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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #3320)

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        T h e  P C - S I G  L i b r a r y  o n  C D - R O M


This may well be the greatest collection of software ever compiled.

The PC-SIG Library on CD-ROM is our premier collection of the entire
PC-SIG library. It has over 3000 different, and complete applications
for your every need.  Every shareware program we have is on one disc;
over 700 megabytes (unzipped) of software you can have immediate access

Easy to use, all you have to do is insert the disc and type 'GO' at the
DOS prompt.  We've included all the tools you need for fast easy access
to the programs and their descriptions.

Whether you're interested in Accounting or Windows, there's a shareware
program for you on the PC-SIG Library on CD-ROM.

Winner of the Optical Publishing Assn's Best Consumer Product Award.

Shareware for every imaginable need: Accounting Chemistry Educational
Engineering Games Hypertext Networks Programming Spreadsheets Utilities
Word Processing

#             #             #

For Immediate Release

today announced availability of The Eleventh Edition of the PC-SIG Library
on CD-ROM.  The PC-SIG Library on CD-ROM contains over 800 megabytes of
shareware and includes more than 300 new programs, 550 updated programs,
and the addition of 75 megabytes of Windows 3.x shareware.  The
user-interface has been completely re-engineered to take advantage of the
HyperWriter! hypermedia and multimedia authoring system from NTERGAID, Inc.

The implementation of HyperWriter! provides significant performance and
ease of use enhancements.  Programs can access and download much faster
than with previous editions.  Programs have been reorganized and indexed
for better referencing.  Users just c lick with a mouse, or point with the
cursor, on a program name to see a complete description of the program.
Downloading or copying a program is handled automatically by HyperWriter!
Addition of a preview option is especially important for anyone who uses
images, icons, or fonts.  "You can preview the whole library of images to
find the right one," according to Bruce Kent, product development manager.
"This CD finally makes it possi ble to conserve your disk space and paper,
yet still have all the information you need to make an informed decision,"
said Kent.

All new and updated programs have been reviewed and tested by PC-SIG. Every
program goes through extensive virus checking using the most recent version
of VIRUSCAN from McAfee Associates, and other anti-virus software.
According to Kent, "In the ten ye ars we've distributed shareware, we have
never had a confirmed report of a virus on any of our distributed programs
or CD-ROMs."

The PC-SIG Library on CD-ROM, Eleventh Edition has a list price of $179.

Upgrades from previous editions are available for $99.

Users of PC-SIG's Essential Home & Business Collection CD-ROM can upgrade
for $120.

PC-SIG CD-ROMs are distributed worldwide through a network of distributors
and resellers. Based in Sunnyvale, Calif., PC-SIG, Inc. markets and
supports one of the world's largest collections of shareware for IBM PCs
and compatible systems.  PC-SIG also publishes Shareware Magazine, which is
devoted solely to shareware.  The magazine is availa ble by subscription
and on newsstands nationwide.

System Requirements:

IBM PC/XT/AT PS/2 or compatible with 640K memory, DOS 3.1 or higher and
Microsoft MS-DOS CD ROM extensions, and a hard drive. Microsoft compatible
mouse supported and VGA highly recommended.

To Order in the U.S.A.: Call 800-245-6717 and ask for Customer Service.

Outside the U.S.A. call (408) 730-9291 for the name of the dealer in
your country.




                         unlock your maximum potentials

                              (Shareware Program)

                                 Copyright (C)
                      Widening Horizons, Inc., 1988, 1992
                              All rights reserved

                            Widening Horizons, Inc.
                               22665 Shady Grove
                               El Toro, CA 92630
                                 (714) 458-9540

                               TABLE OF CONTENTS

       Shareware And How It Works .............................. iv
       License Agreement ....................................... vi
       Warranty Information .................................... vi
       Preface ................................................ vii
         Program Description .................................. vii
         User Comments ........................................ vii
         Software Reviews ..................................... vii
         Company Background .................................. viii

       Introduction ............................................. 1
         Personal Numerologist .................................. 1
         Software and Hardware Requirements ..................... 2
         Printer Recommendations ................................ 3

       Getting Ready ............................................ 4
         Software Contents ...................................... 4
         Important Terms ........................................ 4
         Important Notes ........................................ 5

       Using Personal Numerologist .............................. 6
         Starting Up............................................. 6
           Single Floppy Disk Systems ........................... 6
           Dual Floppy Disk Systems ............................. 6
           Hard Disk Systems .................................... 7
         On Line Instructions ................................... 7
         Help Displays .......................................... 8
         Changing Screen Colors ................................. 9
         Name and Birth Date Entry .............................. 9
         Displaying the Report ................................. 11
         Printing the Report ................................... 12
         Selecting a Printer ................................... 13
         Editing ............................................... 13
         A Fast Exit ........................................... 14

       Appendix A
         Program Files ......................................... 16

       Appendix B
         Error Messages ........................................ 17

       Appendix C
         Other Programs and Books Available .................... 18
           The Numerologist, A Professional Calculator ......... 18
             User Comments ..................................... 18


           The Numerologist Report Writer ...................... 19
             Software Reviews .................................. 20
             Get a $30 Credit .................................. 20
           Numerology: The Complete Guide ...................... 20
           Order Form .......................................... 21



       Shareware is  software which  is provided  to you on a "try before
       you buy" basis. It is not free software. Shareware authors request
       registration fees  from those  who try  their programs  and decide
       they will  continue to use them. (Shareware authors do not receive
       payments from  disk vendors  or  BBSs  from  which  you  may  have
       acquired the  program diskettes  or downloaded the files.) Because
       Shareware authors do not have to pay the high cost of advertising,
       the fees  they charge for registration are modest in comparison to
       commerically available programs.

       With Personal  Numerologist Shareware  you have the convenience of
       trying out  the complete program to decide if you want to keep it.
       This is  not a  crippled or  demo copy,  but the  complete working
       version of  the program. Only if you are satisfied and continue to
       use the  program do you need to  pay for it. You are encouraged to
       copy the  Personal Numerologist  diskette and share it freely with

       After  you  have  used  Personal  Numerologist  for  a  reasonable
       evaluation period  (not to  exceed 60  days) you  must either stop
       using it  or buy  a registered  copy from  Widening Horizons.  The
       registered copy  costs $39  (U.S. funds) plus $5 shipping/handling
       for U.S.  and Canada  and  $10  shipping/handling  for  all  other

       When you  register Personal  Numerologist, you  get the  following
       valuable benefits:

       o  The most current version of Personal Numerologist containing
          the latest features that have been added.
       o  An additional module for doing Yearly Forecasts -- the
          significant influences that affect you each year.
       o  A complete 42 page, typeset and bound manual.
       o  "The Science of Numerology," written by Matthew Oliver Goodwin.
          This valuable resource not only gives a good introduction to
          numerology, but shows how to get the most from Personal
          Numerologist. (Goodwin is the author of the text and program
          algorithms used in Personal Numerologist as well as the highly
          acclaimed, two volume set, "Numerology: The Complete Guide.")
       o  A $30 credit towards the purchase of The Numerologist Report
          Writer, our professional report writing program.
       o  Unlimited, free telephone support.
       o  Notification of updates to Personal Numerologist.
       o  New product announcements.
       o  Periodic special price offers.

       For your  convenience, a  registration  form  can  be  printed  by
       pressing the letter R when on the last screen of the program. This
       screen is  reached by  exiting the  program. An  order  form  with
       registration information is also included in the PRODUCTS.DOC file


       which can  be printed  by entering the command, PRODUCTS, from the
       DOS prompt.

