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                                Textshot Version 2.1


                                by McAdams Associates



           To register Textshot, see "Registering Textshot" on page 9 of
                                    this manual.

          Contents                                   Page
          --------                                   ----

          Description................................ 2
          Hardware Requirements...................... 2
          Loading Textshot........................... 2
          Removing Textshot from Memory.............. 3
          Activating Textshot........................ 3
          Using Textshot............................. 4
          Saving a Screen............................ 5
          If There Are Problems...................... 6
          Image Editing.............................. 6
          Tips For Getting a Good Picture............ 7
          Disclaimer & Agreement..................... 8
          Registering Textshot....................... 9
          Index...................................... 10

              (C)Copyright 1992 by T.C. McAdams.  All Rights Reserved.

          Textshot is a pop-up TSR (Terminate and Stay Resident) program
          designed to be a text screen counterpart to ZSoft's FRIEZE(tm),
          producing output files for use in word processors and desktop
          publishing applications.  The user loads Textshot into memory,
          presses the hot key from within a character-based application,
          and a menu pops up permitting entry of a filespec and a choice of
          various file options.  When the [ENTER] key is pressed, the
          screen is restored and is saved to disk in the form of a
          monochrome (2-color) PC Paintbrush-format .PCX graphics file.
          This file can be loaded into any application that accepts .PCX
          files or into ZSoft's PC Paintbrush(tm) itself, for editing.  PC
          Paintbrush is not needed to use Textshot.  This version of
          Textshot also permits image "clipping" prior to writing an image
          to disk, as well as the optional preservation of all image
          settings "between pop-ups".  Textshot should work on any DOS
          computer running DOS 2.11 or above.


          Textshot will work with any of the common PC video standards.
          Specifically: MDA/Hercules, CGA, EGA and VGA.  Textshot is
          intended to work only in text modes, not in graphics modes.

          Textshot will capture 80x25 screens (all standards), 80x43
          screens (EGA and VGA) and 80x50 screens (VGA).  Screen formats of
          other than 80 columns are not supported.

          Since Textshot relies on a computer's internal graphics fonts for
          its output, the computer on which it's run must have, at minimum,
          a complete CGA font set.  In instances where this is not the
          case, a DOS utility called GRAFTABL must be run to supply the
          "upper half" of the necessary font set.  EGA and VGA cards supply
          their own complete font sets.


          Textshot is loaded into memory by typing

                          TEXTSHOT [ENTER]

          at the DOS command line.  If you use an expanded memory manager,
          Textshot will function happily there, leaving your DOS memory
          free for other things.  For example, if you use Quarterdeck's
          QEMM, you can load Textshot into high memory by typing

                          LOADHI TEXTSHOT [ENTER]

          When Textshot is loaded a message appears telling you so.  As
          mentioned above, on some machines a full (256-character) ROM font

          set may not be available; Textshot checks to see before loading.
          If this is the case, you are told to run the DOS GRAFTABL utility
          before proceeding.  Screen printing is disabled while Textshot is


          To remove Textshot from memory simply type

               TEXTSHOT [ENTER]

          from the command line, just as if you were loading it.  Note: If
          you loaded Textshot into high memory through a memory manager,
          don't invoke the memory manager a second time to remove Textshot;
          just type "TEXTSHOT [ENTER]", as above.

          Textshot will tell you it's unloaded itself, else it will tell
          you that it CAN'T unload itself.  There are lots of reason why a
          TSR could be unable to remove itself from memory, but most of
          them come down to some other program, used after Textshot was
          loaded, altering the computer's interrupt table.  In these cases,
          the only way to unload Textshot is to reboot.


          Textshot's hot key is [PrScr] or, on some machines,
          [SHIFT + PrScr], which means hold down the [SHIFT] key, while
          pressing [PrScr].

