PCjs Machines

Home of the original IBM PC emulator for browsers.


PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #3523)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5170" to load....


         BBBBBB    SSSSS   X   X
         B     B  S         X X
         BBBBBB    SSSS      X
         B     B       S    X X
         BBBBBB   SSSSS    X   X

         I n t e r n a t i o n a l


         The Late Fall 1992

          CCCC     AAA   TTTTTTT    AAA    L        OO    GGGG
         C        A   A     T      A   A   L       O  O  G
         C       AAAAAAA    T     AAAAAAA  L      O    O G  GG
         C       A     A    T     A     A  L       O  O  G   G
          CCCC   A     A    T     A     A  LLLLLL   OO    GGG

                         BSX International
                         806 Park Ridge Rd. Apt A8
                         Durham, NC 27713  USA

                         (919) 493-4875 anytime
                         Prodigy: JBVC54A
                         GEnie: R.ROBERDS1
                         VNet: 5 @9198
                         WWIVNet: 5 @9979

     IMPORTANT: Make checks payable to ROBERT ROBERDS!

     Hello!  BSX International offers a  number of  products  for  yer
enjoyment.  They're  listed in this catalog below, each  program along
with a description, lists of features  and  requirements,  and pricing
     With regards to the prices, the Registration price refers to  the
sum  to  be paid if you wish  to  register  a  shareware  program that
you've  already  acquired and are using.  The Purchase price indicates
the sum  to  pay  if you wish to have a product sent to you on a disk.
The Upgrade amount is the price to pay if you've previously registered
or bought  an old version of this  program and want the latest version
sent to you on a disk.

  What to do:

     Register: Just send a check, cash, or money order for the  amount
     Purchase: Do likewise, only with the Purchase price.
     Upgrade:  Do the same, only with the Upgrade amount.

    If paying with US dollars, then do as United States customers do.
    If paying with Canadian dollars, then,
     Register: Send a check, cash  or  money  order  for the  Canadian
               Register amount.
     Purchase: Likewise, with the Canadian Purchase price.
     Upgrade:  The same, with the Canadian Upgrade amount.
    Canadian customers are recommended to send  Canadian  Postal Money
    Orders made out in US dollars.  It's easiest that way.

    Send check,  cash,  or  money  order  in  United  States  dollars,
    using the  US prices just as  American customers do.  But also add
    a total of $3.00  for overseas shipping and handling of  purchases
    or upgrades. If ordering more than one item, you still  need  only
    send $3.00, as we bundle orders into one package.
    Foreign customers are URGED to send  US cash or money orders in US
    dollars if AT ALL possible.  Money orders  in  US funds are easily
    obtainable at your local post office.

  IMPORTANT: If you are in the United States or Canada, then  you need
  NOT include the $3.00 S&H charge on purchases.  Otherwise, you do.
     See the included file ORDER.DOC.  Just print it out, fill it  in,
and  send it to us!  Thanks for yer support. And don't forget to  make
checks payable to ROBERT ROBERDS!  (Including the form is optional, of


     If you want to reach BSX International you  can use  the mail, or
call  us  at (919) 493-4875, or reach us on Prodigy at  JBVC54A, or on
GEnie at R.ROBERDS1, or on WWIVNet at 5 @9979, or on VNet at 5 @9198.

              BSX International's Late Fall 1992 line:
|                         AMFLAM Version 1.1                         |
          The Amazing Flag Machine!  The  first  BSX  game that can be
   considered (gasp!)  EDUCATIONAL!.  That's  right:  learn  the Flags
   of the World while at the SAME time having a ton o fun playing this
   tuff but intriguiging one-player game.
          If you've  seen  DARNIT,  well, imagine a  5x5-grid  type of
   DARNIT but played with flags instead of cards.  Sound nuts?  It is.

              *EZ or hard rule levels.
              *Boss "hide" option.
              *Sound control.
              *Scorekeeping for up to 10 players.
              *Mouse supported but NOT required.

              *MS-DOS 2.0 or greater.
              *EGA or VGA graphics with full memory.

              *Register - $10.00 each ($12.00 Canadian).
              *Purchase - $11.00 each ($13.50 Canadian).
              *Upgrade  - $6.00 each ($7.50 Canadian).

|                         AOTE Version 1.0                           |
          It's Aces of the Eno,  a  patience card game derived from an
   old solitaire variously known as Aces Up, Firing Squad, and  (ahem)
   Idiot's Delight.  Can  YOU  get  all  four aces  to the tops of the
   columns?  Well CAN you?  Didn't think so.  I  don't  think you have
   the onions for it.  PROVE ME WRONG.
          Not like any other computer solitaire  game WE'VE ever seen,
   and we've seen em ALL.  TRY it, you'll LIKE it!

              *Boss "hide" option.
              *Sound control.
              *Scorekeeping for up to 10 players.
              *Mouse supported but NOT required.

              *MS-DOS 2.0 or greater.
              *EGA or VGA graphics with full memory.

              *Register - $10.00 each ($12.00 Canadian).
              *Purchase - $11.00 each ($13.50 Canadian).
              *Upgrade  - $6.00 each ($7.50 Canadian).

|                         DARNIT Version 12.0                        |
          A different kind of solitaire game.  Nice graphics and mouse
   interface make this game  more  fun  than  a barrel of monkeys.  If
   you've ever  played  this "Kings Corner"  solitaire,  you know  how
   tough DARNIT can be! Non-mouse systems can use it too!

          Rave reviews:

          "Difficult, ingenious, and addictive."
                            - Public Brand Software

              *Different rule levels.
              *Boss "hide" option.
              *Sound control.
              *Scorekeeping for up to 10 players.
              *Mouse supported but NOT required.

              *MS-DOS 2.0 or greater.
              *EGA or VGA graphics with full memory.

              *Register - $10.00 each ($12.00 Canadian).
              *Purchase - $11.00 each ($13.50 Canadian).
              *Upgrade  - $6.00 each ($7.50 Canadian).

|                          FORZEE Version 4.0                        |
          Forzee is the result of an unholy union  betwixt Yahtzee and
   poker.  The outcome is a game of such toughness  that it  fully de-
   serves a place beside DARNIT in the annals of BSX card games.  This
   is a one-player game, so it isn't necessary for you geeks to go out
   and make friends or anything.

          Rave reviews:

          "I've tried a few shareware  YAHTZEE games before, but never
   anything like this one!  The graphics and overall play of Forzee is
   the best you'll find anywhere."
                            - Uncle Hank's Shareware Review Newsletter

              *Boss "hide" option.
              *Sound control.
              *Mouse supported but NOT required.
              *Permanent scorekeeping for up to 8 players.
              *More fun than a barrel of nitrous oxide.

              *MS-DOS 2.0 or greater.
              *EGA or VGA graphics with full memory.

