PCjs Machines

Home of the original IBM PC emulator for browsers.


PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #3550)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5170" to load....


         BBBBBB    SSSSS   X   X
         B     B  S         X X
         BBBBBB    SSSS      X
         B     B       S    X X
         BBBBBB   SSSSS    X   X

         I n t e r n a t i o n a l


           AAA      OO    TTTTTTTT  EEEEEE
          A   A    O  O      TT     E
          AAAAA   O    O     TT     EEEE
         A     A   O  O      TT     E
         A     A    OO       TT     EEEEEE

         Aces of the Eno

         Version 1.0

         A Shareware Solitaire Game For Lonely Nights.

         (It's pronounced A-*O*-T. In case you didn't know...)

1.0 - Welcome.

   Welcome  to  AOTE 1.0.  The  enormous  success  of games like BSX's
DARNIT has made us wonder about some of you people.  Here we spend all
(well, some) of our time trying  to  come up  with  clever, fancy  new
solitare card games, and all you want are simple, understandable ones.
Well, here you  are:  a  game  where all you have to do is get all the
aces to the tops of four seperate  columns of  cards  by  moving  some
cards around and discarding others.  Honestly!...
   Truth is, AOTE isn't all  THAT  easy.  You  gotta stay on yer toes.
So stay on em!

2.0 - Legal Stuff. PLEASE READ!!!

 AOTE 1.0 (C) 1992 BSX International

 AOTE 1.0 was developed and compiled using Borland's Turbo Pascal 5.5.

   This software is provided "as is" with no guarantees  of  any kind.
The developers assume no responsibilities other  than those  indicated
below.  You may use and distribute this product as you wish,  but only
under the following conditions:

   1) You  may   sell   this   program   without  permission  from
   BSX  International,  but   you  MUST  NOT   alter  the  program
   or its documentation.   You MUST NOT charge any fees other than
   fees for copying and MUST  clearly state that this fee is NOT a
   substitute for registration with BSX.

   2) Do  not  distribute  this  product if it has been reduced in
   any way.   You  may add  files,  but  you may  not  remove  any
   of the originals.

   3) Under  no circumstances remove the  copyright  notices  from
   the code or documentation.

   4) Shareware distributors are  free to  include  ALL  shareware
   BSX International  products  in  their  libraries  and catalogs
   without our permission, provided they adhere to rules 1 thru 3.
   You need not ask our permission.

2.1 - Shareware.

   This product is SHAREWARE and is distributed in good faith for your
enjoyment. You may play it for a short  period to become familiar with
it.  If you decide you like it and want to keep playing it, you should
send a $10 registration fee to  BSX,  otherwise  you should stop using
it.  If only  all software folks let you use their  product before you
paid for it the world  would  be  a  much  better place.  We've bought
so much BAD software that we  don't use,  and we're sure you have too,
that we feel GOOD  programs  should  be rewarded.  If  you  don't like
AOTE, we're not hurt;  if you do like  our stuff, thank  us, register,
and we'll keep making it.  This program is  not "protected" in any way
and is not altered so  that non-registrants  will suffer.  The authors
don't believe in denying  anyone a chance to  use our  stuff.  We  are
programmers,  dammit, not  businessmen.  Or at  least,  not  COMPETENT
businessmen.  We trust that anyone who likes AOTE and wants more of it
will register.  We're not naive, just a little idealistic.
   If you do not register you may still distribute this  game provided
you follow the rules above. Also,  even if you have paid a distributor
for the disk this game was on,  YOU ARE STILL  NOT REGISTERED.  We  do
not receive payments from distributors.  They just help  us  advertise
our stuff and get it to people.  We receive no money from them.

2.2 - Registration.

   To  register  AOTE  1.0  with  BSX send  a  check/cash/MO  for  $10
(US)  or  $12 (Canadian)  PAYABLE TO ROBERT ROBERDS  to:

    Robert Roberds
    BSX International
    806 Park Ridge Road Apt. A8
    Durham, NC 27713

    *** CASHING CHECKS FOR US.                                     ***

   For registering, not only will you encourage  us  to  keep  writing
shareware, you will also receive:

  1) Our Gratitude.

  2) 1/2 Priced discounts on upgrades to this product.

  3) A really cool BSX designer watch. There's  this  guy in  New York
  who distributes them for us.  Just get off at Grand  Central Station
  and wander around for a while  wearing  a big sign  that  says "BSX"
  on it and chant the lyrics to any song  by  Public Enemy.  You'll be
  dealt with shortly.