          If the hot key is pressed while in a graphics mode, you'll hear
          two beeps.  This is Textshot's way of telling you to stop doing
          that.  You will also hear two beeps if your video adapter is in
          other than an 80-column text mode.  In the special case of the
          Hercules adapter, it doesn't seem to be possible to tell with
          100% reliability when it is and isn't displaying graphics;
          sometimes, if you press the hot key while Hercules graphics are
          being displayed, instead of hearing beeps you'll see "splotches"
          appear at the top of the screen.  This means that Textshot has
          failed to accurately gauge modes and you'll see what ASCII
          characters written to a graphics screen look like.  Solution:
          press [ESC] to leave Textshot.  Your graphics screen will be

          Another potential problem lies with other programs that play with
          a computer's interrupt table, particularly the keyboard
          interrupts.  Textshot attempts to be nice to your computer's
          interrupt table, taking over and using no more of your computer's
          resources than it absolutely has to; but it HAS to have access to
          some things, simply to function.  If Textshot refuses to pop up,
          or if you have trouble typing inside Textshot, try changing the
          loading order of any other TSR programs you might be using.  This
          is a common cause of incompatibilities.  If you're not running
          any other TSRs simultaneously with Textshot and it still refuses

          to function correctly, the problem lies (probably) with the
          running application and there may not be much to be done about


          After pressing the hot key in text mode, a menu will appear at
          the top of your screen.  On the first line is a prompt saying
          "Enter filespec:".  This is where you type a name for your screen
          capture file.

          On the second and third lines are what we might call "status
          prompts", giving you your options: [ESC] and [F1] through [F5].
          Here's what they do:

          [ESC]  Leaves the program, "pops it down".

          [F1]   Controls image inversion.  Textshot pops up with this
                 option set to "OFF".  The correct setting of this toggle
                 (called a "toggle", because when you press it, it goes to
          its opposite state; pressing once produces "ON", pressing again
          produces "OFF", and so on) can only be determined by examining
          the final printed output of whatever document or file you've
          loaded your screen image into.  Some applications will print a
          normally-output ("OFF" setting) screen black-on-white while
          others will print it as white-on-black.  What you want your
          output to look like will determine the setting of this switch.
          Try it both ways.

          [F2]   The state of this toggle determines whether dot patterns
                 are used in the file to simulate, to the degree it's
                 possible, what the background colors of a screen look
          like.  6 of the 8 possible background colors have their own
          pattern.  No patterns are necessary for white-on-black and black-
          on-white areas.  Whether or not it's worthwhile to use color
          patterns will depend entirely on the nature of the screen you're
          taking a picture of and what you want the final output to look
          like.  Again, give it a try.  Note that this option isn't
          available (or necessary) in monochrome modes.

          [F3]   On MDA/CGA equipped machines, pressing this key does
                 nothing; CGA fonts are all there are.  On EGA/VGA-equipped
                 machines, you can tell Textshot to use any font available
          in your computer by pressing this toggle.  For an EGA, this means
          CGA and EGA fonts.  For a VGA adapter, it means CGA, EGA and VGA
          fonts.  Where you have a choice, each option represents
          tradeoffs:  EGA or VGA fonts will give a higher-resolution
          picture, but at the cost of increased file sizes.  CGA fonts
          produce the smallest output files, but with the coarsest picture
          resolution.  The resolution question must be decided by what
          you're using the output files for, and what quality is necessary.
          The file size issue might become important if you're loading
          screen images into an application that already hogs most of
          memory, when a change in font resolution could mean the

          difference between using or not using a file.  Also be aware that
          .PCX file editors that don't use scroll bars may be unable to
          load higher-resolution Textshot files.

          Note that Textshot pops up with the font switch set to the
          highest possible resolution by default.  This can be changed by
          using the [F4] key.

          [F4]   This key preserves all of Textshot's toggle settings
                 between pop-ups, including the position of the clipping
                 box (discussed next).  Filespecs are not preserved.

          [F5]   Pressing this key enables you to tell Textshot which areas
                 of your screen to save.  When pressed, it causes the menu
                 to (temporarily) disappear and a white "clipping box" to
          appear on your screen.  The first time this key is pressed, the
          box will be as large as your screen; changing the box's shape
          tells Textshot which part of the screen you want saved -- those
          parts that are covered by the box.  The clipping box is
          "inclusive", which is to say that whatever is covered by the
          edges of the box will be included in what is saved.  This would
          permit, for example, collapsing the clipping box down to the size
          of a single character, if that's what you wanted, and saving that
          single character to a file.

          The clipping box is controlled by pressing the arrow keys.  When
          [F5] is pressed and the box first appears, the arrow keys control
          the "upper left" sides of the box.  The top and left sides.
          Pressing [ENTER] with the box still visible "flips" the arrow
          keys, which then control the "lower right" sides of the box.  The
          right and bottom sides.  Pressing [ENTER] again toggles sides yet
          again, which can be repeated as many times as necessary.

