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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #3629)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

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  * THE FOLLOWING LICENSE AGREEMENT.                                      *
  The following Agreement is a legal agreement between you (either
  an individual, party or entity), the end user, and WinWear.
  If you do not agree to the terms of the Agreement, DO NOT USE

  1) Copyright.  The Software is owned by WinWear or its
  suppliers and is protected by United States copyright laws and
  international treaty provisions.  Therefore, you must treat the
  Software like any other copyrighted material (e.g., a book or
  musical recording) EXCEPT that you may (a) make one copy of the
  Software solely for backup or archival purposes, or (b) transfer
  the Software to a single hard disk provided you keep the original
  solely for backup or archival purposes.

  This product is not freeware.  It requires the user to pay a registration
  fee in order to continue use.  The receiver of the software is granted a
  limited 60 day evaluation license. Copyright 1992,1993 WindowMagic. All
  Rights Reserved. WindowMagic is a trademark of WinWear.

  4) No Other Warranties.  Except as expressly stated herein, the
  Software is provided "AS IS" without warranty of any kind.
  WinWear disclaims all other warranties, either express or
  implied, including, but not limited to, implied warranties of
  merchantability and fitness for a particular purposes, with
  respect to the Software, and the accompanying written materials.
  You, the user, bear all risk relating to the quality and
  performances of the Software.

  5) No liability for Consequential Damages.  In no event shall
  WinWear or its suppliers be liable for any damages whatsoever
  (including, without limitation, damages for loss of business
  profits, business interruption, loss of business information or
  other pecuniary loss) arising out of the use of or inability to
  use this WinWear product, even if WinWear has been advised
  of the possibility of such damages.  Because some states do not
  allow the exclusion or limitation of liability for consequential
  or incidental damages, the above limitation may not apply to you.

  6) U.S. Government Restricted Rights.  The Software and
  documentation are provided with RESTRICTED RIGHTS.  Use,
  duplication or disclosure by the Government is subject to
  restrictions as set forth in Subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of The
  Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS
  252.227-7013 or Subparagraphs (c)(1) and (2) of the Commercial
  Computer Software-Restricted Rights clause at 48 CFR 52.227-19,
  as applicable.  Contractor/manufacturer is WinWear, 14150 NE. 20th St.
  #346 Bellevue, WA 98007

  7) Governing Law.  This Agreement is governed by the laws of the
  State of Washington.

  8) Effect of Agreement. This Agreement embodies the entire
  understanding of the parties with respect to, and supersedes any
  prior understanding or agreement, oral or written, relating to
  the Software.

  /************************END LICENSE AGREEMENT************************/

  WindowMagic is a utility that will let you easily assign an Icon to
  the Program Mangers Group or Application Icons. It also has a very
  useful Quick Launch feature that allows you to launch a program
  from a minimized group.  WindowMagic uses a drag & drop icon
  management interface to make icon customization quick, easy and fun.

  WindowMagic 1.1 now contains a ToolBar Facility.  This facility allows
  you to create a free floating tool bar from a program manager group.


  NOTE: If you are using WindowMagic 1.0 please disable the program
        before installing the new version.

  1) Select the startup group from the program manager.

  2) Select the [File] menu selection from the program manager, then
     choose the [New] and [Program Item] options from the displayed menu
     and dialogs.

  3) Type in the full path name where WindowMagic was installed

  4) Save your new item by clicking on the OK button.

  5) Quit and restart Windows to activate the program, or double
     click on the new icon in the startup group.

  * How to use
  WindowMagic uses a simple drag and drop interface.  To use the utility
  select the [WindowMaigc] item from the Program Managers menu.

  1. Select [WindowMagic]
        You will be presented with a popup menu of all available choices
        for WindowMagic.  Select "View Icon Palette" and then choose
        an .EXE,.DLL or .WMP file.  Hint: try a .WMP first. The WMP file
        is located in the directory that you unzipped the program in.

