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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #3106)

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        T h e  P C - S I G  L i b r a r y  o n  C D - R O M


This may well be the greatest collection of software ever compiled.

The PC-SIG Library on CD-ROM is our premier collection of the entire
PC-SIG library. It has over 2500 different, and complete applications
for your every need.  Every shareware program we have is on one disc;
over 700 megabytes of software you can have immediate access to.

Easy to use, all you have to do is insert the disc and type 'GO' at the
DOS prompt.  We've included all the tools you need for fast easy access
to the programs and their descriptions.

The WordCruncher text retrieval software allows you to quickly access
the description for any program you want.  All the programs are indexed
by title, filename, PC-SIG disk number, and every word within the
program description.  There couldn't be an easier way to find just the
right program.

The Narc utility, newly instituted with the tenth edition, allows you to
look directly at all the compressed program files on the CD without
having to download the program to your hard disk.  So if you want to
look at the programmer's notes or on-line documentation before using
valuable hard disk space, you can.

The PC-SIG Encyclopedia of Shareware is included on the disk, and a
printed copy of the book is included so you can peruse the available
programs from the comfort of your favorite chair.  All the programs are
logically divided into one-hundred twenty categories making it easier to
find just the right software.

Whether you're interested in Accounting or Windows, there's a shareware
program for you on the PC-SIG Library on CD-ROM.

Winner of the Optical Publishing Assn's Best Consumer Product Award.

Shareware for every imaginable need: Accounting Chemistry Educational
Engineering Games Hypertext Networks Programming Spreadsheets Utilities
Word Processing

System Requirements:

IBM PC/XT/AT PS/2 or compatible with 384K memory DOS 3.1 or higher and
Microsoft MS-DOS CD ROM extensions.

T h e E s s e n t i a l H o m e & B u s i n e s s C o l l e c t i o n

"Never before has such a valuable collection of popular shareware been
compiled on one CD-ROM that everyone can afford." Dr. File Finder a.k.a.
Michael Callahan

Finally, 368 of the most useful, popular, important shareware programs
have been put together on one CD. No matter what your need, it's on The
Essential Home & Business Collection.  Everything from Administration to
Windows software is here.

The Essential CD incorporates the WordCruncher text retrieval system.
Every program on the disc is indexed

by title, filename, PC-SIG disk number, and every word in the program
description.  A new utility, Narc, is implemented so you can look at the
program files and the author's on-line documentation without having to
first copy the program to your hard disk.  By using WordCruncher and
Narc, you can quickly find the program you want and review it to be
sure, without ever having to run it from your hard disk.

If you've got a CD-ROM player at home and want to get more use of it and
your computer, or if you're trying to avoid purchasing another Nintendo
cartridge, or if you just enjoy looking at new software, you need The
Essential Home & Business Collection.

System Requirements:

IBM PC/XT/AT PS/2 or compatible with 384K memory DOS 3.1 or higher and
Microsoft MS-DOS CD ROM extensions.

To Order in the U.S.A.: Call 800-245-6717 and ask for Customer Service.

Outside the U.S.A. call (408) 730-9291 for the name of the dealer in
your country.


                            P C  -  S I G


Welcome to the world of Shareware, state of the art software you can
actually try before you buy.

Shareware, a term coined in the early eighties, refers to the method of
distribution chosen by the software authors.  With shareware, you can
receive a program and put it through its paces without having to pay for
it. If you find the program useful, and choose to keep the program, then
you pay a registration fee to the author. However, if the program does
not fit your needs, there is no obligation to send the registration fee.
It's that simple

For the last nine years, PC-SIG has been providing shareware and public
domain software to its customers and members.  Since 1982 PC-SIG has
developed an unprecedented library of shareware programs, constantly
updated, consistently strong in every category.  Our library of
shareware contains over 2700 titles divided into 120 logical categories.

Every program we add to the library is thoroughly reviewed and tested to
ensure that each one meets the high standards of reliability and value we
insist upon and you expect.  As a result, our library doesn't contain
every shareware program available, just those that really work.

PC-SIG has grown into the premier distributor of shareware and and
shareware information by producing shareware collections on CD-ROM,
publishing an encyclopedia of shareware, and by publishing Shareware
Magazine, a bi-monthly magazine distributed world-wide.

Quality and support - guaranteed.  All of our programs are guaranteed
virus free.  We've isolated our systems and checked every program
submitted to ensure that no viruses make their way to your computer or

Our support staff is available by phone as well as on our BBS to help
you with questions about installation and operation of PC-SIG's

Through our network of international distributors, PC- SIG strives to
bring you the most current, exciting, technically advanced software
available as shareware.

If you can't find the software you need in PC-SIG's library, it may well
not exist.

To order the latest in Shareware, in the U.S.A: Call (800) 245-6717

Outside the U.S.A. call (408) 730-9291 for the name of the dealer in
your country.



                         ASP Ombudsman Statement

      This program is produced by a member of the Association of Shareware
 Professionals (ASP).  ASP wants to make sure that the shareware principle
 works for you.  If you are unable to resolve a shareware-related problem
 with an ASP member by contacting the member directly, ASP may be able to
 help.  The ASP Ombudsman can help you resolve a dispute or problem with an
 ASP member, but does not provide technical support for members' products.
 Please write to the ASP Ombudsman at P.O. Box 5786, Bellevue, Wa. 98006 or
 send a Compuserve message via easyplex to ASP Ombudsman 70007,3536

 Program author:                            ┌─────────┐              (tm)
 ───────────────────────              ┌─────┴───┐     │
 Emery Wooten                       ──│         │o    │──────────────────
 M.R.E. Software                      │   ┌─────┴╨──┐ │  Association of
 150 Jones St.                        │   │         │─┘  Shareware
 West Point, Ms.  39773               └───│    o    │    Professionals
 ───────────────────────            ──────│    ║    │────────────────────
 RAT ver. 2.40                            └────╨────┘    MEMBER


RAT version 2.40 *** Resident ASCII Table documentation

---------- QUICK DOCS --------------------------------------------------------
Program name: RAT.COM
Run from: DOS prompt or AUTOEXEC.BAT file
Hot Key with: two quick taps on the <Alt> key
Exit with:  <Alt> or <Esc> or <space>
Color is: This is a spotted RAT, we have bred in many colors.
Memory when loaded: < 5Kb
Keys used: Full cursor pad control plus <Ins>,<Alt>,[Esc] and [space]
Display in decimal, hex., or octal.    Use the insert <Ins> key to toggle.
MS-DOS version: 2.00 or later required
System must be IBM compatible with respect to keyboard and display.