       The Numerologist is a trademark of Widening Horizons Inc.
       IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines
       PC-DOS is a registered trademark of International Business Machines
       MS-DOS is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation



       1.  GRANT OF LICENSE. Widening Horizons grants to you the right to
       use one  copy  of  the  Personal  Numerologist  Shareware  program
       (SOFTWARE) for  a period  of sixty  (60) days. At the end of sixty
       days, you  must either stop using the SOFTWARE or buy a registered
       copy from Widening Horizons.

       2.  COPYRIGHT. The  SOFTWARE is  owned by  Widening Horizons, Inc.
       and is protected by United States copyright laws and international
       treaty provisions.  However, you  may copy  and freely  distribute
       unmodified copies of the SOFTWARE for other's evaluation, provided
       that you  charge no  more than a nominal fee and it is not sold or
       distributed in conjuncton with any other product.

       3.  OTHER RESTRICTIONS.  You may  not rent  or lease the SOFTWARE.
       You may  not reproduce and distribute, in printed form, the user's
       guide accompanying the SOFTWARE.


       The shareware  version of  Personal Numerologist is made available
       for evaluation/trial  use only  and IS  PROVIDED AS  IS.  WIDENING




       Personal Numerologist is an easy-to-use program that produces in-
       depth personality reports based on your name and birth date.
       Professional looking reports run 6 to 8 pages and reveal the most
       intimate traits and desires for yourself, friends, family, lovers
       and even co-workers.

       The program uses an advanced technique to integrate all related
       numbers, similar to what a professional numerologist does in a
       personal reading. By going beyond the simple "cookbook" approach
       used by other programs, reports are surprisingly accurate and

       Each report includes detailed descriptions of the Life Path,
       Expression, Soul Urge, Birthday, Master Numbers, Repeated Numbers,
       Karmic Debts, Karmic and Modified Karmic Lessons and Intensity

       The program is the work of Matthew Oliver Goodwin, the highly
       respected numerologist and author of the definitive, "Numerology:
       The Complete Guide." An earlier version of Personal Numerologist
       was offered in the Selective Software catalog.


       The following comments taken from registration cards are typical
       of Personal Numerologist users:

            "I am very impressed with the reports."

            "Great fun to include Personal Numerologist reports for
            engagement, wedding and new baby gifts!"

            "Your manual is excellent!"


       The following software reviews are for the professional version of
       Personal Numerologist, The Numerologist Report Writer. This
       commercially sold program produces a report similar to Personal
       Numerologist but offers additional features for those planning to


       sell reports as part of a small business. (See Appendix C for more
       details on this program.) These reviews are included here because
       the program designs, interfaces and reports are so similar.

            "It's easily the best character analysis type of numerology
            report I've seen yet, all things considered. I recommend it
                                            Richard Nolle, Dell HOROSCOPE

            "I ran several names of friends and relatives. Most were
            quite surprised that a computer report could detail their
            hidden selves so accurately."
                                   Connie L. Faubel, Transformation Times

            "This software is written as all software should be, but most
            is not. The directions are clear and concise, its ease of use
            is no less than phenomenal, and the documentation is the best
            I have seen in a long time. Counselors in every field can
            find uses for the reports produced."
                                                 Carl Ogden, SSC Booknews

            "The report's valuable and accurate information is presented
            in a style that is easy to understand and synthesizes factors
            for you. It is the best numerology program I have ever seen."
                                        Hank Friedman, Todays' Astrologer


       Widening Horizons, Inc. has been in business since 1984 and has
       dedicated its entire efforts to the field of numerology, creating
       a complete line of sophisticated but easy-to-use programs. Up to
       now, these programs were only available commercially. However,
       with the introduction of Personal Numerologist, version 2.01S, we
       have brought our expertise to the shareware world. An earlier
       version of Personal Numerologist -- with less features -- was
       offered in the Selective Software catalog. Our programs have
       consistently received outstanding reviews by the press serving the
       astrology and numerology marketplace.




       The Science  of Numerology dates back to the days of Pythagoras --
       the  famous   Greek  mathematician,   philosopher  and  father  of
       numerology. Pythagoras,  who developed  many of the basic theorems
       that form  the foundation  of modern  mathematics  (including  the
       right triangle  theorem taught  in math  classes today)  set forth
       that man could better comprehend the world he lives in through the
       complete understanding of numbers.

       Since its  discovery, knowledgeable  individuals have  been  using
       numerology to  enhance their  lives. Through  its use,  they  have
       gained a  new and  insightful way to see their untapped potentials
       and special  abilities as  well as the areas holding them back. By
       putting this  information to  work, they have been able to achieve
       the happiness,  success and  joy  of  living  that  is  everyone's
       natural birth right.

       Using the name and birth date as the database, numerology provides
       a mathematical  system for  assigning number values to each letter
       in the  name. Numerous  calculations are  then  made  using  these
       letter-number assignments  along with  the numbers  in  the  birth
       date. The  key numbers  resulting  from  these  calculations  have
       important symbolic  significance and  can be interpreted according
       to the science of numerology.

       The birth  name is  the most  important of  all the names. But, in
       numerology,  all   names   are   significant.   For   a   complete
       numerological analysis  it is  necessary to  look at  each name  a
       person uses.  For example,  if a person was born Jane Ann Marshall
       but now  uses Jane Marshall, a complete analysis would be done for
       both the  names Jane  Ann Marshall and Jane Marshall. In this way,
       numerology can  be used  to choose  a new  name to  help in  one's
       career, to understand the character of a new born baby, to see the
       effects of a woman's name change upon getting married or to name a
       business enterprise to achieve a desired purpose.

       Personal Numerologist  provides an  easy way  for you  to use  the
       amazing science  of numerology.  Through personalized reports, you
       and your  family can  have a fun and informative tool for learning
       about your  unique traits  and characteristics.  And if  you would
       like to  learn more  about numerology,  you will  find these  well
       constructed reports quite helpful.


       The actual  text that  make up  the reports was written by Matthew
       Oliver Goodwin,  a national  recognized numerologist and author of
       the definitive,  "Numerology: The Complete Guide." During the past
       15 years  he has  developed advanced techniques that are the basis
       for this program.

       Personal Numerologist  is fun to use and is intended for the first
       time computer  user. Knowledge of numerology is not necessary. And
       with built  in instructions  and context sensitive help it is easy
       to enter the required data and produce comprehensive reports.

       Each report focuses on the personality and describes in detail:

          o  Life Path  -- the  major lesson to be learned in life; where
             your opportunities for career and personal success are to be
          o  Expression -- your special inborn abilities and talents, and
             how to make the best use of them
          o  Soul Urge  -- your inner motivations and desires -- what you
             really want from life
          o  Birthday -- important personality characteristics
          o  Master  Numbers  --  special  energies  indicting  spiritual
             opportunities and the unique challenges they present
          o  Repeated Numbers -- life energies that may be out of balance
             and how to harmonize them
          o  Karmic Debts  -- difficulties  encountered until  one learns
             how to use an energy that feels unfamiliar to one's nature
          o  Karmic Lessons -- areas needing attention that once mastered
             can enhance one's life
          o  Modified Karmic  Lessons --  similar to  Karmic Lessons  but
             less intense
          o  Intensity  Points   --  strengths   or  weaknesses   in  the
             personality  because   of  too  much  or  too  little  of  a
             particular energy


       Personal Numerologist  is designed  to operate  on all IBM PC, XT,
       AT, PS/1  and PS/2  personal computers  and IBM  compatibles.  The
       following is a summary of the requirements to operate the program:

           o  PC-DOS or MS-DOS version 2.0 or later
           o  192KB of memory
           o  One double  sided, double density 5.25" or 3.5" floppy disk
              drive or hard disk.
           o  80 column  display (monochrome,  CGA, EGA,  VGA, laptop  or
           o  80 column printer (recommended but not required)



       Personal Numerologist  will work  with any  type of  printer  that
       supports 80  columns. However,  if you  are going to buy a printer
       specifically to  operate with  this program,  we recommend  a  DOT
       MATRIX printer  with 100CPS  -- 160CPS print speed. This will give
       you the  best combination  of low  cost, high speed and good print

       If your  budget allows,  ink jet  printers and laser printers will
       provide an even higher quality output.

