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All TOTAL SYSTEM SOLUTIONS Software products
may be downloaded and registered on-line at:

     ATTENTION to Details RyBBS
     Riverside, CA
     v.32bis 14.4Kbps

Major credit cards are accepted.

Logging on at Attention to Details RyBBS:
     Set your Communications Program to the normal 8/N/1 settings. Dial
     up	the BBS, and enter your Real Name and Voice Telephone Number
     when prompted. Please complete the brief New User Questionnaire
     that follows. After completion of the Questionnaire, dated SYSTEM
     NEWS Notes appear. You may press [S]top at any time to end viewing
     of the News.

     Your First Menu will give you several Options for navigating the BBS.

FREE! Download the most recent versions of Total System Solutions software:
     1)  Press [M] from the first Menu to access the [M]ain Menu.
     2)  From the Main Menu, press [F] for the [F]iles Menu.
     3)  From the Files Menu, press C to [C]hange File Area.
     4)  Enter 47 to access File Area 47 - TOTAL SYSTEM SOLUTIONS.
     5)  The system will place you again at the Files Menu. Press [L]
         to List the Files contained in the TSS Area.

To purchase Total System Solutions Software with your credit card:
     Press [T] for [T]eleShoppe OnLine Ordering from the first Menu. You
     will find this On-Line Ordering system easy to use - and there are
     built-in Help Screens to assist you.

You may download any of the Total System Solution files free on your first
log-on! After viewing the File Titles, choose [D]ownload from the Files
Menu, and follow the prompts. Several download protocols are available
for your convenience.

Feel free to browse the BBS - and please leave any Questions or Comments
that may arise. Messages may be entered from the Message Menu. You are
also given the opportunity to [L]eave a Message when logging off the BBS.


Attention CompuServe Users

SWREG - CompuServe On-Line Shareware Registration Forum

Charge payment for DocuPower right to your CompuServe account.
No waiting! We'll send your registration license code back to
you immediately via CompuServe E-Mail.

Heres how to do it:

1. Log onto CompuServe.
2. Go to the Shareware Registration Forum - GO SWREG.
3. Select "Register Shareware" from the main menu.
4. Select Registration ID from the "SEARCH BY" menu.
5. When prompted for the ID, enter 602.
6. This will bring up a description of DocuPower.
   Enter "Y" to charge payment to your CompuServe account.
7. Complete the order by answering the remaining questions when prompted.

For more details, please see the "Methods of Payment" section of DPOWER.DOC.



DATE:     25 February 1993
FROM:     Total System Solutions, Inc.
CONTACT:  Daniel Goodman
PHONE:    718-375-1261

Powerful Macro System for
Microsoft Word For Windows

After you create Word for Windows documents, how do you find them?
You know they're on your hard drive, or on the LAN file server...
somewhere. So you keep clicking through the "File Open" list box.
If only you could remember the file name (click, click), or the directory
(click, click) - you might actually be able to get some work done!

Give long, descriptive names to documents!

DocuPower breaks the eight character DOS file name barrier. It's a
powerful document management tool that makes it easy to organize and
quickly access your work. Best of all, DocuPower integrates seamlessly
into WinWord. It's a quality macro system from Total System Solutions,
the makers of the award winning Fileware macro collection.

Regardless of how you have your DOS directory structure organized
(or disorganized), DocuPower  keeps all the files you need always
on hand, immediately available.

If you create or use a document that you know youÆll come back to
again, just point and click to put it in a DocuPower "folder". Give
each folder a descriptive title, and keep related items grouped together
in each folder. Every DocuPower item can be opened, inserted or printed.

OPEN ANY FILE that you want to work on - just highlight its
description. No need to search through directory after
directory every time you need it.

INSERT THE CONTENTS of one document into another. This can be
a very powerful tool for automated document assembly.
Keep standard document components in separate files.
Group similar elements together in each folder. Access these
items in any order to compose complex, individualized
documents in minutes.

PRINT A DOCUMENT without having to open it first - just by
selecting its description.

DocuPower  crosses document management and office
automation to turbo-charge Word for Windows. It's a
valuable tool for word-smiths like attorneys, paralegals,
secretaries, writers - anyone whose job includes word processing.

DocuPower is available now for only $24.95
For more product information call: 718-375-1261

Get your copy now!

Telephone Order Info
* Call 718-375-2997

File Download Info
Download the shareware file DPWR15.ZIP from:
* CompuServe -- WINSHARE forum (GO WINSHARE; File Utilities Library #2)
* The "Attention to Details" BBS 909-681-6221 (v.32bis 14.4Kbps).

