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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #3572)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5170" to load....



Name ________________________________________________________________

Address _____________________________________________________________

City _______________________________ State ______ ZIP _______________

Country (if outside USA) ____________________________________________

CIRCLE HD DISK SIZE:    5-1/4" (HD)   -or-   3-1/2"         IMPORTANT!

Price of Hoosier City Trilogy                                   $30.00
Shipping and Handling                                             3.00
Make check payable to "MVP Software"           Total enclosed:  $33.00

Master Card/Visa information (credit card orders only)

Card number __________________________________________

Expiration number ____________________________________
VOLUNTARY QUESTIONS:  Please help us determine what features you would like
====================  in future products.

Circle what type of equipment you have:    8088    286    386    486

Circle the speed of your computer(Mhz): 10  12  16  20  25  33  40  50  ___

Circle any that apply: Joystick  Mouse  Modem_______  SVGA card____________
                                             (speed)              (type)

Sound Capability:  Adlib  Sound Blaster  SB Pro  Thundercard
    PC speaker only  Other ____________________________________

Where did you get Hoosier City: Assault of the Orcs?
    Friend   CompuServe   GEnie   AOL   Prodigy   Software Creations
    BBS (name): _______________________  phone # __________________________
    address _______________________________________________________________
    Shareware Distributer (name): _________________________________________

Approx # of commercial games owned: ____  #Registered shareware games: ____

Circle preference:        Beautiful Graphics     Game Complexity

Circle preference:    Solo against computer   -OR-   Modem 2-Player

Circle preference:    Strategy    Action    Simulation    Other_________

Long term game playability:   Few Levels w/ hard difficulty   Lotsa Levels
Send this order form and your check for $33.00 to:

MVP Software, 1035 Dallas S.E., Grand Rapids, MI  49507-1407

From the US or Canada call 800-968-9684 toll-free 24-hour order line.
Call (616) 245-8376 tech support, information, or overseas orders.


║               <<<<  PC-SIG Disk #3572 HOOSIER CITY  >>>>                ║
║  To Print the documentation, type: COPY HCMAN.DOC PRN  (press Enter)    ║
║                                                                         ║
║  To Start the game, type: HC  (press Enter)                             ║
║                                                                         ║
║  To Install the game to your hard disk, type: INSTALL  (press Enter)    ║
║                                                                         ║
║                                                                         ║
║ (C) Copyright 1993 PC-SIG Inc. 1030D East Duane Ave. Sunnyvale CA 94086 ║
║     For inquiries call: (408) 730-9291  For orders call: (800) 245-6717 ║


                   Hoosier City: Assault of the Orcs
				        volume 1 of the trilogy

                   A graphics arcade/adventure game


                            Keith Laverty

                 with Jason Pellerin and Melody Smith

                      An MVP Software Production


Hoosier City was designed and programmed by Keith Laverty.
Additional programming by David C. Snyder.
Graphics by Jason Pellerin.
Music composed by Melody Smith and Jason Pellerin.
Manual by David C. Snyder

                          About MVP Software

MVP Software was founded in 1985.  Initially marketing software via
direct mail-order channels only, in 1989 it began offering titles
through shareware outlets, and in 1991 released its first graphics
arcade/adventure retail-only game.  MVP Software is a member of the
Association of Shareware Professionals.

                   IBM is a registered trademark of
                International Business Machines, Inc.
            Tandy is a registered trademark of Tandy Corp.
                     Copyright 1991 MVP Software
                         All rights reserved
Your Quest
It's long after the nuclear war and the only surviving humans live
in a few domes across the country.  You are the fiercest warrior of
the age and a refugee from Oil City, one of these domes.

You received a strange message from Hoosier City, another domed
city.  It seemed to be a distress call but was abruptly terminated
at the source before you could be sure.  No messages have been
received since.

You must go to Hoosier City by helicopter and check out what has
happened.  As you arrive at the Hoosier City dome you are attacked
by its automatic defense system.  You skillfully pilot your copter
between the enemy pods and take out an enemy gun position with your
rocket.  Then you approach the landing pad.

Upon landing on the dome you take the elevator down to the center of
the city.  You walk out and the elevator doors lock securely behind
you.  Immediately you notice that the inhabitants of Hoosier City
are hideous mutants.  You know now that you must rid the city of the
evil mutants and discover the fate of the true citizens of the city.

