PCjs Machines

Home of the original IBM PC emulator for browsers.


PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #3288)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5170" to load....


║              <<<<  PC-SIG Disk #3288  SUPER FONTS I   >>>>              ║
║                                                                         ║
║  To print the documentation, type: COPY READ.ME PRN  (press Enter)      ║
║                                    COPY SOFTFONT.DOC PRN  (press Enter) ║
║                                    COPY WINDOWS.DOC PRN  (press Enter)  ║
║                                                                         ║
║  To print registration information, type:  COPY REGISTER.DOC  (Enter)   ║
║                                                                         ║
║  To install the program, type:  INSTALL  (press Enter)                  ║
║                                                                         ║
║                                                                         ║
║                                        (c) Copyright 1993, PC-SIG Inc.  ║


  We are now ready to unpack the printer driver for MS Word 5.X or MS
  Works and put this driver into your MS Word subdirectory. After that is
  done, you will be given the option of printing a copy of the installa-
  tion instructions that must be followed to add these soft fonts to Word
  or Works. Once these fonts are properly installed into Word, they will
  appear any time you attempt to change fonts (<Esc><Format><Character>

  Installing our driver for MS Word is fairly simple. Installing the
  driver in Works is easy. Our Word driver adds information to your
  existing driver, so you will not lose any fonts you already have.
  Installing our driver is a two step process. You merge our font infor-
  mation to your existing driver, and then select this updated driver
  from within Word. For more information print the full installation
  instructions next.



  This package is distributed as shareware. You must register (pay) is you use
  these fonts or utilities past the 20 day trial period. When you register you
  receive the following additional benefits: an additional disk that contains
  18 point versions of all the fonts in this package, matching landscape ver-
  sions of all fonts, registered versions of the utilities that omit the
  shareware notice, matching printer drivers for the new fonts, a free Compu-
  Serve account, and access to our technical support line (10 AM - 4 PM CST).

  If you want a larger selection of fonts you can order our Font Paks indi-
  vidually or is special sets. (see the sample sheets for details on what each
  Font Pak contains) Each Font Pak sells for $50. Or get Font Paks 2, 5, 6,
  & 7 for $125, or all 7 Font Paks for $200.

  [ ] $35 shareware registration    (IL tax $2.28)
  [ ] $50 Font Pak __ __ __ __      (IL tax $3.25@)
  [ ] $125 Font Paks 2, 5, 6, & 7   (IL tax $8.13)
  [ ] $200 All 7 Font Paks          (IL tax $13.00)
  [ ] Illinois residents add 6.5% sales tax
  [ ] Standard shipping $4 US, $5.50 Canada, $9.00 International

        Elfring Soft Fonts, PO Box 61,  Wasco, Illinois  60183  USA
    Phone: 708-377-3520 Fax: 708-377-6402 (9 AM - 5 PM CST) CIS: 72417,3437

  Make all checks payable to: Elfring Soft Fonts. Payment must be made in US
  dollars drawn on a US bank, VISA, MC, or cash. Not responsible for cash
  lost in the mail. If sending cash use registered mail or protect it.

    Payment: [ ] VISA  [ ] MC  [ ] Check (US funds / US bank)  [ ] Cash

    Card Number: ______ ______ ______ ______  Expiration: _____________

    Signature: ______________________________ Day Phone: ______________

    Name:             _________________________________________

    Address:          _________________________________________

    Address:          _________________________________________

    City, State, Zip: _________________________________________

    Country:          _________________________________________

    Where did you get:
    this disk?        _________________________________________

 [ ] Send me my free CompuServe membership and $15 access credit
 Word Processor:  [ ] Word Perfect,  [ ] Word,  [ ] Windows  [ ] WordStar
 Printer: [ ]LaserJet+, [ ]LaserJet II,IIP,IID, [ ]LaserJet III, [ ]Compatible

  Users of this package must accept this disclaimer of warranty: "These pro-
  grams and fonts are supplied as is.  The author disclaims all warranties,
  expressed or implied, including, without limitation, the warranties of
  merchantability and of fitness for any purpose. The author assumes no
  liability for damages, direct or consequential, which may result from the
  use of these software programs and fonts."

