other MCI
Mail subscribers.  Furthermore, in order to retrieve a message with attachments,
a recipient must use Emma, Lotus Express or some other special interface
program.  Attachments are not accessible to subscribers who use MCI Mail in
terminal mode.

Attachments are specified by envelope lines that have special meaning to Emma.
Here is an example:

          To: John Steed/283-6437
          Subject: New software.
          Attach:  EMMA.ASM
          Attach:  EMMA.COM

          Here are the source and executable of the latest version of

When Emma receives a message with attachments, it writes each one to a file of
the same name (that is the name given by the sender) provided that no similarly
named file already exists.  When there is a name conflict, rather than risk
overwriting an existing file, Emma creates another file called ATTACHED.xxx
where "xxx" is replaced by some unique extension.  A notice is appended to the
incoming message alerting the user to each attachment and indicating what file
it has been stored on.  Here is a copy of the message shown above as it might
look when received by Emma:

          Date:     Sat Feb 13, 1989  1:23 pm  PDT
          From:   * Pete Maclean / MCI ID: 263-7215

          TO:       John Steed / MCI ID: 283-6437
          Subject:  New software.

          Here are the source and executable of the latest version of


Some tips for composing messages
---- ---- --- --------- --------

* No line in any part of a message should have more than 80 characters.

* Messages may contain only printable ASCII characters.  (That means characters
  you can see plus carriage returns, linefeeds, tabs, and formfeeds.  Use
  formfeeds to indicate page boundaries in faxes and paper letters.)

* Each outgoing message must be saved on a separate .OUT file.

* Avoid saving a partially composed message on a file called ANYTHING.OUT.
  Should you forget about it, it may get sent before you intend it to be.

* Don't forget the blank line between the envelope and the text.

* When replying to a message you can extract the lines that specify the From:
  address and insert it in the envelope of your response, changing the "From"
  to "To".

* Attachments may be included only with messages sent to MCI mailboxes.

                       *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *

This document is Copyright (C) 1989, 1990 Pete Maclean.  It may be freely
distributed as long as no additions, deletions, or alterations are made.
All other rights reserved.



                         Documentation for version 2.2

                              by Pete Maclean
                              -- ---- -------

(Note for users upgrading to 2.2:  a summary of new features is given at the end
of this document.  There is also a new section on using Emma with an MNP modem.)

I have prepared this document to accompany Emma, the PC/MS-DOS version of my MCI
Mail utility published by PC Magazine.  While this document is intended to be a
complete user's guide to Emma, users may benefit from also reading my original
article about it in PC Magazine (Issue 19, November 14, 1989).  Note that there
is a special version of Emma available for the Atari Portfolio palmtop computer.

Each time you run Emma it attempts to connect to MCI Mail, upload any messages
you have prepared to your outbox, and download any messages waiting in your
inbox.  Emma can handle messages of all kinds including those to be sent to fax
machines, telex machines, Internet mailboxes, CompuServe subscribers and other
networks via X.400 gateways.

Without a program like Emma, one connects to MCI Mail in what is called
"terminal mode."  Terminal-mode operation involves a lot of manual work and
bypasses one of MCI's most powerful features, the ability to ship arbitrary
files to other MCI subscribers.  Emma connects to MCI Mail in a different manner
called "batch mode."  With Emma, you never have to manually interact with MCI's
computers; Emma becomes your own private MCI agent.

Thanks to a script-file mechanism, Emma can be configured for use in any part of
the world.  It already has supporters in Canada, Hong Kong, Taiwan and many
European countries.  If you are using it outside the U.S.A., you may have to
write your own script file or find another user who has created a suitable one.
Emma correctly handles messages that contain accented letters and other
characters from the extended PC character set (that is, with codes of 128 and

Emma has one major limitation compared to other agent programs:  it has no
built-in error-correction capability.  Thus it is an ideal utility only for
those people with suitable error-correcting modems, specifically modems that
support MNP.  Without such a modem, you should consider using Emma only if you
normally experience a negligible number of transmission errors when connecting
to MCI Mail.  Emma does have error-detection capability and guarantees that when
it completes delivery of a message that message will be free of errors.  Should
a transmission error intrude, Emma aborts the session.  No data is lost in such
an event, but any message being transferred at the time must be transferred

Before you use Emma
------ --- --- ----
Emma is designed to operate with modems that use the Hayes AT Standard Command
Set.  Should you have a modem that requires a different command set, you can
still use Emma but you will have to write a special script to enable it to work
with that modem.

Before running Emma for the first time, you must customize a script for the
program to follow in connecting to MCI Mail.  You will do best to start off with
one of the standard script files included in this package.  Select one as

          MNP.CSF      if you have an MNP modem, otherwise
          800.CSF      if you connect, or plan to connect, to MCI Mail on a
                          tollfree number,
          LOCAL.CSF    if you connect, or plan to, via a local telephone number,
          TYMNET.CSF   if you want to connect to MCI Mail via TYMNET.
     or   DATAPAC.CSF  to connect via Canada's DataPac network

Use the DOS COPY command to copy the selected file to a file called EMMA.CSF.
Then edit EMMA.CSF using an editor or word processor that produces ASCII output,
and follow the instructions contained within it.

Running Emma
------- ----
Early versions of Emma required a companion program, Bess, to provide
communication services.  Bess has now been integrated into Emma providing extra
convenience for almost all users.

To run Emma, enter at the DOS prompt:


Emma must be able to find its script, EMMA.CSF, so normally you should run it in
the directory where that file resides.

An alternate method is to set up a batch file to take care of the whole job.  I
use a batch file that looks like this:

          CD \MCI

The first command switches to the directory where I manage my electronic mail.
I call my batch file 1.BAT so, at any DOS prompt, all I have to do is type a
'1' and press Enter.