              Your support and comments are appreciated!

3.0 - Setup.

   A complete copy of AOTE 1.0 has the following files:

   1) AOTE.DOC    - Documentation file you are now reading.
   2) AOTE.EXE    - The actual compiled program.
   3) AOTE.DAT    - "Data" file needed for program execution.
   4) AOTE.ICO    - Windows 3+  icon  file  for   users  who  want  to
                    install AOTE  under  MS  Windows.   AOTE is NOT  a
                    Windows program, but  will run fine under Windows.
                    Allow  lots  of  memory  for  it  in the PIF file.
                    Don't say we didn't warn you.  Cuz we DID.
   5) BSXCAT.DOC  - BSX's latest catalog of stuff!
   6) ORDER.DOC   - E Z 2 UZE BSX order and registration form.

   To run AOTE 1.0 from a hard drive, make a directory  for this game.
(We don't  care what you call it,  but AOTE isn't a bad idea.)  Or use
an existing directory.  Copy  the AOTE.EXE  and  AOTE.DAT  files  into
this  directory.  Change  your default  directory to the one  you just
put AOTE in (with  the "CD" command) and type "AOTE".  It's as  simple
as that.  If  the  directory is  in  your path,  you may run AOTE from
   To run  AOTE 1.0  from a floppy,  ensure that  the  files  AOTE.EXE
AOTE.DAT  are  on  the  floppy (use the "DIR" command).   Change  your
default drive  to  the  drive  the  floppy  is  in  (Say "A:" or "B:",
whichever applies ) and type "AOTE".
   Refer to your DOS manual for help. If you must.
   If you're still having trouble, make sure  you  machine  meets  the
minimum requirements below:

   1) IBM PC,  XT,  AT, PS/2  or compatible  (any 80x88/80x86 machine,
   from 8088/8086 clear on up through 80486 and beyond).
   2) 256K RAM minimum.
   3) EGA or VGA video adaptor with at least 256K of video RAM.
   4) DOS 2.1 or higher or the DOS Compatability Box of OS/2.
   5) Microsoft compatible mouse is supported, but NOT required.


   This game has been playtested on many, many systems.  We cannot say
it will work on every possible configuration, but it  does work on any
system we have used.
   We cannot guarantee that  this  program will run on  any  operating
system other than DOS or that it will work with  any  TSR's (Terminate
and  Stay  Resident programs)  or  memory management  devices.  IT  IS
HIGHLY  RECOMMENDED   that   you   put   files=20,   buffers=40,   and
device=ansi.sys  in your config.sys file. These shouldn't be necessary
for AOTE, but it's best not to take chances.   So  many  problems  are
caused by the  omission  of these lines that you'd be a  fool  not  to
put them in.  IT IS  ALSO HIGHLY RECOMMENDED, if  you do have problems
with AOTE,  that  you  unload and  reload  any  TSRs  before  playing.
This often helps clean up  problems  that  other  programs  have  left
   Please try to recreate any  problem  on  another, similar  computer
before assuming we have screwed up.  If any of the  above is confusing
to you, we strongly recommend  finding something  better  to  do  than
using a computer.  Like drinking heavily.  Seems to work for us.
   You  can  always  contact  BSX,  unless  we're  out  on  a  date or
something.  (In other words, always.)  Before beefing, though,  please
re-read  our docs to make sure you aren't missing something.
    You may get in touch  with  BSX  International  at (919) 493-4875,
just about any time, or you can  send a message on  Prodigy to JBVC54A
or on  GEnie to R.ROBERDS1, or  on  VNet to 5 @9198, or on  WWIVNet to
5 @9979   Drop  us a line!  If you  call, you may  get   our answering
service. Leave a message for Bob.  He needs things to keep him busy.

4.0 - Rules of the Game.
   (or, You need to read this to play this game?!?)