          Pressing [SHIFT + ARROW] accelerates the clipping box's
          movements, allowing you to "cover more territory" quickly.

          After setting the clipping box, pressing [ESC] makes the box
          disappear and the menu reappear.

          If you should want to quickly restore the clipping box to its
          default (whole screen) size without having to use the arrow keys,
          make sure the [F4] toggle is set to "OFF", pop down Textshot, by
          pressing [ESC] from the menu, and then pop it up again by
          pressing [PrScr].  All toggles will be reset.


          Textshot doesn't care whether or not you use a .PCX file
          extension.  If you want your files to be "real" PC Paintbrush
          files, it's necessary for you to give them a .PCX or .PCC

          Filespecs can be as long as the available screen space.  The
          cursor will stop automatically when you've reached the limit.


          After entering your filespec and selecting the desired options,
          pressing [ENTER] causes Textshot to restore the screen and write
          the file you've specified.  Since a high-resolution file might
          take a little while to write, especially on a slower machine,
          Textshot will beep when it's finished writing to disk.  That
          means your picture is complete.

          Note: Textshot does not include the cursor in the pictures it
          makes.  If whatever you're using the picture for requires a text
          cursor, one can be "faked in" by loading the file into PC
          Paintbrush (or another .PCX file editor) and drawing it.


          If Textshot has any trouble when writing the file, you'll hear
          two beeps, a message window at the top of the screen will appear,
          and whatever the problem might be is described.  You are then
          asked to press any key, and the message window disappears.  Press
          [PrScr] again to try the operation over.

          Make sure you've typed a correct pathname (a directory that
          exists) and that the disk you're writing to has enough room for
          the output file.  It's a "giveaway" if you type DIR for the disk
          you're trying to write to and discover there are "0 bytes free"!
          Textshot tells you specifically about most common disk problems.
          If you see the general message "Disk error", though, it's
          something sufficiently obscure that Textshot (and probably you)
          can't do much about it.

          Finally, if there ever should be any difficulty in loading a
          Textshot file into an application, try loading it first into PC
          Paintbrush, or another .PCX file editor, and save it back to disk
          with the same filename, and then try again.


          As with any other .PCX-format file, screen images produced by
          Textshot can be loaded and edited inside PC Paintbrush.  Since
          Textshot produces 2-color files, your copy of PC Paintbrush must
          either be set (through PBSETUP) for any monochrome mode, or, on
          color systems, to CGA 2-color mode.

          Strange as it may seem, it is possible to get VGA resolution
          screen shots using CGA-mode files!  If, for example, you create a
          VGA-, or EGA-resolution screen image with Textshot and load it
          into CGA-configured PC Paintbrush, all the characters will seem
          "elongated", to be stretched vertically.  Don't worry!  These
          files can be edited easily enough inside PC Paintbrush.  When,
          however, the images are imported into an application they
          automatically assume the aspect ratio (the ratio of height to
          width) of the "frame" into which they're "poured".  A computer's
          video screen has an aspect ratio of about 3:4.  If the frame you

          pour the image into, inside your application, has this same
          aspect ratio, the screen images will turn out looking very
          natural.  If your Textshot images are saved using the CGA font,
          the resulting images will appear to have a "natural" aspect ratio
          inside PC Paintbrush to begin with, when it is configured for

          When a Textshot image is loaded into PC Paintbrush running on a
          Hercules adapter, the image will be smaller than the screen
          (because it has only 640 pixels horizontal resolution), on the
          right and possibly on the bottom, depending on the font
          resolution of the Textshot image.  If, after editing, the file is
          saved back to disk, those blank areas on the right and the bottom
          will go with it.  This is something to take into account.

          Every word processor or desktop publishing program that I'm
          familiar with has no trouble importing PC Paintbrush images
          regardless of resolution or mode, and that includes Textshot
          images; mode translation is always automatic.  Final judgements
          regarding hardware and software compatibility, though, as with
          any shareware product, must be yours.  Please make sure Textshot
          works with everything you might need it to work with before
          committing to it!


          As mentioned previously, the first things to try when saving an
          image is to use the toggle switches available when Textshot is
          "popped up".  Image inversion, the use of color patterns and
          changing the image resolution should make it possible to get an
          acceptable image under most circumstances.  But what do you do if
          none of these work?  This section has some additional ideas.

