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                                Raffle Do   (TM)

                                  version 1.0
                                 for MS-Windows

                              Instruction  Manual

                                RESOLUTIONS NOW
                                  P.O. BOX 443
                          BLUE ISLAND, 1L. 60406-0443

                      copyright, 1992  Philip Rodgers, Jr.
                              All rights reserved.
     IMPORTANT  	Read this license agreement carefully before
		        using this software.   Use of this software
		        binds  you  to  the  terms  of  this  license
		        agreement.   Do not use this software if you
		        do not agree to the terms of this agreement.


     The Raffle Do (TM) software is not "Public Domain" or
     "Freeware". Raffle Do is "Shareware".   This is a single user
     license.  Registering Raffle Do for use on more than one
     computer may require a Multiple User or Site License.

     1. COPYRIGHT.  Raffle Do is copyrighted 1992 and the
     copyright owner is Philip Rodgers, Jr. d.b.a. Resolutions Now
     ("Licensor"), located at P.O. Box 443, Blue Island, IL. 60406-
     0443. All Raffle Do source code files and documentation ("the
     software") are protected by United States copyright laws and
     international treaty provisions.

     2. TRADEMARKS.  "Raffle Do", the Raffle Do icon and
     "Resolutions Now" are trademarks of Philip Rodgers, Jr.

     3. GRANT OF LICENSE.   Non-registered users of this software
     are granted a limited license to transfer one copy of the
     non-registered (i.e. unregistered) software to a single hard
     drive on a single computer and produce one copy of all
     documentation for evaluation on a private non- commercial
     basis, for the express purpose of determining whether the
     software is suitable to their needs.  The evaluation period
     is not to exceed 30 days.   At the end of the evaluation
     period, you are required to either register your copy by
     sending the payment as stated in the documentation
     or discontinue using it and discard all copies thereof.

     Registered users ("Licensee") are granted a non-exclusive
     license to transfer one copy of the registered software to a
     single hard drive on a single computer and produce one
     printed copy of all documentation.  Registered users may
     also make one copy of the software for backup or archival
     purposes. The software may not be used on a computer
     that is part of any network.  Licensee shall pay Licensor
     a license fee as stated in the documentation after which
     Licensee shall become a registered user with a fully paid
     license. Any other uses may require a Multiple User or
     Site License.

     You may reproduce and distribute copies of the non-registered
     Raffle Do software, subject to the limitations stated herein, and
     on the express condition that you do not receive any commercial
     benefit or other compensation.   The recipient(s) to whom you
     distribute this software must agree to the terms of this
     Agreement, including the payment of the stated Licensee fees to
     Licensor upon becoming registered users.
     Distributors of user-supported software libraries (i.e. operators
     of electronic bulletin boards, shareware vendors) that charge a
     disk fee must obtain written permission of Philip Rodgers, Jr. to
     distribute non-registered copies of Raffle Do.

     4. RESTRICTIONS.   Except as provided herein, you may not
     rent, lease, sub-license or otherwise redistribute Raffle Do. You
     may not reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the software.

     U.S. Government Restricted Rights:  Use, duplication or
     disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as
     set forth in subparagraph (c) (1) (ii) of the Rights in Technical
     Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013 or
     subparagraphs (c) (1) and (2) of the Commercial Computer
     Software - Restricted Rights at 48 CFR 52.227-19, as applicable.
     Contractor/Manufacturer is Resolutions Now, P.O. Box 443,
     Blue Island, IL. 60406-0443.

     Information in this document is subject to change without
     notice and does not represent a committment on the part of
     Philip Rodgers, Jr.   No part of the PRINTED instruction
     manual may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by
     any means, without the express written permission of Philip
     Rodgers, Jr.   In other words, the on-disk manual and paper-
     bound instruction manual may not be reproduced or distributed
     in PRINTED (hardcopy) form.

     Microsoft and MS-DOS are registered trademarks of the
     Microsoft Corporation and MS-Windows (i.e. Windows) are
     trademarks of the Microsoft Corporation.   IBM and PC-DOS
     are registered trademarks of International Business Machines.
     DOS refers to both MS-DOS  and PC-DOS operating systems.

     Raffle Do was produced with Visual Basic, copyright 1991
     Microsoft Corporation.   PSETUP.DLL, PSETUP.DEF and
     VBRUN100.DLL were developed by Microsoft Corporation,
     copyright 1991.

     To register an UNREGISTERED copy of Raffle Do, choose
     Registration from the Help menu in the main window of
     Raffle Do.  RaffleDo.hlp will display registration
     information. The comments form and another copy of
     the license agreement is also available.  Choose Print
     Topic from the File menu of the help window to get a
     printout.  Follow instructions listed on the forms.

     Address all inquires to:

     Resolutions Now
     Customer Support Dept.
     P.O. Box 443
     Blue Island, IL. 60406-0443

     Document Number: RN-0101
     Table of Contents

     Conventions					           5

				Section One

     Overview					           	   7

				Section Two

     SetUp						           9

				Section Three

     Quick Start					          13

				Section Four

     The Main Window				                  15

     The Print All dialog box			                  19

     The Print One dialog box			                  21

	                        Section Five

     Numset						          23

				Section Six

     Printers					                  26

     Glossary					                  30

     To register an UNREGISTERED copy of Raffle Do, choose
     Registration from the Help menu in the main window of
     Raffle Do.  RaffleDo.hlp will display registration
     information. The comments form and another copy of
     the license agreement is also available.  Choose Print
     Topic from the File menu of the help window to get a
     printout.  Follow instructions listed on the forms.
				- Page 5 -


     Terms With The Same Meaning

     Sequential number, raffle ticket number and ticket number are
     the same.
     Template, page and sheet are the same.
     Printing and output are the same.
     Uninstall and delete are the same.

     All CAPS refer to command buttons or the name and status
     of an option.


     Resolutions Now assumes that users already have knowledge of
     developing raffle tickets.   Raffle Do will automate the production
     of templates for raffle ticket stubs & sequential numbers.   If you
     make your own raffle tickets without automated machinery, Raffle
     Do will decrease production time by offering the options
     of only printing sequential numbers, the stubs or both.

     There are at least two methods of producing the raffle ticket body
     (the information concerning your event) once the templates are
     completed.   You can use a laser or compatible printer or copying

     If you use a printer to produce the templates and body, choose
     the correct paper stock to produce the templates.   Then create
     the  body  with  another  application  and  run  the  templates
     through the printer again to add the body.