       The paper  used with  your printer should be 8.5 inches wide by 11
       inches long  after removing  any tractor feed perforations. Longer
       length paper  is also supported for use in European countries that
       use a different paper size standard.


                                 GETTING READY


       See Appendix  A for  a complete list of program files for Personal

       If any  of these  files are  missing, you may not have a complete,
       working program.  Contact the  Disk Distributor  or BBS  that  you
       received the software from.


       The following  terms are used in this guide and are presented here
       for your improved understanding of this manual.

       Cursor       A  means  of  indicating  where  the  next  character
                    entered from  the keyboard will appear on the screen.
                    The cursor is normally an underline character.

       Default      The selection displayed after the prompt when a
       Option       choice is  presented. Pressing  the ENTER key without
                    entering any  other  response  selects  this  default
                    answer. The  first character of the default option is
                    displayed under the cursor.

       Exit         Leaving the   program  or mode  of operation to go to

       Menu         A selection of options within a program.

       Print Buffer A storage  area within  the printer  that allows  the
                    printer to receive more characters at a time then can
                    be  physically  printed.  This  speeds  the  printing

       Prompt       A question  appearing on  the screen that requires an
                    answer to be entered from the keyboard.

       ENTER key    A key  located on  the right  side  of  the  keyboard
                    pressed after  entering an  answer to  a prompt. Some
                    keyboards label  this key  RETURN instead. On the IBM
                    PC, the  ENTER key  is  symbolized  by  a  continuous
                    vertical line and left arrow.



       1.   See the  README file for installation instructions. This file
            can be printed by entering the following command from the DOS


       2.   Never work  from the original diskette supplied. Instead make
            a working  copy of  this diskette  as described in the README
       3.   Do not  write protect  your  working  diskette,  as  Personal
            Numerologist must  update data  on this  disk as  part of its
            normal operation.


                             PERSONAL NUMEROLOGIST

       You are  now ready to use Personal Numerologist. This chapter will
       cover all  aspects of  its operation  including how  to start  the
       program, how  to enter  the birth name and birth date information,
       how to print a report and much more.

       If you  are new  to computers, you will find the following step by
       step approach  easy to  understand.  The  fastest  way  to  learn,
       though, is  to try  each step  on your  system as  you read along.
       After using  Personal Numerologist several times, you will find it
       easy enough to use without help from this guide.


       If you have not already installed the software as described in the
       README text file, then do so now, before preceding any further.

       To run Personal Numerologist do the following:

       Single Floppy Disk Systems

       a. Insert the  DOS system  disk into floppy disk drive A. Shut the
          drive door  and turn on the computer power switch. Wait several
          seconds for the system to respond.
       b. (If you are asked to "Enter new date", type in today's date and
          press the ENTER key.)
       c. (If you are asked to "Enter new time", type in the correct time
          and press the ENTER key.)
       d. Once the  A> prompt appears, remove the DOS disk and insert the
          working copy of the Personal Numerologist disk into drive A.
       e. You are  now ready  to continue.  Skip over the dual floppy and
          hard disk sections.

       Dual Floppy Disk Systems

       a. Insert the  DOS system  disk into  floppy disk  drive A and the
          working copy  of the  Personal Numerologist  disk into drive B.
          Refer to  your computer user's manual for the location of these
          drives. Shut  the drive  doors and  turn on  the computer power
          switch. Wait several seconds for the system to respond.
       b. (If you are asked to "Enter new date", type in today's date and
          press the ENTER key.)


       c. (If you are asked to "Enter new time", type in the correct time
          and press the ENTER key.)
       e. Once the A> prompt appears, enter B: and press ENTER.
       f. You are now ready to continue. Skip over the hard disk section.

       Hard Disk Systems

       a. Turn on  the computer  power switch.  Wait up to one minute for
          the system to respond.
       b. (If you are asked to "Enter new date", type in today's date and
          press the ENTER key.)
       c. (If you are asked to "Enter new time", type in the correct time
          and press the ENTER key.)
       d. You will  then see  the symbol,  C>, on  the left  side of  the
          screen. This  is the  system  prompt  and  indicates  that  the
          computer is ready for you to proceed.
       e. Enter the  command CD  \PN to  enter  the  sub-directory  where
          Personal Numerologist files are located.
       f. You are now ready to continue.

       Once these  steps are  completed, enter the following command from
       the  DOS  prompt  and  press  the  ENTER  key  to  start  Personal


       Several seconds  after this  command  is  executed,  you  will  be
       greeted by  a "sign  on" display  showing the name of the program,
       the version  number and  a copyright message. When "(Press Any Key
       To Continue)" appears near the bottom of the screen, press any key
       to proceed.


       The first prompt you will see asks:

                       Do you need INSTRUCTIONS (Y/N)? N

       where N is shown as the default option. When you become completely
       familiar with  the operation  of  Personal  Numerologist  you  can
       simply press the ENTER key for no (since N is the default option).
       However, the  first time  lets answer  Y  for  yes  and  see  what

       A screen  of text  now  appears  explaining  the  capabilities  of
       Personal Numerologist. At the bottom of the screen is the message:

                     Press END to exit or PGDN for more...


       Press  the   PGDN  key  and  you  will  see  the  next  screen  of
       instructions. Continue  to press  PGDN until  you reach  the  last
       screen. If  you press PGDN one more time, you will be greeted with
       a beep  telling you that the last screen of information is already
       displayed. Pressing  the PGUP key at any time will take you to the
       previous screen.  If you  repeatedly use the PGUP key, a beep will
       occur after  the first  screen is  reached. At  any time,  you can
       press the END key to exit the instructions.

       Note: The  ENTER, ESC  and E keys work the same as the PGDN, PGUP,
       and END  keys respectively.  These keys can be used instead if you
       prefer to have your hands not leave the main part of the keyboard.

       Having  access   to  the  instructions  while  operating  Personal
       Numerologist can  be an  added convenience  if the User's Guide is
       not available when you need it.


       Besides the  built-in instructions,  a number of help displays are
       available whenever  the following  message  is  displayed  at  the
       bottom of the screen:

                F1 Help    F2 Colors    F3 Printers    F10 Exit

       This message  reminds you  to press the F1 function key to display
       the different  help functions  available. After pressing this key,
       you are presented with four choices:

       (P)rompt Help, (E)diting Help, (T)oggle Editing Functions, (R)eturn

       Pressing 'P'  provides one  or more  screens of instructions about
       the particular  prompt you  are on.  This can  be very helpful the
       first several  times you  use Personal  Numerologist. For example,
       important information  on deciding the correct name and birth date
       to use are available when at the corresponding prompts.

       Pressing 'E'  provides information  on editing.  This is  handy to
       review  when   first  learning   how  to  use  the  basic  editing

       The use  of the PGDN, PGUP, and END keys are the same as described
       above under Instructions.

       In addition  to the  editing help  screens, it is also possible to
       display a  summary of  the editing  functions at the bottom of the
       screen. This  is accomplished  by pressing  'T'.  To  remove  this
       summary, press  F1 and  then 'T'  again. These two keys toggle the
       help summary on and off.


       If you  have selected F1 by mistake, press 'R' or the ENTER key to
       exit the help function.


       The F2  function key  is used  to select  one of the screen colors
       schemes available.  After pressing  this key,  use the Up and Down
       arrow keys  to select  the color  scheme you  like best.  The  new
       colors will  immediately take  effect. Once  the screen  color  is
       selected, press  ENTER to  permanently save  your choice. Pressing
       the ESC key instead will restore the color scheme in effect before
       F2 was  pressed. This  function is  even  useful  if  you  have  a
       monochrome display.  The first  two choices  give white  text on a
       black background and black text on a white background.