A few of the citizens may still be in the dome.  If they are they
will help you complete your mission.  But unfortunately the only
weapon you possess is a sword.  Nevertheless you are determined to
be victorious.

Keyboard Commands
   Left Arrow     LEFT
   Right Arrow    RIGHT
   Up Arrow       UP
   Down Arrow     DOWN
   Space Bar      FIRE
     F1           HELP SCREEN
     F2           SHOW GAME STATUS
     F3           LOAD NEW GAME
     F4           SAVE CURRENT GAME
     J            JOYSTICK
     K            KEYBOARD
     S            CHANGE SOUND
     Q            QUIT CURRENT GAME
    ESC           EXIT PROGRAM


When selecting a weapon or piece of equipment use the arrow keys or
joystick and press ENTER to finish your selection.

Games are saved at the last occupied continue point.  Continue points
are located on various screens.
The Hoosier City Dome
The dome is an incredibly large structure.  It occupies many square
miles and is inhabited by various creatures.  Some are friendly but
most are not.  The dome was constructed over a lake to provide water
for the inhabitants.

You may enter most structures.  The entrances to some are hidden.
To discover the entrances to these you must listen to friendly
citizens hiding in Hoosier City.  You will find them hiding in caves
and other places.  They may also tell you how to find weapons and
equipment guarded by the inhabitants of the dome.

There are many underground caves, passageways and secret places in the
Hoosier City dome.  Discovering and exploring these is crucial for a
successful completion of your mission.

Some areas of the dome are sectioned off by doors.  To open these
doors you must have a key of the corresponding color.  You must have a
pass card to open security doors.  White doors and secret passageways
open without keys.  Opening chests also requires keys of the
corresponding color.

Scattered around the dome are items you will need to succeed in your
mission.  These include the following:

Money bags -- These contain anywhere from $50 to $250.  Money can be
used to buy ammo from the various Bob's Stores in the Dome.

Dollar Signs ($) -- These give you $1,000.

Hearts -- Picking up hearts adds to your health quotient.

Half Hearts -- adds to your health quotient.

Full Hearts -- These bring your health to its current maximum.

Health Vials -- These bring you to full health and extend your health

Life -- adds a life to your current game.

Keys -- Picking up green or red keys adds to your respective totals.
They can be used to open doors or treasure chests.

Freeze Clock -- stops all enemies for a short period of time.

Zap -- kills all enemies with poor armor that are on the current
Following the letter W on the upper left of the game screen is a
weapons list.  Initially it is blank because you have no weapons.
When you acquire a weapon it will appear there.  There are many
different weapons you may discover.  The sword and the axe have
unlimited ammo.  All other weapons have limited ammo.  The number of
shots remaining appear under the weapon.

You must find four pieces of equipment.  These are armor for
smashing rocks and taking half the damage your enemies inflict on
you, the flashlight for seeing underground, the boat for navigating
across water, and the aqualung for underwater travel.
Other MVP Software Shareware Games
Look for these other exciting shareware games from MVP Software.

Robomaze II: The Lobby -- Exciting first volume of the Robomaze II
                          trilogy.  Find out why PsL News named this
                          game one of the best of 1991.

Robomaze III: The Dome -- You have conquered the Mad Scientist, but the evil
                          dictator is still on the loose.  As the only hope for
                          freedom, you must track him down.  This sequel to the
                          Robomaze II trilogy includes stunning graphics --
                          over 70 graphics screens!

Sand Storm -- If you like shoot-em-up arcade action, you'll love
              Sand Storm.  Fast-paced and furious, you'll thrill to
              the great VGA graphics.  Twenty-six different missions
              are included in this game inspired by Desert Storm.

Corncob 3D -- Superior VGA 3D graphics make this air combat game one
              of the best of its class.  Super game play as you take
              to the skies in your single-engine fighter plane to do
              battle with the alien invaders.  Supports Sound
              Blaster and Adlib sound cards.

Name ________________________________________________________________

Address _____________________________________________________________

City _______________________________ State ______ ZIP _______________

Country (if outside USA) ____________________________________________

CIRCLE HD DISK SIZE:    5-1/4" (HD)   -or-   3-1/2"         IMPORTANT!

Price of Hoosier City Trilogy                                   $30.00
Shipping and Handling                                             3.00
Make check payable to "MVP Software"           Total enclosed:  $33.00

Master Card/Visa information (credit card orders only)

Card number __________________________________________

Expiration number ____________________________________
VOLUNTARY QUESTIONS:  Please help us determine what features you would like
====================  in future products.

