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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #3099)

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        T h e  P C - S I G  L i b r a r y  o n  C D - R O M


This may well be the greatest collection of software ever compiled.

The PC-SIG Library on CD-ROM is our premier collection of the entire
PC-SIG library. It has over 2500 different, and complete applications
for your every need.  Every shareware program we have is on one disc;
over 700 megabytes of software you can have immediate access to.

Easy to use, all you have to do is insert the disc and type 'GO' at the
DOS prompt.  We've included all the tools you need for fast easy access
to the programs and their descriptions.

The WordCruncher text retrieval software allows you to quickly access
the description for any program you want.  All the programs are indexed
by title, filename, PC-SIG disk number, and every word within the
program description.  There couldn't be an easier way to find just the
right program.

The Narc utility, newly instituted with the tenth edition, allows you to
look directly at all the compressed program files on the CD without
having to download the program to your hard disk.  So if you want to
look at the programmer's notes or on-line documentation before using
valuable hard disk space, you can.

The PC-SIG Encyclopedia of Shareware is included on the disk, and a
printed copy of the book is included so you can peruse the available
programs from the comfort of your favorite chair.  All the programs are
logically divided into one-hundred twenty categories making it easier to
find just the right software.

Whether you're interested in Accounting or Windows, there's a shareware
program for you on the PC-SIG Library on CD-ROM.

Winner of the Optical Publishing Assn's Best Consumer Product Award.

Shareware for every imaginable need: Accounting Chemistry Educational
Engineering Games Hypertext Networks Programming Spreadsheets Utilities
Word Processing

System Requirements:

IBM PC/XT/AT PS/2 or compatible with 384K memory DOS 3.1 or higher and
Microsoft MS-DOS CD ROM extensions.

T h e E s s e n t i a l H o m e & B u s i n e s s C o l l e c t i o n

"Never before has such a valuable collection of popular shareware been
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Finally, 368 of the most useful, popular, important shareware programs
have been put together on one CD. No matter what your need, it's on The
Essential Home & Business Collection.  Everything from Administration to
Windows software is here.

The Essential CD incorporates the WordCruncher text retrieval system.
Every program on the disc is indexed

by title, filename, PC-SIG disk number, and every word in the program
description.  A new utility, Narc, is implemented so you can look at the
program files and the author's on-line documentation without having to
first copy the program to your hard disk.  By using WordCruncher and
Narc, you can quickly find the program you want and review it to be
sure, without ever having to run it from your hard disk.

If you've got a CD-ROM player at home and want to get more use of it and
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Essential Home & Business Collection.

System Requirements:

IBM PC/XT/AT PS/2 or compatible with 384K memory DOS 3.1 or higher and
Microsoft MS-DOS CD ROM extensions.

To Order in the U.S.A.: Call 800-245-6717 and ask for Customer Service.

Outside the U.S.A. call (408) 730-9291 for the name of the dealer in
your country.


                       Control Charts Made EASY!
                   Copyright (c) 1989  Mark H. Libert
                          All Rights Reserved

    Control Charts Made EASY! is an interactive BASIC program designed
to let your IBM or compatable computer take the place of a hand calculator
when making common calculations from control charts.  Control charts are
used for statistical process control throughout the manufacturing industry.
Many companies handle SPC data electronically from measurement to computer
generated charts.  Others use partially computerized systems, or they
perform SPC manually.  Unless a system is 100% computerized and no
calculations are made by the operator or inspector, Control Charts Made EASY!
will simplify the use of the control chart.  The chance for operator error
is eliminated when the computer calculates a complex formula typical to
    Control Charts Made EASY! will calculate control limits for the
following charts:
                     x & R    Average and range
                     median charts
                     x & s    Average and standard deviation
                     individuals and moving range
                     p charts
                     c charts
                     np charts
                     u charts
    It will also calculate Cpk, CP, and CR for the variable data charts.
It will calculate Cpk from mean and standard deviation, and calculate
P-C line values for pre-control / stoplight control charts.  Control Charts
Made EASY! is simple to use, and has many features to check for errors in
data entry or incorrect use of a chart.  USE THE HELP FEATURE OFTEN when
operating the program.  There are fifteen different screens of help and
information to assist with operation and describe the uses of each chart
    Using Control Charts Made EASY! is not difficult and each chart
section operates in a similar fashion.  Prompts for part number and check-
point number begin each section.  Entering a number or name in these places
will cause them to be displayed with the calculated results.  If you do not
wish to enter anything in these places, simply strike the ENTER key when
prompted.  You will then be prompted to enter other information needed to
calculate control limits for SPC charts such as subgroup size, number of
subgroups, lot sample size etc.  Once these things have been entered, the
entering of data can begin.  Prompts on the screen always help you to know
what to do next.  Once the data has been entered, control limits will be
displayed instantly if you choose; or enter specification limits to also
calculate and display Cpk, CP, and CR.  At almost any point of the program,
the <E> key will help you back up or get out.  An   E to Exit   sign at
the bottom of the screen appears most of the time.  When it does not, the
<E> key might still help out. Here's how. When entering data, mistakes can
be made.  That's normal.  If you look at the screen and see you have made
an error, enter an E in place of any next data.  At that point, you have
entered the error recovery route.  You can then choose to go back to any
point and resume.  Control Charts Made EASY!  does not make charts, but
will make all the calculations needed for making SPC charts.  If a hand
calculator is ever used for control chart calculations, Faster, easier,
more dependable results can be obtained by using the computer.
    Control Charts Made EASY! is protected under the copyright laws and
registered with the Library of Congress. It is prohibited to edit Control
Charts Made EASY! or distribute it for profit.  You are, however, encouraged
to distribute it freely to anyone who might benefit from its use.

