PCjs Machines

Home of the original IBM PC emulator for browsers.


PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #3286)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5150"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5150" to load....


║          <<<<  PC-SIG Disk #3286 STABLE - TECHNICAL GRAPHS  >>>>        ║
║                          Disk 2 of 2 (also #3285)                       ║
║  To print the documentation, insert disk 2 (#3286) and type:            ║
║                                                                         ║
║                COPY STABLE.DOC PRN  (press Enter)                       ║
║                                                                         ║
║  To print registration information, insert disk 2 (#3286) and type:     ║
║                                                                         ║
║                COPY REGISTER.DOC PRN  (press Enter)                     ║
║                                                                         ║
║  To start the program, insert disk 1 (#3285) and type:                  ║
║                                                                         ║
║                WIN STABLE  (press Enter)                                ║
║                                                                         ║
║  This program requires Microsoft Windows 3.x to run.                    ║
║                                                                         ║
║                                                                         ║
║                                        (c) Copyright 1993, PC-SIG Inc.  ║


        License Information                                     Page 1 of 3

                             STABLE - TECHNICAL GRAPHS

                                   Version 1.10


                                   April, 1992

        This file contains important license information regarding the
        use of Stable - Technical Graphs, Version 1.10.  This information
        applies to INDIVIDUAL USERS who wish to distribute copies to friends
        and associates.

             User Groups, Computer Clubs, Disk Vendors and Distributors,
             Subscription Services, Disk-of-the-Month Clubs, etc., should
             refer to the VENDOR.DOC file for license information.

             BBS SYSOPs should refer to the SYSOP.DOC file for complete
             information relating to them.

             SITE LICENSES are also available.  Refer to the SITELICE.DOC
             file for detailed information.

        PLEASE!  Show your support for Shareware's "try-before-you-buy"
                 concept by registering those programs you actually use.

        Trial Use License:
        Stable - Technical Graphs is NOT a public domain program.  It is
        Copyright (c) 1990-1992 by WINTERRA Software Group.  All Rights

        This software and accompanying documentation are protected by
        United States Copyright law and also by International Treaty
        provisions.  Any use of this software in violation of Copyright
        law or the terms of this limited license will be prosecuted to
        the best of our ability.  The conditions under which you may copy
        this software and documentation are clearly outlined below under
        "Distribution Restrictions".

        WINTERRA Software Group hereby grants you a limited license to use
        this software for evaluation purposes for a period not to exceed
        thirty (30) days.  If you intend to continue using this software
        after this thirty day evaluation period, you MUST register as a
        licensed user and forward payment to WINTERRA Software Group.

        Using this software after the thirty (30) day evaluation period,
        without registering the software, is a violation of the terms of
        this limited license.

        WINTERRA (TM) Software Group         Stable - Technical Graphs 1.10
        License Information                                     Page 2 of 3

        Licensee shall not use, copy, rent, lease, sell, modify,
        decompile, disassemble, otherwise reverse engineer, or transfer
        the licensed program except as provided in this agreement.  Any
        such unauthorized use shall result in immediate and automatic
        termination of this license.

        All rights not expressly granted here are reserved to WINTERRA
        Software Group.

        Limited Distribution License:
        As the copyright holder for Stable Technical Graphs, WINTERRA
        Software Group authorizes distribution by individuals only in
        accordance with the following restrictions.

           (User Groups, Computer Clubs, Disk Vendors and Distributors,
           Subscription Services, Disk-of-the-Month Clubs, etc., should
           refer to the VENDOR.DOC file for complete information relating
           to them.)

           (BBS SYSOPs should refer to the SYSOP.DOC file for complete
           information relating to them.)

        Individuals are hereby granted permission by WINTERRA Software
        Group to copy the Stable - Technical Graphs diskette for their own
        evaluation use, or for other individuals to evaluate, ONLY when the
        following conditions are met.

        The Stable - Technical Graphs package is defined as containing all
        the material listed in the PACKING.LST text file.  If any of the
        files listed in the PACKING.LST text file, or the PACKING.LST file
        itself, are missing, then the package is not complete and
        distribution is forbidden.  Please contact us to obtain a complete
        package suitable for distribution.

           o  The Stable - Technical Graphs package - including all related
              program files and documentation files - CANNOT BE MODIFIED
              IN ANY WAY and must be distributed as a complete package,
              without exception.  The PACKING.LST text file contains a
              list of all files that are part of the Stable - Technical
              Graphs package.

           o  No price or other compensation may be charged for the Stable -
              Technical Graphs package.  A distribution fee however may be
              charged for the cost of the diskette and shipping and handling,
              as long as the total (per disk) does not exceed $10.00 in the
              U.S. and Canada, or $15.00(US) internationally.

        WINTERRA (TM) Software Group         Stable - Technical Graphs 1.10
        License Information                                     Page 3 of 3

           o  The Stable - Technical Graphs package CANNOT be sold as part
              of some other inclusive package.  Nor can it be included in
              any commercial software packaging offer, without a written
              agreement from WINTERRA Software Group.

           o  The PRINTED User's Guide may not be reproduced in whole or
              in part, using any means, without the written permission
              of WINTERRA Software Group.  In other words, the disk-based
              documentation may not be distributed in PRINTED (hardcopy)

           o  Stable - Technical Graphs cannot be "rented" or "leased" to

           o  Licensee shall not use, copy, rent, lease, sell, modify,
              decompile, disassemble, otherwise reverse engineer, or
              transfer the licensed program except as provided in this
              agreement.  Any such unauthorized use shall result in
              immediate and automatic termination of this license.

           o  U.S. Government Information:  Use, duplication, or
              disclosure by the U.S. Government of the computer software
              and documentation in this package shall be subject to the
              restricted rights applicable to commercial computer
              software as set forth in subdivision (b)(3)(ii) of the
              Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at
              252.227-7013 (DFARS 52.227-7013).  The Contractor/
              manufacturer is WINTERRA Software Group, P.O. Box 4106,
              Highlands Ranch, Colorado, 80126, (303) 470-6323.

        All rights not expressly granted here are reserved to WINTERRA
        Software Group.

        WINTERRA (TM) Software Group         Stable - Technical Graphs 1.10


        ****************** IMPORTANT WARRANTY INFORMATION *****************

                             Stable - Technical Graphs
                                   Version 1.10


        The Shareware evaluation (trial use) version of Stable - Technical
        Graphs is provided "AS IS".

        WINTERRA (tm) Software Group makes no warranties of any kind,
        expressed or implied, that this program is error free or that any
        supplied data or other program information is accurate or complete.
        No representation or warranties are made as to the completeness,
        accuracy, or precision of this program.


        WINTERRA Software Group warrants the physical diskette(s) and
        physical documentation provided with registered versions to be
        free of defects in materials and workmanship for a period of
        ninety days from the date of registration.  If WINTERRA Software
        Group receives notification within the warranty period of defects
        in materials or workmanship, and such notification is determined
        by WINTERRA Software Group to be correct, WINTERRA Software Group
        will replace the defective diskette(s) or documentation.


        The entire and exclusive liability and remedy for breach of this
        Limited Warranty shall be limited to the replacement of defective
        diskette(s) or documentation and shall not include or extend to
        any claim for or right to recover any other damages, including
        but not limited to, loss of profits or other trading losses
        incurred as a result of any decision or action taken on your part
        based upon information provided, implied, or suggested by this
        product, loss of data, or use of the software, or special,
        incidental, or consequential damages or other similar claims, even
        if WINTERRA Software Group has been specifically advised of the
        possibility of such damages.  In no event will WINTERRA Software
        Group's liability for any damages to you or any other person ever
        exceed the lower of the suggested list price or actual price paid
        for the license to use the software, regardless of any form of the

        ****************** IMPORTANT WARRANTY INFORMATION *****************
                            STABLE - TECHNICAL GRAPHS
                                   Version 1.10

                                REGISTRATION FORM

        To purchase a licensed version of Stable - Technical Graphs, please
        return this registration form along with your check or postal money
        order (drawn on U.S. FUNDS ONLY please), and mail to:

                               WINTERRA Software Group
                                    P.O.Box 4106
                              Highlands Ranch, CO 80126

                              Voice/Fax: (303) 470-6323

        Upon registration, you will receive the LATEST version of this
        product, a laser-printed User's Manual, and technical support via
        phone and CompuServe.

        Name:    __________________________________________________________

        Company: __________________________________________________________

        Address: __________________________________________________________

        City:    ____________________________  State: ______  Zip: ________

        Phone:   (______)__________________    Fax: (______)_______________

        Date:    __________________  CompuServe ID: _______________________

        The pricing for Stable - Technical Graphs is forty-nine dollars and
        ninety-five cents ($49.95) for a single user license.  This price
        includes any applicable Colorado sales tax.  Site licenses are also
        available - see the file SITELICE.DOC for detailed information.

        Format:   ____  3 1/2" 720-KB    ____ 5 1/4" 360-KB

        Quantity: ____  Stable - Technical Graphs    @$49.95  $____________
                        Version 1.10

                  ____  U.S.                         @$ 4.00  $____________
                  ____  Canada/Mexico                @$ 6.00  $____________
                  ____  Europe                       @$16.00  $____________
                  ____  Pacific Rim                  @$23.00  $____________

                                                       TOTAL  $____________

        Credit Card Customers: Please contact WINTERRA Software Group for
        the availability of accepting credit card orders.

        We would like you to participate in helping to define the direction
        of the Stable Technical Graphs product.  What is important to you?
        What isn't?  Please take a moment to fill out and return this form.

        Interest(s) of Study:

        [ ] Stocks            [ ] Indexes           [ ] Commodities
        [ ] Bonds             [ ] Mutual Funds      [ ] Options
        [ ] Other _________________________________________________________

        Technical Indicators (currently use or would like to see):

        [ ] Accumulation/Distribution       [ ] Price Performance
        [ ] Chaikin Oscillator              [ ] Volume Trends (PVT/NVT)
        [ ] Commodity Channel Index (CCI)   [ ] Relative Strength Index
        [ ] Correlation Analysis            [ ] Standard Deviation
        [ ] Demand Index                    [ ] Stochastic Oscillator
        [ ] Directional Movement            [ ] Swing Index
        [ ] Fourier Analysis                [ ] TRIX (Triple Exp Smoothing)
        [ ] Herrick Payoff                  [ ] Volatility (Chaikin)
        [ ] Moving Average Acc/Dist (MACD)  [ ] Volatility (Wilder)
        [ ] Median Price                    [ ] Volume
        [ ] Negative/Positive Volume Index  [ ] Volume Oscillator
        [ ] On-Balance Volume               [ ] Volume Momentum (ROC)
        [ ] Parabolic SAR                   [ ] Weighted Close
        [ ] Price Momentum (Rate of Change) [ ] Williams (Acc\Dist, %R)
        [ ] Other _________________________________________________________

        Charts (currently use or would like to see):

        [ ] High/Low Bar and Line Charts
        [ ] Candlestick Charts
        [ ] Point and Figure Charts

        Other Tools (currently use or would like to see):

        [ ] Fibonacci Based Tools           [ ] Profitability Testing
        [ ] Options Related Tools           [ ] Chart Scaling and Zoom
        [ ] Indicator Optimizations         [ ] Custom Formulas/Indicators
        [ ] Data Downloading

        General Comments:






                            STABLE - TECHNICAL GRAPHS

                                   Version 1.10

                             SITE LICENSE INFORMATION

                                   April, 1992

        What is a site license?  A site license is an inexpensive way for
        more than one person to legally use one copy of a program on more
        than one computer at a time.  Site licenses are designed for
        companies, offices or workgroups where more than one person in
        the organization needs to use a product, but does not need
        additional manuals or disks.  Site licensing enables companies,
        departments, government agencies, etc., to equip their personnel
        with the tools they need at a minimal cost.

        How do site licenses work?  The company purchasing a site license
        (the licensee) provides a single point of contact for shipping,
        technical support, upgrades, etc., and we (the licensor) provide
        a "golden master" of the diskettes, manual, and any other parts
        of the package.

        Exhibit 1 gives a breakdown of the cost of site licensing and how
        much you save per site licensed.  For instance, if you purchased
        a site license for 15 users (sites) your cost would be $539.40,
        which saves you $209.85 of the cost of 15 separate purchases.  The
        more sites you license, the more you save.

