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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #3606)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5170" to load....


  Epic MegaGames                                     DARE TO DREAM
  10406 Holbrook Drive                        Created by Cliff Bleszinski
  Potomac, MD 20854                              Music by Robert A. Allen
  USA                                         Copyright 1993 Epic MegaGames

                   Episode 1 of 3:  "In a Darkened Room"

   * A 286 or faster processor
   * VGA graphics
   * Windows 3.x in Standard or Enhanced Mode
   * Mouse
   * 1 Megabyte RAM
   * Hard Disk


   * Over 1 Megabyte RAM
   * Windows 3.1 or greater (or Windows 3.0 with Multimedia Extensions)
   * Any Windows-supported sound card


   1) First, go into the Program Manager.
   2) Select your "Games" or "Epic MegaGames" program group.
   3) On the bar at the top of the Program Manager select NEW.
   4) A small window will appear.  Select PROGRAM ITEM and click OK.
   5) Another window will appear that says "PROGRAM ITEM PROPERTIES".
      Enter DARE TO DREAM in the first box.
   6) Click BROWSE on the same window-find the file DARE2DRM.EXE.
      Click OK to select that file, then click OK on the
      "PROPERTIES" window.


                        Brief Overview of the Game

        You are Tyler Norris, a ten year-old who has had to grow up quite
rapidly. You must escape your dream by solving bizarre puzzles, traveling to
strange lands, and meeting even stranger creatures. It's all in your mind--so
nothing can hurt you...  Right?

                            The Story So Far

        Life has not been easy for Tyler Norris. The stressed ten year-old boy
has to deal with school, his paper route, and the recent loss of his father.
Over the past few evenings,  he has been having several extremely vivid and
detailed dreams,  dreams in which he met odd characters and solved many

        Tonight,  Tyler falls asleep after a particularly bad day -- his report
card came. He begins to dream. It starts out as any night before, but
suddenly he is falling through a storm to an unknown destination. Tyler lands
in a deserted alleyway in an unfamiliar city. He wipes himself off, stands up,
and begins to piece together the puzzles that will unlock his happiest and
most sinister thoughts, resulting in a confrontation with the evil that lurks
in all of us.

                                How To Play

Looking, taking, and moving around:

        The mouse pointer in Dare to Dream is "Intelligent", meaning that it
knows when it is being moved over something of interest. On the first screen,
move the pointer to the underwear hanging in the top left of the alleyway. The
pointer changes to a spyglass, letting you know that the underwear may be of
some interest to you. Click once, and a description of what you see appears
in the StatusBox (the window at the bottom of the screen). Whenever playing
Dare to Dream -always- remember that one click looks around. Now, Double Click
(two clicks in rapid succession) to take the underwear. A message appears
telling you the action you have just performed in the StatusBox.

        To see what you are carrying, click INVENTORY on the Remote (the
window on the left side of the screen). This brings up a window showing
everything you have. Click on the underwear. A description of it appears on
the right side of the window. Now click OK to have that item in your hands.
You can use that item on whatever you want simply by Double Clicking.

        Now move the mouse to the picture of the street ahead. The pointer
turns into an arrow that says EXIT on it. Click once, and you will look to
see where that exit leads to. DoubleClick and you will walk there. Now you're
in front of Bouf's Bar and Auto Repair!

Talking and character interaction:

        If there is someone on the screen who can be spoken to, move the
mouse pointer over the person and it will change to a SPEAK balloon. Click
TALK on the Remote to speak to that person. A window will appear (if that
person feels like talking) with a close-up of the character along with various
questions you can ask.  Click any question to get a response. A "Goodbye" or
"See you later" will end the conversation.

        Certain people must be given items or have items used on them. To do
this, you must first have an item selected (a picture of it on the Remote).
Then Double Click on the character to use the item on him/her/it. Remember to
always talk to everyone several times at different points in the game, as they
may have new things to say.

Solving puzzles:

        Dare to Dream is not a typical graphic adventure by ANY means. You
cannot "die" or "get stuck" like in some other popular adventures. The
creators of Dare have a belief that a player should be rewarded for his
curiosity, not thwacked on the head repeatedly. There are only so many times
a gamer will be burned to death before he turns off the game and does
something else.

        There is no point in Dare to Dream in which you can "get stuck"
either. In many other games,  you'll find yourself at the end only to
discover there was an irretrievable item that you missed 73 screens back.  If
you think you are at a part in Dare that that happens, you may have overlooked
something a few screens back. You don't have to restart your entire quest,
just walk back there and get it.