     A faster alternative exist if you use a copying machine to print
     out the body. After producing the templates, make a heavy
     paper stock copy using the copying machine.   Then create the
     body with another application.  Run the heavy stock paper
     templates through the copying machine again to add the body.
     Reduce two runs to one by taping the body on the copying
     machine platen glass, then copy the templates as stated earlier.
     This method is faster if your copying machine has an automatic
     feed for heavy card stock.  Choose a lighter weight paper and
     use the automatic feed to greatly reduce print time.
				- Page 6 -

     An important note:   Print one or a few template stacks and
     reuse them if you utilize the copying machine.  Printing a
     template stack may take a long time, depending on your PC
     and laser printer speed and the size of the template stack.
     Consider printing large template stacks with horizontal
     sequential numbers.   You can easily increase an existing
     template  stack  if  it  has  horizontal  sequential  numbers.
     Creating additional template stacks and increasing an existing
     template stack are two strong suits of Raffle Do.

     The  numbering  system  program,  Numset,  can  be  used  to
     sequentially number any material you can run through a laser
     or compatible printer.   The procedure for performing this
     process is straightforward.   Configure the layout, confirm it
     by reviewing the on-screen template and then print it.
				- Page 7-



     Raffle Do outputs raffle ticket templates to laser printers.
     Templates include headings (name, address, city, state, phone,
     and sequentially incremented numbers).   Four or eight ticket
     headings are printed per page (template).   Additional features

     - Choose either 4x1UP or 4x2UP raffle ticket template.   4x1UP
       template has four large tickets;  4x2UP template  has eight
       smaller tickets.
     - Print up to one million tickets, numbered 0 to 999999.
     - You can start at any number between (0 and 999996) and end
       at any number between (3 and 999999).
     - Raffle ticket sequential numbers can print either horizontally
       (descending in a lateral order across a template) or vertically
       (descending in order through each template).   To see an
       example, press F1 key for Help and search for "raffle ticket
       sequential numbers".
     - The design bar permits quick access to frequently used
     - Choose one of two fonts to print the headings (helvetica or times
       roman).  For raffle tickets, the name, address, city, state and
       phone labels are printed in font size nine.   Sequential numbers
       are printed in font size twelve.   In Numset, all labels (numbers
       with or without leading and/or trailing text) are printed in size
     - One of the best advantages of Raffle Do is its ability to print
       only one template for replacement purposes.   Don't worry when
       one or more templates become unusable. Simply print backup copies
       of one or more templates.
     - For easy viewing, the main window displays a simulated template
       magnified at approximately 1.5 times the actual size of a letter
       size template.   Raffle Do takes full advantage of Windows'
       WYSIWYG features.
     - Error detection intercepts erroneous keyboard input to reduce
     - The Escape feature will halt template stack printing.

     Raffle Do includes Numset, an automated numbering system program.
     Number any material just like a real numbering machine would.

     Help Facility

     An on-line standard Windows help file is available for Raffle Do.
     In the main window & dialog boxes, press F1 key to instantly
     retrieve information regarding it.   To get context-sensitive help
     for the main window or a dialog box, set the focus in the affected
     windows or dialog box.  Then press F1 key to retrieve help
				- Page 8 -

     specifically concerning it. On-line help is offered for the main
     window, the Print All dialog box, the Print One dialog box and the
     Numset dialog box.

     Shortcut and Quick Access Keys

     Shortcut Keys

     You can operate Raffle Do without the use of a mouse, if necessary.
     The shortcut keys for the main window are the ALT, ARROW, SPACEBAR,
     and RETURN keys to access and navigate through the menus.  Use the
     TAB key to access the scroll bars and the PAGE UP, PAGE DOWN, and
     ARROW keys to move the simulated on-screen template with the scroll

     The Print One, Print All and Numset dialog boxes have the TAB,
     ALT, ARROWS and ENTER shortcut keys.   Use the TAB key to switch
     the cursor or set the focus among the controls.  Consult the
     MS-Windows user's manual for further information concerning
     shortcut keys.

     Quick Access Keys

     The menus in the main window have the only available Quick
     Access Keys:

     F1:	opens the help file with context sensitive help on the
      	        windows or dialog box with the focus
     F2:	opens 4x1UP raffle ticket template
     F3:	opens 4x2UP raffle ticket template
     F4:	opens Numset dialog box
     F5:	opens the Print All dialog box
     F6:	opens the Print One dialog box
     F7:	blanks the currently active raffle ticket label
     F8:	resets all raffle ticket labels to default setting
     F12:       displays a message box with an option to end operation
      	        of Raffle Do

     Ctrl+F2 to F5: 	changes the number format of raffle ticket or
			Numset sequential numbers
     Ctrl+P:		opens the Printer Setup dialog box for Windows

     Printers Supported

     Raffle Do supports ALL laser printers that support MS-Windows 3.0
     and higher.Ink Jet and Bubble Jet printer are also supported.  The
     use of the printer's automatic feed for printing raffle tickets is
     recommended. See page 26 for more information on printers,
     including manual feed settings for your printer.
				- Page 9 -



     Before installing Raffle Do, ensure that your computer and
     operating system meet minimum hardware and system requirements.

     Hardware and System Requirements

     - IBM or compatible PC with a 80386 processor or higher
     - A hard disk with 600KB of available space to store Raffle Do;
       2MB of additional space for the printing process
     - A mouse  (optional)
     - An EGA or higher resolution monitor
     - MS-DOS or PC-DOS 3.1 or higher  (or an equivalent DOS that
       supports Windows)
     - MS-Windows 3.0 or higher, operating in standard or enhanced
     - 2MB of RAM
     - A laser jet, ink jet or bubble jet printer compatible with
       MS-Windows 3.0 or higher

     Files Included On-Disk

     Raffle Do includes one or two 5.25" or one 3.5" floppy diskettes(s)
     with these files:

     - raffledo.exe	the Raffle Do program for MS-Windows 3.x
     - raffledo.fle	file that stores font and printer information
     - raffledo.hlp	Windows help program for raffledo.exe
     - psetup.dll	a printer setup program for Windows
     - psetup.def	Windows definitions file, required for
                        psetup.dll linking
     - raffledo.txt	this document
     - vbrun100.dll	run-time module for raffledo.exe
     - goraffle.exe	program to install/uninstall Raffle Do files
     - readme.now	text file with the latest information on Raffle Do
     - vendor&.bbs	shareware vendor and BBS Sysop information

     Before installing Raffle Do, ensure that all files listed above are
     included on the Raffle Do disk(s).   Consult your DOS or MS-
     Windows user's guide on how to view files on a diskette.  If any
     files are missing, do not attempt to operate raffledo.exe. Contact
     Resolutions Now or the vendor that sold you Raffle Do.