Once logged into the MCI Mail system, Emma looks for messages to be uploaded.
It searches the current directory for files named with an extension of "OUT".
Hence every message you create should be stored on such a file, e.g., PETE.OUT,
SALLY.OUT, etc.  When Emma has successfully delivered a message to MCI it
renames the corresponding file to give it an extension of "MLD" (for mailed).

Having completed any uploads, Emma downloads any waiting messages and appends
them to a file called MAIL.IN.  As each message is transferred, Emma displays
the envelope on your screen so that you can know at once who has sent you mail.
If you miss any of this information, there is no loss since it is all preserved

Once Emma has completed its work, you can inspect any new messages by reading
MAIL.IN with a word processor or a browsing program.  You may want to extract
certain messages and save them on other files.  After reading your mail it's a
good idea to delete or rename MAIL.IN so that when you next connect to MCI the
file will contain only your new mail.

Preparing Outgoing Messages
--------- -------- --------
The format of outgoing messages is described in a separate document file,

Things to remember when running Emma
------ -- -------- ---- ------- ----

* When you run Emma it must be able to find its script file, EMMA.CSF.

* You can abort a session at any time by pressing the Escape key.  Emma
  ignores any other keyboard input.

* If your modem is not powered on or is disconnected, Emma will probably
  complain about a timeout error.  This is because it sends a command to
  the modem and receives no response.

* If MCI Mail sends an error message to Emma that message will be
  displayed on your screen.  The only things that MCI is likely to complain
  about are:
               - misformatted envelopes
               - messages directed to unknown addressees
               - messages with ambiguous addressees
               - data damaged by transmission errors

* If MCI Mail rejects a message then Emma terminates the session.  Any
  other messages awaiting transmission are left as they are.  Correct the
  problem or rename the message before running Emma again.

* A "checksum error" is an almost certain indication of a transmission
  error.  If you see one reported, try running Emma again.  If the error
  happens again, you are probably getting connections that are too noisy.

* If you suffer a lot of aborted sessions because of transmission errors a
  good trick to get cleaner connections is to run at a lower speed.  For
  example, should you get frequent failures at 2400 bps, try 1200.  Message
  transfer will take a little longer but, as long as you connect directly
  to MCI Mail, the cost will be the same.

* After you upload a long message or attachment, it may take MCI a considerable
  time to respond, close to two minutes in the worst cases.  This effect is
  internal to MCI Mail; there is nothing that Emma can do to expedite matters.
  If you send a file of several kilobytes, be patient waiting for the
  transaction to complete.  Do not assume that the session is hung if nothing
  happens for a while.

* Without an MNP modem it is unwise to use Emma to send messages or attached
  files that exceed 10 KB.  The chances of the transmission being aborted by
  an error grow with the length of the transaction.  Likewise, if you want to
  transfer several files of substantial size as attachments, you should attach
  each one to a separate message.

* Be very careful if you use WordStar to edit MAIL.IN.  Should you do a save
  to MAIL.IN then WordStar pads the end of the file with Control-Zs, characters
  that some programs including WordStar interpret as end of file markers.  If
  Emma then appends further messages to MAIL.IN these messages appear after
  the Control-Zs so that WordStar will fail to "see" them.  This phenomenon
  may occur with certain other editors as well.

  To be safe, no matter what editor/word processor you use, it is very good
  practice to clear out and delete MAIL.IN each time you read your new mail.
  And in particular never do a save to MAIL.IN.

Writing Scripts
------- -------
Emma needs a script file for four purposes:

     1. To tell it which COM port and what line speed (1200, 2400,...) to use.

     2. To give it the sequence of modem commands and expected responses
        required to connect to MCI Mail.

     3. To tell it how to login to the MCI systems, which means providing
        your username and password.

     4. To inform it of other options that you may choose.  See the discussion
        of "Advanced Options" below for details of these.

Normally, Emma looks for a script file called EMMA.CSF ("CSF" for connect
script file), but you can override that by providing Emma with an alternate
name as a command-line argument.  For example:

          C:\MCI>EMMA REG

tells Emma to use the script on file REG.CSF.  The extension of a script file
is assumed to be "CSF".

Script files are composed of simple commands written one per line as in the
following example:

          C     "Calling MCI Mail on an 800 number^M^J"
          P  1  "2400"
          T     "ATDT1-800-234-6245^M"
          R 40  "CONNECT"
          D  2
          T     "^M"
          R 25  "name:"
          T     "username/batch,1ST/password^M"
          R 10  "CLR DTE^M^J"

This is a barebones script to connect to MCI and run a mail-exchange session.
It serves as an illustration of the most important commands but, in practice,
you would want a slightly fuller script such as one of those distributed with

Each command is identified by a single letter.  Here is a complete list:

          B - autoset bps
          C - display a comment
          D - delay for a number of seconds
          K - sends a BREAK signal
          L - enable logging of the session to a file (see advanced options)
          M - conduct a mail-exchange session with MCI
          P - configure the COM port to be used for communication
          Q - select quick mode (see advanced options)
          R - wait for an expected reply to arrive
          S - specify an alternate message separator (see advanced options)
          T - transmit a given string

Any command may take up to two arguments:  a numeric argument written as a
decimal integer and a string enclosed in double quotes.  Command letters and
arguments are separated by white space, that is spaces and/or tabs.

The command:

          P  1  "2400"

tells Emma to use COM1 and set the speed to 2400 bps.  Every script must contain
a 'P' command which should appear before any 'T' or 'R' commands.

The command:

          T     "ATDT1-800-234-6245^M"

tells Emma to transmit the given string, a dial command for the modem in this
example.  Any control characters that are required in strings must be expressed
using the common keyboard-equivalent notation.  Thus:

          ^M   means a carriage return (Control-M or Enter)
          ^J   signifies a linefeed (Control-J)
          ^L   indicates a formfeed (Control-L)
          ^P   indicates a DLE (Control-P) used as an escape code by some PSNs.

and so on.  Emma ignores any literal control characters included in strings.
There is one exception to this rule:  horizontal tabs are accepted.