        Remember there is a solution to EVERYTHING. Be absurd, try a fish in
a keyhole, try using Petroleum Jelly on sewer grates -- ANYTHING can happen in
a dream!

Saving and restoring your game:

        Certain adventure games expect you to finish them in one sitting.
Dare to Dream, however, allows you to save your position so you can continue
on with your life and return to the game later.

        To save your game click on SAVE on the Remote. The Save Game window
will appear. Click the slot (there are 5) that you want to save your game
into, type a description, and click OK.

        To restore your game, click RESTORE on the Remote. A window similar to
the Save Game window will appear, however it will say "Restore" instead. Click
on the game you want to restore, and click OK.

The many windows of Dare:


        The Remote acts just like your television Remote Control. Each button
has an equally important function for controlling the game.

        (smaller buttons)

        SAVE-Saves your game in progress
        RESTORE-Restores a previously saved game
        ARRANGE-Arranges your three windows so that nothing overlaps
        HELP-Brings up Dare to Dream's Online Help system
        EXIT-Quits the game

        (larger buttons)

        TALK-Speak to whomever is in the room
        INVENTORY-Shows what you are carrying


        Selected Item-A box that shows what you have in your hands.
                      (a caption below it tells what that item is)


        The Status Box is where Dare to Dream "talks" to the player. If you
click a door then the text "The door is made of glass and leads inside the
bar" will appear in the StatusBox.


        This is what Tyler is seeing at the moment. Move the mouse over the
picture situated in the center and chances are it will change to one of
several pointers:

        EXIT-This is an exit that you can walk to.
        TALK-You can talk/interact with this person.
        SPYGLASS-There is something of interest here.

        Remember, one click will tell you what you see, two clicks (right
after one another) will perform an action. An action can be several things:
taking an object, using an object on something/some one, walking to an exit.

                        Beginner's Walk-Thru


        Okay, on the first screen there are two items you should get. One is
the underwear hanging on the clothesline. See it? It's in the upper left of
the screen. Now you need the balloon in the garbage. Move the pointer to the
lower middle part of the screen, amoungst the spilled trash. Take the balloon
and go north (move the mouse to the street ahead and Double Click). You're in
front of Bouf's. Enter through the door (honest!) and look around inside.

You'll notice that the door on the second floor is locked (the door is in the
upper right part of the picture). Exit Bouf's, and once outside head left.
You're at a street corner with a frightingly large advertisement for Cola on
the wall. Move the pointer to the street ahead-you want to head -around- the
corner. You'll arrive at a parking lot, go to the boat on the right side of
the screen (at the dock in the distance). Once there search the boat up and
down-look near the lip of the railing. You'll find a fish. Return to Bouf's
and use this fish on the door. Once inside the Repair Shop, talk to Bouf and
take the jar next to him (it's really tiny). Return to the front of Bouf's.
Head right. Now, use the Jelly (the jar you stole from Bouf) on the grate.
You can now go into the sewers! Good luck!

        When you order volumes 2 and 3 of Dare to Dream you will recieve a
hint book which contains solutions similar to this... you'll never be too
stressed over solving a difficult puzzle if you're not a "pro" adventurer!

Epic has included 3 bitmap pictures for your enjoyment:

        The Dare to Dream logo (can use as a Wallpaper)
        An EPIC Logo           (can use as a Wallpaper)
        An example MIDI setup  (an example MIDI Mapper setup)


If you cannot run Dare to Dream,  here are some tips.

Q. I get the message "CANNOT FIND VBRUN100.DLL" whenever I try to run the game.
A. A file (VBRUN100.DLL) is missing from the game. Contact the BBS/Catalog/
   Vendor/Friend you acquired the game from. BBS's tend to remove that file
   as it is commonly used in many Windows programs. Leave a message to the
   Sysop or other users.  The file is widely available.

Q. I get the message "OUT OF MEMORY" or other odd messages when I try to run
   the game.
A. You do not have enough free RAM to run the game. Try closing all other
   applications and removing any wallpapers. If that doesn't work try lowering
   your resolution to 640x480 pixels.
   If THAT does not work, create a "Boot Disk". In your AUTOEXEC.BAT and
   CONFIG.SYS files include only the files that are needed to run Windows.

Q. I cannot seem to get my Sound Blaster playing!
A. Read the file SBSETUP.TXT for extensive information on how to do this.


        This program is produced by a member of the Association of Shareware
Professionals (ASP).  ASP wants to make sure that the shareware principal
works for you.  If you are unable to resolve a shareware-related problem
with an ASP member by contacting the member directly,  ASP may be able to
help.  The ASP Ombudsman can help you resolve a dispute with an ASP member,
but does not provide technical support for members' products.  Please write
to the ASP Ombudsman at 545 Grover Road,  Muskogeon, MI 49442-9427 or send
a Compuserve message via CompuServe Mail to ASP Ombudsman 70007,3536.