  2. The icons stored in the file you have choosen will be presented in
     a paletteized form.  Simply click and hold the left mouse button when
     the cursor is over an icon you wish to use. Now drag the icon over a
     Program Manager group or Application icon and release.
     (The cursor will change from a circle/slash to a B&W icon
     when it is over a valid drop area.)

  3. Once you get the hang of dragging and dropping icons, try Creating your
     own Icon Palette.  With WindowMagic you can Import Icons from just about
     anywhere. Place several palettes on the screen and you're ready for
     hours of fun selecting, collecting, and mixing your own icon libraries!

  *                                                                          *
  *                            IMPORTANT FEATURES!!!!                        *
  *                                                                          *

		1  Tool Groups!
		   We have added a very slick tool group feature.  This
		   alows you to turn any program manager group into a
                   free floating tool bar that can be displayed as a
                   list box with icons, or a vertical/horizontal button
                   bar.  The bars are minimizable and will retain the
                   Icon associated with the group or program.  Drag and
                   Drop function on the bars. Quick Access is also available
                   from the tool bars.

                2  QuickAccess & FastLaunch
                   Try it: click and hold your right mouse button over
                   a minimized group icon. Select your favorite program and
                   release the button. Or, select "Set FastLaunch" and highlight
                   your most-used application.  Double click (right button) the
                   minimized Group icon and you're underway.

                2  Online help has been added to the share release if you
                   desire to use it.

                3  Customized exit problems have been solved

                4  A QuickStart guid has been added to the share
                   release.  See the MANUAL.TXT file.

           To register your copy of WindowMagic send 29.95 +  SH to
		   +++ (Site Licesense are available) +++

                          14150 NE 20th Street #346
                             Bellevue WA 98007

                For VISA and Mastercard Orders, please call
                              (206) 882-1530

                     Register and you will receive:

                  1) 3800+ Palletized Icons in an organized format
                  2) A printed manual
                  3) Get rid of that annoying nag screen
		  4) Tech Support and information on updates

         Look for more exciting new features in WindowMagic coming soon!

         P.S. If you don't register you may not be using the latest and
         greatest version.  Register today!!



		     WindowMagic Version 1.1 [Shareware]

       This software package is SHAREWARE. This means an author or
       programmer has prepared software which you are free to copy, and
       share with others, but the author requests a REGISTRATION FEE
       for you to continue LEGAL use and receive additional benefits. If
       you received this software from a shareware vendor or computer club
       who charged $3 or $4 you have only paid a DISTRIBUTION or HANDLING
       FEE to produce an EVALUATION disk of which NO PORTION goes to the
       author of the software. You are encouraged to use the software and,
       pay the final REGISTRATION FEE to the author to become legally
       registered and receive further benefits specified below. Unregistered
       users may examine, search and evaluate the program.

		    OR CALL (206) 882-1530 FOR VISA & MC Orders

		        Registered users will  receive:

  		  * Over 3800 Icons sorted in Icon Palettes,
		  * Technical support
       		  * Eliminates annoying NAG screen
		  * Notification of New Products and special update pricing

       	  Paying the registration fee brings by return mail the UPDATED
       	  Program, and the Icon Palette Libraries.

Introduction & Welcome

Thank you for previewing WindowMagic Shareware, The productivity enhancement
tool for Windows. You are joining a world wide group of satisfied customers who
use WindowMagic every day to enhance their Windows environment.

The first Windows program you and your colleagues ever used was the Program
Manager. You are probably very comfortable and knowledgeable about the Program
Manager, however as you may have noticed there are certain inconsistencies, and
missing features in the Program Managers design.

There used to be one solution to this problem, purchase an expensive new type of
"Program Manager" from a third party vendor.  Unfortunately besides being costly
it requires you to learn an entirely new way of doing things. WindowMagic
finally provides you with a low cost, easy to use solution to this dilemma.