       If you answer no to the instruction prompt or have exited from the
       instructions, you are asked to:

       Please enter the NUMBER of NAMES in Birth or Current Name (1-4): 3

       where 3  is the  default option. The correct name to use is either
       the full  name given  at birth  (usually the  name as  it  exactly
       appears on the birth certificate), the full name used today or any
       other full  name you  may have  used in  the past or are otherwise
       known as today.

       Respond by  entering the  number of individual names that make the
       full name.  For example,  if the  name being entered is Tom Jones,
       enter the  number 2.  If the  name being  entered is  John  Philip
       Jones, just  press the  ENTER key  for the default selection of 3.
       Additional  examples   of  names,  including  special  cases,  are
       available through the help function.

       The numbers  1-4 shown in parenthesis in the above prompt indicate
       that only  the numbers  1 through  4 can  be entered. If you enter
       anything else  an error message will be displayed at the bottom of
       the screen.  If this  happens, simply  reenter a  valid number and
       press ENTER.

       IMPORTANT NOTE  -- Use  the help  function by pressing F1 and then
       'P' to  review important  information on  entering the birth name,
       current name and birth date correctly.

       Once the number of names is entered, the next prompt appears:

          Please enter the FIRST NAME:


       Simply type  the first  name in.  Use the  editing keys  described
       later in  this chapter if you make a mistake when entering this or
       any other  response. The ESC key can also be used to return to the
       previous prompt if you decide to change an earlier answer.

       The number  of additional  name prompts  displayed depends on your
       answer to the previous question for the number of names. Enter the
       corresponding name to each name prompt that appears.

       After the last name is entered, the following display occurs:

          The NAME you have entered is --

          (the actual name entered is shown here)

             Is this correct (Y/N)? Y

       where Y  is the  default option.  This gives you an opportunity to
       make corrections  if any  errors are made. If you find an error in
       the name,  enter N  and press  the ENTER key or just press the ESC
       key to respond again to the previous prompts. If the response to a
       particular name  prompt is  correct, press the ENTER key to accept
       it as is. When you reach the prompt with an incorrect answer, type
       in the  correct  name.  Use  the  Spacebar  to  remove  any  extra
       characters at  the end of the name if the new name is shorter than
       the previous  one entered.  Once the  name is correct, press ENTER
       when the "Is this correct" prompt is displayed.

       After the full name is correctly entered, the next prompt appears:

          Please enter the MONTH Number of the Birth Date:

       A table  is displayed  above this prompt showing each month number
       for the  12 months  of the year. Select the number from this table
       corresponding to  the  month  of  birth  as  shown  on  the  birth

       After this number is entered, the following prompt occurs:

          Please enter the DAY of the Birth Date:

       and then:

          Please enter the YEAR of the Birth Date: 19

       Enter the day and year from the birth certificate. The YEAR prompt
       assumes a  birth date  in this  century. Only  the last two digits
       need to  be entered.  However, if  the  year  is  in  a  different
       century, use  the BACK  SPACE key  to delete  the 9  and enter the
       correct year.


       Once the  complete birth  date is  entered, the  following  prompt

          The BIRTH DATE you have entered is '(actual birth date)'
             Is this correct (Y/N)? Y

       where Y  is the default option. As with the name entry, this gives
       you a  chance to  correct any errors that may have been made. When
       you are satisfied that the birth date is correct, press ENTER.

       Note: It  is possible  to review and change the name entries after
       entering the  birth date  by pressing  the ESC  key several  times

          Please enter the NUMBER of NAMES:

       prompt is  reached. Pressing the ENTER key will then cycle through
       the name  entry prompts, showing the previously entered responses.
       Any of  these can  now be  changed. (If the ESC key is pressed one
       more time  than is  necessary  to  reach  the  above  prompt,  the
       previously entered answers will be lost and have to be reentered).


       After the  name and  birth date have been entered, the next prompt
       displayed is:

                   Send Report to SCREEN or PRINTER (S/P)? P

       Enter S to display the report to the screen. This is useful if you
       do not  have a  printer or your printer is not working. It is also
       helpful if  you need  to quickly  find and  read a  section of the
       report and  do not want to wait for a full printout. One screen of
       information will  be displayed  at a  time. At  the bottom  of the
       first screen is displayed the message:

                     Press END to exit or PGDN for more...

       Continue to  press the  PGDN key to view each of the screens until
       the end of the report is reached. The PGUP key can also be used to
       see previous screens. Press END to exit at any time.

       After exiting  the  screen  viewing  mode,  the  following  prompt

                 Do you want to Process another Report (Y/N)? N

       Answer Y  to enter  data for  another report  or N  to  exit  this
       program and return to DOS. (Press ENTER after Y or N.)



       A printed copy of the report is obtained by typing P and ENTER (or
       just pressing ENTER) to the prompt:

                   Send Report to SCREEN or PRINTER (S/P)? P

       After pressing  ENTER the  next prompt  asks whether you are using
       continuous or single sheet paper:

                   Continuous or Single Sheet Paper (C/S)? C

       Press ENTER for the default selection of continuous paper. Enter S
       if you are going to hand feed individual sheets of paper into your
       printer. When each page is done printing, the prompt:

                    Insert paper and press ENTER to continue

       appears at  the bottom  of the screen. Insert a new sheet of paper
       into the printer and press ENTER to print the next page.

       After selecting  the type  of paper  you are  using, the following
       message is displayed:

                       Ready the Printer and press ENTER

       This reminds you to turn the printer on and to correctly align the
       paper before printing starts. Press the ENTER key whenever you are
       ready to print.

       A reminder message is now displayed at the bottom of the screen:

                          Press 'ESC' to STOP Printer

       If it ever becomes necessary to stop the printer before the report
       is completed,  press the  ESC key.  As soon as the print buffer is
       empty, the  printer will  stop. This gives you a chance to correct
       something that  may have  gone wrong. A new message will appear at
       the bottom of the screen after pressing ESC:

                     Press END to exit or ENTER for more...

       If you  want to  abandon printing  before the  report is finished,
       press the  END key.  Pressing the ENTER key will start the printer
       again. The following prompt will appear if the END key is pressed:

                 Do you want to Process another Report (Y/N)? N

       At this point you can either exit Personal Numerologist or start a
       new report.



       The F3  function key  is used  to select  the printer  type.  This
       selection only needs to be made once and should be done before the
       first report is printed.

       HP Laser  Jets and compatibles, HP Desk Jets and compatibles, most
       other ink  jets and  all dot  matrix printers are supported. After
       pressing the  F3 function  key, use  the Up and Down arrow keys to
       select the  correct printer  type. If  you are  using a dot matrix
       printer or a non HP ink jet printer select "All other printers: 64
       or more  lines/page." If  the page number prints at the top of the
       page instead of at the bottom, then select "All other printers: 62
       - 63 lines/page."

       Once the printer is selected, press ENTER to permanently save your
       choice. Pressing the ESC key instead will restore the printer type
       in effect before F3 was pressed.


       If you  make an  error while  entering a  response and  before the
       ENTER key  is pressed,  use the  BACK SPACE key to delete the last
       characters entered.  (The BACK  SPACE key is symbolized by a large
       left arrow).  Each time  this key is pressed, one character to the
       immediate left of the cursor will be deleted. Repeated use of this
       key will  delete the  entire response. After the error is deleted,
       just retype the correct answer.

       If you  enter more  characters then  the  program  accepts  for  a
       particular answer, you will be greeted with a beep. This indicates
       that the  last character  entered was  ignored. When this happens,
       check your entry and delete enough characters using the BACK SPACE
       key to make the answer fit in the allotted space.