The command:

          R 25  "name:"

tells Emma to wait up to 25 seconds for the string "name:" to be received.  If
the expected characters do not turn up in the allotted time, Emma aborts the
session with a timeout diagnostic.

The 'B' command is for the benefit of speed-adjusting modems.  It tells Emma to
look at the characters arriving from the modem and to decode a speed if such is
present.  A typical modem response would be "CONNECT 1200".

The 'M' command initiates a session between Emma and MCI Mail using MCI's
proprietary mail-exchange protocol (MEP2).

The operation of the rest of the basic commands should be evident from the
above example.  More advanced commands are described below.

You should never have to write a script from scratch.  But if you connect to
MCI internationally or have a weird modem, you will need to edit one of the
scripts provided.

Advanced Options
-------- -------

(*).  You may include comment lines in script files for documentation purposes.
Emma recognizes any line that starts with an asterisk or a semicolon as a
comment.  Don't confuse these internal comments with the external kind, that is
comments that are written to the user's screen via the 'C' command.

     C    "This is a comment that is written to the screen^M^J"
     *    This is an internal comment that Emma ignores

(*).  Emma can be run in an optional quick mode designed to minimize connection
times for those users who have to pay hefty line charges.  In quick mode, Emma
disconnects very quickly from MCI when there are no messages to be delivered; it
does not wait for all the commentary that MCI usually sends indicating the
numbers of messages sent and received.  Quick mode is selected by including a
'Q' command in your script file.  Here is an example:

     Q    "There are no messages waiting in your INBOX^M^J"

The argument is a string defining a line that Emma can recognize as signifying
that MCI has no messages waiting for download.  The string must include one
entire line including the terminating CR and LF.  When Emma spots the given
line, and if it has no messages to upload, then it terminates the session.  Most
users who want to use quick mode will do best by copying the above example

I chose to require that the user include the line explicitly in the 'Q' command
because wiring it into the program might lead to incompatibilities with
foreign-language versions and future revisions of MCI's system.

There is a means that Emma could use to determine automatically the number of
INBOX messages, but taking advantage of that would substantially increase the
connect time!

The 'Q' command may be placed anywhere in your EMMA.CSF before the 'M' command.

(*).  You may select how messages are separated in the MAIL.IN file.  By
default, Emma adds three blank lines after each message.  If you want something
different then add an 'S' (for separator) command to your script file.  The
argument is a string defining the separator text.  Here is one example:

    S  "^M^J*************************************************************^M^J"

The 'S' command may be placed anywhere in your EMMA.CSF before the 'M' command.

(*).  Three options are available on the 'M' command:  send-only,
attachment-overwrite and ASCII-mode.  Each option is selected by including a key
letter in a string argument.

In send-only mode, Emma sends MCI any outgoing mail without downloading INBOX
messages.  The feature is selected thus:

     M    "S"

Send-only mode is intended for users with secretaries who create and dispatch
mail but who do not handle incoming messages.

Normally, when Emma receives an attachment with a name that matches an existing
file, it generates a new name for the attachment of the form ATTACHED.xxx.  By
selecting attachment-overwrite mode, you instruct Emma to store attachments
under their original names even if such files already exist.  This option is
useful for those people who update remote files by MCI.  You select this option
by editing your 'M' command to read

     M    "O"

Finally, Emma's ASCII mode is provided for users of WordStar and similar editors
that bend high bits to their own uses.  The effect of selecting this option, by

     M    "A"

is that all messages are stripped down to 7-bit characters before transmission.
(This stripping applies specifically and only to message texts and not to
attached files.)

You may combine options as in this example:

     M    "AOS"

The option letters may appear in the string in any order.

(*).  Emma's screen output can be redirected allowing the program to be used in
a more automated fashion.  You can, for example, invoke Emma from a batch file
and have it run "silently," that is with no screen output.  You can discard the
output completely by redirecting it to the null device, e.g.

                    EMMA >NUL:

Or you can redirect it to a file, e.g.

                    EMMA > OUTPUT

Warning:  don't carelessly redirect to a file named, say, EMMA.OUT.  Emma would,
of course, treat that file as a message to be sent to MCI.

(*).  For the benefit of those who want to invoke it from batch files, Emma
terminates with one of the following exit codes:

          0 => Emma completed successfully but received no new mail
          2 => file i/o error (no new mail received)
          3 => script error (no new mail received)
          4 => user interrupt, i.e. user pressed Esc  (no new mail received)
          5 => timeout (no new mail received)
          6 => protocol error (no new mail received)

          100 => Emma completed successfully and received some new mail
          102 => file i/o error (after new mail was received)
          103 => script error (after new mail was received)
          104 => user interrupt (after new mail was received)
          105 => timeout (after new mail was received)
          106 => protocol error (after new mail was received)

Note that exit codes 1 and 101 are not used.  Emma adds 100 to whatever exit
code it would otherwise use if it has downloaded any new messages to MAIL.IN.
See the file, SAMPLE.BAT, for a model of how you might use these exit codes.

(*).  Emma can create a transcript of each session it conducts with MCI Mail.
If you want a transcript for troubleshooting or any other reason, you must tell
Emma by adding an 'L' command to your .CSF file.  The argument is the name of
the file to which you want the log written, for example:

     L    "emma.log"

It is best to put this command near the beginning of the script file.  In future
versions, I may add options for selecting different levels of logging.

(*).  The K command tells Emma to transmit a standard BREAK signal on the COM
port.  (A BREAK consists of approximately 385 milliseconds of SPACE.)  It is
included for compatibility with certain foreign packet switch networks that
require such a signal as a trigger for setting PAD parameters.