              *Register - $10.00 each ($12.00 Canadian).
              *Purchase - $11.00 each ($13.50 Canadian).
              *Upgrade  - $6.00 each ($7.50 Canadian).

|                          GRIDLY Version 1.0                        |
          The Mother Of All Card Games!  Place the cards in the  grid,
   trying to get the best poker hands along  the  rows  and diagonals.
   But beware!  You can only place cards in certain spots.  Going  for
   that straight flush may well blow yer chance for that full house in
   the row above!  Holy Cow!  Talk about yer Maalox Moments!
          Another one-player card game.
          This is NOT yer standard 5x5 Poker Solitaire.  It's a  whole
   new game, invented here at BSX.

              *Boss "hide" option.
              *Sound control.
              *Mouse supported but NOT required.
              *10 best scores saved to let you show off to friends.
              *More fun than a barrel of Jack Daniel's.

              *MS-DOS 2.0 or greater.
              *EGA or VGA graphics with full memory.

              *Register - $5.00 each ($6.00 Canadian).
              *Purchase - $6.00 each ($7.50 Canadian).
              *Upgrade  - $3.50 each ($4.50 Canadian).

|                          GUZZLE Version 2.2                        |
          A PC drinking/trivia game.  Test your luck and trivial skill
   while drinking yourself into a coma.  Up to four players or teams.

              *500 trivia questions.
              *EGA graphics and mouse interface.

              *MS-DOS 2.0 or greater.
              *Microsoft Mouse or compatible.
              *EGA or VGA graphics with full memory.

              *Register - $5.00 each ($6.00 Canadian).
              *Purchase - $6.00 each ($7.50 Canadian).
              *Upgrade  - $3.50 each ($4.50 Canadian).

|                          KAOTIX Version 2.3                        |
          Chaotic fractal generator.  Plays the "chaos game", a  nifty
   "random" process that gives rise to decidedly UNrandom  and  lovely

              *Up to 15 vertices.
              *EGA 16 color beauty.

              *MS-DOS 2.0 or greater.
              *Microsoft Mouse or compatible.
              *EGA or VGA graphics with full memory.

              *Register - $5.00 each ($6.00 Canadian).
              *Purchase - $6.00 each ($7.50 Canadian).
              *Upgrade  - $3.50 each ($4.50 Canadian).

|                          LEONG Version 1.1                         |
          Board game of stragety and skill. Try to get yer pieces from
   the starting line to the goal, but WATCH OUT for  the hidden traps!
   Much harder than it sounds.  It could blow yer head CLEAN off!

              *Boss "hide" option.
              *Sound control.
              *EGA 16 color beauty.

              *MS-DOS 2.0 or greater.
              *Microsoft Mouse or compatible.
              *EGA or VGA graphics with full memory.

              *Register - $5.00 each ($6.00 Canadian).
              *Purchase - $6.00 each ($7.50 Canadian).
              *Upgrade  - $3.50 each ($4.50 Canadian).

|                          MCDOE Version 2.1                         |
          Madame Ching's Dungeon of Ecstacy.  An X-rated VGA adventure
   game for the stout of heart and pure of spirit.  Not for the GEEK!

              *Boss "hide" option.
              *MCGA/VGA 256 color beauty.
              *Sound control.

              *MS-DOS 2.0 or greater.
              *MCGA/VGA graphics with full memory.

              *Register - $5.00 each ($6.00 Canadian).
              *Purchase - $6.00 each ($7.50 Canadian).
              *Upgrade  - $3.50 each ($4.50 Canadian).

|                          MCPOP Version 4.3                         |
          Madame Ching's Palace of Pleasure.  An X-rated EGA adventure
   game for the stout of heart and pure of spirit.  Gopher it!

              *Boss "hide" option.
              *EGA 16 color beauty.
              *Sound control.

              *MS-DOS 2.0 or greater.
              *EGA or VGA graphics with full memory.

              *Register - $5.00 each ($6.00 Canadian).
              *Purchase - $6.00 each ($7.50 Canadian).
              *Upgrade  - $3.50 each ($4.50 Canadian).

|                           SLOTY Version 1.1                        |
          Sloty is a video-poker game simulator  [FOR AMUSEMENT ONLY!]
   that, wonder of wonders,  DOES NOT CHEAT!   What the hey,  it's not
   real money, so why should  it cheat?  This  little  diversion  will
   keep you busy for hours on end.

              *Boss "hide" option.
              *Sound control.
              *Mouse supported but NOT required.
              *More fun than a barrel of salted fish.

              *MS-DOS 2.0 or greater.
              *EGA or VGA graphics with full memory.

              *Register - $5.00 each ($6.00 Canadian).
              *Purchase - $6.00 each ($7.50 Canadian).
              *Upgrade  - $3.50 each ($4.50 Canadian).

|                           TEGAS Version 3.0                        |
          Useful utility for Turbo Pascal graphics programmers.   Lets
   you create and save EGA images for use with the PutImage procedure.
   3.0 is a brand-new, feature-packed version.

              *Lines, circles, rectangles and region fills.
              *Resize, zoom, overlay, flip, flop.
              *Compare many sprites onscreen at once!
              *Save as data files or as Pascal source.
              *Ability to edit images of up to 400x200 pixels.

              *MS-DOS 2.0 or greater.
              *Microsoft Mouse or compatible.
              *EGA or VGA graphics with full memory.

              *Register - $10.00 each ($12.00 Canadian).
              *Purchase - $11.00 each ($13.50 Canadian).
              *Upgrade  - $6.00 each ($7.50 Canadian).

|                              TRIV-PAK 2:                           |
          A package of more trivia questions to  go  with  the  GUZZLE
   game. Available to customers who've registered or purchased GUZZLE.
   You may want to order TRIV-PAK 2  when you  order GUZZLE, to ensure
   a big supply of questions on hand!

              *500 more tuff and fun questions.

              *Registration or purchase of GUZZLE.

              *Purchase - $1.00 each ($1.50 Canadian).

|                          TVGAS Version 2.1                         |
          Useful utility for Turbo Pascal graphics programmers.   Lets
   you create and save VGA images for use with the PutImage procedure.

              *Lines, circles, rectangles and region fills.
              *256 big, big colors.
              *Ability to edit images of up to 60x40 pixels.

              *MS-DOS 2.0 or greater.
              *Microsoft Mouse or compatible.
              *MCGA/VGA graphics with full memory.
              *256-color .BGI file  for  Turbo  Pascal (obtainable  on
              BBSs  and  from  Borland  International  as  VGA256.BGI.
              TVGAS does  not  need  this  to  run,  but your programs
              using VGA graphics will).

              *Register - $5.00 each ($6.00 Canadian).
              *Purchase - $6.00 each ($7.50 Canadian).
              *Upgrade  - $3.50 each ($4.50 Canadian).

|                           WOWZEE Version 1.0                       |
          Wowzee, a recent addition to the  BSX stable, combines  bits
   of Forzee and of all those Mah-Jongg tile games out there.  "What?"
   you ask.  "Sounds 100% certifiably insane."  No, no;  WOWZEE'S  not
   insane.  But YOU will be after playing this addictive game!

              *Boss "hide" option.
              *Sound control.
              *Mouse supported but NOT required.
              *Permanent scorekeeping for up to 8 players.
              *More fun than a barrel of toenail clippings.