CompuServe on-line registration is available:
GO SWREG, and order product 602.

Register on-line by credit card on the "Attention to Details" BBS.



DATE:     30 June 1993
FROM:     Total System Solutions, Inc.
CONTACT:  Daniel Goodman
PHONE:    718-375-1261

DocuPower Pro  2.0

After you create Word for Windows documents, how do you find them? You know
they're on your hard drive, or on the LAN file server... somewhere. If only
you could remember the file name, or the directory - you might actually be
able to get some work done.

DocuPower Pro  breaks the eight character DOS file name barrier!

Give long, descriptive names to your documents - up to 45 characters long.
DocuPower Pro is a total document management solution that makes it easy to
quickly access your work. On stand-alone PCÆs as well as across networks, it
can completely organize your documents. Best of all, it integrates seamlessly
into WinWord.

Check Out These Incredible Features

* Break the eight character DOS file name barrier. With DocuPower Pro you can
  give your documents real, meaningful descriptions - up to 45 characters long!

* Assign enhanced DocuPower Pro descriptions while maintaining your original
  file names. YouÆll never misplace a file again. Use DocuPower Pro descriptions
  for fast access, or, if you prefer, look at the regular path and file name.

* Get organized - itÆs fast and easy. Create an unlimited number of folders for
  your documents, and give each folder its own descriptive title.

* Each folder holds an unlimited number of document descriptions. Add as many as
  you like, because theyÆll be displayed in alphabetical order. Simply touch the
  keyboard to jump immediately to any part of the list.

* Lightning fast folder list display! See hundreds of files instantly.

* Toggle folder list displays instantly between DocuPower Pro document
  descriptions and DOS file names.

* One file can appear in multiple folders simultaneously. This enables you to
  organize the same material in different ways while avoiding version control

* Because itÆs tightly integrated into Winword, DocuPower Pro will automatically
  prompt you every time you save a new file. So youÆre never more than one
  keystroke or mouse click away from adding your new work directly to a folder.

* Sophisticated folder management allows you to create, rename, or delete entire
  folders. Plus you can easily move documents from one folder to another.

* Print single or multiple copies of a document directly from any folder - you donÆt
  need to open the file first.

* Print all documents in a folder with just one command.

* Fax documents directly from a folder.

* Insert the contents of one document into another. Clicking the "Insert" button
  lets you perform automated document assembly.

* Integrated File Find and Text Search utilities find the files you need fast.
  Select multiple entries from the list of files found. Open all selected files
  at once, or add all selected files directly to any DocuPower Pro folder.

* Integrated file management functions enable you to make directories, copy,
  rename, delete or move files. The file management window is easy and intuitive
  to use - a dual list box with file names on the left, and your descriptions on
  the right. Do it all without ever leaving Winword or DocuPower Pro.

* Print a detailed folder status report. List document descriptions and file names
  for all documents in any folder (or just list descriptions which have invalid file

* Free DocuPower Pro Tool Kit includes powerful WinWord macro utilities: Close All
  Open Files; Display Date On Menu; Exit Windows; Restart Windows; List All Files
  In Directory; Run Program (Command Line); Windows System Status.

* Additional tool kits are available to meet specialized needs. The WriterÆs Tool
  Kit includes the following utilities: Font Minder, Text Jumper, BookMark Lister,
  Edit Templates, Open Most Recent Files, Print All Open Files, Compare Documents
  and Winword INI Changer.

Beware of Conventional Document Management Systems

DocuPower Pro is unique. Because we do it all, and do it safely. All document
management systems are not alike. To appreciate our revolutionary design, itÆs
important to understand the dangers of conventional document management systems.
These programs also allow you to assign descriptive names to your files. However,
to keep track of what description goes with which file, they take control of your
computer. First, they create their own DOS directories for your documents (for
example C:\MEZ001A2). Next, they rename each file at the DOS level with their own
proprietary file names, like L000310.DOC. Finally, the new directory structure and
proprietary file names are indexed and tracked by their database engine.

And thatÆs the problem with conventional systems - they take too much control away from
you. As long as your descriptive names are viewed from inside their program, everything
is fine. But if you want to find a file on your own, youÆre out of luck. Just try
figuring out what C:\MEZ001A2\L000310.DOC means!

This can be a real problem. If you need to copy directories or files to a diskette,
youÆll be stuck. The names that the document management program assigns are totally
meaningless to you. So using any file management program becomes impractical.
Backing up your data also becomes either difficult or impossible. How can you back up
your documents when you donÆt know where they are or what theyÆre named?