  This package is a "shareware program" and is provided at no charge to the
  user for evaluation. Feel free to share it with your friends, but please do
  not give it away altered or as part of another system.  The essence of
  "user-supported" software is to provide personal computer users with qual-
  ity software without high prices, and yet to provide incentive for program-
  mers to continue to develop new products. If you find this program useful
  or you continue to use these fonts or utilities after a trial period of 20
  days, you must make a registration payment of $35.00 to Elfring Soft Fonts.
  The $35.00 registration fee will license one copy for use on any one com-
  puter at any one time.  You will also receive additional fonts and benefits,
  as outlined on the registration form. You must treat this software just
  like a book. An example is that this software may be used by any number of
  people and may be freely moved from one computer location to another, so
  long as there is no possibility of it being used at one location while it's
  being used at another. Just as a book cannot be read by two different per-
  sons at the same time.

  Site-License arrangements may be made by contacting Elfring Soft Fonts.
  Please distribute this package intact! This program and all documentation
  are Copyright 1986 - 1992 by Elfring Soft Fonts. All rights are reserved.

  Anyone distributing this package for any kind of remuneration must first
  read the matching disk file VENDOR.DOC. You must abide by the rules outlined
  there. Authorization will be automatically granted to distributors currently
  members of the ASP, and such distributors may begin offering this package
  immediately, however Elfring Soft Fonts must still be advised so that the
  distributor can be kept up-to-date with the latest version of this package.
  All Rack Vendors must notify us *before* distributing this product.

  Individuals are encouraged to pass a copy of this package along to your
  friends for evaluation. Please encourage them to register their copy if they
  continue to use it.

  Want other fonts not found in this package? call or write for our free

  Want to license soft fonts for inclusion in your software package? Just give
  us a call.

          Member ASP (Association of Shareware Professionals)

  Gary Elfring is a Member of The Association of Shareware Professionals (ASP).
  The ASP wants to make sure that the shareware principle works for you. If
  you are unable to resolve a problem with an ASP member by contacting that
  member directly, ASP may be able to help. The ASP Ombudsman can help you
  resolve a dispute or problem with an ASP member, but does not provide tech-
  nical support for member's products. Please write to the ASP Ombudsman at
  545 Grover Rd, Muskegon, MI 49442 or send a Compuserve message via CMAIL to
  ASP Ombudsman 70007,3536.
  If you like these LaserJet fonts & Utilities tell your friends! If you don't
  like them tell us why! To keep prices on products like this as low as they
  are we cannot afford to advertise. You are our form of advertisement! Tell
  your friends. If you have the opportunity to write an article in a newslet-
  ter or a trade magazine and like this package spread the word! We need all
  of the help we can get to put quality software into the users hands without
  charging inflated prices!

  If you do write an article about this package we would appreciate hearing
  from you. (To make sure you at least have a current copy to review.)

  Other collections of fonts are available in LaserJet, DeskJet, PostScript,
  TrueType, and Intellifont formats.  We offer over 200 different typefaces
  including unusual ones like KeyCaps, Spread Sheet, and more. We also do
  inexpensive custom fonts and can digitize your logo. In addition we have a
  number of soft font utility programs.

  For more information on any of our products contact us at the address
  listed below.

  Elfring Soft Fonts, PO Box 61, Wasco, IL  60183  phone: 708-377-3520
  fax: 708-377-6402   CIS: 72417,3437


E                            (s3BSuper Fonts I Includes(s0B

(3@  10, 12, & 14      (1Xabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
(3@  points            (1X0123456789``!#$%^&*()?;:.,''"
&l8D(3@                    (1XThe quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dogs.

(3@  14 point          (2Xabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
(3@                    (2X0123456789``!#$%^&*()?;:.,''"
&l8D(3@                    (2XThe quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dogs.

&l10C(3@  10, 12, & 14      (3Xabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
&l9C(3@  points            (3X0123456789``!#$%^&*()?;:.,''"
&l8D(3@                    (3XThe quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dogs.