              *MS-DOS 2.0 or greater.
              *EGA or VGA graphics with full memory.

              *Register - $10.00 each ($12.00 Canadian).
              *Purchase - $11.00 each ($13.50 Canadian).
              *Upgrade  - $6.00 each ($7.50 Canadian).



         BBBBBB    SSSSS   X   X
         B     B  S         X X
         BBBBBB    SSSS      X
         B     B       S    X X
         BBBBBB   SSSSS    X   X

         I n t e r n a t i o n a l


         FFFFFF     O      RRRR   ZZZZZZ   EEEEEE   EEEEEE
         F        O   O    R   R      Z    E        E
         FFFFF   O     O   RRRR     ZZ     EEEE     EEEE
         F        O   O    R  R    Z       E        E
         F          O      R   R  ZZZZZZ   EEEEEE   EEEEEE

         Version 4.0

         A Shareware Card Game of Extraordinary Magnitude.  Honest!

1.0 - Welcome.
   This here is FORZEE 4.0, the  fourth  and   most awesome version of
one of our  most  popular   games.  If  you're familiar  with   3.0 or
higher, just  go  ahead  and play; after  skimming  the  dox  for  our
amazingly witty comments, you should have no problem.  If you have  an
old version, or have never played before, you'll want to actually read
the dox (and  the amazingly  witty comments)  before  setting out on a
solitare card game adventure the likes of which  mere  mortals used to
only dream about.
2.0 - Legal Stuff. PLEASE READ!!!

   FORZEE 4.0 (C) 1992 BSX International

   FORZEE 4.0  was developed  and  compiled   using  Borland's   Turbo
Pascal 5.5.

   This software is provided "as is" with no guarantees of  any  kind.
The developers assume  no responsibilities other than those  indicated
below. You may use and distribute this product as you  wish, but  only
under the following conditions:

   1) You  may   sell   this  program  without  permission   from  BSX
   International  but  you  MUST   NOT  alter  the   program   or  its
   documentation.  You MUST  NOT  charge any fees  other than fees for
   copying  and MUST  clearly state  that this fee is NOT a substitute
   for registration with BSX.

   2) Do  not  distribute this  product if it has been reduced in  any
   way. You may add files, but may not remove any of the originals.

   3) Under no circumstances  remove  the copyright notices  from  the
   code or documentation.

2.1 - Shareware.

   This product is SHAREWARE and is distributed in good faith for your
enjoyment. You may play it for a short period to become  familiar with
it. If you  decide you like it and want to keep playing it, you should
send a $10 registration fee to BSX, otherwise  you  should stop  using
it.  If only all  software folks let you use  their product before you
paid for it the world  would be  a much better place.  We've bought so
much BAD software that we don't use, and we're sure you have too, that
we feel GOOD  programs should be rewarded.  If you don't like  FORZEE,
we're not  hurt; if you  do like  our stuff, register, and  we'll keep
making it.
   This program is not "protected" in  any way and  is  not altered so
that non-registrants will suffer. The authors don't believe in denying
anyone a chance to use our stuff. We are programmers, not businessmen.
Or at least, not COMPETENT businessmen. We trust that anyone who likes
FORZEE and  wants  more of  it  will register.  We're not  naive, just
a little idealistic.   But the kids love us.
   If  you  do  not register  you  may  still   distribute  this  game
provided you follow the rules above. Also,  even  if  you have  paid a
distributor  for  the  disk  this   game  was on,  YOU  ARE  STILL NOT
REGISTERED.  Distibutors  simply  help  us get  our stuff  out  to the
people, they do not pay us a cent.  Not that we don't appreciate this,
mind you.
2.2 - Registration.

   To register FORZEE with BSX  send a  check/cash/MO  for $10 (US) or

    BSX International
    806 Park Ridge Road Apt. A8
    Durham, NC 27713


    **** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ****
    ***  (Not really. We just wanted to make you think.)  ***
    **** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ****

   For registering, not  only will you encourage  us  to  keep writing
shareware, you will also receive:

  1) Our Gratitude.

  2) 1/2 Price discounts on upgrades on this product.

  3) A list of cool things you can do to  end a relationship  with  an
  overbearing mate. As soon as we think of any.

   Read BSXCAT.DOC and ORDER.DOC for full details!
   Your support and comments are appreciated! Particularly  about this
whole relationship thing.

3.0 - Setup.

    A complete copy of FORZEE 4.0 has the following files:

  1) FORZEE.DOC   - Documentation file you are now reading.
  2) FORZEE.EXE   - The actual compiled program you run to play.
  3) FORZEE.DAT   - "Data" file needed for program execution.
  4) FORZEE.ICO   - Windows 3.0+ compatible icon file.  FORZEE IS  NOT
                    A WINDOWS PROGRAM, but we include a .ICO for those
                    users who wish to install it under Windows.
  5) BSXCAT.DOC   - BSX's latest catalog. You may be suprised.
  6) ORDER.DOC    - E Z 2 UZE BSX order and registration form.
   To run FORZEE 4.0 from a hard drive, simply copy the FORZEE.EXE and
   FORZEE.DAT files into a directory of your  own choosing.  Just type
   FORZEE and there you are.  If the  directory  is  in your PATH, you
   may run FORZEE from anywhere.

   To run FORZEE 4.0 from a floppy disk, (if you must)  just make sure
   the disk has the FORZEE.EXE and FORZEE.DAT files on it. Change your
   default drive to A: or B: and type FORZEE.

   If any of the above is confusing, refer to your DOS manuals.  Those
   are the books that are probably under a leg of a table somewhere to
   keep it level. If you can't pull them out for  fear  of  spilling a
   drink  or  something,  find  someone  who  knows   something  about
   computers and explain to them what you're trying to do. In a pinch,
   call us.  But we'll  probably want some  of  whatever it is you are
   drinking first.  Unless it's Crystal Light.  You can keep that.

   Also, make sure your system meets the following criteria below:

   1) IBM PC, XT,  AT, PS/2  or  compatible (any  80x88/80x86 machine,
      from 8088/8086 clear on up through 80486 and beyond).
   2) 256K RAM minimum.
   3) EGA or VGA video adaptor with at least 256K of video RAM.
   4) DOS 2.1 or higher or the DOS Compatability Box of OS/2.
   5) Microsoft compatible mouse is supported, but NOT required.


   This game has  been playtested on  many systems.  We  can't say  it
will work on every configuration, but it will work on virtually all of
them. We cannot guarantee that  this program will run on any operating
system other than DOS or that it will work with  any  TSR's (Terminate
and Stay  Resident  programs) or  memory   management  devices.  IT IS
HIGHLY   RECOMMENDED   that   you   put   files=20,   buffers=40,  and
device=ansi.sys  in your config.sys file. These shouldn't be necessary
for FORZEE, but it's best not to take chances.  So  many problems  are
caused by the omission  of these lines that you'd be a fool not to put
them in.  IT IS  ALSO HIGHLY RECOMMENDED, if you do have problems with
FORZEE,  that  you  unload and reload any TSRs  before  playing.  This
often helps clean up problems that other programs  have  left  behind.
In  fact,  we  can't really  guarantee  diddly.  Waddaya  want for ten
   Please  try   to  recreate   any   problem   on   another,  similar
configuration before assuming we have screwed up. We will try to solve
any problems if you contact  BSX.  Before doing so, please re-read the
docs to make sure you aren't missing something.
   You may  get in  touch  with  BSX International  at (919) 493-4875,
just about  any  time, or you can  send  a  message   on   Prodigy  at
JBVC54A, or  on  GEnie at  R.ROBERDS1,  or  on  VNet at 5 @9198  or on
WWIVNet at 5 @9979.  Or you can even use the real mail!

