PCjs Machines

Home of the original IBM PC emulator for browsers.


PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #3852)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5170" to load....



(Corporate Licenses Available - Inquire by CompuServe or US Mail)


Dick Bryant
Open Windows
P.O. Box 49746
Colorado Springs, CO 80949-9746

Phone registrations (only, please) * 719-531-0403

CompuServe 75236, 3243

Name ____________________________________________________________

Address _________________________________________________________


City _________________________ State ______ Zip Code ____________

Date ________________ Amount Enclosed $________

Disk Size Preference ___ 3 1/2" ___ 5 1/4"

I obtained my evaluation copy from ____________________________

CompuServe # _______________ (If your CompuServe # is included,
I'll send your Registration Key by CompuServe-Mail for speedier



 Dear Shareware Vendor:

 This file contains our distribution policy and information on all

 Open Windows has a simple distribution policy: You have permission to
 distribute our shareware in its original form as long as you:

 * identify it as shareware (with an appropriate definition)

 * leave all intellectual property (copyright) notices in place

 ..and as long as we do not request that you stop.

 That's it.

 You may archive our programs, unarchive them, include/exclude optional
 files (like this one), include them with other programs on the same
 diskette, and do essentially anything you want as long as you follow
 these simple rules.  We want the widest possible distribution, and
 don't want to stand in your way so long as you are honest with our
 mutual customer.

 We suggest that you include all files with the same name (WINFLS21.EXE,
 distribution together with the REGISTER.TXT file.  You may choose to include
 all or a part of this file with your distribution at your option.

 Our normal distribution sequence is:

 1  New versions are offered to our registered users and are
    automatically shipped to new users registering an out-of-date copy.

 2  New versions are posted on CIS in the WINSHARE forum.

 3  ASP distribution members are included in the regular ASP mailing.
    This saves both of us money and effort; if you are not an ASP
    vendor or bulletin board member, please consider joining.

 4  Then, we send copies of major revisions of software to non-ASP
    vendors who have notified us of their interest.  If you are a
    catalog house, send us a copy of the catalog in which the
    program appears, together with a copy of the diskette(s)
    containing the program(s) you wish to distribute; we will send
    you a copy of any major updates to our software.  If you run a
    bulletin board, send us a diskette(s) containing the program(s)
    you wish to distribute, and your mailing address, and we will
    update the diskette and mail it back to you.

 If you have any questions, concerns, or complaints, please contact me:

                          Dick Bryant
                         Open  Windows
                        P.O.  Box 49746
                Colorado Springs, CO 80949-9746

                    CompuServe 75236, 3243

		   ____|__     |               (tm)
		--|       |    |-------------------
		  |   ____|__  |  Association of
		  |  |       |_|  Shareware
		  |__|   o   |    Professionals
		-----|   |   |---------------------
		     |___|___|    MEMBER

 Package Name: WinUpD8R 3.0

 BBS/CIS Name: UPD8R-30.ZIP/UPD8R.ZIP (UPD8R-nn where nn is
                 the revision number).

 Major Heading: Utilities, Windows, File Transfer.

 Configuration: IBM PC-compatible running Windows 3.1 or later

 First Release: 1992

 Purchase Price: $15.00

 Shipping and Handling: $3.00

 Customer Support: 6 months with registration - free upgrades through next
                     major release

 Key Words: Windows File Transfer Update UpD8 Backup ASP Shareware

 Description: WinUpD8R 3.0 <ASP>

 WinUpD8R 3.0 helps users manage their files between
 multiple computers - maintaining the most up-to-date
 files on all machines without the hassle of cable
 hookups or modem transfers.

 WinUpD8R 3.0 is the only program available for the
 Windows environment that is specifically designed for
 floppy-net support.  It provides single-click 'UpD8'
 of multiple directories across multiple drives.

 Site License Available: Yes

 Package Name: WinFlash 2.1

 BBS/CIS Name: FLASH-21.ZIP/FLASH.ZIP (FLASHnn where nn is
                 the revision number).

 Major Heading: Education, Windows, FlashCards

 Configuration: IBM PC-compatible running Windows 3.1 or later

 First Release: 1993

 Purchase Price: $15.00

 Shipping and Handling: $3.00

 Customer Support: 6 months with registration - free upgrades through next
                     major release

 Key Words: Windows Education WinFlash Flashcard ASP Shareware

 Description: WinFlash 2.1 <ASP>

 WinFlash 2.1 helps users memorize coursework and
 professional material - using the familiar Windows
 environment - through a flash-card type interface.
 Allows user-specifiable groups of questions to be
 asked at a greater frequency, enabling concentration
 on "problem" questions.