          If your video adapter is able, try switching to monochrome (MDA
          or Hercules).  Most programs make their screens differently,
          using ASCII characters and character intensity only, when running
          in monochrome.

          In cases where the color patterns are unacceptably ugly, but are
          necessary, sometimes you can solve the problem by changing the
          patterns used by changing the top application's screen colors.
          Since you are dealing with Textshot's color patterns, remember
          that it doesn't matter what the colors on the screen look like,
          whether they are pretty or ugly; all that matters is that the
          color patterns turn out acceptably.  If all else fails, try
          changing the application to sheer black-on-white, or vice versa.

          If you want to put something into a captured image that wasn't in
          the original, or take out something that doesn't belong, you must
          resort to PC Paintbrush, or some other .PCX file editor, for
          editing.  There, it's also possible to add cursors and capture
          small bits of an original file as .PCC (cutout) files.


          Users of Textshot must accept this disclaimer of warranty:

               "Textshot is supplied as is.  The author disclaims all
               warranties, expressed or implied, including, without
               limitation, the warranties of merchantability and of
               fitness for any purpose.  The author assumes no
               liability for damages, direct or consequential, which
               may result from the use of Textshot."

          Textshot is a "shareware program" and is provided at no charge
          to the user for evaluation.  Feel free to share it with your
          friends, but please do not give it away altered or as part of
          another system.  The essence of "user-supported" software is to
          provide personal computer users with quality software without
          high prices, and yet to provide incentive for programmers to
          continue to develop new products.  If you find this program
          useful and find that you are using Textshot and continue to use
          Textshot after a reasonable trial period, you must make a
          registration payment of $25 to McAdams Associates.  The $25
          registration fee will license one copy for use on any one
          computer at any one time.  You must treat this software just like
          a book.  An example is that this software may be used by any
          number of people and may be freely moved from one computer
          location to another, so long as there is no possibility of it
          being used at one location while it's being used at another.
          Just as a book cannot be read by two different persons at the
          same time.

          Commercial users of Textshot must register and pay for their
          copies of Textshot within 30 days of first use or their license
          is withdrawn.  Site-License arrangements may be made by
          contacting McAdams Associates.

          Anyone distributing Textshot for any kind of remuneration must
          first contact McAdams Associates at the address below for
          authorization.  This authorization will be automatically granted
          to distributors recognized by the ASP as adhering to its
          guidelines for shareware distributors, and such distributors may
          begin offering Textshot immediately (However McAdams Associates
          must still be advised so that the distributor can be kept up-to-
          date with the latest version of Textshot.).

          You are encouraged to pass a copy of Textshot along to your
          friends for evaluation.  Please encourage them to register their
          copy if they find that they can use it.

          And since this is shareware and I am a member of the Association
          of Shareware Professionals, please read the following:

               "This program is produced by a member of the
               Association of Shareware Professionals (ASP).  ASP
               wants to make sure that the shareware principle works

               for you. If you are unable to resolve a shareware-
               related problem with an ASP member by contacting the
               member directly, ASP may be able to help. The ASP
               Ombudsman can help you resolve a dispute or problem
               with an ASP member, but does not provide technical
               support for members' products. Please write to the ASP
               Ombudsman at 545 Grover Road, Muskegon, MI 49442
               or send a CompuServe message via CompuServe Mail to ASP
               Ombudsman 70007,3536."


          Registering Textshot costs $25 and includes one year's free
          support by phone, mail and CompuServe e-mail, free bug fixes, the
          latest version of Textshot, plus TWO handy utility programs: 1)
          SEARCH, a multitalented disk scanning file-finder program, and 2)
          TO/RET, a "two-in-one" combo that work together, enabling you to
          change to any disk/directory and return instantly to your
          starting point.

          To register Textshot, simply print and fill out the file
          REGISTER.DOC and send it, along with $25 (checks or M.O.s drawn
          on U.S. banks only, please) to:

                                 McAdams Associates
                                  P.O. Box 835505
                             Richardson, TX  75083-5505

                                 CIS PPN 70353,1644

          Textshot was created using QuickC and MASM, which are trademarks
          of Microsoft Corporation.