4.0 - Rules. (i.e.- About playing FORZEE.)

   FORZEE is a one-player card game based on both  Yahtzee  and poker.
The deck is shuffled and  you  are  dealt a  five-card hand.  You  may
discard any number of cards, or none if you choose, and draw new ones.
The hand you now have is then scored in a Yahtzee-like manner for only
one possible result as follows:

ACES: One point for each ace in hand.

TWOS: Two points for each two.

THREES: Three points for each three.

   and so on 'til...

TENS: Ten points for each ten in hand.

Note: If  the  total   number   of  points  gathered  with  the  above
      combinations is equal to or greater than 100, a  75 point  bonus
      is awarded!

PAIR: Two cards of equal face value (or "rank") gets 10 points.

TWO PAIR: Two sets of pairs in the same hand gets 20 points.

3 OF A KIND: Three cards of equal rank gets 30 points.

SMALL STRAIGHT: 4 cards with consecutive face values. Ace can be  high
                or low. (ex: A,2,3,4,8 or J,Q,K,A,5). Earns 40 points.

LARGE STRAIGHT: As  above  but  with  all  five cards consecutive.  50

FLUSH: All five cards are the same suit. (ex: All  Spades or  Hearts).
       Worth 60 points.

FULL HOUSE: A three of a kind and a pair in the same hand. 70 points.

CHANCE: Score each card its face  value  with face cards  worth 10 and
        aces worth one. (ex.- A,3,7,J,K is worth 31 points).

And finally, FORZEE:  Four cards with the  same face  value.  Four  of
                      a kind.  This is worth 80 points.  If you do  it
                      more than once in the same game you may get  160
                      points for each additional  set.  This is FORZEE

   The  the   full  deck   is  reshuffled and you  are  dealt  another
hand  after  hand   after  hand  until you've  exhausted  all  of  the
above  combinations.  You  can only   use  each  of  the above scoring
schemes   once,    with  the   exception  of  FORZEE BONUS.   You  may
be forced to pick  a  scoring scheme and not have the correct hand for
it. In this case,  that  option  IS  considered "used" and   you  will
receive no points for it.  Life's rough.
   The object  of  the game is to score  300 points or more.  Any less
and you lose. Any more, and you could become a FORZEE Legend!
5.0 - Using FORZEE 4.0

   The game screen is divided into playing  and  scoring sections.  To
the right are the cards and the various "buttons"  that will allow you
to select  cards, ask for help  and hide from  the  boss, etc.  In the
center are small screens  telling  you  your  next available action or
asking you for one.  To the  left  are  the  scoring buttons where you
will get points for your hands and can find a summary of your scoring.
   To begin play,  select  cards you  want discarded from the hand you
were just dealt by clicking   on  them  or on the "toss" buttons below
them.  When you are done making  your  choices, or  if  you don't want
to discard any,  click "done".  Mouse  users  can just point with your
arrow and click the LEFT button. Keyboard users can use the arrow keys
(along with Home, End, PgUp and PgDn) to move around and use RETURN or
SPACEBAR to  "click".  Also,  pressing   1, 2, 3, 4, and 5  will  pick
the cards  you want tossed,  and the  first  letter  of  buttons  like
"help"  will   also  select  them.  To   deselect  a  card selected by
mistake, just click  on  it  or the "toss" button  again.  To score  a
hand,  just  click on  the  button  matching  the  way  you want it to
count, after  you have clicked "done."  You'll  be  asked  to click it
again  to confirm.  It's  simple, TRUST  us.  To  abort  your  scoring
choice, just hit the RIGHT or MIDDLE button, or ESCAPE or BACKSPACE if
you're not using a mouse.
   RULE OF THUMB: LEFT button  does  stuff, RIGHT button undoes stuff.
If not  using a mouse, then RETURN or SPACEBAR does  stuff, and ESCAPE
or BACKSPACE undoes stuff.
   Remember, you can only score  a hand  once  and  once  that scoring
button is picked YOU CAN'T USE IT AGAIN.  Sooner or later you're going
to  have to score a worthless hand on  one of the scoring  buttons and
get  0  for it.  That's  how it goes  with FORZEE.  The game ends when
the last scoring option is chosen.
  (One note on scoring.  The FORZEE  BONUS  button  is  only  a  valid
button once a  FORZEE  has  been scored.  If FORZEE is "0" 'd out,  so
is the bonus button.  Once a FORZEE has been scored  the BOUNS  button
can  be  used indefinitely  to score  additional  FORZEES,  but can no
longer be "0"'d out.   If you've had a FORZEE then the last  hand will
occur once  you  obtain a  non-FORZEE  hand when the other options are
all full ,and that'll be all  she wrote.  You'll  see.  It's just like
Yahtzee, but it's got  a  good dance and  you  can beat to it.)
5.1 - Features

   Below  is  a list of the other buttons on your screen and what they
will do for you:

HELP: If  you  need  reminding  on  how  the  game  works, press help.
      A nifty rules summary will appear.

BOSS: Use this   button  to  turn  your   screen   into  a  convincing
      but fake DOS  directory listing. When in this mode,  type "exit"
      to go back  to right  where you  left  off or "abort"  to really
      quit back into  DOS.  Using  abort  will cause any game you were
      playing  to be  completely lost.  Notice  that  this trick  need
      not  be  used  exclusively  at  work.  It  can help you convince
      almost  anybody  that  you are  doing  serious  computer  stuff.
      NOTE: This is not a real DOS shell.  IT IS FAKE.

SOUND: If you don't like the tunes or if you are trying to make people
       think you really are busy, click this to silence FORZEE.  Click
       it again if you change your mind.  FORZEE  will "remember" this
       setting for furture sessions.
       If you're paranoid and want to make SURE FORZEE  starts with no
       sound, just start the game by typing "forzee -s".  Good for the
       first time you run FORZEE on yer computer at work!

TRNY/GAME: The game can be played in   game mode,  or tournament mode.
           Game  mode  allows you to play individual games  to sharpen
           your skills.  When  you are ready, select  Tournament  mode
           and you'll  be challenged  to  a best-of-seven  bout.  This
           switch toggles  you between these two  options.  You cannot
           change this  in the  middle of  a  game/tournament  without
           quitting  that  game/tournament.   That would be  cheating,
           like if  a  ball  team  decided  that the first game of the
           World Series didn't count when they were losing 13-2 in the
           eighth inning.