        The following document is the complete license agreement.  Simply
        print it, fill it out, sign under LICENSEE, enclose a check or
        money order for the correct amount, and mail it to:

                             WINTERRA Software Group
                                  P.O.Box 4106
                            Highlands Ranch, CO 80126

                            Voice/Fax: (303) 470-6323

        Upon receipt of the completed, signed form, and a check or money
        order for the correct amount, we will send you the required
        "golden masters" and a copy of the license agreement with an
        authorized signature under LICENSOR.

        If you have any questions, or if you need site license information
        for more than 100 sites, please call our offices.

        All of the following pages are part of the actual site license

        WINTERRA (TM) Software Group         Stable - Technical Graphs 1.10
        Site License                                            Page 1 of 6

                      Stable - Technical Graphs Version 1.10

                          END USER SITE LICENSE AGREEMENT

        WINTERRA Software Group (Licensor) grants to ______________________

        and Licensee accepts, a license to use the licensed program in
        accordance with the terms and conditions contained in this agreement.

        1.0 DEFINITIONS

             1.1 "Licensed program" means the object code version of the
        program listed in Exhibit 1 and related program user
        documentation.  No rights to the source code versions of the
        licensed program are granted by this license.

             1.2 "Object code" means any instruction or set of
        instructions in machine executable form.

             1.3 "User documentation" means any standard manuals or other
        related materials used for user instruction or reference in use of
        the licensed program.

             1.4 "Use" means copying of any portion of the licensed
        program from a storage unit or media into the designated equipment
        and execution of the licensed program on the equipment.

        2.0 LICENSE GRANT

             2.1  Licensee is granted a nontransferable, nonexclusive right
        to use the number of copies of the licensed program indicated on
        Exhibit 1 for Licensee's internal use.  Licensor (WINTERRA Software
        Group) will deliver one copy of the licensed program to Licensee.
        Licensee may make additional copies of the licensed program, up to
        the number of copies licensed herein, provided that each copy of the
        program contains WINTERRA Software Group's copyright notice and any
        other proprietary legends, including legends under the Federal
        Acquisition Regulations (FAR), if any, contained on the delivered

             2.2  Each copy of the licensed program provided under this
        license may be used on only one computer at any one time.  If used
        on a network system, each terminal user is automatically considered
        to be using a distinct copy of the licensed program whether or not
        he is actually using it.

        WINTERRA (TM) Software Group         Stable - Technical Graphs 1.10
        Site License                                            Page 2 of 6

             2.3 Licensee shall not use, copy, rent, lease, sell, modify,
        decompile, disassemble, otherwise reverse engineer, or transfer
        the licensed program except as provided in this agreement.  Any
        such unauthorized use shall result in immediate and automatic
        termination of this license.

        3.0 TERMS

             3.1 This license is effective until terminated.  Licensee may
        terminate it at any time by destroying the licensed program and
        all copies of it and notifying WINTERRA Software Group in writing.
        This license will also terminate as otherwise provided in this
        agreement.  On termination, Licensee shall return all materials
        not destroyed to WINTERRA Software Group together with a written
        verification that the remaining materials have been destroyed.

        4.0 PAYMENT

             4.1 The fee for this license is set forth in Exhibit 1,
        payable as set forth.


             5.1 The licensed program is licensed, not sold.  Nothing in
        this agreement shall be construed as conveying title in the
        licensed program to Licensee.

             5.2 Licensee understands and agrees that the source code for
        the licensed program and all documentation related thereto
        constitute the valuable properties and trade secrets of WINTERRA
        Software Group, owner of the copyright to the licensed program,
        embodying substantial creative efforts which are secret,
        confidential, and not generally known by the public, and which
        secure to WINTERRA Software Group a competitive advantage.

             5.3 Licensee agrees during the term of this license, and
        thereafter, to hold the licensed program, including any copies
        thereof and any documentation related thereto, in strict
        confidence and to not permit any person or entity to obtain access
        to it except as required for Licensee's own internal use

             5.4 Licensee shall inform WINTERRA Software Group promptly and
        in writing of any actual or suspected unauthorized use or disclosure
        of the licensed programs or documentation related thereto.

             5.5 The obligations under this paragraph shall survive the
        termination or rescission of this agreement.

        WINTERRA (TM) Software Group         Stable - Technical Graphs 1.10
        Site License                                            Page 3 of 6


             6.1 WINTERRA Software Group warrants that for a period of sixty
        days from the date of delivery of the licensed program, the program,
        if unmodified by the Licensee, will perform in substantial
        conformity with the user documentation.  WINTERRA Software Group
        does not warrant that the licensed program is free from coding
        errors.  Any program problems reported to WINTERRA Software Group
        during the warranty period and determined by WINTERRA Software Group
        to be actual coding errors will be corrected by WINTERRA Software
        Group within a reasonable time.  Any modifications to the licensed
        program shall thereafter be licensed AS IS.

             6.2 The above warranty does not apply to the extent that any
        failure of the licensed program to perform as warranted is caused
        by the licensed program being (1) not used in accordance with the
        user documentation, or (2) modified by any person other than
        authorized WINTERRA Software Group personnel.



             7.1 The total liability of WINTERRA Software Group or its
        suppliers for any claim or damage arising out of the use of the
        licensed program or otherwise related to this license shall be
        limited to direct damages which shall not exceed the license
        fee(s) which have been paid by Licensee to WINTERRA Software Group
        for the specific client project which is the subject of such claim
        or damage.



             8.1 Licensee fails to comply with any material term or
        condition of this agreement and Licensee fails to cure such
        failure within fifteen days after notices of such failure by
        WINTERRA Software Group; and

        WINTERRA (TM) Software Group         Stable - Technical Graphs 1.10
        Site License                                            Page 4 of 6

             8.2 Licensee's normal business operations are disrupted or
        discontinued for more than thirty days by reason of insolvency,
        bankruptcy, receivership, or business termination.

        9.0 GENERAL TERMS

             9.1 Neither this agreement nor any rights or obligations
        hereunder shall be assigned or otherwise transferred by Licensee
        without prior written consent of WINTERRA Software Group, which
        consent will not be unreasonably withheld.  WINTERRA Software Group
        may assign this agreement entirely in its discretion upon the
        express written assumption of the obligations hereunder by the

             9.2 This agreement shall be interpreted and enforced in
        accordance with and shall be governed by the laws of the State of
        Colorado applicable to contracts between residents.  No suit for
        enforcement of or for a declaration of rights between the parties
        to this agreement shall be commenced in any court other than the
        Municipal, County or District Court in and for Douglas County,
        State of Colorado.

             9.3 Any controversy or claim arising out of or relating to
        this agreement or the breach thereof shall be settled by
        arbitration in accordance with the commercial rules of the
        American Arbitration Association, using an arbitrator with
        knowledge of computers and software, and judgment upon the award
        rendered by the arbitrator(s) may be entered in any court having
        jurisdiction thereof.  No arbitration or other action arising out
        of any claimed breach of this agreement or transactions under this
        agreement may be demanded by either party more than one year after
        the cause of action accrued.  The prevailing party in any such
        action related to or arising under this agreement shall be
        entitled to reasonable attorneys' fees.  This provision shall not
        apply to any action or proceeding for injunctive relief.

             9.4 This agreement and its exhibits contain the entire
        agreement between the parties hereto, superseding all previous
        agreements, representations, understandings and negotiations.
        This agreement may not be amended other than by writing signed by
        an authorized representative of the parties.

             9.5 If any terms or provisions of this agreement shall be
        found to be illegal or unenforceable then, notwithstanding, this
        agreement shall remain in full force and effect and such term or
        provision shall be deemed stricken.

        WINTERRA (TM) Software Group         Stable - Technical Graphs 1.10
        Site License                                            Page 5 of 6

             9.6 No amendment of this agreement shall be effective unless
        it is in writing and signed by duly authorized representatives or
        both parties.  No term or provision hereof shall be deemed waived
        and no breach excused unless such waiver or consent shall be in
        writing and signed by the party claimed to have waived or
        consented.  Any consent by any party to or waiver of a breach by
        the other, whether express or implied, shall not constitute a
        consent to, waiver of or excuse for any other, different or
        subsequent breach.

             9.7 This agreement shall be binding on and shall inure to the
        benefit of the heirs, executors, administrators, successors and
        assigns of the parties hereto, but nothing in this paragraph shall
        be construed as a consent to any assignment of this agreement by
        either party except as provided hereinabove.

             9.8 Timely payment is of the essence of this agreement.

             9.9 This agreement may be signed in counterparts.

        Effective this _________ day of ________________________, 19_____.

                    LICENSEE                          LICENSOR

        _______________________________    _______________________________
        Authorized Representative          Authorized Representative

        Typed name_____________________    Typed name_____________________

        Title__________________________    Title__________________________

        Address________________________    Address________________________

        _______________________________    ___WINTERRA Software Group_____

        _______________________________    ___P.O. Box 4106_______________

        _______________________________    ___Highlands Ranch, CO 80126___

        WINTERRA (TM) Software Group         Stable - Technical Graphs 1.10
        Site License                                            Page 6 of 6

                                     EXHIBIT 1

                                 Licensed Program

                      Stable - Technical Graphs Version 1.10

                     NUMBER OF USERS     LICENSE FEE PER USER
                     ---------------     --------------------
                         5 -  10                $37.46
                        11 -  15                $35.96
                        16 -  20                $34.46
                        21 -  25                $32.96
                        26 -  30                $31.46
                        31 -  40                $29.96
                        41 -  50                $28.46
                        51 -  60                $26.96
                        61 -  70                $25.46
                        71 -  80                $23.96
                        81 -  90                $22.46
                        91 - 100                $20.96
                        101+       Please contact WINTERRA Software Group

        The above prices include one copy of the Licensed Version of Stable
        Technical Graphs.  Licensee may make additional copies, up to the
        number of copies licensed.  WINTERRA Software Group can supply
        multiple copies of the distribution diskettes at an additional cost
        of $5.00 per copy plus shipping and handling costs.  WINTERRA
        Software Group can supply multiple copies of the printed User's
        Manual at an additional cost of $15.00 per copy plus shipping and
        handling costs.

        WINTERRA (TM) Software Group         Stable - Technical Graphs 1.10


                        Stable (tm) - Technical Graphs

                                Version 1.10

                               Reference Guide

                        WINTERRA (tm) Software Group
                                P.O.Box 4106
                          Highlands Ranch, CO 80126

                          Voice/Fax: (303) 470-6323

                               Electronic Mail:
                            CompuServe 70244,2371

                                 April, 1992

             Copyright (c) 1990-1992 by WINTERRA (tm) Software Group
                               All Rights Reserved

                Software Components SHELL.DLL and DDEML.DLL
                 Copyright (c) 1991-1992 by Microsoft Corp.

        No part of this manual may be reproduced or transmitted in any form
        or by any means or for any purpose without the express written
        permission of WINTERRA Software Group.  Information in this document
        is subject to change without notice and does not represent a
        commitment by WINTERRA Software Group.

        The software described in this document is furnished under a license
        agreement.  It is against the law to copy this software under any
        circumstances except as provided by the stated license agreement
        found herein.


           WINTERRA and Stable are trademarks of WINTERRA Software Group.

           Microsoft is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.

           Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.

           CompuServe is a registered trademark of CompuServe Incorporated.

           Dow Jones is a registered trademark of Dow Jones & Company, Inc.

           MetaStock is a trademark of EQUIS International.

        ****************** IMPORTANT WARRANTY INFORMATION *****************

                             Stable - Technical Graphs
                                   Version 1.10


        The Shareware evaluation (trial use) version of Stable - Technical
        Graphs is provided "AS IS".

        WINTERRA (tm) Software Group makes no warranties of any kind,
        expressed or implied, that this program is error free or that any
        supplied data or other program information is accurate or complete.
        No representation or warranties are made as to the completeness,
        accuracy, or precision of this program.


        WINTERRA Software Group warrants the physical diskette(s) and
        physical documentation provided with registered versions to be
        free of defects in materials and workmanship for a period of
        ninety days from the date of registration.  If WINTERRA Software
        Group receives notification within the warranty period of defects
        in materials or workmanship, and such notification is determined
        by WINTERRA Software Group to be correct, WINTERRA Software Group
        will replace the defective diskette(s) or documentation.