(3@  14 point          (4Xabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
(3@                    (4X0123456789``!#$%^&*()?;:.,''"
&l8D(3@                    (4XThe quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dogs.

(3@  14 point          (5Xabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
(3@                    (5X0123456789``!#$%^&*()?;:.,''"
&l8D(3@                    (5XThe quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dogs.

&l10C(3@  10, 12, & 14      (6Xabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
(3@  points            (6X0123456789``!#$%^&*()?;:.,''"
&l8D(3@                    (6XThe quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dogs.

(3@  14 point          (7Xabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
(3@                    (7X0123456789``!#$%^&*()?;:.,''"
&l8D(3@                    (7XThe quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dogs.

(3@  14 point          (8X0123456789``!#$%^&*()?;:.,''"

(3@  10, 12, & 14      (9Xabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
(3@  points            (9X0123456789``!#$%^&*()?;:.,''"
&l8D(3@                    (9XThe quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dogs.


E&l5C                              (s3BOther ESF Font Paks(s0B

&l5D(3@ Font Pak 1:   (1X012*p1012X345*p1462X67*p1837X8*p2212X(3@$50

&l5D(3@ Font Pak 2:   (1X9:*p1012X;<*p1462X=*p1837X>?*p2212X(3@$50

&l5D(3@ Font Pak 3:   (1X@AB*p1012XCDE*p1462XF*p1837XGH*p2212X(3@$50

&l5D(3@ Font Pak 4:   (1XIJ*p1012XKLM*p1462XNO*p1837XPQ*p2212X(3@$50

&l5D(3@ Font Pak 5:   (1X`ab*p1012Xc*p1462Xde*p1837Xfg*p2212X(3@$50

&l5D(3@ Font Pak 6:   (1XRS*p1012XT*p1462XUV*p1837XW*p2212X(3@$50

&l5D(3@ Font Pak 7:   (1Xhij*p1012Xkl*p1462Xmn*p1837Xop*p2212X(3@$50

&l5D(3@ KeyCaps:      (1XXYZ[\(3@(s16.6H4 complete KeyCaps typefaces*p2212X(3@$75

&l5D(3@ Spread Sheet: (1X]^_(3@(s16.6H  13 fixed width fonts with line draw*p2212X(3@$75

&l6D  All Font Paks include four typefaces in both portrait and landscape orient-
  ations in 8, 10, 12, 14, 18, 24, & 30 points. (Some faces are only available
  in 14, 18, 24, & 30 points.) A soft font downloader, sample sheet printer,
  WordPerfect 5.1 and MS Word/Works printer drivers are also included. In
  addition, instructions are provided for using these fonts in Windows, Word-
  Star, PC Write, Q&A, Ventura, and MultiMate. Order you favorite Font Pak
  today! We accept checks, VISA, or Master Card. You can order these Font Paks
  directly from:

&l5D*p450XElfring Soft Fonts*p1350XPhone: 708-377-3520
*p450XPO Box 61*p1350XFax: 708-377-6402
*p450XWasco  IL  60183

&l6D(3@                          (s3B* * * *  N E W !  * * * *(s0B
  Elfring Soft Fonts is proud to announce our new scalable font package,
  (s3BTop Fonts(s0B. The Top Fonts package is available in either PostScript Type 1 or
  TrueType format. Top Fonts contains over 85 different scalable outlines
  including all 35 display faces shown above. The package also contains a
  simple KeyCaps outline and 50 other new faces. All fonts include the full
  Windows ANSII or Adobe Standard Encoding character sets. (These handle most
  European languages.) To order Top Fonts just specify whether you want the
  PostScript or TrueType version, and the disk size (3-1/2 or 5-1/4, high
  density only). The Top Fonts package is available at a special introductory
  price of $199.50. Top Fonts may be purchased from us or from your local
  computer dealer. Just ask for it by name!

  Standard shipping for any order in the United States is $4.00. Shipping to
  Canada is $5.50. International shipping is $9.00.