PLAYERS: This button calls  up a menu that  will  allow  you  to  keep
         track of up to  eight players'  lifetime  stats.  The players
         are  selected  by  scrolling  with  the "next" and "previous"
         buttons and chosen with "use".  "Clear"  allows an old player
         to  be  overwritten  and a new  name chosen.  You may want to
         do this the  first time you  use any  new player slot to pick
         a name for that player.  These  stats  are kept for hard-core
         players to  show  their friends,  if they  have any, to prove
         their  prowess.  When  a  name   is   chosen,  it will appear
         in the middle of the play screen.  "Done" returns you to  the

MOUSE: Lets mouse users adjust  the  speed  of the mouse.  FORZEE will
       "remember" this  setting from now on.  AND, if you have a mouse
       but  wish  to  play  without  it,  start  the  game  by  typing
       "forzee -n".

QUIT: Is an orderly way to quit your  current game  or  tourney, or to
      leave the program entirely and go back to the good old operating

6.0 - Technical and Version Notes.

   FORZEE was developed  using Borland's Turbo Pascal 5.5 on an IBM PC
with an Intel Inboard 386, Paradise Pro VGA card, 2 megs of RAM, a 120
MB   Maxtor   Hard  Drive, and  a  Logitech  Bus  Mouse.  It  was beta
tested and  further  developed  on  a Gateway 2000 386/33 with a Kraft
Trackball running under DOS 5.0.

6.1 - Version Summary

   1.0 - 16 May 1990 - Initial release.

   2.0 - 14 Sep 1990 - Background   color   changed.  Sounds   redone.
                       Stats and player  save added.  Trny/Game Option
                       added. Boss mode modified to allow exit to DOS.

   2.1 - 1  Oct 1990 - Clueless toad figures  out  to update the Total
                       Forzees stat every time.  Stats  screen  made a
                       bit more readable.

   2.2 - 12 Oct 1990 - Horrid  mousebug  finally  eradicated  for  all
                       time. Card  graphics  (Ace-O-Spades)  cutified.
                       Minor little thangs took care of.

   3.0 - 12 Sep 1991 - Mondo  changes made to play screens and playing
                       environment.    Addition   of   features   like
                       "confirm scoring choice"  and  "you can't win",
                       etc.  Tunes changed.  Maximum overhaul, really.

   4.0 - 20 Nov. 92 -  Mouse routines  replaced.  Color  changes.  New
                       fonts added.  Etc.
7.0 - About BSX International.

   BSX is a collection of computer gamers and other misfits  under the
chemically-assisted  direction  of  Bob Roberds. (No,  he   doesn't do
drugs. Just  beer,  and  when  he  can  afford  it,  the  hard stuff.)
Additional guidance  (often to bars and  liquor stores) is provided by
Dave Kotomski.  Together, they  share  the  vision  of  a  world where
computer games are free (until one registers, of course) and cool cars
and women are readily available.  (Yes, we are sexist pigs.  What  did
you expect?)  Driven by this vision, we play games at all hours of the
day and night in  search of the ultimate goal: a really cool game that
allows us to afford a sports car that we can stuff full of bikini-clad
girls.  Until this goal is met, we will continue to produce games that
inspire you to share in this vision.  Or at least keep  you  busy  for
several hours or until you forget about cars and girls for a bit.

8.0 - Acknowledgements.

   Bob would like to thank Dave for  continuing  to give indespensible
help in the creation of these  little tidbits.  Additional  thanks  to
the Phoenix Cardinals for defeating those overrated California pretty-
boys who shall be nameless. Kudos to LRG, who is for some reason a fan
of said  pretty-boys, for not killing  Bob  when Bob goes  on  and  on
about their pratfalls.

   Dave would like to thank  Bob,  John & Alexei  for  good  times and
stuff. The good folx at  MPS deserve   a  nod  for   their  simulation
"Civilization".  If you don't think  this is the best commercial  game
on the market  today,  I  don't  want to talk  to you.  I've spent the
better part of '92 glued to the tube with this one.

Bob  "Nature's Cruelest Mistake"  Roberds -  Programming,  development
                                             and whining.

David "Dr K" Kotomski - Development,  playtesting, dox  and criticism.

               So round, so firm, so fully packed...
                         It must be from
                          __   ___
                         |  \ /   \ \  /
                         |__/ \___   \/
                         |  \     \  /\
                         |__/ \___/ /  \


                  "Where the Future is Tommorrow"
           Rootin Tootin Computin for the 90s and Beyond
             Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!
  We're fierce, we're BSX International,  and we're *IN YER FACE!*

   Serving your shareware needs for over a fiftieth of a century!

 "God made man, but the monkey supplied the glue..."
    - DEVO

 "I wanna kiss her BUT she won't let me..."
    - Some C&W guy

Can't talk.  Eating.


║              <<<<  PC-SIG Disk #3523 FORZEE & WOWZEE  >>>>              ║
║  To Start the game, type:  FORZEE  (press Enter)                        ║
║                                                                         ║
║  To Print the documentation, type:  COPY FORZEE.DOC PRN (press Enter)   ║
║                                                                         ║
║  To Start the game, type:  WOWZEE  (press Enter)                        ║
║                                                                         ║
║  To Print the documentation, type:  COPY WOWZEE.DOC PRN (press Enter)   ║
║                                                                         ║
║                                                                         ║
║                                        (C) Copyright 1993, PC-SIG Inc.  ║


S/N 1192FORZ40        BSX International Order Form

I wish to register,  purchase or upgrade the following from BSX:

                                                Register,    Disk size
 *** Be sure to read BSXCAT.DOC for full ***    Purchase,    for Purs.
 ***        pricing information.         ***   or Upgrade?      or
                                               Circle one:   Upgrades:

__ copies of _________,  @ $_____ each: $_____  R / P / U   5.25 / 3.5

__ copies of _________,  @ $_____ each: $_____  R / P / U   5.25 / 3.5

__ copies of _________,  @ $_____ each: $_____  R / P / U   5.25 / 3.5

__ copies of _________,  @ $_____ each: $_____  R / P / U   5.25 / 3.5

__ copies of _________,  @ $_____ each: $_____  R / P / U   5.25 / 3.5

__ copies of _________,  @ $_____ each: $_____  R / P / U   5.25 / 3.5

Non-US, non-Can. SH charges ($3.00 US): $_____  (Pur. & Upgrades ONLY
                                                 and ONLY for Purs.
                                                 and Upgrades to sites
                                                 OUTSIDE the US and
                        For a total of: $_____

  I've enclosed a check or money order payable to ROBERT ROBERDS.

  Please ship purchased products to:          (PLEASE PRINT)


  Street Address:___________________________________________

  City, State/Province:_____________________________________

  Zip Code:_____________     Country:_______________________

  Phone (Optional):_________________________

  I understand that registered  products  are  not  to  be  delivered,
  while purchased and updated products are.
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
         Send this form along with cash, check or money order
                    PAYABLE TO ROBERT ROBERDS

                    BSX International
                    806 Park Ridge Rd. Apt. A8
                    Durham, NC 27713

     ***   DON'T  ***   EVEN   ***    THINK    ***   IT   ***
     Please allow 1-2 weeks for delivery of purchases. Thanks!
This form is optional. If you just send money, that's cool. Real cool.


