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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #3461)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5170" to load....


                        REGISTRATION OF LESSONPLANZ

Mail To:  Unicorn Software Ltd.
          PO Box 911
          Wabash, Indiana 46992-0911

Please  enclose  a  check  or  money  order  for  $25.00  for every copy of
LessonPlanZ you wish to register, plus $4 Shipping & Handling.


       Street Address:______________________________________________


       Version You Are Using:_______________________________________

       Where Did You Obtain It From:________________________________

Any Suggestions For Improvements?

With  registration  you  can  choose  one  of the other Unicorn programs to
review and  a  Shareware  version  will  be  mailed  free  of  charge  (See
UNICORN.COM for available titles).

Your choice:


Or  you  can  use  your  MC,  Visa,  AmEx,  or  Discover  by  calling   the
Public(software)Library  at  800-2424-PsL  or  713-524-6394  or  by  FAX to
713-524-6398 or by CompuServe to 71355,470 or by mail to PsL, PO Box 35705,
Houston, TX 77235-5705.  These numbers are for ordering only. Order #10365.

For information about dealer pricing, site licensing, shipping of  product,
returns,  latest  version  number or technical support call 219-563-HOME or
write to Unicorn Software Ltd. directly.


                               Version 2.00
                    "Helping Teacher's Plan & Evaluate"

                       From Unicorn Software Limited

                                Created By:
                           Charles P. Schell IV

                          ____|__     |               (R)
                       --|       |    |-------------------
                         |   ____|__  |  Association of
                         |  |       |_|  Shareware
                         |__|   o   |    Professionals
                       -----|   |   |---------------------
                            |___|___| MEMBER

                Copyright (C) 1991 Unicorn Software Limited
                            All Rights Reserved
          LessonPlanZ is a Trademark of Unicorn Software Limited

                         Unicorn Software Limited
                               P. O. Box 911
                           Wabash, IN 46992-0911
                          CompuServe: 70272,3317
Unicorn  Software  Limited  is  a  member  of  the Association of Shareware
Professionals (ASP).  ASP wants to make sure that the  shareware  principle
works  for  you.   If you are unable to resolve a shareware-related problem
with an ASP member by contacting the member directly, ASP may  be  able  to
help.   The ASP Ombudsman can help you resolve a dispute or problem with an
ASP member, but does not provide technical support for  members'  products.
Please  write  to the ASP Ombudsman at 545 Grover Road, Muskegon, MI 49442-
9427 or send a Compuserve message via  CompuServe  Mail  to  ASP  Ombudsman


LessonPlanZ  is  a  "shareware program" and is provided at no charge to the
user for evaluation.   Feel  free  to  share  it  with  your  friends,  but
LessonPlanZ  must  be  distributed  in unmodified, complete form, including
this Reference Guide and License Agreement. Also, LessonPlanZ  may  not  be
distributed  in  conjunction  with  any  other  product.   The  essence  of
"user-supported" software  is  to  provide  personal  computer  users  with
quality  software  without  high  prices,  and yet to provide incentive for
programmers to continue to develop new products.  If you find this  program
useful  and  find  that  you  are  using  LessonPlanZ  and  continue to use
LessonPlanZ after a reasonable trial period, you must make  a  registration
payment   of   $25.00  (plus $4 S&H) to Unicorn Software Limited, P.O.  Box
911 Wabash, IN 46992-0911.   Or  you  can  use  your  MC,  Visa,  AmEx,  or
Discover   by   calling  the  Public(software)Library  at  800-2424-PsL  or
713-524-6394 or by FAX to 713-524-6398 or by CompuServe to 71355,470 or  by
mail  to  PsL,  PO Box 35705, Houston, TX 77235-5705. These numbers are for
ordering only, order # 10365. For information about  dealer  pricing,  site
licensing, shipping of product, returns, latest version number or technical
support call 219-563-HOME or write to Unicorn Software Ltd. directly.

The  $25.00  registration  fee  will  license  one  copy for use on any one
computer at any one time.  You must treat this software just like  a  book.
An  example  is  that this software may be used by any number of people and
may be freely moved from one computer location to another, so long as there
is no possibility of it being used at one location while it's being used at
another. Just as a book cannot be read by two different persons at the same

The LessonPlanZ program is protected by United  States  Copyright  Law  and
International  Treaty  provisions.  All rights are reserved. Non-registered
users of LessonPlanZ are licensed only to use the program on a trial  basis
for  the  sole  purpose  of  determining  whether  or  not  it  meets their
requirements. All other use requires registration.

Commercial users of LessonPlanZ must register and pay for their  copies  of
LessonPlanZ  within  30  days  of  first use or their license is withdrawn.
Site-License arrangements  may  be  made  by  contacting  Unicorn  Software
You  are encouraged to pass a copy of LessonPlanZ along to your friends for
evaluation.  Please encourage them to register their copy if they find that
they can use it.  All registered users will receive a copy  of  the  latest
version  of  the  LessonPlanZ  system,  free  updates,  and another Unicorn
Software program to try.


Unicorn Software Limited makes no warranty of any kind, express or implied,
including without limitation,  any  warranties  of  merchantability  and/or
fitness  for  a  particular  purpose. Unicorn Software Limited shall not be
liable for any damages, whether direct, indirect, special or  consequential
arising  from a failure of this program to operate in the manner desired by
the user.  Unicorn Software Limited shall not be liable for any  damage  to
data  or  property which may be caused directly or indirectly by use of the


The  License  Agreement  and  Warranty  shall be construed, interpreted and
governed by the laws of the state of Indiana.