Circle what type of equipment you have:    8088    286    386    486

Circle the speed of your computer(Mhz): 10  12  16  20  25  33  40  50  ___

Circle any that apply: Joystick  Mouse  Modem_______  SVGA card____________
                                             (speed)              (type)

Sound Capability:  Adlib  Sound Blaster  SB Pro  Thundercard
    PC speaker only  Other ____________________________________

Where did you get Hoosier City: Assault of the Orcs?
    Friend   CompuServe   GEnie   AOL   Prodigy   Software Creations
    BBS (name): _______________________  phone # __________________________
    address _______________________________________________________________
    Shareware Distributer (name): _________________________________________

Approx # of commercial games owned: ____  #Registered shareware games: ____

Circle preference:        Beautiful Graphics     Game Complexity

Circle preference:    Solo against computer   -OR-   Modem 2-Player

Circle preference:    Strategy    Action    Simulation    Other_________

Long term game playability:   Few Levels w/ hard difficulty   Lotsa Levels
Send this order form and your check for $33.00 to:

MVP Software, 1035 Dallas S.E., Grand Rapids, MI  49507-1407

From the US or Canada call 800-968-9684 toll-free 24-hour order line.
Call (616) 245-8376 tech support, information, or overseas orders.
                MVP Software Overseas Distributors

Canadian customers please order from:

Distant Markets
Box #1149, 194 - 3803 Calgary Trail South
Edmonton, Alberta T6J 5M8

or call 800-661-7383
order price: $44 Canadian (includes shipping and all taxes)
Australian customers please order from:

9 Albermarle St.
Newtown NSW 2942

or call (02) 519-4233           Fax: (02) 516-4236
order price: $A45 (includes shipping)
UK customers please order from:

Testware Ltd.
46 The Avenue
Harrogate, N Yorks HG1 4QD

or call (0423) 886 415          Fax: (0423) 889 728
order price: 25 pounds (includes shipping)
German, Swiss and Austrian customers please order from:

Pfohl & Partner GMBH
Brueckenstr. 16
8500 Nuernberg 90

or call 911-39903-99            Fax: 911-39903-50
order price: 60,- DM (includes shipping and all taxes)
Danish customers please order from:

Professional Shareware
Benloese Skel 4 G
DK-4100 Ringsted

or call 53 61 90 42             Fax: 53 61 93 91
order price: kr. 195,00 + 25% moms (price includes shipping)
Swedish customers pleas order from:

Svenska PC-Klubben
Box 83
511 21 Kinna

or call 0320-16500              Fax: 0320-16053
order price: 299:-inkl.moms
Software Creations is now the home BBS for all MVP Software shareware
products.  Check out the FREE MVP file section for new releases and
updates.  Call (508) 365-2359  2400 baud; (508) 368-4137  2400-16.8 USR;
508) 368-7036  2400-14.4 V.32.

Software Creations, a major multi-line BBS -- The Home of the Authors

           MVP Software is a member of the Association of Shareware
           Professionals (ASP).  ASP wants to make sure that the
           shareware principle works for you.  If you are unable to
           resolve a shareware-related problem with an ASP member
           by contacting the member directly, the ASP may be able to
           help.  The ASP Ombudsman can help you resolve a dispute
           or problem with an ASP member but does not provide
           technical support for members' products.  Please write to
           the ASP Ombudsman at 545 Grover Road, Muskegon, MI 49442-
           9427 or send a Compuserve message via CompuServe Mail to
           ASP Ombudsman 70007,3536.


MVP Software                           ____|__     |               (R)
1035 Dallas SE                      --|       |    |-------------------
Grand Rapids, MI 49507-1407           |   ____|__  |  Association of
(616) 245-8376  (voice line)          |  |       |_|  Shareware
contact person: Dave Snyder           |__|   o   |    Professionals
CIS 70363,15                        -----|   |   |---------------------
                                         |___|___|    MEMBER

Hoosier City: Assault of the Orcs

categories: games, arcade games, graphics games, action games, EGA/VGA games

one-line description: Hoosier City action/adventure game. By MVP Software (ASP).

short description: Action and intrigue abound in this engrossing new
                   action/adventure game from MVP Software (ASP).  Req EGA/VGA;
                   joystick and Sound Blaster optional.

long description: Action and intrigue abound in this engrossing new
                  action/adventure game from MVP Software.  Track down and
                  conquer the formidable dragon to drive the fierce invaders
                  from Hoosier City.  To do so you must explore dangerous
                  underground caverns, as well as other places no normal
                  mortals dare to go, such as the spooky Crypt of the Undead.
                  Hoosier City features sparkling EGA hi-res graphics and
                  original Sound Blaster music and sound effects.  This game is
                  so good that all three volumes of the trilogy have been
                  published separately as retail games.  By MVP Software (ASP).