(*).  Suppose you love Emma but are wary about keeping your MCI password in a
script file that someone else might look at.  Or suppose that you use Emma on a
portable PC and need a different dialing code every time you run it.  Emma can
help.  Place a question mark in front of any string argument and Emma displays
it on the screen as a prompt for you to type in the "real" string you want used.
For example, to avoid putting your password in your .CSF file, you could set up
the appropriate section of it as follows:

     R  15   "name:"
     T       "your_username"
     T       "/batch:1ST/"
     T     ? "^M^JPlease type your password (and press Enter):  "
     T       "^M"
     R 20    "COM^M^J"

You can use this facility with any script command although it is not obviously
useful with any but 'T'.  Note that while you press Enter to terminate the
string that you type in, the Enter itself (i.e. a carriage return) is not
included in the string.  You may type in strings of up to 80 characters;
anything typed beyond this limit is quietly ignored.

You can use the Escape key to abort a session while typing a string just as you
can at any other time.

You can even go one step further with this mechanism.  When Emma reads the
response to a prompt, it reads standard input (not the keyboard directly).  Thus
you can redirect input from a file.  For example, set up your EMMA.CSF with null
prompts (?"") and create a file, RESPONSE, containing the responses, one per
line.  Then start Emma with the command:


This would allow you, for instance, to set up a totally generic script file for
Emma then have some other application query the user for dialing code, username,
password, etcetera, write that information out to a file and then invoke Emma as
above (perhaps via a batch file).

Using Emma with an MNP Modem
----- ---- ---- -- --- -----
With a properly configured MNP modem, Emma should work with perfect reliability.
Unfortunately, setting up your MNP modem with all the correct options may not be
trivial, especially since there is no uniformity among modems for the AT
commands that select MNP features.  Start with the MNP.CSF model script
provided, and make sure that your modem is sent the appropriate commands to

     Flow control:  local birectional XON/XOFF.

     Disable bps-rate adjustment.

     Reliable mode (forces modem to make an MNP link or nothing).

     Enable data compression during MNP connections.

Note that the last option is usually a default but the other three are not.

By disabling the bps-rate adjustment, you can take advantage of higher
throughput thanks to MNP compression.  If you select this option then set the
port speed to a bps rate higher than that of the modem, for example 9600.  Also
be sure that you do not have a B command in your .CSF script.  Should Emma
complain about overrun errors then reduce the port speed; on slow PCs, Emma may
not be able to keep pace with 9600 bps.

General Tips
------- ----
If you want to keep a thorough record of your outgoing messages, it is a good
idea to put a CC: line in each envelope to send yourself a courtesy copy.  There
is a charge for this but it gives you a copy of each message timestamped by MCI
and complete with the message identifier.  This can serve as a "certificate of

Troubleshooting Tips
--------------- ----
If MCI finds faults with a message, an explanation will be displayed on your
screen.  (Unless, of course, you have redirected Emma's screen output.)

The most common problems are with misformatted envelopes.  For a message to be
delivered, the subscriber must be exactly identified.  If you address a message
to a name that's not unique, the IDs of all MCI subscribers with the name are

      At least one problem with envelope
      608 More than 1 MCI Mail user matches recipient information
      MCI ID   Name         Organization       Location
      000-0000 Zoltan Shah  Whizzo Chocolate   New York, NY
      111-1111 Zoltan Shah  Sunshine Desserts  Fresno, CA

Select the right one and edit your message to include the ID.  Remember that the
name should be separated from the ID by a slash, as in Zoltan Shah/111-
1111.  In fact, an ID alone is a perfectly acceptable address.

If MCI objects to something else in the envelope of a message, you may receive
a response such as:

     At least one problem with envelope
     610 Improper information in the envelope
     This text is part of the message...

In this case, the blank line needed to terminate the envelope is missing.  Other
causes might be a mistyped keyword or the appearance of lines in an order that
MCI cannot handle.

Some errors offend MCI so much that it stops responding, such as a message with
two or more addresses on a line.  A message may be addressed to any number of
people, but each address must be on a separate To: or Cc: line.

And, if you receive either a Checksum error or Malformed data message, you can
be almost certain that a transmission error has ruined your session.  Just try

With an MNP modem, Emma should be perfectly reliable.  If it proves not to be
then consider the following possible problems:  (1) You are not configuring the
modem so that it establishes an MNP connection with MCI.  (2) You have the modem
configured for the wrong type of flow control.  Emma uses Control-S/Control-Q
flow control.  If you set the modem for hardware flow control or any other
flow-control option then you are very likely to see errors.  (3) If your PC is
on a LAN the network software may steal sufficient processor time that Emma
misses characters coming in on the serial port.  Should you suspect this, verify
it by temporarily unloading the network software and seeing what happens.

Notes for International Users
----- --- ------------- -----
Emma is the only publicly available agent software for MCI Mail that is
"internationalized."  As such, it has users all over Europe and Asia.

To use Emma from a foreign location, you will likely need to make substantial
modifications to a script in order to complete the connection.  The most
important thing to remember in doing so is that the connection must be set up
with no echoing.  This is different from terminal-mode connections and may
entail changing PAD parameters for foreign packet switch networks.

Should Emma give you the diagnostic:

     ***Protocol failure: unrecognized message received***

after completing a login to MCI, it is almost certain that echoing is the
problem.  Determine what has to be done to turn it off.

New Features In Version 2.2
--- -------- -- ------- ---
Version 2.2 brings two new features to Emma:  DataPac compatibility and
saving/restoring of the COM port.

The standard way of connecting to MCI Mail from Canada is via DataPac and then
through a gateway to TYMNET.  Earlier versions of Emma failed to operate via
DataPac due to some strange echoes apparently produced by that network.  The new
version is designed to discard these stray echoes and is accompanied by a script
file, DATAPAC.CSF, designed for such access.

Emma now saves the entire state of the COM port that it uses and restores that
state before terminating.  This feature was added for users who run Emma in a
multitasking environment such as DESQview.

                       *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *

Emma is Copyright (C) 1989 Ziff Davis Communications Co.

This document is Copyright (C) 1989, 1990 by Pete Maclean.  It may be freely
distributed with Emma as long as no additions, deletions, or alterations are
made.  All other rights reserved.