Introduction............................................................. 1
Features................................................................. 1
UNIEMM.COM............................................................... 2
New Users................................................................ 2
Mouse Usage.............................................................. 2
Initialization........................................................... 3
On Screen/Paper.......................................................... 3
Universal Commands....................................................... 4
Add Plan................................................................. 4
General Editing Notes.................................................... 4
Editor Commands.......................................................... 5
Change Plan.............................................................. 5
Erase Plan............................................................... 6
Labels&Listings.......................................................... 6
Criteria................................................................. 6
Listing & Folder Labels.................................................. 6
Sectionals, PlanZ, Kustom List........................................... 7
Find&Read................................................................ 7
Utilities................................................................ 7
Indexing, Build For Speed, Crunch File, Default SetUp.................... 7
Printer SetUp, On Screen/Paper & Shell To DOS............................ 8
TSR Thesaurus & SpellCheckers............................................ 8
Thesaur Plus............................................................. 8
Technical Support (BBS/Phone/Mail).......................................10
Upgrade History..........................................................11

This  program  was  suggested  to me by a user of one of my other programs,
CDMaster.  Michael Clark is a teacher at a school in West Virginia  and  he
was  right  in  the  throws of doing his own lesson plans for a school year
while using his computer.  He wondered if I could write a program  to  help
with it and keep the Find! and formatted print outs from the other program,
along with keeping it easy for computer newbies.

The result is LessonPlanZ.  It is an easy  to  use  system  that  allows  a
maximum of flexibility for the user.

The  program is MSDOS compatible, runs on 256K RAM, uses IBM graphics/laser
printers, mono or colour monitor, and can operate on one/two or  hard  disk
drives.   The  User  can  set  the colours, printer codes, and default data
drive. There are no 'crippled' features or options.

Program Features:

        *  Has  5 basic areas of text entries:  Methods, Goals, Objectives,
        Materials and Evaluation Methods for each lesson plan.
        *  The program has  supplemental  information  entries  for  Title,
        Class, Lesson Number, Dates Covered, and Number of Days
        *  The user can change the menu prompts for the text areas and  the
        section headings for each of those areas.
        *  User can obtain print outs for all or selected Lesson Plans.
        *  User  can obtain print outs or write to file a listing of all or
        select plans, a listing of specific sections of the  lesson  plans,
        an actual lesson plan or a custom made listing.
        *  The program prints folder labels for paper storage of information
        associated with a particular lesson plan.
        *  The user can set defaults for the Teacher Name and School Name.
        *  Dynamic data file (only as large as entries).
        *  Entries can be from 1 to 5000 lines.
        *  User defines printer codes.
        *  User names the data file, screen colours, and data drive.
        *  Word Wrap & Scroll toggle on/off.
        *  Common word processor commands used.
        *  On line Help editor available  (F1).
        *  Data files automatically install.
        *  Full  featured  full  screen  editing  of  text entries.
        *  Works  with  TSR  spell check/thesaurus  programs.
        *  Prints out entire opus or selected dates.
        *  Date formats for France, Britain, Germany, Italy and America.
        *  Mouseablity.
        *  Much more!

                              -LessonPlanZ 1-
Getting Started:

The following files MUST be on the same disk or sub directory:


QEMM.SYS And Other Extended Memory Managers:

Occasionally a problem will be incurred by a person using QEMM.SYS or other
extended  memory  manager.   This  has to do with the way that the SYS file
manages memory vs the way that the program wants to use the extended memory
(The program will attempt to use extended memory automatically,  if  it  is

On  the distribution disk there is a program called UNIEMM.COM.  If you are
not using a system with EMM you can delete this file as unnecessary. If you
do have EMM just leave the file in place and use it to  load  the  program.
The utility will tell the program you are using an extended memory that has
this  anomoly  and  command  the program to remain in low memory instead of
switching to extended memory.  After  passing  these  instructions  to  the
program,  the  program  will  start  with  no  other commands needing to be

Mouse Users:

YOU  must  activate the mouse prior to the start of the program. Two Button
Users: The Left Button serves as the return/enter key, The Right Button  is
the  ESC key.  Three Button Users: Same as two button Users, and the middle
button is the F1 key.

Type LSNPLANZ or UNIEMM to start.

First Time Users:

When you first start the program, the computer will bring up the New Set Up
screen  first.   Just  enter  the  info  requested.  When you name the Disk
Drive, the program will automatically create the data files on  that  drive
for  you ! So Have A Disk In The Drive And Ready !  If you decide to create
additional data files you may do so (see below).  If you change data drives
later  be  sure  you  copy  the  *.DBT and *.DAT to the new data drive THEN
change the default data drive.

                              -LessonPlanZ 2-

         Color    Letter
         Black      N
         Blue       B
         Green      G
         Cyan       BG
         Red        R
         Magenta    RB
         Brown      GR
         White      W

Data Drive:

The drive where you will keep your data disk.  ex A,B,C,D etc.

File  Name:

Any 8 character name , except TEMP and NEWUSER, can be used.  If  the  name
is already used the program will ask you to select a new name.


The  teacher's name for this particular grouping of lesson plans, up to  25


The name of the school involved.

Date Format:

You have the following choices:

                A=American MM/DD/YY {Default}
                B=British  DD/MM/YY
                F=French   DD/MM/YY
                G=German   DD.MM.YY
                I=Italian  DD-MM-YY

Next,   the  On  Screen/Paper screen will appear, this lets the user change
or redefine any of the on screen prompts and section titles used  in  print
outs.   One  note:  If the first letter of any two menu prompts is the same
(ie Subjects and Supplies) you will loose the ability to make menu  choices
by selecting the first letter of the menu choice, and must use the lite bar
to make the section choices.

                              -LessonPlanZ 3-
The System:

Is designed using KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid) so not much  information  is
needed to get started. Here are a few notes to help you use the system:


The ESC key will take you back one menu (Mouse Users use Right Button).

The  box  in  the  upper  right  hand  corner  of  the  screen will contain
information on how to move around, and data entry tips.