 WinFlash 2.1 is the only program available for the
 Windows environment that is specifically designed for
 user-developed flashcards.  It provides an easy text-
 file-based format for producing the flash-card files.

 Site License Available: Yes



Thank you for trying one of Open Windows' programs!  This disk
contains three of my programs - WinUpD8R 3.0, WinFlash 2.1 and
BailOut.  Before using a program you'll need to create a new
directory on your hard disk to hold the program's files, copy
the program to your hard disk, UNZIP it and install it as an
application into Windows.  If this makes perfect sense to you -
excellent - go to it!  If it doesn't, the step-by-step example
below may help you work through the process.  Please forgive me
if this is overly detailed, but I've tried to make this usable
by a complete newcomer to both DOS and Windows.

If you're planning to use the step-by-step instructions, print
out this file so that you'll have hard copy handy for reference.
Let's assume you want to install WinUpD8R 3.0.  All the necessary
files to run this program are contained in "compressed" form
inside the file UPD8R-30.ZIP on this disk.  To install the
program, follow the steps below:

1. Start Windows 3.1.  If Windows is already running and you've
been working on something in Windows, save and close your files
and close your applications so that if we reach a point where we
need to turn the machine off and then back on we won't lose any

2. One of your program groups (probably the UTILITIES group)
should contain an ICON with the title "MS-DOS Prompt".  Double-
click the mouse on this ICON.  This action should start up a
full-screen DOS session - a black screen with a box  at the top
whose first statement is "Type EXIT and press ENTER to quit this
MS-DOS prompt and return to Windows".

The last line on the screen should look something like:


with a flashing bar following the >.  Letters that you type will
appear at the position of the flashing bar.

For the remainder of the instructions, I'll be using the
following conventions:

If I want you to type something, I'll enclose WHAT I want you to
type in square brackets - [ ].  If one of the keys isn't a
regular character, such as the Enter key (the large key on the
right of the main section of keys - it generally has a left-
facing arrow and the word "Enter" on it), I'll indicate a press
of this key by enclosing its name in angle brackets - < >.
Finally, I'll isolate that line from the rest of the text by
putting a row of asterisks above and below the line.

For example, if I want you to type the word CAT and press the
enter key, I'll indicate this as

TYPE [CAT<Enter>]

3. Our first step is to create a directory on the hard drive for
the WinUpD8R files.  We'll call the directory WINUPD8R (or
WINFLASH or BAILOUT depending on which program we're installing -
if you're installing one of the other programs, remember to
substitute WINFLASH or BAILOUT from now on whenever you see
WINUPD8R) and place it on the C drive as follows:


4. Insert the Open Windows floppy disk into the proper drive.
Make sure that the disk-retaining arm is closed correctly if the
disk is a 5 1/4" disk (turn the arm 1/4 turn clockwise after
inserting the disk).  If you have two floppy disk drives, make
sure the other drive is empty.

If you know the correct letter designator for the drive in which
you've placed the Open Windows floppy (it will be A or B), use
that letter in step 5.  If you don't know, start with A, as I've
indicated, and follow through the instructions.

TYPE [A:<Enter>]

The computer should come back with


If so, move on to step 6.

If, instead, it says something like:

Not ready reading drive A:
Abort, Retry, Fail?

it means that the disk is really in drive B.  To recover

TYPE [f]

the computer should respond with:

The current drive is no longer valid>

TYPE [B:<Enter>]

the computer should respond with:


TYPE [DIR<Enter>]

At this point there should be a list of files appearing on your
screen that looks something like:

FLASH-21 ZIP 	62438
README   TXT  	12070
UNZIP    EXE    30226
UPD8R-30 ZIP    76260

along with some other dates, times and numbers.

7.  Now we'll copy the files we need to the directory that we've
created on the hard drive in step 3:


(If you're installing WinFlash or BailOut, substitute
or BAILOUT for WINUPD8R - remember to continue with these
substitutions in the following steps...)

The computer should respond with:

1 file(s) copied


Again the computer should respond with:

1 file(s) copied

9.  Now, we'll move back over to the hard drive:

TYPE [C:<Enter>]

the computer should come back with:




or perhaps just


In any case, as long as what comes back STARTS with C:, you're
in good shape.


the computer should come back with:


or, again, perhaps just


To be sure we're in the right place and everything we need is

TYPE [DIR<Enter>]

The two files we copied should now appear on your screen in a
list looking like:

UNZIP    EXE    30226
UPD8R-30 ZIP    75748

along with some other dates, times and numbers.