				- Page 10 -

                                VISUAL BASIC

     If you use Visual Basic for Windows or have software developed
     with it, follow these instructions before installing Raffle Do.
     Search for PSETUP.DLL and PSETUP.DEF in the directory that
     contains Windows system files. If they exist, compare its file
     information to the PSETUP files on the Raffle Do disk.

     If your copies of these files are updated, customized or the same
     version, do not move them.  If the Raffle Do disk contains an
     updated version of these files,  you can replace your old PSETUP
     files. Delete or move them before installation.

     If you use Visual Basic, make sure Visual Basic files are in their
     original directory named "VB" and not in a subdirectory. All Visual
     Basic programs will search for VBRUN100.DLL in the VB directory
     of  your hard drive if it is not in the same directory of the
     program.  Goraffle will not install VBRUN100.DLL.

     If you do not have Visual Basic, but have a program developed with
     it, you have two options: (1) create a directory named "VB" at the
     root directory of your hard drive.  Move your copy of VBRUN100.DLL
     to the VB directory.  All programs developed with Visual Basic will
     find VBRUN100.DLL and operate correctly.  (2) Retain present
     location of VBRUN100.DLL on your hard disk.  Goraffle will copy
     VBRUN100.DLL to the same directory it copied the Raffle Do files to.

                          ****  END OF NOTE  ****

     Backup Copies

     Before installing or running Raffle Do, make a backup copy of the
     Raffle Do diskette(s).  Consult your DOS or MS-Windows user's
     guide on how to make a copy of a diskette.

     Read Documents Before Running Raffle Do

     Read this document and readme.now before running Raffle Do.

     Running Installation Program    (GORAFFLE.EXE)

     Goraffle.exe installs (copies) / deletes Raffle Do files to / from
     your hard disk. Your autoexec.bat, config.sys and win.ini files
				- Page 11 -

     To install Raffle Do from DOS:

     1.  Insert Raffle Do disk 1 into correct floppy drive.
     2.  Switch to the drive with Disk 1.
     3.  At the prompt type GORAFFLE then press the return key.
     4.  Goraffle begins.  On the screen a query box appears. Insert "Y"
         to continue to the main menu box. Choose one of three options:

     OPTION 1 starts a query session to set source and destination
     drives and directories.  Next, a full screen menu appears.  Answer
     "Y" to confirm choices and initiate installation.  Answer "N" to
     change a choice.  Note that Goraffle searched the directory with
     Windows system files and VB (if VB exists) directory for PSETUP
     and VBRUN100.DLL files, respectively. If these files were not found,
     Goraffle will install them.  Once installation begins, Goraffle
     displays file copy information.  Goraffle will then end and switch
     to the destination drive and directory.

     OPTION 2 displays a query box.   Answer "Y" to start a query
     session to retrieve drive and directory with an Unregistered copy
     of Raffle Do. Raffle Do files in this directory are deleted when
     installation begins.  Goraffle will then proceed as stated above.

     OPTION 3 starts a query session to retrieve drive and directory
     with Raffle Do files for deletion.  All files in the stated
     directory are displayed.  A message states that all files shown
     will be deleted.  Confirm deletion and the DOS Delete command will
     prompt you to confirm deletion again.  Answer "Y" to delete files
     and its directory.  Then, if PSETUP files are found in the directory
     with the Windows system files, answer "Y" to delete them.
     Otherwise, insert "N".  Goraffle will then end.

     Run Goraffle from the Raffledo disk or move it to another drive or
     directory before deleting Raffle Do files.

     All errors are self-explanatory. To correct most errors, Goraffle
     displays a menu with several options. Errors can also occur when
     copying or deleting files and directories. In this case, DOS will
     then display an error message. Goraffle will then abort and go to
     the destination drive.

     You should then review the contents of the directories where you
     installed Raffle Do, VB (if it exists) and the Windows system files.
     These directories should contain the files listed on page 9.
     Remedies: (1) run Goraffle again to delete files. Then run Goraffle
     to install files. (2) Use DOS to copy necessary files to
     destination drive and directories.

     Do not move any Raffle Do file(s) from the directory where you
     installed raffledo or change the name of any file(s). Raffledo.exe
     will not operate properly if a file is moved or its name is changed.
				- Page 12 -

     Running Raffle Do      (RAFFLEDO.EXE)

     You can run raffledo.exe directly from DOS or Windows. Only run
     raffledo.exe if all Raffle Do files are installed in the correct
     directories. See page 9.

     To run raffledo.exe from DOS:
     	1.  At the prompt of the root directory on the correct drive
     	    (i.e. c:>), type WIN X\RAFFLEDO, then press the return
	    key.  Note that (X) is the directory path.  Example:
	    WIN ABC\RAFFLEDO, where ABC is the directory path.
     	1.  Go to the directory where you installed Raffle Do. At its
	     prompt, type WIN RAFFLEDO.

     To run raffledo.exe from Windows:
     	1.  In the File or Program Manager, choose Run from the
     	    File menu.
     	2.  Type X\RAFFLEDO and click the OK button in the Run
	    dialog box.  Again, note that (X) is the directory path.
     	1.  In the File Manager, go to the directory where you
	    installed Raffle Do and double click on the raffledo.exe
     	1.  In the Program Manger, go to the group window where
     	    you installed the raffledo.exe icon.
     	2.  Double click on the icon.

     If you installed Raffle Do on your hard drive, you can avoid
     including the directory path on the run command line.  Add
     the name of the directory to the PATH command in the
     autoexec.bat file after installing Raffle Do.  Then reboot your
     computer.  See the DOS user's guide for more information
     on the autoexec.bat file.
				- Page 13 -



     To quickly attain productivity, follow each instruction.   After
     installing and starting the program, the main window with the
     4x1UP raffle ticket template will appear on-screen.  Produce one
     template first, then make a template stack.  To effectively use
     Numset, read the entire section, page 23.