---------- NOT SO QUICK DOCS ------------------------------------------------
     After years of trying to create a better rat trap,  I finally gave in
and created a better RAT.

     RAT was written because I realized that out of that nice "RAM eating"
multi-purpose, resident utility program I was using, the ASCII table was all
I really needed frequently.  And I didn't even like the ASCII table.

     I have a calculator that I prefer over the "on screen" version.  I write
my notes the old fashioned way, on a scratch pad.  And I do most of my
dialing with either my first finger or my communications package.  I've also
got a nice old calender hangin' on the wall here. (1974 I think)  So why eat
around 100 Kb of memory for an ASCII table?

     RAT is a resident program that uses less than 5 Kb of memory when it is
running.  RAT should be loaded at the DOS level.  Never load a resident
program from a DOS shell.  A good place to load RAT is in your AUTOEXEC.BAT
file.  Simply add RAT.COM to your program list.

     To hot key RAT, hit the <Alt> key twice.  The table will appear on the
screen in the upper right hand corner.  The left column display is fully
scrollable using the cursor pad, and will display all available ASCII
codes in decimal, hex. or octal format.  Decimal is the default mode, however
a tap on the <Ins> key will switch between modes.  The remainder of the table
contains some frequently used codes that I have attempted to arrange in a
logical fashion.  This area is static and will always appear in decimal.


     RAT was written by Emery Wooten of M.R.E. Software,  home of The E88 Text
Editor and StS (Stereo Shell).  If you find this program valuable and
want to support it then send $5.00 to the address below.  If you find this
program useful and DON'T want to support it, then consider the name of the
program your name! <grin>  If you don't find this program useful, just feed it
some d-Con and forget about it.

     If you do send a contribution, we will use it to support our BBS system.
In any event, please enjoy RAT and give our other more serious programs a try.

Send your contribution to:                         M.R.E. Software BBS
                                                   (601) 494-8078  <data>
M.R.E. Software BBS                                300-2400   N-8-1
150 Jones St.
West Point, Ms.  39773                               [ ASP MEMBER ]

        Microsystems Research and Engineering makes no warranty of any
   kind, express or implied, including without limitation, any
   warranties of merchantability and or fitness for a particular purpose.
   Microsystems Research and Engineering shall not be liable for any
   damages, whether direct, indirect, special or consequential arising
   from a failure of this program to operate in the manner desired by the
   user.  Microsystems Research and Engineering shall not be liable for
   any damage to data or property which may be caused directly or
   indirectly by use of the program.

        IN NO EVENT WILL Microsystems Research and Engineering BE

Copyright acknowledgement:
     The resident version of RAT consist of the RAT program "core" enclosed
within a special routine for resident operation.  This routine is a modified
version of code originally written by Thomas Brandenborg.  I have found this
code to be extremely safe and well behaved in its operation, and I owe many
thanks to Mr. Brandenborg for making this otherwise un-documented information
available to all software developers.  In compliance with the only
restriction placed on the use of this code I hereby acknowledge his copyrights
to the included code.

The RAT Resident ASCII Table version 2.40 is (C.) Copyright 1989 M.R.E.
Software and contains source code from the program TSRDEMO2.ASM that is the
(C.) Copyright 1987 Thomas Brandenborg.

IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corp.
d-Con is a registered trademark of The d-Con Company Inc.
RAT is a big, ugly, scaly tailed rodent.


              S H A R E W A R E  M A G A Z I N E

Shareware Magazine has distinguished itself as the only internationally
distributed periodical devoted to the use and business of shareware.
Shareware Magazine provides detailed reviews of new products,
hard-hitting comparisons of shareware programs with regular retail
software, and timely information about changes in the industry and the
latest technology.

Intriguing columnists and regular features add to the excitement.  The
beginners section sheds light on new user's concerns regarding
everything from choosing the right operating system to alleviating the
intimidation of using on-line systems.

Educational sections focus on how low cost shareware can aid in
classroom learning, curriculum development, and as a forum for
discussing the impact of computers and technology in schools.

Graphics Gallery renders expert advice and suggestions on how to better
work with graphics, desktop publishing, CAD systems, and the Windows

Programmers benefit from others experience in developing new programs or
polishing existing ones as well as choosing the right programming

And columnists provide that subjective component, sometimes
controversial, that calls for a closer look at the way we compute and
how shareware affects what we do.

Published bimonthly, Shareware Magazine is available on a subscription
or at your local newsstand or computer bookstore.  In conjunction with
PC-SIG, there are special benefits for subscribers as well as
opportunities for discount purchases from PC-SIG.

To Order, in the U.S.A.: Call 800-245-6717 and ask Customer Service.

Outside the U.S.A. call (408) 730-9291 for the name of the dealer in
your country.


                         ASP Ombudsman Statement

      This program is produced by a member of the Association of Shareware
 Professionals (ASP).  ASP wants to make sure that the shareware principle
 works for you.  If you are unable to resolve a shareware-related problem
 with an ASP member by contacting the member directly, ASP may be able to
 help.  The ASP Ombudsman can help you resolve a dispute or problem with an
 ASP member, but does not provide technical support for members' products.
 Please write to the ASP Ombudsman at 545 Grover Rd., Muskegon, Mi. 49442 or
 send a Compuserve message via easyplex to ASP Ombudsman 70007,3536

 Program author:                            ┌─────────┐              (tm)
 ───────────────────────              ┌─────┴───┐     │
 Emery Wooten                       ──│         │o    │──────────────────
 M.R.E. Software                      │   ┌─────┴╨──┐ │  Association of
 206 E. Jones St.                     │   │         │─┘  Shareware
 West Point, Ms.  39773               └───│    o    │    Professionals
 ───────────────────────            ──────│    ║    │────────────────────
 Stereo Shell ver. 4.00                   └────╨────┘    MEMBER


Note:  This file is arranged from the latest release back to version 2.00
       of Stereo Shell.  It is intended as a reference for updating users
       to notify them of the changes made to the program.  It is suggested
       reading for all users however...

