PCjs Machines

Home of the original IBM PC emulator for browsers.


PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #3641)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5170" to load....


If you are a shareware distributor and wish to distribute unregistered
QuinZip v2.1 programs, we request that you include it on a disk that
sells for no more than ten (10) dollars. In addition, please include
information that explains that users are expected to register shareware
they use regularly. Prices for such media as CD-ROM may, of neccessity,
be somewhat higher.

The following is the suggested description:

QuinZip v2.1 - Windows Zip/UnZip Utility
Not a shell! Superior compression using
the new 'deflate' algorithm. Supports
Drag & Drop and provides extensive help.
Released: 02/05/93


If you are a software developer and wish to incorporate QuinZip v2.1
within your own commercial or shareware program then you need to
license a QuinZip DLL. To obtain this license, contact:

                        Quintessence Corporation
                 Vice-President, Research & Development
                            47A River Street
                       Wellesley Hills, MA 02181

                         Voice: (617) 237-4666
                         FAX:   (617) 237-5533
                         BBS:   (617) 237-8687

The standard DLL includes compatible Zip/Unzip routines which can be
called from your Windows program. If you have any customization
requests, please feel free to call and we will be glad to write them
for you.

For standard DLL and custom pricing, please contact us to discuss your
particular situation. We will send you a QuinZip DLL License Application
that fits your particular needs.


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║ (C) Copyright 1993 PC-SIG Inc. 1030D East Duane Ave. Sunnyvale CA 94086 ║
║     For inquiries call: (408) 730-9291  For orders call: (800) 245-6717 ║


                    QuinZip SITE LICENSE APPLICATION

If you wish to use QuinZip v2.1 on more than one computer, a Site
License is required.

A Site License is also required to use QuinZip v2.1 on a network. A
Site License allows you to copy and use QuinZip v2.1 within your
organization on as many computers as contracted for. An unlimited Site
License allows unlimited copying of the software for internal use only.

QuinZip v2.1 is copyrighted software and any distribution or reselling
of this software to third parties is prohibited.

To obtain a Site License contact:

                       Quintessence Corporation
                       Site License
                       47A River Street
                       Wellesley Hills, MA 02181

                       Voice: (617) 237-4666
                       FAX:   (617) 237-5533

If you have an individual registered copy of QuinZip v2.1, Quintessence
Corporation grants you the right to make one additional copy for use in
the same facility.

For additional copies:

                      3 -  50 computers - $25 each
                     51 - 100 computers - $22 each

If you would like to license more than 100 copies, please call for
pricing at (617) 237-4666 or FAX your request to (617) 237-5533.

A Site License includes two master diskettes, unlimited technical
support for each site and use of The Quintessential BBS. The bulletin
board provides online support and access to QuinZip upgrades. For
printed manuals an additional fee may be applicable, since QuinZip v2.1
comes with an extensive online help system that should prove more
useful than a regular printed manual.

Upon acceptance of your QuinZip Site License Application, Quintessence
Corporation will send you an Official Site License Agreement with an
official registration number. Your sites will need this number to
receive technical support and to access The Quintessential BBS.

                    QuinZip SITE LICENSE APPLICATION

    COMPANY NAME: ____________________________________________________

    ADDRESS: _________________________________________________________

    CITY: _________________   STATE: _____    ZIP CODE: ______________

    COUNTRY: ___________________________

    TELEPHONE NUMBER: (_________)    _________________________________
                       AREA CODE     NUMBER

    I wish to apply for a Site License.

    I certify that we are licensing QuinZip v2.1 for __________ computers
    for use in the same facility.

    Enclosed, please find my payment of $ ____________________________

    for ______________ copies of QuinZip v2.1.

    I understand that the Site License is good for QuinZip v2.1 use in
    only one (1) facility and I must apply for a separate license for
    any additional facilities.

    I authorize you to charge $ ___________________________ by the
    following method of payment:

    _____ American Express      _____ MasterCard        _____ Visa

    You may also pay by personal check, money order or bank check.
    Please make any check payable to Quintessence Corporation.

    Massachusetts companies which order a QuinZip Site License must add
    a 5% sales tax to their credit charge or their personal check, money
    order or bank check.

    ACCOUNT NUMBER: __________________________________________________
                    PRINT CLEARLY

    EXPIRATION DATE: ____________________

    EXACT NAME ON CARD: ______________________________________________
                        PRINT CLEARLY

    I fully understand all conditions and terms as described above and
    agree to abide by and enforce them accordingly.