          Activating Textshot, see [PrScr] key
               One (signifying completion), 6
               Two (disk error), 6
               Two (graphics mode error), 3
          Clipping (image), 2, 5
          Color patterns, 4, 7
          Commercial distribution, 8
          Commercial use of Textshot, 8
          Disk errors, 6
          Editing Textshot images, 6-7
          [ESC] key,  4, 5
               and Hercules "splotches", 3
          [F1] function key, see Image inversion
          [F2] function key, see Color patterns
          [F3] function key, see Fonts
          [F4] function key, see Preserve settings
          [F5] function key, see Clipping
               Aspect ratios of, 7
               [F3] toggle, 4-5
               File sizes using different, 4
               Hardware requirements, 2
          GRAFTABL DOS utility, 2, 3
          Graphics file format, 2
          Graphics modes, 2, 3
               Hercules (determining), 3
          Hot key, see [PrScr] key
          Image inversion, 7
               Toggle switch, 4
          Leaving Textshot, see [ESC] key
          Loading Textshot, 2-3
          Memory managers, 2, 3
          PCX file editors, 5, 6, 7
          PCX file extension, 6
          PCX file format, 2, 6-7
          Preserve settings, 5
          [PrScr] hot key, 3
          Registering Textshot, 8-9
          Software compatibility, 3-4
          Support policy, 9
          Unloading Textshot, 3
               80-column modes supported, 2
               Aspect ratio, 6-7
               Hercules & PC Paintbrush, 7
               Monochrome, 4, 7
               Standards (compatibility), 2



Please read the file PACKING.LST to be sure that all the files that
should accompany Textshot are there.  Type


to view the file.

Textshot's manual is 10 pages in length.  It is configured to print
correctly to either dot matrix/daisywheel or laser/inkjet printers.
If you are using a dot matrix or daisywheel printer, adjust the paper
so that its top is between 1/2 to 3/4-inch above the spot where the
printhead contacts the paper.  The manual should then print correctly.

To print Textshot's manual, type:



                                 Textshot Order Form

          Registering Textshot costs $25 and gives you one year's free
          support by telephone, mail and CompuServe e-mail, free bug fixes,
          the latest version of Textshot, plus TWO handy utility programs:
          1) SEARCH, a multitalented disk scanning file-finder program, and
          2) TO/RET, a "two-in-one" combo that work together, enabling you
          to change to any disk/directory and return instantly to your
          starting point.

          To register Textshot, simply fill out the form below and send it,
          along with $25 (check or M.O. drawn on a U.S. bank, please) to:

                                 McAdams Associates
                                   P.O. Box 835505
                             Richardson, TX  75083-5505


          Please send me:

          ___ copies of Textshot @ $25/ea. in ___5.25" ___3.5"
              format:                                            $_____.___

              Texas residents please add 8.25% sales tax:        $_____.___

              Total:                                             $_____.___


          Fields in parentheses are optional.

          Your Name:         ______________________________________________

          (Business Name:)   ______________________________________________

          Address:           ______________________________________________

          City:              ______________________________________________

          State:             ________  Zip code: _______________

          (Telephone No.:)   (______)______-________


          Comments, additional information:


                        Textshot v.2.1 -- SYSOP.DOC

                              T E X T S H O T

                                Version 2.1

                      B B S    I N F O R M A T I O N

                       Last updated:  February, 1992

This file contains information regarding the posting of the Textshot
package, version 2.1, on Bulletin Board Systems.

NOTE:  Disk Vendors and Distributors please refer to the VENDOR.DOC text

Program Information:

File Name(s) for BBSs:

For consistency and to help users locate the files, please use the
following file name:


If the program is compressed using some other file compression method, then
please use the name TSHOT21 with the appropriate extension (PAK, ARC, LZH,
ZOO, etc.).





Program Name, Category, Keywords:


BBS Information File                                            Page 1 of 3
                        Textshot v.2.1 -- SYSOP.DOC

Short Description:

TSR for capturing text screens to .PCX files.

Long Description:

Textshot is a pop-up tsr program requiring 20k memory.  It saves images of
any 80-column text screen to monochrome .PCX-format files.  Ideal for
developers!  Textshot works with all common video standards.  There are no
special hardware or software requirements.  Textshot features image
clipping, switchable fonts, image inversion and color patterns.  Textshot
is easily removed from memory by running it again, and all disk operations
are error-protected.  McAdams Associates (ASP).

Registration Information:

Textshot registration is $25.  Registered users receive the latest version
of Textshot, one year's free support by phone, mail and CompuServe e-mail,
and TWO free disk utility programs.

For complete user registration information please refer to the REGISTER.DOC
text file.