We believe that the benefits offered by these programs are outweighed by the price you
have to pay. ItÆs just never worth it to give up complete control of your system.

DocuPower ProÆs Revolutionary Design

Unlike ordinary document management systems, DocuPower Pro enhances rather than
replaces your existing directory structure and file names. YouÆll always have it
both ways. Assign long, descriptive names to your documents. Retain your original
directory structure and file names. DocuPower Pro puts you in complete control.

DocuPower Pro gives you the power you need to always be in charge of your documents.
Try it yourself and see what it's like to always have your files at your fingertips.

Call Today!

DocuPower Pro costs only $59.95 (hundreds less than other document management
systems). It is optimized for use on stand-alone PCÆs as well as networks.
(Discounted prices are available for site licenses). Your satisfaction is guaranteed.
If you arenÆt completely happy with DocuPower Pro, we will promptly refund your money.
A fully functioning demo is also available. We accept Visa, MasterCard and American
Express. To order, or for more information call 718-375-2997.



DATE:     19 May 1993
FROM:     Total System Solutions, Inc.
CONTACT:  Daniel Goodman
PHONE:    718-375-1261

File Maintenance, Document Management
& Program Launching Macro Utilities
For Microsoft Word For Windows 2.x

FILEWARE is an award winning suite of thirteen file maintenance,
document management & program launching utilities which integrate
seamlessly into Microsoft Word for Windows 2.x. It provides the many
commonly requested features that Microsoft "forgot" to include. After
auto-installation to the "File" or "Tools" menu, the Fileware system
is never more than a mouse click or keystroke away. NOW YOU CAN DO

FORGET FILE MANAGER. Make directories; delete, rename, copy or move files.
Because it's integrated into WinWord, Fileware  is the easiest, safest way
to manage files - on stand-alone PCÆs or over networks.

FORGET PROGRAM MANAGER. Launch programs instantly with "Run
Buttons", a customizable toolbox of pushbuttons (or type a
command on the convenient "Quick Run" line).

customizable list of document descriptions close at hand. Just
point and click to open the files you want.

pushbutton access to the directories you use the most. Just one
click jumps you anywhere on your PC... or across your network.

ABOLISH REPETITIVE KEYSTROKES. Close all open files at the same
time with just one command. Options include "Close Without Saving"
& "Prompt To Save".

PROTECT YOUR CONFIDENTIAL DATA. "Word Lock" provides password
protection for the complete Word for Windows application (not
just certain files).

EDIT DOCUMENT TEMPLATES instantly even if you don't know which
directory they're in.

EXIT WINDOWS when you're done working with just one click.

Fileware is a powerful yet inexpensive suite of utilities.
It was chosen one of the "48 Best Add In" products by PC Magazine;
PC Week says, "...adds a good selection of file and program management
features that were left out of Word for Windows." In "Hacker's Guide to
Word for Windows" (Addison Wesley) Woody Leonhard (creator of WOPR)writes,
"...the system that Microsoft forgot...makes WinWord stand on its ear."

Please note: Fileware has been upgraded and enhanced.
Its features now include:

   * Easy installation to ALL language versions
     of Winword. Both English and non-English
     (German, French, etc.) versions are now
   * Full network support
   * Tighter integration with our other
     products, especially DocuPower
   * Faster performance of file management functions

Fileware is still available for only $39.95.
For more product information call: 718-375-1261

Get your copy now!

Telephone Order Info
* Call 718-375-2997

File Download Info
Download the shareware file FW24.ZIP from:
* CompuServe -- WINSHARE forum (GO WINSHARE; File Utilities Library #2)
* The "Attention to Details" BBS 909-681-6221 (v.32bis 14.4Kbps).

CompuServe on-line registration is available:
GO SWREG, and order product 490.

Register on-line by credit card on the "Attention to Details" BBS.


DocuPower 1.5 General Info
DocuPower is a powerful document management tool for Microsoft
Word for Windows 2.x.

DocuPower allows you to assign descriptive names of any length
to documents! Break the 8 character DOS file name barrier. It
integrates seamlessly into WinWord to help you organize and
quickly access your work. See how easy it is to open, insert,
or print documents just by pointing and clicking on their
descriptions. It's very popular with attorneys, who use it for
automated document assembly. It's the most inexpensive,
full-featured Windows document management and automated assembly
application available!