       Sometimes an  incorrect character will be entered. For example, if
       any letter  other than  S or  P is entered for the "Send Report to
       SCREEN or  PRINTER" prompt, a beep will occur and an error message
       will be  displayed at  the bottom of the screen. When this occurs,
       make the  correction suggested  by the  error message.  If the new
       response is  correct, the  answer will  be accepted  and the error
       message will disappear.

       For certain  prompts, an  incorrect character  will  not  even  be
       accepted. Instead,  you will  hear the  beep, indicating  that you
       tried to  enter an illegal character. As an example, if you try to
       enter a number character while responding to the name prompts or a
       letter character  while responding  to the  date prompts, you will
       hear this beep.


       The SPACE  BAR key  can also be used to remove characters from the
       end of  a word.  Pressing the  SPACE BAR  enough times removes ALL
       characters under  the cursor  and to  the right. This is useful if
       you are  reentering a  shorter response  over a longer one already

       It is also possible, by using the ESC key, to return to a previous
       prompt after you have pressed the ENTER key. This is useful if you
       realize that  a previously  entered answer  is incorrect. When you
       press ESC  you are  returned to  the prompt just answered, usually
       with the  previous answer  being shown.  At this  point, you  have
       several options:  (1) you  can go back one more prompt by pressing
       the ESC  key again,  or (2)  you can accept the previous answer as
       correct by  pressing the  ENTER key (this is useful if you want to
       see what  you previously  entered), or  (3) you  can reenter a new
       answer in place of the one displayed.

       Many of the prompts you encounter show a suggested answer. If this
       is the  response you  want, just press the ENTER key to accept it.
       If you want a different response, type the new answer in and press
       ENTER. This  makes Personal  Numerologist easier and faster to use
       by showing  the answer  it thinks you will most often choose. When
       the displayed  answer is the correct one, you are saved the effort
       of entering it. Instead, just press the ENTER key.


                                    TABLE 1
                            SUMMARY OF EDITING KEYS

         KEY         DESCRIPTION

         BACK SPACE  Deletes one character to the left of the cursor.
                     Can be used repeatedly to remove a complete

         SPACEBAR    Deletes the character under the cursor and is used
                     to remove characters from the cursor to the right
                     end of a response.

         ESC         Moves user back to previous prompt. Can be used
                     repeatedly to move back more than one prompt.


       A FAST EXIT

       There is  one additional  time saving function built into Personal
       Numerologist --  the F10  function key.  Pressing F10 will cause a


       beep and  a list of options to appear at the bottom of the screen.
       This function  can be  accessed whenever  Personal Numerologist is
       waiting for  a response  to be  entered. (The  only exceptions are
       when a report is being displayed to the screen or printer, or help
       information is being displayed.)

       The options  are (E)XIT,  (S)TART Over or (R)ETURN. Press only the
       single letter shown in parenthesis to select one of these options.
       Do NOT  press the  ENTER key  after entering  a response.  Table 2
       summarizes these options.


                                    TABLE 2
                                 F10 FUNCTIONS


         (E)XIT      Exits the program immediately. Use this carefully,
                     as you will lose all the information you have

         (S)TART     Returns to the beginning of the program, so you
            Over     can start again.

         (R)ETURN    If you access the F10 function by mistake, allows
                     you to return to wherever you were, without taking
                     any action. This is the default response.

         Note:       Select an option by pressing the single letter in
                     parenthesis. Do NOT press the ENTER key.


       The F10  function should  be  used  with  caution.  When  Exit  is
       selected,  all   information  entered   will  be   lost.   Entered
       information  can  also  be  lost  when  Start  Over  is  selected,
       depending on where you are when it is chosen. This function should
       only be used when you are certain that the last responses you have
       entered are no longer needed.


                                   APPENDIX A

                                 PROGRAM FILES

       The Personal  Numerologist software  should contain  at least  the
       following files after decompression:

                BASRUN.EXE                NUMBCAR2.NTX
                PN.EXE                    NUMBCAR2.INX
                PNPRT.OVR                 NUMBEXP1.NTX
                PNINSTS.NTX               NUMBEXP1.INX
                SDT.LRX                   NUMBPRA1.NTX
                LDT.LRX                   NUMBPRA1.INX
                PUNCT.LRT                 NUMBPRA2.NTX
                GENERAL1.NTX              NUMBPRA2.INX
                GENERAL1.INX              NUMBSEN1.NTX
                MODFCAR1.NTX              NUMBSEN1.INX
                MODFCAR1.INX              NUMBSEN2.NTX
                MODFEXP1.NTX              NUMBSEN2.INX
                MODFEXP1.INX              TRANSIT.NTX
                MODFPRA1.NTX              TRANSIT.INX
                MODFPRA1.INX              PNMANUAL.DOC
                MODFSEN1.NTX              README


                                   APPENDIX B

                                 ERROR MESSAGES

       The following  is a  summary of  the error messages that can occur
       during use  of the Personal Numerologist program. Explanations for
       the probable cause of each error and how to correct it are given.

       "DAY must be between 1 & 31"

       The birthday entered is less than 1 or greater than 31. Re-enter a
       number between 1 and 31.

       "File not found at address ####:####"

       If this  error occurs,  you are  returned to  the operating system
       prompt and  the cursor  may be  off. This  error indicates  that a
       required  file   is  missing   from  the   disk.  Re-run  Personal
       Numerologist and  use F10  to exit the program. This will turn the
       cursor back on. Re-copy all files from the original disk onto your
       working disk to restore any missing files.

       "MONTH must be between 1 & 12"

       The birth  month entered  is less  than 1  or greater than 12. Re-
       enter a number between 1 and 12.

       "Only 'S' or 'P' can be entered"

       A character  has been  entered other then 'S' or 'P'. Enter one of
       these two letters only.

       "Only 1, 2, 3 or 4 can be entered"

       A character  has been  entered that  is not  '1, 2, 3 or 4'. Enter
       only one of these numbers.

       "YEAR must be 4 digits long"

       The total  number of  digits entered  for the  birth year  or  the
       forecast year is not exactly 4. Re-enter a four digit number.


                                   APPENDIX C



       This is  an easy  to use  program for  calculating and  printing a
       complete numerology  workup and  is ideal  for anyone who wants to
       further  explore   the  power   of  numbers   or  do   their   own
       interpretations. Page  one gives  the natal numbers, the points of
       intensification, the  planes of expression and the overall cycles,
       pinnacles and challenges. Optional pages two and three contain the
       progressions: nine  key numbers governing every year from birth to
       age 91.  For each  chart, The  Numerologist gives  1065  important
       numbers you'd otherwise have to hand calculate.

       Names and  birth dates  for up  to 25 people can be entered at one
       time. The corresponding charts are then automatically printed, one
       after the  other. In  addition, this  program supports the systems
       used by  Matthew Goodwin or Juno Jordan. The Pythagorean, Chaldean
       and other numbering systems are also supported. You can change the
       numbers assigned  to each of the 26 letters and control whether or
       not Y or W are treated as vowels or consonants. You can change the
       labels given  to the  six  core  numbers,  select  the  number  of
       pinnacles to  use and  choose whether to start the progressions at
       age 0  or 1.  This added  flexibility allows  you to  more closely
       match the particular system of numerology you already use.

       User Comments:

            "I want to formally acknowledge the superior quality and
            usefulness of your numerology program. Your program provides
            the results quickly and effortlessly. In fact, the resulting
            chart is far more extensive than that to which most
            professionals in the field normally aspire."
                                                            Jerry Barnett
                        President of Numerology Association International

            "Your software makes calculating a batch of names a pleasure.
            I can look at half a dozen names now in the time it used to
            take me to do the calculations for one. I'm especially
            enjoying the ease with which I can have a progressed chart
            covering an individual's entire life. Thanks for taking all
            the dogwork out of the numerology calculations."
                                                          Matthew Goodwin
                               Author of "Numerology: The Complete Guide"


            "Your software has the most easily understood instruction
            manual I have encountered. I have had no previous experience
            with computers. Upon receiving The Numerologist my wife and I
            sat down and ran our charts in 15 minutes without any
            problems. Most of all The Numerologist saves time and gives a
            professional look to my work. Many thanks for this excellent
                                                           William Pegler


       This program  is the professional version of Personal Numerologist
       and is  for those  users who want more in-depth reports or want to
       start a business to sell the printouts.

