PCjs Machines

Home of the original IBM PC emulator for browsers.


PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #3685)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5170" to load....


First Words For Windows

A database for all of your family!

Record your childrens's first words.  Keep track of your child's growth.
Keep data on your family's doctors, babysitters, relatives and friends.
Estimate savings for college.

To install:
	Just run the FWW (First Words For Windows) file - setup.exe
	Setup.exe will prompt you for a few items.
	Setup copys all necessary files.
	Setup creates a Program Manager Group for you!

Please read through (and print) the FWW manual: FWWMANUL.WRI, a Windows
Write file.  Just double click on the icon created in your new FWW Program
Manager Group.

Rlegacy Software
13839 SW Freeway Suite # 223
Sugar Land, Texas  77478

CompuServe # 71774,736

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #3685

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

BAM-BAM  FW_       113   3-21-93   6:46a
BAM-BAM  GR_        62   3-26-93   1:08p
GO       BAT        36   6-07-93  10:00a
BAM-BAM  IN_       193   3-26-93   1:10p
BARNEY   WA_     34285   1-23-93   5:07p
FLINTSTO BB_       145   3-21-93   7:11a
FLINTSTO PA_       246   3-21-93   7:12a
FLINTSTO RE_       193   3-21-93   7:06a
FLINTSTO RX_        85   3-21-93   7:08a
FWW102   EX_     54000   3-27-93   9:58a
FWWHELP  HL_      7222   3-22-93  12:36p
FWWMANUL WR_     19059   3-27-93   9:22a
PEBBLES  GR_        54   3-26-93   1:10p
PEBBLES  IN_       197   3-26-93   1:10p
README   TXT       721   3-22-93  12:58p
SETUP    EXE     14848  10-21-92
SETUP    LST        50   3-21-93   9:01a
SETUP1   EX_     10581   3-26-93   7:30a
SETUPKIT DL_      3657  10-21-92
THREED   VB_     31220  10-21-92
SHOW     EXE      2040   9-12-88  10:48a
VER      DL_      9008   3-10-92   3:10a
WILMA    WA_     29628  12-17-92  10:19p
       23 file(s)     217643 bytes
                       90112 bytes free