PCjs Machines

Home of the original IBM PC emulator for browsers.


PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #3240)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5170" to load....


                  * SOLEAU SOFTWARE PRESENTS *

                           Alpha Man

                  Programed by William Soleau
                    Version 1.0   (c) 1992

                Requirements: EGA and Brain Power
                              Hard Disk Recommended

                FILES needed: Alphaman.ov1 Alphaman.ov4
                              Alphaman.ov2 Alphaman.ov5
                              Alphaman.ov3 Alphaman.ov6

    Welcome to Alpha Man.  This game will test your problem solving
    abilities, as you try to solve 25 word puzzles.


    The object of the game is quite simple. Each puzzle has the
    letters for the word located somewhere on the 7 x 11 grid
    board.  Each letter is contained in a block which when pushed
    by your man, (Alpha Man), it will slide in that direction until
    it either hits the side of the grid board or another block.
    The object is to push all these letter blocks onto the
    corresponding letters that are located somewhere else on the
    game board.

                       PERSONAL SCORE CARDS

    When playing the game for the first time, the program will ask
    you to create your own personal score card.  There can be up to
    five individual player cards.  These personal score cards will
    keep track of your number of moves, number of attempts, for each
    word puzzle.  When you solve a puzzle, it will be recorded as
    *SOLVED* on your score card.  If you have solved that puzzle
    with the least amount of moves on record, then your initials and
    scores for that word puzzle will be entered on the Best Scores

                    ALPHA MAN & THE MASTER BLOCK

    You control Alpha Man using the arrow keys.  There is one Green
    Block called the Master Block for each puzzle.  This block does
    not slide when pushed, it will move only one grid at a time when
    pushed by Alpha Man. This Master Block can be positioned so that
    the letter blocks, when pushed, will slide into it and can then be
    strategically positioned into the right places on the grid board.

    The concept is very easy, yet the actual solving of each puzzle
    is quite difficult as you will soon discover.

                  KEYS & SOLUTIONS & TAKE BACK MOVE

    To get you started, I have provided the solutions to the first 5
    puzzle words.  If you select one of the first 5 words, you can see
    Alpha Man solve the puzzle for you by pressing the s<O>lution
    button.  However some might consider this cheating, but perhaps by
    maybe letting Alpha Man solve puzzle #1, you can see how the game
    is played.  I have also included a take back move for those times
    when you make a mistake that make the puzzle impossible to solve.
    This take back move records only the last move made, so if you make
    a mistake and want to take back your last move, then immediately
    push the <T>ake back key.  This too, could be called cheating but
    it's up to you whether or not you want to use it.

    All the Key Definitions are shown on the screen at all times.
    They are as follows:

                           MAIN MENU KEYS

    <M>indscape        Introduces you to Soleau Software and its
                       MINDSCAPE games.
    <B>est Scores      Shows the Best Scores for the Word Puzzle
    <C>hange Players   Allows you to change players and score cards.
    <Q>uit Alpha Man

                          * SOLEAU SOFTWARE *

                            MINDSCAPE SERIES

     Alpha Man is another in a series of new games by Soleau
     Software called Mindscape Games. These games are non-competitive
     logic games which use problem solving skills as opposed to the
     quick reflexes needed for arcade type games. Our company is
     dedicated to producing the finest logic games marketed through

     If you like the game and continue to use it, we request that
     you register the game with us for $12.00. This registration will
     not only speed up the loading and exiting of the program, but will
     provide you with an additional 25 word puzzles and the solutions
     to all 50! Information concerning the registration and on our
     many other games can be found in the ALPHAREG.DOC file or at the
     closing screen.

     By registering this game with us, you instantly become a Soleau
     Software Member.  As a registered member you are entitled to
     discounts on other Soleau Software and Special Bonus Package

     We at Soleau Software thank you for your support and hope you
     will continue to enjoy this as well as our other Shareware


                              William Soleau

                              Soleau Software

                             163 Amsterdam Ave
                                Suite 213
                              NYC, NY.  10023

                     *     *     *     *     *     *     *


                   ALPHA MAN  1.0  :  REGISTRATION FORM


               Please find enclosed the $12.00 registration fee for
          this Alpha Man Game. This registered version of Alpha Man
          will speed up the loading and exiting of the game, plus give
          me 25 more Word Puzzles and the Solutions!. As a Soleau Software
          Member, I want to receive information on your other Shareware
          Games, discounts on other Soleau Software and to be eligible
          for Special Bonus Packages.

                          *    *    *    *    *

                             GAME PACK OFFER
                        New Soleau Software Members

          As a New Soleau Software Member I have the option of
          enclosing an additional $6.00 for your Game Pack Offer of
          eight unregistered versions of your most popular Soleau
          Software Games on a 5 1/4" HD disk. I can receive this
          bonus offer by checking the appropriate line below.

                          *    *    *    *    *


            (Check One)

              ____   $12.00 for the Registered version of Alpha Man.

              ____   $18.00 for the Registered version of Alpha Man,
                     plus the Soleau Software Game Pack Offer.

            * Canadian/Foreign Users add $2.00 for postage. Checks
              drawn on U.S. or Canadian bank or P.O. Money orders.

          MY NAME AND ADDRESS IS:  __________________________________



          I GOT THIS PROGRAM FROM: __________________________________

          MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO:          Soleau Software
                                           163 Amsterdam Ave
                                           Suite 213
                                           New York, NY.  10023

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #3240

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

ALPHAMAN DOC      5286  10-07-92  12:32p
ALPHAMAN EXE    122648   9-14-92   6:36p
ALPHAMAN OV0       230   9-13-92   7:39a
ALPHAMAN OV1       508   9-13-92   7:28a
ALPHAMAN OV2      7801   9-13-92   8:10a
ALPHAMAN OV3      2193  10-04-92   5:25p
ALPHAMAN OV4     62078   9-09-92   2:44p
ALPHAMAN OV5     22205   9-13-92   8:15a
ALPHAMAN OV6      5279  10-07-92  12:32p
ALPHAREG DOC      2188  10-04-92   5:18p
FILE_ID  DIZ       399  10-01-92  12:20a
GO       BAT        38  11-10-92   2:52p
SHOW     EXE      2040   9-12-88  10:48a
       13 file(s)     232893 bytes
                       81920 bytes free