PCjs Machines

Home of the original IBM PC emulator for browsers.


PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #3563)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5170" to load....


                    BLOXIT 1.0  :  REGISTRATION FORM


               Please find enclosed the $12.00 registration fee for
          this Bloxit Game. This registered version will speed up
          the loading and exiting of the game, plus give me 30 new
          puzzles to choose from.  By registering Bloxit, I will become
          a Soleau Software Memeber.  As a new member I want to receive
          information on your other Shareware Games, discounts on other
          Soleau Software and to be eligible for Special Bonus Packages.

                          *    *    *    *    *

                             GAME PACK OFFER
                        New Soleau Software Members

               As a New Soleau Software Member I have the option of
          enclosing an additional $6.00 for your Game Pack Offer of
          eight unregistered versions of your most popular Soleau
          Software Games on a 5 1/4" HD disk. I can receive this
          bonus offer by checking the appropriate line below.

                          *    *    *    *    *


            (Check One)

              ____   $12.00 for the Registered version of Bloxit.

              ____   $18.00 for the Registered version of Bloxit,
                     plus the Soleau Software Game Pack Offer.

            * Canadian/Foreign Users add $2.00 for postage. Checks
              drawn on U.S. or Canadian bank or P.O. Money orders.

          MY NAME AND ADDRESS IS:  __________________________________



          I GOT THIS PROGRAM FROM: __________________________________

          MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO:          Soleau Software
                                           163 Amsterdam Ave
                                           Suite 213
                                           New York, NY.  10023


                     S O L E A U   S O F T W A R E

                             BLOXIT  v1.0

                        Program by William Soleau

                       Requires:  EGA/VGA and Mouse

                  Requires Files:  Bloxit.exe  Bloxit.ov0
                                   Bloxit.ov1  Bloxit.ov2
                                   Bloxit.ov3  Bloxit.ov4

                         * BLOXIT DIRECTIONS *"

           The objective of Bloxit is to place ten different
           shaped pieces of a puzzle onto the game board so that
           they cover all the red areas.

           To begin play, click the <Puzzle> icon at the top of
           the screen to select the puzzle you want to play.
           There are 30 different puzzles available. There will be
           an <*> placed after the puzzle number if you have
           already solved that puzzle previously.

                      *  MOVING AND PLACING TILES *

           Once a puzzle has been selected, you will see a red
           pattern appear on the game board. Around the edges of
           the game board are ten differently shaped tiles.

           To pick up a tile, simply click the mouse button on
           that piece and move it to the area where you want to
           place it. When a tile is picked up, it can be rotated
           by clicking the right button of your mouse. To place
           the tile on the game board, click the left button
           again and continue until you have covered all the red
           areas on the puzzle board.

                      * OPTIONS AND ICON BUTTONS *

           All options and commands are accessed through icons
           located at the top of the screen.

           Icon Buttons:

               Bloxit Directions   :   Bloxit Instructions
               Soleau Software    :   Soleau Software Information
               Reset Scores       :   Resets all previously solved
                                      Puzzles back to unsolved.

                              Sound Off
                              Sound on

                 Select from 1 to 30 different Puzzles

                         Quit Bloxit Program

                  *  SOLEAU SOFTWARE  /  REGISTRATION  *

           This game is distributed as Shareware and may be
           passed along to your friends or local BBS. A registration
           fee of $12.00 is requested if you find this game is a
           worthy addition to your game collection. The registration
           will greatly speed up the loading and exiting of the game,
           and give you access to 30 new puzzles.  By registering
           Bloxit, you will instantly become a Soleau Software Member.
           All Soleau Software Members receive information and
           discounts on our other Shareware Games, plus Special
           Bonus Package Offers.

           Please take the time to read the BLOX_REG.DOC file which
           describes how you can get information on our many other games
           and how to become a Soleau Software Member.

           We at Soleau Software thank you for your support and hope
           you will continue to enjoy this as well as our many other
           Shareware products.


                                William Soleau

                              Soleau Software
                              163 Amsterdam Ave
                              Suite 213
                              New York,  NY  10023


                        S O L E A U   S O F T W A R E

                               * NEW RELEASES *

                                   MICE MEN

  The four games on the disk are each in zipped format.  Each game has its
  own File_id.diz file attached.  A separate directory of PCX files are
  snap shots from the games during play.  They are provided as a convenience
  for your publicity purposes if needed.

