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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #3708)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

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PRODIGY(R) interactive personal service        08/29/91       10:15PM

             SECOND CONFLICT
 Computer games for Windows are something
 of a niche market, but stepping into
 that niche is jSOFT's first entry into
 computer gaming: Second Conflict. A
 strategic space game of colonization and
 conquest, Second Conflict plays to the
 genre of games like Reach for the Stars
  and Armada 2525.
                 Cosmic Chronicles [NEXT]

 After the War of Consolidation, the
 Empire has been quiet for 73 years. Now,
 the emperor has died without an heir,
 bringing chaos to the recent order.
 Governors, generals and admirals all vie
 in a multi-faceted struggle for power
 and galactic supremacy. Players must
 restore the peace (on their own terms,
 of course) in this clean playing, menu
 driven game of strategy and warfare.

                Tools of the Trade [NEXT]

 Each of the approximately 25 systems in
 the 6 scenarios can produce one item (in
 quantity) at a time from a shopping list
 including: warships, stealth ships,
 transports, troops, missiles, system
 defenses, factories and planets. Each
 star can support up to 10 planets and 50
 factories. Each "piece" in the game
 interacts in an easy-to-understand way,
 so players can concentrate on winning
 strategy instead of rule reading.
         Dominion of Documentation [NEXT]

 The 24-page documentation booklet is
 both informative and concise. Everything
 one needs to know is in those pages,
 including formulae, sequencing and
 definitions of each and every menu line
 used in Second Conflict. The game begins
 with plenty of toggles to adjust the
 game for ship's speed, difficulty, game
 length, starting factories, random
 events and other features.

Most "Chesslike" Award [NEXT] (c) Golden Empire Publications, INC,1991
PRODIGY(R) interactive personal service        08/29/91       10:15 PM

 Of all the computer games in this genre,
 Second Conflict is the most "chesslike"
 since the "pieces" interact in set,
 predictable patterns. For example, 2
 warships will always be able to "gang up
 on" and kill 1 stealth ship. Thus,
 players can plan in great detail
 elements of campaign without having to
 factor in huge luck variables. Instead,
 intelligence gathering becomes a key to
 victory in battle.
                  Rolling Your Own [NEXT]

 The best part of a clean game with
 plenty of play value is adding something
 to it. Players can create their own
 scenarios by editing the different
 planet systems, generating fleets and
 creating and varying the possible
 victory conditions. Even the computer
 strategies can be modified by changing
 their stances toward the Empire and
 other players (human and computer).

               Send out the Scouts [NEXT]

 jSOFT is a new company and Second
 Conflict might be difficult to find on
 the shelves. For dealer locations and
 information about ordering Second
 Conflict direct from jSOFT, send SASE

 P.O. Box 2822
 Norcross, GA 30091

  (c) Golden Empire Publications, INC, 1991


Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #3708

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

BROWSE   COM       958   1-02-86   3:54a
PRODIGY  TXT      3302   9-02-91   9:37a
READ     ME       1244   9-13-91   9:07p
SCW      EXE    276480   9-13-91   6:58a
SCW      HLP     43320   9-13-91   5:47p
SETUP    EXE     15872   9-01-91   8:24a
SPINCTL  DLL      6080   7-09-91   6:38a
STARCTL  DLL      1296   5-26-91  10:31a
TSLHELP  EXE      5435  11-11-91   3:00p
README   BAT        36  11-11-91   2:09p
INSTALL  BAT       828  11-11-91   2:19p
CHKLIST  CPS       162  12-04-91  11:55a
ADMIRALS SC        315  12-02-91   7:10p
       13 file(s)     355328 bytes
                           0 bytes free