Distribution Requirements:

Limited Distribution License:
As the exclusive copyright holder for Textshot, McAdams Associates
authorizes on-line distribution only in accordance with the following
restrictions.  Disk Vendors and Distributors should refer to the VENDOR.DOC
text file for complete license information.

The Textshot package is defined as containing all the material listed in
the PACKING.LST text file.  If any files listed in the PACKING.LST text
file, or the PACKING.LST file itself, are missing, then the package is not
complete and distribution is forbidden.  Please contact us to obtain a
complete package suitable for distribution.

o    The Textshot package - including all related program files and
     documentation files - CANNOT be modified in any way (other than that
     mentioned in the following paragraph) and must be distributed as a
     complete package, without exception.  The PACKING.LST text file
     contains a list of all files that are part of the Textshot package.

o    Many BBSs customarily add a small text file (advertisement) to each
     archived file.  This text file describes the BBS and tells people that
     the file was downloaded from that particular BBS.  Other BBSs add a
     small one-line message with their BBS name and phone number into the
     compressed file, which will display when the file is uncompressed.

BBS Information File                                            Page 2 of 3
                        Textshot v.2.1 -- SYSOP.DOC

     Either of these methods of mentioning your BBS are acceptable and may
     be used, provided the program and documentation is otherwise
     unmodified and complete.

o    McAdams Associates prohibits the distribution of outdated versions of
     the Textshot package, without written permission from McAdams
     Associates.  If the version you have obtained is over twelve (12)
     months old, please contact us to ensure that you have the most current

o    Licensee shall not use, copy, rent, lease, sell, modify, decompile,
     disassemble, otherwise reverse engineer, or transfer the licensed
     program except as provided in this agreement.  Any such unauthorized
     use shall result in immediate and automatic termination of this

o    U.S. Government Information:  Use, duplication, or disclosure by the
     U.S. Government of the computer software and documentation in this
     package shall be subject to the restricted rights applicable to
     commercial computer software as set forth in subdivision (b)(3)(ii) of
     the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at 252.227-
     7013 (DFARS 52.227-7013).  The Contractor/manufacturer is McAdams
     Associates, P.O. Box 835505 Richardson, TX  75083-5505.

All rights not expressly granted here are reserved to McAdams Associates.

Applying for ASP Associate Membership:

If you would like to apply for ASP Associate Membership (to become an ASP
BBS member), simply write to the following address and request a BBS
Membership Application Package:

                          ASP Executive Director
                              545 Grover Road
                         Muskegon, MI  49442-9427

or send a CompuServe message via CompuServe MAIL to ASP Executive Director
72050,1433.  You may also FAX a request to the ASP Executive Director at

BBS Information File                                            Page 3 of 3


                       Textshot v.2.1 -- VENDOR.DOC

                              T E X T S H O T

                                Version 2.1

                   V E N D O R    I N F O R M A T I O N

                       Last updated:  February, 1992

This file provides information for Shareware Distributors, Disk Vendors and
Computer Clubs who wish to distribute the Textshot 2.1 package.  For sample
descriptions of Textshot, please refer to SYSOP.DOC.

BBS SYSOPs:  Please refer to the SYSOP.DOC text file for information.

Individual and Company Users:  Please refer to REGISTER.DOC for

Distribution Requirements

Shareware Distributors, Disk Vendors and Computer Clubs wishing to add the
Textshot package to their disk library may do so in accordance with the
Distribution Restrictions listed below.

Limited Distribution License:

As the exclusive copyright holder for Textshot, McAdams Associates
authorizes distribution only in accordance with the following restrictions.

ASP Approved Vendors in good standing are hereby given permission to
distribute Textshot package.  Non-ASP member vendors must request
permission prior to distributing this package.

The Textshot package is defined as containing all the material listed in
the PACKING.LST text file.  If any files listed in the PACKING.LST text
file, or the PACKING.LST file itself, are missing, then the package is not
complete and distribution is forbidden.  Please contact us to obtain a
complete package suitable for distribution.

The Textshot package - including all related program files and
documentation files - CANNOT be modified in any way and must be distributed
as a complete package, without exception.  The PACKING.LST text file
contains a list of all files that are part of the Textshot package.

Small additions to the package, such as the introductory or installation

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                       Textshot v.2.1 -- VENDOR.DOC

batch files used by many shareware disk vendors, are acceptable.