CHANGES/ADDITIONS/IMPROVEMENTS from versions 3.21 to 4.00

**  Removed the setup program from the main code and made it an integrated
    external program.  This prevents the wasting of valuable memory space
    while the main program is executing.  The setup program is loaded only
    when and while needed.  The setup program MUST reside somewhere in the
    PATH= definition so that it can be found by STS.EXE.

**  Added selective marking capability.  If the F2 marked file menu is
    invoked with no files marked, the marking menu will appear allowing
    the user to define a marking criteria.

**  Added directory tree generation/display capability that includes a
    file preview window.  Pressing the [Ins] key, the space bar, or both
    mouse buttons while the cursor is in the center window will allow
    the user to view a tree of the drive and all files in each

**  Added automatic recognition and support for international date formats.
    This seems to be the leading request from the Canadian, European, and
    Japanese registering users.

**  Added string search capability to the StS internal viewer.  This is a
    case-insensitive forward search that works in both the hex and ASCII
    modes.  The Boyer-Moore search technique is used and provides StS with
    one of the fastest searches in the business.

**  Added support for up to 8 file compression programs.  This represents
    an increase from 4 in previous versions.  At release, version 4.00
    includes built in default commands for; PKZIP, PKPAK, LHA, PAK, and
    ARJ.  Three "spare" slots are also available.

**  Added support for up to 8 external programs which allow the user to
    enhance the file compression programs.  Each compression type may now
    have an additional external program defined for it.

**  Added support for up to 10 USER defined external programs.  This is
    an increase from the previous 8.

**  Added support for 10 LAUNCHABLE application programs.  A new feature
    of StS which allows the user to execute a program based on the
    filename extension of the highlited file.  A logical progression
    from the basic idea StS has always used to make life simpler.  One
    may now run any external application based on the filename extension
    of one of its data files.

**  Added the "pass filename 1st" option on external program definitions
    which will allow programs that require the filename preceed the paremeters
    to be executed.  LIST.COM is a notable program in this catagory.

**  Added "executable file filter".  At the press of a key, only executable
    files will be displayed in a window.  This allows the user to quickly
    eliminate the "trash" and see what there is to run.  Pressing the back-
    space or asterisk key will filter the executables.

**  Added the ability to disable duplicate filename checking when copying
    and moving files.  When the first duplicate is found, the user may
    bypass all future checking by selecting the <A>ll option.

**  Added 4DOS (tm) compatible file comment system.  StS will now automatic-
    ally move, copy, rename, and delete 4DOS file comments when manipulating
    files on the disk.  File comments may also be created, edited, and
    deleted, with StS.  Press the <Alt><C> key pair to view/edit a file

CHANGES/ADDITIONS/IMPROVEMENTS from versions 3.20 to 3.21

**  Removed keyboard buffer clearing on all but the [ALT][F10] file erase.
    command.  Buffer clearing was installed in 3.20 to prevent keyboard
    run-on but several users who like to feed StS fast keystrokes, complained
    about the buffer clearing.

CHANGES/ADDITIONS/IMPROVEMENTS from versions 3.12 to 3.20

**  Added a new medium resolution video mode supported on VGA equipped
    machines.  This mode provides a nice 28 line mode or 33 line mode when
    using V33.  V33 is another M.R.E. product available as freeware from

**  Changed internal file data structure in preparation for future 4.00
    version.  This change allows StS to keep more information in less
    memory and provides the enhanced time display mentioned later.

**  Changed ALT-T time command so that it toggles the entire file window
    into time/date mode.  The user may save the window settings for this
    display type in a manner identical to how the sort type is saved.

**  Changed the screen display so that the file size, time, date, and
    attributes, can always be seen for the highlighted file.  This change
    also allows display of the sub-directory creation dates, times, etc.

** Fixed a couple of minor bugs. (1.) Screen glitch when marking files bigger
   than 10 megabytes.  (2.) I/O redirection option error when creating a
   compressed file from files located on a disk root directory.

CHANGES/ADDITIONS/IMPROVEMENTS from versions 3.10 to 3.11 & 3.12
**  Fixed a couple more minor bugs and added the ability to "see" hidden
    sub-directories when the hidden files switch is on.

**  Fixed bug in new extended ZIP menu that would cause erratic operation
    when using page up / page down keys inside large .ZIP files.


CHANGES/ADDITIONS/IMPROVEMENTS from versions 3.00 to 3.10

**  Added Extended Zip menu.  The "EZ" menu allows the user to mark files
    within a .ZIP file for extraction/deletion/viewing.  This eliminates the
    need for extracting all the files in a .ZIP or trying to remember the

CHANGES/ADDITIONS/IMPROVEMENTS from versions 2.2x to 3.00

**  The DOS gateway command (<Alt><D>) has been improved in two ways.  First,
    the gateway path is now derived from the hooked window instead of always
    gating to the left window path.  Second, the user may now execute a DOS
    command directly from Stereo without completely shelling out to DOS.
    This eliminates the need to type EXIT and go through that whole nine
    yards every time one wishes to issue a single DOS command.  The gateway
    is still available and is entered by NOT issuing any command when
    prompted after an <Alt><D>.  Pressing just plain <ENTER> will cause StS
    to gateway to DOS.

**  Files can now be moved between drives.  This has to be the number one
    request I have received from users of older versions and it is now a
    reality.  Logic has been incorporated within StS to do an automatic
    copy/delete sequence simulating a file move between different logical
    disk drives.