WindowMagic extends and enhances the capabilities of the Program Manager instead
of trying to replace it.  WindowMagic seemlessly integrates itself with the
Program Manager, fixes a major inconsistency, enhances a number of features, and
teaches an old dog a few new tricks. Although the Program Manager is greatly
enhanced by the addition of WindowMagic, you are not required to relearn any of
the skills you previously acquired. Everything still works like it used to, you
just have a few more features at your disposal.

Please take a few moments to read the users guide so that you are familiar with
WindowMagic and all that it has to offer.

We at WinWear are committed to enhancing the environment of our users while
offering quality products, at affordable prices. We will continue to add new
features to the product, and to enhance the existing features in order to make
the Windows environment more intuitive and productive than ever.

We would also like to hear from you, should you have any comments regarding
WindowMagic, or any suggestions on how we could improve the product, or new
features you would like to see implemented.

If  you have any suggestions or comments please write to:

				14150 N.E. 20th St. Box 346
				     Bellevue WA 98007
				  ATT:  Customer Service

Once Again Thank you for previewing WindowMagic Shareware, and we hope you
enjoy your state of the art productivity enhancement tool, and decide to
register your product to receive all the benefits of WindowMagic.


After installing WindowMagic and deciding to register your copy please print
and fill out the ORDER.TXT file or call (206) 882-1530 for Visa or MC orders.
Only by registering your product can you be assured of getting timely
technical support, product update announcements, and enhancement information.

System Requirements

Please be sure your computer meets the appropriate operational requirements
listed below. To  use WindowMagic on your Windows 3.1 compatible desktop,
portable or notebook computer, you need.

	*  Windows Version 3.1 and the Program Manager installed as your shell
	*  256k of free hard disk space for the WindowMagic Program
	*  3.5 MB of free hard disk space for Icons.
	*  A Windows-compatible mouse or pointing device.


Quick Start

This Chapter provides a brief introduction to WindowMagic.  Please read this
chapter to get started immediately.

To access WindowMagic:

1. Start Windows.

2. If you have not already done so please follow the instructions in Install.txt
   Once started a 'WindowMagic' menu option will appear between the 'File' and
   'Option' items on the program managers menu bar. If you followed the
   instructions WindowMagic should have been added to your ' Startup' group and
   therefore will start every time Windows is loaded, no user interaction is
   required. If WindowMagic does not start, or if you disabled WindowMagic,
   simply open the 'Startup' group and double click on the WindowMagic Icon.

WindowMagic Menu Overview

1.	Select the 'WindowMagic' menu item from the Program Manager menu bar.
	or simply press [Alt M] and the WindowMagic sub menu will open.

2.  	Notice that the WindowMagic sub menu has 7 selections all of which
	can be accessed with your pointing device. Of the 7 selections 6 may be
 	accessed with the hot keys designated next to each selection.
	( a hot key may be executed by first holding down the 'Alt' key and then
	the key designated to the right of it.)

	Example: Holding down the  'Alt'  key, while simultaneously pressing
	the 'V' key would automatically launch the Icon Palette Manager.

	Here is a brief  explanation of each feature and its function,


	1. Launch Toolgroup	Alt+L 		Launches a Toolgroup
	2. View Icon Palette:..	Alt+V 		Open Icon Palette Manager
	3. Create Icon Palette.	Alt+C 		Create a Icon Palette
	4. Options...		Alt+O 		WindowMagic Options On/Off
	5. Window Magic Help	Alt+P    	Starts WindowMagic help
	6. About WindowMagic	Alt+A 		Displays the About Box.
	7. Disable WindowMagic	Alt+D		Disables WindowMagic

Using WindowMagic

Launching a ToolGroup

1.	Select the "WindowMagic" menu item from the Program Manager menu.
2.	Select the "Launch ToolGroup" menu item from the WindowMagic sub menu,
	and a drop down list that includes all of your current program manager
 	groups will appear.