     BBBBBB    SSSSS   X   X
     B     B  S         X X
     BBBBBB    SSSS      X
     B     B       S    X X
     BBBBBB   SSSSS    X   X

     I n t e r n a t i o n a l


     W           W    OOO    W           W   ZZZZZZ   EEEEEE   EEEEEE
      W         W    O   O    W         W        Z    E        E
       W   W   W    O     O    W   W   W       ZZ     EEEE     EEEE
        W  W  W      O   O      W  W  W       Z       E        E
         WW WW        OOO        WW WW       ZZZZZZ   EEEEEE   EEEEEE

         Version 1.0

         A Shareware Card Game that will change the course of
         the Empire.
           - Winston Churchill

1.0 - Welcome.

       "Nothing to do tonight.  Nothing on TV.  It's too late for that
     girl to call. Oh well.  Hey, wait!  What's this?!? Another really
     neat  solitaire  game  from  those  amazingly  cool  guys  at BSX
     International!  Excellent!"

       These are  the  words so frequently uttered by today's computer
     shareware  users.   Those   in   the   know   spend   their  time
     with the good folx at BSX instead  of wasting it  with endless TV
     re-runs,  bad novels,  staring  at walls  and ceilings,  or using
     spreadsheets.  Wowzee is the next game to help keep them going.

       Old BSX'ians can go right ahead and use the online help or skim
     the rules below to begin their  Wowzee oddysey.  Newcomers should
     read  these  dox   for  rules  and usage tips.  All will  soon be
     enjoying another BSX game of extraordinary magnitude.

2.0 - Legal Stuff. PLEASE READ!!!

       WOWZEE 1.0 (C) 1992 BSX International

       WOWZEE 1.0  was developed  and  compiled  using Borland's Turbo
     Pascal 5.5.

       This software is  provided  "as is" with  no guarantees  of any
     kind.  The developers assume no responsibilities other than those
     indicated below. You may use  and distribute this  product as you
     wish, but  only under the following conditions:

       1) You  may  sell  this  program   without permission  from BSX
     International,  but  you  MUST  NOT  alter  the program   or  its
     documentation.  You MUST  NOT charge any fees other than fees for
     copying  and MUST clearly state that this fee is NOT a substitute
     for registration with BSX.

       2) Do not distribute this product if it has been reduced in any
     way.  You may add files, but may not remove any of the originals.

       3) Under no circumstances remove the copyright notices from the
     code or documentation.

 2.1 - Shareware.

       This product is SHAREWARE  and is distributed in good faith for
     your enjoyment.  You  may  play  it for  a short period to become
     familiar  with  it.  If you  decide  you like it and want to keep
     playing  it,  you  should  send a $10  registration  fee  to BSX,
     otherwise you  should stop using it.  If only all  software folks
     let you use  their product before you paid for it the world would
     be  a much better  place.  We've bought so much BAD software that
     we don't use, and  we're  sure  you have too,  that  we feel GOOD
     programs should be rewarded.  If you don't like WOWZEE, we're not
     hurt; if  you do like our stuff, thank  us, and we'll keep making
       This program is not "protected" in any way and  is  not altered
     so that non-registrants will suffer. The authors don't believe in
     denying anyone a chance to use our stuff. We are programmers, not
     businessmen.  We trust  that anyone who  likes WOWZEE  and  wants
     more  of  it  will  register.  We're not  naive, just   a  little
     idealistic.  And we do so much for the environment.
       If  you do not register  you  may  still  distribute  this game
     provided you follow the rules above.  Also, even if you have paid
     a distributor  for  the  disk  this  game  was on, YOU ARE  STILL
     NOT REGISTERED.  Distibutors  simply help us get our stuff out to
     the  people;  they  do  not pay us  a  cent.  Not  that we  don't
     appreciate this, mind you.
 2.2 - Registration.

       To register WOWZEE with BSX send a check/cash/MO  for  $10 (US)
     or $12 (Canadian) PAYABLE TO ROBERT ROBERDS, to:

                            ROBERT ROBERDS
                            BSX International
                            806 Park Ridge Road Apt. A8
                            Durham, NC 27713


     **** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ****
     ***   FAILURE  TO  DO  SO  WILL  FORCE  US  TO  ALERT  YOUR   ***
     ***               NOT HAVE SEX QUITE AS OFTEN.                ***
     ***                     THINK ABOUT IT!                       ***
     **** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ****

     Note to Canadian customers:  While we welcome Canadian checks and
     cash, it's  perhaps  simpler  to  just  send us a Canadian Postal
     Money Order made out in  US  dollars.  You can  get  one at  your
     local Canada Post Office and send it right off.

     Note to  customers  outside  the US and  Canada:   You,  too, can
     probably  send  postal  money  orders  from  your  country's Post
     Offices,  made out in US dollars.  This is  no doubt  the easiest
     way to do business with shareware authors in the United States.

     For registering, not  only will you encourage  us to keep writing
     shareware...you will also receive:

       1) Our Gratitude. (As soon as we remember where Dave put it.)

       2) 1/2 Price discounts on upgrades of this product.

       3) Upon demand, we will send you a list of both girls  and guys
     we know who are available for  a meaningful relationship.  We can
     also provide a list of girls we have dated and been dumped by and
     a  list of intimate  personal  problems (of theirs) that make  us
     glad we were able to get out of the relationship when we did.

       Read BSXCAT.DOC and ORDER.DOC for full details!

       Your support and comments are appreciated! And if you're a girl
     who doesn't need a meaningful  relationship,  we'd  like  to know
     about you.
3.0 - Setup.

     A complete copy of WOWZEE 1.0 has the following files:

     1) WOWZEE.DOC   - Documentation file you are now reading.
     2) WOWZEE.EXE   - The actual compiled program you run to play.
     3) WOWZEE.DAT   - "Data" file needed for program execution.
     4) WOWZEE.ICO   - Windows 3.0+ compatible  icon file.  WOWZEE  IS
                       NOT A  WINDOWS PROGRAM, but we  include  a .ICO
                       file for those users who  wish  to  install  it
                       under Windows.  It's your funeral.  Allow  lots
                       of memory for it in the PIF.
     5) BSXCAT.DOC   - BSX's latest catalog. You may be suprised.
     6) ORDER.DOC    - E Z 2 UZE BSX order and registration form.

     To run WOWZEE 1.0 from a hard drive, simply  copy  the WOWZEE.EXE
     and WOWZEE.DAT files into a directory of your own choosing.  Just
     type WOWZEE and there you are.  If the directory is in your PATH,
     you may run WOWZEE from anywhere.

     To run WOWZEE 1.0 from  a  floppy  disk, (if you must) just  make
     sure the disk  has the  WOWZEE.EXE  and  WOWZEE.DAT files  on it.
     Change your default drive to A: or B: and type WOWZEE.