The last line of the screen will tell you what the highlighted option does.

All  menu  entries  can  be selected with the light bar, or by pressing the
first letter of the option (Mouse Users when highlited the Left Button will
activate the option).

The   F10   key  will  bring  up  Help for a particular item, if no Help is
available for that item, it will allow you to enter the help  index.   From
the  index  you  may  select any of the topics of help available.  The Help
file was not written by the same person who wrote this manual, therefore it
might help better explain something to you than this manual does  and  vice

The  F1  key will bring up the Editing Help screen. Once the screen appears
you can exit the program by hitting the ESC key, any other key returns  you
to  the  system.  Great for when you are interrupted or as a Boss Key since
the entire screen is covered  (Mouse Users: Hit the Middle Button).

Add Plan:

Allows  you  to  add a new entry.  The program will bring up the add screen
and then you can select either the Header Info, or one of the text areas to
deal with.

Header  Info  contains  the Title of the plan, class,  start and end dates,
the lesson number and the number of days the plan covers.

When selecting one of the five text areas,  the screen  will  change  to  a
text editing screen for you to make your entry.

General Editing Notes:

The  screen  will  display only 20 lines of text at a time but by using the
down arrow key or Page Down key you can continue on.  Up to 5000 lines  can
be used.

                              -LessonPlanZ 4-
Editor Commands:

A copy of this chart can be called to the screen by hitting the F1 key.

                               Moving Around

           CTRL Left Arrow or CTRL A             Move left one word
           CTRL Right Arrow or CTRL F            Move right one word
           CTRL Home                             Beginning of the Entry
           CTRL End                              End of the Entry
           PageUp                                Next edit window up
           PageDown                              Next edit window down

                 {*=Not Valid In Erase Or Find&Read Modes}

           CTRL Y or F3                          Delete current line*
           CTRL T                                Delete word right*
           CTRL B                                Reformat text of Entry*
           F4                                    Insert blank line*

                     Finishing Touches & Toggles

           F5                                    Toggles Word Wrap
           F6                                    Toggles Scrolling
           ALT W                                 Saves Entry*
           ESC                                   Aborts Entry*

{When Scrolling is on SCR will appear on the lower  right  of  the  screen.
When WordWrap is active WRP will appear}

When  you  are  done  with  the  Add,  you will be given a choice of adding
another (Y or N) or making changes(C).

Change Plan:

This  will  allow  you  to  change an entry.  32 entries will appear on the
screen at a time, the lesson number along with the title will be displayed.
Select one of them or PageDown for the next 32.  If  you  know  the  lesson
number  or  title  you  want select the Lesson # or Lesson Title option and
then enter the information you to want the program to search for.

When the screen is displayed for Change, you select the areas you  want  to
change  as  you did with the Add Plan Option.  The first few lines for each
section will be displayed on the screen.

When you have completed changes, you have the option of going  on  the  the
next  plan, going back a plan,  going to the very first plan listed, or the
very last.  ESC will take you back to the menu.
                              -LessonPlanZ 5-
Erase Plan:

This  will  allow  you  to  delete an entry.  32 entries will appear on the
screen at a time, the lesson number along with the title will be displayed.
Select one of them or PageDown for the next 32.  If  you  know  the  lesson
number  or  title  you  want select the Lesson # or Lesson Title option and
then enter the information you to want the program to search for.

When the screen is displayed for  Erase,  the  first  few  lines  for  each
section  will  be  displayed on the screen.  You will then have to  confirm
the erasure by entering Y.


You  will  be  allowed  to  select either all entries or criteria.


You have the following choices:  Class, Title, Number, Date, Range.

Class, lets you specify the class for a particular print out.

Title, lets you pull out lesson  plans  that  have  a  specific  title,  or
portion  of  a title (ie History Of The World would pull out History Of The
World Part I,  History Of The World Part  II  and  History  Of  The  World,

Date  lets  you  pull  out any lesson plans that are covered for a specific
date.  This uses the start and end date of the plan to determine dates.

Range lets you pick a range of lesson plan numbers ie 1 to 50,  inclusive.

Print Out Menu:

For  all  print  out  choices (except Folder Labels) you have the choice of
sending the output to a printer or an ASCII file.

You have the following choices:


Provides  teacher,  school, class, lesson number, start and end dates, days
covered, and title.  The ASCII file name is PLANZLST.TXT

Folder Labels:

Print out on 15/16" X 3" labels the lesson title, lesson  number,  teacher,
school, and dates covered.

                              -LessonPlanZ 6-

Lets you pick and choose the text sections to print, then provides a  print
out  with  teacher, school, class, lesson number, start and end dates, days
covered,  title  and  the  selected  sections.   The  ASCII  file  name  is


Produces  a  standard  lesson  plan in outline format, using roman numerals
for each section (ie I,II,III...).  The  print  out  has  teacher,  school,
class,  lesson  number,  start  and  end dates, days covered, title and all
sections.  The ASCII file name is PLANZ.TXT.

Kustom List:

YOU  choose  what  is  printed  from  the  header  info.   The file name is


This  option  helps you Find specific lesson plans using the same  criteria
as the Labels&Listings criteria, but puts it on the screen for you to read.
After  selecting  an  option  you will be given a list of choices that meet
your criteria, from there just highlite the one that you desire and hit the
enter key.



Lets you put the file in

Build For Speed:

Resequences  entire  data  file.

Crunch File:

Reduces the size of the file by smashing out blanks and empty  opus  lines.

Default Set Up:

See above for Colour choices, etc.  If you desire to  create  another  data
file simply enter a capital Z for the default data drive and hit  the  Page
Down  key.  This will produce an error message and then put you back in the
Default SetUp screen.  Next, enter a NEW data file name (entering the  same

                              -LessonPlanZ 7-
name  or  name  already  used will result in that file being over written!)
and the data drive you desire.  Then hit the Page Down key.

