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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #3578)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5170" to load....


║             <<<<  PC-SIG Disk #3578 REDHOOK'S REVENGE  >>>>             ║
║                         Disk 2 of 2 (also #3577)                        ║
║  To install the game to your hard disk, type:                           ║
║     [hard drive letter]:  (press Enter)                                 ║
║     CD\  (press Enter)                                                  ║
║     MD REDHOOK  (press Enter)                                           ║
║     CD REDHOOK  (press Enter)                                           ║
║                                                                         ║
║  To extract the files from drive A, insert disk 2 (#3588) and type:     ║
║     A:PKUNZIP A:REDHOOK  (press Enter)                                  ║
║     (use B: in place of A: if installing from drive B)                  ║
║                                                                         ║
║  To start the game, type:  REDHOOK  (press Enter)                       ║
║                                                                         ║
║  To print help information, type:  COPY README.TXT PRN  (press Enter)   ║
║                                                                         ║
║ (C) Copyright 1993 PC-SIG Inc. 1030D East Duane Ave. Sunnyvale CA 94086 ║
║     For inquiries call: (408) 730-9291  For orders call: (800) 245-6717 ║




In  Redhook's Revenge, 2 to 5  players compete against  each
other  to  see which player has accumulated  the  most  gold
doubloons when every player has finished playing.  The  five
characters  on the first screen, Bastian Blood,  Le Boucher,
Lucrecia  De Peligro, Blackbeard,  and  Poseidon the Parrot,
must be set to one of the following positions:

            -- Off    (not playing)
            -- Player (a person)
            -- Auto   (the computer)

Press the OK Button (Enter Key) after you have selected  the
players you want.

NOTE:  At  least TWO players must play against  each  other.
If you set more than three players to the "Off" position  an
error message will be displayed.

Press the Down Arrow for more, OK (Enter) to exit help . . .


     MOUSE METHOD                     KEYBOARD METHOD
     ------------                     ---------------
Click the  mouse  on one of    Use  the RIGHT and LEFT arrow
the three buttons  for each    keys to select a player.  Use
player:                        the UP and DOWN arrow keys to
                               select the player's status:

                   OFF  that character doesn't play.
                PLAYER  a person plays.
                  AUTO  the computer plays.

                      LOAD SAVED GAMES

Press  the  F2  key  to display a menu  of  games  you  have
previously  saved.  To load a saved game, arrow down to  the
game you want to retrieve and press the ENTER key.  The game
will return the exact place you were at when you saved it.

Press the Down Arrow for Setup Instructions . . .
                  SETTING UP YOUR COMPUTER

Redhook's Revenge is has several user definable options:

DIALOGUE  which refers to the pirate dialogue for  automatic
players.  If you toggle this switch to "On" the pirates will
talk  to  you and their playing boards will  remain  on  the
screen  long  enough for you to read most of them.   If  you
toggle  this switch to "Off" the pirates will tell you  only
the messages that are absolutely necessary and their playing
boards will open and close almost instantly.

MUSIC  can  be toggled "On" or "Off" with the  switch  which
appears in the middle of screen.

MUSIC CARD  is detected when you first run the software  and
this  information is saved in a configuration file.  If  you
want  to change your computer's configuration,  toggle  this
switch to either "PC Speaker", "AdLib", or "Soundblaster".

Press OK (Enter) to exit help . . .


     Space Bar       Roll the Dice -- Take Your Turn!
     Arrow Keys      Scroll The Game Board Right / Left
     F1  Key         Help
     F2  Key         Load Saved Game
     F3  Key         Save Game
     F4  Key         New Game
     F5  Key         Look at Your Booty / Supplies
     F10 Key         Quit


Two  to five players compete against each other to  see  who
can accumulate the most gold doubloons when every player has
finished  playing.   When it is your turn, the face  of  the
player have chosen to be will appear in the upper left  hand
corner of the screen.  Press the space bar to roll the  dice
and  the  computer will move your ship forward.