  Thanks again....

                       William Soleau
                       Soleau Software


T h e  P C - S I G  L i b r a r y  o n  C D - R O M 1 2 t h   E d i t i o n

The PC-SIG Library on CD-ROM, winner of the Optical Publishing
Association's Best Consumer Product Award, has added a hypermedia
interface that makes it easy to find and download any type of program
you could want. The WordCruncher text retrieval program has also been
implemented to assist you insearching this vast collection.

This CD-ROM contains over 3700 fully functional shareware programs, each
with a detailed review. The 12th Edition has added over 300 new programs
and over 500 updates since the release of the 11th Edition. The
collection is always kept current and now contains over 70 megabytes of
Windows 3.0 and 3.1 applications, fonts, icons, games and wallpaper

The range of software is phenomenal! There are huge assortments of
games, everything from adventure games with full SVGA and SoundBlaster
support to favorites like Klondike, Chess and Othello. Spreadsheets,
databases, wordprocessors and graphics programs are instantly available
and there are literally hundreds of unique and specialized programs that
will save you time and money. This amazing collection will help you get
a handle on all your business and home accounting and also teach your
children about zoology.

Each of the more than 3700 programs has a one-line description for quick
reference, Just pick one of the 13 software categories and a subcategory
to begin browsing for a program that interests you. You might choose the
Games Category, where you can pick from 12 subcatgories including
Adventure, Arcade, Cards and more. A mouse click (or keyboard stroke) on
the program title takes you to a detailed description of the program.
you can immediately download the software to your hard or floppy drive,
and in many cases view a screen shot.

You can find any program in the collection quickly and easily by using
the search button. When you are in a program category just type in the
title of the program and you will be taken to the description of that
program. The popular WordCruncher text retrieval program has been added
to allow searching every description for any word within that
description, not just in the title or keywords chosen by someone who
thinks differently than you do. The WordCruncher is ideal for finding
programs which perform a specific function, just try searching for
"split", "math" or "subtract". Or switch to the Disks section where you
will find an alphabetical list of all the programs which can be searched
by program title or disk number.

Everyone has their favorite programs and we're no exception. Our 44
favorite programs can be run immediately. No downloading is necessary,
all you do is click on the word "RUN" in the program description and
you'll be working or playing with top notch software right on the CD.

The power of hypermedia will allow you to try out more software than you
ever thought possible. We are sure that you will find a multitude of
programs to your liking on the P-SIG Library on CD-ROM.

System Requirements: IBM PC/AT PS/2 or compatible with 640K, DOS 3.3 or
higher, Microsoft MS-DOS CD-ROM Extensions and a CD-ROM player. We
recommend a 386 with a VGA monitor.

T h e   P C - S I G   W o r l d   o f   G a m e s   C D - R O M

The new PC-SIG World of Games CD-ROM contains over 550 of the best
shareware games, including 53 educational games for children and 57
Windows games. 430 of them can be played directly from the CD without
using your hard drive space.

This edition employs the award-winning HyperReader interface, allowing
easy searching and playing by using a mouse or the keyboard.

This CD is the first in a six-volume PC-SIG Encyclopedia of Shareware
series. Each volume will include the programs from a section of the
PC-SIG collection and also the programs and text from the current issue
of Shareware Magazine. This CD contains the entire text from the
May/June issue of Shareware Magazine, featuring hardware reviews of
the Tandy Sensation and the Media Vision Pro 16 Multimedia System.
Software reviews included cover 58 new shareware releases, security,
educational, CD audio and PIM's. 159 of the programs mentioned in the
magazine are included and can be downloaded using the HyperReader

There are also 89 programs which were updated since the last issue of
Shareware Magazine, helping those of you who have purchased the 12th
edition of the PC-SIG Library keep on top of the everchanging world
of shareware.

As well, a description of every program in the PC-SIG Library can be
searched with the WordCruncher text retrieval program. This Games CD
continues the ten year PC-SIG tradition of providing quality programs
and information to help you find the best program for your purpose.

