PCjs Machines

Home of the original IBM PC emulator for browsers.


PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #3315)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5170" to load....


        T h e  P C - S I G  L i b r a r y  o n  C D - R O M


This may well be the greatest collection of software ever compiled.

The PC-SIG Library on CD-ROM is our premier collection of the entire
PC-SIG library. It has over 3000 different, and complete applications
for your every need.  Every shareware program we have is on one disc;
over 700 megabytes (unzipped) of software you can have immediate access

Easy to use, all you have to do is insert the disc and type 'GO' at the
DOS prompt.  We've included all the tools you need for fast easy access
to the programs and their descriptions.

Whether you're interested in Accounting or Windows, there's a shareware
program for you on the PC-SIG Library on CD-ROM.

Winner of the Optical Publishing Assn's Best Consumer Product Award.

Shareware for every imaginable need: Accounting Chemistry Educational
Engineering Games Hypertext Networks Programming Spreadsheets Utilities
Word Processing

#             #             #

For Immediate Release

today announced availability of The Eleventh Edition of the PC-SIG Library
on CD-ROM.  The PC-SIG Library on CD-ROM contains over 800 megabytes of
shareware and includes more than 300 new programs, 550 updated programs,
and the addition of 75 megabytes of Windows 3.x shareware.  The
user-interface has been completely re-engineered to take advantage of the
HyperWriter! hypermedia and multimedia authoring system from NTERGAID, Inc.

The implementation of HyperWriter! provides significant performance and
ease of use enhancements.  Programs can access and download much faster
than with previous editions.  Programs have been reorganized and indexed
for better referencing.  Users just c lick with a mouse, or point with the
cursor, on a program name to see a complete description of the program.
Downloading or copying a program is handled automatically by HyperWriter!
Addition of a preview option is especially important for anyone who uses
images, icons, or fonts.  "You can preview the whole library of images to
find the right one," according to Bruce Kent, product development manager.
"This CD finally makes it possi ble to conserve your disk space and paper,
yet still have all the information you need to make an informed decision,"
said Kent.

All new and updated programs have been reviewed and tested by PC-SIG. Every
program goes through extensive virus checking using the most recent version
of VIRUSCAN from McAfee Associates, and other anti-virus software.
According to Kent, "In the ten ye ars we've distributed shareware, we have
never had a confirmed report of a virus on any of our distributed programs
or CD-ROMs."

The PC-SIG Library on CD-ROM, Eleventh Edition has a list price of $179.

Upgrades from previous editions are available for $99.

Users of PC-SIG's Essential Home & Business Collection CD-ROM can upgrade
for $120.

PC-SIG CD-ROMs are distributed worldwide through a network of distributors
and resellers. Based in Sunnyvale, Calif., PC-SIG, Inc. markets and
supports one of the world's largest collections of shareware for IBM PCs
and compatible systems.  PC-SIG also publishes Shareware Magazine, which is
devoted solely to shareware.  The magazine is availa ble by subscription
and on newsstands nationwide.

System Requirements:

IBM PC/XT/AT PS/2 or compatible with 640K memory, DOS 3.1 or higher and
Microsoft MS-DOS CD ROM extensions, and a hard drive. Microsoft compatible
mouse supported and VGA highly recommended.

To Order in the U.S.A.: Call 800-245-6717 and ask for Customer Service.

Outside the U.S.A. call (408) 730-9291 for the name of the dealer in
your country.


                            F I L E M A N

                           Version 2.40

                    D E S C R I P T I O N    A N D

                 A U T H O R    I N F O R M A T I O N

                    Last updated:  July, 1992

This file includes sample descriptions which you may use to describe
the FileMan package.

Disk Vendors and Distributors please refer to the VENDOR.DOC text

                         Program Information:

File Name for BBSs:

For consistency and to help users locate the files, please use the
following file name:

     FILEMN24.ZIP   FileMan File Manager for Windows, Version 2.40

   If the program is compressed using some other file compression
   method, then please use the name "FILEMAN" with the appropriate
   extension (PAK, ARC, LZH, ZOO, etc.).