                                                  more . . .
HOW TO PLAY (Continued)

When your ship lands on a space, one of the following things
will happen:

   QUESTION SPACE  You  will  be  asked  a  multiple  choice
                   question  about ships, pirates,  history,
                   sailing,  or  geography.  If you  get  it
                   right,  you  will  earn  gold,   cannons,
                   supplies,  or disaster  insurance  cards.
                   These spaces usually make the  difference
                   between winning and losing the game.

   DISASTER SPACE  Something bad will happen.  You will lose
                   turns, go back (which isn't always  bad),
                   lose treasure, or lose supplies.  Certain
                   supplies  avoid certain  disasters:  rope
                   will help you get off sandbars, a compass
                   will  help  you  navigate  through   fog,
                   bales  of  cotton plug up  holes  in  the
                   bottom of your ship.  Of course, disaster
                   insurance cards cancel these disasters.

                                                  more . . .

   TREASURE SPACE  Find treasure!

   MISCELLANEOUS   Buy supplies, find treasure maps,  ransom
                   hostages, buy cannons, take chances, etc.

   RAID A CITY     It is usually to your advantage to  fight
                   a city because you may win some of  their
                   gold, and the only thing you have to lose
                   is  one turn.  Hint: get as many  cannons
                   as  you  can as soon  as  possible!

   FIGHT A PLAYER  When  you land on another player's  ship,
                   you  have  the choice to  fight  for  the
                   space  or to fall back to the first  open
                   space.   If you fight, EACH PLAYER  risks
                   losing  up to half of their gold  to  the
                   other player.  Hint: get as many  cannons
                   as  you  can as soon  as  possible!   The
                   attacker always has the advantage because
                   attackers always win ties.

                                                  more . . .


It will be to your advantage to get as many cannons (maximum
of  four)  as possible.  Each time you raid a  city,  attack
another  player, or another player attacks you, here's  what

   1)  The  attacker and defender will appear on the  screen
       and Redhook will arbitrate the fight.

   2)  The  defender will roll the dice first:  one die  for
       each cannon he/she has.

   3)  Next  the  attacker will roll the dice, one  die  for
       each cannon he/she has.

   4)  Redhook  will  sort the dice on the screen  from  the
       highest   to  the  lowest  and  determine  who   won.

   5)  Redhook will award any loot won to the victor, and in
       the case of a ship to ship fight, send the loser back
       to the first open space.
                                                  more . . .

Smart players watch other players closely:  It's not usually
to  your  advantage to fight another player when  they  have
landed  on  a  disaster space.   Remember,  when  you  fight
another  player,  EACH player can lose up to HALF  of  their
gold to the other player -- if you have lots of gold and few
cannons,  don't  attack  a player who has  little  gold  and
several  cannons!   On the other hand, if you  are  in  last
place, try to attack players with piles of  gold -- remember
attackers always win ties.


One  ration  of food, water, and rum is used on  each  turn.
Some spaces allow you to buy these items; it is up to you to
determine whether the price is fair, and how much you should
buy  when given the opportunity.  If you run out of  one  of
the  above  items, you will lose a turn,  and  Redhook  will
force you to by them at the following prices:
    Food    50  doubloons per day
    Water   30  doubloons per day
    Rum     100 doubloons per day
                                                  more . . .

Rope,  canvas,  cotton, and a compass will all help  you  to
avoid certain disasters along the way.  You can't buy  these
items:  generally,  the only way to get these  items  is  to
answer a question space correctly.


Sometimes  after looting ships and cities you  will  capture
hostages.   Redhook may offer ransom for your hostages  from
time to time:  it's up to you to determine whether the price
is  fair, or whether to hold out for a higher  price  later.
Hostages  which are not ransomed by the end of the game  are


Treasure  maps are either extremely valuable  or  worthless.
You won't know until you find one!

                                                  more . . .
                        A FINAL NOTE

Much  of  the  pirate's dialogue  comes  from  Robert  Louis
Stevenson's  classic novel, "Treasure Island".  Many of  the
expressions  used by the pirates in Redhook's  Revenge  such
as, "skulk", "don't stand there squalling", "lubber", "bless
me  deadlights", and "if you had the pluck of a weevil in  a
biscuit"  evolved  from life on the  sea.   The  expression,
"meaner than the son of a double Dutchman" developed because
the  Dutch were the most feared of all pirates.   There  are
hundreds  of these saying in Redhook's Revenge, and we  hope
that it enhances your pleasure in playing it.