**  DOS commands now work directly from StS.  Call it a bug, an error or
    whatever, earlier versions of StS had problems running the DOS utility
    programs like CHKDSK, DISKCOPY, FORMAT, etc.  The problem was that the
    parameters could not be passed properly.  The real problem was that this
    programmer did not realize that Microsoft was still using a PC-DOS 1.00
    method to pass these parameters and had not incorporated it in Stereo's
    routine that executes external programs.  After some research, the
    oversight has been corrected and the author has re-learned a valuable
    lesson:  Old programs never die, they just get "enhanced".

**  All windowed menus now support the use of letter key command entry in
    addition to the use of function keys and point-n-shoot.  This was done
    in response to some of you who can type. <grin>  The letter that applies
    to each command appears to the left of the command and is in the window
    border color.  The menus have also been enhanced in that they scroll down
    and lock at the command selected when a letter or function key is used to
    make the selection.

**  An "EXIT" prompt similar to ProComm's (tm) DOS gateway exit prompt has
    been added to Stereo.  This serves to remind the user that he is shelled
    to DOS and is not running the base copy of the command processor.

**  Stereo's internal video routines have been completely re-written.  This
    was done in an attempt to make the program as fast and as compatible as
    possible with the 14,283.5 different video display cards that are on the
    market today.  Some users reported minor problems running in high
    resolution modes with garden variety EGA cards in older versions.  The
    new routines follow all the guidelines this programmer can find in an
    attempt to eliminate the quirks.

**  The program's "beep" sound has been changed to a shorter less irritating
    tone.  This is in keeping with President Bush's "kinder, gentler" America

**  Internal logic that locates system disk drives has been improved.  Users
    of network systems that have disk drive letters not assigned in sequence
    will find that this version of StS will not report drives that are not
    there.  If you have a "G" and an "I" drive but no "H" drive, StS 3.00
    will not bother you by displaying the letter H in the drive selection
    list.  A C D E F G I J K ...   would be a typical display.

**  Exit stage right?  OK.  The program now allows the user to exit to the
    left window path, the right window path, or back to the sub-directory
    from which it was invoked.

**  EXIT right now!  A new <Alt><Q> command will dump you immediately
    back to the operating system in the original load directory.

**  File window wrap around re-engineered.  Mouse users can now quit cussing
    because StS will no longer wrap around sideways when the mouse is used to
    direct the cursor.  The keyboard will still allow horizontal wrap/re-hook
    but the mouse hits the wall.  This feature really improves control with
    the mouse.

**  Vertical wrap around in file windows now an option.  If enabled, the file
    windows will wrap from top to bottom - bottom to top when the first/last
    file is moved past.  The program "beeps" to inform the user that it has
    wrapped around.  Set this option from the Set-up Menu.

**  BBS sysops and user's involved with network mail arriving in compressed
    formats with extensions like .A14 or .Z02 have asked that the program
    be able to recognize these extensions as compressed files.  This version
    incorporates internal logic to accomplish this task.  Any file with an
    extension matching the 1st letter of a compressed file extension followed
    by either the correct remaining letters or a numeric digit will be
    processed as a compressed file by StS.  examples: .Z04, .LZ6, and .A2C
    would be assumed to be ZIP, LZH, and ARC files.  This  change does not
    apply to any other file types.

**  The tab key is now active.  The Tab key will now move the cursor between

**  File date and time now changeable with Stereo.  The file attribute editor
    has been enhanced and will now allow the user to change the file date and
    time as well as its attributes.

**  File times may now be displayed with StS.  A new <Alt><T> command allows
    the user to see the creation date/time of the hi-lighted file.

**  Marked file options abound.  Several marked file options have been added
    in response to user requests.  The changes are too numerous to go into
    here and are generally self explanatory anyway.  Open the marked file
    menu and try them out.

**  Stereo's internal file viewer will now allow selected printing from the
    displayed file.  This feature will allow the user to print anything from
    a few lines to a complete file.  The feature is also supported in HEX
    mode and will do a hard copy HEX dump.

**  Compressed file I/O may now be re-directed.  This feature allows the user
    much easier control over the file compression system.  Files may be
    extracted, freshened, updated, or created from, any sub-directory on the
    system.  The ability to work between windows without the need to type in
    a complete path is the main advantage of this new feature.

**  Floppy drive drag cut to a minimum.  Older versions of StS constantly
    re-read a floppy disk drive when a window was pointed at one.  This
    version incorporates several improvements in the way that the disk
    sub-directory information is stored internally and thus reduces the need
    to constantly read the floppy drive to retrieve that information.  Users
    should note that using the right window to point at floppies will produce
    the least number of re-reads, however the overall system performance when
    either window is used has been greatly improved.

**  Arrrggggh! I got dots on the screen!!  Relax, the little dot that appears
    right after the file size is indicating the file "archive" bit is set.
    This new feature was included for users who have disk backup systems that
    are capable of backing up only files that have been changed since the
    last backup was made.  The archive bit is set whenever you edit or
    otherwise change a file.

CHANGES/ADDITIONS/IMPROVEMENTS from versions 2.1x to 2.20

**  ZDIR will hereafter be called the "working directory"  since the name and
    path is no longer hard coded into the program.  A new setup option will
    allow the user to rename/relocate the working directory.  See the
    File/path options in setup mode.

**  StS now has the ability to auto-load a HELP file.  We have included a
    prepared help file named HLP.TXT with this package.  This is a standard
    ASCII text file that may be edited/appended by the user.  The default path
    for the help file is C:\STEREO but it may be changed by the user.  See the
    File/path options in setup mode.  Press <Alt><H> for help!

**  An instant DOS gateway key is now supported.  Press <Alt><D> to gateway
    to DOS instantly...type EXIT to return to StS.

**  A new screen saver feature has been added.  Under the Screen/mouse options
    in setup mode you may activate this feature.  This is a three mode feature
    which may be either OFF, ON, or MSG.  The ON mode simply clears the screen
    to black, whereas the MSG mode will "bounce" a message at random around
    the screen.  This is a simple CLS saver with a 10 minute delay.  It is
    only active when StS is running and will not effect any external program
    you have executed from StS.

**  StS will now allow the renaming of directories via function key <F8>.  DOS
    version 3.00 or above is required to use this feature.  If you are not
    using a supporting DOS version, StS will respond to the command with a

**  The StS viewer high resolution HEX mode now displays more rows of data.  A
    couple of minor bugs in the viewer were also killed.

