PCjs Machines

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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #3795)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5170" to load....


Instructions for Registering Grammar Expert

Why should I register?

1. You will receive a copy of the most current version of Grammar
2. We will mail the next upgrade to Grammar Expert to you, free of
3. You will receive a free copy of Wintertree Software's Guide to
   Frequently Confused Words, an addition to Grammar Expert that
   contains quick, online definitions of words people frequently
4. You can receive support for using Grammar Expert from Wintertree
   Software Inc.
5. You will be supporting continued development of and improvements to
   Grammar Expert.

How can I register?

1. By phone, using a credit card.
2. By mail.

Registering by Phone

You can order your registration of Grammar Expert with MC, Visa, Amex, or
Discover from the Public (software) Library by calling 1-800-2424-PsL
or (713) 524-6394. You can also order by sending a FAX to (713) 524-6398,
or by sending CompuServe EMail to 71355,470. NOTE: These numbers
are for orders only! Any questions about the status of your order,
registration options, product details, technical support, volume
discounts, dealer pricing, site licenses, etc. must be directed to
Wintertree Software Inc. at (613) 825-6271.

When you order by phone, PsL will notify us the day of your order
and we will ship the product directly to you.

Registering by Mail

Via check or money order: Fill in the order form at the end of this
document and send it with a check or money order for the indicated
amount to:

    Wintertree Software Inc.
    Attn: Order Dept.
    43 Rueter St.
    Nepean, Ontario
    Canada K2J 3Z9

We will accept personal checks drawn on a US or Canadian bank. We
also accept international money orders.

Via credit card: Fill in the order form at the end of this document and
send it to:

    P.O. Box 35705
    Houston, TX
    USA 77235-5705

Via purchase order: Please call Wintertree Software Inc. at (613) 825-6271.

If You Have Questions

Please call Wintertree Software Inc. at (613) 825-6271.

    Wintertree Software Inc.                                Order Form

    Name: ____________________________________________________________

    Company: _________________________________________________________

    Address: _________________________________________________________

    City: __________________________  State/Prov: ____________________

    Country : ______________________  Zip/Postal Code: _______________

    Phone: _________________________

Please send me ____ copies of Grammar Expert at $30.00 each: __________
          (Note that the registration fee includes shipping & handling)

                        Ontario residents please add 8% PST: __________

                                                      TOTAL: __________

    Diskette: ____ 5 1/4"   ____ 3 1/2"

    Method of Payment:

    ____ Check/Money Order     ____ Credit card (Type: _______________)

                               Card number: ___________________________

                               Expiry Date: ___________________________

                                 Signature: ___________________________

    Send Check/Money-Order Orders to:     |  Send Credit-Card Orders to:
      Wintertree Software Inc.            |    PsL
      Attn: Order Dept.                   |    P.O. Box 35705
      43 Rueter St.                       |    Houston, TX
      Nepean, Ontario                     |    USA 77235-5705
      Canada K2J 3Z9                      |


Grammar Expert 1.00

Wintertree Software Inc.
43 Rueter St.
Nepean, Ontario
Canada K2J 3Z9
(613) 825-6271

Grammar Expert is an online, hypertext reference book for the rules
of English grammar, punctuation, and effective writing. Grammar Expert
contains practical answers, guidelines, and advice on thousands of
grammar-related points for business, writers, students, and people
learning English as a second language. Use Grammar Expert's
online index and table of contents to locate the information you need
quickly. Grammar Expert explains the grammatical rules involved
and provides plenty of examples.

To use Grammar Expert, you must have Microsoft Windows 3.1. If you
have Windows 3.0, inform Wintertree Software when you register for
Grammar Expert. We can provide you with some supplementary files that
permit you to use Grammar Expert with Windows 3.0.

Please read the file GE.WRI for information on installing and using
Grammar Expert. GE.WRI is a Windows Write file.

About Shareware

Grammar Expert is "shareware" and is provided at no charge to you for
evaluation.  Feel free to share it with your friends, but please do not
give it away altered or as part of another system.  If you find Grammar
Expert useful and want to continue using it, you must make a registration
payment of $30.00 to Wintertree Software Inc.  The $30.00 registration
fee will license one copy for use on any one computer at any one time.

Commercial users of Grammar Expert must register and pay for their copies
within 30 days of first use or their license is withdrawn.  Site-License
arrangements may be made by contacting Wintertree Software Inc.

You are encouraged to pass a copy of Grammar Expert along to your friends
for evaluation.  Please encourage them to register their copy if they
find that they can use it.  All registered users will receive:

1. The most current version of Grammar Expert.
2. The next upgrade, absolutely free.
3. A free copy of Wintertree Software's Guide to Frequently Confused
   Words, an addition to Grammar Expert that contains quick, online
   definitions of words people frequently confuse.

See the file ORDER.TXT for information about registering for Grammar Expert.

Revision History

1.0 February 1992
    - First release.

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #3795

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

GO       BAT        36   6-15-93   1:36p
SHOW     EXE      2040   9-12-88  10:48a
GE       HLP    145341   1-30-93   7:51p
GE       ICO       766   1-30-93   3:21p
GE       WRI     21632   1-30-93   3:52p
ORDER    TXT      3769   1-30-93   1:01p
README   TXT      2349   1-30-93   7:54p
        7 file(s)     175933 bytes
                      143360 bytes free