3.	Select the group that you would like create a ToolGroup for. If the
	ToolGroup was created previously then it will be displayed in its last
	position and size. If the ToolGroup is being created for the first time
	then the ToolGroup options dialog box will appear.

4. 	Notice that there are several options available when creating a
	ToolGroup. Each option is selectable by the user when creating the
	ToolGroup and may be modified by the user after the ToolGroup  is
	created. A mark in the box to the left of the option designates it is
	selected. If there is not a mark in the box to the left of the option
	it is not selected. A brief explanation of each option is listed.


1. Display When Windows Starts		If this option is selected the ToolGroup
 					will open when Windows starts. It will
 					remember  it's last displayed location
 					and size.

2. Always on top			If this option is selected the ToolGroup
 					will always be displayed on top of other
 					windows. This is useful if you have a
 					ToolGroup of favorite functions that you
 					want available at all times.

3. Display Format Options		These options are used to designate
 					how your ToolGroup is displayed.  Each
 					ToolGroup maintains it's own custom
 					display options.

(If you should decide to cancel this operation use your mouse to select Cancel)

A. Horizontal Rows			This option displays the ToolGroup as a
					set of horizontal rows that contain push
					buttons.  By selecting the number of
					rows you can determine the size and
 					shape of the ToolGroup.

B. Vertical Rows	      		This option displays the ToolGroup as a
 					set  of  vertical rows that contain push
 					buttons. By selecting the number of
					rows you can determine the size and
 					shape of the ToolGroup.  The valid
 					number of rows for a ToolGroup is from
 					1 to 5.

C. List                      		This option displays the ToolGroup as a
					vertical list of push buttons that are
					accompanied by the name of the program.
					The rows entry field is	disabled for
					this selection.

4. Once you have set the options for the ToolGroup use your mouse or pointing
   device to select OK or press return. and the ToolGroup will appear.

(If you should decide to cancel this operation use your mouse to select Cancel)

5. You will now have created a ToolGroup. Notice that the ToolGroup contains
each program that was in the selected group. To execute a program from the
ToolGroup, simply position your cursor over the associated Icon and press the
left mouse key and the program will launch. You may change the position of the
ToolGroup on your screen by positioning your cursor on the Title bar and
pressing the left mouse button. While continuing to press the left mouse
button move your ToolGroup to the desired location and then release the left
mouse button.

    If your really anxious to see the options available for the ToolGroups
    here are a few Quick hints to get you started;

A.  Select the System menu box in the upper left-hand corner of the ToolGroup
    and a list of options will be displayed.

B.  By double clicking on the Title bar of the ToolGroup with the left mouse
    button you will change the way the ToolGroup is displayed. Example; If your
    ToolGroup currently displayed Horizontally then double click on the Title
    bar and it will now display vertically, Double click on the Title Bar again
    and the ToolGroup will display Vertically with a list, Double click again
    and your ToolGroup will once again be displayed horizontally.

C.  By positioning your cursor on the Title bar of the ToolGroup and holding
    down the right mouse button you will activate the QuickAccess feature.

View Icon Palette

1. 	Select the [WindowMagic] menu item from the Program Manager menu.
2.	Select the [View Icon Palette] menu item from the [WindowMagic] menu, or
 	press "Alt+V" to go directly to the 'View Icon Palette' dialog.
3.	After selecting the " View Icon Palette" entry the palette selection
	dialog will appear.
4.	Select a WMP palette, exe or dll file from the displayed list of files.

Should you decide that you would like to cancel the operation, simply press
the 'Cancel' button.  Help is also available for this dialog by pressing the
help button.

Customizing a Group or Application Icon

1.  After selecting a palette you wish to view, a window will be created that
displays all of the icons stored in that file.  This window is referred to as
an icon palette.

2.  To assign an icon to a program manager Group or Application icon first
position your cursor over the icon in the palette you wish to select
(the cursor changes to a hand).