NOTICE: Emma was developed, in part, using, with permission, proprietary, trade
secret information of MCI Telecommunications Corporation.  The user agrees to
use this program only for the purpose of communicating with MCI Mail.


FV - Verbose Archive Directory Lister                              Version 1.45
-------------------------------------                             June 23, 1993

Purpose:  To display the names and attributes of files contained within archive
          files with extensions of ARC, ARJ, ZIP, PAK, DWC, LZH, ZOO, LBR,  and
          most self-extracting COM and EXE files created by archive utilities.

Format:   FV  [d:][path]filespec[.ext] [filespecs ... filespecs]
                                       [/p] [/b] [/w] [/r] [/c] [/x]

Notes:    If no operands are entered, a display of the program's command format
          is displayed.

          The drive and path are optional. The filespec may contain the
          wildcard characters * and ?.  All archive files matching the file
          specification are processed.

          If the filespec extension is omitted, all known archive extensions
          are checked.

          The 'filespecs' operand limits the display to filenames within the
          archives which match this file specification. There may be up to
          eight 'filespecs'.

          Use the /p parameter to pause the display when the screen fills.

          Use the /b parameter to suppress the d:\path information in the

          Use the /w parameter to display member names only in a 5-up display.

          Use the /c parameter to display archive and file comments for ZIP

          The /r redate option changes the archive file date to be the latest
          date of the files within the archive.

          The /x option converts a self-extracting (.EXE) file to a new archive
          file with the proper extension and format in the current directory.

          Self-extracting files for the ARJ format is not supported.

          The date format for LU .LBR files varies.  The format used by FV
          adheres to the LU86 standard.

        (c) Copyright by Vernon D. Buerg  1989-93. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
FV - Verbose Archive Directory Lister                              Version 1.45
-------------------------------------                             June 23, 1993


        o  Display the directory of the TEST.ARC file, in the current

                FV TEST

        o  Display the directories of all archive files, but redirect
           the information to the file FV.DIR:

                FV * >FV.DIR

        o  Print the directory of the file NUBIES.LZH in directory RTEST
           of drive A:

                FV A:\RTEST\NUBIES.LZH >LPT1:

        o  Display the entries of all .ZIP archive files which have the
           extension .DOC:

                FV *.ZIP *.DOC

        o  Change the date of all archive files to be that of the latest
           file within the archive:

                FV * /R
FV - Verbose Archive Directory Lister                              Version 1.45
-------------------------------------                             June 23, 1993

                                Version history

        1.00 - 4/21/89  initial program
        1.08 - 4/28/89  initial release
        1.09 - 5/06/89  add LHARC 1.12b sfx checks
        1.10 - 5/09/89  correct crc display for LZH
                        add ZOO format
        1.11 - 5/13/89  correct display of ZIP crc
        1.12 - 5/23/89  add LHARC 1.13l sfx checks
                        add 'who made it' note
        1.13 - 5/25/89  add ARC 6 subdir checking
                        add /W wide display option
        1.14 - 7/22/89  add ZIP 1.0 imploding method
        1.15 - 7/24/89  corrects premature eof problem with short LZH filenames
        1.16 - 8/01/89  add PAK 2.0 Distilling; add seconds to time display
        1.17 - 8/16/89  correct time value, correct some sfx checks
        1.19 - 8/24/89  add ZIP 1.01 sfx
        1.20 - 8/26/89  add /R redate option
        1.21 - 8/30/89  correct for long (path) names in ZIP, etc
        1.22 - 9/09/89  add LBR library processing
                        if archive type does not match the extension, check
                        other formats
        1.23 - 10/04/89 correct inputting prompting for files not opened
        1.24 - 11/16/89 add /X option to convert self-extracting archives
        1.25 - 11/17/89 corrections for converting ZIP sfx
        1.26 - 11/23/89 correct LZH displays with long filenames
        1.27 - 03/22/90 add PKZIP 1.10 sfx format
        1.28 - 03/25/90 correct detection of some self extracting EXE files
        1.29 - 06/09/90 add /C option to display ZIP file comments
               06/29/90 changed lf-lf output to cr-lf-cr-lf; removed nulls
        1.30 - 07/16/90 correct wide listing /W option
        1.31 - 07/18/90 change processing of ZIP extra comments field
                        add 'filespecs' file selection criteria
        1.32 - 8/30/90 improve wide display of long file names
        1.33 - 9/03/90 display path names separately from file names
        1.34 - 2/06/91 add PAK 2.5 sfx and LHA 2.05 sfx formats
        1.35 - 3/12/91 add more LHA sfx formats
        1.36 - 4/12/91 add ARC v7 information records
        1.37 - 5/07/91 add support for ARJ archive files
        1.38 - 8/26/91 add checking of dates before changing them for /r option
             - 8/26/91 allow numbers over 8 digits
        1.39 - 10/27/91 add PKZIP v1.93a SFX
        1.40 -  3/10/92 add licensed version
        1.41 - 10/09/92 add ARJ sfx
        1.42 - 10/09/92 add /C comment option to ARJ
        1.43 -  2/14/93 add madeby and sfx for ZIP 2.04g
        1.44 -  3/07/93 correct loop with ARC-like files
        1.45 -  6/23/93 add more sfx formats
FV - Verbose Archive Directory Lister                              Version 1.45
-------------------------------------                             June 23, 1993

        FV requires DOS version 2.0 or later.

        FV was written using the SLR Systems OPTASM assembler. The source, if
        supplied, may not compile using other assemblers. If you make changes
        to the source, please do not distribute the source or modified files
        without express written permission from me.

        FV is  supplied  for  personal,  private  use. Feel free to distribute
        FV given these restrictions:

          o  the program  shall be supplied in its original,  unmodified
             form, which includes this documentation;

          o  no fee is charged;

          o  "commercial" use without a license is prohibited;

          o  the program may not be included -  or bundled - with  other
             goods or services.  Exceptions may be granted upon  written
             request only.  This also applies to clubs and distributors.