Packing List
1. DPOWER.DOC - DocuPower Program Installer & User's Guide
2. FWDLG.DLL - support file
3. DPWRPLUS.DOC - DocuPower Plus Enhancement Pack
4. SERVICES.TXT - custom services info
5. README.TXT - this file
6. FILE_ID.DIZ - program package description
7. DESC.SDI - program package description
8. DP_RLS.TXT - DocuPower Press Release
9. FW_RLS.TXT - Fileware Press Release
10. BBS_ORD.TXT - 24 hour credit card ordering on-line on the ATD BBS
11. CIS_ORD.TXT - 24 hour ordering on CompuServe via SWREG
12. UPGRADE.TXT - Discount for upgrading to DocuPower Pro 2.0
13. DP2_RLS.TXT - DocuPower Pro 2.0 Press Release

If any of the above files is missing, please contact
Total System Solutions immediately at 718-375-1261, or send us a
CompuServe E-Mail message at 70154,2463. Tell us what's missing, and
from what source you received your copy of this program. We will make
sure you get a complete copy of DocuPower.

To enhance speed of installation, don't open DPOWER.DOC from a floppy.
Instead, copy ALL of the above files to the SAME directory on your hard drive.
Then open the DPOWER.DOC document in Word for Windows and follow the
instructions for installation.

Registration & Payment
DocuPower costs only $24.95 US dollars (a real bargain). Payment can be made
via check, money order, credit card, on-line CompuServe registration, or
on-line BBS credit card registration. For more information, call 718-375-2997.

Attention CompuServe Users
On-line registration is available. This means you can charge payment for
DocuPower right to your CompuServe account. No waiting! We'll send your
registration license code back to you immediately via E-Mail.
Heres how to do it:

1. Log onto CompuServe.
2. Go to the Shareware Registration Forum - GO SWREG.
3. Select "Register Shareware" from the main menu.
4. Select Registration ID from the "SEARCH BY" menu.
5. When prompted for the ID, enter 602.
6. This will bring up a description of DocuPower.
   Enter "Y" to charge payment to your CompuServe account.
7. Complete the order by answering the remaining questions when prompted.

For more details, please see the "Methods of Payment" section of DPOWER.DOC.

Now The Fun Starts
Shareware lets you try BEFORE you buy... enjoy evaluating DocuPower!

Copyright ⌐ Total System Solutions, Inc. 1992. All Rights Reserved.


Dear Winword User,

Word for Windows can do great things!
Ask yourself what you really wish computers could do. Then call us.

Total System Solutions, Inc. creates customized Windows solutions for
serious business users. We've developed turn-key Word for Windows
applications to automate document processing for many major corporations.
If you work with words or numbers in Windows, we can really help you.

For example, we recently developed a system to automate the generation of
commercial leases for one of the largest commercial real estate
management companies in the world. The time required for the creation of
customized leases was cut from over 2 weeks to under 20 minutes per

We can save your company time and money while improving and
standardizing the quality of your output. Call us today at
718-375-1261 for more information.


Daniel Goodman, President
Total System Solutions, Inc.


                             Upgrade Alert!

For a limited time, if you buy a copy of DocuPower 1.x (for $24.95) youÆll be
able to upgrade to DocuPower Pro 2.0 at a very special price. Instead of paying
an additional $35 per copy, registered users will qualify for a special upgrade
price of only $15 per copy (this represents an overall savings of 33%).
Order today and save!

To get your copy of DocuPower 1.x (and qualify for the special upgrade price),
call 718-375-2997. Visa, Mastercard and American Express accepted.

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #3760

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

GO       BAT        34   9-17-93   8:54a
FW_RLS   TXT      3402   6-30-93  10:34p
UPGRADE  TXT       601   6-30-93   9:49p
BBS_ORD  TXT      2275   5-13-93   3:29p
README   TXT      3262   6-30-93  10:33p
CIS_ORD  TXT       809   5-13-93   3:29p
SERVICES TXT       954   5-13-93   3:29p
DP_RLS   TXT      2813   6-30-93  10:31p
DESC     SDI       401   6-30-93  10:33p
DPWRPLUS DOC     16027   5-13-93   3:29p
DPOWER   DOC    173470   6-30-93  10:36p
FWDLG    DLL     30720   5-13-93   3:29p
FILE_ID  DIZ       401   6-30-93  10:33p
DP2_RLS  TXT      6980   6-30-93   9:26p
SHOW     EXE      2040   9-12-88  10:48a
       15 file(s)     244189 bytes
                       71680 bytes free