If one or both of the files is missing, return to step 5 and
carefully go through the instructions again.  Be VERY careful not
to insert extra spaces and that you type EXACTLY what is shown.

10.  Next, to start the unzipping process:

TYPE [UNZIP UPD8R-30<Enter>]

This will produce the following eight files in the WINUPD8R

	WINUPD30.EXE - The executable program file
	WINUPD30.HLP - The help file supporting WinUpD8R
	WINUPD30.REG - Information on shareware in Windows Write
		 format - called by registration procedure
	WINUPD30.FRM - Registration form in Windows Write
		format - called by registration procedure
	REGISTER.TXT - Registration form in ASCII format
	README.WRI - The help documentation in Windows Write
	VENDOR.TXT - Information of interest to shareware
		distributors and BBSs in ASCII format
	FILE_ID.DIZ - Program description supporting automatic
		extraction of description text by BBSs

To see these files listed:

TYPE [DIR<Enter>]

If the computer lists the files shown, plus the two files that we
started with, we've completed the hard part of the job!!

(Similar files will appear if we're working with WinFlash and a
smaller list if we're working with BailOut)

11.  Before returning to Windows, let's remove the files we no
longer need:

TYPE [DEL UPD8R-30.ZIP<Enter>]


TYPE [DIR<Enter>]

The list should now only include the "new" files listed above, as
we've DELeted UPD8R-30.ZIP and UNZIP.EXE.

12.  To return to Windows:

TYPE [EXIT<Enter>]

We should now be back in Windows.

13.  Select, by double clicking on it with the mouse, the program
group which you want to hold the WinUpD8R ICON for running the

14.  Open the Program Manager's File menu by clicking once on the
word "File" (at the top of the screen) with the mouse.

15.  Click once on the word "New" on the menu which appears with
the mouse.

This will bring up a "dialog box" labeled "New Program Object"
with two circles in it, one of them blackened.

16.  If it is not blackened already, click in the circle next to
the words "Program Item" with the mouse so that the circle
becomes blackened.

17.  Click the OK button with the mouse

This will bring up another dialog box labeled "Program Item

18.  Click the mouse inside the box following the word
"Description" and:


(or WinFlash)  If you're installing BailOut, open the BAILOUT.WRI
file with the Windows WRITE editor for further instructions.  You
may wish to install BAILOUT in the WIN.INI file rather than as a
regular application.

Click the mouse inside the next box down and:


(Remember to replace WINUPD8R and WINUPD30.EXE with their
proper counterparts if installing one of the other applications)

Click the OK button with the mouse.

19. The ICON for WinUpD8R (a red disk with UpD8R on it in yellow
letters) or other application you are installing should now
appear in the program group you selected in step 13.  If so,
congratulations!! - you've successfully installed WinUpD8R 3.0!!

20. To use WinUpD8R, double-click on its ICON and take some time
to read through the on line help provided to learn how to use the

If you have comments or suggestions on how to improve these
instructions, or questions relating to their use, please write me
at the address below or send me a note on CompuServe.

                          Dick Bryant
                         Open  Windows
                        P.O.  Box 49746
                Colorado Springs, CO 80949-9746

                    CompuServe 75236, 3243

		   ____|__     |               (tm)
		--|       |    |-------------------
		  |   ____|__  |  Association of
		  |  |       |_|  Shareware
		  |__|   o   |    Professionals
		-----|   |   |---------------------
 		     |___|___|    MEMBER

Thanks again for trying Open Windows programs!!!



(Corporate Licenses Available - Inquire by CompuServe or US Mail)


Dick Bryant
Open Windows
P.O. Box 49746
Colorado Springs, CO 80949-9746

Phone registrations (only, please) * 719-531-0403

CompuServe 75236, 3243

Name ____________________________________________________________

Address _________________________________________________________


City _________________________ State ______ Zip Code ____________

Date ________________ Amount Enclosed $________

Disk Size Preference ___ 3 1/2" ___ 5 1/4"

I obtained my evaluation copy from ______________________________

CompuServe # _______________ (If your CompuServe # is included,
I'll send your Registration Key by CompuServe-Mail for speedier



 Dear Shareware Vendor:

 This file contains our distribution policy and information on all

 Open Windows has a simple distribution policy: You have permission to
 distribute our shareware in its original form as long as you:

 * identify it as shareware (with an appropriate definition)

 * leave all intellectual property (copyright) notices in place

 ..and as long as we do not request that you stop.