     If any of the  above is  confusing, refer  to  your  DOS manuals.
     These are those things that came with your computer  when you got
     it that you probably mistook for  packing  material.  Which isn't
     to say that they aren't primarily used for packing material; it's
     just that if you don't have a clue about DOS, they're  a good way
     to make  you  so  totally  frustrated and lost that  you probably
     won't  even remember why you looked at them in  the  first place.
     If you still really want to play WOWZEE, give us a holler.

     Also, make sure your system meets the following criteria below:

     1) IBM  PC,  XT,   AT,  PS/2   or   compatible (any   80x88/80x86
        machine, from 8088/8086 clear on up through 80486 and beyond).
     2) 256K of free RAM, minimum.  You'll probably need more.
     3) EGA or VGA video adaptor with at least 256K of video RAM.
     4) DOS 2.1 or higher or the DOS Compatability Box of OS/2.
     5) Microsoft compatible mouse is supported, but NOT required.


       This game has been playtested on several systems.  We can't say
     it will work on every  possible configuration, but  every  effort
     was made to verify that it works  on everything we are  aware of.
     We cannot guarantee that  this program will  run on any operating
     system  other  than  MS-DOS or that it will work with  any  TSR's
     (Terminate  and Stay Resident  programs)  or   memory  management
       IT IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that  you  put  files=20,  buffers=40,
     and device=ansi.sys  in your config.sys file.  These shouldn't be
     necessary for WOWZEE, but it's best not to take chances.  So many
     problems  are caused by the omission of these lines that you'd be
     a fool not to put them in.  IT IS ALSO HIGHLY RECOMMENDED, if you
     do have problems with WOWZEE, that you unload and reload any TSRs
     before playing.  This often helps clean  up  problems  that other
     programs  have  left  behind.  But  we  can' t guarantee  it.  In
     fact,  we  can't really guarantee  diddly.  Waddaya  want for ten
       Please  try  to  recreate  any   problem  on  another,  similar
     configuration  before assuming that we have screwed up.   We will
     try to solve any problems  if you contact  BSX.  Before doing so,
     please re-read the dox to make sure you aren't missing something.
     You may  get in  touch with  BSX International at (919) 493-4875,
     just about  any  time, or you can send a message  on  Prodigy  at
     JBVC54A, or on GEnie at R.ROBERDS1, or on  VNet at 5 @9198  or on
     WWIVNet at 5 @9979.
     Or  you  can  even  use  the  real  mail!   Don't  say  we're not
     available!  Cuz we ARE, dammit!

4.0 - Rules. (i.e.- About playing WOWZEE.)

       WOWZEE is a one-player card  game  based on  Yahtzee, Poker and
     Mah Jongg. (If you know FORZEE, another  BSX game,  you're almost
     done reading.)   A deck of cards  is displayed face up with cards
     piled on one another.  Your job is  to remove cards from the pile
     in groups of five and score  the  resulting poker hand using each
     of the possible scoring combinations only once.  The only problem
     is this:  you can only remove a card if there is no  card stacked
     above it AND if  there  is no card immediately next to  it on one
     of its  left or right edges.  After  you  remove five  cards  and
     score the hand,  you  have  to  do it  again and again  until you
     haved used up all the scoring possibilities.  Halfway through you
     will exhaust the pile.  We will give you a brand new pile to play
     with.  The  goal  is  to attain  a score of  600 or more  points.
     Scoring is determined as follows:

       (For each five card hand you can score it once and only once.)

       ACES: One point for each ace in hand. (A,A,A,8,7 = 3 pts.)

       TWOS: Two points for each two. (3,2,K,2,7 = 4 pts.)

       THREES: Three points for each three.

       and so on 'til...

       TENS: Ten points for each ten in hand.

       NOTE: If  the  total  number of points  gathered with the above
     combinations is equal to or greater than 160, a 50-point bonus is
     awarded.  Don't forget this!
       PAIR: Two cards of equal face value (or "rank") gets 10 points.

       TWO PAIR: Two sets of pairs in the same hand gets 20 points.

       3 OF A KIND: Three cards of equal rank gets 30 points.

       SMALL STRAIGHT: 4 cards with consecutive  face values.  Ace can
     be high  or low. (ex: A,2,3,4,8 or J,Q,K,A,5). Earns 40 points.

       LARGE STRAIGHT: As  above but with  all five cards consecutive.
     50 points.  Ace can be high or low.

       FLUSH: All  five  cards are  the same  suit. (ex: All Spades or
     Hearts). Worth 60 points.

       FULL HOUSE: A  three  of  a kind and a pair  in the  same hand.
     70 points.

       FOUR OF A KIND:  A  hand containing four cards that are all the
     same face value.  80 points.

       STRAIGHT FLUSH: Same as a large straight except that  all cards
     are of the same suit.  90 points.

       CHANCE: Score each card its face value with face cards worth 10
     and aces worth one. (ex: A,3,7,J,K is worth 31 points).

       You'll notice when you start the game  or  get a whole new pile
     that you are forced to play one of  the top  two cards  no matter
     what.  Since you HAVE to score every hand, you may be forced into
     scoring something "0" or some other low value.  You may even find
     that later on a  straight you carefully created  buys you nothing
     since you  already scored  both  possible straights.  (Before you
     complain about this,  think.  If you weren't forced to score this
     way, you could just keep sitting there pulling cards off the pile
     and win  every time.  Wouldn't be much of a  game, would it?   So
     shut up.)

       At  this point we recommend  just going ahead  and playing with
     the game.  You will soon figure out what's  going on.  There's no
     need for you  to fuss  over the rules;  the  program  knows  them
     perfectly and  won't  let you  cheat.  Don't worry about screwing
     up  or  getting a low  score  or  anything.   We almost certainly
     won't laugh at you.

5.0 - Using WOWZEE 1.0

       After you  get  past  our  title  screen, you're right into the
     action.  You'll be in  whatever play mode you last  used with the
     player settings same as last time. The first time you play we set
     you up, so  don't  worry.  How  you  use  WOWZEE depends on  your

       If you have a MOUSE:
     We detect it. Just put the mouse cursor over a card and click the
     left button to take it off the pile.  Right button click  puts it
     back where it was. Score hands and select option buttons with the
     left mouse button. When you click a scoring choice we will add it
     up for you and give you  a chance  to change your mind.  The left
     button will make that  choice  official, the  right  button  will
     cancel it.  You can adjust mouse sensitivity to your taste.

       If you have a KEYBOARD but NO MOUSE:
     You can arrow around with the cursor using the arrow keys  and/or
     numeric  keypad  (with  NUMLOCK off)  hitting  ENTER  (RETURN) or
     SPACEBAR to select a card or option  button.   ESC  or  BACKSPACE
     will  put  a  card  back  on  the  pile where  it  came from.  If
     you select a scoring option you can  hit enter to  confirm it  or
     ESC to change your mind. Also, the first letter of an option will
     often invoke it;  for instance, "Q" for "Quit".

       Mousers can force the program to use the keyboard by typing:
     WOWZEE -n
     to start the program.