   At  the  start  of  each  game,  the  first  four  cards  are dealt
automatically.  After that  you click on  the "deal"  button  to  deal
yourself  four  cards.  One is  placed  in  each  of  the four columns
you have in  front  of  you.  If the column  already  has cards in it,
the  ones just dealt  will  overlap  the card(s)  already  there.  The
object  is to get all four of the aces to the top of the columns using
the following rules:
   1) You can discard any card that is not under another card if there
      is a card of the same suit with  a  higher  value  that  is also
      uncovered. (Long winded, I know.)  All is means is  that, if the
      two of spades is on the bottom  of  one  column  and the jack of
      spades is on the bottom of  another column, then you can discard
      the two.  Just click  on  its column,  then  on  the waste pile.
      Since aces count  high, they obviously can't be discarded.  They
      CAN be  moved  to  empty columns, though,  just  like everything

        Say the columns are like this:
        |10 DIAMS |         |3 DIAMS  |J CLUBS  |
        |         |         |         |         |

        Well, you may discard the 3 DIAMS by clicking on  column 3,
        then clicking  on  the  waste   pile.  This is  because the
        10 DIAMS is at the  bottom  of  a column  (column 1).  This
        exposes the A CLUBS, so now you may  discard  the  K CLUBS.
        You may also discard the J CLUBS.

   2) You can move any uncovered card to another column if that column
      is empty.  This will often  reveal  MORE  elimination and moving
      plays.  That's the whole point.

        After the moves described above, the grid is like this:
        |A HEARTS |         |A CLUBS  |K HEARTS |
        |10 DIAMS |         |         |         |
        |         |         |         |         |

        Well, now you may move the 10 DIAMS to column 2 by clicking
        on column 1, then on column 2.  This exposes  the A HEARTS,
        so now you may discard the K HEARTS.

   3) When done  moving  and discarding, click DEAL again for the NEXT
      four cards.

        After the moves described above, the grid is like this:
        |A HEARTS |10 DIAMS |A CLUBS  |         |
        |         |         |         |         |
        |         |         |         |         |

        Now, if you hit DEAL, four more cards will show up, like:
        |A HEARTS |10 DIAMS |A CLUBS  |6 DIAMS  |
        |2 SPADES |4 HEARTS |7 HEARTS |         |
        |         |         |         |         |

        Now you may discard the  4 HEARTS, then the  6 DIAMS;  move
        the 2 SPADES to the  now-empty column 4,  and  discard  the
        7 HEARTS.  Etc.  Get it?
   You win if all the aces get to the top of the columns. (One in each
column.)  You lose if you get into  a  situation where you cannot hope
to do that.  There are many such situations, and  AOTE knows them.  If
you lose suddenly, you can bet yer situation was hopeless.
   Final note: There's STRATEGY involved.  It's not ALWAYS a good idea
to move an ace to an  empty  column.  SOMETIMES you should wait a bit.
Just play and you'll catch on.  Unless yer some kinda MORON.

5.0 - Using AOTE.

   - The Basics
   Just type:
at the DOS prompt. You'll see the opening screen and cruise  on  to an
all-nighter of solitare thrills.

   - Mousing Around
   The game is  very easy to use with a mouse.   The left mouse button
is  used  to  "click"  or  "do"  things.    The  right   mouse  button
will undo something that can legally  be  reversed.  The  center mouse
button, if you have one, acts like the right button.  The speed of the
mouse cursor can be adjusted  by using the mouse adjust feature.  Just
click on the MOUSE button on the main playscreen.
   *** Special note - Mousers can force the  game  to ignore the mouse
by invoking the game as follows: aote -n
   *** Another special note - Do NOT NOT NOT try to drag cards around.
It don't work that way.  You could  really damage  yer computer if you
try.  Just kidding.  Still, don't do it.  There's no point.

   - Keyboard Play
   If  you don't have a mouse, the game will  detect  this and use the
keyboard instead. Move the cursor around with the arrow keys, and with
the PgUp, PgDn, Home and End keys. (The Num Lock key should be "off".)
Select things  with  the  RETURN or  ENTER  key  or   undo  them  with
BACKSPACE or ESCAPE. Also, "hot" keys are provided.  To use them, just
type the first  letter  of  the button  you  want to  select. ("H" for
help, for example.)

   - Selecting Cards
   Click on a column to select  a card  you  wish  to  play.  The  top
card is now the selected card, and that  will  be moved  or discarded.
Click on the  waste pile  to remove it or on an empty column  to  move
it there.  A light will  come  on above  the  column with the selected
card to confirm your  choice.   Undo  your  selection  with the  right
or middle mouse button (or BACKSPACE or  ESCAPE  for  keyboard  users)
if you make a mistake.
5.1 - Features.