 That's it.

 You may archive our programs, unarchive them, include/exclude optional
 files (like this one), include them with other programs on the same
 diskette, and do essentially anything you want as long as you follow
 these simple rules.  We want the widest possible distribution, and
 don't want to stand in your way so long as you are honest with our
 mutual customer.

 We suggest that you include all files with the same name (WINUPD30.EXE,
 WINUPD30.HLP, WINUPD30.REG, WINUPD30.FRM) in your distribution together
 with the REGISTER.TXT file.  You may choose to include all or a part of
 this file with your distribution at your option.

 Our normal distribution sequence is:

 1  New versions are offered to our registered users and are
    automatically shipped to new users registering an out-of-date copy.

 2  New versions are posted on CIS in the WINSHARE forum.

 3  ASP distribution members are included in the regular ASP mailing.
    This saves both of us money and effort; if you are not an ASP
    vendor or bulletin board member, please consider joining.

 4  Then, we send copies of major revisions of software to non-ASP
    vendors who have notified us of their interest.  If you are a
    catalog house, send us a copy of the catalog in which the
    program appears, together with a copy of the diskette(s)
    containing the program(s) you wish to distribute; we will send
    you a copy of any major updates to our software.  If you run a
    bulletin board, send us a diskette(s) containing the program(s)
    you wish to distribute, and your mailing address, and we will
    update the diskette and mail it back to you.

 If you have any questions, concerns, or complaints, please contact me:

                          Dick Bryant
                         Open  Windows
                        P.O.  Box 49746
                Colorado Springs, CO 80949-9746

                    CompuServe 75236, 3243

		   ____|__     |               (tm)
		--|       |    |-------------------
		  |   ____|__  |  Association of
		  |  |       |_|  Shareware
		  |__|   o   |    Professionals
		-----|   |   |---------------------
		     |___|___|    MEMBER

 Package Name: WinUpD8R 3.0

 BBS/CIS Name: UPD8R-30.ZIP/UPD8R.ZIP (UPD8R-nn where nn is
                 the revision number).

 Major Heading: Utilities, Windows, File Transfer.

 Configuration: IBM PC-compatible running Windows 3.1 or later

 First Release: 1993

 Purchase Price: $15.00

 Shipping and Handling: $3.00

 Customer Support: 6 months with purchase.

 Key Words: Windows File Transfer Update UpD8 Backup ASP Shareware

 Description: WinUpD8R 3.0 <ASP>

 WinUpD8R 3.0 helps users manage their files between
 multiple computers - maintaining the most up-to-date
 files on all machines without the hassle of cable
 hookups or modem transfers.

 WinUpD8R 3.0 is the only program available for the
 Windows environment that is specifically designed for
 floppy-net support.  It provides single-click 'UpD8'
 of multiple directories across multiple drives.

 Site License Available: Yes

 Package Name: WinFlash 2.0

 BBS/CIS Name: FLASH-20.ZIP/FLASH.ZIP (FLASHnn where nn is the revision number).

 Major Heading: Education, Windows, FlashCards

 Configuration: IBM PC-compatible running Windows 3.1 or later

 First Release: 1993

 Purchase Price: $15.00

 Shipping and Handling: $3.00

 Customer Support: 6 months with purchase.

 Key Words: Windows Education WinFlash Flashcard ASP Shareware

 Description: WinFlash 2.0 <ASP>

 WinFlash 2.0 helps users memorize coursework and
 professional material - using the familiar Windows
 environment - through a flash-card type interface.
 Allows user-specifiable groups of questions to be
 asked at a greater frequency, enabling concentration
 on "problem" questions.

 WinFlash 2.0 is the only program available for the
 Windows environment that is specifically designed for
 user-developed flashcards.  It provides an easy text-
 file-based format for producing the flash-card files.

 Site License Available: Yes


Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #3852

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

BAILOUT  ZIP     13322   5-22-93  11:27a
FLASH-21 ZIP     62438   5-23-93   2:10a
README   TXT     12070   6-30-93   6:36a
UNZIP    EXE     30226   8-22-92  12:49p
UPD8R-30 ZIP     76260   5-30-93   3:03a
GO       BAT        34   7-13-93  10:19a
SHOW     EXE      2040   9-12-88  10:48a
        7 file(s)     196390 bytes
                      122880 bytes free