Call Software Creations for all the latest Epic MegaGames releases and
updates.  33 Lines!  Sysop:  Dan Linton.

                508-365-2359 (2400 Baud)
                508-365-9825 (9600 Baud)
                508-365-9668 (14.4K Dual HST)


Thank you for playing Dare to Dream,

   Cliff Bleszinski         Robert A. Allen         Tim Sweeney
   Author,                  Musician                President,
   Dare to Dream                                    Epic MegaGames


          For Anyone Intending to Distribute this Game in Any Way
       Including Shareware Vendors, BBS Sysops and Retail Distributors
               *** Read this file to understand your rights ***

              DARE TO DREAM from Epic MegaGames (Member ASP)
                       Created by Cliff Bleszinski


This LICENSE.DOC file describes the only terms and conditions under which
we, Epic MegaGames [10406 Holbrook Drive, Potomac, MD 20854, USA, telephone
(301) 983-9771, fax (301) 299-3841], permit distribution of this program.

This software is copyright 1993 by Epic MegaGames. All rights reserved
except those specifically granted by this agreement of individual license
agreements between Epic MegaGames and its licensees.

No rights other than those described below are granted or implied and
Epic MegaGames reserves the right to revoke or change these rights without
prior notice. If you are unsure about your rights to distribute this product
it is your responsibility to clairify those rights by contacting Epic
MegaGames our address and phone number is provided above.

This product is shareware and shareware vendors and users are granted a
limited license to distribute this software,  subject to the following

"Program" refers to the various files that accompany this file as supplied
by Epic MegaGames or its authorized agents or licensees.

 1. You may copy and distribute this program as a single entity but,
    without a written license agreement signed by an authorized officer or
    agent of Epic MegaGames you may not distribute this program as part of
    any of the following: a CD-ROM, a product sold in a retail environment,
    or in combination with any other products or services of any kind.

 2. You may not charge more than the equivalent of $9 US for this program.

 3. You leave ALL files intact.  You may not modify, delete, or rename them.
    without prior consent from Epic MegaGames.

 4. You clearly mark your diskette and the front and back of any packaging with
    the word "shareware" and explain the concept of shareware, using words such
    as "try-before-you-buy software" and you make these things undisputably

 5. You clearly show the name "Epic MegaGames" on the front in any catalog
    descriptions and outside-box packaging associated with our shareware.

 6. VERY IMPORTANT:  Sale of this shareware in any retail environment
    (including but not limited to computer stores and mass-market stores)
    requires a written license agreement signed by an authorized officer
    or agent of Epic MegaGames.

 7. Epic MegaGames reserves the right to revoke, modify or terminate this
    license at any time. Upon notification of termination of this license,
    you are entitled to distribute the product until the EARLIER of 30 days
    after notice of termination or the completion of distribution of the
    copies you have in stock.

 8. Your rights in this license do not include any rights to sublicense this
    program or otherwise allow any copying or distribution by any third party
    without the express written consent of Epic MegaGames.

 9. You will hold Epic MegaGames, it's authors, partners, agents, contractors
    and employees harmless from loss, expense or damage caused by direct or
    indirect use or misuse of this program or your act of copying and
    distributing program in any way.

10. You consent to the venue for resolving any legal action regarding this
    program or license will be in either federal or state courts within the
    state of Maryland.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at the address
and/or phone numbers shown above.


==============================[ ORDER FORM ]================================
Epic MegaGames                        Toll-free: 800-972-7434 (Orders Only)
10406 Holbrook Drive                  Questions: 301-983-9771
Potomac, MD 20854 USA                       Fax: 301-299-3841
                                     Compuserve: 70451,633 or GO SWREG

   **  You always receive a bonus disk of games FREE with your order!  **
  Please place a check mark in the [ ] boxes below,  and add up the totals.