Printer Set Up:

This allows you to customize the printer codes used by the program.   These
codes  can be found in your printer manual.  The codes that the program has
when originally distributed are for the Epson FX100.  You will need to know
the  code  for  10 cpi (Pica), 12 CPI (Elite), Enlarged, Condensed (17CPI),
Bold On and Off,  and Double High/Wide.   If  your  printer  cannot  handle
double  high/wide  DON'T  PANIC,  just leave it blank; the program will use
Enlarged for that entry. You do not have to enter the ESC part of the code,
the program will add that automatically. You can enter the letter ESC  code
or  the  number it does not matter: ie ESC code 119 can be entered as "119"
or "w".  (Do not enter any " "s!)

On Screen/Paper

The   On  Screen/Paper option lets the you change or redefine any of the on
screen prompts and section titles used in print outs.   One  note:  If  the
first letter of any two menu prompts is the same (ie Subjects and Supplies)
you  will  loose  the  ability  to make menu choices by selecting the first
letter of the menu choice, and must use the lite bar to  make  the  section

Shell To DOS:

You can exit temporarily to DOS by using that option on the Utilities Menu.
The program will swap itself to expanded memory or disk if there  is  space
{about 300K}.  If not the file COMMAND.COM must be on the same drive as the
other  program files to do this.  You must return to the subdirectory/drive
of LessonPlanZ prior to entering EXIT to return to  the  program.  It  will
leave 256K RAM free.

TSR Thesaurus & SpellCheckers:

If  you  do  not  have a TSR thesaurus already, I heartily recommend Thesaur
Plus,  by  fellow  ASP  author  Derrick  Burgess.   Even  if you have a TSR
thesauraus I still recommend that you take a look at Thesaur Plus.  What is
Thesaur Plus?  In the words of the author:

    "Thesaur Plus is a pop-up Thesaurus, whenever you need a different word
or  a  different  shade of meaning than the word that comes to mind, pop-up
Thesaur Plus  and  get  just  the  word  you  wanted,  but  couldn't  quite

It   works  excellently  with  LessonPlanZ  and has a registration price of
only $20 (even less if you help build  it's  dictionaries).   It  can't  be

                              -LessonPlanZ 8-

I will try to maintain the latest  version,  as  convenience  to  users  of
LessonPlanZ  and  will  send  it out for $5 (to cover P&H).  I would rather
have you contact Derrick himself, since he  will  ALWAYS  have  the  latest
version: Derrick Burgess 23311 Schoolcraft St. West Hills, CA 91307

He  charges  $6.00 for the latest version of Thesaur  Plus,  $5.00 of which
is applied toward registration.

I am still looking for, but have yet to find,  a  Shareware  spell  checker
that  is  a TSR.  In the meantime the Borland product Turbo Lightening will
have  to fill the gap.  It works well with LessonPlanZ and does a very good
job of checking your spelling errors.


Charles P. Schell IV

                              -LessonPlanZ 9-
Technical Assistance & Latest Versions:

Both registered and unregistered Users can obtain technical  assistance  by
calling (219) 563-HOME (4663).  Unregistered Users will need to provide the
name  and address of where they obtained the software from in order to gain
this assistance.  This will let us go back to  that  company  if  they  are
distributing an older version and it helps us track who is distributing the
program.   The  number is manned (by a human) from 6:00 to 9:00 PM EST, all
other hours by an answering machine.


Unicorn Software Support conferences exist on the following BBSs:

** The Kokomo BBS:      317-457-9100
** The RoadHouse BBS:   317-784-2147  (FIDONET 1:231/290)

Both  BBSs  allow  first  time  downloads and will  always have  the latest
versions of Unicorn's software. Unicorn Software programs are available via
"File Request"  from  The RoadHouse BBS (1:231/290). You can FREQ the magic
name "UNICORN" from 1:231/290 for information on Unicorn Programs and their
FREQable "magic" names.)


Also, we monitor the Shareware conference on the following networks:  RIME,
Intelec, NANet, MediaNET, and NAPNet.

The regional  hub  for  RIME  in  Indiana  (IBM-NET)  will  upload  any  of
Unicorn's files to the net on request:

** IBM-Net BBS:  317-882-5575


All  of  Unicorn's  programs  are  also  available  through  the  Shareware
Distribution Network  (SDN),  and may be downloaded  from any  SDN location.
The Central Indiana SDN contact point is:

** Someplace BBS  317-353-9981  (FIDONET 1:231/120)


The above listed BBSs will always have the latest versions within hours  of
release.  Additionally, these BBSs have proven to be reliable and worth the
cost  of every minute of connect time.  Even if you are not looking for our
latest versions:  Give Them A Call!

                             -LessonPlanZ 10-
                                   What's New

2.00            First Public Release Of LessonPlanZ.

                             -LessonPlanZ 11-


Prior  to  starting this program there are a few things you should check on
your system:

1.  Do you have a CONFIG.SYS file and if so does it have at least 30 files?

To  check,  go to your root directory on your hard drive (CD\, then return)
or  put  your  DOS  Disk  in  your  floppy  drive  and  and then enter TYPE
CONFIG.SYS.  If you get File Not Found, see below.  If you get a display it
might look like this:


Since  the  files  listed  are below 30 you will need to increase the files

The CONFIG.SYS file can be changed with any word processor that will save a
file in ASCII.

If you do not have a CONFIG.SYS file, the following  will  create  one  for

                COPY CON CONFIG.SYS (Return)
                FILES=30 (Return)
                BUFFERS=20 (Return)
                (Then Hit The F6 KEY)

It   is   important   that  you  reboot  your  system  after  altering  the
CONFIG.SYS file, so that your computer will use the new information.

