PCjs Machines

Home of the original IBM PC emulator for browsers.


PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #3546)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5170" to load....


                       Version 1.01
Version 1.01 introduces two additional cursor control functions:

Press Ctrl-Home to move the cursor to the upper left corner of the screen.
Press Ctrl-End to move the cursor to the end of the current note.

                       Version 1.1
Version 1.1 introduces the Renumber Note function.   This function
allows you to change the order of your notes.

Press Ctrl-F3 to renumber the current note.  The cursor will move next
to "Note #".  Type the new number of the current note, then press
<Enter>.  The current note will be renumbered, and other notes will be
renumbered according to the sequence you selected.  Since you are
rearranging existing notes, the number you enter must be the number
of an existing note.

                       Version 1.2
Version 1.2 expands the hotkey selections to include F11 and F12
combinations, and fixes the problem with the hotkey program in
version 1.1.  The Help screen on monochrome monitors displays
properly.  Also, registered copies now display the word "Registered"
in the lower right corner.

                       Version 1.3
Version 1.3 adds support for monochrome laptops that have a color
card.  Type NOTEWARE /M to tell NoteWare that your laptop has a
monochrome screen.  The Ctrl-left and Ctrl-right arrows now move
the cursor one word at a time.  Ctrl-PgUp moves to the first
note; Ctrl-PgDn moves to the last.  Major static "snow" on CGA's
is suppressed.

                       Version 1.4
PRINTNW, a separate utility program to print notes, has been
added in version 1.4.  It allows you to choose one, many, or
all notes to print, on the printer number of your choice.
You can choose the number of lines per page, whether to
include the time & date of the printing, and whether each note
should be printed on a separate page.


                       Version 1.01
Version 1.01 introduces two additional cursor control functions:

Press Ctrl-Home to move the cursor to the upper left corner of the screen.
Press Ctrl-End to move the cursor to the end of the current note.

                       Version 1.1
Version 1.1 introduces the Renumber Note function.   This function
allows you to change the order of your notes.

Press Ctrl-F3 to renumber the current note.  The cursor will move next
to "Note #".  Type the new number of the current note, then press
<Enter>.  The current note will be renumbered, and other notes will be
renumbered according to the sequence you selected.  Since you are
rearranging existing notes, the number you enter must be the number
of an existing note.

                       Version 1.2
Version 1.2 expands the hotkey selections to include F11 and F12
combinations, and fixes the problem with the hotkey program in
version 1.1.  The Help screen on monochrome monitors displays
properly.  Also, registered copies now display the word "Registered"
in the lower right corner.

                       Version 1.3
Version 1.3 adds support for monochrome laptops that have a color
card.  Type NOTEWARE /M to tell NoteWare that your laptop has a
monochrome screen.  The Ctrl-left and Ctrl-right arrows now move
the cursor one word at a time.  Ctrl-PgUp moves to the first
note; Ctrl-PgDn moves to the last.  Major static "snow" on CGA's
is suppressed.

                       Version 1.4
PRINTNW, a separate utility program to print notes, has been
added in version 1.4.  It allows you to choose one, many, or
all notes to print, on the printer number of your choice.
You can choose the number of lines per page, whether to
include the time & date of the printing, and whether each note
should be printed on a separate page.

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #3546

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

README   DOC     13059   2-27-93   1:40a
REGISTER BAT        19   2-27-93   1:40a
HOTKEY   COM      6222   2-27-93   1:40a
INSTALL  COM      7584   2-27-93   1:40a
PRINTNW  COM      7598   2-27-93   1:40a
FILE_ID  DIZ       395   2-27-93   1:40a
VENDOR   DOC      5349   2-27-93   1:40a
NOTEWARE DTA     16384   2-27-93   1:40a
NOTEWARE EXE     15540   2-27-93   1:40a
ORDERF   ORM      1744   2-27-93   1:40a
DESC     SDI        46   2-27-93   1:40a
WHATSNEW TXT      2132   2-27-93   1:40a
NOTEWR14 ZIP     38872   2-27-93   1:40a
GO       BAT        36   3-28-93   2:55p
SHOW     EXE      2040   9-12-88  10:48a
       15 file(s)     117020 bytes
                       39424 bytes free