The  factual information for Redhook's Revenge  was  derived
from the books "The Funnel of Gold" by Mendel Peterson, "The
Sack  of  Panama" and "The Treasure of  the  Concepcion"  by
Peter  Earle.  We wish to thank these scholars for their  in
depth research.

The name "Redhook" was taken from Redhook Bay on St.  Thomas
Island.   Most  of the names on the playing board,  such  as
Gallows  Point,   can be found somewhere in  the  Caribbean.
The  player's names, with the exception of  Blackbeard,  are


                         REDHOOK'S REVENGE ORDER FORM

    If you order Redhook's Revenge you will receive extras not found in the
    shareware version.  The Deluxe Version has:

       *  Two  additional  players  -- Five players in all!   Do  you  dare
          challenge the fearsome pirate Blackbeard, the most famous  pirate
          who  ever  lived?  Can you beat Poseidon the parrot, who  is  the
          most  skillful player of all?  Playing all five  players  doubles
          the  number of battles between players, which makes the game  far
          more exciting to play!

       *  Triple  the number of questions and game boards!  Will  you  find
          treasure or death in the Mermaid Isles?  Will you find the sunken
          treasure  at Coral Lagoon, or get hung up at Gallows Point?   How
          will you fare attacking the richest port of all, Kingstown,  with
          her 25,000 doubloons on the Golden Isle?  How much treasure  will
          you find on Treasure Island?  Register and see!

    | Redhook's Revenge Latest Version -- Deluxe Edition       |  $19.95  |
    | Shipping / Handling                                      |    3.00  |
    | Shareware Evaluation Copy of MOVIES TO GO!               |    FREE  |
                                         TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED |  $22.95  |
    Disk Size:  ___ 5.25"  ___ 3.5"                            ------------

    Make personal checks (US banks only) payable to ImagiSOFT, Inc.

    If you are ordering from outside the United States, please use a  credit
    card,  send  a  postal money order, or send  cash  via  registered  mail
    ($20 US equivalent).  Add an additional $3.00 for airmail.

    [ ] Check   [ ] Cash   [ ] VISA   [ ] Master Card   [ ] American Express

    Card Number:  ______ ______ ______ ______       Exp. Date:  ___________

    Name: _________________________________________________________________

    Address: ______________________________________________________________

    City: _________________________________________________________________

    State / Country: ______________________________________________________

    Zip / Postal Code: ____________________________________________________

    I received Redhook's Revenge from:
    [ ] Friend       [ ] Shareware Vendor       [ ] User Group      [ ] BBS

    Name of Vendor, BBS, etc. _____________________________________________

    Credit Card Orders: (800) 767-1978,  (505) 275-1920, FAX (505) 275-9697

                         Mail to:   ImagiSOFT, Inc.
                                    Computer Games Division
                                    P.O. Box 13208
                                    Albuquerque, NM   USA   87192
    Comments, suggestions:


                            REDHOOK'S REVENGE
                               Version 1.1
                             February 1, 1993

                   Copyright (c) 1993, ImagiSOFT, Inc.
                           All rights reserved.

                       ANSWERS TO COMMON QUESTIONS

   QUESTION:  I get the message "VGA Monitor required." when I try  to
              run Redhook's Revenge.  What I do?

   ANSWER:    Your  IBM compatible PC doesn't have a VGA monitor.   If
              you  want to run Redhook's Revenge, you will have to  go
              to a computer store to see it run.  Maybe you'll  decide
              that it's time to get a new computer!

   QUESTION:  Can I run Redhook's Revenge from a floppy drive?

   ANSWER:    Yes, by entering the command REDHOOK, but the game  will
              run slower than it would on a hard drive.

   QUESTION:  How do I install Redhook's Revenge to my hard drive?