**  Window capacity increased from 500 to 600 files per screen side.  600
    files and 200 sub-directories/side = 1600 total entries!

**  The program now accepts lower-case letters when prompting for parameters
    for running external programs.  This fixes a previous oversight on our

**  Fixed a bug that caused sub-directories that were created from the right
    side while it was pointed at the root directory to be placed incorrectly.

**  Implemented a better drive detection routine so that StS will report the
    correct number of disk drives available.

CHANGES/ADDITIONS/IMPROVEMENTS from versions 2.0x to 2.10

**  The name designation has been changed from "Registered" to
    "Professional" in the version supplied to registered users.

**  The environment string "SET" string has been changed to STS_CFG and the
    default name for the config file is STSCFG.CFG.  I hope to standardize
    on these names.  The .CFG file is NOT compatible with the 2.0x version
    .CFG file.  Refer to the .DOC file for information about how to use
    the environment SET string.

**  The program now supports 8 user defined utilities instead of 4.

**  This version supports an optional external LIST or VIEW utility.  If the
    user desires to use a utility such as LIST64A.COM instead of the
    built-in viewer, all that need be done is define this utility in SETUP
    mode.  If the viewer is not defined, StS will default to its internal

**  StS version 2.10 now supports "hot" parameter passing to the editor,
    viewer and user defined utilities.  In SETUP mode, if the user defines
    the parameters to pass as a simple question mark (?), that user program
    will prompt for input when it is executed.  Defining any other parameter
    string or nothing at all will skip the prompting and send any defined
    parameters to the utility.  This new feature is useful for programs
    such as file finders that require a different filename when executed or
    in cases where the user wants to use different parameters for programs
    when the programs are used in different situations.

**  Horizontal mouse movement has been "dampened" to allow the user a more
    comfortable level of control with the mouse.  The overall mouse
    sensitivity range has also been increased by a factor of 100.  This change
    should allow StS to be used with a wider variety of mice species.

**  A compatibility problem with Desqview (tm) was fixed.

**  A bug involving spaces in the volume label was fixed.  StS will now
    display the complete volume label including imbedded spaces.

**  A bug involving using StS with the new PAK2x file compression program
    was fixed.

I welcome user input!
                                                   Emery Wooten


                        M.R.E. INFORMATION FILE.

      The purpose of this file is to provide users of this program with
 some insight and information about the author of StS, my company, and a
 brief history of the program.

      My name is Emery Wooten and I am a 34 year old graduate of
 Mississippi State University's college of Mechanical Engineering.  I
 currently own a home here in West Point, Ms. and also own and operate a
 machine shop where our primary business is industrial maintenance and design

      I first became involved with computer programming in the mid 1970's
 while in college.  Back then it was punch cards and FORTRAN IV on a Univac
 that stayed broke most of the time.  Being mechanically inclined and having
 worked with machines most of my life, I was instantly "hooked" on this
 wonderful piece of junk.  In my primary line of work (machinist) when you
 made a mistake your efforts usually wound up in the scrap pile, so the fact
 that I could debug and edit programs after only a few short hours of
 fighting keypunch machines and hungry card readers was probably one of the
 most fascinating aspects of the machine.  I have yet to overcome my
 fasciation with computers.  The procedural logic and the thrill of seeing
 your finished product work make for a natural transition from my skilled
 trade and engineering roots.

      When the IBM-PC was introduced in 1981, I bought one.  I thought it was
 great that I could have a "personal computer" and hey, NO PUNCH CARDS!
 Now I am your curious type, the science and technology type of person, who
 reads Scientific American, enjoys The Discovery Channel, and thinks kids
 with orange hair should seek medical attention immediately.  I tore into
 that IBM-PC from both the hardware and software sides of it.  I wrote
 programs and built interface boards, modified the ROM code, and performed an
 assortment of other radical things.  Hey, at one time I had that computer
 believing that I built it instead of IBM!  In any event, I learned a great
 deal about how it worked and how to program it.  I adopted assembler
 language as my primary means of communication with the PC.  It was the
 obvious choice to satisfy my interests and MASM 1.00 was how I started down
 the road that leads to this text file.

      In 1982-83 I found myself making the transition from BASIC/FORTRAN
 programming into the deep dark world of machine language.  I had heard it
 was hell to learn and use so naturally I dove into it full force.  What I
 discovered was that assembler language was in fact the most logical and
 powerful language I had ever encountered.  It wasn't (and still isn't) that
 hard to master, and the absolute power it provides to the programmer is
 addictive.  My problem was that at that time, I could find no text editor
 that suited my liking.  Well, to make a long story short, I wrote The E88
 Text Editor and started using it to do all my programming with.

      Around about mid 1984 The E88 Text Editor version 1.00 was completed
 and I was using it solely for my own purposes when some friends of mine got
 a look at it and urged me to market the program.  I looked into several
 marketing strategies and decided that the shareware concept made the most
 sense and best fit my general philosophy about computer software.  The way I
 see it, most all software is shareware anyway.  I would be willing to bet
 that 99% of the people reading this file at least looked at or even used most
 of the so called "commercial" software packages they now own.  Shareware
 represents honesty on both the part of the users and sellers.  As a
 producer, I didn't want to put some kind of "guilt trip" on people because
 they were using a "pirate" copy of my program.  I knew from my own personal
 experience that people who had the opportunity to "try before they buy" were
 going to do it anyway, so why not encourage them to do it and let them feel
 good about it.  As a user, I also knew that of the programs I had tried and
 found useful, I bought.  I can appreciate the effort that goes into writing
 software and believe in paying for what I use.  I also think that most of
 the people who use computers at any kind of serious level also feel the same

      So enter M.R.E. Software, a shareware company.  I posted E88 on a few
 BBS systems around the area and in a couple of months I started receiving
 letters and registration forms.  What I found was a wealth of ideas from a
 bunch of good people.  I took this user input and began updating and
 changing E88.  It is now at version 4.22 and climbing.  As the program
 became more widespread and my user base grew, I realized the need to install
 a BBS system to provide user support and provide a convenient means for
 users to register.  To get the BBS system operational required the help of a
 friend, Tom Ford, to set-up and sysop the board.  With Tom as sysop, I was
 free to continue programming without worrying about taking care of the
 intricacies of BBS operations.