No price or other compensation may be charged for the Textshot package.  A
distribution fee may be charged for the cost of the diskette, shipping and
handling, as long as the total (per disk) does not exceed US$8.00 in the
U.S. and Canada, or US$12.00 internationally.

Disk Sets & CD-ROMs:
The Textshot package CANNOT be sold as part of some other inclusive
package.  Nor can it be included in any commercial software packaging
offer, without a written agreement from McAdams Associates.

ASP Approved Vendors who wish to distribute the Textshot package as part of
a collection (such as PsL's MegaDisk set, or a CD-ROM package) may do so
provided that all the other restrictions are met.

Vendors (non-ASP Vendor Members) who wish to distribute the Textshot
package as part of a collection (such as PsL's MegaDisk set, or a CD-ROM
package) must obtain permission from McAdams Associates prior to beginning
such a distribution.

If you wish to add any of our programs to a CD-ROM or other collection,
please check the release date of the version you have.  If the version is
over twelve (12) months old then please contact us to ensure that you have
the most current version.

Disk-of-the-Month (or Subscription) Distribution:

If you would like to distribute the Textshot package as a Disk-of-the-
Month, or as part of a subscription or monthly service, then the following
restrictions apply:

ASP Associate (Disk Vendor) Members in good standing are hereby given
permission to distribute the Textshot package under the Disk-of-the-Month
style of distribution.

Others (non-ASP Members) must contact us in advance to ensure that you have
the most current version of the software.

You cannot use a Disk-of-the-Month distribution to use up your inventory of
old (out of date) disks.  Only current versions may be shipped as Disk-of-
the-Month disks.

The PRINTED User's Guide may not be reproduced in whole or in part, using
any means, without the written permission of McAdams Associates.  In other
words, the disk-based documentation may not be distributed in PRINTED
(hardcopy) form.

The Textshot package cannot be "rented" or "leased" to others.

You may not list any of our products in advertisements, catalogs, or other
literature which describes our products as "FREE SOFTWARE".  Shareware is

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                       Textshot v.2.1 -- VENDOR.DOC

"Try-Before-You-Buy" software, it is not free.

McAdams Associates prohibits the distribution of outdated versions of the
Textshot package, without written permission from McAdams Associates.  If
the version you have is over twelve (12) months old, please contact us to
ensure that you have the most current version.

Licensee shall not use, copy, rent, lease, sell, modify, decompile,
disassemble, otherwise reverse engineer, or transfer the licensed program
except as provided in this agreement.  Any such unauthorized use shall
result in immediate and automatic termination of this license.

U.S. Government Information:  Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S.
Government of the computer software and documentation in this package shall
be subject to the restricted rights applicable to commercial computer
software as set forth in subdivision (b)(3)(ii) of the Rights in Technical
Data and Computer Software clause at 252.227-7013 (DFARS 52.227-7013).  The
Contractor/manufacturer is McAdams Associates, P.O. Box 835505, Richardson,
TX  75083-5505.

All rights not expressly granted here are reserved to McAdams Associates.

Applying for ASP Associate Membership:

If you would like to apply for ASP Associate Membership (to become an ASP
Approved Vendor), simply write to the following address and request a
Vendor Membership Application Package:

                          ASP Executive Director
                              545 Grover Road
                         Muskegon, MI  49442-9427

or send a CompuServe message via CompuServe MAIL to ASP Executive Director
72050,1433.  You may also FAX a request to the ASP Executive Director at

Please Help Us Serve You Better:

We would appreciate copies of anything you print regarding Textshot.
Please send us a copy of any reviews, articles, catalog descriptions, or
other information you print or distribute regarding the Textshot package at
the following address:

                            McAdams Associates
                              P.O. Box 835505
                        Richardson, TX  75083-5505

Thank you for your time and assistance and for supporting the shareware
marketing concept.

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Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #3440

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

GO       BAT        36   2-08-92  11:43p
SHOW     EXE      2040   9-12-88  10:48a
README   DOC       601   2-26-92   7:58a
TEXTSHOT EXE     15248   1-23-92  10:56a
MANUAL   DOC     28317   8-31-92   4:07a
REGISTER DOC      2201   2-26-92   8:01a
SYSOP    DOC      6361   4-21-92   1:18a
VENDOR   DOC      7520   2-26-92   5:24a
PACKING  LST       128   2-26-92   7:35a
        9 file(s)      62452 bytes
                       95232 bytes free