   - BOSS
   Selecting this button brings up a cool, fake  DOS   screen.  If you
find  yourself  playing   at    work   or    at    home   and   you're
waylaid by a boss/spouse/roommate/significant other, this  is  the way
to go.  Type "exit" to  return  to  your  game or "abort"  to exit the
game immediately. Be sure to hit  RETURN or ENTER  after  typing this.
This is not a  DOS "shell"  and  you  won't be able to issue any other
commands from here.  Jeez, waddaya  want  from a ten dollar card game?
A pop-up spreadsheet  with  a command set  that exceeds both 1-2-3 and
Excel?  A digitized voice that picks winners at the dog track?  Or *I*
know:  A  full-featured  ST:TNG-type   holodeck   wherein   you  and a
computer-generated  simulacrum  of  Kim  Basinger  recreate  the "food
scene" from "9 1/2 Weeks"?  Well, *T.S.!*

   - MOUSE
   Use this to adjust the rate  at which  your   cursor  moves around.
The setting you choose will be remembered even if you leave  the game.
The controls for this  are  just like a VCR, and like a VCR,  you have
to figure  out how to use  them yourself.  Waddaya, STUPID?  Actually,
it's real simple.

   Since everyone you know will want to play  AOTE with you, this is a
way for each of you to  have  his/her/its own  name and  stats stored.
Should be self-explanatory.  You  can  USE a player, or  NEW a  player
(erase  his/and/or/her   stats  and  give  him/and/or/her a new name).
Note our use of  the "he/and/or/she"  family  of  politically  correct
pronouns,  which  not  only  apply  to  males   and   females   but to
hermaphrodites as well.

   - SOUND
   Toggle  the sounds  on  and off.   Useful at work or if your living
quarters are shared  with   potential psychotics,  like  Bruce Dern in
"Black Sunday".  This is also "remembered" next time you  play.  To be
SURE to begin  the  game  silent, invoke  AOTE with: aote -s.  This is
useful for  the first  time   you  install  AOTE  on  yer  computer at
work...you LAZY BUM!

   - HELP
   A rules summary  will appear.  This is the best  way  to  learn the
game.  Not that it's real  difficult  to  begin   with,  but  we  felt

   - QUIT
   Leave the game. You will be prompted to  see  if  you  really meant
"quit" or if you'd like to start another game.
6.0 - Technical and Version Notes.

   AOTE  is the offspring of the fertile  mind  of  Bob,  based  on  a
solitare game he swiped out of a book. It's based on  games  variously
known as Aces Up, Firing Squad,  and (appropriately)  Idiot's Delight.
   It was written in a combo of Turbo Pascal 5.5 and  Turbo Assembler,
on a bizarre 386-16 computer held together with bubble gum  and baling
wire, with a Logitech bus mouse and VGA graphics.  It was  tested on a
fistful of systems, including Dave's Gateway 33-Mhz 386 system.
   Note: The reson Bob is stuck with a  bizarre 386-16  computer  held
together with bubble gum and baling wire is because NOT ENOUGH  PEOPLE
REGISTER BSX STUFF!!!  Get the message?

6.1 - Version Summary.

   Version 1.0 released 26 Sept. 1992 - Initial release.

7.0 - About BSX International.

   BSX is the combined  efforts  of a bunch of folks, two of whom  are
Bob and Dave. (There may be others, but we  don't remember  them  just
now. Let them write the Dox if they want to see  their names.)  We are
supported in our efforts by registrants and  computer nerds in general
who give us money, advice and direction. (We like money. We'd  comment
on the advice and direction but most of it is not printable.)  We keep
making computer games mostly just because  we like to,  but  the input
that shareware users have given (mostly  the  money, again) gives us a
lot of incentive.  Keep supporting us  and  shareware in general. It's
the only real way to test  stuff  before you buy it and to ensure that
the things you really want to see make it to your computer.

8.0 - Acknowledgements.

   Bob would  like  to  thank  all  the (pitifully few) people  who've
registered BSX stuff.   Kudos to Dave  for the usual preternatual dox.
Megadittoes to  the folks  who,  willingly or unwillingly, have tested
AOTE  and  other  BSX  products.   Congrats  to  LRG  for  once  again
displaying  perfect prowess  in  the  Silent   Treatment (tm).   Still
more acknoledgement must goto JCG for similar skills.
   Dave would like to thank  Bob, Debbie, Alexei  and  John  for  good
times and stuff. A brief  nod  to Chip,  Karen  and  Will  is  also in
order. I don't get to  spend  much  time  playing  games  anymore, but
when  I  do,  and   when  it's  not  BSX  stuff,  it's   Sid   Meier's
Civilization.  We had  thought  about  doing  exactly  the same thing,
but I don't have the time to play it, let alone  write it.  Next time,
Sid, give  us  a call.  We'd  love  to help.