             Copyright 1991 - 1992 by Elfring Soft Fonts


                VENDOR.DOC file for ESF's Super Fonts I

Questions or Comments, contact:

        Elfring Soft Fonts, PO Box 61, Wasco, IL 60183
          phone: 708-377-3520   fax: 708-377-6402

ESF's Super Fonts I, along with its associated files and documentation, is
NOT in the public domain. All programs and data files are Copyright 1988,
1989, 1990, 1991, 1992 by Elfring Soft Fonts. All rights are reserved.
Distribution restriction rights are claimed under that copyright and are
outlined below. This package must be distributed intact. These products are
distributed under the shareware concept. Elfring Soft Fonts is an ASP member.

**WARNING** Do NOT unpack the self-extracting files on this disk and repack
them in any other format!!! Our INSTALL program *expects* to find the self-
extracting files named in INSTALL.CTL and runs these files to unpack all
files on this disk. (created with LHA m /x1 name *.*; LHA s /x1 name)

BBS Systems

* These programs may be distributed by SYSOPS on BBS systems. All program
files must be kept together and must remain unmodified. You may use LHARC,
LHA, PKZIP, or a similar program to compress and group these files PROVIDED
you do not unpack or repack the self extracting files. This file should be

User Groups /  Computer Clubs

* These programs may be distributed by not-for-profit User Groups or Computer
Clubs. For-profit groups must follow the rules outlined below for Disk Vendors.
All program files must be kept together and must remain unmodified. You may
use LHARC, LHA, PKZIP, or a similar program to compress and group these files
PROVIDED you do not unpack or repack the self extracting files. You may
combine these files and fonts with others provided you provide a clear written
explanation of the source of each set of programs, fonts, or files.

Catalog Disk Vendors

* ASP approved disk vendors may distribute this program without prior written
permission. You must remain an ASP approved vendor to keep distributing this
package in this fashion. *All* other disk vendors must write for permission to
distribute these programs. Be *sure* to include sample copies of your catalog
or other written materials when you write to ask for permission.

* ESF's Super Fonts I, when listed in vendors' catalogs, advertisements,
brochures, mailers, etc. must be named "ESF's Super Fonts I" or "Super Fonts I"
and not some other pseudonym like "LaserJet Fonts" or "Soft Fonts".

* These programs and font files may be combined with other fonts and programs
as part of a more inclusive package provided a clear written explanation (an
ASCII text file is sufficient) is given to the user explaining the source of
each program or font. (People get upset when extra fonts won't work with our
printer drivers.)

Rack Vendors

* All Rack Vendors must contact Elfring Soft Fonts *prior* to distributing a
rack version of this product. We will supply you with a special version
(tagged) of Super Fonts I. You may NOT distribute THIS copy on a rack. Please
send sample copies of your rack packaging when requesting a rack version.


* All CD-ROM Vendors must contact Elfring Soft Fonts *prior* to distributing a
CD-ROM that includes this product. We will supply you with a special version
(tagged) of Super Fonts I. You may NOT distribute THIS copy on a CD-ROM.
Please send sample copies of your CD-ROM packaging when requesting a CD-ROM

Other Restrictions

* No organization may bundle this shareware product with any other hardware
or software product without the prior written permission of Elfring Soft Fonts.

* This package may not be be "rented" or leased.



 All ESF fonts follow the standard HP format for soft fonts. They will work
 with any application program that recognizes 3rd party HP format fonts. If
 your word processor or desktop publishing program is not mentioned here,
 check your user manual to see how to add soft font support to your appli-
 cation. This document describes how to add these fonts to: PC Write, Q&A,
 Ventura, Windows, WordStar 5.5/6.0, and WordStar 2000. Note these are
 general instructions. See your particular word processor manual for complete

**Using ESF Soft Fonts With PC Write

  The PC Write program (version 2.71 or greater) fully supports soft fonts
  for laser printers. A shareware utility available from QuickSoft called
  FONT SELECTOR will examine HP format soft fonts and make up printer
  drivers for PC Write. Note that PC Write does not download soft fonts for
  you. We suggest a tool like our TSR Download to help in the managing and
  downloading of your soft fonts.