        The entire and exclusive liability and remedy for breach of this
        Limited Warranty shall be limited to the replacement of defective
        diskette(s) or documentation and shall not include or extend to
        any claim for or right to recover any other damages, including
        but not limited to, loss of profits or other trading losses
        incurred as a result of any decision or action taken on your part
        based upon information provided, implied, or suggested by this
        product, loss of data, or use of the software, or special,
        incidental, or consequential damages or other similar claims, even
        if WINTERRA Software Group has been specifically advised of the
        possibility of such damages.  In no event will WINTERRA Software
        Group's liability for any damages to you or any other person ever
        exceed the lower of the suggested list price or actual price paid
        for the license to use the software, regardless of any form of the

                           ____|__     |                (R)
                        --|       |    |-------------------
                          |   ____|__  |  Association of
                          |  |       |_|  Shareware
                          |__|   o   |    Professionals
                        -----|   |   |---------------------
                             |___|___|    MEMBER

                      Association of Shareware Professionals
                               Ombudsman Statement

        This program is produced by a member of the Association of Shareware
        Professionals (ASP).  ASP wants to make sure that the shareware
        principle works for you.  If you are unable to resolve a shareware-
        related problem with an ASP member by contacting the member directly,
        ASP may be able to help.  The ASP Ombudsman can help you resolve a
        dispute or problem with an ASP member, but does not provide technical
        support for members' products.  Please write to the ASP Ombudsman at
        545 Grover Road, Muskegon, MI 49442  or  send a CompuServe message
        via CompuServe Mail to ASP Ombudsman 70007,3536."

        The OMB may also be contacted by FAX by sending to the ASP FAX
        number: (616) 788-2765.  In communication with the OMB please
        include a telephone number and/or FAX if available.


        This "Shareware Evaluation" copy of Stable - Technical Graphs is a
        completely functional program and all program functions have been
        documented.  This is not a "demo" program.


        Chapter 1   Introduction
           1.1  What Is Stable Investment Software? ...............1-1
           1.2  Features ..........................................1-2
           1.3  Distribution Files ................................1-3
           1.4  Installing Stable .................................1-4
           1.5  If Stable Won't Run ...............................1-5
           1.6  Backup Your Files .................................1-5

        Chapter 2   Registration
           2.1  Software License Agreement ........................2-1
           2.2  Registration Form .................................2-2

        Chapter 3   Keyboard Interface
           3.1  Stable Keys .......................................3-1

        Chapter 4   Commands
           4.1  File Menu Commands ................................4-1
           4.2  Configure Menu Commands ...........................4-2
           4.3  Options Menu Commands .............................4-2
           4.4  Graph Menu Commands ...............................4-3
           4.5  Select Menu Commands ..............................4-4
           4.6  Window Menu .......................................4-4

        Chapter 5   Procedures
           5.1  Adding/Removing Additional Graphs on a Chart ......5-1
           5.2  Automatically Saving All Chart Configurations .....5-1
           5.3  Changing the Default Settings for New Charts ......5-1
           5.4  Changing Graph Colors .............................5-2
           5.5  Changing Printers and Print Options ...............5-2
           5.6  Creating a New Chart ..............................5-2
           5.7  Default Data File Directory .......................5-3
           5.8  Displaying Graph Data .............................5-3
           5.9  Displaying Moving Averages on the Price Graph .....5-4
           5.10 Displaying a Price Channel ........................5-4
           5.11 Displaying a Technical Indicator ..................5-5
           5.12 Printing a Chart ..................................5-5
           5.13 Repainting a Chart ................................5-5
           5.14 Saving a Chart's Configuration ....................5-6
           5.15 Scrolling Through Graph Data ......................5-6
           5.16 Selecting the Amount of Graph Data ................5-7
           5.17 Selecting a Graph .................................5-7
           5.18 Selecting the Number of Horizontal Grids ..........5-8
           5.19 Using the Slide ...................................5-8

        *** New for Version 1.10 ***

           5.20  Closing All Stable Charts ........................5-9
           5.21  Minimizing All Stable Charts .....................5-9
           5.22  Using 3-D Text Labeling ..........................5-9
           5.23  Automatic Price Chart Labels .....................5-9
           5.24  Quickly Selecting Any Chart For Study ............5-10
        CONTENTS (Cont'd)

           5.25  Setting the Default Chart (Window Method) ........5-10
           5.26  Setting the Size of the Price Graph ..............5-11
           5.27  Changing a Graph's Drawing Style .................5-11
           5.28  Using the Popup Graph Menu .......................5-12
           5.29  Drag and Drop (Windows 3.1 Only) .................5-12

        Chapter 6   Data Files (Updated for Version 1.10)
           6.1  ASCII Data Files ..................................6-1
           6.2  General Format ....................................6-2
           6.3  Examples ..........................................6-3
           6.4  Historical Data Suppliers .........................6-5

        Chapter 7   Dynamic Data Exchange (New for Version 1.10)
           7.1  Programmer's Reference ............................7-1
                7.1.1  Application (Service) Name .................7-1
                7.1.2  Topics .....................................7-2
                7.1.3  DDE Request Transactions ...................7-2
                7.1.4  DDE Execute Transactions ...................7-4
                7.1.5  DDE Poke Transaction .......................7-6
           7.2  Stable DDE Communications with Excel ..............7-6
                7.2.1  Open HRB Macro .............................7-7
                7.2.2  Poke HRB Macro .............................7-7
                7.2.3  Show HRB Macro .............................7-8
                7.2.4  Supported =EXECUTE() Commands ..............7-8

        Chapter 8   Technical Indicators
           8.1  Moving Averages ...................................8-1
           8.2  Negative/Positive Volume Indexes (NVI/PVI) ........8-2
           8.3  On-Balance Volume .................................8-2
           8.4  Oscillators (Price and Volume) ....................8-2
           8.5  Price Channel (Trading Band) ......................8-3
           8.6  Price Momentum ....................................8-3
           8.7  Rate of Change (Price and Volume) .................8-4
           8.8  Volume ............................................8-4
           8.9  Negative/Positive Volume Trend (NVT/PVT) ..........8-4
           8.10 Weighted Close ....................................8-4

           *** New for Version 1.10 ***

           8.11 Commodity Channel Index (CCI) .....................8-5
           8.12 Moving Average Convergence/Divergence (MACD) ......8-5
           8.13 Open Interest .....................................8-5
           8.14 Relative Strength .................................8-6
           8.15 Relative Strength Indicator (RSI) .................8-6

                             Chapter 1  Introduction

        1.1  What Is Stable Investment Software?
        Stable (tm) Investment Software is planned as an integrated set
        of programs seeking to provide both experienced and novice
        investors and traders with useful software tools focusing on the
        study of the financial markets.

        It is the goal of WINTERRA Software Group to provide useful, easy to
        use programs, beneficial in meeting your day to day investment needs.
        It is hoped that you, as an interested and/or experienced user of
        market related software, will provide comments and suggestions
        assisting us in meeting this goal.  You are encouraged to let us
        know what you think of the product - and what features and/or
        functionality are important to you.

        This software program - Technical Graphs - addresses one specific
        area of financial market investing; the analysis and study of market
        movement and direction through the interpretation of technically-
        oriented graphs.

        Stable - Technical Graphs can be used to graph data associated with
        individual stocks, mutual funds, commodities, interest rates, major
        stock and bond indexes (i.e., Dow Jones, Standard & Poor's, Lehman
        Brothers, etc.) - essentially any data that has (at a minimum) a
        date and price value associated with it.
                                                            Introduction  1-2

        1.2  Features
        This latest update of Stable - Technical Graphs contains many of
        your most requested features as well as being Windows 3.0/3.1
        compatible.  Written for experienced and novice users alike,
        Stable provides powerful - yet easy to use - stock market
        technical analysis capabilities ideal for the technical trader
        with existing (or access to) historical financial data for stocks,
        bonds, commodities, mutual funds, indexes, and options.
        Combining popular technical indicators with features such as DDE
        (Dynamic Data Exchange), chart printing, selectable graph styles,
        new data import formats, popup graph menus, enhanced desktop
        management features, and more - Stable is likely to become your
        technical analysis tool for the Windows environment.  Reads CSI,
        Technical Tools, MetaStock, and ASCII formatted data files.

        Stable - Technical Graphs reads CSI, Technical Tools, MetaStock,
        and ASCII formatted data files; allowing you to use your existing
        data more effectively.  All Stable charts support horizontal
        scrolling - giving you the ability to study as many as 1,024 units
        (days, weeks, etc.) of data in a single graph. And when you
        identify a chart worthy of more attention, simply print it to one
        of your system printers.

        All Stable charts provide an easy to use "slider" for accurately
        comparing a specific day's activity across several graphs.  Also
        available for every chart is a "toolbar" providing single mouse
        click operation of frequently used charting operations and tools.

        In addition to the above capabilities, other standard features
        found in Stable - Technical Graphs include:

           - The display of up to 64 market charts for individual and
             comparative study, with each chart containing as many as
             1,024 units (days, weeks, months) of data.

           - DDE support letting you communicate directly with any Stable
             chart through the use of third-party software (such as
             Microsoft Excel) to open, print, display - or to dynamically
             add new data to a chart.

           - Windows 3.1 "Drag and Drop" support allowing CSV and Technical
             Tools data files to be opened simply by "dragging" the file from
             the File Manager directly to the Stable logo window or icon.

           - User-selectable graph styles; including High/Low Bar, Line,
             and Histogram graphs.

           - Popup menu support within any graph allowing you to quickly
             perform many common graph functions.

           - Improved desktop chart management features such as closing
             or minimizing all charts, and easily moving from one chart
             to another.
                                                            Introduction  1-3

           - The ability to print your technical charts to any attached
             printer using the provided print functionality of Windows.

           - On-line help documentation using the standard Window's Help

           - All chart and graph colors are easily selected and changed
             to suit your own personal preference.

           - An "Auto Chart Configuration Mode" giving you the option of
             having Stable automatically save your chart colors and
             technical indicator parameters.

           - Runs on most Windows supported displays; including EGA, VGA,
             VGA (monochrome), extended VGA resolutions (800 x 600 and
             1024 x 780) - 16 and 256 color capable.

        1.3  Distribution Files
        The following files are included as part of the Stable - Technical
        Graphs shareware distribution package:

           STABLE.EXE    Stable - Technical Graphs Windows Program File
           STABLE.HLP    Stable - Technical Graphs Windows Help File
           STABLE.DOC    Stable - Technical Graphs User Reference Manual
           STABLE.XLM    Excel macro sheet demonstrating DDE features

           DJIA.CSV      Sample ASCII data - Dow Jones Industrials
           SP500.CSV     Sample ASCII data - S&P 500
           HRB.CSV       Sample ASCII data - H&R Block

           DDEML.DLL     Required DLL for Dynamic Data Exchange support
           SHELL.DLL     Required DLL for Drag and Drop support

           READ.ME       Important last-minute information.
           REGISTER.DOC  Registration information and order form.
           PACKING.LST   Shareware distribution file list.
           VENDOR.DOC    Information and restrictions for disk vendors,
           SYSOP.DOC     Information for Bulletin Board System distribution.
           DESCRIBE.DOC  Sample descriptions for catalogs, BBSs, etc.
           LICENSE.DOC   Important License and Usage Information
           SITELICE.DOC  Site License Information and Agreement.

        Please take the time to read the above files (at least those that
        pertain to you as a individual user, vendor, or sysop).
                                                            Introduction  1-4

        1.4  Installing Stable
        Stable - Technical Graphs requires only four program files to run
        (not including any of the data files which you will graph):

           - STABLE.EXE
           - STABLE.HLP
           - DDEML.DLL
           - SHELL.DLL

        When executing Stable v1.10, all of the above files MUST BE available
        at runtime; either from the current directory or a directory found
        in your AUTOEXEC.BAT "PATH=" statement.

        To simplify the process of running Stable - Technical Graphs within
        your Windows environment, the DOS directory that you choose to store
        the product files should be one that you have specified in your
        environment's PATH statement ("\STABLE" is recommended).

           For example, if you choose to place the Stable - Technical Graphs
           package in the recommended directory named "\STABLE", you should
           edit your AUTOEXEC.BAT file and add "\STABLE" to your "PATH="
           environment variable.

        The data files that have been provided with the product allow you to
        immediately use the program in your own environment.  While these
        (and other) data files can be placed in any directory, you may want
        to at least keep all of the Stable distribution files together within
        the same directory.

        If you have a compressed copy of the Stable - Technical Graphs
        package (ie, STABLE.ZIP, STABLE.ARC, STABLE.LHZ), the simplest
        installation procedure is:

           1.  Create a new subdirectory on your system called \STABLE.
           2.  Copy the compressed Stable file to this new directory.
           3.  Decompress the Stable file using the appropriate decompression
               program (PKUNZIP.EXE for .ZIP file, PKXARC.EXE for .ARC, etc.)
           4.  Add the \STABLE directory to your "PATH=" statement in your
               AUTOEXEC.BAT file.
           5.  Reboot your system.