System Requirements: IBM PC/AT/PS/2 or compatible computer with 640K,
DOS 3.3 or higher, Microsoft MS-DOS CD-ROM Extensions and a CD-ROM
player. We recommend a 386 with a VGA monitor.

T h e  P C - S I G   W o r l d   o f   W i n d o w s   C D - R O M

The brand new PC-SIG World Of Windows is a must-have for Windows users.
In order to produce the best possible Windows collection PC-SIG has made
an alliance with the acclaimed Windows OnLine BBS. So not only do you have
access to the collecting and weeding out efforts for which PC-SIG is
famous, but also the huge volume of fonts and sound files and the in-depth
software reviews of the world's best Windows BBS.

This CD contains every one of the best Windows shareware programs
available, 350+ in all, over 900 TrueType fonts which can be used
without royalties, 429 ATM fonts, over 2,000 sound files in .WAV,
.VOC, .SND, .SOU, .MID format and 2,794 icons! A major computer
catalog is offering a collection of 250 fonts for $49.95. They have
great prices on hardware and software, but this time they can't
touch us.

As if the files aren't enough, we thought you would want to preview
and use these sounds, fonts, icons and programs directly from the CD,
without taking the time and space to unarchive them. So we have
included a font previewer and installed, a sound player and an icon
manager. Over 200 of the programs can be run simply by clicking on
them in the File Manager. Nobody else offers you anything close to
this type of access.

We're not done yet. In add to all the Windows riches described above,
this CD also contains the text and programs from the July-August
issue of Shareware Magazine. This is the second in a six-volume PC-SIG
Encyclopedia of Shareware CD-ROM series (Games was the first). Each
volume includes the programs from a section of the PC-SIG Library plus
all the text and every program from the current issue of Shareware
Magazine. Software reviews for this issue cover over 100 programs
including games, communications, printing, text editors and more. 124
of the programs mentioned in the magazine are included, plus 225
programs updated since the May-June issue.

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                     CHEXO  1.0  :  REGISTRATION FORM


               Please find enclosed the $12.00 registration fee for
          this Chexo Game. This registered version of Chexo will
          speed up the loading and exiting of the game, plus instantly
          make me a Soleau Software Member. As a new Member, I want to
          receive information on your other Shareware Games, discounts
          on other Soleau Software and to be eligible for Special Bonus

                          *    *    *    *    *

                             GAME PACK OFFER
                        New Soleau Software Members

               As a New Soleau Software Member I have the option of
          enclosing an additional $6.00 for your Game Pack Offer of
          eight unregistered versions of your most popular Soleau
          Software Games on a 5 1/4" HD disk. I can receive this
          bonus offer by checking the appropriate line below.

                          *    *    *    *    *


            (Check One)

              ____   $12.00 for the Registered version of Chexo.

              ____   $18.00 for the Registered version of Chexo,
                     plus the Soleau Software Game Pack Offer.

            * Canadian/Foreign Users add $2.00 for postage. Checks
              drawn on U.S. or Canadian bank or P.O. Money orders.

          MY NAME AND ADDRESS IS:  __________________________________



          I GOT THIS PROGRAM FROM: __________________________________

          MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO:          Soleau Software
                                           163 Amsterdam Ave
                                           Suite 213
                                           New York, NY.  10023


                         * SOLEAU SOFTWARE PRESENTS *

                                 CHEXO GAME

                         Program by William Soleau
                          Version 1.0   (c) 1993

                      Requirements:  EGA / VGA  &  Mouse

                      Files Needed: Chexo.exe  Chexo.ov1
                                    Chexo.ov2  Chexo.ov3

                              CHEXO DIRECTIONS

                               * OBJECTIVE *

            The objective of CHEXO is to capture your opponents
            chips until he only has one left. The computer plays
            the Green and you play the Red. The pieces can only
            move forward on diagonals by jumping either your own
            chip or an opponents.  If you jump over a opponents
            piece, it will then captured and will be removed from
            the game board.  Each player takes turns moving only
            once (multipule jumps are not allowed). If one side
            cannot make a move then the other side will continue
            to move until either both sides have no moves left or
            the other player has a valid move.