   Windows Replacement File Manager, Utilities

Short Description:

  FileMan is a WINDOWS (3.x) file manager for copying, moving, renaming, and
  deleting files.  Other utilities include the ability to change file
  attributes, to rename or delete subdirectories, perform file searches, and to
  format diskettes.  FileMan version 2.4 includes support for graphics
  import filters to allow viewing some files in their native format. Shareware
  by ASP author $25 + 3$ s/h.  An earlier version of this program was reviewed
  in the Aug. 92 issue of Windows magazine.

Registration Information:

   For complete user registration information please refer to the
   FILEMAN.WRI in Windows Write format.

Author/Publisher Information:

TDWare is a small software company owned and operated by Trecil

Please feel free to contact me at any time if you have any
questions, comments or suggestions.  I can be reached by mail at the
following address:

   Trecil Dreiling
   37605 160th Place SE
   Auburn, WA  98002

I can also be reached by voice or electronically as follows:

   Voice:        (206) 833-7203
   CompuServe:   72607,3710
   Internet:     72607,3710@COMPUSERVE.COM


                             - SYSOP.DOC -

                            F I L E M A N

                           Version 2.40

                  B B S    I N F O R M A T I O N

                    Last updated:  July, 1992

This file contains information regarding the posting of the
FileMan package, version 2.40, on Bulletin Board Systems.

For sample descriptions which you may use to describe the product
please refer to the DESCRIBE.DOC text file.

NOTE:  Disk Vendors and Distributors please refer to the
VENDOR.DOC text file.

                    Distribution Requirements:

Limited Distribution License:
As the exclusive copyright holder for FileMan, TDWare authorizes
on-line distribution only in accordance with the following
restrictions.  Disk Vendors and Distributors should refer to
the VENDOR.DOC text file for complete license information.

The FileMan package is defined as containing all the
material listed in the PACKING.LST text file.  If any files
listed in the PACKING.LST text file, or the PACKING.LST file
itself, are missing, then the package is not complete and
distribution is forbidden.  Please contact us to obtain a
complete package suitable for distribution.

    o  The FileMan package - including all related program
       files and documentation files - CANNOT be modified in any
       way (other than that mentioned in the following paragraph)
       and must be distributed as a complete package, without
       exception.  The PACKING.LST text file contains a list of
       all files that are part of the FileMan package.

    o  Many BBSs customarily add a small text file
       (advertisement) to each archived file.  This text file
       describes the BBS and tells people that the file was
       downloaded from that particular BBS.  Other BBSs add a
       small one-line message with their BBS name and phone
       number into the compressed file, which will display when
       the file is uncompressed.  Either of these methods of
       mentioning your BBS are acceptable and may be used,
       provided the program and documentation is otherwise
       unmodified and complete.

    o  TDWare prohibits the distribution of outdated
       versions of the FileMan package, without written
       permission from TDWare.  If the version you
       have obtained is over twelve (12) months old, please
       contact us to ensure that you have the most current

    o  Licensee shall not use, copy, rent, lease, sell, modify,
       decompile, disassemble, otherwise reverse engineer, or
       transfer the licensed program except as provided in this
       agreement.  Any such unauthorized use shall result in
       immediate and automatic termination of this license.

    o  U.S. Government Information:  Use, duplication, or
       disclosure by the U.S. Government of the computer software
       and documentation in this package shall be subject to the
       restricted rights applicable to commercial computer
       software as set forth in subdivision (b)(3)(ii) of the
       Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at
       252.227-7013 (DFARS 52.227-7013).  The Contractor/manu-
       facturer is TDWare, 37605 160th Place SE, Auburn,
       Washington, 98002.

All rights not expressly granted here are reserved to TDWare.


                         - VENDOR.DOC -

                           F I L E M A N

                           Version 2.40

                  V E N D O R  I N F O R M A T I O N

                    Last updated:  July, 1992

This file provides information for Shareware Distributors, Disk Vendors and
Computer Clubs who wish to distribute the FileMan 2.40 package.