        If you have received the Stable - Technical Graphs package as the
        complete set of uncompressed individual files listed in Section 1.3
        "Distribution Files", perform the same steps as above with the
        exception of step 3).
                                                            Introduction  1-5

        As a final step to installation, you should consider removing the
        file named STABLE.INI from your Windows directory if you have a
        previous version of Stable installed.  In order to support many of
        the enhanced features of Stable v1.10, several minor changes had to
        be made to the file's syntax.

        If you delete the STABLE.INI file, you will have to save any chart
        configuration information once again.  If you do not delete the
        file, Stable will still operate, however, it will not recognize any
        previously save configuration information anyway.

        1.5  If Stable Won't Run
        If you try and run Stable - Technical Graphs and encounter a Windows
        error message similar to either of the following...



        ...this indicates an invalid installation of Stable on your computer.
        If you installed all the Stable distribution files into a single
        directory, then all you need to do is include the directory name
        in your PATH statement - AND REBOOT YOUR COMPUTER.  Any changes made
        to your AUTOEXEC.BAT file will not become effective until after a
        system restart.

        1.6  Backup You Files
        Before you actually begin using Stable - Technical Graphs, it is
        strongly suggested that you at least perform the following task:


        Accidents do happen!  While there may not be any way to prevent the
        loss of your program, you can take action now to help avoid the
        problem of being without it in the future.  Making a backup copy now
        is insurance that you won't have to be without Stable - Technical
        Graphs when you need it.

                             Chapter 2  Registration

        SITE LICENSES are available.  The file SITELICE.DOC contains site
        license pricing information and a site license agreement.

        2.1  Software License Agreement
        Stable Investment Software - Technical Graphs is a copyrighted
        product protected by copyright law.  You are authorized to use this
        copy of Stable - Technical Graphs for a period of 30 days for your
        own personal evaluation.  You may also distribute copies of this
        evaluation version to friends and associates - so long as all
        conditions identified in the LICENSE.DOC text file are met.

            User Groups, Computer Clubs, Disk Vendors and Distributors,
            Subscription Services, Disk-of-the-Month Clubs, etc., should
            refer to the VENDOR.DOC file for complete information relating
            to them.

            BBS SYSOPs should refer to the SYSOP.DOC file for complete
            information relating to them.

        To become a licensed user of Stable - Technical Graphs, simply
        fill out and return the supplied registration form along with your
        registration payment.  The registration form can be found on
        Page 2-3, or you can use the form found in the file REGISTER.DOC.

        As a registered user, you will receive a personalized copy of the
        latest Stable - Technical Graphs product on either 5 1/4 or 3 1/2
        inch diskette.  Your registered copy is personalized with your name
        and a unique license number that - unlike the evaluation version of
        the product - will be licensed for one single user and cannot be

        Additionally, as a registered user you will:

           o  Receive a laser-printed User's Manual for the product.

           o  Automatically receive minor updates to the program as they
              become available - INCLUDING all new technical indicators
              added to the product - until the next major version release.

           o  Be notified of all new major product releases.  As a
              licensed user you will be offered major version releases
              at a substantially reduced and favorable rate.

           o  Receive technical support by phone, mail, or electronic mail
              via CompuServe.

           o  Be eligible to participate in any "beta testing" programs
              associated with future releases of the product.
                                                            Registration  2-2

        2.2  Registration Form
        To become a licensed user of Stable - Technical Graphs, please
        return this registration form along with your check or postal money
        order (DRAWN ON U.S. FUNDS ONLY PLEASE), and mail to:

                               WINTERRA Software Group
                                    P.O.Box 4106
                              Highlands Ranch, CO 80126

                              Voice/Fax: (303) 470-6323

        Upon registration, you will receive the LATEST version of this
        product, a laser-printed User's Manual, and technical support via
        phone and CompuServe.

        Name:    __________________________________________________________

        Company: __________________________________________________________

        Address: __________________________________________________________

        City:    ____________________________  State: ______  Zip: ________

        Phone:   (______)__________________    Fax: (______)_______________

        Date:    __________________  CompuServe ID: _______________________

        The pricing for Stable - Technical Graphs is forty-nine dollars and
        ninety-five cents ($49.95) for a single user license.  This price
        includes any applicable Colorado sales tax.  Site licenses are also
        available - see the file SITELICE.DOC for detailed information.

        Format:   ____  3 1/2" 720-KB    ____ 5 1/4" 360-KB

        Quantity: ____  Stable - Technical Graphs    @$49.95  $____________
                        Version 1.10

                  ____  U.S.                         @$ 4.00  $____________
                  ____  Canada/Mexico                @$ 6.00  $____________
                  ____  Europe                       @$16.00  $____________
                  ____  Pacific Rim                  @$23.00  $____________

                                                       TOTAL  $____________

        Credit Card Customers: Please contact WINTERRA Software Group for
        the availability of accepting credit card orders.
        We would like you to participate in helping to define the direction
        of the Stable Technical Graphs product.  What is important to you?
        What isn't?  Please take a moment to fill out and return this form.

        Interest(s) of Study:

        [ ] Stocks            [ ] Indexes           [ ] Commodities
        [ ] Bonds             [ ] Mutual Funds      [ ] Options
        [ ] Other _________________________________________________________

        Technical Indicators (currently use or would like to see):

        [ ] Accumulation/Distribution       [ ] Price Performance
        [ ] Chaikin Oscillator              [ ] Volume Trends (PVT/NVT)
        [ ] Commodity Channel Index (CCI)   [ ] Relative Strength Index
        [ ] Correlation Analysis            [ ] Standard Deviation
        [ ] Demand Index                    [ ] Stochastic Oscillator
        [ ] Directional Movement            [ ] Swing Index
        [ ] Fourier Analysis                [ ] TRIX (Triple Exp Smoothing)
        [ ] Herrick Payoff                  [ ] Volatility (Chaikin)
        [ ] Moving Average Acc/Dist (MACD)  [ ] Volatility (Wilder)
        [ ] Median Price                    [ ] Volume
        [ ] Negative/Positive Volume Index  [ ] Volume Oscillator
        [ ] On-Balance Volume               [ ] Volume Momentum (ROC)
        [ ] Parabolic SAR                   [ ] Weighted Close
        [ ] Price Momentum (Rate of Change) [ ] Williams (Acc\Dist, %R)
        [ ] Other _________________________________________________________

        Charts (currently use or would like to see):

        [ ] High/Low Bar and Line Charts
        [ ] Candlestick Charts
        [ ] Point and Figure Charts

        Other Tools (currently use or would like to see):

        [ ] Fibonacci Based Tools           [ ] Profitability Testing
        [ ] Options Related Tools           [ ] Chart Scaling and Zoom
        [ ] Indicator Optimizations         [ ] Custom Formulas/Indicators
        [ ] Data Downloading

        General Comments:





                             Chapter 3  Keyboard Interface

        3.1  Stable Keys
        The following describes specific keys that are available while
        running Stable - Technical Graphs program.

        Key(s)            Function
        ----------------  --------------------------------------------------
        F1                Displays the Help window.

        CTRL+N            Creates a new chart.

                When a securities chart is the active window:

        Key(s)            Function
        ----------------  ---------------------------------------------------
        F1                Displays the Help window.

        CTRL+N            Creates a new chart.

        CTRL+Left Arrow   Moves the chart's slide one (1) unit to the left.

        CTRL+Right Arrow  Moves the chart's slide one (1) unit to the right.

        Tab               Selects the next graph as the new current graph.

        Shift+Tab         Selects the previous graph as the new current graph.

        Ctrl+D            Toggles the data display window on and off.

        Ctrl+C            Displays the "Colors" dialog box.

        Ctrl+P            Displays the "Parameters" dialog box (if available).

        Ctrl+G            Displays the "Indicators" dialog box (Indicator
                          Graphs only).

        Home              Scrolls to the first page of security data.

        End               Scrolls to the last page of security data.

        PgUp              Scrolls backward twenty (20) units of security data.

        PgDn              Scrolls forward twenty (20) units of security data.

        Up Arrow          Scrolls backward five (5) units of security data.

        Down Arrow        Scrolls forward five (5) units of security data.

                               Chapter 4  Commands

        4.1  File Menu Commands
        The File menu found on the Stable Logo window includes commands
        enabling you to create new Stable charts and to exit the Stable -
        Technical Graphs program.

           New Chart
              Creates a new securities chart.

           Close All Charts
              Closes and removes all chart's from the desktop.  If "Auto
              Chart Configure Mode" has been selected, each chart's
              configuration is saved before closing the chart.

           Minimize All Charts
              Minimizes (to icons) all Stable charts - effectively clearing
              the desktop.

              Exits the Stable program.  All existing securities charts are

        The File menu found on each security chart's window allows you to
        create a new security chart, save the chart's current colors and
        control settings, and to close the security's chart window.

           New Chart
              Creates a new securities chart.

           Save Chart
              Saves the chart's configuration.  The next time the security
              chart is loaded, the saved color and parameter settings will
              automatically be used.

           Save Chart As Default
              Saves the chart's configuration as the "default" chart.  All
              security chart's that have not been previously saved will
              use the "default" configuration when the chart is loaded.

           Page Setup
              Allows you to select or set page specific information related
              to the printing of a chart.

              Prints a chart to the currently selected printer.

           Printer Setup
              Allows you to select and configure the printer that you want to
              use for printing your securities charts.
                                                                Commands  4-2

              Closes and removes the chart window from the screen. If "Auto
              Chart Configure Mode" has been selected, the chart's current
              configuration is saved before the window is actually destroyed.

           Close All Charts
              Closes and removes all chart's from the desktop.  If "Auto
              Chart Configure Mode" has been selected, each chart's
              configuration is saved before closing the chart.

           Minimize All Charts
              Minimizes (to icons) all Stable charts - effectively clearing
              the desktop.

        4.2  Configure Menu Commands
        The Configure menu includes commands for configuring the Stable -
        Technical Graphs program.

              Allows you to specify configuration information applicable to
              all charts created by Stable - Technical Graphs; including the
              maximum number of data records loaded for all charts, the
              directory where your historical data files can be found, and
              other configuration options.

           Default Graph Colors
              Allows you to specify the default colors for Price and
              Indicator Graphs.  These default settings apply only to
              securities charts that have not had their configuration
              settings saved.

        4.3  Options Menu Commands
        The Options menu includes commands used for selecting the number of
        Indicator Graphs displayed for the security, to repaint the current
        chart, and to move the slide.

           Indicator Graphs
              Controls the number of Indicator Graphs displayed
              simultaneously on a chart.  Indicator Graphs provide you the
              ability to study specific technical indicators in conjunction
              with the security's price information.

           Price Graph Size
              Allows you to specify the size of the Price Graph within the
              chart containing 1, 2, or 3 indicator graphs.  The size of the
              Price Graph is specified as a percentage of the entire chart.
                                                                Commands  4-3

              Forces a redisplay of the chart in the event display problems

           Slide Left/Right
              Moves the slide left or right.  Accelerator keys are also
              available for moving the slide.

        4.4  Graph Menu Commands
        The Graph menu includes commands that control the appearance of a
        graph; including the type of graph, parameters specific to the graph,
        the graph's colors, and if the graph should display its data.

           Display Data
              Toggles the data display window on and off.

           Set Colors (and Horizontal Grids)
              Allows the colors and the number of horizontal grid lines to be
              set for the graph.

           Set Parameters
              Allows you to change graph-specific data parameters.  The
              availability of this selection is dependent upon the current
              graph.  Not all graphs will support this option.

              The Price Graph allows you to control the display of moving
              averages and a Price Channel on the Price Graph.

           Select Indicator
              Allows you to select an indicator from a list of available
              Indicator Graphs.  Specific items in the list are dependent
              upon the data content of the security.  For example, if
              volume data is not available for the security, a Volume Graph
              will not be available as an Indicator Graph selection.

              This option is available only for Indicator Graphs displayed
              on the chart.

           High/Low Bar
              These menu selections allow you to change the appearance of
              the currently selected graph.  The availability of each option
              is dependent upon the type of graph.
                                                                Commands  4-4

        4.5  Select Menu Commands
        The Select menu allows you to select one of the graphs on the chart
        as the current graph.  The selected graph appears with its border
        highlighted.  Graph menu selections always apply to the current graph

              Selects the Price graph as the current graph.  Menu options
              found in the Graph menu will apply to the Price Graph.