       In addition  to the  features found  in Personal Numerologist, The
       Numerologist  Report   Writer  provides   the  following  advanced

       o The Challenge,  a very influential number that describes a major
         obstacle that once overcome can add new dimension to one's life.
       o The Maturity  Number, describing  a powerful  lesson  that  will
         bring increased meaning to one's life during the adult years.
       o The Current Name, combined with the birth name, giving the total
         picture of  an individual  with emphasis  on how the name change
         has impacted the life.
       o A professional  looking cover  page that shows who the report is
         for, along  with six lines you define for your name, address and
         anything else  you want to personally display. A must for anyone
         selling reports for profit.
       o A chart  page that  follows the  cover page,  giving a  detailed
         summary of  all  the  numerological  calculations  used  in  the
         report. A great way to see all the numbers at once for those who
         want to gain a deeper insight from the complete chart.
       o Up to  10 sets  of names  and birth dates that can be entered at
         one  time   in  batch   mode.  Each   report  is   then  printed
         automatically, one  after the other, freeing you to do something
         else until  all reports  are done.  A valuable  time saver  when
         printing multiple reports.
       o Reports that  can be  edited using  your favorite word processor
         before printing.  This allows  you  to  add  your  own  personal
         thoughts to  each report.  If you  have a favorite number that's
         not included  in the reports, for example, just go ahead and add
       o The individual treatment of the letters 'Y' and 'W' as vowels or
         consonants to  match whichever  system of numerology you are now
       o Advanced editing keys that make it easy to correct mistakes made
         during data entry, saving time and trouble.


       o Headings that  print in  bold  type,  producing  better  looking
       o A  license  agreement  that  includes  the  right  to  sell  the
         copyrighted reports  in your  regional area  for profit. Whereas
         the Personal Numerologist is meant for personal use with friends
         and family,  this allows  The Numerologist  Report Writer  to be
         used in a business.

       Software Reviews:

            "It's easily the best character analysis type of numerology
            report I've seen yet, all things considered. I recommend it
                                            Richard Nolle, Dell HOROSCOPE

            "I ran several names of friends and relatives. Most were
            quite surprised that a computer report could detail their
            hidden selves so accurately."
                                   Connie L. Faubel, Transformation Times

            "This software is written as all software should be, but most
            is not. The directions are clear and concise, its ease of use
            is no less than phenomenal, and the documentation is the best
            I have seen in a long time. Counselors in every field can
            find uses for the reports produced."
                                                 Carl Ogden, SSC Booknews

            "The report's valuable and accurate information is presented
            in a style that is easy to understand and synthesizes factors
            for you. It is the best numerology program I have ever seen."
                                        Hank Friedman, Todays' Astrologer

       Get A $30 Credit

       When you  order the registered copy of  Personal Numerologist, you
       get a  $30 credit  towards the purchase of The Numerologist Report
       Writer. This  means extra  savings if  you ever  outgrow  Personal
       Numerologist and  decide to  upgrade to this more powerful program
       at some later time.


       This comprehensive,  two volume  set is  one of  the most complete
       books on  the subject  of numerology.  Both books  are written  by
       Matthew Goodwin, author of the text and program algorithms used in
       Personal Numerologist.  Volume 1 is on the personality reading and
       will give you the how and why behind the workings of this program.
       Volume 2  covers advanced  aspects of  the personality  reading as
       well as the progressions.



       To register your copy of Personal Numerologist and/or to order any
       of the  above programs  or books,  use the  order form on the next

                                    ORDER FORM

                              Widening Horizons, Inc.
                       22665 Shady Grove, El Toro, CA 92630
                         Order 9AM-5PM PST (714) 458-9540

      DESCRIPTION                                PRICE     QTY      TOTAL
      ========================================  =======   =====   =========
      SOFTWARE (* 60 Day Money Back Guarantee)

      Personal Numerologist (Registered Copy)   $ 39.00   _____   $________
      The Numerologist *                        $ 99.95   _____   $________
      The Numerologist Report Writer *          $295.00   _____   $________


      Numerology: The Complete Guide, Vol 1     $ 14.95   _____   $________
      Numerology: The Complete Guide, Vol 2     $ 14.95   _____   $________

      SHIPPING & HANDLING (see below)                             $________

                                SOFTWARE                   BOOKS
      U.S. & Territories  $5; 3 or more items: $7    $4 for 1st; $1 each add.
      Canada              $5; 3 or more items: $7    $6 for 1st; $2 each add.
      International       $10; 3 or more items: $14  $7 for 1st; $3 each add.

      SALES TAX (for California residents only)                   $________

      TOTAL (Payments from outside U.S. must be in U.S. funds)    $________

      [ ] Visa   [ ] Mastercard   [ ] Check/Money Order

      Acct # _________________________________________  Exp ________________

      Signature ____________________________________ (for credit cards only)

      SHIP TO:

      Name ________________________________ Day Phone (_____) ______________

      Address ______________________________________________________________

      City _____________________________________ State ______ Zip __________

      Country ______________________________________________________________

      Disk Size    [ ] 5.25"      [ ] 3.5"

      Who provided your copy of Personal Numerologist?

      Name ____________________________________ Phone (_____) ______________


      City _____________________________________ State ______ Zip __________


                                PRODUCT CATALOG

                         OF RELATED SOFTWARE AND BOOKS


   This is  an easy  to use  program for  calculating and printing a complete
   numerology workup and is ideal for anyone who wants to further explore the
   power of numbers or do their own interpretations. Page one gives the natal
   numbers, the  points of  intensification, the planes of expression and the
   overall cycles,  pinnacles and  challenges. Optional  pages two  and three
   contain the progressions: nine key numbers governing every year from birth
   to age  91. For  each chart, The Numerologist gives 1065 important numbers
   you'd otherwise have to hand calculate.

   Names and  birth dates for up to 25 people can be entered at one time. The
   corresponding charts  are then automatically printed, one after the other.
   In addition,  this program supports the systems used by Matthew Goodwin or
   Juno Jordan.  The Pythagorean,  Chaldean and  other numbering  systems are
   also supported.  You can  change the  numbers assigned  to each  of the 26
   letters and  control whether  or not  Y or  W are  treated  as  vowels  or
   consonants. You  can change  the labels  given to  the six  core  numbers,
   select the  number of  pinnacles to  use and  choose whether  to start the
   progressions at  age 0  or 1.  This added  flexibility allows  you to more
   closely match the particular system of numerology you already use.

   User Comments:

        "I want to formally acknowledge the superior quality and usefulness
        of your numerology program. Your program provides the results quickly
        and effortlessly. In fact, the resulting chart is far more extensive
        than that to which most professionals in the field normally aspire."
                                                                Jerry Barnett
                            President of Numerology Association International

        "Your software makes calculating a batch of names a pleasure. I can
        look at half a dozen names now in the time it used to take me to do
        the calculations for one. I'm especially enjoying the ease with which
        I can have a progressed chart covering an individual's entire life.
        Thanks for taking all the dogwork out of the numerology
                                                              Matthew Goodwin
                                   Author of "Numerology: The Complete Guide"

        "Your software has the most easily understood instruction manual I
        have encountered. I have had no previous experience with computers.
        Upon receiving The Numerologist my wife and I sat down and ran our
        charts in 15 minutes without any problems. Most of all The


        Numerologist saves time and gives a professional look to my work.
        Many thanks for this excellent value."
                                                               William Pegler


   This program  is the  professional version of Personal Numerologist and is
   for those users who want more in-depth reports or want to start a business
   to sell the printouts.