If  you  are  using  LOADHI  for Files, this will not work for this program
FILES=30 must be in low memory.

If you ever get an OPEN ERROR during the operation of this program and  the
file  named  is in the proper place, try increasing your files,  some other
program may be using a portion of the 30 required by this one.

2.   If you are operating an 80286 or 80386 system, and you have over 1 Meg
of  memory,  use  the  utility  LSNPLANZ.COM  to  start  the  program.  See
LSNPLANZ.DOC for details.

3.  If you use a mouse, be sure you have  included  the  appropriate  mouse
driver  in your CONFIG.SYS file.  Without this the program will not be able
to access your mouse.


                            Unicorn Sampler #2

All  files  on  this disk are self extracting compressions created with LHA
2.11.  There is not sufficient space to extract them  on  this  disk.

OMNIMeal 3.03

Before you push this new program to the side, feeling that you have several
Recipe  programs  in your inventory and you don't need another, take a look
at the features of OMNIMeal and I believe that you  will  decide  it  is  a
welcome addition to your library.


        Recipe title up to 48 characters long.

        Type of recipe, ie Entree, Desert, up to 20 characters.

        Where you obtained the recipe from for reference.

        How many people the recipe feeds.

        Personal notes, ie Low Cholestral, Bob's Favorite, up to 16

        Preperation time.

        Personal codes to assist in finding recipes.

        Up to 20 ingredients, each 25 characters long.  Each with their own
        quantity and volume of measurement.

        Up to 13 lines of preperation instructions up to 76 characters

        Up to 4 special equipment entries, up to 25 characters each.

        OMNIFind!   allowing User to do extensive searches of the data file
        based on various criteria.

        The choice of printing two one sided, or one two sided 3X5 card for
        each recipe.

        OMNIShop a shopping list for the recipes  that  User  have  chosen;
        this lists not only the ingredients of all recipes User have chosen
        but  will combine them for ease of use.  For example if User have a
        recipe that calls for 2 eggs, another that calls for 5 eggs  and  a
        third  that  calls  for  1 egg; the OMNIShop listing would tell the
        User he needs 8 eggs.

        Complete  catalog  printing  option  that  will produce a print out
        perfect for putting in a 3 ring binder.

        Will use a MicroSoft Mouse, if installed.

        On line help.

CDMaster Ver 6.71a:
Compact Disk catalog system.

*Standard entries for Title and Artist (30  characters  each),  CD  Number,
Category  (2  characters),  and  up  to 24 Tunes.  3 User Defined Fields of
30,29 and 5 characters each.  The names the User assigns  to  these  fields
are used on all screens and in print outs.

*The  option  of  Changing  or  Erasing  for a Specific Title or CD Number.
Close Nuf' feature that allows partial 'wildcard' style entries to be  used
for Criteria and Find! options.

*The  choice  of obtaining Print Outs for all data or a Criteria.  Criteria
selections for specific: Artist, Title, CD  Number  or  Range  of  Numbers,
Category,  any  of  the  User Defined Fields, or a ComboZ of up to 4 of the
data fields (with And/Or option).

*Print Outs available:  An  abbreviated  listing,  full  catalog,  3X5  and
Roladex  cards,  front  labels,  or J Card style case inserts (with cut out
lines). Program uses double high/wide font for J card  CD  Number  to  make
them easy to see.

*Tune  List  option  that prints out Tune, CD Title & Number and Artist for
every CD in the data file (or Criteria).

*Custom List option that allows the User to pick and  choose  items  for  a
print out.

*Find!   option that searches for specific CDs by Title, Artist, CD Number,
Category, User Defined Field, or ComboZ.  Will also  Find!   for  a  single
tune and gives on screen pointer when found.

*Quik  Info  Key  (F1) will supply user with the last number in use and the
next missing number in the data file (Great during Add and Change mode).


DiZk4D Ver 3.02:

The  FIRST  dizk  catalog  and  labeling system written expressly for 4DOS.
Program features include:

*Read a floppy into memory and  let  you  save  the  data  (The  saving  is

*21 character title, 4 digit DiZk number, 3 character code and two lines of
remarks up to 65 characters each.

*Change  or  add  file  descriptions. Option for using the same description
for all files, or describing them individually using a full screen editor.

*Option to omit files from catalog while  still  changing  descriptions  on

*Print  out  4  X  1 7/16, 1 15/16 X 2 3/4, or 3 X 15/16 labels of the file
names and descriptions or just file names.

*Print out or write to a file complete or select listings and catalogs.

*Print out  a  complete  list  of  all  file  information,  or  write  that
information to a file.

*Perform  Find!   searches  on any filename, description, date, title, DiZk
number (alphanumeric), code, or remarks.

*Allow complete Updates of DiZks or of just the title info.

*Auto numbering of DiZks.

*Creates a dBase III compatible file with filenames in it.

*Swaps program to Extended or Expanded Memory, or to DiZk (User Defined).

*Handles date formats for America, Britain, Germany, Italy and France.


LessonPlanZ  Ver 2.00

This  program  was  suggested  to me by a user of one of my other programs,
CDMaster.  Michael Clark is a teacher at a school in West Virginia  and  he
was  right  in  the  throws of doing his own lesson plans for a school year
while using his computer.  He wondered if I could write a program  to  help
with it and keep the Find! and formatted print outs from the other program,
along with keeping it easy for computer newbies.

The result is LessonPlanZ.  It is an easy  to  use  system  that  allows  a
maximum of flexibility for the user.

Program Features:

*  Has 5 basic areas of text entries: Methods, Goals, Objectives, Materials
and Evaluation Methods for each lesson plan.

* The program has supplemental information entries for Title, Class, Lesson
Number, Dates Covered, and Number of Days

* The user can change the menu prompts for the text areas and  the  section
headings for each of those areas.