   ANSWER:    We  have provided a simple installation program so  that
              you can install Redhook's Revenge to your hard drive:
             1.  Insert the diskette into the floppy drive.
             2.  Type A:INSTALL (or B:INSTALL) then press [Enter].
             3.  Follow  the  instructions  as  they  appear  on  your
                 screen.  You can install it to any directory that you
                 want to, but for the purposes of this  documentation,
                 we assume that you will install it to C:\REDHOOK.

   QUESTION:  My mouse works in Microsoft Windows, why doesn't it work
              in Redhook's Revenge?

   ANSWER:    Windows  has special built-in drivers to support   mice.
              Our  software  looks for a Microsoft   compatible  mouse
              driver which is loaded when you  turn on your  computer.
              A  diskette  should  have  come with  your  mouse  which
              contains  MOUSE.SYS,   MOUSE.COM or similar  files.  Try
              placing   the    command  DEVICE = MOUSE.SYS   in   your
              CONFIG.SYS  file  or  the   command  MOUSE.COM  in  your
              AUTOEXEC.BAT  file.    These  are  the  files  that  DOS
              executes  when you  turn on your computer, and  if  your
              mouse  is  Microsoft compatible, your mouse  should  now


   QUESTION:  Can Redhook's Revenge be run under Microsoft Windows?

   ANSWER:    Yes, although it is not a Windows product.  Here's how:
           1.  In  the Program Manager press the ALT-F for the  "Files
           2.  Press N for "New".
           3.  Select "Program Item".
           4.  Under "Description" enter Redhook.
           5.  Under "Command Line" enter \REDHOOK\REDHOOK.PIF.
           6.  Press the "Change Icon" button and when it prompts  for
               the file name enter \REDHOOK\REDHOOK.ICO then press OK.

   QUESTION:  I  get the message "Not enough memory" and  my   program
              doesn't run. What can I do?

   ANSWER:    You  need a computer with at least 640K memory  to   run
              our software. Run the CHKDSK command to make  sure  that
              you  have "655360 total bytes memory".   The  last  line
              tells  you how many bytes your  computer has  free.   If
              your  computer  has  less than   560000  bytes  free,  a
              program loaded in your  CONFIG.SYS or AUTOEXEC.BAT  file
              is taking up  memory. Locate a knowledgeable person  and
              ask  him/her to help you get these programs out of  your
              memory.  If  you  have  a 286  or  386  computer  and  1
              megabyte  of  memory or more, you  can  free  additional
              memory by upgrading to DOS 5.0.

   QUESTION:  I  don't understand what "shareware" is.  Why do I  have
              to  order Redhook's Revenge if I already have a copy  of

   ANSWER:    Because  you  haven't  paid for  it.   If  you  "bought"
              Redhook's Revenge from a shareware vendor, you only paid
              for  the disk, not the actual program.  At  the  opening
              screen  of  Redhook's  Revenge, press  the  F2  key.   A
              detailed  explanation about the shareware  concept  will
              appear for you there.

              To reward those who actually register Redhook's  Revenge
              we have included extra "bonus" features which are not in
              the shareware version.  See the order form for details.

   Thank you for playing Redhook's Revenge!  We hope you get hours  of
   enjoyment  from our program.  If you have any further questions  or
   problems, please contact us:

       ImagiSOFT, Inc.                 Electronic Mail Addresses:
       Computer Games Division           CompuServe:   70632,1177
       P.O. Box 13208                    Prodigy:      FSWM11A
       Albuquerque, NM   87192           FAX / BBS:    (505) 275-9697


                      REDHOOK'S REVENGE
                         Version 1.1
                      February 1, 1993

            Copyright (c) 1993, ImagiSOFT, Inc.
                    All rights reserved.

                     WHAT IS SHAREWARE?

Shareware is a beautiful concept that gives you a chance  to
"try" Redhook's Revenge and other programs before you  "buy"
them.  If you try Redhook's Revenge and continue to use  it,
please send us the $19.95 registration fee and we will  send
you the latest Deluxe Version of Redhook's Revenge.


*  Two  additional players -- Five players in all!   Do  you
   dare  challenge the fearsome pirate Blackbeard, the  most
   famous pirate who ever lived?  Can you beat Poseidon  the
   parrot, who is the most skillful player of all!   Playing
   all  five players doubles the number of  battles  between
   players, which makes the game far more exciting to play!