        If you find FV useful, your gift in any amount would be appreciated.
        Please direct your inquiries, complaints, suggestions, etc., to:

              Vernon D. Buerg
              139 White Oak Circle
              Petaluma, CA  94952

        Data: (707) 778-8944, 24 hr BBS; 300-2400  VOR/Bit Boutique
        -or-  (707) 778-8841, 24 hr BBS; 300-9600, Motherboard, 9600 USR HST
        FAX:  (707) 778-8728
        Compuserve:  70007,1212 (Go IBMSYS)



All TOTAL SYSTEM SOLUTIONS Software products
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     ATTENTION to Details RyBBS
     Riverside, CA
     v.32bis 14.4Kbps

Major credit cards are accepted.

Logging on at Attention to Details RyBBS:
     Set your Communications Program to the normal 8/N/1 settings. Dial
     up	the BBS, and enter your Real Name and Voice Telephone Number
     when prompted. Please complete the brief New User Questionnaire
     that follows. After completion of the Questionnaire, dated SYSTEM
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     of the News.

     Your First Menu will give you several Options for navigating the BBS.

FREE! Download the most recent versions of Total System Solutions software:
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     2)  From the Main Menu, press [F] for the [F]iles Menu.
     3)  From the Files Menu, press C to [C]hange File Area.
     4)  Enter 47 to access File Area 47 - TOTAL SYSTEM SOLUTIONS.
     5)  The system will place you again at the Files Menu. Press [L]
         to List the Files contained in the TSS Area.

To purchase Total System Solutions Software with your credit card:
     Press [T] for [T]eleShoppe OnLine Ordering from the first Menu. You
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Feel free to browse the BBS - and please leave any Questions or Comments
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Attention CompuServe Users

SWREG - CompuServe On-Line Shareware Registration Forum

Charge payment for Fileware right to your CompuServe account.
No waiting! We'll send your registration license code back to
you immediately via CompuServe E-Mail.

Heres how to do it:

1. Log onto CompuServe.
2. Go to the Shareware Registration Forum - GO SWREG.
3. Select "Register Shareware" from the main menu.
4. Select Registration ID from the "SEARCH BY" menu.
5. When prompted for the ID, enter 490.
6. This will bring up a description of Fileware.
   Enter "Y" to charge payment to your CompuServe account.
7. Complete the order by answering the remaining questions when prompted.

For more details, please see the "Methods of Payment" section of
FILEWARE.DOC (page 22) or click the "METHODS OF PAYMENT..." option
on the "Tools" menu.



DATE:     30 June 1993
FROM:     Total System Solutions, Inc.
CONTACT:  Daniel Goodman
PHONE:    718-375-1261

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These programs also allow you to assign descriptive names to your files. However,
to keep track of what description goes with which file, they take control of your
computer. First, they create their own DOS directories for your documents (for
example C:\MEZ001A2). Next, they rename each file at the DOS level with their own
proprietary file names, like L000310.DOC. Finally, the new directory structure and
proprietary file names are indexed and tracked by their database engine.

And thatÆs the problem with conventional systems - they take too much control away from
you. As long as your descriptive names are viewed from inside their program, everything
is fine. But if you want to find a file on your own, youÆre out of luck. Just try
figuring out what C:\MEZ001A2\L000310.DOC means!

This can be a real problem. If you need to copy directories or files to a diskette,
youÆll be stuck. The names that the document management program assigns are totally
meaningless to you. So using any file management program becomes impractical.
Backing up your data also becomes either difficult or impossible. How can you back up
your documents when you donÆt know where they are or what theyÆre named?

We believe that the benefits offered by these programs are outweighed by the price you
have to pay. ItÆs just never worth it to give up complete control of your system.

DocuPower ProÆs Revolutionary Design

Unlike ordinary document management systems, DocuPower Pro enhances rather than
replaces your existing directory structure and file names. YouÆll always have it
both ways. Assign long, descriptive names to your documents. Retain your original
directory structure and file names. DocuPower Pro puts you in complete control.

DocuPower Pro gives you the power you need to always be in charge of your documents.
Try it yourself and see what it's like to always have your files at your fingertips.

Call Today!

DocuPower Pro costs only $59.95 (hundreds less than other document management
systems). It is optimized for use on stand-alone PCÆs as well as networks.
(Discounted prices are available for site licenses). Your satisfaction is guaranteed.
If you arenÆt completely happy with DocuPower Pro, we will promptly refund your money.
A fully functioning demo is also available. We accept Visa, MasterCard and American
Express. To order, or for more information call 718-375-2997.



DATE:     19 May 1993
FROM:     Total System Solutions, Inc.
CONTACT:  Daniel Goodman
PHONE:    718-375-1261

File Maintenance, Document Management
& Program Launching Macro Utilities
For Microsoft Word For Windows 2.x

FILEWARE is an award winning suite of thirteen file maintenance,
document management & program launching utilities which integrate
seamlessly into Microsoft Word for Windows 2.x. It provides the many
commonly requested features that Microsoft "forgot" to include. After
auto-installation to the "File" or "Tools" menu, the Fileware system
is never more than a mouse click or keystroke away. NOW YOU CAN DO

FORGET FILE MANAGER. Make directories; delete, rename, copy or move files.
Because it's integrated into WinWord, Fileware  is the easiest, safest way
to manage files - on stand-alone PCÆs or over networks.

FORGET PROGRAM MANAGER. Launch programs instantly with "Run
Buttons", a customizable toolbox of pushbuttons (or type a
command on the convenient "Quick Run" line).

customizable list of document descriptions close at hand. Just
point and click to open the files you want.

pushbutton access to the directories you use the most. Just one
click jumps you anywhere on your PC... or across your network.

ABOLISH REPETITIVE KEYSTROKES. Close all open files at the same
time with just one command. Options include "Close Without Saving"
& "Prompt To Save".

PROTECT YOUR CONFIDENTIAL DATA. "Word Lock" provides password
protection for the complete Word for Windows application (not
just certain files).