* User can obtain print outs for all or selected Lesson Plans.

*  User  can  obtain print outs or write to file a listing of all or select
plans, a listing of specific sections of the lesson plans, an actual lesson
plan or a custom made listing.

* The program  prints  folder  labels  for  paper  storage  of  information
associated with a particular lesson plan.

* The user can set defaults for the Teacher Name and School Name.

* Dynamic data file (only as large as entries).

* Entries can be from 1 to 5000 lines.

* Word Wrap & Scroll toggle on/off.

* Common word processor commands used.

* On line Help editor available (F1).

* Full featured full screen editing of text entries.

* Works with TSR spell check/thesaurus programs.

* Date formats for France, Britain, Germany, Italy and America.

WordZ Ver 2.00:

Ever wanted to  keep  track  of  jokes,  stories,  family  history  or
whatever  and  wanted  an easy way to do it?  WordZ to the rescue. You
can build up to 10 different  chapters  a  page  ata  time.  Even  has
KeyWordZ  to  quick  reference  each page!  All chapters have seperate
defaults for colour, drive, file name, and title. Each chapter is also
capable of having its own PassCode and encryption!  All  profits  from
this program are being donated to the American Cancer Society.

*Handles up to 10 Chapters with optional encryption  of  data.

*10,000  different  encryption  possibilities  (User   defined)   with
PassCode entry to protect privacy.

*Dynamic  data file (only as large as entries) and entries can be from
1 to 10000 lines.

*Full featured full  screen  editing  of  entries  using  common  word
processor commands. Word Wrap & Scroll toggle on/off.

*On line editor Help available (F1).

*Read  feature  allows user to 'thumb' through entries.  User can also
print out the entire opus or selected dates.

*Works with TSR spell check/thesaurus programs.

*Date formats for France, Britain, Germany, Italy and America.


CompUser Ver 2.70a:

             Consists of two files CUSERDAT.EXE & CUSER270.EXE



To  provide  a  single  source  cyclopedia of the latest data regarding the
computer industry that is rated for the user and will provide the user with
an easy way to contact the companies listed.  The system has two parts: The
data  file  is  a  listing  of  dealers  in  computer  supplies,  software,
shareware,  and  BBSs  as  well  as  authors  of  Shareware,  magazines and
newsletters.  The information is rated and complete.  The list  is  updated
daily  with  new  data files being distributed 3 times a year.  The program
lets you maintain and work with the data file, create and edit  post  cards
for  mailings  to  persons  in the data file.  Then you may retrieve either
listings of the addresses and cards, address labels, 4X6 cards, or  Roladex
cards.   The program will print post cards, and address them for you.  Post
cards cost 2/3 the price of a letter.

The User:

Shareware  Author:  Contact  more  distributors, contact only large or only
small libraries, use the PostCards to get feedback from  distributors,  use
labels to send disks and the program to track results.

Shareware  Library:  Find authors and computer hardware dealers.  Find BBSs
for downloading.

BBS Users: Find new BBSs to call and peripheral dealers for supplies.

Computer Clubs: Contact shareware authors and distributors,  find  hardware
and peripherals, find other clubs.

Computer  User:  Find  Shareware  and Commercial libraries, find the "lost"
author  of  a  program  you  have,  find  hardware  and  peripherals,  find
magazines and newsletters, find computer clubs.


        * Program is easy to use, menu driven and installs automatically.

        * Runs on 330K RAM, under DOS 2.10 or greater and uses any Graphics

        * Standard entries for Company, Attention, Address, City, State,
ZipCode, BBS, Day, Fax And Toll Free Phone Number, Date Last Updated, Type,
Rating, Association, and 2 Lines Of Remarks.

        * Standard PostCard entries for Title, Salutation,  Sign  Off,  and
16 lines of text.

        *Text WordWraps and Right Justifys (Optional).

        *User inputs Return Address block, Signature Block.

        * User sets screen colours, default data drive, and printer codes.

        * The choice of obtaining Print Outs for all data or a Criteria.

        * Criteria selections for all fields yor User make pick and chose
individual names.

        *  Print  Outs available: An abbreviated listing, sample PostCards,
Address Labels, PostCards, 2 Way Cards, 3X5 Cards,  Roladex  Cards,  Return
Address Labels, or a Kustom Listing.

        * Find!  feature helps you locate any of the  Address  entries  for
specific  variable.

        * Close Nuf' feature that allows partial 'wildcard'  style  entries
to be used for Criteria and Find! options.

        * Choice of indexing by: Name, Zip Code, Key or Telephone Number.

        * Build For Speed resequences entire file for speed.

        * Chase Ghost option rids file of accidentally added blank records.

        * DOS shell option.

        * User names data file.

        * Mouse Support


OMNIDiZk Ver 2.90:

Program features include:

*Read a floppy into memory and  let  you  save  the  data  (The  saving  is

*21 character title, 4 digit DiZk number, 3 character code and two lines of
remarks up to 65 characters each.

*Change  or  add  file  descriptions. Option for using the same description
for all files, or describing them individually using a full screen editor.

*Option to omit files from catalog while  still  changing  descriptions  on

*Print  out  4  X  1 7/16, 1 15/16 X 2 3/4, or 3 X 15/16 labels of the file
names and descriptions or just file names.

*Print out or write to a file complete or select listings and catalogs.

*Print out  a  complete  list  of  all  file  information,  or  write  that
information to a file.

*Perform  Find!   searches  on any filename, description, date, title, DiZk
number (alphanumeric), code, or remarks.

*Allow complete Updates of DiZks or of just the title info.

*Auto numbering of DiZks.

*Creates a dBase III compatible file with filenames in it.

*Swaps program to Extended or Expanded Memory, or to DiZk (User Defined).

*Handles date formats for America, Britain, Germany, Italy and France.