            When all moves are exausted for both players, the board
            will reset itself with the number of chips remaining.
            This process of playing and resetting will continue
            until one player has just one chip left. All moves are
            made by clicking on chip you want to move and then
            clicking again to place it. The computer will only
            allow you to place the chip if it is a valid move.
            CHEXO is easy to play and no two games are ever the

                           * SOLEAU SOFTWARE *

     Soleau Software's main focus is to produce the finest logic and
     strategy games for the Shareware marketplace. Chexo is just one
     of over thirty other challenging Soleau Software Games.

                         * REGISTERED VERSION *

     If you like Chexo and continue to use it, we request that
     you register the game with us for $12.00. This registered copy
     will greatly speed up the loading and exiting of the program.

     Information concerning the registration or details on our many other
     games can be found in the CHEXOREG.DOC file or at the closing screen.


     By registering this game with us, you instantly become a Soleau
     Software Member.  As a registered member you are entitled to
     discounts on other Soleau Software and Special Bonus Package Offers.

     We at Soleau Software thank you for your support and hope you
     will continue to enjoy this as well as our other Shareware


                              William Soleau

                              Soleau Software

                             163 Amsterdam Ave
                                Suite 213
                              NYC, NY.  10023

                     *     *     *     *     *     *     *


                        S O L E A U   S O F T W A R E

                               * NEW RELEASES *

                                   MICE MEN

  The four games on the disk are each in zipped format.  Each game has its
  own File_id.diz file attached.  A separate directory of PCX files are
  snap shots from the games during play.  They are provided as a convenience
  for your publicity purposes if needed.

  Thanks again....

                       William Soleau
                       Soleau Software


                    MICE MEN   v1.1  :  REGISTRATION FORM


       Please find enclosed the $12.00 (U.S.$) registration fee for this
       game. This registered version of Mice Men will speed up the loading
       and exiting of the game, plus allow me to play against another human
       opponent! As a new Member, I want to receive information on your
       other Shareware Games and discounts on other Soleau Software through
       your Special Bonus Packages.

                           $6.00 GAME PACK OFFER

       As a New Soleau Software Member I have the option of enclosing
       an additional $6.00 for your Game Pack Offer of 8 unregistered
       versions of other Soleau Software Games on a high density disk.


       FIND ENCLOSED:  (Check all that apply & Please Print Clearly)

         _______   $12.00 for the Registered version of Mice Men

         _______   $18.00 for the Registered version of Mice Men,
                          plus the Soleau Software Game Pack Offer.

         _______   $2.00  Shipping/Handling (U.S.& Canada)   $4.00 (Foreign)

         _______   TOTAL PAYMENT ($U.S.)

       PAYMENT BY:   Check ___    MC ___    Visa ___    P.O.Money Order ___

             If Visa or MC Print Name on Card: ____________________________

             Card#: _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _  Exp.Date ___/___

       SPECIFY DISK SIZE:   5.25 ____     3.5 ____     Either ____

       NAME AND ADDRESS:        _________________________________________



       I GOT THIS PROGRAM FROM: _________________________________________


       FOR ORDERS ONLY!    Voice/Message: 212.721.2361    Fax: 212.873.4994


                       * SOLEAU SOFTWARE PRESENTS *

                                 MICE MEN


                        Program by William Soleau
                                (c) 1992

                      Requirements:  EGA/VGA GRAPHICS

                              Files Needed

                         Micemen.exe  Micemen.ov1
                         Micemen.ov2  Micemen.ov3
                         Micemen.ov4  Micemen.jft

                             * Objective *

      The object of Mice Men is to get all twelve of your color mice
      to the other end of the game board before your opponent does.
      In this version you will always be playing the blue mice and the
      computer will play the red mice.

                         * Setting Difficulty *

      At the opening screen, the game will ask you for the difficulty
      level of play.    <H>ard  <M>edium  <E>asy

      The computer will then randomly decide who will take the first

                                 * Play *

      The game board consists of 19 columns and 13 rows of various cheese
      blocks.  At the start of play, the blue mice are located on the
      left side of the cheese board and the red mice are on the right.
      When it is your turn to play, special pushing poles will be shown
      at the bottom of those columns where you have mice located. Using
      your left and right arrow keys you can select the column you want.