EDIT DOCUMENT TEMPLATES instantly even if you don't know which
directory they're in.

EXIT WINDOWS when you're done working with just one click.

Fileware is a powerful yet inexpensive suite of utilities.
It was chosen one of the "48 Best Add In" products by PC Magazine;
PC Week says, "...adds a good selection of file and program management
features that were left out of Word for Windows." In "Hacker's Guide to
Word for Windows" (Addison Wesley) Woody Leonhard (creator of WOPR)writes,
"...the system that Microsoft forgot...makes WinWord stand on its ear."

Please note: Fileware has been upgraded and enhanced.
Its features now include:

   * Easy installation to ALL language versions
     of Winword. Both English and non-English
     (German, French, etc.) versions are now
   * Full network support
   * Tighter integration with our other
     products, especially DocuPower
   * Faster performance of file management functions

Fileware is still available for only $39.95.
For more product information call: 718-375-1261

Get your copy now!

Telephone Order Info
* Call 718-375-2997

File Download Info
Download the shareware file FW24.ZIP from:
* CompuServe -- WINSHARE forum (GO WINSHARE; File Utilities Library #2)
* The "Attention to Details" BBS 909-681-6221 (v.32bis 14.4Kbps).

CompuServe on-line registration is available:
GO SWREG, and order product 490.

Register on-line by credit card on the "Attention to Details" BBS.


FILEWARE General Info
Fileware 2.4 is a suite of thirteen file maintenance, document
management & program launching utilities which integrate seamlessly
into Microsoft Word for Windows 2.x. Fileware supplies Word for Windows'
"missing" features. Create directories; delete, rename, move, and copy
files -- all from right inside Word! Plus: password protection, program
launch buttons, more. Fully network compatible.

Chosen one of the "48 Best Add In" products by PC Magazine; PC Week says,
"...adds a good selection of file and program management features that
were left out of Word for Windows." In "Hacker's Guide to Word for Windows"
(Addison Wesley) Woody Leonhard (creator of WOPR) writes, "...the system
that Microsoft forgot...makes WinWord stand on its ear."

Please note: Fileware has been upgraded and enhanced to allow easy
installation to ALL language versions of Winword: English and non-English
(German, French, etc) versions are now supported.

Packing List
1. FILEWARE.DOC - Program Installer & User's Guide
2. FWDLG.DLL - support file
3. PWRTOOLS.DOC - Power Tools Installer
4. SERVICES.TXT - custom services info
5. README.TXT - this file
6. FILE_ID.DIZ - program package description
7. DESC.SDI - program package description
8. FW_RLS.TXT - Fileware Press Release
9. DP2_RLS.TXT - DocuPower Pro 2.0 Press Release
10. BBS_ORD.TXT - 24 hour credit card ordering on-line on the ATD BBS
11. CIS_ORD.TXT - 24 hour ordering on CompuServe via SWREG

If any of the above files is missing, please contact
Total System Solutions immediately at 718-375-1261 (USA), or send us a
CompuServe E-Mail message at 70154,2463. Tell us what's missing, and
from what source you received your copy of this program. We will make
sure you get a complete copy of Fileware.

To enhance speed of installation, don't open FILEWARE.DOC from a floppy.
Instead, copy ALL of the above files to the SAME directory on your hard drive.
Then open the FILEWARE.DOC document in Word for Windows and follow the
instructions for installation.

Registration & Payment
Fileware costs only $39.95 US dollars (a real bargain). Payment can be made
via check, money order, credit card, on-line CompuServe registration, or
on-line BBS credit card registration. For more information, call 718-375-2997.

Attention CompuServe Users
On-line registration is available. This means you can charge payment for
Fileware right to your CompuServe account. No waiting! We'll send your
registration license code back to you immediately via E-Mail.
Heres how to do it:

1. Log onto CompuServe.
2. Go to the Shareware Registration Forum - GO SWREG.
3. Select "Register Shareware" from the main menu.
4. Select Registration ID from the "SEARCH BY" menu.
5. When prompted for the ID, enter 490.
6. This will bring up a description of Fileware.
   Enter "Y" to charge payment to your CompuServe account.
7. Complete the order by answering the remaining questions when prompted.

For more details, please see the "Methods of Payment" section of
FILEWARE.DOC (page 22).

Getting Updates
Two distribution sites always have the most recent
versions of all Total System Solutions Software. Check
these places periodically for updates:

1) The Windows Shareware Forum on CompuServe
   (GO WINSHARE -- in the File Utilities Library)
2) The "Attention to Details" BBS: 909-681-6221
   This is a free BBS. After signing on, download
   Fileware, as well as many other fine programs.
   (see the included file, BBS_ORD.TXT for more info)

Please call Total System Solutions (718-375-2997)
for version update information. Remember, interim
incremental updates are free. You can use the same
registration code to re-install ugrades.

Now The Fun Starts
Shareware lets you try BEFORE you buy... enjoy evaluating Fileware!

Copyright ⌐ Total System Solutions, Inc. 1992-93. All Rights Reserved.


Dear Winword User,

Word for Windows can do great things!
Ask yourself what you really wish computers could do. Then call us.

Total System Solutions, Inc. creates customized Windows solutions for
serious business users. We've developed turn-key Word for Windows
applications to automate document processing for many major corporations.
If you work with words or numbers in Windows, we can really help you.

For example, we recently developed a system to automate the generation of
commercial leases for one of the largest commercial real estate
management companies in the world. The time required for the creation of
customized leases was cut from over 2 weeks to under 20 minutes per

We can save your company time and money while improving and
standardizing the quality of your output. Call us today at
718-375-1261 for more information.


Daniel Goodman, President
Total System Solutions, Inc.


                            P C  -  S I G


Welcome to the world of Shareware, state of the art software you can
actually try before you buy.

Shareware, a term coined in the early eighties, refers to the method of
distribution chosen by the software authors.  With shareware, you can
receive a program and put it through its paces without having to pay for
it. If you find the program useful, and choose to keep the program, then
you pay a modest registration fee to the author.