Requirements: 512K RAM, EGA/VGA, Sound Blaster optional.  $15 registration;
              $30 for trilogy that completes the story.

Catalog vendors: Please include Hoosier City: Assault of the Orcs in your
                 printed and disk shareware catalogs.  For best sales results
                 use one of the above descriptions.  In addition, all MVP
                 product listings MUST include the words "by MVP Software" or
                 "an MVP Software production."  This encourages repeat sales,
                 which is good for both of us.  The only exception to this is
                 if the catalog has a separate MVP Software section.  No vendor
                 may charge a fee of more than $10.00 for the shareware version
                 of this product.  Vendors are encouraged to contact MVP
                 Software directly to get the latest version of the product
                 and to be added to our mailing list for direct mailings of
                 updates & future releases.

Rackware vendors: Please read our rackware distribution policy below.

Hoosier City: Assault of the Orcs may be distributed via BBSs, shareware
printed or on-disk catalogs, and at swap meets, flea markets or computer shows.
For all other forms of shareware distribution please contact Dave Snyder at MVP
Software for distribution permission.

Become part of the MVP Distribution Network and receive first notice of new
products and updates!  Software Creations is now the home BBS for all MVP
Software games and game-creation software.  Check out the MVP file section for
new releases and updates.  Leave a private message for David C. Snyder to find
out how your BBS can benefit by becoming part of the MVPDN!  Call (508) 365-2359
2400 baud; (508) 368-4137  2400-16.8K USR; (508) 368-7036 2400-14.4K V.32.

Those sysops who are part of the MVP Distribution Network automatically receive
new MVP releases and updates BEFORE they are made available to most other BBSs,
and before they are available to any disk vendors.  Since MVP entertainment
products are very popular, this is an excellent way for sysops to attract new
members to your board.  There is only one requirement for being an MVPDN member:
set up an MVP file section on your board.  That's it!

Enjoy the benefits of becoming a member of the MVPDN.  Call Dave Snyder today
at (616) 245-8376 to sign up and receive all MVP releases direct from the source.

Other popular MVP products include Battle Ground, Robomaze II, Robomaze III,
Sand Storm, Corncob 3D, Rapid Response, MVP Paint, and Gamebuilder.  Look for
many additional new releases from our eight outstanding development teams.

                            RACKWARE VENDORS

MVP Software has a policy on shareware rack vending to which all vendors
selling our shareware in a retail location MUST adhere.  No MVP Software
shareware product may be sold on shareware racks in any retail location
without prior written approval from MVP Software.  This policy affects Hoosier
City, plus all other MVP products.  Many of our shareware products are also
sold in retail versions.  We do not want our shareware versions to undermine
these sales.  Thanks for your understanding.

All MVP shareware products may be sold via catalogs, mail order, telephone
orders, flea markets, computer clubs, and any other method that does not
involve sales in retail locations.

We will give permission to rack vendors to sell our products in retail
locations only if the following conditions are met: (1) The vendor must pay
MVP Software a royalty on all copies sold in retail locations.  This does not
include any other type of shareware sales.  Suggested royalty is 10 cents per
copy sold.  (2) The vendor must provide reports to MVP Software not less than
quarterly of all rack sales minus returns.

Rack vendors meeting the above conditions must still receive written
authorization from MVP Software to distribute our products on shareware racks.
Permission may not be given in all cases; the decision will be on a case-by-
case basis, and we usually will want to inspect the packaging before granting
distribution permission.

I apologize to those rack vendors to whom these requirements seem onerous.
However, this is the only way we can control how our products get distributed
to make sure we have both a return on our investment and a reasonable chance
at getting a registration.

We really appreciate the distribution that vendors give us.  And we will con-
tinue to work with vendors to make both of our businesses prosper.  Thanks for
your understanding of why this step is necessary.

And just to be clear: the above requirements do NOT apply to catalog sales.