           Graph 1, 2, 3
              Selects one of the Indicator Graphs as the current graph.  Menu
              options found in the Graph menu will apply to the selected
              Indicator Graph.

        4.6  Window Menu
        The Window menu allows you to quickly select one of your current
        charts as the topmost chart window.  If the chart which you select
        is currently minimized (as an icon), it will be restored to its
        normal display size.

        This menu option is available on all Stable windows.

                               Chapter 5  Procedures

        This chapter describes those procedures that are most commonly used
        in Stable - Technical Graphs.

        5.1  Adding/Removing Additional Graphs on a Chart
        You may choose to have up to three (3) Indicator Graphs displayed on
        a chart for analyzing and studying specific technical information
        related to the underlying financial data.

        To add or remove Indicator Graphs:

           *   Select Indicator Graphs from the Options Menu on the chart
               and choose the number of Indicator Graphs you would like to
               display on the chart.
           *   Click on either of the [One], [Two], or [Three] buttons.

        5.2  Automatically Saving a Chart's Configuration
        You can have Stable automatically save the current configuration
        of any chart you have created by checking this option.  When a
        specific chart is closed, the program will automatically store the
        current colors, the number and type of Indicator Graphs, and any
        other specific graph parameter setting for you.

        To enable Auto Save Chart Configuration mode:

           1.  Select Chart Defaults from the Configure Menu on the Logo
           2.  Check the box labeled "Auto Save Chart Configuration".

        To clear Auto Save Chart Configuration mode:

           *   Clear the check box labeled "Auto Save Chart Configuration".

        5.3  Changing the Default Settings for New Charts (Menu Method)
        When new charts are created, they automatically take on specific
        characteristics stored in Stable -  Technical Graphs.  You can change
        these default settings to suit your own personal preferences.  Only
        new charts (charts that have not been previously saved) will take on
        the default settings.  (See 5.25 for a more extensive method)
                                                              Procedures  5-2

        To change the default settings used for all new charts:

           1.  Choose Chart Defaults from the Configure Menu on the Logo
               window to establish new default chart settings.
           2.  Choose Default Graph Colors from the Configure Menu on the
               Logo window to assign the default colors used for the Price
               Graph as well as all Indicator Graphs.

        5.4  Changing Graph Colors
        You can change the colors (and number of horizontal grids) for any
        graph displayed in a chart.

        To change a graph's colors:

           1.  Select the graph that you want from either the Select Menu of
               the chart, by clicking within the graph, or by "tabbing" to
               the graph.
           2.  Choose Set Colors from the Graph Menu.
               Press CTRL+C on the keyboard.
               Click on the [Color] button.

        5.5  Changing Printers and Print Options
        You can select any attached printer to print your securities charts
        and also specify options particular to the printer.

        To change printers and/or specify printer options:

           1.  Choose Printer Setup from the File Menu.
           2.  Select the Printer you want from the list of printers.
           3.  Choose "Setup..." to change printer options.
           4.  Select the options you want and select OK.

        5.6  Creating a New Chart
        New securities charts can be created at any time from either the
        Stable Logo window or from any existing security chart.  When you
        indicate that you want to create a new chart, a dialog box is
        displayed from which you can select the data file you want to graph.
        New charts can be created from either your MetaStock version 2.5
        data or from properly structured .CSV ASCII files.
                                                              Procedures  5-3

        To create a new chart:

           1.  Select New Chart from the File Menu on either the Logo window
               or any displayed chart window.
               Press Ctrl+N on the keyboard.
           2.  Select or enter a filename in the New Chart dialog box.

        To create a new chart from your existing MetaStock 2.5 data:

           *   Check the "MetaStock Data" check box.  This will allow you to
               to select and create a chart from any existing MetaStock data.

        5.7  Default Data File Directory
        You can inform Stable - Technical Graphs of where your data files are
        located.  The first time you create a chart, the program will look in
        this DOS file directory for all available data files.

        To specify the default DOS directory:

           1.  Select Chart from the Configure Menu on the Logo window.
           2.  Enter the DOS path specification to your data files.

        5.8  Displaying Graph Data
        For any graph displayed on a chart, you can choose to have the graph
        display the underlying data which the graph is based.  One "day" of
        data is displayed based on the current position of the slide.

        To display the data associated with a particular graph:

           1.  Select the graph that you want from either the Select Menu of
               the chart, by clicking within the graph, or by "tabbing" to
               the graph.
           2.  Select Display Data from the Graph Menu on the chart.
               Press CTRL+D on the keyboard.
               Click on the [Data] button to toggle the display of graph data
               on and off.
                                                              Procedures  5-4

        5.9  Displaying Moving Averages on the Price Graph
        As many as three (3) individual moving averages can be displayed on
        the Price graph at any one time.  In addition to specifying the
        number of units for the average, the type of average (Simple,
        Weighted, or Exponential), the shift factors, and its color can be

        To select and specify a moving average:

           1.  Select the Price Graph from either the Select Menu on the
               chart, by clicking within the Price Graph, or by "tabbing" to
               the graph.
           2.  Select Set Parameters from the Graph Menu on the chart.
               Press CTRL+P on the keyboard.
               Click on the [Parameter] button.

        To remove a moving average:

           *   Set the number of units to zero (0) for the specific average.

        5.10  Displaying a Price Channel
        A price channel can be displayed on the Price Graph along with any
        moving averages.  In addition to selecting the number of units for
        the channel, the type of average (Simple, Weighted, or Exponential),
        the shift factors, and its color can be specified.

        To select and specify a price channel:

           1.  Select the Price Graph from either the Select Menu on the
               chart, by clicking within the Price Graph, or by "tabbing" to
               the graph.
           2.  Select Set Parameters from the Graph Menu on the chart.
               Press CTRL+P on the keyboard.
               Click on the [Parameter] button.

        To remove the price channel:
           *   Set the number of units to zero (0) for the price channel.
                                                              Procedures  5-5

        5.11  Displaying a Technical Indicator
        The graphing of technical indicators for analysis and study is
        performed through the indicator graphs displayed on a security chart.
        Up to three Indicator Graphs can be displayed along with the standard
        Price Graph for any security.

        To display a technical indicator:

           1.  Select the Indicator Graph that you want to display the
               technical indicator in from either the Select Menu on the
               chart, by clicking within the Price Graph, or by "tabbing" to
               the graph.
           2.  Choose Select Indicator from the Graph Menu.
               Press CTRL+I on the keyboard.
               Click on the [Select] indicator button.

        5.12  Printing a Chart
        You can print a "copy" of a security chart to your printer.  All
        printing is performed in a "fit to page" mode - where the currently
        active chart is printed to fill the entire page.  You can achieve
        the best results by first maximizing the chart window before you
        begin to print.

        To print a security chart:

           1.  Choose Print from the chart's File Menu.
               Click on the [Print] button.

        5.13  Repainting a Chart
        Stable - Technical Graphs allows you to force a chart to be repainted
        should some unexpected display problem occur.

        To repaint a chart:

           *   Select Refresh from the Options Menu on the chart.
           *   Click on the [Refresh] button.
                                                              Procedures  5-6

        5.14  Saving a Chart's Configuration
        You can, at any time, save the current configuration of a chart
        regardless of the state of "Automatic Chart Configuration Mode".
        Among the information saved for a chart is the following:

           -  The current colors used in the display of all graphs.
           -  The actual number and type of Indicator Graphs.
           -  All parameters specific to all graphs in the chart.
           -  The screen location and size of the chart.

        The next time a chart is created for the security, all previously
        saved information will be used to recreate the chart.

        To save the current configuration of a chart:

           *   Select Save Chart Configuration from the File Menu on the
           *   Click on the [Save] button to save the chart.

        5.15  Scrolling Through Graph Data
        In many instances you will find that the securities data you are
        displaying extends beyond the left and/or right borders of your
        graph.  You can gain access to all of the data using the scrollbar
        displayed at the bottom of the chart window or using the navigation
        keys supported by Stable.

        To scroll forward through your graph data:

           *  Using the mouse, click the right arrow on the scrollbar to
              move forward by 5 units, or the page right area to move forward
              by 20 units.

           *  From the keyboard, press the Down Arrow to move forward by 5
              units, the PgDn to move forward by 20 units, or the End key to
              display the last page of data.

        To scroll backwards through your graph data:

           *  Using the mouse, click the left arrow on the scrollbar to
              move backwards by 5 units, or the page left area to move
              backwards by 20 units.

           *  From the keyboard, press the Up Arrow to move backwards by 5
              units, the PgUp to move backwards by 20 units, or the Home key
              to display the first page of data.
                                                              Procedures  5-7

        To scroll to any location within your graph data:

           *  Using the mouse, drag the scrollbar thumb along the scrollbar
              and position the date text for the desired time range, then
              release the mouse.

        5.16  Selecting the Amount of Graph Data
        The amount of data loaded into Windows memory for all charts is
        configurable to meet your own personal analysis needs - or to
        address any specific memory constraints or problems you might
        encounter when running the Stable - Technical Analysis program.

        To specify the amount of data loaded into memory when you create a

           1.  Select Chart from the Configure Menu on the Logo window.
           2.  Enter the number of units of historical data that you want
               to load for all subsequent charts.

        5.17  Selecting a Graph
        You can select any graph as the current graph within a chart for the
        purpose of managing its display characteristics; including the
        display of its underlying data, the type of chart, its colors, and
        any other specific indicator parameters.

        To select a graph within a chart:

           *  Using the mouse, click anywhere within the graph's border;
              including its display area and label.

           *  From the keyboard, select the graph from the Select Menu on the
              Press Tab or Shift+Tab to move from graph to graph.
                                                              Procedures  5-8

        5.18  Selecting the Number of Horizontal Grids
        You can select the number of horizontal grids displayed on a graph.
        For every displayed grid line, a corresponding value is shown in the
        label area of the graph.

        To change the default number of horizontal grids for all new charts:

           1.  Choose Default Graph Colors from the Configure Menu on the
               Logo window to set the number of horizontal grids displayed on
               all new Price and Indicator Graphs.

        To change the number of horizontal grids for a displayed graph:

           1.  Select the graph that you want from either the Select Menu of
               the chart, by clicking within the graph, or by "tabbing" to
               the graph.
           2.  Choose Set Colors from the Graph Menu.
               Press CTRL+C on the keyboard.
               Click on the [Color] button.

        5.19  Using the Slide
        The slide (which is positioned at the top of all charts) is used for
        studying a particular day on a chart.  Attached to the slide is a
        vertical line or "hair" that provides a mechanism for precise
        vertical alignment across all graphs displayed in a chart.  As you
        move the slide horizontally, the "hair" will follow and all data
        display areas will be updated with the actual graph data for that

        To move the slide horizontally:

           *   Select Slide Left or Slide Right from the Options Menu on
               the chart to move the slide one unit left or right.
               Press the CTRL+Left Arrow or CTRL+Right Arrow.
               Press and hold down the mouse button over the [Slide], then
               move the mouse back and forth horizontally.
                                                              Procedures  5-9

        5.20  Closing All Stable Charts
        All charts on the Windows desktop can be closed at once in order
        to clear up a cluttered Windows desktop of many individual charts.

        To close all currently opened Stable charts:

           *   Choose Close All Charts from the File Menu on the Stable logo
               window or any individual Stable chart.

        5.21  Minimizing All Stable Charts
        All charts on the Windows desktop can be minimized at once in order
        to clear up a cluttered Windows desktop of many individual charts.

        To minimize all of your currently opened Stable charts:

           *   Choose Minimize All Charts from the File Menu on the Stable
               logo window or any individual Stable chart.

        5.22  Using 3-D Text Labeling
        3-D text labeling provides both easier to read textual information
        on all of your Stable charts, and a more professional look for you
        graphs.  This option can be turned on or off to your preferenece.

        To select 3-D text labeling for your Stable charts:

           1.  Select Chart from the Configure Menu on the Logo window.
           2.  Check the box labeled "3-D Text Labels" using the mouse.
               Press Alt+3 on the keyboard.

        To use normal text labeling on your Stable charts:

           1.  Select Chart from the Configure Menu on the Logo window.
           2.  Clear the box labeled "3-D Text Labels" using the mouse.
               Press Alt+3 on the keyboard.