      You can either push or pull the column up or down.  This will
      shift the entire column in that direction.  It will wrap around,
      so that if you have a mouse at the top of the cheese board and you
      push the column up, the mouse will now appear at the bottom.
      If it's at the bottom and you pull the column down, then it appears
      at the top.

      By pulling and pushing columns of cheese blocks, you can create
      passageways for your mice so that they can reach the right side
      of the cheese board.  The red mice are trying to get all the way
      to the left side.  After a column has been pushed, that player's
      mice move as far as they can within the maze.  When they can't
      move any further, the opponent's mice will then move if they can.

      Each side takes turns pushing and pulling columns of cheese blocks
      until one player has gotten all twelve of his mice off the game

                         * Columns Locked Out *

      There are times when you will not be allowed to select a column
      even though you have mice located in it.  When you have pushed
      the same column a total of 6 times in a row, it will not allow
      you to push or pull that column again until you've pushed one
      of the others.  This is not the case if you have only one possible
      column to push.

      Any column that has been pushed by an opponent on the previous turn
      is also locked out for the next turn.  A column that has been locked
      out will have a yellow 'X' over the pole.

                             * Win/Loss/Draw *

      The first player to get his twelve mice off the cheese board will
      be declared the winner.  If each player has only one mouse left
      on the cheese board, then there will be only 8 moves left for each
      player.  The mouse that's further along on the cheese board will be
      the winner.  If both mice are exactly the same distance, then the
      game will be declared a draw.  The game will warn you with 5 moves
      left that the game will end if no one has won by that time.

                               * Keys *

           Arrow Keys Left/Right  :   Select Column
           Arrow Keys   Up/Down   :   Pushes/Pulls Column

                      <N>ew Game  :   Starts new game
                      <S>ound     :   Toggles Sound On/Off
                      <C>olors    :   Changes default colors of Cheese & Mice
                                      (For Laptop Players with Mono Screens)
                      <L>oad      :   Loads a previously saved game
                      <S>ave      :   Saves a game to be loaded later
                      <Q>uit      :   Quit Mice Men Program

        The Key Definitions are shown at the bottom of the board at
        all times.

        Mice Men is easy to play, yet will involve a lot of strategy on
        your part in order to win, especially at the Hardest level of play.
        Each game board will be different, so no two games will ever be the

                           * NOTE WINDOWS USERS *

        Running Mice Men under Windows may cause unexpected results. The
        game should be played by loading it directly from the Dos prompt.

                   *  SOLEAU SOFTWARE  /  REGISTRATION  *

             Register Today and Become a Soleau Software Member !!!

                             Registered Version

        This Mice Men game is distributed as Shareware. A registration fee
        of $12.00 is requested if you find this game is a worthy addition
        to your game collection. The registration will greatly speed up
        the loading and will allow for two human players.  By registering
        the game you will instantly become a Soleau Software Member!

        All Soleau Software Members receive information and discounts on
        our other Shareware Games through our Special Bonus Package Offers.

        Please take the time to read the MICE_REG.DOC file which describes
        how you can get information on our many other games and how to
        become a Soleau Software Member.

        We at Soleau Software thank you for your support and hope you
        will continue to enjoy this as well as our many other Shareware


                                William Soleau

                              Soleau Software
                              163 Amsterdam Ave
                              Suite 213
                              New York,  NY  10023


                    *  S O L E A U   S O F T W A R E  *

                     Ten Popular Soleau Software Games

Game                 Version        Type                   Requires

Alpha Man            v1.1 : Logic Puzzle Game               EGA/VGA
Blind Wars           v1.0 : Mouse War Simulation Game       EGA/VGA & Mouse
Bolo Adventures I    v2.0 : Logic Puzzle Maze Game          EGA/VGA
Bolo Adventures II   v2.0 : Logic Puzzle Maze Game          EGA/VGA
Isle Wars            v2.2 : Simulation Risk War Game        EGA/VGA & Mouse
Ladder Man           v1.0 : Strategy Logic Puzzle Game      EGA/VGA
Mice Men             v1.1 : Strategy Puzzle Maze Game       EGA/VGA
OilCap               v6.1 : Strategy Grid Puzzle Pipe Game  EGA/VGA & Mouse
Quato                v1.1 : Puzzle Word Strategy Game       EGA/VGA & Hard Disk
Robix                v1.0 : Puzzle Arcade Strategy Game     EGA/VGA