3.  Next click and hold the left mouse button (the cursor changes to a black
and white representation of the selected icon),  drag the mouse cursor
(while continuing to hold down the left mouse button) into position over the
top of the Group or Application icon you wish to customize and release the
mouse button.  The Group or Application icon will immediately be replaced by
the new icon you have chosen.

   As you move outside of the Palette the cursor changes to a circle with a
   slash through it, this signifies that it is an illegal 'Drop Zone'.  If
   you release the mouse button while the cursor is over an illegal zone no
   action will take place.

   You may change the position of the Palette on your screen by positioning
   your cursor on the Title bar and pressing the left mouse button. While
   pressing the left mouse button move your Palette to the desired location
   and then release the left mouse button.

Create Icon Palette

1. 	Select the 'WindowMagic' menu item from the Program Manager menu.
2.	Select the 'Create Icon Palette' selection from the WindowMagic menu, or
 	press 'Alt+C' to go directly to the 'Create Icon Palette' dialog.
3.	After selecting the " Create Icon Palette" menu entry,  the palette
	creation dialog will appear.
4.	Next type in a unique name for the palette, the name may contain up to
	eight characters, but must not contain a file extension.

  If you type in a Palette that already exist then WindowMagic will prompt you
  with a "Palette Overwrite Warning" and will then ask if you want proceed?  If
  you answer no, the system will request that you enter a new name.  If you
  answer yes, the system will open the new palette and destroy the contents of
  the old palette.

6.	Now your new Palette will be displayed. You will notice that when your
	new palette is opened it is empty. By selecting the System menu box in
	the upper left hand corner of the "Palette" a menu will appear that will
 	allow you to: Move, Minimize, Import, Delete, Access Help, or Close
	the Palette.

  To Close the Palette Manager, simply click on  box in the upper left hand
  corner of the palette and select "Close" or press "Alt+F4"

WindowMagic Options

1. 	Select the 'WindowMagic' menu item from the Program Manager menu.

2.	Select the Options' selection from the WindowMagic menu.
	You will notice that there are three (3) selections available under
	the options menu. All of these selections allow the user to turn
	On/Off specific parts of WindowMagic and to bring up the QuickAccess
 	customization dialog

3.  	To select one of the options position your cursor over the selection
	while holding down the left hand mouse button and then release the left
	hand mouse button.

A.	QuickAccess			'Alt+Q'	Brings up the QuickAccess
						customization dialog

B.	Group Icon Customizer		'Alt+G'	Group Icon Customizer On/Off

C.	Windows Exit Enhancement	'Alt+E'	Windows Exit ehancement On/Off

	You may have noticed that the entries have a green check mark next to
	them. This signifies that the feature is currently enabled, but has the
 	ability to be disabled at the your discretion.  If the feature was
	disabled the check mark would be replaced with a red circle with a
	diagonal slash mark.  This flexibility lets you pick and choose which
	enhancements to use.  This is allows you to use a layered approach to
	enhancing your Windows environment.


The "Quick Access" function brings up the QuickAccess customization dialog. This
is where you can customize the "Quick Access" and 'FastLaunch' functions or
disable them. This selection must be activated in order for you to use
"Quick Access"  To access this with the hot key use the "Alt+Q" key sequence.

1. 	Select the 'WindowMagic' menu item from the Program Manager menu.
2.	Select the Options' selection from the WindowMagic menu.
3.	Select the QuickAccess menu item or use the hot key 'Alt+Q'
4.	You will then see a dialog box
5.	There are three (3) different sections to this dialog box.  Use, Sort By,
	and QuickAccess Activation Keys.