BSX International -

Bob "The So-Called Mao Tse-Tung" Roberds - Development & Design & Dox
David "Dr K" Kotomski - Playtesting & Dox & Design

               So round, so firm, so fully packed...
                         It must be from
                          __   ___
                         |  \ /   \ \  /
                         |__/ \___   \/
                         |  \     \  /\
                         |__/ \___/ /  \


                  "Where the Future is Tommorrow"
           Rootin Tootin Computin for the 90s and Beyond
             Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!
  We're fierce, we're BSX International,  and we're *IN YER FACE!*

   Serving your shareware needs for over a fiftieth of a century!

Talk About AOTE and BSX -

  "A Warrior's Game."
     - Lt. Worf

  "A fascinating blend of herbs and spices. With a lemon-fresh scent!"
     - Some blonde girl in a TV commercial.

  "Sometimes I worry about Dave and Bob. Like the time they..."
     - A blonde ex-girlfriend.

  "Why is it called 'BSX' anyway?"
     - My girlfriend. Who is, in fact, not blonde.

Shut up and eat yer pine cone!


         BBBBBB    SSSSS   X   X
         B     B  S         X X
         BBBBBB    SSSS      X
         B     B       S    X X
         BBBBBB   SSSSS    X   X

         I n t e r n a t i o n a l


         The Late Fall 1992

          CCCC     AAA   TTTTTTT    AAA    L        OO    GGGG
         C        A   A     T      A   A   L       O  O  G
         C       AAAAAAA    T     AAAAAAA  L      O    O G  GG
         C       A     A    T     A     A  L       O  O  G   G
          CCCC   A     A    T     A     A  LLLLLL   OO    GGG

                         BSX International
                         806 Park Ridge Rd. Apt A8
                         Durham, NC 27713  USA

                         (919) 493-4875 anytime
                         Prodigy: JBVC54A
                         GEnie: R.ROBERDS1
                         VNet: 5 @9198
                         WWIVNet: 5 @9979

     IMPORTANT: Make checks payable to ROBERT ROBERDS!

     Hello!  BSX International offers a  number of  products  for  yer
enjoyment.  They're  listed in this catalog below, each  program along
with a description, lists of features  and  requirements,  and pricing
     With regards to the prices, the Registration price refers to  the
sum  to  be paid if you wish  to  register  a  shareware  program that
you've  already  acquired and are using.  The Purchase price indicates
the sum  to  pay  if you wish to have a product sent to you on a disk.
The Upgrade amount is the price to pay if you've previously registered
or bought  an old version of this  program and want the latest version
sent to you on a disk.

  What to do:

     Register: Just send a check, cash, or money order for the  amount
     Purchase: Do likewise, only with the Purchase price.
     Upgrade:  Do the same, only with the Upgrade amount.

    If paying with US dollars, then do as United States customers do.
    If paying with Canadian dollars, then,
     Register: Send a check, cash  or  money  order  for the  Canadian
               Register amount.
     Purchase: Likewise, with the Canadian Purchase price.
     Upgrade:  The same, with the Canadian Upgrade amount.
    Canadian customers are recommended to send  Canadian  Postal Money
    Orders made out in US dollars.  It's easiest that way.

    Send check,  cash,  or  money  order  in  United  States  dollars,
    using the  US prices just as  American customers do.  But also add
    a total of $3.00  for overseas shipping and handling of  purchases
    or upgrades. If ordering more than one item, you still  need  only
    send $3.00, as we bundle orders into one package.
    Foreign customers are URGED to send  US cash or money orders in US
    dollars if AT ALL possible.  Money orders  in  US funds are easily
    obtainable at your local post office.

