PCjs Machines

Home of the original IBM PC emulator for browsers.


PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #3911)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5170" to load....


   *                                                                       *
   *    Program Name: PRO FOOTBALL EDGE!    (Ver 2.0)                      *
   *        BBS Name: pfedge93.zip                                         *
   *  Major Headings: Gambling, Football, Sports, Entertainment            *
   *       Key Words: NFL PRO FOOTBALL HANDICAP GAMBLE LOTTO               *
   *   Configuration: DOS 3.0, 512KB RAM, 700KB Disk Space, Mono or Color  *
   *                  Dual Floppy or Single High density.                  *
   *    Registration: $39.95                                               *
   *   Documentation: Online Documentation with Context Sensitive Help.    *
   *    Tech Support: Unlimited Phone support (602) 921-8560.              *
   *                                                                       *
                                                            Tue 07-06-1993

      Dear ShareWare Vendor:

         This  document  contains our shareware distribution policy which
     applies to commercial vendors,  user groups,  BBS operators,  and/or
     individuals who wish  to  distribute  Pro  Football  EDGE!.

         Possession of  this  document  entitles  you  to  distribute Pro
     Football EDGE!   as a "Shareware" product.   G & S Software reserves
     the right to deny  Future  distribution  rights  to  individuals  or
     organizations that abuse any of  the (4) Pro Football EDGE!   (PFE!)
     distribution policies listed below  or  engage  in  other  practices
     deemed unacceptable by G & S Software.

     --------------  DISK VENDOR DISTRIBUTION RESTRICTIONS  ------------

       1) Shareware distribution copies must contain all of the PFE!
          files in "unmodified form" just as they were received from
          G & S Software (Data compression is not an issue).   These
          include: pfe1.XXX, pfe2.XXX, readme.1st, and install.exe.
          Additional text and batch files may be added to conform to
          a vendors standard distribution methodology.

       2) Total charges for the distribution of Pro  Football  EDGE!
          Shareware diskettes must not exceed $6 (Excluding S&H).

       3) Distribution of  retail  or  registered  versions  of  Pro
          Football EDGE!  is not permitted.  You may only distribute
          the "Shareware version" disks which can be  identified  by
          the words "Shareware  Evaluation  Copy"  on  the MAIN MENU
          screen.   Please note that this is not a crippled  version
          of the program.   The ONLY software difference between the
          "Shareware version" disks and the fully registered program
          is  the  shareware  message  and  other messages promoting
          registration displayed within Pro Football EDGE!

       4) Misleading the customer into  believing  that he or she is
          purchasing an  "UNCONDITIONAL"  right  to  use  PFE!    is
          prohibited.   In particular,  the word "Shareware" must be
          used  in  the  description of PFE!   or the description of
          PFE!   must be  located  within  an  area  that is clearly
          identified as "Shareware" products.

         New  versions  of  Pro  Football EDGE!   will be available on an
     annual  basis  in  the  month  of  JULY.    These  releases  will be
     automatically sent to any  distributor  who requests an update.

     If you have any questions, concerns, or comments, please contact me:

                            Gordon W. Grieb
                            G & S Software
                            P.O. Box 28391
                            Tempe, AZ  85285

                          Voice: (602) 921-8560
              Note: Address is permanent;  Phone # may change.

      Suggested Description:

      PRO FOOTBALL EDGE!  handicaps  the  NFL with Equal emphasis on
      both NFL Spread Winners and Over/Unders.  Nine matchup screens
      per  game  guide  you  through  an  automatic  and   efficient
      handicapping   process.    Features:  Computer  Picks,  Common
      opponents,  Situational  trends,  Historical  matchups, Recent
      game logs, Power ratings, Team Rankings in 48 categories,  and
      Schedule  difficulty  screens.   Computer pick 5 year results:
      WINNERS 440-291 60%  and  TOTALS  303-173  64%.  Takes only 20
      minutes per week to add to  the  11  year  database  and  1993
      schedule  provided  or  download stats via modem from the PFE!
      BBS.  System Requirements:  Any  IBM  or  compatible, Min 512K

      A little longer description:

      PRO FOOTBALL EDGE!  handicaps the NFL with Equal  emphasis  on
      both NFL Spread Winners and Over/Unders.  Nine matchup screens
      per   game  guide  you  through  an  automatic  and  efficient
      handicapping  process.    Features:   Computer  Picks,  Common
      opponents, Situational  trends,  Historical  matchups,  Recent
      game  logs, Power ratings, Team Rankings in 48 categories, and
      Schedule difficulty screens.   Computer  pick  5 year results:
      WINNERS 440-291 60% and TOTALS 303-173  64%.   Takes  only  20
      minutes  per  week  to  add  to  the 11 year database and 1993
      schedule provided or download  stats  via  modem from the PFE!
      BBS.  Tracks picks of 1-9  users.   Practice  handicapping  on
      previous years.  Online documentation and context help screens
      plus  more.   System  Requirements: Any IBM or compatible, Min
      512K RAM.

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #3911

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

FILE_ID  DIZ       450   7-20-93  12:52a
VENDOR   DOC      6196   7-20-93  12:52a
README   1ST      2367   7-20-93  12:52a
INSTALL  EXE     74582   7-20-93  12:52a
PFE1     XXX    193498   7-20-93  12:52a
PFE2     XXX     71713   7-20-93  12:52a
GO       BAT        34   8-11-93   8:39a
SHOW     EXE      2040   9-12-88  10:48a
        8 file(s)     350880 bytes
                        7168 bytes free