[ ] Special discount!  Order any TWO products below and
      SAVE $5.00 -- or buy THREE and save $10.................. SAVE ___________

[ ] Solar Winds:  Both episodes of Jake Stone's adventure through 256
      color space,  with arcade, adventure,  and role playing ($30). __________
[ ] Dare to Dream:  A trilogy of graphical adventures through your
      dreams and nightmares!  For Microsoft Windows ($30)........... __________
[ ] Jill of the Jungle, Jill goes Underground, and Jill Saves
      the Prince!  The entire action-adventure trilogy ($30)........ __________
[ ] Ancients:  Deathwatch and Approaching Evil,  two 256-color
      graphical fantasy role-playing adventure games ($25).......... __________
[ ] OverKill:  Fast-action arcade conquest of six unique
      planets + hint sheet & cheat code ($30)....................... __________
[ ] Brix & Brix 2 Deluxe:  Thrilling 256-color puzzle action,
      224 levels of fun, with Sound Blaster support ($30)........... __________
[ ] Castle of the Winds -- Fantasy role-playing for Microsoft
      Windows 3.0 or later (Two immense game worlds) ($25).......... __________
[ ] Kiloblaster:  Death of a Starship,  No Way Out, and The
      Final Battle!  90 levels of fun!  ($30)....................... __________
[ ] Adventure Math Deluxe:  colorful and fun educational game.
      Add, subtract, multiply, divide and more! ($25)..............  __________
[ ] Gravis Gamepad: 4-button digital joystick makes games twice
      as fun!  Plugs into your computer's joystick port ($25)....... __________

          Shipping & Handling (International add $2 extra).......... __$4.00___

                        Maryland residents MUST add 5% tax.......... __________

                                                      Total enclosed __________

IMPORTANT! Circle disk size:  5.25   AND   High Density
                               3.5         Low Density

Is this your first order from Epic MegaGames?   YES   NO

          Name: _______________________________________________

       Address: _______________________________________________

  City, ST Zip: _______________________________________________

       Country: ____________________  Phone: __________________

Payment by:  [ ] Check   [ ] Money order  [ ] Mastercard  [ ] Visa

Card # _______________________ Exp Date: _______ Signature: ________________


             Making Dare to Dream work with your sound card

     Many users do not have their system set up to play MIDI sound files
in Windows 3.1. If you have a sound card, and you haven't configured Windows
to use your sound card, you must first install the proper Device Driver.
When Windows is installed, the sound drivers are not installed for you.
Microsoft has neglected to provide detailed instruction on this, so we will.

     From the Program Manager, double click on the Main group icon. Then,
double click on Control Panel.  This is where most of your Windows are

     To start, Double Click on the Drivers icon. A list of the installed
Drivers will appear. If you haven't installed any drivers yet, the list
should contain - MIDI Mapper, Timer, [MCI] MIDI Sequencer, and [MCI] Sound
Driver. Now, click on the "Add" button. A list of the available Drivers will
be displayed. Highlight the driver for your device by clicking on the name
of the driver that controls your sound device. ie. Highlight "Creative Labs
Sound Blaster Pro", if you have a Sound Blaster Pro. Windows will then ask
you to insert one of the Windows disks containing the proper driver.

     If the driver for your card or other Midi device is not listed,
check any disks that came with your device or contact the manufacturer of
the device to receive the proper Driver. This is also a good way to get
Updated Drivers, as they are rarely advertised by the manufacturer. You can
call the CREATIVE LABS BBS (makers of the Sound Blaster) at (408) 428-6660.
They have Windows 3.1 drivers for all of their versions of the Sound

     After you have the new driver, highlight "Unlisted or Updated
Driver", and Windows will prompt you you insert the disk containing the
driver. Some drivers will require you to enter the port or interrupt number.
Default for Sound Blaster is Port 220, Int 7. Refer to the manual of your
device for further information.

     After Windows has loaded the driver, you will be asked if you would
EFFECT! Select "Restart Windows Now", and Windows will reload.

     Once your device driver has been installed and Windows has
restarted, you need to configure the MIDI Mapper. The MIDI Maper is used to
tell your driver how to handle the sound information. Start MIDI Mapper by
clicking on the MIDI Mapper icon in the Control Panel. In the "Name" section
of the window, you can select the setup necessary to run your sound card.
For Dare to Dream, you should use the "Extended(Ext)" or "All" setup
specific to your device. "Basic" or "General" will not work with Dare to
Dream, as only 4 channels(13-16) are used in the "basic" setup and most of
the Dare to Dream soundtrack has more than 4 sounds at the same time. If
you get an error message saying the current setup references a device that
is not installed, then you have to choose a different one or Edit the
configuration manually - See Manually Configuring Your MIDI Mapper.

     If all the planets are aligned in your favor and you don't get an
error message, Run the SBSETUP.EXE program that came with Dare to Dream.
This tells Dare to Dream that you are ready to experience the best music
heard from a Windows Application.

- Manually Configuring MIDI Mapper

     If the device Driver for your sound card or other Midi Device has
been installed, you must tell the MIDI Mapper how to assign the music
channels to your sound device channels. Sounds technical, but if you've
gotten this far, it will be a piece of cake.