*  Triple the number of questions and game boards!  Will you
   find  treasure or death in the Mermaid Isles?   Will  you
   find the sunken treasure at Coral Lagoon, or get hung  up
   at  Gallows  Point?   How will  you  fare  attacking  the
   richest port of all, Kingstown, with her 25,000 doubloons
   on  the Golden Isle?  How much treasure will you find  on
   Treasure Island?  Order and see!


   1.  We  will  notify  you  when  we  develop  other   new
       products  or  update  this  one.   Registered   users
       generally  receive a discount when new  products  are

   2.  When you order, we will send you a shareware copy  of
       at least one of our other products to evaluate.   Our
       most  popular  product is MOVIES TO GO!, which  is  a
       powerful,  graphics-oriented video movie  guide  with
       information  on more than 5,000 of  Hollywood's  best


If  you  like Redhook's Revenge, please  send  $19.95  (plus
$3.00 shipping and handling) to:

                      ImagiSOFT, Inc.
                  Computer Games Division
                       P.O. Box 13208
                Albuquerque, NM  USA  87192

Press the F1 key to print an order form, or send your  check
along with:

    - Your Name
    - Mailing Address
    - Disk Size (5.25" or 3.5")

Call (800) 767-1978 to order with your credit card.

You are encouraged to give a copy of this shareware copy  of
Redhook's Revenge to your friends for evaluation, but please
encourage  them to order their own deluxe copy if they  like
and  use  it.  Thanks for helping us let people  know  about
Redhook's Revenge!


We  have made Redhook's Revenge as easy to use as  possible.
However,  if  have  a  problem, or  find  our  on-line  help
inadequate,  we would like to hear from you.  You can  reach
us via U.S. Mail at:

                      ImagiSOFT, Inc.
                  Computer Games Division
                       P.O. Box 13208
                  Albuquerque, NM   87192

You will get faster service from us via electronic mail:
     Our CompuServe ID number is 70632,1177.
     Our Prodigy ID    number is FSWM11A.


Copyright  laws  apply  to  both  shareware  and  commercial
software,   and  ImagiSOFT,  Inc.  retains  all  rights   to
Redhook's  Revenge.  We specifically grant you the right  to
copy and distribute this software, under the limitations  of
the license agreement.
Shareware  is  a marketing method, not a type  of  software.
You  should  look  for software that suits  your  needs  and
pocketbook,  whether  it's  commercial  or  shareware.   The
shareware  system makes fitting your needs  easier,  because
you can "try" before you "buy".  SHAREWARE HAS THE  ULTIMATE

Redhook's  Revenge is a "shareware program" and is  provided
at  no charge to you for evaluation.  Feel free to share  it
with your friends!

                     LICENSE AGREEMENT

The  Redhook's  Revenge program and  its  documentation  are
copyrighted  works  protected  by  U.S.  and   international
copyright law. You are granted a license to use your copy of
Redhook's  Revenge  only  under  the  terms  and  conditions
specified in this license agreement.

Redhook's  Revenge is a commercial software product.  It  is
not   free,  nor  is  it  in  the  public  domain.   It   is
distributed  as shareware, which means that you may try  the
software  before  you pay for it.  However,  you  must  stop
using Redhook's Revenge and remove it from your computer  if
you decide not to pay the license fee.

You  may  freely  copy the Shareware  Version  of  Redhook's
Revenge  for personal use, and you may also give  copies  of
Redhook's Revenge to others if they also agree to the  terms
of this agreement.

Users  of Redhook's Revenge must accept this  disclaimer  of

                         THANK YOU!

We  at ImagiSOFT enjoyed developing Redhook's  Revenge,  and
hope  you  like  it  as  much  as  we  do.   Mike  Prestwich
researched   Redhook,  developed  the  concept,  wrote   the
documentation, and wrote the script.  We would like to thank
Robert  Louis  Stevenson, from whom we  borrowed  generously
from  his  classic  work,  Treasure  Island.   Most  of  the
historical  information about pirates, ships,  weapons,  and
events  came from the books "The Funnel of Gold"  by  Mendel
Peterson, and "The Sack of Panama" and "The Treasure of  the
Concepcion" by Peter Earle.