BBS SYSOPs:  Please refer to the SYSOP.DOC text file for information.

Individual and Company Users:  Please refer to FILEMAN.WRI for information.

For sample descriptions which you may use to describe the product please
refer to the DESCRIBE.DOC text file.

                         Distribution Requirements

Individuals who wish to distribute the FileMan package to friends or
associates may do so in accordance with the restrictions outlined in
FILEMAN.WRI under the License section.

Computer Clubs and User Groups wishing to add the FileMan package to
their disk library may do so in accordance with the Distribution
Restrictions listed below.

Limited Distribution License:

As the exclusive copyright holder for FileMan, TDWare authorizes
distribution only in accordance with the following restrictions.

The FileMan package is defined as containing all the material listed
in the PACKING.LST text file.  If any files listed in the PACKING.LST text
file, or the PACKING.LST file itself, are missing, then the package is not
complete and distribution is forbidden.

The FileMan package - including all related program files and
documentation files - CANNOT be modified in any way and must be distributed
as a complete package, without exception.  The PACKING.LST text file
contains a list of all files that are part of the FileMan package.

   Small additions to the package, such as the introductory or installation
   batch files used by many shareware disk vendors, are acceptable.

No price or other compensation may be charged for the FileMan
package.  A distribution fee may be charged for the cost of the diskette,
shipping and handling, as long as the total (per disk) does not exceed
US$8.00 in the U.S. and Canada, or US$12.00 internationally.

Disk Sets & CD-ROMs:
The FileMan package CANNOT be sold as part of some other inclusive
package.  Nor can it be included in any commercial software packaging
offer, without a written agreement from TDWare.

   Vendors who wish to distribute the FileMan package as part of a
   collection (such as PsL's MegaDisk set, or a CD-ROM package) may
   do so provided that all the other restrictions are met.

   If you wish to add any of our programs to a CD-ROM or other collection,
   please check the release date of the version you have.  If the version
   is over twelve (12) months old then please contact us to ensure that you
   have the most current version.  This version was released in July,

The PRINTED Manual may not be reproduced in whole or in part, using
any means, without the written permission of TDWare.  In other
words, the disk-based documentation may not be distributed in PRINTED
(hardcopy) form.

The FileMan package cannot be "rented" or "leased" to others.

You may not list any of our products in advertisements, catalogs, or other
literature which describes our products as "FREE SOFTWARE".  Shareware is
"Try-Before-You-Buy" software, it is not free.

TDWare prohibits the distribution of outdated versions of the FileMan
package, without written permission from TDWare.  If the version you
have is over twelve (12) months old, please contact us to ensure that
you have the most current version.  This version was released in July,

Licensee shall not use, copy, rent, lease, sell, modify, decompile,
disassemble, otherwise reverse engineer, or transfer the licensed program
except as provided in this agreement.  Any such unauthorized use shall
result in immediate and automatic termination of this license.

U.S. Government Information:  Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S.
Government of the computer software and documentation in this package shall
be subject to the restricted rights applicable to commercial computer
software as set forth in subdivision (b)(3)(ii) of the Rights in Technical
Data and Computer Software clause at 252.227-7013 (DFARS 52.227-7013).  The
Contractor/manufacturer is TDWare, 37605 160th Place SE, Auburn,
Washington, 98002.

All rights not expressly granted here are reserved to TDWare.


Features added to FileMan Version 2.4

1.  Suppport for graphics import filters to view files in
    their native format.  Can now view BMP and WMF files
    along with normal ASCII files.  Additional file types may
    be supported.

2.  File listing and sort options are now saved from one
    session to the next.

3.  Option to change colors of FileMan display.

4.  Fixed a file copy problem under Windows 3.1

5.  FileMan now requires at least a 80286 computer to run

6.  Command line options allow the startup display of FileMan to be altered.


                            P C  -  S I G


Welcome to the world of Shareware, state of the art software you can
actually try before you buy.