To Select or De-Select any option use your mouse or pointing device to position
your cursor on top of the selection area and click your left mouse button once.
Doing this should cause the selection area to become blank ( option disabled) or
filled in ( option enabled)

Section 1	Use

		QuickAccess	By clicking on the box to the left of the
				QuickAccess option a check mark appears
				inside the box designating the QuickAccess
				function to be enabled To Disable QuickAccess
				simply click on the box to the left of the
				QuickAccess option and when the box is empty
				the QuickAccess function is disabled FastLaunch
				By clicking on the box to the left of the
				FastLaunc option a check mark appears inside
				the box designating the FastLaunch function to
				be enabled. To Disable FastLaunch simply click
				on the box to the left of the FastLaunch option
				and when the box is empty the FastLaunch
				function is disabled
  You must have QuickAccess enabled in order to use FastLaunch.

Section 2	Sort By.

		Last Used	This directly affects the way QuickAccess sorts
				the applications. Selecting Last Used method
				will cause the applications that were most
				recently used to be displayed at the top of the

	Alphabetical Order
				This Directly effects the way QuickAccess sorts
				the applications. The QuickAccess list will be
				displayed in alphabetical order.

Section 3	QuickAccess Activation keys

This selection allows you to customize the way that you activate QuickAccess.
If you decide to use the left mouse button, instead of the default right mouse
button you must also select a mode key. A mode key is a key that must be
pressed and held in combination with the mouse button.

Using QuickAccess

QuickAccess gives you the power to launch an application from a minimized
group. This allows you to minimize all of your groups and better organize your
work space. You simply click and hold the right mouse button while the cursor
is over a minimized group icon to activate the QuickAccess menu.

A menu of all applications contained within the group is displayed in
alphabetical order (sorting by usage is also supported)  Highlighting an
application and then releasing the mouse key launches the application.
QuickAccess supports Program Managers file association and minimize on
use features.

Another feature of the QuickAccess system is FastLaunch.  FastLaunch lets
you select your favorite or most commonly used application from each group
that is always available by simply double clicking on the minimized group.
( notice the lighting bolt for the first menu entry, this designates your
FastLaunch choice for the selected group)  This eliminates the need to open
the group, or to use the QuickAccess menu for your most commonly used

After using QuickAccess and FastLaunch most people never go back to the
"Microsoft Shuffle" way of doing things.

Group Icon Customizer

The "Group Icon Customizer" menu selection toggles on and off the ability
to display a custom icon for a Program Manager group.

This selection must be enabled in order for you to see the customizations
you have made to the Program Managers group icons.  If you would like to
disable this function at any time, simply access the WindowMagic menu and
select the Options menu and then the "Group Icon Customizer"
menu entry.

This option only affects whether or not the customized groups are displayed,
so don't worry about losing any changes you may have made. WindowMagic will
remember what Icons were attached to your Program Manager groups, Simply
re-enable the Customization option and the Icons that were previously
selected for your Groups will reappear! To select this function with a
hot key keys use the "Alt+G" key sequence.

Windows Exit Enhancement

The "Windows Exit Enhancement" menu item toggles On and Off the ability
to use the "Windows Exit Enhancement" feature.  If you would like to
disable this function and use the standard Windows exit dialog, simply
access the WindowMagic menu and select the Options menu then select the
"Windows Exit Enhancement" menu entry.

To re-enable the "Windows Exit Enhancement" feature simply access the
WindowMagic menu and select the Options Menu then select the
"Windows Exit Enhancement" menu entry and the ability to utilize the
function will be re-enabled.  To toggle this feature with the hot key
use the "Alt+E" key sequence.

Using Enhanced Exit

Being a Windows user you know that occasionally you want to exit and
then immediately restart Windows, or possibly re-boot your machine.
You might want to do this when you receive a program error, or maybe
you just want to start fresh. WindowMagic makes this simple and easy
by providing an enhanced exit dialog that replaces the
Program Managers.

Additionally all exit features are accessible without bringing up the
dialog by using the ALT-X, ALT-R, or ALT-B hot key sequences
respectively.  This allows for a very fast means of exiting Windows
without using the Program Managers exit dialog.