      Now everybody knows that with BBS systems and computer communications
 one must deal with compressed files.  With Tom on the BBS and me accessing
 it daily, we were up to our necks in .ARC files.  So I had created (as often
 happens) a new problem, or at the very least agitated an old one.  I kept
 most of my less used programs on my system as .ARC files to save space.
 Every time I wanted to run some of these programs I had to "dig out" PKXARC
 and un-arc the files into a clean sub-directory.  I had one game in
 particular that I enjoyed fooling with, it must have had 75 files
 associated with it.  I had to find a better way to handle the situation, so
 I wrote a program to do it.  I called it ARCOM ... meaning ARC Commander.

      Two weeks after releasing ARCOM, news of the lawsuit between System
 Enhancements Associates and Phil Katz was released and shocked the shareware
 world.  This lawsuit was soon settled with the net result being that the PK
 series of archiving programs could no longer use the .ARC format.  Since
 ARCOM supported PKARC exclusively, I knew that its days were numbered and
 that I had to release an update.  What I decided, was to completely
 eliminate the ARC name association my program carried, enhance its shell
 capabilities, and name it Stereo Shell.

      What you now have here is the fourth real update to Stereo Shell.  The
 major changes, improvements and additions are outlined in the included file
 CHANGES.TXT.  This version represents just one of what I hope to be a
 long continuing sequence of updates as has been the case with E88.  I
 plan to support StS and try to keep it current with the changing conditions
 in the evolving file compression utility and DOS shell market.
      It is now April 1992 and I am updating this and all the other text
 and document files in preparation for the release of StS version 4.00.  StS
 has undergone some significant changes since its original release as ARCOM
 and M.R.E. Software is changing as well.  In July 1990 I took over the
 the BBS where I still serve as Sysop.  Tom Ford, who created and ran the BBS
 for two years, did a good job but tired of what can sometimes be a thankless
 chore.  We also had some problems in the past with having the BBS located
 remotely from the office and decided that relocating it and changing the
 decor would be in our best interests.  Tom is now a remote sysop, frequent
 caller, and "BS artist" on the system, the difference being that he is now
 operating remotely and doing it at his leisure instead of as a spare time

      I hope that you have found this information of interest.  I included it
 in an effort to help answer some of your questions about who and what
 M.R.E. Software is all about and where we will be tomorrow.  I guess I can
 sum it up by saying that we are a small software company located in a nice,
 quiet, small, but ever growing, southern town.  Its operated by a guy who
 has some very stable business roots and will be here tomorrow.  I would
 like to express my gratitude to my many friends and supporters who have
 helped make StS and my other programs possible and successful.  This may be
 serious business, but it sure is fun!

      Enjoy this program, and yawl have a nice day...
                                                      -Emery Wooten-


                            StS REGISTRATION FORM   ver. s4.00

        YES!  I would like to register my copy(s) of StS.
        Please type with your text editor or print clearly!

        Name .............:__________________________________________________

        Street Address ...:__________________________________________________

        City .............:__________________________________________________

        State and country.:______________________________   Zip:_____________

        Company/Title (optional)....: _______________________________________

        Where did you obtain StS? : _________________________________________

        ----------------- One to 4 copies registration ---------------------
        1 to 4 copy(s) registration fee = $25.00 * ___ copy(s)=    $ _____.00
        Send 5.25 inch disk copy(s) s&h =  $5.00 * ___ copy(s)    +$ _____.00
        Send 3.50 inch disk copy(s) s&h =  $7.00 * ___ copy(s)    +$ _____.00
        Mississippi residents add 6% sales tax ...............    +$ _____.__
        Overseas shipping is $3.00 (other than US and Canada)     +$ _____.00

                                                Total enclosed:    $ _____.__

        ----------------- Five or more copy site license -------------------
        5 or more copy(s) registration fee = $21.00 * ___ copy(s)  $ _____.00
        --- Site license includes one master disk & shipping.---
        Additional 5.25 inch diskettes.... = $ 3.00 * ___ copy(s) +$ _____.00
        Additional 3.50 inch diskettes.... = $ 5.00 * ___ copy(s) +$ _____.00
        Mississippi residents add 6% sales tax ...............    +$ _____.__
        Overseas shipping is $3.00 (other than US and Canada)     +$ _____.00

                                                Total enclosed:    $ _____.__

        --------------------------- Payment method ---------------------------
        check one:
        __ Check or Money Order   __ Company PO.   __ VISA   __ MasterCard

        Card #: ______ ______ ______ ______    Expires date:    /

        Card issuing bank name: ____________________________________________

        your signature __________________________________tel.(___)____-_____

        * You MUST sign this form if using a credit card.
        * MAIL THIS FORM TO:         | Checklist: Credit card expiration date.
        M.R.E. Software              |            Your ZIP code.
        206 E. Jones St.             |            Overseas shipping charge.
        West Point, MS.  39773       |            Payment enclosed.
        Be sure to read the appendix sections of the STS.DOC file for complete
        details on registration privileges, updates, and BBS support!
                                THANK YOU!!


                            A QUESTION/ANSWER SESSION
             This file is contains a typical question and answer session that
        might be conducted with the author.  If you are having a problem with
        StS and can't find the answer in the DOC file, maybe something in here
        will help.  This file may be printed.

       Q: I put a blank floppy disk in drive A: and now I can't get the
          cursor back in the window that is pointed at that drive.  How am I
          supposed to get out of this situation?
       A: StS won't let you place the cursor in, or "hook" an empty window
          because there is simply nothing you can do in an empty window.  The
          real problem that arises is that you can't change drives on that
          side because you can't "hook" it.  StS provides two solutions to
          this problem. (1.) Use the <Alt><1,2,3,...> key pair to change the
          un-hooked side drive.  Simply hold the <Alt> key and press the
          number of the drive you want; 1=A, 2=B, etc.  (2.) Open the DOS
          command window by pressing <F1> and then change the un-hooked drive
          from there.