     1.  Set up your laser printer.   Make sure it's the active printer
         and in landscape mode for 4x1UP or portrait mode for 4x2UP.
     2.  To choose the 4x2UP template, press F3 key.   Press the F2
         key to return to the 4x1UP template.
     3.  Choose fonts in the design bar.
          a.  Choose a font.
          b.  View the changes on the on-screen template.
     4.  Print a sample template.  Press F6 key to open the Print One
         dialog box.
          a.  Enter range of 1 to 1000 (no leading zeros; zero is 0,
              not 0000).
          b.  Enter a starting ticket number of 17.
          c.  Choose either horizontal or vertical sequential numbers
              To see an example, press F1 key for Help and search for
              "raffle ticket sequential numbers".

     	Click the OK button to print out one template.  To get a printout
     	of a template with other fonts, follow steps 1 to 3 again.   The
     	total time to print a template stack is vital.   See page 26 for
	more information.

     5.  Once you are satisfied with the appearance of the template,
         press the F5 key to open the Print All dialog box.   If you
         want to print no more than10000 tickets:
          a.  Enter a number between 0 and 9996 as the "first number".
          b.  Enter a number between 3 and 9999 as the "last number".
          c.  Choose either horizontal or vertical sequential numbers.

          To print up to 99999 or 999999 tickets, choose Ten Thousands
          or Hundred Thousands from the Options+Number Format sub menu,

          Click the OK button to print out a template stack. Press the
          ESC key to cancel printing any  time while the escape message
          appears in the "Printing..." message box.

	Example:    To printout 1000 raffle tickets, starting with
		    sequential number 1, enter 1 for the first number
		    and 1000 for the last number.  Choose either
		    horizontal or vertical sequential numbers.  Click
	            the OK button.   For the 4x1UP, a template
				- Page 14 -

                    stack of 250 templates, each with 4 raffle ticket
		    headings will printout.  For 4x2UP, a template
		    stack of 125 templates, each with 8 raffle ticket
		    headings will printout.

     For instructions on how to customize labels, change the number
     format or print templates without labels or sequential numbers,
     see page 16.

     If  you want to change the template position on the page, change
     the margin settings of the printer.   Consult your printer's user
     guide for more information on changing margin settings.
				- Page 15 -


     The Main window

     The main window is the screen or window that displays at start-up.
     It remains on-screen until Raffle Do operation is terminated.
     Users cannot re-size the main window.   You can however reduce
     it to an icon.   To do so, click the button in the uppermost right
     corner of the window or choose Minimum from the System menu.  The
     main window consist of the menu bar, design bar, status bar, scroll
     bars and an on-screen template.

     Note that double clicking on any blank part of an on-screen raffle
     ticket template will display the Print All dialog box. Double click
     on any part of the background of the template (tan colored) to
     display the exit option.

     When the templates are printing, a message box will periodically
     display sequential numbers currently printing.   This informs the
     user on the progress of the printing process.   The menu bar has
     three commands, each with additional commands, as follows.

	File			Options			Help

	Open 			Blank Label		Index
	Print All	 	Reset All Labels	Keyboard
	Print One  		Numbers ON 	 	Commands
	Printer Setup		Number Format	 	Procedures
	Exit		  				Registration
                                                        Using Help

     (Note that Help + Registration is not included in Registered copy
     of Raffle Do.)

	The File + Open menu has a sub menu:

	The Options + Number Format menu has a sub menu:
	   Ten Thousands
	   Hundred Thousands

     The File Commands

     Open 	Open command has a sub menu with three available
				- Page 16 -

		templates.  The 4x1UP template has four large
     		tickets, each with four labels on its stub.
	     	This template prints out in landscape mode.
	     	4x2UP template has eight smaller tickets, each
	     	with five labels on its stub. 4x2UP templates
	     	printout in portrait mode.  The Numset template
	     	will print up to 33 labels (sequential numbers
	     	with or without leading and/or trailing text) in
                portrait or landscape modes.

     Printing	Two printing choices are Print All and Print One.
		Choosing the Print All dialog box displays the
                Print All dialog box  (see page 15 for more
                details).  Choosing the Print One dialog box
                displays the Print One dialog box (see page 21
                for more details).

     Printer	Choosing Printer Setup will open a printer setup
     Setup	dialog box.  Use it to make your laser or compatible
		printer the active printer and to set the printer in
		portrait or landscape mode.

     Exit	The Exit command displays a message box with an
		option to terminate Raffle Do operation.

     The Options Commands

     This menu has tools to customize a template.   You an customize
     or reset labels on raffle tickets stubs and format sequential
     numbers on all templates.   Note that Number Format is the only
     menu option available for Numset.   When an option is chosen,
     the on-screen template will reflect the changes.   The status bar
     states the current status of all options.

     Blank	Choose it to delete the label with the focus.
     Label	Choose it again to remove this feature.   Once this
     		option is turned OFF, then ON, a line will appear
     		in the affected label. After activating the reset
                option, the blank label option is set to OFF for
                all labels. The blank label button "BL" is located
                in the design bar for quick access.

     Reset All 	This option will reset every label to default
     Labels	settings.  The editing focus will be set to label
                one.  The current font and the number format are
                not affected.  The reset button "RS" is located on
                the design bar for quick access.

     Numbers 	You may not want raffle ticket templates with any
     On/Off	numbers.   Choose Numbers On/Off to accomplish
		this.  Choose it again to display numbers.

     Number 	This option formats sequential numbers.   Choose
     Format	it to see the sub-menu with five number formats.
				- Page 17 -

		The number format is the maximum number of digits
		that appear as sequential numbers.   All options,
		except NONE, have leading zeros.   Note that
		NONE is available for Numset.   NONE means
		sequential numbers have no leading zeros.   The
		following table shows the number format, its actual
		format and the maximum number.   The actual
		format is the amount of leading zeros, where "X" is
		a leading zero.

	Number format		Actual format		Maximum #

	None			-			999999
	Hundreds		XXX			999
	Thousands		XXXX			9999
	Ten Thousands		XXXXX		        99999
	Hundred Thousands	XXXXXX		        999999

     When Raffle Do starts up, the 4x1UP raffle ticket template is
     opened and the number format is "Thousands" (default number
     format).   When Numset is opened, the number format is "NONE"
     which is the default setting for Numset.