The "Help" menu entry displays the help topic available for the
WindowMagic program If you would like to use help for WindowMagic,
simply access the WindowMagic menu and select the "WindowMagic Help"
Menu item and the help dialog will appear.

About WindowMagic

The "About WindowMagic" menu entry displays the:  Registered user,
Version Number, Serial Number. and WinWear's telephone number so you
can tell all your friends what a great product WindowMagic is, or
report a problem.  If you would like to view the "About WindowMagic"
screen, simply access the WindowMagic menu and select the
"About WindowMagic" menu item and the "About WindowMagic "
dialog will appear.

Disable WindowMagic

The "Disable WindowMagic" menu entry disables WindowMagic until
you restart Windows or restart WindowMagic.  If you would like to
disable WindowMagic, then simply access the WindowMagic menu
and select the "Disable WindowMagic" menu entry, or use the "Alt+D" hot
key sequence.


WindowMagic Version 1.10 Shareware.

To Register print and fill out ORDER.TXT


		WindowMagic Version 1.1 [Shareware]

       This software package is SHAREWARE. This means an author or
       programmer has prepared software which you are free to copy, and
       share with others, but the author requests a REGISTRATION FEE
       for you to continue LEGAL use and receive additional benefits. If
       you received this software from a shareware vendor or computer club
       who charged $3 or $4 you have only paid a DISTRIBUTION or HANDLING
       FEE to produce an EVALUATION disk of which NO PORTION goes to the
       author of the software. You are encouraged to use the software and,
       pay the final REGISTRATION FEE to the author to become legally
       registered and receive further benefits specified below. Unregistered
       users may examine, search and evaluate the program.

	Registered users will  recieve:

	* Over 3800 Icons sorted in Icon Palettes,
	* Technical support
       	* Eliminates annoying NAG screen
     	* Notification of New Products and special update pricing

       Paying the registration fee brings by return mail the UPDATED
       Program, and the Icon Palette Libraries.

       MORE .....................................................>>>> NEXT PAGE

Page 2 of 2

Current Version of Windowmagic ? ____________(See "About WindowMagic")

Who provided your copy of  WindowMagic?

(Compuserve, BBS,Shareware Dealer, etc.) __________________PH ( ___) ___-____



						        Qty         Sub-Total
				WindowMagic 1.1	        ___ @ 29.95  ________
				WA State Tax            ___ @  2.46  ________
				Ship Handling  U.S. 	___ @  3.00  ________
				               Foreign  ___ @  6.00  ________
				Total in U. S. Funds	_____________________

				Disk Size:   		3.5 __   or   5.25 __


NAME    _______________________________________________________

COMPANY _______________________________________________________

STREET  _______________________________________________________

CITY    ____________________STATE_________________ZIP__________

COUNTRY ________________  PHONE (____) ___ -____


Check Enclosed _____          VISA ____       Mastercard _____

Name on Card    ______________________________________________

Account Number  ______________________________________________

Expiration Date ___/___

Signature ___________________________________________________

			WinWear 14150 NE 20th # 346 Bellevue WA 98007
			      Phone Orders (206) 882-1530

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #3629

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

GO       BAT        35   6-30-93   2:55p
WM3D     DLL     48080   5-01-93  11:09p
WMDRIVER DLL     81920   5-02-93   2:48p
WMICON   DLL     12480   5-01-93  11:09p
WMAGIC   EXE     72496   5-03-93   8:28p
WMAGIC   HLP     43690   5-02-93   3:12p
WMAGIC   INI       496   5-07-93   6:20a
1STLOOK  WMP     58476   5-03-93   8:48p
MANUAL   TXT     22799   5-07-93   5:57a
INSTALL  TXT      8542   5-07-93   4:43a
ORDER    TXT      3183   5-07-93   4:33a
SHOW     EXE      2040   9-12-88  10:48a
       12 file(s)     354237 bytes
                        2048 bytes free