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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #3226)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5170" to load....


║            <<<<  PC-SIG Disk #3226 BLACKJACK FOR WINDOWS  >>>>          ║
║  The games on this disk require Windows 3.x in order to run.            ║
║                                                                         ║
║  To play BLACKJACK FOR WINDOWS, type:  WIN BJ  (press Enter)            ║
║                                                                         ║
║                                                          (press Enter)  ║
║                                                                         ║
║                                                                         ║
║                                        (c) Copyright 1993, PC-SIG Inc.  ║


Black Jack for Windows consists of the following 5 files:


This program is shareware and should be registered with the author at

        John Washburn
        Innovative Data Systems
        9041 W. Heather Ave
        Milwaukee, WI 53224
        (414) 355 - 8822

    If you find the program useful and enjoyable please register the

software on the form below for $40.  The registered users will be

sent a manual that is approximately 90 pages in length. Also

registered users will be contacted about upgrades, bug fixes, and

possible suggestions for improvements.  ONLY REGISTERED USER WILL


    You may pay by check or money order.  All drafts must be drawn on US

funds or through US clearing houses.

    Thank you for your support of shareware and its authors.



State:__________________________________ Zip: ____________________


Enclosed is $40 dollars for the Black Jack for Windows manual and to
register me as user of this software.  I will be apprised of any new
versions and/or bug fixes.  I further agree to allow Innovative Data
Systems to send me a survey concerning my like and dislikes
regarding this program.

                            Fold Here
                            Fold Here

Software Being Registered: Black Jack for Windows


                            Fold Here
                            Fold Here

                            Innovative Data Systems
                            9041 West Heather Ave
                            Milwaukee, WI 53224

                            ATTN: Shareware Registration
                                  Black Jack for Windows

               Some quick notes on simple play.

    In order to place a bet there must be money in the Player Bet
Bank.  This is the upper chip bank located in the lower right corner
of the game screen.  The lower chip bank is the Player Chip Bank.
    Initially all the money the player has is in the Player Chip
Bank. In order to move money from the Player Chip Bank to the Player
Bet Bank, or vice versa you must click with the mouse on the chip
stack desired. One of the selected chip will move from one chip bank
to the other chip bank.  These mouse click must be made ABOVE the
line that separates the chips from the total monetary value of all
chips in the chip bank.
    In order to place the bet click on the amount of the Player Bet
Bank.  This is below the separator line of this chip bank.  The
Change button in the center of the screen will then be replaced by
the Table Bet Button.  This is the amount of money at risk on this
round of Black Jack.
    If you wish another card (take a hit) click once one the shoe in
the upper right hand corner of the game screen.  If you wish to stand
on the cards present in your hand, then click on the Table Bet
Button.  This is the button in the center of the screen with a dollar
amount in it.
    If you wish to Surrender, Split, or Double Down; these button
will appear on the screen when the specific optional play is allowed
by the rules of the game in effect AND the Player possesses enough
money to cover any additional bets required.  These additional funds
will be taken directly from the Player Chip Bank.
    The Discard Pile in the upper left-hand corner of the screen will
present statistics on the cards previous played. Previously played
cards also include, if applicable, all visible cards currently on the
table.  The term previously played cards will be used with the
understanding that the cards on currently on the table are also
    These statistics are to help players develop, practice and
improve their card counting skills.  The statistics may either be a
catalog of all the cards played, broken down by rank; or the sum of
the rank weights of the cards previously played.
    The rules of the game includes: the size of the shoe, the
Dealer's play, the optional play, if any, open to the Player, and the
payoffs for various hand outcomes.  These parameters of play are all
controlled from the RULES menu.
    The HINT menu will give you hints on the best play available,
setting rank weights, and setting which of the two statistics will
appear with a click on the discard pile.

    The FILE menu allows you to save game parameters for later use
and to recall these parameter settings.  For example, the Blackjack
parameters of the exact play of Blackjack as played at the Aladdin
Casino in Las Vegas could be saved and used prior to your trip to
that casino.

    I hope you find this program as enjoyable to use as it was for me
and my colleagues and friends to debug and improve.

John Washburn
Author of Black Jack for Windows.

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #3226

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

BJ       EXE    125488   2-22-91   5:18p
DEFAULTS BJ        186   6-09-89   7:30p
EXPOSE-2 BJ        186   6-09-89   7:32p
VEGAS    BJ        186   6-02-89   1:11p
README   DOC      6147   2-23-91   1:53p
JACK     EXE    215400   3-08-91   8:25a
GO       BAT        38   1-31-91  12:58a
GO       TXT      1001   1-06-92   7:59p
        8 file(s)     348632 bytes
                        8192 bytes free