   In  addition   to  the   features  found  in  Personal  Numerologist,  The
   Numerologist Report Writer provides the following advanced capabilities:

   o The Challenge, a very influential number that describes a major obstacle
     that once overcome can add new dimension to one's life.
   o The Maturity  Number, describing  a  powerful  lesson  that  will  bring
     increased meaning to one's life during the adult years.
   o The Current Name, combined with the birth name, giving the total picture
     of an  individual with  emphasis on how the name change has impacted the
   o A professional  looking cover  page that  shows who  the report  is for,
     along with six lines you define for your name, address and anything else
     you want  to personally  display. A  must for anyone selling reports for
   o A chart  page that  follows the cover page, giving a detailed summary of
     all the  numerological calculations  used in  the report. A great way to
     see all  the numbers at once for those who want to gain a deeper insight
     from the complete chart.
   o Up to  10 sets  of names and birth dates that can be entered at one time
     in batch  mode. Each report is then printed automatically, one after the
     other, freeing  you to  do something  else until all reports are done. A
     valuable time saver when printing multiple reports.
   o Reports that  can be  edited using  your favorite  word processor before
     printing. This  allows you  to add  your own  personal thoughts  to each
     report. If  you have  a favorite  number  that's  not  included  in  the
     reports, for example, just go ahead and add it.
   o The individual  treatment of  the letters  'Y'  and  'W'  as  vowels  or
     consonants to match whichever system of numerology you are now using.
   o Advanced editing  keys that make it easy to correct mistakes made during
     data entry, saving time and trouble.
   o Headings that print in bold type, producing better looking reports.
   o A license  agreement that  includes the  right to  sell the  copyrighted
     reports  in   your  regional  area  for  profit.  Whereas  the  Personal
     Numerologist is  meant for  personal use  with friends  and family, this
     allows The Numerologist Report Writer to be used in a business.

   Software Reviews:

        "It's easily the best character analysis type of numerology report
        I've seen yet, all things considered. I recommend it highly."
                                                Richard Nolle, Dell HOROSCOPE


        "I ran several names of friends and relatives. Most were quite
        surprised that a computer report could detail their hidden selves so
                                       Connie L. Faubel, Transformation Times

        "This software is written as all software should be, but most is not.
        The directions are clear and concise, its ease of use is no less than
        phenomenal, and the documentation is the best I have seen in a long
        time. Counselors in every field can find uses for the reports
                                                     Carl Ogden, SSC Booknews

        "The report's valuable and accurate information is presented in a
        style that is easy to understand and synthesizes factors for you. It
        is the best numerology program I have ever seen."
                                            Hank Friedman, Todays' Astrologer

   Get A $30 Credit

   When you  order the  registered copy  of  Personal Numerologist, you get a
   $30 credit  towards the  purchase of  The Numerologist Report Writer. This
   means extra  savings if  you ever outgrow Personal Numerologist and decide
   to upgrade to this more powerful program at some later time.


   This comprehensive,  two volume  set is  one of the most complete books on
   the subject  of numerology.  Both books  are written  by Matthew  Goodwin,
   author of  the text  and program algorithms used in Personal Numerologist.
   Volume 1  is on  the personality reading and will give you the how and why
   behind the  workings of this program.  Volume 2 covers advanced aspects of
   the personality reading as well as the progressions.


   To register  your copy of Personal Numerologist and/or to order any of the
   above programs or books, use the order form on the next page.

                                    ORDER FORM

                              Widening Horizons, Inc.
                       22665 Shady Grove, El Toro, CA 92630
                         Order 9AM-5PM PST (714) 458-9540

   DESCRIPTION                                 PRICE     QTY      TOTAL
   ========================================   =======   =====   =========
   SOFTWARE (* 60 Day Money Back Guarantee)

   Personal Numerologist (Registered Copy)    $ 39.00   _____   $________
   The Numerologist *                         $ 99.95   _____   $________
   The Numerologist Report Writer *           $295.00   _____   $________


   Numerology: The Complete Guide, Vol 1      $ 14.95   _____   $________
   Numerology: The Complete Guide, Vol 2      $ 14.95   _____   $________

   SHIPPING & HANDLING (see below)                              $________

                             SOFTWARE                   BOOKS
   U.S. & Territories  $5; 3 or more items: $7    $4 for 1st; $1 each add.
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   All other countries $10; 3 or more items: $14  $7 for 1st; $3 each add.

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   DISK SIZE    [ ] 5.25"      [ ] 3.5"


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                               VENDOR INFORMATION

    PROGRAM NAME: Personal Numerologist
    VERSION: 2.01S
    SUBMISSION TYPE: New, Shareware Program
    PUBLISHER: Widening Horizons, Inc., 22665 Shady Grove, El Toro, CA 92630
               Telephone (714) 458-9540  FAX (714) 458-9540

    SYSOP INFORMATION: To create a single NUMROLGY.ZIP file, first run the
       self-extracting program file, NUMROLGY.EXE. Then ZIP all these files
       with the documentation files: README.*, PNMANUAL.*, PRODUCTS.*,
       VENDOR.DOC and PACKING.LST. See the PACKING.LST file for a complete
       listing of all the files that belong in the ZIP file.

       NOTE: Make sure the original PUNCT.LRT file is used. This file changes
       when the program is run.

    SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: IBM PC, XT, AT, PS/1, PS/2 or compatible with 192KB
       of memory; Monochrome, CGA, EGA, VGA, laptop or notebook display; one
       double sided, double density floppy or hard disk drive and DOS 2.0 or
       later. Printer recommended but not required. There are no inherit
       limitations to the program.

    LONG DESCRIPTION: This easy-to-use program produces in-depth personality
       reports based on your name and birth date. Professional looking
       reports run 6 to 8 pages and reveal the most intimate traits and
       desires for yourself, friends, family, lovers and even co-workers. The
       program uses an advanced technique to integrate all related numbers,
       similar to what a professional numerologist does in a personal
       reading. By going beyond the simple "cookbook" approach used by other
       programs, reports are surprisingly accurate and relevant. Each report
       includes detailed descriptions of the Life Path, Expression, Soul
       Urge, Birthday, Master Numbers, Repeated Numbers, Karmic Debts, Karmic
       and Modified Karmic Lessons and Intensity Points. The program is the
       work of Matthew Oliver Goodwin, the highly respected numerologist and
       author of the definitive, "Numerology: The Complete Guide." An earlier
       version of Personal Numerologist was offered in the Selective Software

    SHORT DESCRIPTION: Easy-to-use program produces in-depth personality
       reports based on your name and birth date. Professional looking
       reports run 6 to 8 pages and reveal the most intimate traits and
       desires for yourself, friends, family, lovers and even co-workers. By
       using an advanced technique to integrate all related numbers, reports
       are surprisingly accurate and relevant. The program is the work of
       Matthew Goodwin, author of "Numerology: The Complete Guide," and was
       offered in the Selective Software catalog.

    ONE-LINE DESCRIPTION: In-depth 6 to 8 page numerology reports reveal the
       most intimate traits and desires for yourself, friends, family, lovers
       or co-workers.

    APPROPRIATE CLASSIFICATIONS (in order of preference): Numerology,
       Astrology, Metaphysics, Occult, New Age, Entertainment, Hobbies.