Shareware, a term coined in the early eighties, refers to the method of
distribution chosen by the software authors.  With shareware, you can
receive a program and put it through its paces without having to pay for
it. If you find the program useful, and choose to keep the program, then
you pay a modest registration fee to the author.

For the last nine years, PC-SIG has been providing shareware and public
domain software to its customers and members.  Since 1982 PC-SIG has
developed an unprecedented library of shareware programs, constantly
updated, consistently strong in every category.  Our library of
shareware contains over 2700 titles divided into 120 logical categories.

Every program we add to the library is thoroughly reviewed and tested to
insure that each one meets the high standards of reliability and value we
insist upon and you expect.  As a result, our library doesn't contain
every shareware program available, just those that really work.

PC-SIG has grown into the premier distributor of shareware and and
shareware information by producing shareware collections on CD-ROM,
publishing an encyclopedia of shareware, and by publishing Shareware
Magazine, a bi-monthly magazine distributed world-wide.

Quality and support - guaranteed.  All of our programs are guaranteed
virus free.  We've isolated our systems and check every program
submitted to insure that no viruses make their way to your computer or

Our support staff is available by phone as well as on our BBS to help
you with questions about installation and operation of PC-SIG's

Through our network of international distributors, PC- SIG strives to
bring you the most current, exciting, technically advanced software
available as shareware.

If you can't find the software you need in PC-SIG's library, it may well
not exist.

To order the latest in Shareware, in the U.S.A: Call (800) 245-6717

Outside the U.S.A. call (408) 730-9291 for the name of the dealer in
your country.



              S H A R E W A R E  M A G A Z I N E

Shareware Magazine has distinguished itself as the only internationally
distributed periodical devoted to the use and business of shareware.
Shareware Magazine provides detailed reviews of new products,
hard-hitting comparisons of shareware programs with regular retail
software, and timely information about changes in the industry and the
latest technology.

Intriguing columnists and regular features add to the excitement.  The
beginners section sheds light on new user's concerns regarding
everything from choosing the right operating system to alleviating the
intimidation of using on-line systems.

Educational sections focus on how low cost shareware can aid in
classroom learning, curriculum development, and as a forum for
discussing the impact of computers and technology in schools.

Graphics Gallery renders expert advice and suggestions on how to better
work with graphics, desktop publishing, CAD systems, and the Windows

Programmers benefit from others experience in developing new programs or
polishing existing ones as well as choosing the right programming

And columnists provide that subjective component, sometimes
controversial, that calls for a closer look at the way we compute and
how shareware effects what we do.

Published bimonthly, Shareware Magazine is available on a subscription
or at your local newsstand or computer bookstore.  In conjunction with
PC-SIG, there are special benefits for subscribers as well as
opportunities for discount purchases from PC-SIG.

To Order, in the U.S.A.: Call 800-245-6717 and ask Customer Service.

Outside the U.S.A. call (408) 730-9291 for the name of the dealer in
your country.



FROM:  ___________________________


[A]                                                                         [B]

                                  PC-SIG Inc.
[A]                                                                         [B]
                            1030-D East Duane Avenue

                               Sunnyvale  California


Fold - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Fold


       1.  Place any other pages underneath this page.
       2.  Using the Fold lines (above) as a guide, fold this flap under.
       3.  Fold the address flap so it covers this flap.
       4.  Tape or staple the envelope at the two spots marked [A].
       5.  Slip in any other enclosures (business cards, cheques, etc.).
       6.  Tape or staple the envelope at the spots marked [B].

PC-SIG Inc. 1030-D East Duane Avenue Sunnyvale CA 94086


     Do not mail cash.   Please allow four weeks for processing.


