PCjs Machines

Home of the original IBM PC emulator for browsers.


PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #3283)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5170" to load....


Disk No: 567A&B          TITLE: SOFTWARE JUKEBOX
      The Software Jukebox is the latest innovation in Software
      marketing.  It turns the PC into a Software vending machine that
      holds up to 200 of the most popular software disks.  The PC
      becomes a very colorful, attention getting, advertising tool
      while just sitting on the dealer's counter.  Despensing of the
      is easy and convenient.  The total involement by the dealer is
      collecting the copying charges after the customer is finished
      copying all the disks that they require.  The copying total is
      automatically tabulated on a totalizer built into the machine.

------------      SOFTWARE JUKEBOX    -----------------------------------


BROWSE   COM    Utility program for reading text files
FILES    TXT    The file your now reading
INFO     BAT    Information BAT file for the Software Jukebox
NOTES    TXT    Notes file for the Software Jukebox
READ     ME     Additional documentation for the Software Jukebox
README   SIF    Special Shareware Information File
INSTALL  BAT    Installation batch file
DISK     DAT    Disk spec datafile
DISKDESC DAT    Disk description datafile

JBOX     EXE    Archived file - Contains the following:
JUKEBOX  EXE    Main Program
EDITOR   EXE    Editing program
SETUP    EXE    Setup program for the Jukebox
JUKEBOX  DOC    Jukebox manual

DISK191  EXE    Compressed Lotto Buster program.  This is
                the sample library disk for the Jukebox.

FreeBooter(tm) Software
P.O. Box 19624
Portland, OR  97219
(503) 244-4800
Copyright 1992 FreeBooter(tm) Software



Author name: FreeBooter(tm) Software
Address    : P.O. Box 19624
             Portland, OR  97280

Telephone Number: (503) 244-4800  Orders only (800) 366-4012
                   Compuserve 70214,3352

Registration Fee: $89.95 + $1.75 shipping - $5.00 foreign

Program Description:

The Software Jukebox is the latest innovation in Software
marketing.  It turns the PC into a Shareware vending machine that
holds up to 200 of the most popular shareware disks.  The PC
becomes a very colorful, attention getting, advertising tool
while just sitting on the dealer's counter.  Despensing of the
is easy and convenient.  The total involement by the dealer is
collecting the copying charges after the customer is finished
copying all the disks that they require.  The copying total is
automatically tabulated on a totalizer built into the machine.

If you need a system to run the Software Jukebox contact:

Tony Toscano
Burgoyne Computers
Salt Lake City, UT
(801) 531-2100

Talk to Tony personally for a special package price.

Please don't forget the authors if you decide these programs are useful
to you.  The small charge they ask for their work is only appropriate

Review the README file for more in depth information.

FreeBooter(tm) Software is a member of the Software Association of Oregon

Software Jukebox is a pending trademark of FreeBooter(tm) Software.

FreeBooter (tm) Software
P.O. Box 19624
Portland, OR  97219
Copyright 1992 FreeBooter(tm) Software

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #3283

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

VENDOR   DOC       563   8-06-92  12:35p
FILES    TXT      2092   7-31-92   1:22p
NOTES    TXT      1575   7-22-92  11:13a
INFO     BAT      1840   7-22-92  11:09a
READ     ME        941   7-22-92  11:10a
README   SIF      4011   8-14-92  11:44a
INSTALL  BAT      3395   8-14-92  11:27a
JBOX     EXE    203391   8-03-92  12:53p
DISK     DAT        66   7-07-92   1:50p
DISKDESC DAT       668   7-07-92   1:50p
INSTALLB BAT      1164   8-06-92   1:03p
       11 file(s)     219706 bytes
                       97280 bytes free