David Sanders developed many new assembly language  routines
to  program Redhook; it is his remarkable talent that  makes
Redhook  (and  our  other products) work  so  well  on  your
computer.  Russ Chancellor's extraordinary artwork was drawn
by  hand on the screen, not scanned, using Deluxe  Paint II.
Robert  Allen composed the music which adds so much  to  the
atmosphere  of Redhook.  Lastly, our quality  control  staff
gave Redhook a thorough work out before it was released.

Of  course,  without  the financial  support  of  our  loyal
customers, Redhook's Revenge wouldn't be have been  created.
We appreciate you most of all!


If  you  order the deluxe edition of Redhook's  Revenge,  we
will send you a copy of MOVIES TO GO! to evaluate.

If you have a modem, you can download the latest version  of
Chinese Checkers, MOVIES TO GO! and other shareware products
from our home BBS:

    Software Creations BBS
    33 Lines to Serve You 24 Hours per day!
      (508) 365-2359        2400 baud
      (508) 368-4137        2400-14.4K USR
      (508) 368-7036        2400-14.4K V.32

List the new files inside the ImagiSOFT File Section.   Call
our BBS at least once per month to see what new products  we
have released.

We also have our own, one line BBS in Albuquerque:
     (505) 275-9697         2400 baud


ImagiSOFT, Inc. is a member of the Association of  Shareware
Professionals  (ASP).  ASP  wants  to  make  sure  that  the
shareware  principle  works for you. If you  are  unable  to
resolve  a shareware-related problem with an ASP  member  by
contacting  the  member directly, ASP may be able  to  help.
The   ASP   Ombudsman  can help you  resolve  a  dispute  or
problem  with an ASP member, but does not provide  technical
support  for  members' products.  Please write  to  the  ASP
Ombudsman   at   545 Grover Road,  Muskegon,  MI   49442  or
send  a  CompuServe message via via CompuServe Mail  to  ASP
Ombudsman 70007,3536.

    ____|__     |               (r)
 --|       |    |-------------------
   |   ____|__  |  Association of
   |  |       |_|  Shareware
   |__|   o   |    Professionals
 -----|   |   |---------------------


Anyone  distributing  Redhook's  Revenge  for  any  kind  of
remuneration  MUST  agree  with  the  following  terms   and
conditions prior to distributing it:

    1. The distributor recognizes that ImagiSOFT, Inc.  owns
       all   rights   for   Redhook's   Revenge,   including
       distribution rights.

    2. The  distributor  agrees  that  ImagiSOFT,  Inc.  can
       withdraw  its  permission  to  distribute   Redhook's
       Revenge at any time.

    3. When requested to do so in writing by ImagiSOFT,  and
       after  receiving a new version of  Redhook's  Revenge
       from  ImagiSOFT,  the  distributor  agrees  to  begin
       distributing this new version within sixty days.

    4. The  distributor agrees to use the names  "ImagiSOFT"
       and  "Redhook's  Revenge"  in  all  printed   product
    5. The   distributor   will  attempt  to   educate   the
       prospective buyer about the shareware concept in  its
       printed  literature  or packaging.   These  materials
       must  inform  the user that if  they  find  shareware
       programs  useful,  they should pay  the  registration
       fee.   In no event will a distributor be  allowed  to
       state  or  imply  that  the  user  is  "buying"   the
       Redhook's Revenge program.

    6. The   distributor  recognizes  that  its   right   to
       distribute Redhook's Revenge is nonexclusive.

    7. Distributors who wish to manufacture, package,  vend,
       or distribute Redhook's Revenge on diskette or CD-ROM
       with the intent of selling it to end users, MUST sign
       a  written agreement with ImagiSOFT to pay a  royalty
       equal to the greater of .10 per copy or 2.50% of  the
       suggested  retail  price.  This  provision  does  NOT
       apply to a free or pay BBS or an online service  such
       as CompuServe, Prodigy, Ziffnet, GEnie, etc.