        5.23  Automatic Price Chart Labels
        Stable provides the option of automatically labeling your Price
        Graphs.  When this option is selected, Stable will determine the
        available space on your graph and automatically generate horizontal
        grids and price value labels that fit the available space regardless
        of the currently selected number of grids for the chart.
                                                             Procedures  5-10

        To select automatic labeling for your Stable charts:

           1.  Select Chart from the Configure Menu on the Logo window.
           2.  Check the box labeled "Automatic Price Chart Labeling" using
               the mouse.
               Press Alt+L on the keyboard.

        To use normal text labeling on your Stable charts:

           1.  Select Chart from the Configure Menu on the Logo window.
           2.  Clear the box labeled "Automatic Price Chart Labeling" using
               the mouse.
               Press Alt+L on the keyboard.

        5.24  Quickly Selecting Any Chart For Study
        As you create new charts, you may find that you've lost sight of a
        chart because it is hidden behind another chart, or it has been
        minimized to an icon and not currently visible.

        Stable provides a quick and easy way to recall or display any of the
        charts you've created and to make it the topmost window on the

        To display an existing chart whether hidden from view or minimized:

           *   Select the Window Menu from the Stable logo window or on any
               available chart and choose the chart you want to view.

        5.25  Setting the Default Chart Characteristics (Window Method)
        When new charts are created, they automatically take on specific
        characteristics stored in Stable -  Technical Graphs.  You can change
        these default settings to suit your own personal preferences.  Only
        new charts (charts that have not been previously saved) will take on
        the default settings.

        This method allows you to set the default chart settings to any one
        of your currently displayed charts.  All characteristics of the
        chart, including; chart size, position, colors, indicator graphs,
        and moving averages are saved and later used in creating a new chart.

        To save the characteristics of any chart as the default settings:

           *   Select Save Chart As Default from the File Menu of any chart.
                                                             Procedures  5-11

        5.26  Setting the Size of the Price Graph
        When new technical indicator graphs are placed within a chart, the
        size of the Price Graph changes to make room for the additional
        graphs.  In Stable v1.00, this size was a fixed percentage of the
        chart area dependent upon the number of indicator graphs.

        You can now specify in v1.10 the amount of space that the Price Graph
        should occupy when 1, 2, or 3 indicator graphs are displayed in the
        chart.  This specification can be made either manually through a
        dialog box, or interactively with your mouse directly on the chart.

        Using the manual method, the Price Graph size is entered as a
        percentage of the total chart's display area.  For example, if you
        want the Price Graph to occupy one-half of the chart's total area,
        you will specify fifty percent (50%).

        To set the amount of space that the Price Graph is to occupy via the
        manual method:

           1.  Select Price Graph Size from the Options Menu on the chart.
           2.  Enter the size of the Price Graph as a percentage of the total
               chart area for 1, 2, and 3 technical indicators.

        To change the size of the Price Graph interactively with the mouse
        (only when one or more indicator graphs are visible):

           1.  Move the mouse between the Price Graph and the first indicator
               graph until the mouse cursor changes to a double vertical
           2.  Press and hold down the left mouse button.
           3.  Move the mouse vertically to set the new bottom of the Price
               Graph.  As you move the mouse, a horizontal line is drawn to
               identify the new bottom of the Price Graph.
           4.  Release the mouse to set the new Price Graph size.

        5.27  Changing a Graph's Drawing Style
        The drawing style for any graph can be changed so that you can
        interpret the data more easily.  Stable supports three basic drawing
        styles; a High/Low Bar graph, a Line graph, and a Histogram.  The
        High/Low Bar style is available only for the Price Graph.

        To change the drawing style for a graph:

           1.  Select the graph that you want from either the Select Menu of
               the chart, by clicking within the graph, or by "tabbing" to
               the graph.
           2.  Select either High/Low Bar, Line, or Histogram from the Graph
               Menu on the chart.
               Click on the associated toolbar button to change the graph's
               drawing style.
                                                             Procedures  5-12

        5.28  Using the Popup Graph Menu
        Stable provides a method by which you can even more effectively use
        your technical charts.  This method allows you to access some of the
        more frequently used graph functions while you concentrate your
        attention directly on the graph.

        To take advantage of the popup menu support:

           1.  Move the mouse within any visible graph and click and hold the
               right mouse button.
           2.  If you are running Windows 3.1, you can make a selection from
               the popup menu by selecting an item, then releasing the right

               Under Windows 3.0, you must make a popup menu selection using
               the left mouse button.

        5.29  Drag and Drop (Windows 3.1 Only)
        Stable charts can be opened using a feature specific to Windows 3.1
        called "Drag and Drop".  By simply selecting a file from the File
        Manager, and "dragging" that file with the mouse into the Stable
        window or icon, you can easily create new charts without the need to
        interact with the New Chart dialog.

        Stable supports "Drag and Drop" using two types of historical data
        files; CSV and Technical Tools data files.  Any other data file
        format is ignored by Stable.

        Refer to your Windows 3.1 documentation for more information on the
        Drag and Drop facility of Windows.


                               Chapter 6  Data Files

        Stable - Technical Graphs can read and chart existing historical
        stock market data supplied by you in any of the following formats:

           o  Technical Tools
           o  Commodity Systems, Inc. (CSI)
           o  MetaStock
           o  ASCII (comma-separated value CSV)

        6.1  ASCII Data Files
        Stable - Technical Graphs can read data files containing "flat"
        ASCII information - where each record in the file consists of ASCII
        data terminated by a carriage return/linefeed combination.  Each
        record in the file consists of multiple fields separated by either a
        comma (",") or tab character.  White space may freely be interspersed
        within the data file.

        Stable - Technical Graphs itself does not provide facilities for
        retrieving or creating the data files that you will graph.  However,
        ASCII files can be created or generated in a variety of ways:

           o  Downloading of financial information from online databases such
              as Dow Jones News Retrieval and CompuServe.  Once retrieved,
              this data must usually be editted by you to conform to this
              ASCII file format.

           o  Exporting of data from spreadsheet programs such as Microsoft
              Excel or Lotus 1,2,3.  For example, if you are using Excel,
              simply save your securities data in ".CSV" (comma-separated
              values) format with the necessary header information identified
              in this section.  Read your specific product documentation on
              how to save and/or export spreadsheet files.

           o  Manually using a text editor that can create ASCII file
              information.  This method would be described as the manual
              method of creating data - where you enter the data printed
              in your local newspaper or business journal.

        Almost any type of data can be graphed using Stable - Technical
        Graphs, so long as each line of data contains at least a date and a
        closing value.  The closing value can represent any numeric value;
        such as the daily close for a stock or mutual fund, the prime rate
        for that day, or the closing Dow Jones Industrial Average.

        Stable - Technical Graphs reads and interprets ASCII numeric values
        found in your data files in a variety of formats:

           o  Floating point decimal values (i.e., 34.65) for data related
              to such items as market indexes (i.e., DJIA, SP500), mutual
              funds, and various currency information.
                                                              Data Files  6-2

           o  Standard fractional values (i.e., 64 1/8, 20 1/2) for
              representing data specific to stocks, options, and corporate

           o  Special fractional values (i.e., 76:18) for data representing
              1/32ths; such as Government Agency Issues (ie. FNMA, GNMA,
              World Bank) and Treasury Bonds, Notes and Bills.

        6.2 General ASCII Format
        The general format of all ASCII data files that Stable - Technical
        Graphs can interpret is as follows:


        <Record_Count> is the number of actual data records in the file
        (excluding the <Record_Count> and <Format_String> records).

        <Format_String> is a description of the format of each data record
        in the file.  This string consists of the characters "DVOHLCI" which
        specifies both the sequence and type of data fields in each record:

           D represents a Date field
               This entry can be either 'D' for daily data, 'W' for weekly
               data, 'Q' for quarterly data, 'M' for monthly data, or 'Y'
               for yearly data.

               Additionally, a modifier character can follow the 'D' entry
               to identify a specific date format as identified below:

                  0   = mm/dd/yy  (also the default if '0' is omitted)
                  1   = mmddyy
                  2   = yy/mm/dd
                  3   = yymmdd
                  4   = dd/mm/yy
                  5   = ddmmyy

           V represents a  Volume field (or short interest).
           O represents an Open   field.
           H represents a  High   field.
           L represents a  Low    field.
           C represents a  Close  field.
           I represents an Open Interest field.
                                                              Data Files  6-3

        Data_Record_n represents each ASCII record in the file, up to
        <Record_Count> entries.  All data records must be of the same field
        sequence and contain identical types of fields.


           o No numeric values (ie. volume, open, close, etc.) may be
             formatted with a comma (e.g. Use 12900 instead of 12,900).

           o Holiday data, or any data that includes zero (0) numeric values
             for volume, open, high, low, or close should not be included in
             any of your data files.

           o Data is not adjusted for splits or ex-dividends by Stable.

        6.3  Examples
        The following are examples of various ASCII data files which Stable
        Technical Graphs can read.  Each example is a general representation
        of a particular market group.  In all examples, the use of the comma
        to separate individual fields can be replaced by a tab character in
        your actual data.

        Market Index:


           The above illustrates a file containing 5 data records. Each data
           record contains four fields identified by the "DHLC" line.  The
           sequence of the fields is "D"aily Date, "H"igh, "L"ow, and
           "C"lose.  Decimal values are used for numerics.  Note that 'D0'
           could have also been used to represent this date format.
                                                              Data Files  6-4

        Mutual Fund:

           010389, 14.28
           011089, 14.69
           011789, 14.67
           012489, 14.90
           013189, 15.28

           The above illustrates a file containing 5 data records. Each data
           record contains two fields identified by the "W1C" line.  The
           sequence of the fields is "W"eekly Date (in MMDDYY form) and
           "C"lose.  Decimal values are used for numerics.


           900102, 3913, 52 7/8, 52 3/8, 52 3/8
           900103, 3628, 53 3/8, 52 1/8, 53 3/8
           900104, 5057, 54 1/4, 53 1/4, 53 7/8
           900105, 4624, 53 5/8, 53 1/8, 53 3/8
           900106, 5203, 53 1/4, 51 5/8, 52 3/4

           The above illustrates a file containing 5 data records. Each data
           record contains five fields identified by the "DVHLC" line.  The
           sequence of the fields is "D"aily Date (in YYMMDD form), "V"olume,
           "H"igh, "L"ow, and "C"lose.  Volume information is represented as
           a decimal value, while fractional values are used for all others.

        U.S. Treasury Strips:

           "01/03/89",  99:14
           "01/10/89",  99:12
           "01/17/89",  99:21
           "01/24/89", 100:01
           "01/31/89",  99:15

           The above illustrates a file containing 5 data records. Each data
           record contains two fields identified by the "DC" line.  The
           sequence of the fields is "D"aily Date and "C"lose.  Special
           fractional values are used representing 1/32ths.  NOTE the use
           of double-quotes in the data.  Stable - Technical Graphs ignores
                                                              Data Files  6-5

        6.4  Historical Data Suppliers
        The following list includes those companies that can provide
        historical stock market data which can be used directly by Stable -
        Technical Graphs.  Please contact these companies directly for
        product information and pricing.

                Commodity Systems, Inc.
                200 W. Palmetto Park Rd.
                Boca Raton, FL  33432
                (800) 327-0175 (Sales)
                (407) 392-8663 (Voice)

                Technical Tools
                334 State Street, Suite 201
                Los Altos, CA  94022
                (800) 231-8005 (Sales)
                (415) 948-6124 (Voice)

        The following companies may also be able to provide historical data
        in a format compatible with Stable.

                Genesis Financial Data Services
                PO Box 49578
                Colorado Springs, CO  80949
                (719) 260-6111

                Tick Data, Inc.
                720 Kipling Street, Suite 115
                Lakewood, CO  80215
                (303) 232-3701 (Voice)
                (303) 232-0329 (Fax)

                        Chapter 7  Dynamic Data Exchange

        This chapter summarizes the Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) support
        provided within Stable - Technical Graphs.  Much of the discussion
        in this chapter assumes you are familiar with the concept of
        interprocess communications using DDE in the Windows environment.

        The first section 7.1 addresses DDE communications as it relates
        to programming in Windows.  Section 7.2 describes DDE functionality
        as it relates to Microsoft Excel usage.

        As an additional aid in understanding DDE communications with Stable,
        refer to the file STABLE.XLM for an example of not only communicating
        with Excel, but also as a reference to the DDE command structures.

        7.1  Programmers Reference
        This section assumes that you are familiar with the concepts and
        functionality associated with DDE Client/Server communications.

