PCjs Machines

Home of the original IBM PC emulator for browsers.


PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #3616)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5170" to load....


           ProtoCAD 3D  Ver 1.10c -  Disk Vendor Documentation
       Copyright 1993, TRIUS, Inc.  All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

 This file provides information for the distribution of shareware copies of
 ProtoCAD 3D.  Please note that this policy is for ANYONE distributing
 shareware copies of ProtoCAD 3D for direct or indirect profit, or any sort
 of commercial consideration.

 Before we give you permission (in writing) to distribute ProtoCAD 3D, we
 require that you:

 (1)  Send us a copy of your standard written materials (catalogs, flyers,
      ads, etc.) which clearly explain:

      -  the shareware concept
      -  the requirement for users to register shareware they use
      -  the fact that the price for your disks, is a copying fee only
      -  the difference between Shareware and Public Domain software.

      Note: It is not sufficient to tell us that you explain these
      issues to customers in person, it must be clearly reflected in
      the written materials you sent us.

 (2)  Send us a complete, final draft of the packaging that will be used
      for ProtoCAD 3D.

 We find it necessary to insist on meeting these conditions, in order to
 qualify for shareware distribution of ProtoCAD 3D.  Widespread confusion
 about shareware and the occasionally troublesome practices of some vendors
 unfortunately force us to do so.   We look forward to working with you in
 the future.  If you distribute copies of ProtoCAD 3D, or other TRIUS
 programs, without an Agreement from TRIUS, Inc., TRIUS will be entitled to
 seek compensation and damages of up to $5 per disk distributed.  Please feel
 free to contact us if you have any questions on our product or our policies.

 You can contact us at any of the addresses below:

    CompuServe .... 71333,103
                    Also on PCVENF Forum, Section 16
    Office......... (508) 794-9377, 8:00-5:00 ET
    Fax ........... (508) 688-6312
    BBS ........... (508) 794-0762 (12/24/9600,N,8,1) 24 hrs
    US Mail ....... TRIUS, Inc.
                    P.O. Box 249
                    N. Andover, MA  01845-0249

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #3616

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

VENDOR   DOC      2288   9-10-93   1:47p
LICENSE  DOC      7349   9-10-93   1:43p
ORDER    ME       2350   9-10-93   3:02p
READ     ME      14738   9-10-93   2:54p
INSTALL  EXE     25704   2-09-93   8:23a
PC3D11   FLS    293590   9-10-93   2:20p
GO       BAT        33  11-22-93   3:43p
SHOW     EXE      2040   9-12-88  10:48a
        8 file(s)     348092 bytes
                        9216 bytes free