    SIGNATURE: _______________________________________________________

    PRINT NAME: ______________________________________________________

    TITLE: ___________________________________________________________


                Thank you for downloading QuinZip v2.1!

                       Quintessence Corporation
                       47A River Street
                       Wellesley Hills, MA 02181

                       Voice: (617) 237-4666
                       Data : (617) 237-8687

QuinZip v2.1 is shareware. All Rights Reserved. QuinZip is a trademark
of Quintessence Corporation.

We hope you will enjoy the ONLY true Windows Zip/UnZip Utility that
supports the ZIP 2.0 standard. QuinZip is not a shell; it works
entirely within Windows.

Please read WHATSNEW.TXT to see what new features have been added since
the 2.0 version.

We cordially request that you not distribute QuinZip v2.1 without the
following original files:

                               Viewing QZIP21.ZIP:

       File Name     Original   Compressed   Ratio   Method       CRC
      QUINZIP.EXE       84848        39354     54%   Deflated   51468663
      QUINZIP.HLP       47116        21551     55%   Deflated   37eadf97
      QUINZIP.REG         555          312     44%   Deflated   4e32899b
      BWCC.DLL         130224        42312     68%   Deflated   20976ce9
      REGISTER.FRM       3385         1140     67%   Deflated   8e2f2a0f
      WHATSNEW.TXT        889          462     49%   Deflated   f081fe46
      LICENSE.TXT        4129         1499     64%   Deflated   30828505
      DISTRIB.TXT         617          395     36%   Deflated   293f1ca4
      DLL.TXT             948          490     49%   Deflated   2973e7c9
      WHISPER.TXT        3967         1786     55%   Deflated   faaccda2
      README.TXT         3811         1538     60%   Deflated   4cea49ca
      FILE_ID.DIZ         186          156     17%   Deflated   2fd95e17
      12   File(s)     280675       110995     61%

QUINZIP.EXE   The executable file that you must install in Windows.

QUINZIP.HLP   The help module that should be in the same directory as
              QUINZIP.EXE for on-line assistance.

QUINZIP.REG   Registration script for merging by Windows 3.1 REGEDIT

BWCC.DLL      A dynamic link library. It should be in the same directory
              as QUINZIP.EXE. If you already have a file by the same
              name, you can use it instead and save some disk space.

REGISTER.FRM  QUINZIP is distributed as shareware. Your support is vital
              for its survival. This is the registration application.
              It can be printed as is; no modifications are needed. You
              can also register by calling (617) 237-4666.

WHATSNEW.TXT  Details changes made to QuinZip since the last release.

LICENSE.TXT   Information about obtaining a Site License allowing
              you to use QuinZip v2.1 on more than one machine at
              the same facility.

DISTRIB.TXT   Contains a brief notice for shareware distributors and
              a short description of QuinZip v2.1.

DLL.TXT       How to license QuinZip's technology for use within your
              own commercial or shareware program(s). Also contains
              a brief description of the library.

WHISPER.TXT   Tells you how to register your copy of QUINZIP.EXE.
              It also contains information about obtaining a free
              copy of WHISPER, a new Windows telecommunication program.
              This offer is available for a limited time only.

README.TXT    Is the file you are reading now!

FILE_ID.DIZ   The "Description In ZIP". A basic description of
              QuinZip v2.1. This file should be used as the file
              description when uploading to Bulletin Boards.

To Start QuinZip, type WIN QUINZIP (press Enter).

All files may be copied to a temporary subdirectory before starting, if

You may delete files in the temporary subdirectory, after installing.


                       What's New in QuinZip v2.1

This description for QuinZip v2.1 contains the new features we have
added since Version 2.0.

QuinZip v2.1 - Contains fixes and enhancements.

    - Impressively improved compression ratios.

    - Added support for file association and Windows 3.1 Drag & Drop.

    - Added a new security measure to the encryption algorithm to
      better comply with the new ZIP v2.04 encryption scheme.

    - Compensated for a quirk in ZIP v2.04's packing of the
      bit length codes.

    - Changed storing of disk ID for ZIP v2.04 compatiblity

    - Changed List Box redraw to compensate for a bug in
      Windows 3.0 and OS/2's Win-OS/2 Mode.

    - Fixed problem that caused a random "Application Error" on
      some systems.

    - Fixed PgUp/PgDn in Queue List-box.