ALPHA MAN   v1.1     Requires EGA/VGA                   Reg. $ 12.00
Soleau Software has created another new fun-filled strategy logic game.
Use Alpha Man to push your letter blocks into the proper places on the game
board to solve each of the 25 puzzles. The game is packed with features
and is written in beautiful EGA/VGA graphics. Simple to play, but not so
easy to solve. Alpha Man's a puzzler's delight!

BLIND WARS   v1.0    Requires EGA/VGA & Mouse           Reg. $12.00
Blind Wars is a strategy war game where the object is to conquer all the
cities on the game board. In this sequel to Soleau Software's Isle Wars,
the task becomes quite challenging because you cannot see the strength of
the opposing armies. It plays like 'Risk' yet adds elements such as
production centers, volcanic eruptions, floods, and much more! Options
include, sound toggle, save game, speed play and levels of difficulty.

BOLO ADVENTURES I   v2.0   Requires EGA/VGA             Reg. $12.00
Bolo Adventures is a mind boggling strategy game where the objective is to
get Mr. Bolo out of 40 rooms of puzzles.  Each room is filled with
obstacles such as monsters, lasers, electric grills and more.  Unlike
arcade games, Bolo Adventures isn't a contest of how fast you can acquire
carpal tunnel syndrome by hammering on your keyboard, it's a test of your

BOLO ADVENTURES II  v2.0   Requires EGA/VGA             Reg. $12.00
The Bolo Adventures Series continues with this exciting sequel.  Mr. Bolo
carries on his adventures through 40 more floors of mind bending logic
puzzles.  New features and options have been added that will continue to
challenge all Bolo enthusiasts.

ISLE WARS   v2.2      Requires EGA/VGA & Mouse          Reg. $15.00
Never touch the keyboard as you try to conquer countries and continents in
your attempt to rule the world of Isle Wars.  In this sequel to Soleau
Software's Battle for Atlantis, new features have been added such as air
moves, earthquakes, rebellions, floods, bonus cards, and production
centers.  Options include, sound toggle, save game, score boards, speed
play and multiple levels of difficulty.

LADDER MAN   v1.0       Requires EGA/VGA                Reg. $12.00
Ladder Man is a fun-filled, mind-bending game of logic, planning, and
problem solving that will have you up all night as you try to master
all 30 floors. Each room is filled with a maze of obstacles that you
use to create your own escape. Position balls, avoid water hazards,
and elude fires and other obstacles as you use your ladder to climb
up and out of a room. Ladder Man is a pure strategy game, a puzzler's

MICE MEN   v1.1   Requires EGA/VGA                      Reg. $12.00
Soleau Software has created another exciting fun-filled
animated strategy logic game. Try to push and pull columns
of cheese blocks to get your mice to the other end of the
maze before your computer opponent. Mice Men is packed
with features and written in stunning animated EGA/VGA
graphics. It's a addicting logic strategy game for the whole

OILCAP    v6.1    Requires EGA/VGA & Mouse              Reg. $12.00
Oilcap pits you against the clock as you try to contain the gushing oil by
creating a series of passages to control its flow.  Quick thinking and
fast reflexes are essential in order to stay ahead of the onrushing oil.
Strategy is required to correctly place the oddly shaped links in order to
keep the oil flowing as long as possible.  Oilcap is a four star game that
is a very addicting!

QUATO   v1.1      Requires EGA/VGA & Hard Disk         Reg. $12.00
Soleau Software has produced another unique strategy puzzle word game
for all ages. The objective is to push around letter tiles on a 5x5
game grid to spell as many words as you can within 3:00 minutes.
Your words are constantly being checked against a 80,000 word master
dictionary. The game is easy to play and fast paced. It offers
hours of entertainment for all ages.

ROBIX    v1.0   Requires EGA/VGA                       Reg. $12.00
Robix is another logic puzzle game from Soleau Software.  The objective
of this pure strategy game is to get your colored blocks to the bottom
of the game board by pushing entire rows either left or right. You can
play Robix against the computer or a friend. Written in beautiful EGA/VGA
graphics, it is both addictive and challenging.