    DISTRIBUTION RULES: Personal Numerologist, version 2.01S, may be
       distributed by Shareware Distributors, Disk Vendors, Computer Clubs
       and BBSs according to the following rules:

    1.   All promotional materials must indicate that Personal Numerologist
         is shareware.
    2.   Distribution of Personal Numerologist must stop upon written
         notification from Widening Horizons.
    3.   The file PACKING.LST contains a listing, with a short description,
         of all the files. None of these files can be deleted or modified.
    4.   A distribution fee may be charged for the cost of the diskette,
         shipping and handling, as long as the amount is nominal.
    5.   Files may be distributed in compressed form.
    6.   Small additions to the disk, such as introductory or installation
         batch files, can be made.
    7.   Program can not be sold or distributed in conjunction with any other
         product, without our written permission.
    8.   Copies of any catalog listings for Personal Numerologist must be
         provided to Widening Horizons.

    As long as the above rules are adhered to, Widening Horizons, Inc. --
    author and copyright holder for Personal Numerologist, hereby authorizes
    you -- as Shareware Distributor, Disk Vendor, Computer Club or BBS -- to
    distribute this program.

    REGISTRATION: $39 plus $5 shipping and handling for U.S. and Canada and
       $10 for all other countries.


    1. The most current version of Personal Numerologist containing the
       latest features that have been added, without shareware messages.
    2. An additional module for doing Yearly Forecasts -- the significant
       influences that affect a person each year.
    3. A complete 42 page, typeset and bound manual.
    4. "The Science of Numerology," written by Matthew Oliver Goodwin. This
       valuable resource not only gives a good introduction to numerology,
       but shows how to get the most from Personal Numerologist.
    5. A $30 credit towards the purchase of The Numerologist Report Writer,
       our professional report writing program.
    6. Unlimited, free telephone support.
    7. Notification of updates to Personal Numerologist.
    8. New product announcements.
    9. Periodic special price offers.

    FEEDBACK REQUEST: We would appreciate feedback from you. Please let us
       know if Personal Numerologist has been accepted for your catalog or
       BBS. This will allow us to send you free updates when available. If
       for some reason you do not pick up this program, let us know why. If
       there is something we can change, we'll try our best to do so. Please
       send us a copy of any reviews, articles, catalog descriptions or other
       information you print or distribute regarding Personal Numerologist.

    USER COMMENTS: The following comments taken from registration cards are
       typical of Personal Numerologist users:

         "I am very impressed with the reports."

         "Great fun to include Personal Numerologist reports for engagement,
         wedding and new baby gifts!"

         "Your manual is excellent!"

    SOFTWARE REVIEWS: The following software reviews are for the professional
       version of Personal Numerologist, The Numerologist Report Writer. This
       commercially sold program produces a report similar to Personal
       Numerologist but offers additional features for those planning to sell
       reports as part of a small business. These reviews are included here
       because the program designs, interfaces and reports are so similar.
       (Complete review reprints are available upon request.)

         "It's easily the best character analysis type of numerology report
         I've seen yet, all things considered. I recommend it highly."
                                    Richard Nolle, Dell HOROSCOPE, March 1987

         "I ran several names of friends and relatives. Most were quite
         surprised that a computer report could detail their hidden selves so
                           Connie L. Faubel, Transformation Times, April 1987

         "This software is written as all software should be, but most is
         not. The directions are clear and concise, its ease of use is no
         less than phenomenal, and the documentation is the best I have seen
         in a long time. Counselors in every field can find uses for the
         reports produced."
                                         Carl Ogden, SSC Booknews, March 1987

         "The report's valuable and accurate information is presented in a
         style that is easy to understand and synthesizes factors for you. It
         is the best numerology program I have ever seen."
                                Hank Friedman, Todays' Astrologer, March 1992

    COMPANY BACKGROUND: Widening Horizons, Inc. has been in business since
       1984 and has dedicated its entire efforts to the field of numerology,
       creating a complete line of sophisticated, but easy-to-use programs.
       Up to now, these programs were only available commercially. However,
       with the introduction of Personal Numerologist, version 2.01S, we are
       bringing our expertise to the shareware world. An earlier version of
       Personal Numerologist -- with less features -- was offered in the
       Selective Software catalog. Our programs have consistently received
       outstanding reviews by the press serving the astrology and numerology

    PROGRAM START: Personal Numerologist is started from the DOS prompt by
       entering the command: PN. All options, including screen color
       selection and printer selection, are done from within the program
       using function keys. The program contains detailed on-line

       instructions and context sensitive help. Although a comprehensive
       manual is included, it is  not necessary to refer to it to operate the

    UNIQUE PROGRAM AND PROMOTIONAL FEATURES: Personal Numerologist has quite
       a few unique features that separate it from the other numerology
       programs currently available:

    1.   Personal Numerologist was offered in the Selective Software catalog.
    2.   Reports are produced using a sophisticated algorithm that looks at
         the entire numerology chart as a whole, producing a synthesis
         similar to what a professional numerologist does in a personal
         reading. This goes well beyond the "cookbook" approach used by other
    3.   The 6 to 8 page reports are surprisingly accurate and relevant to
         the person.
    4.   Program algorithms and complete report text were written by Matthew
         Oliver Goodwin. Goodwin is a highly respected, professional
         numerologist. His books, "Numerology: The Complete Guide," volumes 1
         and 2 are among the best selling numerology books available today.
         He has practiced numerology for over 18 years and has done thousands
         of personal readings. The program design and text is a direct result
         of his experience.
    5.   An upgrade path is available for those users that outgrow Personal
         Numerologist or require more demanding programs for business use.
         This includes getting a $30 credit towards the purchase of The
         Numerologist Report Writer, the professional version of Personal
    6.   Our programs have consistently received outstanding reviews from the
         astrology and numerology press.



                            P C  -  S I G


Welcome to the world of Shareware, state of the art software you can
actually try before you buy.

Shareware, a term coined in the early eighties, refers to the method of
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              S H A R E W A R E  M A G A Z I N E

Shareware Magazine has distinguished itself as the only internationally
distributed periodical devoted to the use and business of shareware.
Shareware Magazine provides detailed reviews of new products,
hard-hitting comparisons of shareware programs with regular retail
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latest technology.

Intriguing columnists and regular features add to the excitement.  The
beginners section sheds light on new user's concerns regarding
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intimidation of using on-line systems.

Educational sections focus on how low cost shareware can aid in
classroom learning, curriculum development, and as a forum for
discussing the impact of computers and technology in schools.

Graphics Gallery renders expert advice and suggestions on how to better
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Programmers benefit from others experience in developing new programs or
polishing existing ones as well as choosing the right programming

And columnists provide that subjective component, sometimes
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Published bimonthly, Shareware Magazine is available on a subscription
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To Order, in the U.S.A.: Call 800-245-6717 and ask Customer Service.

Outside the U.S.A. call (408) 730-9291 for the name of the dealer in
your country.



FROM:  ___________________________


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                                  PC-SIG Inc.
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                            1030-D East Duane Avenue

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PC-SIG Inc. 1030-D East Duane Avenue Sunnyvale CA 94086


     Do not mail cash.   Please allow four weeks for processing.


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PC-SIG Disks - Member $2.49 for 5.25" or $2.99 for 3.5"
           Non-member $3.25 for 5.25" or $3.75 for 3.5"

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Upgrade to the 11th Edition from ANY previous edition
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      If you have any comments or suggestions, please let us know!

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                     SELECT "Print Reply Form."

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #3320

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

NUMRLOGY ZIP    174263   8-03-92   6:00p
CDROM    TXT      3972   6-24-92   1:25p
SHAREMAG TXT      1837   1-21-92   6:11a
PCSIG    TXT      2335   1-21-92   6:09a
GO       EXE     26022   1-10-92  12:14p
SIGORDER TXT      3332   6-25-92   2:28p
PKUNZIP  EXE     23528   3-15-90   1:10a
GO-FORM  DAT      3109   6-29-92   3:26p
GO-STRT  DAT       541   1-01-80  12:28a
        9 file(s)     238939 bytes
                       78848 bytes free