     Start MIDI Mapper by clicking on the MIDI Mapper icon in the Control
Panel. If the "Extended" or "All" MIDI setup is listed in the Name list,
choose one of those, then close MIDI Mapper - you're ready to go. Don't use
the "Basic" or "General" map for your device. These setups only use 4
channels(13-16) for music, and most of the soundtrack in Dare to Dream uses
more than 4 channels.

     If the "Extended" or "All" setup is not listed you must modify or
create you own map. To creat your own MIDI Mapper setup, click the New
button in the window. Choose a name and a Description for your new Map.
ie. Name: MYSOUND, Description: Finally my Sound Card is Set Up.

     In the "Show" section of the MIDI Mapper window, select "Setups"
by clicking on the word "Setups" or by pressing "s" on the keyboard. Now,
click on the Edit button. If the "Scr Chan" column doesn't show the numbers
1-16 sequentialy, change the number values in that column so it does. The
next column, "Dest Chan", needs to contain the numbers 1-10 sequentialy. The
channels from 11 to 16 can say "[none]". In the "Port Name" column, press
the Down arrow and select the name of the sound device that you are using.
If you are using a separate device for percussion, select the name of that
device for channel 10, as this is where the soundtrack sends the percussion
information. For the next column, "Patch Map Name", more often than not, you
can make all of these say "[none]", and the soundtrack will still work. But,
you may need to define the percussion channel (channel 10) to match the
mapping of your sound device. For Sound Blaster, choose "MT-32". Refer to
your sound device manual to find the percussive Patch Map specific to your
device. Next, to activate the channels, click on the boxes in the "Active"
column so channels 1-10 are marked. Now click on the OK button and save the
new setup.

     Refer to your Windows Manual or the Online Help in MIDI Mapper for further

Before you play Dare to Dream, Run the SBSETUP.EXE program that came with
the game. Now you are ready to play.


Hello Sysops,

   Announcing Dare to Dream,  a new shareware release from Epic MegaGames.
Dare to Dream is a graphical adventure game for Microsoft Windows.

Please post Dare to Dream,  share it,  play it,  and enjoy!

   Sysops:  Run an official Epic MegaGames release point on your BBS and
bring all the latest releases to your users!  You can sign up on Software
Creations, the home of Epic and the other hot names in shareware
entertainment.  Also telecast the interesting Software Creations conference
for your callers, and more!

    Epic's current games include...

    $OVERKIL.ZIP (Overkill)                $BRIX.ZIP   (Brix)
    $AMATH.ZIP   (Adventure Math)          $KILO.ZIP   (Kiloblaster)
    $JILL.ZIP    (Jill of the Jungle)      $CASTLE.ZIP (Castle of the Winds)
    $SOLAR.ZIP   (Solar Winds)             $DARE2DRM   (Dare to Dream)

   To grab all of Epic's latest,  call Software Creations:
           508-365-2359 (2400 Baud)
           508-365-9825 (9600 Baud)
           508-365-9668 (14.4K Dual HST)
   If you want to sign up as an official release point,  OPEN DOOR 4
   while online.

   Thank you for being part of Epic's distribution team!

                                        Tim Sweeney
                                        Epic MegaGames


║                <<<<  PC-SIG Disk #3606 DARE TO DREAM  >>>>              ║
║                      Disk 3 of 3 (also #3604, #3605)                    ║
║  To install the game to your hard disk, type:                           ║
║     [hard drive letter]:  (press Enter)                                 ║
║     CD\  (press Enter)                                                  ║
║     MD DARE2DRM  (press Enter)                                          ║
║     CD DARE2DRM  (press Enter)                                          ║
║                                                                         ║
║  To extract the files from drive A, insert disk 3 (#3600) and type:     ║
║     A:PKUNZIP A:DARE2DRM  (press Enter)                                 ║
║     (use B: in place of A: if installing from drive B)                  ║
║                                                                         ║
║  To print documentation, type:  COPY DARE2DRM.DOC PRN  (press Enter)    ║
║  To start the game, type:  WIN DARE2DRM  (press Enter)                  ║
║                                                                         ║
║ (C) Copyright 1993 PC-SIG Inc. 1030D East Duane Ave. Sunnyvale CA 94086 ║
║     For inquiries call: (408) 730-9291  For orders call: (800) 245-6717 ║

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #3606

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

DARE2DRM ZIP     98593   4-22-93   9:17a
PKUNZIP  EXE     29378   2-01-93   2:04a
GO       BAT        31   6-04-92   2:25a
GO       TXT      1540   4-22-93   9:53a
        4 file(s)     129542 bytes
                       29184 bytes free