     The current format is checked in the sub menu.  When a new
     one is chosen, the on-screen template reflects the change.

     When you print out a template stack, the maximum last
     number cannot surpass the number format setting.  If
     it does, Raffle Do will state an error and allow you
     to correct it.

     When printing raffle tickets, use this option only after
     careful consideration.   Make sure that the template stack
     will not grow beyond the chosen number format in the
     future.   If so, the original template stack and the add-on
     to the template stack will have a different number format.
     This will appear awkward to the customer.

     The Help Commands

     All help commands, except "About ", will open a help file.  The
     Keyboard command will inform users on shortcut and quick access
     key implementation.  The Commands command displays help on file
     menu commands.   Procedure displays step by step procedures to
     operate Raffle Do. The Using Help command will open WinHelp and
     display information on how to use WinHelp. Remember that the help
     file is context-sensitive for the main window and dialog boxes.
     The "About" command displays a message box with the product's
     title, version number and copyright information.

     The Design Bar

     The purpose of the design bar is to customize the template and
				- Page 18 -

     allow quick access to frequently used features.   When either
     raffle ticket template is open, you can change fonts; set the
     editing focus; customize text in a label; delete the contents
     of a label and reset all label contents to the default setting.

     Fonts	A drop down combination box titled "Fonts:"
                contains two fonts: helvetica and times roman.
                The 4x1UP and 4x2UP template have access to
                helvetica and times roman fonts. Numset accesses
                only the helvetica font.

		To choose a font, click on the arrow to display
                available fonts and then click mouse pointer on
                chosen font.   Or, press the key representing the
                first letter of an available font.  The on-screen
                template will reflect the change to the new font.
                ALWAYS choose a font before customizing labels.
                Changing fonts always reset all labels to default

     Label	The second drop down combination box titled "Label:"
	        will set the editing focus on one of four or one of
                five labels.   Choosing a label will display its
                text in the text box.  You can then customize text
                in that label.

		Note that each stub has the same number of labels.
                Label one is the first label on each stub. Altering
                label one of stub one will alter the first label of
                all stubs, and so on.

     Text	Use the text box to enter characters to change the
                text for the label with the focus.   Any character,
                up to 15, are allowed, except the underline ("_")
                character.   All labels, unless its contents are
                deleted, will have lines (the underline characters).

		To change text for the label with the focus, insert
                text and then press the RETURN key or click on the OK
	        button.   Label X of each stub will contain the new

		To make a label appear with only a line, delete all
		characters from the text box and press the RETURN
                key or click the OK button.

     Blank 	The "blank label" option is available in the design
     Label	bar.  Click the button marked "BL" or press ALT + B
                keys to delete the contents of the label with the
                focus.   Activate it again to turn this option OFF.
                The status bar states the current status of this
                option.   See page 16 for more information on this
				- Page 19 -

     Reset All	The "reset all labels" option is also available in
     Labels	the design bar.   Click the button marked "RS" or
                press the ALT+R keys to reset all labels to the
                default settings.  See page 16 for more information.

     When the Numset template is open, the leftmost button is the only
     available control in the design bar.   Notice that the combination
     box for labels and the text box are empty.  The fonts combination
     box states "Helv" as the font.

     Once the template is configured, the Numset dialog box closes. To
     re-edit or completely re-configure a template, open its dialog box
     again. The only method to open its dialog box is to click the "NM"
     button or press the ALT+M keys.

     The Status Bar

     The status bar is located at the bottom of the main window.  It
     lists the current status of several of the most frequently used
     options and features. Instead of opening menus or dialog boxes
     to remind you of the current status of an option or feature, look
     at information contained in the status bar.   The status bar is
     useful when making decisions before printing.

     When either raffle ticket template is open, the following
     information appears in the status bar (see page 16):


     When the Numset template is open, the following information appears
     (see Numset, page 23):


     Note that ON/OFF will not appear together.   Either ON or OFF will
     appear.  Either PORTRAIT or LANDSCAPE will appear also.  "X" is a
     number.  The name of the current number format will appear
     following NUMBER FORMAT.

     The Print All dialog box

     Open this dialog box to print a template stack.   Choose Print All
     from the File menu in the main window.   Set the range ("first
     number" and  "last number") and sequential number in this dialog
     box.  The unregistered copy has a range of 0 to 100 for all
     templates.  An explanation follows.

     First 	Insert the first raffle ticket or Numset number in
     number	the text box with this label. The first sequential
                number on the first template will start with this
                number.   A valid entry is any number between 0
                and 999996, depending on number format.
				- Page 20 -

     Last 	Insert the last raffle ticket or Numset number in
     number	the text box with this label.  The last sequential
                number on the last template will end with this
                number.   A valid entry is any number between 3
                and 999999.   The number format setting effects
                the maximum entry allowed for the last number.

              For example, if the number format is set at
		"Thousands" then the maximum last number is 9999.
	        See page 16 for more information.

		Note that the last sequential number is always
		determined by how many templates are printed. If
                the formula below does not yield a whole number,
                then the actual last sequential number is (up to
                3) or (up to 7) more than the last number inserted.

                x = [(last number - "first number") + 1] / t
                    ;where t = 4 for 4x1UP, t = 8 for 4x2UP

     Numbers	   Sequential numbers can print either horizontally
     sequential	   (descending in a lateral order across a template)
		   or vertically (descending in order through each
                   template).  To see an example, press F1 key for
                   Help and search for "raffle ticket sequential

     Repeat	The repeat option is only available for Numset.
                You can repeat a sequence of a range of numbers.
                The maximum amount of repeated sequences is 9999.
                Click check box to turn ON.  A default sequence of
                "2" (repeat once - printed twice) is set in the text
		box. You can then set any amount, no lower than "2".

		To effectively use this option, you must consider the
		range of numbers (first and last numbers entered in
                this dialog box), the number of columns and rows
                chosen per Numset template and the Skip option (if
                it is turned ON).

		The amount of columns multiplied by rows yield the
		number of cells per template.   If the Skip option
                is ON, only odd or even numbers will make up the
                range of numbers.   Therefore, you can calculate
                the number of templates that will print out.


