PCjs Machines

Home of the original IBM PC emulator for browsers.


PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #3509)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5170" to load....


                        MAROONED AGAIN ver A.1
                  Copyright 1985,1990 Dennis Drew.

Marooned Again is a "user-supported" program.  Please feel free to copy it
and give copies to your friends.  We feel this is one of the finest
adventure games ever written.  If you like it, we ask that you send us
a $10 donation. You will then be a REGISTERED user, and we will send
you a catalog of our other programs.  As a registered user, you may
also call in for help if you get stuck.  You will also help us to have
shoes for this winter... it's supposed to be really cold.

If you do not wish to make a donation, please pass this program on to a
friend.  We don't want you to even think about the shadowy form around here
that seems to have taken a liking to us, or the terrible things it does to
people who continue to use this program without making a donation; they
don't even print that kind of thing in the newspaper.  Our company is
supported entirely by your generosity.  Your donations help us to produce
additional software.  Please send your donation to: Dennis Drew PO Box 101,
Joplin, MO 64802. (417)781-4248

                                  THE PLOT

You have crashed your ship on a hostile alien planet.  All is not lost,
however. Your scanners have located a deserted alien ship!  Scanners show
no life aboard. You figure the crew must have been killed by hostile native
life forms.  But the ship is in perfect condition.

You are acquainted with this particular type of vessel and know you must
find several components to get it to blast off.  Because of your injuries
you also know you would never survive the takeoff.  Fortunately, your ship
has an extensive cloning section, and you are able to make several clones
of yourself to search through the alien ship.  The clones, of course, have
no thoughts of their own and must be controlled through telepathic link.

Unfortunately, the telepatic link section was also damaged in the crash.
The clones are all functioning, but your link with them is shaky at best.
Upon testing them you discover a few commands in one or two words such as
LOOK, GET CHAIR, GO DOOR, N,S,E,W,U,D (directions of travel) and you figure
you'll discover the rest by trial and error.

The clones must go aboard the alien vessel and find the components needed
to lift off and go for help.  If they fail, you will die a slow and
agonizing death aboard your own ship.  With hope in your heart, you send
the first one out.

                       HOW TO PLAY AN ADVENTURE GAME

This game is actually an intricate puzzle.  Get a piece of paper and a
pencil.  It is ESSENTIAL you map your travels. This is an alien ship;
corridors may twist and turn and you may find areas that teleport you to
differnt locations without even telling you they have done so.  Remember:
alien architects do not think like we do.

The word INVENTORY (or I) will show you the components and items you have
collected thus far.  There are many other commands available.  The object
is to find out exactly what the others are!

This game is not easy to solve.  In fact, you can expect to lose a number
of clones while traveling through the ship.  It should take you between 10
to 30 hours to complete the game.  When you do so, do not tell anyone how
to do it. Any such clues spoil the game for the next one playing.  Don't
let anyone give you clues either; once the game is completed, it's
finished. The fun after that comes from watching your friends go nuts
playing it.

The main thing to remember is this: nearly everything you see has a
purpose.  Subtle clues are placed all over. Even so, it will take you days
to complete it.  The first person who tried it took two weeks.  When he was
finished, he emerged from his room with a grin on his face and said, "Gaaa
urk bleh...."

He's still recuperating.

Despite any possible bias on my part, I feel that Marooned Again is the
finest adventure game I have seen.  Many adventure games have you perform
completely illogical or silly actions in order to complete the game,
forcing you to become illogical and silly to win.

Marooned Again is completely logical.  Everything you do and everything you
see has a logical and understandable purpose behind it.  Of course, there
are a couple of things thrown in to confuse you... but at least it's
LOGICAL confusion.

Enjoy, and remember: be PATIENT.  If you cannot solve it today, you may
wake up with the answer tomorrow.

TO RUN THE PROGRAM: Enter DOS in your usual manner.  Insert the program in
the active disk drive.  Enter: MAROONED


Yes!  I am sending you a really large and generous donation ($10
anyway) for your program MAROONED AGAIN A.1.  Please file me as a
registered user and send me a catalog (I'm enclosing a Self-Addressed,
Stamped Envelope).

    On a scale of 1-10, I'd rate MAROONED a:  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

NAME: _______________________________________________________________


CITY, ST ZIP:________________________________________________________

PHONE: (_______)________-_________________________

A TERRIFIC PLACE FOR PIZZA: _________________________________________
    (ya never know when ya need such information...)

I acquired this program from: _______________________________________

                          end of instructions

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #3509

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

GO-FUNG  COM      3818  10-05-92   6:05p
UNARC    COM     12242   4-27-87
FUNGAL   ARC    206113  10-06-92   2:18p
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