QuinZip v2.0 - Initial Public Release


                         THE WAITING IS OVER!!

Thank you for downloading QuinZip v2.1, the first true, 100% compatible
Windows ZIP/UNZIP utility. The waiting is over! You will never again
have to leave Windows to ZIP or UNZIP.

After you've tested QuinZip v2.1 and are completely satisfied, all you
need to do is send in $35.00 with the QuinZip Membership Registration
Application. This application is in the file REGISTER.FRM.

Print out the Application and mail with payment to:

            Quintessence Corporation
            QuinZip Registration
            47A River Street
            Wellesley Hills, MA 02181

You can also use any of the following convenient methods:

    *   FAX: (617) 237-5533 (Credit Cards Only)

    *   BBS: register online at (617) 237-8687

    *   Voice: call (617) 237-4666 (Credit Cards Only)

In addition to personal check, money order and bank check, we accept
Visa, MasterCard and American Express.

A QuinZip Membership entitles you to reap tremendous benefits:

    *   Receive our new Windows telecommunication program, WHISPER,
        right up until the day we release it commercially, sometime
        during the first quarter of 1993.
    *   Reasonably priced QuinZip upgrades
    *   Free, expert technical support
    *   Automatic membership in the QuinZip User Group
    *   You'll also be considered as a WHISPER Beta-Test site

Don't forget to let us know from which BBS you downloaded QuinZip v2.1...
your SYSOP will be grateful!

WHISPER will be released and sold commercially for $149.95 sometime
during the first quarter of 1993. You can receive WHISPER for FREE,
just by sending us the QuinZip Membership Registration Application
promptly! WHISPER will be mailed to you, first come, first serve, upon
availability. Imagine, receiving the ONLY real Windows ZIP utility and
a fabulous Windows telecommunication program all for $35.00... it's
almost unbelievable!

    ***     However, this irresistible value is very real and EXPIRES
            the day we release WHISPER commercially.

WHISPER surpasses your current Windows telecommunication program by
leaps and bounds. We've spent about 2 years developing this
telecommunication trendsetter and we are sure you'll appreciate our
efforts! There are over 200 features that make WHISPER unique,

    *   Movable ICON bar (attach to any screen border)
    *   Up to four, movable, customizable status lines
    *   Customizable menu bar
    *   Add third party protocols, icons and emulators quickly and
    *   True MDI application (up to four screens)
    *   Call four services simultaneously (must have 4 Comm ports!)
    *   Our own WHISPER Bi-Directional protocol (upload and download
    *   WhisperBASIC (QBASIC compatible script language)
    *   Drag and drop positioning
    *   Split window for chat
    *   Automatic password generation
    *   Send password
    *   Password encryption of phone books
    *   Customizable macros
    *   Built-in editor
    *   Built-in, 100% ZIP compatible data compression (QuinZip)
    *   Extensive bulletin board features
    *   Customizable mouse options
    *   Maximize and minimize applications
    *   Intuitive, clear, easy-to-use interface
    *   Minimize re-dial and transfer windows
    *   Import phone books from other communication programs
    *   Written for Windows ... WHISPER is not a port!
    *   Free, expert technical support
    *   A $149.95 value, offered FREE to all registered
        QuinZip owners
    *   Developed by Quintessence Corporation

With you in mind, we've designed more up-to-the-minute features for
WHISPER than you'll find in any other Windows telecommunication program
available. Call our BBS at (617) 237-8687 and tell us about any features
YOU think should be included in our ultimate communication program.

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #3641

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

GO       BAT        32   9-29-92  11:26a
QUINZIP  EXE     84848   2-05-93   2:10a
QUINZIP  HLP     47116   2-05-93   2:10a
QUINZIP  REG       555   2-05-93   2:10a
BWCC     DLL    130224   6-10-92   3:10a
REGISTER FRM      3385   2-05-93   2:10a
WHATSNEW TXT       889   2-05-93   2:10a
LICENSE  TXT      4129   2-05-93   2:10a
DISTRIB  TXT       617   2-05-93   2:10a
DLL      TXT       948   2-05-93   2:10a
WHISPER  TXT      3967   2-05-93   2:10a
README   TXT      4024   6-07-93   4:10p
FILE_ID  DIZ       186   2-05-93   2:10a
GO       TXT      2310   6-07-93   9:23a
       14 file(s)     283230 bytes
                       31744 bytes free