		A programmer has designed software for use in-house.
		The program is contained on 3 diskettes.   11 copies of
		the program must be issued company-wide.  The programmer
		decided to use self-adhesive labels with 3 columns and 11
                rows of labels per sheet (33 labels total per sheet). One
                template is needed.
				- Page 21 -

		Numset is configured to have 3 columns and 11 rows per
		template.  The leading text is "Disk".  The trailing text
		is "of  3".    In the Print All dialog box, a range of 1
                to 33 is chosen.   The Skip option is OFF.   The Repeat
                option is ON and set to 11.   One template will print out
                with 3 columns and 11 rows of numbers, each row numbered 1
		to 3.  This label will appear on each self-adhesive label:

                Disk X of  3    ;where X is a sequential whole number
				between 1 and 3

     Skip	The Skip option is only available for Numset and
                allows you to print either all even or all odd
                numbers.   Check the checkbox to turn this option
                ON.To print all even numbers, set the first number
                in the Print All dialog box to an even number. To
                print all odd numbers, set the first number to an
                odd number.

		Note the total number of cells per template and
                the repeat option, if  ON. Set the last number
                accordingly if you want it to print out.

     Command 	Click the OK. button to printout a template stack.
     buttons	Click the CANCEL button to cancel this process.
                Clicking either button will close the dialog box
                and reset (blank) the text boxes.

     The Print One dialog box

     An existing template may become unusable.   Instead of printing
     another template stack, use Print One to print a replacement
     template.   Also use it to print a sample template  (see Quick
     Start section, page 13).   To open this dialog box, choose Print
     One from the File menu.   Set the range and the "start at" number
     in this dialog box.   This dialog box is only available for raffle
     ticket templates.   An explanation follows.

     Range	Insert the first and last sequential numbers of the
                affected template stack.   A valid entry for the
                first sequential number is any number between 0 and
                999996, depending on the number format.   A valid
                entry for the last sequential number is any number
                between 3 and 999999, depending on the number
                format.   The range is required to correctly match
                sequential numbers printed on the single template
                with the sequential numbers on the existing
                template stack.

		The number format setting effects the maximum entry
		allowed for the last number.   For example, if the
                number format is set at "thousands" then the maximum
				- Page 22 -

                last number is 9999.   See page 16 for more

     Start At 	Insert the top, leftmost raffle ticket number in
                the text box with this label.   The first sequential
                number on the first template will start with this

		Note: Ensure correct entries for the range and
                "start at" number.   Get the range by finding the
                first and last templates of the template stack
                with the unusable template.   Enter the top,
                leftmost sequential number of the unusable
                template as the "start at" number.

     Numbers       Sequential numbers can print either horizontally
     sequential	   (descending in a lateral order across a template)
		   or vertically (descending in order through each
		   template).  To see an example, press F1 key for
		   Help and search for "raffle ticket sequential

     Command 	Click the OK button to printout a template
     buttons	stack.   Click the CANCEL button to cancel this
		process.   Clicking either button will close the
		dialog box and reset (blank) the text boxes.
				- Page 23 -



     Numset is an automated numbering system.  Numset is a small scale
     alternative to high priced numbering machines and can perform many
     of the same tasks.

     - You can sequentially number any sheet that will run through you
       laser or compatible printer.  The range is 0 to 999999.  Number
       documents, self-adhesive labels, pictures, tickets, forms, etc.
     - Each page or template can have a maximum of 33 numbers in
       portrait mode and 32 numbers in landscape.  Print up to one
       million numbers total.
     - You can repeat a sequence of numbers up to 9999 times.
     - You can skip a number (print only all even or all odd numbers).
     - Numbers can have the same type of number format as raffle
       tickets (leading zeros without "No.")
     - All numbers can have leading and trailing text.

     Designing a Numset template is a straightforward process. Choose
     Numset from the File + Open sub menu to open Numset. Its dialog
     box appears.  You must configure a template, which consists of
     cells.  A cell is similar to a cell in a spreadsheet.  One cell
     is the intersection of one column and on row.  To configure the

     1.  Insert the number of columns one template will have, then the
         number rows.  The maximum number of columns for portrait mode
         printing is three; eight for landscape. The maximum number of
         rows for portrait mode printing is eleven; four for landscape.

	Examples:	1.  If you want to place one number on a page,
			    centered near the bottom, then the template
			    will have one column and one row.
			2.  To print a number on a plugger (a big ticket
			    the size of 1/4 a letter size page), simply
			    state two columns and two rows if you will
			    paste four pluggers on a page and then print
			    them.   You should, of course, print all
			    pluggers, number them and then cut each
		    	    sheet into 4 pluggers.
			3.  If you want to number self-adhesive labels,
			    count the numbers of labels on one sheet,
			    treating each label as a cell.  A sheet of
			    33 labels with 3 across and 11 down is simply
			    3 columns and 11 rows (a total of 33 cells).

     2.  Insert the left and top coordinates for the sequential number
         in each cell. You do not have to literally insert coordinates
         for every number on the template.   Set coordinates for one
				- Page 24 -

         number, the uppermost left one, and the coordinates will be
         the same in all cells.

     The maximum setting for the left coordinate is 0.25 " from the
     left edge of the cell  and 0.25" from the right edge of the cell.
     The maximum setting for the top coordinate is 0.25" from the top
     edge of the cell and 0.25" from the bottom edge of the cell. Enter
     both left and top coordinates in inches.

     Note that all tickets or labels must be equally spaced on the
     page.  Numset equally spaces its numbers.

     3.  Each number can have leading and trailing text.   Leading
         text is text that precedes the number.   Trailing text is
         text that follow the number. A maximum of 15 characters for
         either is allowed.   You do not have to enter a space at the
         end of the leading text or preceding the trailing text in
         order to separate text and numbers.  Numset automatically
         does it.

     Note that sequential numbers alone or sequential numbers with
     leading and/or text is called a label.

     Leading and trailing text is useful when you want to inform a
     customer about the name or total quantity of the product that
     is numbered.

     Example:    Disk 1 of 3	;where "Disk" is leading text
     				and describes the type or name
     				of a product, "1" is the
     				sequential number and "of 3"
     				is the trailing text and
     				describes the total quantity.

     4.  Set the mode of the on-screen template to portrait or
         landscape.   You should consider which mode to use before
         stating all other details.  Remember to set you printer mode
         to match the mode set here.

     5.  After configuring the template click the OK button or press
         ALT+ K keys.   The on-screen template will be configured as
         you designed it.  The red lines represent borders of each
         cell.   The red lines will not print out when you print
         templates.   The vertical red lines only appear if their
         are 2 or more columns.   The horizontal lines only appear if
         there are 2 or more rows.