                            P C  -  S I G

Welcome to the world of Shareware, state of the art software you can
actually try before you buy.

Shareware, a term coined in the early eighties, refers to the method of
distribution chosen by the software authors.  With shareware, you can
receive a program and put it through its paces without having to pay for
it. If you find the program useful, and choose to keep the program, then
you pay a modest registration fee to the author.

For the last nine years, PC-SIG has been providing shareware and public
domain software to its customers and members.  Since 1982 PC-SIG has
developed an unprecedented library of shareware programs, constantly
updated, consistently strong in every category.  Our library of
shareware contains over 3500 titles divided into 120 logical categories.

Every program we add to the library is thoroughly reviewed and tested to
insure that each one meets the high standards of reliability and value we
insist upon and you expect.  As a result, our library doesn't contain
every shareware program available, just those that really work.

PC-SIG has grown into the premier distributor of shareware and and
shareware information by producing shareware collections on CD-ROM,
publishing an encyclopedia of shareware, and by publishing Shareware
Magazine, a bi-monthly magazine distributed world-wide.

Quality and support - guaranteed.  All of our programs are guaranteed
virus free.  We've isolated our systems and check every program
submitted to insure that no viruses make their way to your computer or

Our support staff is available by phone as well as on our BBS to help
you with questions about installation and operation of PC-SIG's

Through our network of international distributors, PC- SIG strives to
bring you the most current, exciting, technically advanced software
available as shareware.

If you can't find the software you need in PC-SIG's library, it may well
not exist.

To order the latest in Shareware, in the U.S.A: Call (800) 245-6717

Outside the U.S.A.: Call (408) 730-9291 for the name of the dealer near



              S H A R E W A R E  M A G A Z I N E

Shareware Magazine has distinguished itself as the only internationally
distributed periodical devoted to the use and business of shareware.
Shareware Magazine provides detailed reviews of new products,
hard-hitting comparisons of shareware programs with regular retail
software, and timely information about changes in the industry and the
latest technology.

Intriguing columnists and regular features add to the excitement.  The
beginners section sheds light on new user's concerns regarding
everything from choosing the right operating system to alleviating the
intimidation of using on-line systems.

Educational sections focus on how low cost shareware can aid in
classroom learning, curriculum development, and as a forum for
discussing the impact of computers and technology in schools.

Graphics Gallery renders expert advice and suggestions on how to better
work with graphics, desktop publishing, CAD systems, and the Windows

Programmers benefit from others experience in developing new programs or
polishing existing ones as well as choosing the right programming

And columnists provide that subjective component, sometimes
controversial, that calls for a closer look at the way we compute and
how shareware effects what we do.

Published bimonthly, Shareware Magazine is available on a subscription
or at your local newsstand or computer bookstore.  In conjunction with
PC-SIG, there are special benefits for subscribers as well as
opportunities for discount purchases from PC-SIG.

To Order, in the U.S.A.: Call 800-245-6717 and ask Customer Service.

Outside the U.S.A.: Call (408) 730-9291 for the name of the dealer near



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PC-SIG Disks - Member $2.49 for 5.25" or $2.99 for 3.5"
           Non-member $3.50 for 5.25" or $4.00 for 3.5"

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      If you have any comments or suggestions, please let us know!

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Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #3563

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

CDROM    TXT      7526   9-24-93   1:51p
GO-STRT  DAT       541   6-01-93  11:07a
SIGORDER TXT      3176   9-24-93   1:57p
GO-FORM  DAT      3276   9-24-93   1:56p
GO       EXE     26022   1-10-92  12:14p
PKUNZIP  EXE     29378   2-01-93   2:04a
PCSIG    TXT      2319   9-24-93   1:59p
SHAREMAG TXT      1831   6-01-93   2:32p
MICEMEN  ZIP    102838  11-23-93  11:15a
CHEXO    ZIP     84064  11-23-93   1:14p
BLOXIT   ZIP     87324  11-23-93   1:16p
       11 file(s)     348295 bytes
                        7168 bytes free