       Just play it.  We gave ourselves  hernias making this game easy
     to  use.   If  you  can't  handle  it,  you  should  probably  be
     euthanized.  We recommend you peruse "Final Exit" for ideas.
 5.1 - Features

       Below is a list of  the buttons  on  your screen and  what they
     will do for you:

       HELP: Brief rules summary will appear.

       PLAYERS:  You  can  store  names  and  stats for  up  to  eight
     different players.  The active player's name appears on  the game

       GAME/TOURNEY: You can play in one of two different modes:  Game
     or tournament.  Game  mode  is  just single games.  Tourney  mode
     challenges you to  a  best-of-seven  contest  with  final victory
     dependent upon more than one game.  You can quit tourney mode but
     you cannot "save" a tournament in progress.  That would be bogus.

      MOUSE: Allows  you to  adjust mouse  sensitivity with  VCR-style
     buttons. The changes you make will take effect instantly to allow
     you  to   see   what  you're  doing.  These  settings  are  saved
     permanently until  you  change them again.

       BOSS: A fake DOS screen  will appear that should fool passersby
     that you  are  doing more meaningful  computer stuff than playing
     this game. (Assuming there  IS  something  better to do than this
     game.  We have our doubts about that.)   Anyway, it is not a real
     DOS  "shell",  just a  screen.  To get  back  to your  game  type
     "exit" followed by ENTER.  To really quit the game for good, type
     "abort".  This may keep you from being fired.

       SOUND: If you need to  play quietly  so's not to  disturb those
     about you or draw  needless  attention  to  yourself, this button
     will toggle the sound  on  or off.  The words "Noisy" or "Silent"
     appear in the box in the lower left to tell what the  game thinks
     you want.  WOWZEE "remembers" this setting even  if  you quit and
     start the game again.  But to be SURE the  sound  is off when you
     start, invoke the program with the "-s" switch, as in:
     WOWZEE -s
     The sound setting is remembered  from  your  last  game, but this
     will INSURE the game will start in "Silent"  mode.  For  paranoid
     players, and the women who love them.   Handy for  the first time
     you install WOWZEE on your computer at work (you LOAFER!).

       QUIT: Leave the  present  game/tourney.  If you want to quit to
     DOS, you'll be given a chance to  do that here.  You can't "save"
     a game, though.  That would be bogus.

6.0 - Technical and Version Notes.

       WOWZEE was developed using Borland's Turbo Pascal 5.5 on an IBM
     PC with an  Intel Inboard 386,  Paradise Pro VGA card,  2 megs of
     RAM,  a 120MB  Maxtor  Hard Drive,  and  a  Logitech  Bus  Mouse,
     running DOS 3.3, of all things.
       It  was beta tested and  further  developed  on  a Gateway 2000
     386/33 with a Kraft Trackball running under DOS 5.0.

 6.1 - Version Summary

       1.0 - 16 Sept. 1992 - Baseline version.  Controls  and features
                             adapted from FORZEE 3.0, another  amazing
                             game you can get from us. All's you gotta
                             do is ask (and pay).

7.0 - About BSX International.

       Makers of  startlingly  fun  game  software,  BSX International
     owes its existence to the large  number of  game  enthusiasts and
     registrants  who  support  us. (And  the  fact that beer is still
     cheap  enough and  readily  available.)   We continue on into the
     nineties with this simple pledge:  If you keep registering, we'll
     keep  making  it. (More  of  an  ultimatum,  actually.)  Truth be
     told, we'd write this stuff anyway because we  love games.   We'd
     starve to death,  but we'd do it.  Still, we REALLY don't WANT to
     starve to death, so we'd appreciate it if you'd register.
       You cheap bastards.
       There simply aren't enough good games available  for computers.
     If you're like us, when you  get a  software catalog or go to the
     store you head right for the games section.  Forget this nonsense
     about  computers  being "powerful  tools  for business."  They're
     powerful tools for fun.   Now don't you make us get nasty.  After
     all, we're PRETTY DARN NASTY already!

     Bob "Your Plastic Pal Who's Fun to Be With" Roberds  -  President
                                                         & Development

     David "Dr. K" Kotomski  -  Another President & Developer

                  So round, so firm, so fully packed...
                             It must be from
                              __   ___
                             |  \ /   \ \  /
                             |__/ \___   \/
                             |  \     \  /\
                             |__/ \___/ /  \


                     "Where the Future is Tommorrow"
              Rootin Tootin Computin for the 90s and Beyond
                Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!
     We're fierce, we're  BSX International, and we're *IN YER FACE!*

      Serving your shareware needs for over a fiftieth of a century!

8.0 - Acknowledgements.

       Bob would like to thank Dave for all the BSX stuff, as  well as
     for  the  numerous/humorous  anecdotes  about  his  alleged  love
     life.  I mean, let's face  it: it's  not exactly  Don Juan.  It's
     more like Don of the Dead.  Kudos to all  BSX registrants.   More
     thangs  to  all  the  folks  out  there  in  BBS  land  for their
     suggestions and stuff.  I'd  name them, but I don't  KNOW most of
     their names because they insist  on  using handles.  Accolades to
     LRG for perfecting the Silent Treatment (TM).  So I burped in her
     ear on the  phone a  couple of dozen times.   BIG DEAL.  It's not
     like I *killed*  a guy.  Well, OK; I *DID* kill a guy,  but *SHE*
     doesn't know that.
       PS:  You may  have noticed in the  title screen that there is a
     picture of  me  wearing  a US Navy uniform.  I  am  not  actually
     in the Navy. I wear those clothes because they make me look good.
     DAMN good.

       Dave needs to thank Bob, Joan, Alexei & Chip for good times and
     stuff.  Bob and I have been doing all manner of  silly things for
     16 years and I see no reason  to stop now.  I guess I'm suppossed
     to acknowledge  my  source  of  inspiration  here, but outside of
     beer, games and possibly sex, I'm not sure I have one.  Actually,
     there is that  new car  I ordered.  And that girl that sat across
     from me in high school English.  She had the greatest...

9.0 - What others have to say about Wowzee:

     "Youuuuuu ewwwawaaan ahnnnn Wowzee ehhhhhhh!" - Bob Dylan

     "I like it. Awwriight!" - Billy Idol

     "The analytic requirements are so great, I fail to see how humans
      would find this game enjoyable." - Lt. Commander Data

     "Less talk. More Wowzee." - Lt. Worf

Power corrupts.  Absolute power is kinda neat.

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #3523

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

FORZEE   DOC     20634  11-18-92  11:28a
FORZEE   EXE     82672  11-18-92  12:20p
FORZEE   DAT     45622   9-04-92   4:40p
FORZEE   ICO       766   9-03-91   1:49p
BSXCAT   DOC     20206  11-04-92  11:05p
ORDER    DOC      2527  11-12-92   9:54a
WOWZEE   DOC     23233   9-15-92   3:51p
GO       BAT        31   6-04-92   2:25a
WOWZEE   EXE     84336  11-19-92   7:36a
WOWZEE   DAT     43683   3-28-92   5:34p
WOWZEE   ICO       766   7-13-92   3:47p
GO       TXT      1078   4-01-93  10:36a
       12 file(s)     325554 bytes
                       30720 bytes free