     If you placed the left or top coordinate beyond its limits, an
     error message will display then allow you to correct the error.
     Note that leading and trailing text with many characters, as well
     as long number formats, may expand the label beyond valid limits.

     Review the on-screen template and ensure that the label is correct
     before printing.   Numbers are represented by an uppercase "X".
				- Page 25 -

     When Numset first opens, its number format is set to NONE.   To
     change it, choose Number format from the Options menu.   The
     template will display the label with the updated format.   See
     page 13 for more details.   If the new digit format extends the
     label beyond its valid limits the new number format is dropped
     and the last valid one is chosen.

     If the number format is NONE, the position of the labels will
     change depending on the amount of digits of the last number
     printed. Numset prints its labels left justified.   Make sure
     there is enough space per cell to account for this or else
     labels may overlap cells or not print at all.

     You may want to re-edit or design a new template.   The Numset
     dialog box must be opened again.   To open the dialog box again,
     click the "NM" button on the design bar, press the ALT+M keys
     or RETURN key.

     Once you are satisfied with the template layout, start printing.
     Choose Printer Setup and set the printer mode to match the page
     mode.   Choose Print All from the File menu or double click on
     the on-screen template.	 Insert first and last numbers, repeat
     and skip options if necessary, then click OK button to print.
     See Print All dialog box, page 19 for more information.
				- Page 26 -



     Raffle Do is a printer intensive application.   Close all other
     programs before printing a template stack.   Once printing begins,
     Raffle Do will not yield operation long enough to operate another

     Raffle Do supports ALL laser printers that MS-Windows 3.0 and
     higher support.   Raffle Do will print templates on Ink Jet and
     Bubble Jet printers also.   For raffle tickets, use the Print
     One option to get a template sample.

     The automatic feed setting of your printer is recommended.  You
     might prefer to print templates on stock heavier than 20 to 50 Lb.
     paper.   Most light duty laser printers force you to use the
     manual feed for heavy stock paper.   To use the manual feed, simply
     follow the instructions for your laser printer's user guide and the
     guidelines suggested in the Windows user's guide.   Next, choose
     printer setup from the File menu of Raffle Do.  Click the setup
     button in the printer setup dialog box in Raffle Do. Choose manual
     feed in the printer dialog box for Windows 3.1.   If you have
     Windows 3.0, set the manual option by opening the "printers" icon
     in the Control Panel.   Consult the Windows 3.0 users guide for
     more information.

     Additional Do's and Don'ts:

     - Make sure that your laser printer is active.
     - Make sure your laser printer is set to correct print mode
       (portrait or landscape).
     - Set all margins on your laser printer to 0.25" or zero.  Change
       the margin setting of your printer to adjust the ticket heading
       placement on the page, if necessary.   Consult your printer's
       user guide for more information on setting margins.
     - ALWAYS use the Windows Print Manager or a compatible print
       manager with its window setting  for minimum.   This will give
       you more control when canceling a template stack printout.  You
       also can easily switch to the Print Manager to view the progress
       of document printing.
     - Make sure that the printer queue is empty before printing with
       Raffle Do. Open the Print Manager window to check for any
     - Make sure that no other application will send a document to the
       printer while Raffle Do is printing.
     - Use only letter size paper for templates.


     The total time to print a template stack is helpful when managing
				- Page 27 -

     resources under Windows.   Some templates may be large, which may
     take a long time to print.   The speed of the computer and the
     page per minute speed of the printer will determine the amount of
     time it takes to print out a template stack.

     Windows 3.0 and 3.1 handle the printing process differently.
     Windows 3.0 will send documents to the printer almost immediately
     after configuring them.   Windows 3.1 will configure all documents
     in a temporary file, then print all of them.   This allows Windows
     3.1 to configure documents much quicker and return control to the
     user while the document prints.   But a large template stack may
     not allow sufficient control of other resources.

     Below are several timed template stack print outs. The test
     equipment was a 386SX-16MHz IBM compatible PC without a co-
     processor or any custom peripherals or software.   The PC has
     2MB RAM  and a 40 MB hard drive. This is the basic minimum set
     up for Windows.   The printer used is a Postscript laser printer
     with 3MB memory on an internal PC board.   Its maximum output
     speed is 6 PPM.

     Of course, faster PCs will send templates to the printer at faster
     intervals. For large template stacks (5000 or more tickets) a very
     large amount of RAM or hard disk free space may be required unless
     you send a series of smaller template stacks to the printer.
     Always wait until the printer queue is empty before sending
     additional templates to the printer.

     Sample times under Windows 3.0:

     With the 4x1UP template opened, Raffle Do sent one template every
     6 seconds to the printer.   Therefore, a maximum of ten templates
     per minute is transferred to the printer per minute.   While
     printing 500 tickets (125 templates with horizontal numbers
     chosen), the following times  were recorded.   The print manager
     stated the entire document (template stack) was 77 kilobytes.
     The 4x2UP templates had similar times.

     0:00:00	      printing process initiated
     0:00:05	      print manager icon appeared on-screen
     0:00:30	      first template printed
     0:20:30	      last template printed

     Sample times under Windows 3.1

     As mentioned earlier, the printing process in Windows 3.1
     configures a document in a temporary file, then prints it. The
     total time to print a template stack is longer, but control is
     returned to the program faster.  While printing the same 500
     tickets, with 4x1UP opened and horizontal numbers chosen, the
     following times were recorded.   The print manager stated the
     entire document was 225 kilobytes.   The 4x2UP templates had
     similar times.
				- Page 28 -

     0:00:00	      printing process initiated
     0:00:10	      print manager icon appeared on-screen
     0:04:00	      first template printed
     0:24:00	      last template printed

     A Numset template stack print out under Windows 3.1 was also
     timed. The template was configured with 3 columns, 11 rows, no
     leading or trailing text and in portrait.   The number format
     was none.   Skip and repeat was OFF.   While printing 330
     numbers (10 templates) the following times were recorded.

     The print manager stated the entire document was 53 kilobytes.
     Various other Numset configured templates has similar times and
     consisted of similar size while in the print manager.