This file contains information regarding the posting  of  Unicorn  Software
programs  on Bulletin Board Systems. This file includes sample descriptions
which you may use to describe the package.

Disk Vendors and Distributors please refer to the VENDOR.DOC text



   Desk Top Productivity, Educational, Educator, Misc.



LessonPlanz 2.00 Lesson planning made easy.


LessonPlanZ 2.00  Lesson  planning  made
easy.   Includes  areas  for methodoloy,
goals, objectives,  evaluation  methods,
and supplies.  Each section can befrom 1
to 5000 lines using a full featured text
editor.   User  defines menu prompts and
section titles  for  print   outs.   Has
supplemetal  entries  for lesson number,
title,     subject,    dates    covered,
teacher's  name and school.  Accepts all
major TSR spell checkers and  thesaraus.
All  world  date  formats handled.  From
Unicorn Software Limited {ASP Member}

Author/Publisher Information:

Unicorn Software Limited is a small software company owned and operated  by
Charles P. Schell IV.

At Unicorn Software Limited we believe that the PRIMARY purpose of business
is  service,  not  profit.   This concept is fundamental to our approach to
product development, production and marketing.

Unicorn Software Limited has been producing top quality  computer  software
at reasonable prices, continuously, since 1985.

Please  feel  free  to  contact  me  at any time if you have any questions,
comments or suggestions.  I  can  be  reached  by  mail  at  the  following

   Charles P. Schell IV
   Unicorn Software Limited
   PO Box 911
   Wabash, Indiana 46991-0911

I can also be reached by voice or electronically as follows:

Voice:  219-563-4663.   The number is manned (by a human) from 6:00 to 9:00
PM EST, all other hours by an answering machine.

Unicorn Software Support conferences exist on the following BBSs:

** The Kokomo BBS:      317-457-9100
** The RoadHouse BBS:   317-784-2147  (FIDONET 1:231/290)


Also, we monitor the Shareware conference on the following networks:  RIME,
Intelec, NANet, MediaNET, and NAPNet.

Limited Distribution License:

As the exclusive copyright holder for LessonPlanZ, Unicorn Software Limited
authorizes  on-line  distribution  only  in  accordance  with the following
restrictions.  Disk Vendors and Distributors should refer to the VENDOR.DOC
text file for complete license information.

The LessonPlanZ package is defined as containing all  the  material  listed
in  the PACKING.LST text file.  If any files listed in the PACKING.LST text
file, or the PACKING.LST file itself, are missing, then the package is  not
complete  and  distribution  is  forbidden.   Please contact us to obtain a
complete package suitable for distribution.

    o  The  LessonPlanZ package - including all related program  files  and
documentation  files  -  CANNOT  be  modified  in  any way (other than that
mentioned in the following paragraph) and must be distributed as a complete
package, without exception.  The PACKING.LST text file contains a  list  of
all files that are part of the OMNIDay package.

    o Many BBSs customarily add a small text file (advertisement)  to  each
archived  file.  This text file describes the BBS and tells people that the
file was downloaded from that particular  BBS.   Other  BBSs  add  a  small
one-line  message  with their BBS name and phone number into the compressed
file, which will display when the file is uncompressed.   Either  of  these
methods of mentioning your BBS are acceptable and may be used, provided the
program and documentation is otherwise unmodified and complete.

    o  Unicorn  Software  Limited  prohibits  the  distribution of outdated
versions  of  the  LessonPlanZ  package,  without  written  permission from
Unicorn Software Limited.  If the version you have obtained is over  twelve
(12) months old, please contact us to ensure that you have the most current

    o  Licensee  shall not use, copy, rent, lease, sell, modify, decompile,
disassemble, otherwise reverse engineer, or transfer the  licensed  program
except  as  provided  in  this  agreement.  Any such unauthorized use shall
result in immediate and automatic termination of this license.

    o U.S. Government Information: Use, duplication, or disclosure  by  the
U.S.  Government of the computer software and documentation in this package
shall be subject to the restricted rights applicable to commercial computer
software  as set forth in subdivision (b)(3)(ii) of the Rights in Technical
Data and Computer Software clause at 252.227-7013 (DFARS 52.227-7013).  The
Contractor/manufacturer is Unicorn Software Limited,  PO  Box  911,  Wbash,
Indiana 46991-0911.
All  rights  not  expressly  granted  here are reserved to Unicorn Software

BBS Update Program:

Most BBSs have standard procedures for acquiring new files.  They get  them
from  other  boards, new programs are uploaded by users, etc.  This is good
because most authors cannot  afford  to  mail  disks  or  upload  files  to
thousands  of  BBSs.  However, some BBSs prefer to obtain programs directly
from the authors.  If you would like to obtain programs directly  from  us,
automatically, then please help us to cover the cost.

If  your  BBS  would  like  to  receive  automatic  upgrades  to any of our
products, directly from us, then please refer to the information below. Due
to the time and expense we are generally unable to  upload  directly  to  a
large  number  of  Bulletin  Board  Systems.   However, we are able to mail
updates on disk (in a sealed envelope) to many BBS's.

If your BBS would like  to  receive  automatic  updates  then  please  take
advantage  of  our  BBS Update Program.  Under this program you can receive
updates for an entire year for only $10 for  all 14  programs  (this  helps
to offset our costs).

To  receive  updates,  simply send us a letter with the name and address of
your BBS, your mailing address, the name  of  the  person  we  may  contact
(preferably the SYSOP or CO-SYSOP), and a check or money order for $10 (for
countries  outside of North America please add an additional $10).  Payment
in U.S. funds drawn on a U.S.  bank only, please.

The  BBS  Update  Program  covers  all  eleven  programs in release.  For a
complete list see the file UNICORN.DOC.

NOTE: All BBS's participating in our BBS Update Program will  automatically
receive  any  NEW  programs  which  we  may  release while their BBS Update
Program is in effect.