Authorization    to   distribute   Redhook's   Revenge    is
automatically  granted to any online service, free  BBS,  or
pay   BBS,   who  agrees  with   the   above   requirements.
Distributors  who  intend to sell Redhook's  revenge  should
send a letter of intent and a copy of their current  catalog
to us at the address above.


                          REDHOOK'S REVENGE
                             Version 1.0
                           January 1, 1993

                 Copyright (c) 1993, ImagiSOFT, Inc.
                         All rights reserved.


Anyone  distributing  Redhook's Revenge for any kind  of  remuneration
MUST   agree  with  the  following  terms  and  conditions  prior   to
distributing it:

    1. The distributor recognizes that ImagiSOFT, Inc. owns all rights
       for Redhook's Revenge, including distribution rights.

    2. The  distributor agrees that ImagiSOFT, Inc. can  withdraw  its
       permission to distribute Redhook's Revenge at any time.

    3. When  requested  to do so in writing by  ImagiSOFT,  and  after
       receiving  a new version of Redhook's Revenge  from  ImagiSOFT,
       the  distributor agrees to begin distributing this new  version
       within sixty days.

    4. The  distributor  agrees  to  use  the  names  "ImagiSOFT"  and
       "Redhook's Revenge" in all printed product descriptions.

    5. The  distributor will attempt to educate the prospective  buyer
       about  the  shareware  concept in  its  printed  literature  or
       packaging.   These materials must inform the user that if  they
       find   shareware   programs  useful,  they   should   pay   the
       registration fee.  In no event will a distributor be allowed to
       state or imply that the user is "buying" the Redhook's  Revenge

    6. The  distributor  recognizes  that  its  right  to   distribute
       Redhook's Revenge is nonexclusive.

    7. Distributors  who  wish  to  manufacture,  package,  vend,   or
       distribute  Redhook's  Revenge on diskette or CD-ROM  with  the
       intent  of  selling  it  to end  users,  MUST  sign  a  written
       agreement with ImagiSOFT to pay a royalty equal to the  greater
       of .10  per copy or 2.50% of the suggested retail price.   This
       provision  does NOT apply to any free BBS, pay BBS,  or  online
       service such as CompuServe, Prodigy, Ziffnet, GEnie, etc.
Authorization to distribute Redhook's Revenge is automatically granted
to  any  online services, free BBS, or pay BBS, who  agrees  with  the
above requirements.  Distributors who intend to sell Redhook's revenge
should send a letter of intent and a copy of their current catalog to:

                           ImagiSOFT, Inc.
                   Shareware Distributor Relations
                            P.O. Box 13208
                    Albuquerque, New Mexico   USA

                          FAX (505) 275-9697
                        CompuServe 70632,1177

NEW! ImagiSOFT, the people brought you Chinese Checkers, have
surpassed themselves with their incredible new board game, Redhook's
Revenge!  Two or three players assume the role of an animated pirate
character.  The object: have the most gold doubloons at the end of the
game!  Redhook's Revenge was inspired by the classic board games,
RISK, MONOPOLY, LIFE, and TRIVIAL PURSUIT and took many of its ideas
from the classic novel Treasure Island.  Play is simple: roll the dice
and see whether you fight a city, discover treasure, get lost in a
storm, visit the Mermaid Isles, take another turn, answer a trivia
question, buy a cannon, etc.  Compete against other players or play
against the computer.  Redhook's witty pirate sayings, professional
artwork, historical trivia, and theme music entertain you for hours!
Recommended for Ages 8 through adult.  Use the keyboard or a Microsoft
compatible mouse.  Adlib and Soundblaster compatible sound cards are
supported.  Requires VGA and 640K of memory.  Written by
ImagiSOFT, Inc., an ASP member.

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #3578

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

REDHOOK  ZIP     54229   4-08-93   2:00p
GO       BAT        31   6-04-92   2:25a
PKUNZIP  EXE     29378   2-01-93   2:04a
GO       TXT      1617   4-22-93  12:59p
        4 file(s)      85255 bytes
                       73728 bytes free