  IMPORTANT: If you are in the United States or Canada, then  you need
  NOT include the $3.00 S&H charge on purchases.  Otherwise, you do.
     See the included file ORDER.DOC.  Just print it out, fill it  in,
and  send it to us!  Thanks for yer support. And don't forget to  make
checks payable to ROBERT ROBERDS!  (Including the form is optional, of


     If you want to reach BSX International you  can use  the mail, or
call  us  at (919) 493-4875, or reach us on Prodigy at  JBVC54A, or on
GEnie at R.ROBERDS1, or on WWIVNet at 5 @9979, or on VNet at 5 @9198.

              BSX International's Late Fall 1992 line:
|                         AMFLAM Version 1.1                         |
          The Amazing Flag Machine!  The  first  BSX  game that can be
   considered (gasp!)  EDUCATIONAL!.  That's  right:  learn  the Flags
   of the World while at the SAME time having a ton o fun playing this
   tuff but intriguiging one-player game.
          If you've  seen  DARNIT,  well, imagine a  5x5-grid  type of
   DARNIT but played with flags instead of cards.  Sound nuts?  It is.

              *EZ or hard rule levels.
              *Boss "hide" option.
              *Sound control.
              *Scorekeeping for up to 10 players.
              *Mouse supported but NOT required.

              *MS-DOS 2.0 or greater.
              *EGA or VGA graphics with full memory.

              *Register - $10.00 each ($12.00 Canadian).
              *Purchase - $11.00 each ($13.50 Canadian).
              *Upgrade  - $6.00 each ($7.50 Canadian).

|                         AOTE Version 1.0                           |
          It's Aces of the Eno,  a  patience card game derived from an
   old solitaire variously known as Aces Up, Firing Squad, and  (ahem)
   Idiot's Delight.  Can  YOU  get  all  four aces  to the tops of the
   columns?  Well CAN you?  Didn't think so.  I  don't  think you have
   the onions for it.  PROVE ME WRONG.
          Not like any other computer solitaire  game WE'VE ever seen,
   and we've seen em ALL.  TRY it, you'll LIKE it!

              *Boss "hide" option.
              *Sound control.
              *Scorekeeping for up to 10 players.
              *Mouse supported but NOT required.

              *MS-DOS 2.0 or greater.
              *EGA or VGA graphics with full memory.

              *Register - $10.00 each ($12.00 Canadian).
              *Purchase - $11.00 each ($13.50 Canadian).
              *Upgrade  - $6.00 each ($7.50 Canadian).

|                         DARNIT Version 12.0                        |
          A different kind of solitaire game.  Nice graphics and mouse
   interface make this game  more  fun  than  a barrel of monkeys.  If
   you've ever  played  this "Kings Corner"  solitaire,  you know  how
   tough DARNIT can be! Non-mouse systems can use it too!

          Rave reviews:

          "Difficult, ingenious, and addictive."
                            - Public Brand Software

              *Different rule levels.
              *Boss "hide" option.
              *Sound control.
              *Scorekeeping for up to 10 players.
              *Mouse supported but NOT required.

              *MS-DOS 2.0 or greater.
              *EGA or VGA graphics with full memory.

              *Register - $10.00 each ($12.00 Canadian).
              *Purchase - $11.00 each ($13.50 Canadian).
              *Upgrade  - $6.00 each ($7.50 Canadian).

|                          FORZEE Version 4.0                        |
          Forzee is the result of an unholy union  betwixt Yahtzee and
   poker.  The outcome is a game of such toughness  that it  fully de-
   serves a place beside DARNIT in the annals of BSX card games.  This
   is a one-player game, so it isn't necessary for you geeks to go out
   and make friends or anything.

          Rave reviews:

          "I've tried a few shareware  YAHTZEE games before, but never
   anything like this one!  The graphics and overall play of Forzee is
   the best you'll find anywhere."
                            - Uncle Hank's Shareware Review Newsletter

              *Boss "hide" option.
              *Sound control.
              *Mouse supported but NOT required.
              *Permanent scorekeeping for up to 8 players.
              *More fun than a barrel of nitrous oxide.

              *MS-DOS 2.0 or greater.
              *EGA or VGA graphics with full memory.

              *Register - $10.00 each ($12.00 Canadian).
              *Purchase - $11.00 each ($13.50 Canadian).
              *Upgrade  - $6.00 each ($7.50 Canadian).

|                          GRIDLY Version 1.0                        |
          The Mother Of All Card Games!  Place the cards in the  grid,
   trying to get the best poker hands along  the  rows  and diagonals.
   But beware!  You can only place cards in certain spots.  Going  for
   that straight flush may well blow yer chance for that full house in
   the row above!  Holy Cow!  Talk about yer Maalox Moments!
          Another one-player card game.
          This is NOT yer standard 5x5 Poker Solitaire.  It's a  whole
   new game, invented here at BSX.