       Q: Is there any quick way to point the right window back at ZDIR?
       A: Yes. Press the <Alt><R> keys to reset the right side.

       Q: I like the high-res mode of my EGA/VGA adapter.  Is there any
          method I can use to make StS execute in this mode?
       A: Yes.  Use the /H option on the DOS command line.  Also note that
          on VGA equipped systems the /M switch will provide a medium
          resolution mode.

       Q: Is there any way to change the video mode while StS is running?
       A: Yes. If you have an EGA or VGA card, pressing <Alt><E> will change
          between standard, medium(VGA only), and hi-res modes.

       Q: It is a drag going through the DOS menu to get into setup mode.  Is
          there a faster way?
       A: Yes. Use the <Alt><S> key pair to get there instantly.

       Q: When I try go into setup mode, I get a failure to execute message.
          What gives?
       A: StS uses an integrated external setup program which is loaded and
          executed when you request setup mode.  This program must be where
          StS can find it.  Make sure that the directory in which the setup
          program resides is in the DOS path.  The setup program is named
          STSETxxx.EXE where the xxx matches the version number of the StS
          main program.  For example STSET400.EXE would work with StS version
          4.00.  Insure that you have matching programs.

       Q: I have my compression program commands so screwed up from trying to
          change the way they are programmed that I am ready to start over.
          Is there any way to recover the default settings?
       A: Yes.  Erasing the StS configuration file will cause StS to execute
          in its default state the next time you run it.

       Q: I like having the ability to independently sort the file windows but
          I don't understand how to save the settings the way I like them.
          How does this work?
       A: Whenever you save the currently defined setup from the setup mode
          of StS, the sort types for each file window are saved.  What you
          need to do is define the sort for each window the way you like them
          and then go into setup mode and save the settings.  From then on,
          StS will be set as you want it when it runs.

       Q: How do I erase or rename a directory?
       A: Place the highlight bar on it and press <F8> or <F10> depending
          on whether you want to rename or erase it.  The directory rename
          feature of StS will only work if you are running DOS 3.00 or above.
          Directories must be empty before you can erase them.

       Q: I keep getting an "invalid path or filename" message when I try to
          type in a path in response to a prompt.  What am I doing wrong?
       A: StS uses standard DOS conventions for pathnames when it is
          prompting for input.  The last character in the pathname should be
          a trailing backslash or a slash.  Actually the StS parsing routines
          interrogate the last character in the user supplied string to
          determine what kind of data it received.  If the string ends in a
          colon the StS assumes that it only received a drive and it
          substitutes in the current path and filename itself.  If the string
          ends in a slash or backslash StS assumes that it received a valid
          path and adds the filename if the situation requires one.  If none
          of these three characters terminates the string, StS assumes that a
          filename was supplied by the user.

       Q: I am having trouble getting my external programs to run.  What
          should I do?
       A: By all means you should read the setup section in the .DOC file
          especially the part about standard filename conventions.  The most
          common problem with external programs has to do with the definition
          of the drive:\path\filename.ext.  CHECK your setup carefully to
          make sure that you have defined the program properly.  One way to
          cross check your setup is to run the program directly from DOS
          using the identical file specification you have given StS.

       Q: My old IBM display looks like my TV when cousin Earl runs his
          powersaw.  How can I get rid of the snow?
       A: Some older IBM CGA adapters will produce snow when a program uses
          direct video screen writing like StS does.  You need to go into the
          screen section of the setup mode and turn snow suppression on.

        Q: I have a sub-directory with 1279 files in it.  When I look at this
           directory with StS it doesn't read all the filenames.  Why?
        A: In the interest of using a sane amount of memory when executing,
           StS will display up to 600 files and 200 sub-directories on each
           side of the display.  This represents a total of 1600 file and
           directory names available to the user at any time.  While designing
           StS, our research indicated that in 99% of all cases users would
           not need to place more than 500 files in any sub-directory, so we
           set the limit at 600.  If you have a sub-directory with more than
           600 files in it, it is probably time to split it up and organize it
           a little better.  StS does a great job of making new directories
           and moving files...

        Q: Why does StS present the "Press any key" message after executing
           a program from the screen or DOS command system?  I find having
           to press the enter key to return to StS irritating.
        A: I'll wager you would find it much more irritating if you did not
           get the chance to read the results of some of the programs you are
           executing.  Many programs print a screen full of garbage and then
           terminate.  Take CHKDSK for example... If StS immediately returned
           when CHKDSK terminated it would not be humanly possible to read
           the output.  So unless you are an android and can read 1000 charac-
           ters per millisecond (if you are, write us) oil up the old enter
           key and go.

        Q: Why does StS rescan my drive every time I call up the tree.
        A: Hmmmm, the jury is still out on this one.  It was decided by a
           split decision that since StS uses its special sidebar technique
           as the primary means to change directories, the tree would rescan
           since it is not used very often.  It is very possible that future
           versions of the program will expand upon and offer more options
           pertaining to the use of the tree display.

                       THANK YOU for purchasing Stereo Shell!



Stereo Shell is shareware and is published by a member of the Association
of Shareware Professionals  (ASP).

The shareware version of Stereo Shell may be distributed by any ASP approved
shareware disk vendor or BBS system.  Or by any disk vendor or BBS system that
follows the general guidelines of the ASP.

Stereo Shell may be distributed on any public network system that has more
than 1000 subscribers. ie CompuServe, Genie, Delphi, Prodigy, etc.

Stereo Shell may NOT be distributed by any computer publication without prior
written consent of M.R.E. Software.  If a computer magazine is putting
together a promotional package of shareware programs, we want to insure that
only the latest version of StS is provided in its COMPLETE form.

Stereo Shell must NOT be sold by any disk vendor or BBS system.  No fee may
be charged for the software itself.  Stereo Shell may NOT be distributed by
any BBS or disk vendor that charges more than U.S. $10.00 for the disk media
and shipping on which Stereo Shell is distributed unless this media is CD-ROM.