        Stable - Technical Graphs functions as a DDE server application;
        responding to client applications by providing technical graph
        services in the areas of chart display management and real-time
        data update.

        In the area of display management, Stable - Technical Graphs provides
        basic control over the creation and display of technical charts.

           o Charts can be opened or created by a DDE client application
             through the use of execute transactions issued to Stable within
             the "SYSTEM" topic.

           o The main Stable logo window can be controlled using DDE execute
             transactions.  Supported commands allow the window to be
             minimized, shown (normal), and closed.

           o Individual charts can be controlled visually through DDE
             execute transactions.  Among the supported command actions are
             minimize, maximize, print, show, close, and update.

        Real-time data update of Stable charts is also supported.  By passing
        ASCII data record information conforming to the underlying security's
        content, new financial data can be submitted to a Stable chart for
        immediate update and display.

        7.1.1  Application (Service) Name
        For all DDE communication connections made to either the main Stable
        logo window or a Stable security chart, use the name "STABLE" as the
        application or service name.
                                                   Dynamic Data Exchange  7-2

        7.1.2  Topics
        The following application topics are supported by Stable.  Generally,
        there are two classes of topics; the SYSTEM topic and individual
        chart topics.


           The "SYSTEM" topic represents the logical data context associated
           with the main Stable logo window.  It is through a DDE
           conversation with the "SYSTEM" topic that visual control of the
           main logo window is performed - as well as creating or opening
           new Stable technical charts through a DDE conversation.


           The "<chart_name>" topic represents a specific Stable chart that
           is currently in existence on the Windows desktop.  The use of the
           label "<chart_name>" in this context represents the actual file or
           security name associated with the window, and is found in the
           window's caption or title bar.

                For example, a chart created from data contained in the
                file "DJIA.CSV" results in a "<chart_name>" of DJIA.CSV.

           DDE conversations with "<chart_name>" topics allows you to control
           the chart's display (ie., minimize, maximize, show, close), the
           printing of the chart, and to dynamically add new data into the

        7.1.3  DDE Request Transactions
        A client can send request (XTYP_REQUEST) transactions to a Stable
        server in order to receive specific information about the server.

        The following request "items" are supported within the "SYSTEM"
        topic (or Stable logo window):


                A list of topics supported by the "SYSTEM" topic.  Currently
                return information is:

                   "<chart_name>"       * For each created chart.
                                                   Dynamic Data Exchange  7-3


                A list of items supported under the "SYSTEM" topic.  The
                following information is currently returned:



                A list of clipboard formats supported by the server.  At the
                present time, the following formats are supported:



                The status of the server (busy or ready).

        The following request "items" are supported within a "<chart_name>"
        topic (an individual Stable chart):


                A list of items supported by the "<chart_name>" topic.  The
                currently supported items are:



                The status of the server (busy or ready).


                Returns a description of the data contents associated with
                the chart.  The returned description is identical to the
                description of the <Format_String> described in section 6.2
                of "Chapter 6  Data Files".

                The importance of the "FieldDef" information is that it
                describes the expected format of any ASCII data record
                submitted to the chart for the purpose of data update through
                a DDE conversation.
                                                   Dynamic Data Exchange  7-4

        7.1.4  DDE Execute Transactions
        A client can send execute (XTYP_EXECUTE) transactions to a Stable
        server in order to perform a command or series of commands.

        The following execution "command strings" are recognized by the
        "SYSTEM" topic (Stable logo window):


                Minimizes the Stable logo window.


                Displays the normal Stable logo window.


                Closes the Stable logo window, essentially terminating the
                Stable program.


                Opens a new chart.  This command is basically the same as
                the File New Chart menu selection with the exception that
                the associated file information is specified in the execute
                command string itself.

                <type> represents one of the data file formats supported by
                Stable - Technical Graphs.

                        CSV     Comma separated value (ASCII format).
                        TT      Technical Tools data format.
                        CSI     Commodity Systems, Inc. data format.
                        MS      MetaStock data format.

                <path> specifies the fully qualified path to the data file
                which is to be used in creating the new chart.  The file name
                itself (if applicable) IS NOT a part of this field.

                <file> is the name of the symbol or data file for chart
                creation.  In the case of CSV and Technical Tools data,
                this field represents the actual name of the file on disk.
                For CSI and MetaStock data, the field identifies the symbol

                EXAMPLE 1:  The following execution command string instructs
                Stable to open a chart using the CSV data stored in the file
                HRB.CSV (H&R Block) located in the C:\MKTDATA directory:

                                                   Dynamic Data Exchange  7-5

                EXAMPLE 2:  The following execution command string instructs
                Stable to open a chart using the CSI data identified with
                "PORK BELLIES" in the C:\QUICK\DATA\MEATS directory:


                EXAMPLE 3:  The following execution command string instructs
                Stable to open a chart using the MetaStock data identified
                with "BOEING" in the C:\MS\DATA directory:


                EXAMPLE 4:  The following execution command string instructs
                Stable to open a chart using the Technical Tools data stored
                in the file SP___88Z.TTT (S&P Dec '88 Tick Data) located in
                the C:\TECHTOOL\SP directory:


        The following execution "command strings" are recognized by a
        "<chart_name>" topic (an individual Stable chart):


                Maximizes the chart window to full screen.  This is useful
                for when a chart will be printed.


                Minimizes the chart window to an icon.


                Displays the chart in its last display size.


                Closes the chart's window, effectively removing the chart
                from the Windows desktop.


                Instructs a chart to print itself to the default system
                printer.  Before instructing a chart to print itself, the
                chart should either be displayed normally, or maximized.
                This can be accomplished by issuing the following DDE execute
                command string to the chart:



                Instructs the chart to redraw its contents.  Normally this
                instruction will never be necessary as charts update
                automatically when new data is submitted.
                                                   Dynamic Data Exchange  7-6

        7.1.5  DDE Poke Transaction
        A client application can send unsolicited data to a Stable chart
        through use of the DDE poke (XTYP_POKE) transaction.  This is the
        method by which new or real-time data can be submitted to a Stable
        chart for display and update.

        The item name used to indicate new financial data being submitted to
        a chart is the text "NEWDATA".

        Data information representing new chart data is passed as an ASCII
        string of information conforming to the data field definition for
        the chart.  The data field definition for a chart can be obtained
        by issuing a "FieldDef" request transaction to the chart.  The chart
        will return a field definition string of the format described in
        section 6.2.

        Content-wise, an ASCII data string passed to a chart containing
        new financial information looks like a single record found in a CSV
        data file.  Regardless of the data type used to originally create a
        Stable chart, ASCII information is the only format supported for
        updating a chart.

        As an example, assume a chart has been created from a MetaStock data
        file - and further assume the data file is associated with the
        Dow Jones Industrials.  After establishing a DDE conversation with
        the chart, you execute a request (XTYP_REQUEST) transaction for
        "FieldDef" and receive the data string "DVHLC" (date, volume, high,
        low, close).

        In order to update the chart with new data, you must first formulate
        an ASCII string similar to the following (which represents the field
        definition previously returned), and then submit it as the data
        portion of the "NEWDATA" poke (XTYP_POKE) transaction:


        7.2  Stable DDE Communications with Excel
        Performing DDE communications directly with Stable through Microsoft
        Excel is relatively straight-forward since all of the programming
        details are automatically performed for you.  Following a simple set
        of rules, you can easily communicate with Stable, or any of Stable's
        charts, from within a spreadsheet.

           For additional information, please refer to the STABLE.XLM macro
           file provided with Stable - Technical Graphs.  By having Excel
           display the actual formulas on the STABLE.XLM macro sheet, you
           can actually see examples of working formulas used to communicate
           with Stable.
                                                   Dynamic Data Exchange  7-7

        The following briefly describes some of the macros and formulas used
        in the STABLE.XLM macro sheet.  Details on how to create proper
        formulas and macros within Excel can be found in your Microsoft
        Excel documentation.

        7.2.1  Open HRB Macro
        This macro demonstrates how a Stable chart can be created from DDE
        commands placed in a spreadsheet.  This example requires that
        STABLE.EXE be in your "PATH=" statement and that the HRB.CSV file
        resides in the C:\STABLE subdirectory (you are free to change the
        directory if required in order to access the data file).


             Establish a DDE channel with the Stable logo window.


             Open a new chart using the CSV data file HRB.CSV found in the
             C:\STABLE subdirectory.


             Terminate the DDE conversation.


             Terminate the macro.

        7.2.2  Poke HRB Macro
        This macro demonstrates a technique for adding data found in a
        spreadsheet directly into an existing Stable chart.

             * If you want to see the visual results of the data being
               added to the HRB.CSV chart, resize Excel and the HRB.CSV
               chart so that both are visible on the screen before
               executing this macro.


             Establishes a DDE conversation with the HRB.CSV chart window.
                                                   Dynamic Data Exchange  7-8


             This set of instructions retrieves the six rows of financial
             data found in the macro sheet and submits each individually to
             the HRB.CSV chart.  The "$A12:$E12" parameter essentially tells
             Excel to format the data in that row as ASCII and comma


             Terminate the DDE conversation.


             Terminate the macro.

        7.2.3  Show HRB Macro
        This macro demonstrates how commands can be issued to a chart in
        order to control its appearance.


             Establishes a DDE conversation with the HRB.CSV chart window.


             This command instructs the HRB.CSV chart to display itself.


             Terminate the DDE conversation.


             Terminate the macro.

        7.2.4  Supported =EXECUTE() Commands
        The list of commands that can be used with =EXECUTE() formula are
        explained above in section 7.1.4.

                        Chapter 8  Technical Indicators

        This appendix summarizes those technical indicators found in the
        evaluation copy of Stable - Technical Graphs, Version 1.10.

        8.1  Moving Averages
        Generally, moving averages are used to smooth out the data values
        used for technical analysis; helping to eliminate both large and
        small fluctuations normally found in the data, and to help identify
        the directional trend of the data being averaged.

        Stable - Technical Graphs supports three different types of moving
        average calculations; the simple moving average, the weighted moving
        average, and the exponential moving average.  Any of these moving
        averages can be applied to the base data associated with almost all
        graphs found in the product.

        The calculation of the simple moving average simply adds together a
        number of the most recent data values and divides the resulting sum
        by the total number of values being added together.  For example, a
        ten day moving average is computed as the sum of the ten most recent
        data values, divided by 10.  In the simple moving average system, all
        data values are given an equal "weight" - effectively assigning the
        same importance to each data element used to calculate the average.
        Some people feel that it would make more sense to assign greater
        importance to the more recent data and criticize the simple moving
        average for lacking this.

        The weighted moving average is similar to the simple moving average
        except that each value being considered in the average is assigned a
        specific "weight".  The greatest weight is assigned to the most
        recent data value, while the least weight is given to oldest value.
        This has the effect of associating "greater importance" to more
        recent data when calculating this average.  The assignment of
        specific data value "weights" is performed automatically by the
        program.  Stable uses the method of assigning the ordinal value of
        the data item within the list as the weight.  Calculating a 5 day
        average for example, the first value is multiplied by 1, the second
        by 2, the third by 3, the fourth by 4, and the fifth by 5.  The five
        resultant products are then added together and divided by 15
        (1+2+3+4+5) to determine the average.

        The exponential moving average is somewhat similar to the weighted
        moving average in that the most recent data is also assigned more
        importance than data further back in time.  However, instead of
        "weighting" each individual data value, a "fixed weight" is assigned
        to today's (the most recent) value, while all of the remaining weight
        is given to the previous value of the exponential moving average
        itself.  In calculating this moving average, you begin by first
        establishing the average as equal to the first day's data, then
        moving through the series of data - multiplying each new recent
        value by some fixed weight (like 12%) and the previous value of the
        average itself by the all the remaining weight (88% in this case).
                                                    Technical Indicators  8-2

        8.2  Negative/Positive Volume Indexes (NVI/PVI)
        Both the Negative Volume and Positive Volume Indexes are indicators
        based upon the premise that trading volume increases when
        unsophisticated investors are active in the market, while the so-
        called "smart money" investors are busy in the market during periods
        of declining volume.  The price direction on days of declining volume
        may then indicate "smart money" accumulation or distribution if the
        change is positive or negative respectively.  The primary distinction
        between these two indicators is simply which volume move is being

        The NVI calculation is related to negative, or falling volume.  When
        the volume decreases from the previous period (rising volume does not
        affect this indicator), the NVI is adjusted by the percentage change
        in the price.  Specific to the NVI, long positions are taken when the
        indicator crosses ABOVE its moving average.