              *Boss "hide" option.
              *Sound control.
              *Mouse supported but NOT required.
              *10 best scores saved to let you show off to friends.
              *More fun than a barrel of Jack Daniel's.

              *MS-DOS 2.0 or greater.
              *EGA or VGA graphics with full memory.

              *Register - $5.00 each ($6.00 Canadian).
              *Purchase - $6.00 each ($7.50 Canadian).
              *Upgrade  - $3.50 each ($4.50 Canadian).

|                          GUZZLE Version 2.2                        |
          A PC drinking/trivia game.  Test your luck and trivial skill
   while drinking yourself into a coma.  Up to four players or teams.

              *500 trivia questions.
              *EGA graphics and mouse interface.

              *MS-DOS 2.0 or greater.
              *Microsoft Mouse or compatible.
              *EGA or VGA graphics with full memory.

              *Register - $5.00 each ($6.00 Canadian).
              *Purchase - $6.00 each ($7.50 Canadian).
              *Upgrade  - $3.50 each ($4.50 Canadian).

|                          KAOTIX Version 2.3                        |
          Chaotic fractal generator.  Plays the "chaos game", a  nifty
   "random" process that gives rise to decidedly UNrandom  and  lovely

              *Up to 15 vertices.
              *EGA 16 color beauty.

              *MS-DOS 2.0 or greater.
              *Microsoft Mouse or compatible.
              *EGA or VGA graphics with full memory.

              *Register - $5.00 each ($6.00 Canadian).
              *Purchase - $6.00 each ($7.50 Canadian).
              *Upgrade  - $3.50 each ($4.50 Canadian).

|                          LEONG Version 1.1                         |
          Board game of stragety and skill. Try to get yer pieces from
   the starting line to the goal, but WATCH OUT for  the hidden traps!
   Much harder than it sounds.  It could blow yer head CLEAN off!

              *Boss "hide" option.
              *Sound control.
              *EGA 16 color beauty.

              *MS-DOS 2.0 or greater.
              *Microsoft Mouse or compatible.
              *EGA or VGA graphics with full memory.

              *Register - $5.00 each ($6.00 Canadian).
              *Purchase - $6.00 each ($7.50 Canadian).
              *Upgrade  - $3.50 each ($4.50 Canadian).

|                          MCDOE Version 2.1                         |
          Madame Ching's Dungeon of Ecstacy.  An X-rated VGA adventure
   game for the stout of heart and pure of spirit.  Not for the GEEK!

              *Boss "hide" option.
              *MCGA/VGA 256 color beauty.
              *Sound control.

              *MS-DOS 2.0 or greater.
              *MCGA/VGA graphics with full memory.

              *Register - $5.00 each ($6.00 Canadian).
              *Purchase - $6.00 each ($7.50 Canadian).
              *Upgrade  - $3.50 each ($4.50 Canadian).

|                          MCPOP Version 4.3                         |
          Madame Ching's Palace of Pleasure.  An X-rated EGA adventure
   game for the stout of heart and pure of spirit.  Gopher it!

              *Boss "hide" option.
              *EGA 16 color beauty.
              *Sound control.

              *MS-DOS 2.0 or greater.
              *EGA or VGA graphics with full memory.

              *Register - $5.00 each ($6.00 Canadian).
              *Purchase - $6.00 each ($7.50 Canadian).
              *Upgrade  - $3.50 each ($4.50 Canadian).

|                           SLOTY Version 1.1                        |
          Sloty is a video-poker game simulator  [FOR AMUSEMENT ONLY!]
   that, wonder of wonders,  DOES NOT CHEAT!   What the hey,  it's not
   real money, so why should  it cheat?  This  little  diversion  will
   keep you busy for hours on end.

              *Boss "hide" option.
              *Sound control.
              *Mouse supported but NOT required.
              *More fun than a barrel of salted fish.

              *MS-DOS 2.0 or greater.
              *EGA or VGA graphics with full memory.

              *Register - $5.00 each ($6.00 Canadian).
              *Purchase - $6.00 each ($7.50 Canadian).
              *Upgrade  - $3.50 each ($4.50 Canadian).

|                           TEGAS Version 3.0                        |
          Useful utility for Turbo Pascal graphics programmers.   Lets
   you create and save EGA images for use with the PutImage procedure.
   3.0 is a brand-new, feature-packed version.

