PCjs Machines

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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #3416)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5170" to load....


Welcome to Picture It With Sound
Registration Fee: $9.95 + S & H (US Funds only)
    Send to: Attn: Picture It With Sound Registration
             Softline, Inc
             15377 N.E. 90th
             Redmond, WA 98052
             (206) 861-5463
Picture It With Sound includes InWin: an install
                    program run from within Windows.

NOTE: Most files in this program are compressed and MUST
      be installed in order to run the program.  Allow
      about 1 minute for the install.

Step #1: Make a copy of the Master diskette and place the
         master diskette in a safe place.
Step #2: Insert the copy in Drive A or B.
Step #3: In Windows Program Manager, select File-Run...
Step #4: Type:   A:INSTALL   or    B:INSTALL
         Follow the installation instructions as they appear
         on the screen.
Step #5: After the Install is complete, double click
         the left mouse button on the Picture It With Sound
         icon to start the program.
Step #6: Select OK at the License reminder screen.
Step #7: For instructions (HELP) on creating your own
         Picture It With Sound show: press the <F1> key.
Step #8: Please send in your license fee.  Softline will
         remove the pester screen, send a manual, and the
         most recent version of the software.  Thank you.
	   Double click on the Notepad icon titled
             "Registration" for the registration/order form
              and information on other Softline products.


Picture It With Sound                             VENDOR.DOC

       D I S K  V E N D O R   I N F O R M A T I O N
 This file provides information for disk vendors who wish to
distribute Picture It With Sound via their disk duplication
and distribution services.  If you wish to distribute Picture
It With Sound and other Softline programs, then call or write
to the Softline address given below.  If approved, Softline
will send master distribution diskettes of each shareware
				Softline, Inc. - ASAD Member
Picture It With Sound:  Talking slide show graphics presentation
                        tool for Windows, featuring picture
                        Auto-Stretch and Shrink.

TITLE: Picture It With Sound,  Version 5.0
         For Microsoft Windows 3.0/3.1
         Last updated:  May 1993
REGISTRATION FEE: $9.95 + shipping and handling (US Funds)
CATEGORIES: Windows, Educational (create lessons), Applications,
TARGET USER(S): Teachers and parents who need a tool to put
                together instructional lessions in Windows.

CPU HARDWARE: Standard or Enhanced mode Windows (3.0/3.1)
PRINTER: Not applicable - no output.
  USER LEVEL: Familiarity with Windows Paint and Sound
                   Recorder is required.
LANGUAGE: Borland Turbo Pascal, Microsoft C
TOTAL of File Sizes: 287,534 bytes

  Copyright 1991 - 1993, Softline, Inc, All Rights Reserved.
Published by:
  Softline, Inc
  Member of the Association of Shareware Authors & Distributors
  15377 N.E. 90th
  Redmond, WA  98052
  (206) 861-5463

  HOW TO INSTALL Picture It With Sound

   A README.TXT file is on each disk.  This file contains the
following instructions:

Welcome to Picture It With Sound
Registration Fee: $9.95 + S & H (US Funds only)
    Send to: Attn: Picture It With Sound Registration
             Softline, Inc
             15377 N.E. 90th
             Redmond, WA 98052
             (206) 861-5463
Picture It With Sound includes InWin: an installation program run
      from within Windows.

NOTE: Most files in this program are compressed and MUST be
      installed in order to run the program.  Allow about 1
      minute for the install.

Step #1: Make a copy of the Master diskette and keep the
            master diskette in a safe place.
Step #2: Insert the copy in Drive A or B.
Step #3: In Windows Program Manager, select File-Run...
Step #4: Type:   A:INSTALL  or    B:INSTALL
            Follow the installation instructions as they
            appear on the screen.
Step #5: After the Install is completed, double click
            the left mouse button on the Picture It With Sound
            icon to start the program.
Step #6: Select OK at the License reminder screen.
Step #7: For instructions (HELP) on creating your own
            talking graphics show: press the <F1> key.
Step #8: Please send in your license fee.  Softline will
            remove the pester screen, send a manual, and
            the most recent version of the software.
            Thank you.
              Double click on the Notepad icon titled
             "Registration" for the registration/order form
              and information on other Softline products.


   The following are suggested product names and descriptions
that can be used in vendor catalogs, brochures, ads, mailings,

Product Description: Picture It With Sound

     Picture It With Sound - Short Description:

       Picture It With Sound, Version 5.0 - $9.95
         A slide show program that talks with your own voice!.
         Simply substitute your picture and sound files for the
         Softline files.  1 to 100 picture and sound files.
         Features picture file Auto-Stretch/Shrink.
         Passed: Microsoft Compatibility for Windows testing.
	   Requires: Microsoft Windows 3.1, Sound board, and
                     microphone to record.  Graphics software to
                     create pictures (Paint).  Extra hardware not
                     required to play back the sound files.
                     Standard or Enhanced modes only.