Check the items desired:

PC-SIG Disks - Member $2.49 for 5.25" or $2.99 for 3.5"
           Non-member $3.25 for 5.25" or $3.75 for 3.5"

_____  _____  _____  _____  _____  _____  _____  _____  _____

_____  _____  _____  _____  _____  _____  _____  _____  _____

_____  _____  _____  _____  _____  _____  _____  _____  total  ______

One year subscription to Shareware Magazine            $12.95  ______

Super Saver Membership                                 $34.95  ______
(includes a 1 year subscription to Shareware Magazine )
(also The Encyclopedia of Shareware, and 5 free disks )

The Encyclopedia of Shareware special price at         $14.95  ______

The Essential Home & Business Collection for           $59.00  ______

*** PC-SIG Library on CD-ROM 11th Edition  ***         $159.00 ______
              NEW LOWER PRICE!

Upgrade to the 11th Edition from ANY previous edition
of the PC-SIG Library on CD-ROM!                       $85.00  ______

Upgrade from ANY other shareware CD-ROM just           $99.00  ______

                                                    Subtotal   ______

If you want 3-1/2 inch disks please add .25 cents per disk     ______

Shipping and Handling                                          $4.00

                    California residents add 8.25% sales tax   ______

                                                       TOTAL   ______

      If you have any comments or suggestions, please let us know!

To order by phone with VISA or MASTERCARD call (800)245-6717
Ask for operator #2316


                     SELECT "Print Reply Form."


                             - SYSOP.DOC -

                            F I L E M A N

                           Version 2.40

                  B B S    I N F O R M A T I O N

                    Last updated:  July, 1992

This file contains information regarding the posting of the
FileMan package, version 2.40, on Bulletin Board Systems.

For sample descriptions which you may use to describe the product
please refer to the DESCRIBE.DOC text file.

NOTE:  Disk Vendors and Distributors please refer to the
VENDOR.DOC text file.

                    Distribution Requirements:

Limited Distribution License:
As the exclusive copyright holder for FileMan, TDWare authorizes
on-line distribution only in accordance with the following
restrictions.  Disk Vendors and Distributors should refer to
the VENDOR.DOC text file for complete license information.

The FileMan package is defined as containing all the
material listed in the PACKING.LST text file.  If any files
listed in the PACKING.LST text file, or the PACKING.LST file
itself, are missing, then the package is not complete and
distribution is forbidden.  Please contact us to obtain a
complete package suitable for distribution.

    o  The FileMan package - including all related program
       files and documentation files - CANNOT be modified in any
       way (other than that mentioned in the following paragraph)
       and must be distributed as a complete package, without
       exception.  The PACKING.LST text file contains a list of
       all files that are part of the FileMan package.

    o  Many BBSs customarily add a small text file
       (advertisement) to each archived file.  This text file
       describes the BBS and tells people that the file was
       downloaded from that particular BBS.  Other BBSs add a
       small one-line message with their BBS name and phone
       number into the compressed file, which will display when
       the file is uncompressed.  Either of these methods of
       mentioning your BBS are acceptable and may be used,
       provided the program and documentation is otherwise
       unmodified and complete.

    o  TDWare prohibits the distribution of outdated
       versions of the FileMan package, without written
       permission from TDWare.  If the version you
       have obtained is over twelve (12) months old, please
       contact us to ensure that you have the most current

    o  Licensee shall not use, copy, rent, lease, sell, modify,
       decompile, disassemble, otherwise reverse engineer, or
       transfer the licensed program except as provided in this
       agreement.  Any such unauthorized use shall result in
       immediate and automatic termination of this license.

    o  U.S. Government Information:  Use, duplication, or
       disclosure by the U.S. Government of the computer software
       and documentation in this package shall be subject to the
       restricted rights applicable to commercial computer
       software as set forth in subdivision (b)(3)(ii) of the
       Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at
       252.227-7013 (DFARS 52.227-7013).  The Contractor/manu-
       facturer is TDWare, 37605 160th Place SE, Auburn,
       Washington, 98002.

All rights not expressly granted here are reserved to TDWare.


                         - VENDOR.DOC -

                           F I L E M A N

                           Version 2.40

                  V E N D O R  I N F O R M A T I O N

                    Last updated:  July, 1992

This file provides information for Shareware Distributors, Disk Vendors and
Computer Clubs who wish to distribute the FileMan 2.40 package.

BBS SYSOPs:  Please refer to the SYSOP.DOC text file for information.