**Using ESF Soft Fonts With Q&A

  The Q&A program and Q&A Write fully support 3rd party HP format soft
  fonts. To use soft fonts with Q&A you need a copy of their QAFONT.EXE
  program. If you are using an existing font description file such as
  HPLASERJ.FNT, QAFONT can add the new descriptions to this file. If you
  would like to use a new font file name (i.e. MYFONTS.FNT), QAFONT will
  create this new file to hold the font descriptions. (Reminder: If you are
  using a new filename, remember to re-install the printer and type the new
  name on the "Font File Name" line of the "Special Printer Options"

  The QAFONT program may accompany your Q&A program or you may have to call
  Symantec Product Support to get a copy. Note that Q&A does not download
  soft fonts for you. We suggest a tool like our TSR Download to help in the
  managing and downloading of your soft fonts.

**Using ESF Fonts With Ventura

  All LaserJet fonts on this disk are compatible with Ventura Publisher. To
  use these fonts in Ventura they must first be converted into Ventura for-
  mat. To convert these fonts you need your Ventura Disk #11. (This disk
  number changes with each new release.) Check out your Ventura manual- the
  "Adding new fonts for the HP LaserJet Plus" section for more details.

  Step 1) Build new VFM files. (Ventura Font Metric width tables) Find the
  Ventura program HPLTOVFM.EXE. Run this program for each soft font found in
  this set.


  Where /F= is the typeface name which MUST start with a capital letter
        /N= is the typeface number (look these up in you Ventura manual)
        /P= is the point size of the font
        /W= weight of the font, N=normal, I=italic, B=bold, T=bold italic

  Step 2) Make an ASCII text file that lists the name of each VFM file
  created in step 1. (Must end in ".LST".) One file name per line. The file
  names must be listed in point size order smallest to largest, with styles
  listed in: normal, italic, bold, bold italic order.

  Step 3) Use the Ventura VFMTOWID.EXE program and the LST file from step 2
  plus the VFM files to create a width table.


  Where ESFSHARE.LST is the list file created in step 2,

  Step 4) Create a HPLJPLUS.CFN file as described in your Ventura manual.
  Download the soft fonts to your printer.

  Step 5) Merge the width tables and clean up. Run Ventura and select
  Options - Add Remove Fonts - Merge Width Table.

**Using ESF Soft Fonts With Windows 3.0 & 3.1

  1) make sure your soft fonts are unpacked and stored on your hard disk
  2) start Windows
  3) At the Main menu double click on the Control Panel icon
  4) Now double click on Printers, *make* sure you *don't* click on Fonts
     by mistake. (The Fonts Icon deals with screen not printer fonts.)
  5) Make sure you have a LaserJet or DeskJet printer installed and active
     You can *not* use the scalable driver for either printer. (Neither
     supports soft fonts.)
  6) IF you have Windows 3.0, click on Configure (doesn't apply in Win 3.1)
  7) In the next menu click on Setup
  8) At this menu click on Fonts, then click on Add Fonts, and finally give
     a drive and path for them
  9) You will now see a list of fonts. Click on each font you want to
     install. Then click the Add button. Each font will appear on the left
     side of your screen. You can make these fonts Permanent at this point
     or leave them as Temporary. (DeskJet owners *must* make each font
     Permanent. Temporary DeskJet soft fonts are not supported by the
     current Windows driver.)
 10) That's it. The fonts are installed in Windows.

  Some applications will not automatically recognize soft fonts installed
  into Windows. These program want to you reconfigure the printer before
  they will recognize these new fonts. Word for Windows is an example of
  this type of program. To get Word for Windows to recognize the new fonts,
  at the File Menu:

    1) Click on "Printer Setup"
    2) Click the button "Setup"
    3) Click "Ok", then click "Ok" again.