      Picture It With Sound - Long Description:

       Picture It With Sound, Version 5.0 - $9.95
         A slide show program that talks with your own voice!.
         Simply substitute your picture and sound files for the
         Softline files.  Create your own lessons, tutorials, and
         other works like the Look and Listen programs.  Includes
         Sound and Loop adjustment dialog boxes.  Picture It With
         Sound does not require any extra hardware to play back
         the sound files - operates through the PC internal
         speaker (Windows 3.0 or 3.1 / standard or enhanced
         modes) or installed sound device (Windows 3.1).
         Features picture file Auto-Stretch/Shrink.  Up to 100
         picture and sound files in one show!.
         Passed: Microsoft Compatibility for Windows testing.
           Requires: Microsoft Windows 3.1, Sound board, and
                     microphone to create the sound files.
                     Windows Paint or some other third party
                     graphics creation software (save as .BMP
                     files) to develop the picture files.
                     Standard or Enhanced modes only.


   The copying restrictions listed in this file apply to any
individual, organization, user group, or business that charges
ANY fee for the distribution of the Shareware version of Picture
It With Sound produced by Softline, Inc..  Picture It With Sound
and its' associated files, documentation, and help files are NOT
in the public domain.  Picture It With Sound is owned by Softline,
Inc., Redmond, WA., U.S.A., the copyright holder.  Picture It With
Sound is a trademark of Softline, Inc..  Distribution restriction
rights are claimed under that copyright and are outlined below.

    - No organization may sell the Shareware versions of Picture
      It With Sound without prior written permission from Softline,
      Inc..  To apply for such permission send a written request
         Softline, Inc.
         Picture It With Sound Distribution
         15377 N.E. 90th
         Redmond, WA   98052
                              or call: (206)861-5463

  ASP/ASAD vendor members will always be granted permission to
distribute Picture It With Sound.  If you are already a member of
ASP or ASAD, please mention it in your request for distribution.
With your request, please also send your most current shareware

  Vendors may only distribute the "Shareware Version" disks.
These disks are created specifically for disk vendors, BBS
distribution, clubs, and resellers.  They can usually be
identified by the "pester screen" on the initial opening screen,
and/or a pester box message on the last screen.  Please note,
these are NOT crippled versions of the program.  The ONLY
difference between the "Shareware Version" disks and the fully
registered version are the Shareware encouragement screens and

You may distribute Picture It With Sound under the following
- Picture It With Sound, when listed in vendors' catalogues,
  advertisements, brochures, mailers, etc. must be named
  "Picture It With Sound".

- Picture It With Sound may NOT be sold as part of some other
  more inclusive package without a license from Softline, Inc..

- Picture It With Sound must not be distributed with other
  Shareware or public domain programs on the same floppy disk
  without permission from Softline, Inc..  However, Picture It
  With Sound may be included in libraries sold on CD-ROM disks
  and/or placed on POS rack methods of distribution.

- Printed copies of the manual may not be distributed in any form
  without a license from Softline, Inc.

- Picture It With Sound - including all related program files and
  documentation files - CANNOT be modified in any way and must be
  distributed as a complete package, without exception.

- No price or other compensation may be charged for Picture It
  With Sound. A reasonable distribution cost may be charged for
  the cost of the diskette plus shipping and handling.

- Picture It With Sound CANNOT be sold as part of some other
  inclusive package, nor can it be included in any commercial
  software packaging offer,  without a written agreement from
  Softline, Inc..  Under no conditions will Picture It With
  Sound be "rented" or leased to others.

- Any distribution of Picture It With Sound over bulletin boards
  and/or national telecommunication services will be limited to
  distributing a single archived file containing the contents of
  the entire distribution disk and NO charge above the standard
  charge for connect time will be allowed.

- No vendor can sell registered packages to end-users without
  written permission from Softline, Inc..

  In order to distribute Picture It With Sound you must agree to
abide by the ASP and/or ASAD vendor standards whether you are
an ASP/ASAD member or not.  For a listing of these standards or
if you are interested in becoming an ASP or ASAD approved
vendor, please contact:

 ASP:       Association of Shareware Professionals
            Vendor Certification Committee
            P.O. Box 5786
            Bellevue, WA 98006

 ASAD:      Association of Shareware Authors & Distributors
            3024 Colony Lane
            Springfield, OH  45503

Softline, Inc. appreciates each vendor following the ASP and ASAD
    We strongly recommend you consider becoming an ASP or ASAD
approved vendor if you have not already done so.  The ASP and
ASAD vendor member programs reduce the workload for both authors
and vendors alike, and helps give customers confidence that
reasonable standards are met in the distribution of Shareware

    To those organizations given permission to distribute Sofline
Picture It With Sound, Softline, Inc. will forward a Vendor Master
Distribution disk.  Updates will be offered to approved
organizations on a case-by-case basis.

        Picture It With Sound is produced by Softline, Inc.
       Picture It With Sound is a trademark of Softline, Inc.
           Softline is a trademark of Softline, Inc.
            InWin is a trademark of Softline, Inc.
          Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corp.
          Copyright 1992 by Softline, Inc., Redmond, WA
                   All Rights Reserved

VENDOR.DOC                                  Picture It With Sound

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #3416

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

README   TXT      1521   5-31-93   5:00p
VENDOR   DOC     11393   5-31-93   5:00p
INSTALL  EXE     16896   3-25-93   5:00p
INWIN    INF       978   5-31-93   5:00p
INWIN    SQU     29682   3-31-93   5:00p
PICTURE  EXE    227064   5-31-93   5:00p
GO       BAT        34   6-30-93   2:09p
SHOW     EXE      2040   9-12-88  10:48a
        8 file(s)     289608 bytes
                       29696 bytes free