        The PVI calculation is related to positive, or rising volume.  When
        the volume increases from the previous period (falling volume does
        not affect this indicator), the PVI is adjusted by the percentage
        change in the price.  Effectively, PVI measures what the "uninformed"
        masses are doing - and long positions are taken when the PVI crosses
        BELOW its moving average.

        8.3  On-Balance Volume
        The On-Balance Volume Indicator (developed by Joseph Granville) is
        used to indicate whether an accumulation or distribution of shares
        for a security is occurring by studying the security's volume
        activity in relation to the price change.  The basic theory behind
        the OBV indicator is that it tends to exhibit trend changes in
        advance of price changes - therefore look for a change in the OBV
        trend to suggest a forthcoming change in the price trend.

        The OBV indicator is a cumulative total of volume calculated by
        adding the entire day's volume to the total if the price rises for
        that day, and subtracting the entire day's volume if the price falls
        for that day.  (See Volume Trend for a variation of this indicator).

        8.4  Oscillators (Price and Volume)
        The Price and Volume Oscillators are indicators representing the
        difference between two moving averages of the respective price or
        volume data.  When plotted, the oscillator rises and falls through
        a "zero line" - and represents the actual "crossing" of the two
        moving averages.
                                                    Technical Indicators  8-3

        As the oscillator crosses and moves above the zero line, this
        indicates that the first moving average is moving upwards at a faster
        rate than the second average.  This can be interpreted as a rising
        trend and, if the first average is based on a shorter time period
        than the second, that the short term trend is currently stronger than
        the long term trend.

        If the oscillator crosses and moves below the zero line, this is an
        indication that the first moving average is falling at a rate faster
        than the second average.  This can be interpreted as a falling
        trend and, if the first average is based on a shorter time period
        than the second, that the short term trend is now weaker than the
        long term trend.
        One way to help visualize an oscillator is to create a Stable chart
        containing both a Price Graph (with two moving averages), and a Price
        Oscillator Graph based on the same two moving averages.  As the
        moving averages cross each other on the Price Graph, you will see the
        Price Oscillator line cross its zero line.

        You can also use an Oscillator graph to track when a single moving
        average crosses the data which it is based upon - by setting the
        first oscillator unit to 1 and the second to the moving average units
        you want to plot.  The resultant oscillator graph then shows when the
        moving average crosses the underlying data.  The higher the
        oscillator, the greater the data is above its moving average, and
        conversely on the downside.

        8.5  Price Channel (Trading Band)
        Available only on Price Charts, the Price Channel or Trading Band is
        a special indicator used to envelop price activity within a specific
        trading range.  The Price Channel is created by calculating a single
        moving average (either simple, weighted, or exponential), and then
        displaying the moving average line (shifted vertically) an equal
        percentage both above and below its calculated value.

        While the Price Channel can be manually created using two individual
        moving averages, the Price Channel greatly simplifies the task.

        8.6  Price Momentum
        Price momentum is the ratio between today's price and the price some
        specified number of units in the past.

        High Momentum readings sometimes imply that the security is in an
        overbought condition, while extremely low readings may suggest an
        oversold situation.

                 (Today's value - N_units_ago value) * 100

        Price Momentum and Price Rate of Change are essentially the same
        technical indicator.
                                                    Technical Indicators  8-4

        8.7  Rate of Change (Price and Volume)
        The Rate of Change (ROC) is a method used to measure the momentum of
        a security.  Rate of Change is computed as the percentage change
        between today's value (price or volume) and the associated value some
        specified number of units in the past.

        High Rate of Change readings sometimes imply that the security is in
        an overbought condition, while extremely low readings may suggest an
        oversold situation.

                 (Today's close - N_units_ago close) / N_units_ago close

        8.8  Volume
        The Volume Indicator displays the security's trading volume as
        vertical bars for each day of data.  The base value for the Volume
        Graph is the lowest volume value for the current graphing period.

        8.9  Negative/Positive Volume Trend (NVT/PVT)
        The Volume Trend indicators are variations of the basic On-Balance
        Volume indicator.  The primary difference between these indicators
        and the OBV is in what portion of the day's volume is used to
        determine the new indicator value.  Unlike the OBV (which applies
        the entire day's volume), both NVT and PVT use only a portion of
        the volume determined as a percentage of the price change from the
        previous day.  In effect, these indicators consider the magnitude of
        the period's price change - whereas OBV does not.

        The major distinction between the NVT and the PVT is that the NVT
        theorizes that the LESS volume required to move the price, the more
        significant is the event.  All things being equal, a period of low
        trading volume will affect this indicator more than if the same
        period was driven by high trading volume.  This, in effect, is
        similar in concept to the Negative Volume Index - where we're looking
        for "smart money" activity in the market.

        8.10  Weighted Close
        The Weighted Close is simply a weighted indicator of the closing
        values for a security.  It is calculated daily by adding the
        security's high and low value to the closing value doubled - then
        dividing the result by four.

                  ( (Today's close * 2) + High + Low ) / 4
                                                    Technical Indicators  8-5

        8.11  Commodity Channel Index (CCI)
        The Commodity Channel Index, originally developed by Donald Lambert,
        is a tool that assists in identifying when an underlying security's
        cycle trend is in effect.  The indicator is displayed as an
        oscillator with major signal lines at +100 and -100.  The general
        interpretation is that when the oscillator breaks through either
        of these lines, it is an indication that the security may be starting
        a new trend.

        8.12  Moving Average Convergence/Divergence (MACD)
        Developed by Gerald Appel, the MACD is a widely used oscillator
        derived from the differential of two exponential moving averages;
        a short term average and a longer term average.

        In a trending market, the shorter term average will rise or fall
        more quickly than the slower long term average, thereby resulting
        in a larger difference between the two.  By plotting the mathematical
        difference of the two averages, an oscillator is created that rises
        and falls around a "zero-line".  The farther away the oscillator
        is from the zero-line, the greater the strength of the trend.

        By calculating an exponential average of the oscillator itself,
        you have what is described as a "signal line".  The time frame
        normally used for the signal line ranges from 5-10 days in length.

        Basic interpretation theory suggests that buy and sell signals are
        generated whenever the oscillator (MACD) line crosses its signal
        line.  When the MACD line crosses from below to above the signal
        line, a buy signal is in effect.  When the MACD line crosses from
        above to below the signal line, a sell signal is generated.

        Experiment with different exponential average periods for the MACD
        oscillator and look for divergences between the price action and
        the MACD oscillator itself to help identify the most profitable
        trading signals.

        8.13  Open Interest
        The Open Interest Indicator displays the security's open interest as
        vertical bars for each day of data.  The base value for the Volume
        Graph is the lowest value for the current graphing period.
                                                    Technical Indicators  8-6

        8.14  Relative Strength
        The Relative Strength graph allows you to compare the price action
        between two securities or other financial index - typically used
        to compare a security against its associated "index" or base.  For
        example, you might construct a relative strength graph comparing how
        IBM is performing against the DJIA as a whole , or how Exxon is
        performing against Chevron.

        Calculated simply by dividing the security's value by the comparitive
        financial item, the Relative Strength measures the relationship
        between the two.  An important point to remember is that this
        indicator represents the relative relationship between the items,
        and does not directly reflect individual price action.  As a result,
        even if both securities prices are falling, the Relative Strength
        line will move upwards if the primary security's prices are falling
        less than the relative security.

        8.15  Relative Strength Indicator (RSI)
        The Relative Strength Indicator was developed by Wells Wilder in an
        effort to measure the internal strength of a security.  Unlike the
        Relative Strength graph described above which compares two financial
        items, the RSI oscillator determines the momentum strength within
        a single security.

        The RSI calculation serves to resolve two issues related to the
        normal determination of a momentum indicator; the smoothing out
        of erratic price movements, and to provide a normalized trading range
        for comparison purposes.

        The RSI graph presents the indicator as fluctuating between the
        values of 0 and 100.  Traditionally, lines are drawn on the graph
        at the 70 and 30 levels; representing overbought and oversold points
        respectively.  Once an overbought or oversold situation presents
        itself, look for a price trend reversal for an actual buy or sell


        BBS Information                                         Page 1 of 2

                             STABLE - TECHNICAL GRAPHS

                                   Version 1.10

                                 BBS INFORMATION

                                   April, 1992

        This file contains information regarding the posting of the Stable
        Technical Graphs package, Version 1.10, on Bulletin Board Systems.

        For sample descriptions which you may use to describe the product,
        please refer to the DESCRIBE.DOC text file.

                Please refer to the VENDOR.DOC text file for information.

                Please refer to the LICENSE.DOC and REGISTER.DOC files for

                            Distribution Requirements:

        Limited Distribution License:
        As the exclusive copyright holder for Stable - Technical Graphs,
        WINTERRA Software Group authorizes on-line distribution only in
        accordance with the following restrictions.  Disk Vendors and
        Distributors should refer to the VENDOR.DOC text file for complete
        license information.

        The Stable - Technical Graphs package is defined as containing all
        the material listed in the PACKING.LST text file.  If any files
        listed in the PACKING.LST text file, or the PACKING.LST file
        itself, are missing, then the package is not complete and
        distribution is forbidden.  Please contact us to obtain a complete
        package suitable for distribution.

            o  The Stable - Technical Graphs package - including all
               related program files and documentation files - CANNOT BE
               MODIFIED IN ANY WAY (other than that mentioned in the
               following paragraph) and must be distributed as a complete
               package, without exception.  The PACKING.LST text file
               contains a list of all files that are part of the Stable -
               Technical Graphs package.

        WINTERRA (TM) Software Group         Stable - Technical Graphs 1.10
        BBS Information                                         Page 2 of 2

            o  Many BBSs customarily add a small text file (advertisement)
               to each archived file.  This text file describes the BBS
               and tells people that the file was downloaded from that
               particular BBS.  Other BBSs add a small one-line message
               with their BBS name and phone number into the compressed
               file, which will display when the file is uncompressed.
               Either of these methods of mentioning your BBS are
               acceptable and may be used, provided the program and
               documentation is otherwise unmodified and complete.

            o  WINTERRA Software Group prohibits the distribution of
               outdated versions of the Stable - Technical Graphs package,
               without written permission from WINTERRA Software Group.
               If the version you have obtained is over one year old,
               please contact us to ensure that you have the most current

            o  Licensee shall not use, copy, rent, lease, sell, modify,
               decompile, disassemble, otherwise reverse engineer, or
               transfer the licensed program except as provided in this
               agreement.  Any such unauthorized use shall result in
               immediate and automatic termination of this license.

            o  U.S. Government Information:  Use, duplication, or
               disclosure by the U.S. Government of the computer software
               and documentation in this package shall be subject to the
               restricted rights applicable to commercial computer
               software as set forth in subdivision (b)(3)(ii) of the
               Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at
               252.227-7013 (DFARS 52.227-7013).  The Contractor/
               manufacturer is WINTERRA Software Group, P.O. Box 4106,
               Highlands Ranch, Colorado, 80126, (303) 470-6323.

        All rights not expressly granted here are reserved to WINTERRA
        Software Group.

        Applying for ASP Associate Membership:
        If you would like to apply for ASP Associate Membership (to
        become an ASP BBS member), simply write to the following address
        and request a BBS Membership Application Package:

           ASP Executive Director
           545 Grover Road
           Muskegon, MI  49442-9427

        ...or send a CompuServe message via CompuServe MAIL to the ASP
        Executive Director 72050,1433.  You may also FAX a request to the
        ASP Executive Director at (616) 788-2765.

        WINTERRA (TM) Software Group         Stable - Technical Graphs 1.10

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #3286

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

DDEML    DLL     36864   4-30-92   1:10a
SHELL    DLL     41600   4-30-92   1:10a
PACKING  LST      2515   4-30-92   1:10a
STABLE   DOC    112209   4-30-92   1:10a
LICENSE  DOC      7372   4-30-92   1:10a
SITELICE DOC     17293   4-30-92   1:10a
REGISTER DOC      8401   4-30-92   1:10a
SYSOP    DOC      5714   4-30-92   1:10a
DJIA     CSV     26152   4-30-92   1:10a
SP500    CSV     19765   4-30-92   1:10a
HRB      CSV      7486   4-30-92   1:10a
STABLE   XLM      3983   4-30-92   1:10a
GO       BAT        38   1-31-91  12:58a
GO       TXT      1617  11-30-92   8:50a
       14 file(s)     291009 bytes
                       24576 bytes free