              *Lines, circles, rectangles and region fills.
              *Resize, zoom, overlay, flip, flop.
              *Compare many sprites onscreen at once!
              *Save as data files or as Pascal source.
              *Ability to edit images of up to 400x200 pixels.

              *MS-DOS 2.0 or greater.
              *Microsoft Mouse or compatible.
              *EGA or VGA graphics with full memory.

              *Register - $10.00 each ($12.00 Canadian).
              *Purchase - $11.00 each ($13.50 Canadian).
              *Upgrade  - $6.00 each ($7.50 Canadian).

|                              TRIV-PAK 2:                           |
          A package of more trivia questions to  go  with  the  GUZZLE
   game. Available to customers who've registered or purchased GUZZLE.
   You may want to order TRIV-PAK 2  when you  order GUZZLE, to ensure
   a big supply of questions on hand!

              *500 more tuff and fun questions.

              *Registration or purchase of GUZZLE.

              *Purchase - $1.00 each ($1.50 Canadian).

|                          TVGAS Version 2.1                         |
          Useful utility for Turbo Pascal graphics programmers.   Lets
   you create and save VGA images for use with the PutImage procedure.

              *Lines, circles, rectangles and region fills.
              *256 big, big colors.
              *Ability to edit images of up to 60x40 pixels.

              *MS-DOS 2.0 or greater.
              *Microsoft Mouse or compatible.
              *MCGA/VGA graphics with full memory.
              *256-color .BGI file  for  Turbo  Pascal (obtainable  on
              BBSs  and  from  Borland  International  as  VGA256.BGI.
              TVGAS does  not  need  this  to  run,  but your programs
              using VGA graphics will).

              *Register - $5.00 each ($6.00 Canadian).
              *Purchase - $6.00 each ($7.50 Canadian).
              *Upgrade  - $3.50 each ($4.50 Canadian).

|                           WOWZEE Version 1.0                       |
          Wowzee, a recent addition to the  BSX stable, combines  bits
   of Forzee and of all those Mah-Jongg tile games out there.  "What?"
   you ask.  "Sounds 100% certifiably insane."  No, no;  WOWZEE'S  not
   insane.  But YOU will be after playing this addictive game!

              *Boss "hide" option.
              *Sound control.
              *Mouse supported but NOT required.
              *Permanent scorekeeping for up to 8 players.
              *More fun than a barrel of toenail clippings.

              *MS-DOS 2.0 or greater.
              *EGA or VGA graphics with full memory.

              *Register - $10.00 each ($12.00 Canadian).
              *Purchase - $11.00 each ($13.50 Canadian).
              *Upgrade  - $6.00 each ($7.50 Canadian).



║          <<<<  PC-SIG Disk #3550 AOTE - Aces of the Eno  >>>>           ║
║  To Print documentation, type: COPY AOTE.DOC PRN  (press Enter)         ║
║                                                                         ║
║  To Start the game, type: AOTE  (press Enter)                           ║
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║                                                                         ║
║ (C) Copyright 1993 PC-SIG Inc. 1030D East Duane Ave. Sunnyvale CA 94086 ║
║     For inquiries call: (408) 730-9291  For orders call: (800) 245-6717 ║


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__ copies of _________,  @ $_____ each: $_____  R / P / U   5.25 / 3.5

__ copies of _________,  @ $_____ each: $_____  R / P / U   5.25 / 3.5

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                    PAYABLE TO ROBERT ROBERDS

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                    806 Park Ridge Rd. Apt. A8
                    Durham, NC 27713

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     Please allow 1-2 weeks for delivery of purchases. Thanks!
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Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #3550

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

AOTE     DOC     20853  10-29-92   9:34p
AOTE     EXE     80880   9-29-92  11:21p
AOTE     DAT     67629   7-10-92   8:06p
AOTE     ICO       766   7-13-92   3:45p
BSXCAT   DOC     20206  10-27-92   7:37p
ORDER    DOC      2527   9-10-92   9:51p
AOTE     STA       299   4-01-93   2:36p
GO       BAT        31   6-04-92   2:25a
GO       TXT       847   4-21-93  12:43p
        9 file(s)     194038 bytes
                      123904 bytes free