Individual and Company Users:  Please refer to FILEMAN.WRI for information.

For sample descriptions which you may use to describe the product please
refer to the DESCRIBE.DOC text file.

                         Distribution Requirements

Individuals who wish to distribute the FileMan package to friends or
associates may do so in accordance with the restrictions outlined in
FILEMAN.WRI under the License section.

Computer Clubs and User Groups wishing to add the FileMan package to
their disk library may do so in accordance with the Distribution
Restrictions listed below.

Limited Distribution License:

As the exclusive copyright holder for FileMan, TDWare authorizes
distribution only in accordance with the following restrictions.

The FileMan package is defined as containing all the material listed
in the PACKING.LST text file.  If any files listed in the PACKING.LST text
file, or the PACKING.LST file itself, are missing, then the package is not
complete and distribution is forbidden.

The FileMan package - including all related program files and
documentation files - CANNOT be modified in any way and must be distributed
as a complete package, without exception.  The PACKING.LST text file
contains a list of all files that are part of the FileMan package.

   Small additions to the package, such as the introductory or installation
   batch files used by many shareware disk vendors, are acceptable.

No price or other compensation may be charged for the FileMan
package.  A distribution fee may be charged for the cost of the diskette,
shipping and handling, as long as the total (per disk) does not exceed
US$8.00 in the U.S. and Canada, or US$12.00 internationally.

Disk Sets & CD-ROMs:
The FileMan package CANNOT be sold as part of some other inclusive
package.  Nor can it be included in any commercial software packaging
offer, without a written agreement from TDWare.

   Vendors who wish to distribute the FileMan package as part of a
   collection (such as PsL's MegaDisk set, or a CD-ROM package) may
   do so provided that all the other restrictions are met.

   If you wish to add any of our programs to a CD-ROM or other collection,
   please check the release date of the version you have.  If the version
   is over twelve (12) months old then please contact us to ensure that you
   have the most current version.  This version was released in July,

The PRINTED Manual may not be reproduced in whole or in part, using
any means, without the written permission of TDWare.  In other
words, the disk-based documentation may not be distributed in PRINTED
(hardcopy) form.

The FileMan package cannot be "rented" or "leased" to others.

You may not list any of our products in advertisements, catalogs, or other
literature which describes our products as "FREE SOFTWARE".  Shareware is
"Try-Before-You-Buy" software, it is not free.

TDWare prohibits the distribution of outdated versions of the FileMan
package, without written permission from TDWare.  If the version you
have is over twelve (12) months old, please contact us to ensure that
you have the most current version.  This version was released in July,

Licensee shall not use, copy, rent, lease, sell, modify, decompile,
disassemble, otherwise reverse engineer, or transfer the licensed program
except as provided in this agreement.  Any such unauthorized use shall
result in immediate and automatic termination of this license.

U.S. Government Information:  Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S.
Government of the computer software and documentation in this package shall
be subject to the restricted rights applicable to commercial computer
software as set forth in subdivision (b)(3)(ii) of the Rights in Technical
Data and Computer Software clause at 252.227-7013 (DFARS 52.227-7013).  The
Contractor/manufacturer is TDWare, 37605 160th Place SE, Auburn,
Washington, 98002.

All rights not expressly granted here are reserved to TDWare.

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #3315

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

FILEMN24 ZIP    114081   7-14-92   7:01a
SYSOP    DOC      3731   7-09-92   8:06a
VENDOR   DOC      4890   7-09-92   8:06a
CDROM    TXT      3972   6-24-92   1:25p
SHAREMAG TXT      1837   1-21-92   6:11a
PCSIG    TXT      2335   1-21-92   6:09a
GO       EXE     26022   1-10-92  12:14p
SIGORDER TXT      3332   6-25-92   2:28p
PKUNZIP  EXE     23528   3-15-90   1:10a
GO-FORM  DAT      3109   6-29-92   3:26p
GO-STRT  DAT       533   1-27-93   4:03a
       11 file(s)     187370 bytes
                      130048 bytes free