**Using ESF Fonts With WordStar 5.5/6.0

  Fonts can be added to WordStar using two utility programs supplied by
  MicroPro. The WordStar Customizing/Printer manual explains how to do
  this. Basically, you run the LSRFONTS program from the WINSTALL menu and
  add fonts to your WordStar printer data file. Then you run the PRCHANGE
  file to move these new definitions to your current printer driver. Note
  that WordStar does not download soft fonts for you. We suggest a tool
  like our TSR Download to help in the managing and downloading of your
  soft fonts.

**Using ESF Fonts With WordStar 2000

  The WordStar 2000 program has a built in tool that lets you add soft font
  information to any existing printer driver. First determine what printer
  driver your document is using. Then, from the main WS 2000 menu press A
  for Additional, then select HP Fonts. Follow the instructions here and
  add new font information to your driver. Note that WordStar does not
  download soft fonts for you. We suggest a tool like our TSR Download to
  help in the managing and downloading of your soft fonts.

**Using ESF Fonts With Other Programs

  The ASCII text file FONTS.TXT, available to registered users, specifies
  the font selection strings and character width tables necessary to access
  these soft fonts. This information can be used to install these fonts in
  other applications.

Copyright 1992 by Elfring Soft Fonts, All rights reserved.


  We are now ready to unpack the printer driver for WordPerfect 5.1 and put
  this driver into your WordPerfect subdirectory. After that is done, you
  will be given the option of printing a copy of the installation instruc-
  tions that must be followed to add these soft fonts to WordPerfect. Once
  these fonts are properly installed into WordPerfect, they will appear any
  time you attempt to change the base font (<Ctrl><F8> option).

  Installing our driver for WordPerfect is fairly simple. Our driver adds
  information to your existing driver, so you will not lose any fonts you
  already have. Installing our driver is a three step process. You add our
  font information to your existing driver, then activate those fonts for
  your particular printer, and finally re-install this updated driver from
  within WordPerfect. For more information print the full installation
  instructions next.


  We are now ready to unpack the printer driver for WordPerfect 5.0 and put
  this driver into your WordPerfect subdirectory. After that is done, you
  will be given the option of printing a copy of the installation instruc-
  tions that must be followed to add these soft fonts to WordPerfect. Once
  these fonts are properly installed into WordPerfect, they will appear any
  time you attempt to change the base font (<Ctrl><F8> option).

  Installing our driver for WordPerfect 5.0 is quite simple. Our driver
  replaces your existing one, and you can switch between this driver and
  your existing one, so you will not lose any fonts you may already have.
  For more information print the full installation instructions next.

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #3288

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

INSTALL  EXE     33539   9-01-92   9:00a
INSTALL  CTL       292   8-11-92   9:00a
READ     ME       5217   9-01-92   9:00a
SOFTFONT DOC     22123   8-11-92   9:00a
WINDOWS  DOC      6800   8-13-92   9:00a
FONTS    EXE    123639   8-11-92   9:00a
UTILITY  EXE     40014   8-11-92   9:00a
SPECIAL  OFF      1233   8-11-92   9:00a
SAMPLE2  DOC      2658   8-13-92   9:00a
SAMPLE   LST       126   8-11-92   9:00a
SAMPLE   DOC      2451   8-11-92   9:00a
SAMPLE   BAT      1313   8-11-92   9:00a
WORDPF   DOC       926   8-11-92   9:00a
WORDPF   BAT       862   8-11-92   9:00a
WORDPF51 EXE      9601   8-13-92   9:00a
WORDPF50 EXE     10903   8-13-92   9:00a
WORDPF0  BAT       862   8-11-92   9:00a
WORDPF0  DOC       746   8-11-92   9:00a
REGISTER BAT      1029   8-11-92   9:00a
REGISTER DOC      7229   9-01-92   9:00a
MSWORD   BAT       867   8-11-92   9:00a
MSWORD   DOC       912   8-11-92   9:00a
MSWORD50 EXE      7227   8-13-92   9:00a
VENDOR   DOC      3778   8-20-92   9:00a
FILE_ID  DIZ       372   9-01-92   9:00a
GO       BAT        38   1-31-91  12:58a
GO       TXT      1155  11-30-92   2:42p
       27 file(s)     285912 bytes
                       21504 bytes free