     0:00:00	      printing process initiated
     0:00:10	      print manager icon appeared on-screen
     0:04:10	      first template printed
     0:05:30	      last template printed

     Escape Printing

     A message box appears when the OK button is clicked in the
     Print All or Print One dialog box.   It states the current
     sequential number printing out and the message "Press the ESC
     key to cancel".   Raffle Do is printing templates while this
     message box is on-screen.   For horizontal sequential numbers,
     the current number is the last or rightmost sequential number per
     template.  Therefore, on 4x1UP templates, current numbers
     progress by a factor of four.  4x2UP current numbers progress
     by a factor of eight.  For vertical sequential numbers, the
     current number is also the last sequential number per template.
     It  is  found  by  subtracting  the "start at" number from the
     "last" number and adding one [this is (a)]. Divide (a) by the
     number of tickets per template [this is (b)].   Then, subtract
     (b) from (a).   This is the first current number to appear.
     Following numbers increase by a factor of four or eight,
     depending on the raffle ticket template used.

     When printing Numset templates, the current number starts with
     the last number in the last cell on the first template. Following
     numbers increase by a factor of the total number of cells,
     assuming Repeat and Skip are OFF.

     Press the ESC key to cancel template stack printing and return
     control to the main window.   Raffle Do will permanently halt
     and delete printing of the current template stack.   If your
     printer has on-board memory, then you may have to discard the
     template stack.   If  Windows stores the template stack in a
     temporary file, the file will transfer data to the printer when
     you cancel the printing process.   The data will automatically
     move into the on-board memory and initiate the printing process.
				- Page 29 -

     If you do not use a Print Manager, you may have to discard the
     template stack.   Consult the user's guide for your printer
     for more information.


     Raffle Do can operate within any MS-Windows 3.0 and higher
     supported network.   Raffle Do version 1.0 is a single user
     software.   Therefore, follow the MS-Windows guidelines for
     using single user applications on networks.   Ensure that the
     network printer's queue is empty and that no applications send
     documents to the printer while Raffle Do is printing.

     Printing and Fonts

     Raffle Do has two available fonts: helvetica and times roman.
     Windows 3.0 and 3.1 have different actual names it sends to the
     printer for both.  Windows 3.0 states "Helv" for helvetica font
     and Windows 3.1 states "Helvetica".  Windows 3.0 states "Tms Rmn"
     for times roman font.  Windows 3.1 does not support times roman
     font.   An almost identical font is "Times".

     Raffle Do automatically searches for the correct name used for
     helvetica and sends it to the printer.   Raffle Do will
     automatically send "Tms Rmn" to the printer under Windows 3.0
     and "Times" to the printer under Windows 3.1.

     When the printing process is initiated, a message box may inform
     you that the current font chosen in Raffle Do is not available
     on your printer.   If you do not want to print templates in the
     default font of the printer, you can choose the remaining font
     from the design bar, if available.

     In order to have these fonts available, make sure they are
     installed.   You should add helvetica and times roman fonts to
     the group of available fonts in Windows if they are not
     installed in the Windows directory. The Windows 3.0 diskettes,
     number 5 and 6 on 3.5" diskettes, have these fonts. Consult the
     Windows user's manual for instructions on how to install fonts.
				- Page 30 -


     Body	     the part of a raffle ticket that contains
		     information on the event or occasion; usually

     Controls	     objects displayed on the screen, usually in a
		     window or dialog box.   The basic controls in
		     Raffle Do:

	     Command buttons	push-button objects that execute an
				associated command (i.e. "OK",
	     Menu commands	menu contents that execute associated
				commands (i.e. "File", "Options")
	     Labels		textual headings for a control
	     Text box 		a box that displays characters the user
				inputs through a keyboard

     Dialog box	     a window that displays and request information.
		     The dialog box then closes and executes code
		     based on the information stated and/or chosen.

     Focus	     when a control is highlighted (has the cursor
		     within it or its borders are outlined) and can
		     immediately receive input from the user.

     Labels	     for raffle ticket templates, a label is a
		     customized object, excluding sequential numbers,
		     that contains text (i.e. "Name ______________").
		     For Numset, a label is a customizable object
		     within each cell.   The Numset label is a
		     sequential number alone or with leading and/or
		     trailing text.

     Main window     the window or screen that displays when Raffle
		     Do starts up and remains until operation is

     Sequential	     numbers that progress in a forward count. For an
     numbers	     explanation and an example for raffle ticket
		     sequential numbers, press F1 key for Help and
		     search for "raffle ticket sequential numbers".
		     Numset sequential numbers can have the same
		     number format range as raffle tickets or none
		     at all.   They are not preceded by preset text
		     unless the user adds it.

     Stubs	     ticket heading minus the bottom sequential number.
		     See definition for ticket heading.

     Templates	     a letter size sheet with ticket headings or cells
		     of numbers.   Raffle Do offers 4x1UP and 4x2UP
				- Page 31 -

		     raffle ticket templates with headings.  4x1UP
		     means there are 4 raffle tickets across one row
		     on a page.  4x2UP templates have eight raffle
		     tickets, with 4 tickets across 2 rows on a page.
		     4x1UP templates are printed in landscape mode;
		     4x2UP are printed in portrait mode.  The Numset
		     template has cells of numbers.

     Template 	     all of the templates, from the first to last
     stack	     printed in one session, become a template stack.
		     Template stacks can have more templates added
		     to them to increase the size of the stack. A
		     raffle ticket template stack is characterized
		     by having the same headings and number format.
		     A Numset template stack has the same label (the
		     same number format with identical leading and
		     trailing text).

     Ticket 	     print at the top of the template.   Includes all
     heading	     visible labels and the sequential numbers.  A
		     typical ticket heading appears on the on-screen
		     template at start up.

     copyright, 1992  Philip Rodgers Jr.  All rights reserved.

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #3653

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

RAFFLEDO EXE    109326   9-29-92   4:30a
RAFFLEDO HLP     78410  10-04-92   8:32p
GORAFFLE EXE     44056  10-02-92   5:06a
RAFFLEDO TXT     66845  10-04-92   6:34p
README   NOW      2538   6-07-93   4:34p
PSETUP   DEF       225   6-20-91   3:09p
PSETUP   DLL     16554   2-21-92  10:13a
RAFFLEDO FLE       417   6-06-92  11:43p
VENDOR&  BBS      4470  12-05-92  12:17a
GO       BAT        36   6-07-93   4:32p
SHOW     EXE      2040   9-12-88  10:48a
       11 file(s)     324917 bytes
                       30720 bytes free