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #3572

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

SBFMDRV  COM      6562   6-04-91   5:42p
HC       COM     22699  11-07-92   4:13p
INSTALL  COM      6160  12-07-92  12:40p
SBCHECK2 EXE      3726   7-27-92  12:22p
ADLINE   DAT       841  11-09-92   8:21a
HISCORES DAT       420   3-15-93   3:16p
AREAS    DAT     11315  10-31-92  10:25p
BLOCKS   DAT      3225   7-05-91   2:03p
MONLIST  DAT      1501   3-09-92   4:25p
WANMON   DAT      1897   3-09-92   4:04p
FIELD112 DAT      8026   7-30-92  11:18p
FIELD212 DAT      8026   7-30-92  12:37p
FIELD523 DAT      8026   5-27-92  12:36a
FIELD423 DAT      8026   7-30-92  11:00a
MOVEFISH DAT       334   5-16-91  10:58p
RB3      DAT       128   3-15-93   3:16p
BEGGER1  DAT       562  11-09-92   8:22a
OLDGAME1 DAT      1868  10-28-92   9:35p
OLDGAME2 DAT      1868  11-04-92   7:55a
OLDGAME3 DAT      1868   7-13-91  10:27a
OLDGAME4 DAT      1868   7-13-91  10:27a
OLDGAME5 DAT      1868   7-13-91  10:27a
OLDGAME6 DAT      1868   7-13-91  10:27a
OLDGAME7 DAT      1868   7-13-91  10:27a
OLDGAME8 DAT      1868   7-13-91  10:27a
OLDGAME9 DAT      1868   7-13-91  10:27a
STORYLIN DAT      4163   9-09-92  11:28p
BEGGER2  DAT       694  11-09-92   8:23a
SAYWHAT  DAT      4839   5-26-92   6:08p
BEGGER3  DAT       562  11-07-92  11:24a
MESSAGES DAT      3096  11-07-92   8:35p
ENDGAME  DAT       763  11-09-92   8:34a
LINETEXT DAT       463  11-07-92   8:38p
DOME     GPH      2126   8-05-91   2:36p
GSTORY   GPH       410   8-08-91   5:52p
HIGHS    GPH       254   8-03-91   9:26p
FOOTPATH GPH      1138   8-04-91   8:49a
HELIPATH GPH      1736   8-06-91  12:17p
ORINGS   GPH       345   5-27-92   2:06a
STRUCT   GPH       228   5-27-92   2:29a
BEGGER1  GPH        20   5-26-92   2:51a
BEGGER2  GPH        20   5-26-92   2:51a
BEGGER3  GPH        20   5-26-92   2:51a
PREVIEW2 GPH       150   5-28-92   8:37a
PREVIEW1 GPH       761   5-28-92   3:22p
PREVIEWS GPH      4388   5-28-92  11:11p
CRITTERA EGA      7678   5-27-92  12:55a
WAITSCR_ EGA      1880   2-06-92   1:29a
CRITTERB EGA      9260   5-27-92  12:55a
WETWARE_ EGA      7626   5-20-91   9:07a
CRITTERC EGA     10865   7-24-92   3:45p
CRITTERD EGA      8728   7-06-91  12:08p
TERRAINA EGA      7001   7-21-92   7:20p
TERRAINB EGA      7607   7-26-92   6:40p
TERRAINC EGA     10282   7-26-92   6:24p
TERRAIND EGA      8028   5-28-92   8:11a
PREVIEW_ EGA     10852   5-29-92   1:58a
SOUND123 MSC      8512   6-05-92   2:24a
VOICE123 MSC     22266   6-05-92   2:24a
ORCOR123 MSC         3   5-21-92   9:05p
MUSIC123 MSC         3   5-21-92   9:05p
MASTER   SET      1676   6-05-92   2:24a
SPGAME   HOO         8   3-15-93   3:14p
CT-VOICE DRV      2493   5-14-90   3:54p
FILE1    EXE     33874   6-07-92   7:53p
FILE_ID  DIZ       443  11-27-92  11:07p
README             844  11-27-92  11:50p
HCMAN    DOC     12947   2-23-93  12:36a
BUYME    DOC      2593   3-15-93   3:14p
VEND&SYS DOC      6712   3-15-93   3:21p
GO       BAT        31   6-04-92   2:25a
GO       TXT      1001   4-21-93  12:51p
       72 file(s)     317675 bytes
                        6144 bytes free