The BBS Update Program is only intended to help us cover  our  expenses  in
those cases where a BBS desires to obtain the program directly from us.  If
you  have  other  standard ways to obtain programs, then you may prefer not
to use our BBS Update Program.


This file provides information for Shareware Distributors, Disk Vendors and
Computer Clubs who wish to distribute Unicorn Software's programs.

BBS SYSOPs: Please refer to the SYSOP.DOC text file for information.

Individual and Company Users: Please refer to READ1ST.DOC for information.

Program Name & Category:

LessonPlanZ  -  Suggested categories are: Education, Desk Top Productivity,
Teacher Aides, Word Processor, Home or Misc.


The program is designed to help educators build structured lesson plans and
to  be  able  to find desired plans from within their collections.  It will
also produce a fulley outlined lesson plan or portions of the plans, as the
user desires. It is easy to use and install.

Program Features:

        *  Has  5 basic areas of text entries:  Methods, Goals, Objectives,
        Materials and Evaluation Methods for each lesson plan.
        *  The program has  supplemental  information  entries  for  Title,
        Class, Lesson Number, Dates Covered, and Number of Days
        *  The user can change the menu prompts for the text areas and  the
        section headings for each of those areas.
        *  User can obtain print outs for all or selected Lesson Plans.
        *  User  can obtain print outs or write to file a listing of all or
        select plans, a listing of specific sections of the  lesson  plans,
        an actual lesson plan or a custom made listing.
        *  The program prints folde labels for paper storage of information
        associated with a particular lesson plan.
        *  The user can set defaults for the Teacher Name and School Name.
        *  Dynamic data file (only as large as entries).
        *  Entries can be from 1 to 5000 lines.
        *  User defines printer codes.
        *  User names the data file, screen colours, and data drive.
        *  Word Wrap & Scroll toggle on/off.
        *  Common word processor commands used.
        *  On line Help editor available  (F1).
        *  Data files automatically install.
        *  Full  featured  full  screen  editing  of  text entries.
        *  Works  with  TSR  spell check/thesaurus  programs.
        *  Prints out entire opus or selected dates.
        *  Date formats for France, Britain, Germany, Italy and America.
        *  Mouseablity.
        *  Much more!

Hardware Requirements: 256K  RAM,  IBM  graphics/laser  printers,  mono  or
colour monitor, can operate on one/two or hard disk drives.

Other Requirements:  MS-DOS 2.11 or higher.

Registration Information:
   Registration price is $25.

   For complete user registration information please refer to the
   INVOICE.DOC text file.

Author/Publisher Information:

Unicorn Software Limited is a small software company owned and operated  by
Charles P. Schell IV.

At Unicorn Software Limited we believe that the PRIMARY purpose of business
is  service,  not  profit.   This concept is fundamental to our approach to
product development, production and marketing.

Unicorn  Software  Limited has been producing top quality computer software
at reasonable prices, continuously, since 1985.

Please feel free to contact me at any  time  if  you  have  any  questions,
comments  or  suggestions.   I  can  be  reached  by  mail at the following

   Charles P. Schell IV
   Unicorn Software Limited
   PO Box 911
   Wabash, Indiana 46991-0911

I can also be reached by voice or electronically as follows:

Voice:  219-563-4663.   The number is manned (by a human) from 6:00 to 9:00
PM EST, all other hours by an answering machine.

CompuServe:  70272,3317


Unicorn Software Support conferences exist on the following BBSs:

** The Kokomo BBS:      317-457-9100
** The RoadHouse BBS:   317-784-2147  (FIDONET 1:231/290)


disk librarian), and a check or money order for $10. (Countries outside  of
North America please add an additional $10). Payment in U.S. funds drawn on
a U.S. bank only please.

The  Vendor  Update  Program  covers  all  14  programs  in release.  For a
complete list see the bottom of READ1ST.DOC.

All vendors participating in our Vendor Update Program  will  automatically
receive  any  NEW  programs  which we may release while their Vendor Update
Program is in effect.

The Vendor Update Program is only intended to help us cover our expenses in
those cases where a vendor desires to obtain the program directly from  us.
If you have other standard ways to obtain programs, then you may prefer not
to use our Vendor Update Program.

Please Help Us Serve You Better:

We would appreciate copies of anything  you  print  regarding  LessonPlanZ.
Please  send  us  a copy of any reviews, articles, catalog descriptions, or
other  information  you  print  or  distribute  regarding  the  LessonPlanZ
package.   Thank  you  for  your time and assistance and for supporting the
shareware marketing concept.

Please  see  above for our mailing address and phone number.  Thank you for
your support!

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #3461

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

SAMPLR#2 DOC     12906  11-26-91   1:04a
GO       BAT        73   4-13-93   1:34p
PACKING  LST      1025   9-28-91   1:26p
INVOICE  DOC      2176   9-28-91   1:57p
READ1ST  DOC      1842   9-22-91   1:16p
SYSOP    DOC      7237   9-22-91   7:52a
VENDOR   DOC      5325   9-22-91  12:54p
UNIEMM   COM      1422   9-02-91   1:28p
COLOUR   SET      1241   9-22-91   1:11p
LSNPLANZ DOC     27274   9-28-91   1:46p
NEWUSER  DAT       653   9-22-91   1:15p
NEWUSER  DBT      4164   9-22-91   1:15p
PRINT    SET       280   8-30-91  11:12a
HELP     PLS      4661   9-23-91  10:19a
HELP     DBT     18944   9-23-91  10:19a
LSNPLANZ EXE    133989   9-25-91   4:06p
UNICORN  COM     16572   9-28-91  12:46p
SHOW     EXE      2040   9-12-88  10:48a
       18 file(s)     241824 bytes
                       69632 bytes free