For the last nine years, PC-SIG has been providing shareware and public
domain software to its customers and members.  Since 1982 PC-SIG has
developed an unprecedented library of shareware programs, constantly
updated, consistently strong in every category.  Our library of
shareware contains over 3500 titles divided into 120 logical categories.

Every program we add to the library is thoroughly reviewed and tested to
insure that each one meets the high standards of reliability and value we
insist upon and you expect.  As a result, our library doesn't contain
every shareware program available, just those that really work.

PC-SIG has grown into the premier distributor of shareware and and
shareware information by producing shareware collections on CD-ROM,
publishing an encyclopedia of shareware, and by publishing Shareware
Magazine, a bi-monthly magazine distributed world-wide.

Quality and support - guaranteed.  All of our programs are guaranteed
virus free.  We've isolated our systems and check every program
submitted to insure that no viruses make their way to your computer or

Our support staff is available by phone as well as on our BBS to help
you with questions about installation and operation of PC-SIG's

Through our network of international distributors, PC- SIG strives to
bring you the most current, exciting, technically advanced software
available as shareware.

If you can't find the software you need in PC-SIG's library, it may well
not exist.

To order the latest in Shareware, in the U.S.A: Call (800) 245-6717

Outside the U.S.A.: Call (408) 730-9291 for the name of the dealer near



              S H A R E W A R E  M A G A Z I N E

Shareware Magazine has distinguished itself as the only internationally
distributed periodical devoted to the use and business of shareware.
Shareware Magazine provides detailed reviews of new products,
hard-hitting comparisons of shareware programs with regular retail
software, and timely information about changes in the industry and the
latest technology.

Intriguing columnists and regular features add to the excitement.  The
beginners section sheds light on new user's concerns regarding
everything from choosing the right operating system to alleviating the
intimidation of using on-line systems.

Educational sections focus on how low cost shareware can aid in
classroom learning, curriculum development, and as a forum for
discussing the impact of computers and technology in schools.

Graphics Gallery renders expert advice and suggestions on how to better
work with graphics, desktop publishing, CAD systems, and the Windows

Programmers benefit from others experience in developing new programs or
polishing existing ones as well as choosing the right programming

And columnists provide that subjective component, sometimes
controversial, that calls for a closer look at the way we compute and
how shareware effects what we do.

Published bimonthly, Shareware Magazine is available on a subscription
or at your local newsstand or computer bookstore.  In conjunction with
PC-SIG, there are special benefits for subscribers as well as
opportunities for discount purchases from PC-SIG.

To Order, in the U.S.A.: Call 800-245-6717 and ask Customer Service.

Outside the U.S.A.: Call (408) 730-9291 for the name of the dealer near



FROM:  ___________________________


[A]                                                                         [B]

                                  PC-SIG Inc.
[A]                                                                         [B]
                            1030-D East Duane Avenue

                               Sunnyvale  California


Fold - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Fold


       1.  Place any other pages underneath this page.
       2.  Using the Fold lines (above) as a guide, fold this flap under.
       3.  Fold the address flap so it covers this flap.
       4.  Tape or staple the envelope at the two spots marked [A].
       5.  Slip in any other enclosures (business cards, cheques, etc.).
       6.  Tape or staple the envelope at the spots marked [B].

PC-SIG Inc. 1030-D East Duane Avenue Sunnyvale CA 94086


     Do not mail cash.   Please allow four weeks for processing.


Check the items desired:

PC-SIG Disks - Member $2.49 for 5.25" or $2.99 for 3.5"
           Non-member $3.50 for 5.25" or $4.00 for 3.5"

_____  _____  _____  _____  _____  _____  _____  _____  _____

_____  _____  _____  _____  _____  _____  _____  _____  _____

_____  _____  _____  _____  _____  _____  _____  _____  total  ______

One year subscription to Shareware Magazine            $19.95  ______

Super Saver Membership                                 $39.95  ______
(includes a 1 year subscription to Shareware Magazine,
 the PC-SIG Encyclopedia on Disk with WordCruncher,
 and 5 free disks)

The PC-SIG Catalog on Disk                              $5.00  ______
($5.00 is refundable with your first order)

The PC-SIG Encyclopedia on Disk with WordCruncher      $20.00  ______

The PC-SIG World of Games CD-ROM                       $19.95  ______

The PC-SIG 12th Edition Library CD-ROM                 $99.00  ______

Upgrade to the 12th Edition from ANY previous edition
of the PC-SIG Library on CD-ROM!                       $59.00  ______

Upgrade from ANY other CD-ROM just!                    $59.00  ______

The Essential Home & Business Collection CD-ROM        $39.00  ______

The PC-SIG Encyclopedia of Shareware on CD-ROM
(1 year subscription)                                  $99.00  ______

                                                    Subtotal   ______

Shipping and Handling                                          $4.00

                    California residents add 8.25% sales tax   ______

                                                       TOTAL   ______

      If you have any comments or suggestions, please let us know!

To order by phone with VISA or MASTERCARD: Call (800) 245-6717
Ask for operator #2351

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #3953

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

DFF      ZIP     10794   8-11-93   9:29a
EMMA     ZIP     27427   8-11-93   9:29a
FILEVIEW ZIP      8856   8-11-93   9:29a
FILEWARE ZIP    153431   8-11-93   9:30a
GO-STRT  DAT       541   6-01-93  11:07a
SIGORDER TXT      3336   6-01-93   2:30p
GO-FORM  DAT      3336   6-01-93   2:30p
GO       EXE     26022   1-10-92  12:14p
PKUNZIP  EXE     29378   2-01-93   2:04a
PCSIG    TXT      2329   6-01-93   2:31p
SHAREMAG TXT      1831   6-01-93   2:32p
CDROM    TXT      8196   6-01-93   3:26p
       12 file(s)     275477 bytes
                       40960 bytes free