BBS distribution by private individuals is encouraged.  BBS sysops around the
world have proven to be one of the leading methods of distributing shareware
for M.R.E. Software.  Sysops are asked to check the program and only
distribute COMPLETE authentic copies in PKZIP format.  If another compressed
format is used, please make it from an authentic PKZIP original.



Suggested descriptions for Stereo Shell.

Short description:
World's greatest dual windowed file manager.

Long description:
Stereo Shell is a dual windowed dos shell.  It provides exceptionally fast,
simple, and powerful file managing capability in a small package. The program
includes support for internal and external file viewers, a text editor, up to
eight file compression utilities, ten launchable applications, ten user
defined utilities, and a 4DOS (tm) compatible file comment system.  DOS never
sounded this good!


   STEREO SHELL VERSION 4.00  ////////////////////////////  INFORMATION FILE
                                              ┌─────────┐              (tm)
   Published by:                        ┌─────┴───┐     │
  ───────────────────────────        ───│         │o    │──────────────────
   M.R.E. Software                      │   ┌─────┴╨──┐ │  Association of
   206 E. Jones St.                     │   │         │─┘  Shareware
   West Point, Ms.  39773               └───│    o    │    Professionals
  ──────────────────────────         ───────│    ║    │────────────────────
   Emery Wooten - Author                    └────╨────┘    MEMBER

 *  Stereo Shell -  The world's greatest disk and COMPRESSED file manager.   *

                 *  DOS never sounded this good before! *


          Stereo Shell is a unique DOS shell and file compression utility.
     The program provides two fully independent file/directory displays which
     enable it to provide extremely powerful, yet simple, file handling
     functions.  The twin, or if you will, stereo display allows the user
     to perform file operations such as move and copy between any two
     drives, or directories, or combinations of drive/directories on the
     machine without ever typing a file or path name.

          Stereo Shell was also intended to be a fast, simple, and
     user friendly program to handle the otherwise tedious task of working
     with compressed files.  StS takes a fresh approach to this task in
     that it uses a separate directory and split screen display to isolate
     and monitor the files associated with a compressed file.

          StS provides intelligent, easy to use menus for handling file
     and compressing functions.  These menus are intelligent in that the
     menu that appears on the screen for the user is based on the filename
     extension of the file selected.  For example, selecting a .ZIP file
     from the directory display will automatically open the file compressor
     operation window.  The menu functions are of the "point-n-shoot"
     variety but also allow quick execution via the function keys.

          StS supports most of the standard file and compression commands
     through its menus and function keys.  The following list is provided
     to give the user an idea of what StS will do.

     StS Functions                            Description

     Move file ........................ (from anywhere to anywhere)
     Copy file ........................ (from anywhere to anywhere)
     Rename file ...................... (standard DOS function)
     Erase file ....................... (standard DOS function)
     Erase read-only files ............ (asks to be sure, then zap)
     Tag files ........................ (tag/untag any or all files)
     Selectively tag files ............ (by name, date, archive bit etc.)
     Move tagged files  ............... (very fast and smooth)
     Copy tagged files  ............... (from anywhere to anywhere)
     Erase tagged files ............... (prompted super zap)
     Add tagged to library file ....... (build a compressed file)
     Convert tagged to another format . (block convert your library files)
     Execute user program on tagged ... (run any program repeatedly on tag)
     View file ........................ (built in dual mode viewer)
     View file ........................ (user defined optional ext. viewer)
     Edit file ........................ (user defined editor/Wp)
     File attribute modify ............ (change dates times and attributes)
     User file function ............... (10 user defined utility programs)
     Launch applications .............. (10 launchable applications)
     Execute program .................. (.EXE, .COM, .BAT, .BTM files)
     Instant executable filter ........ (see only .EXE,.COM,.BAT, and .BTM)
     Quick find filename .............. (intelligent search within dir.)
     Change drive ..................... (with a single keystroke)
     Change drive ..................... (from DOS menu. Allows A-Z drives)
     Change alternate drive ........... (changes un-hooked side)
     Change alternate drive ........... (from DOS menu. Allows A-Z drives)
     Change directory ................. (fast, easy, sidebar technique)
     Directory tree ................... (display tree to change dirs.)
     Make directory ................... (from DOS command menu)
     Sort options ..................... (sort each window independently)
     Remove directory ................. (use <F10> or <Alt><F10>)
     File comment system .............. (4DOS(tm) compatible comment sys.)
     DOS command ...................... (run any DOS command from StS)
     DOS gateway ...................... (type EXIT to return)

     Supports .ZIP .ARC .LZH .PAK .ARJ formats -----|
     Create compression                             |
     Extract files                                  |- Compression utility
     Test compression                               |- command support.
     View files in compression                      |- Works with up to 8
     Verbose list compression contents.             |- compression progs.
     Freshen files.                                 |
     Update files.                                  |- Tagged file support
     Delete files from compression.                 |- as well, see above.
     Convert from format to format            ------|

    Stereo Shell version 4.00 is being distributed as shareware by fine disk
vendors and Bulletin Board Systems everywhere.  The filename to download is
STS_400.ZIP... For the very latest versions and information, call the M.R.E.
Software Support BBS at (601) 494-8078 or write to:

M.R.E. Software
206 E. Jones St.
West Point, Ms.  39773

For free information about, or copies of, Stereo Shell;
Please include a self addressed, stamped envelope or disk mailer and disk.

Thank you for you time and consideration to download and evaluate StS!

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #3106

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

STS4INFO TXT      6519   6-03-92  10:52a
STS_400  ZIP    110359   8-27-92   8:21a
RAT_24   ZIP      6455   2-14-90  11:55p
GO       EXE     26022   1-10-92  12:14p
PCSIG    TXT      2451   1-22-92   9:19a
CDROM    TXT      3769   1-22-92   9:21a
SHAREMAG TXT      1837   1-22-92   9:15a
GO-FORM  DAT      2401   1-20-92  10:24a
GO-STRT  DAT       537   8-27-92   7:39a
PKUNZIP  EXE     23536   1-16-91  12:38p
       10 file(s)     183886 bytes
                      134144 bytes free