Libert Computer Systems    2655 Fox Rd.  Greenville, OH 45331        1989


EGRAPH.EXE---Graphing program.
PICPRN.EXE---Utility for printing PIC files on Epson FX-LQ & HP-LaserJets at
	     high resolution.
MSHERC.COM---Required for Hercules graphics.
CONTOUR.EXE--Creates Contour & 3D-Surface plot file for EGraph from randomly
	     spaced X,Y values and associated Z values.
FILES.TXT----This file.
README-------Order form for additional copies of EGraph and manual for $29.
EXAMPLE.DAT--General data file format example for multi-variables.

PRNWHAT.EXE--Reads files and extracts selected lines or columns by scrolling
	     through file.  Sequential data on rows can be extracted and
	     stacked for importing into Lotus 123 or EGraph or sent to
	     a printer.
NOTABS.EXE---Reads ascii files and creates a new file with Tabs expaned to
	     8 spaces.  The number of characters you see is what you get!
EXAMPLE?.DAT-EGraph data file examples.  Example1.dat has 1 Y range, Example2
	     has 1X & 2Y's or is a CONTOUR data file, and Example3 has 12 Y
	     ranges.  4 is a digitized data file and 5 is Hi/Lo/Close.
*7.EXE-------Smaller Faster versions but require '87 math chip.
No installation.  Each EXE file is stand alone.  See README file.


					E G r a p h

				    Engineering Graphics

					E G r a p h

				   Great Basin Associates
				        653 Avenue M
				   Boulder City, NV 89005
					  (c) 1991
				     All Rights Reserved

	  IBM-PC, CGA, EGA, VGA, MCGA, or Hercules Card, 256K, DOS 2.1+,
	  Single disk drive
	  Printers--Epson FX-LQ, HP LaserJet, HP Plotter(or HPLJ-III)
	  Files--Lotus PIC file, HP LaserJet file, HPGL plotter file
	  Line, XY, Needle, Bar, Contour, 3-D Surface, HiLoClose, Triangle,
          Polar, Pie
	  Linear, Log, Probability, Time Series, Vector
	      Enter or edit, swap & copy, insert & delete, fill & clear
	      X values not required for time series
	      Choose Y2 values as labels,  Sort data on X
	      32,000 x,y pairs,  ASCII Columnar, Lotus WK1, SHELL to DOS,
	      save or read graph setups
	      Set titles, graph types, scales, print...
	      General-give starting X value and interval between Y values
	      Hourly 0:00, Daily, Monthly, Yearly
	      Sample  size,  Mean,  Median, Min  &  Max,  Variance,  Std.
	      Deviation, Std. Error of Mean, Skewness, Kurtosis, Area & C.
	      Other Distributions:  Frequency  Histogram,  Cumulative  %,
	      Mass, Double Mass, Moving Average, Spline, Regression:
	      Y=a+bX,   Y=a+bX+cX^2,   Y=a+bLogX,   LogY=a+bX,    Y=aX^b,
	      Y=a(X+e)^b, Plot regression or errors, Probability: Compute
	      probability  of  Y  values  or  user  probability as X; add
	      Pearson III or Log-Pearson III (normal & log normal)
	      Interpolation & Extrapolation: linear, log, probability
	  Suppress X scale labels (user may interactively add)
	  Second Y axis
	  Set X & Y graphing range
	  Reverse Y scale
	  Set Y2 line color and marker type
	    14 colors, 14 marker types, or user text as markers
	  Set # of blank rows to begin new Y2 line and marker type
	  Set restart of Y2 time series values on X scale
	  Turn Y markers off and line on after blank value
	  Add markers, lines, curves and text
	  Display cursor coordinates
	  Change editing color, line & marker type
	  CONTOUR.exe--generates  contour & surface data  file  for  EGraph
	  using randomly spaced X-Y values and associated Z value.
          PICPRN.EXE--Prints hires PIC files on Epson & HP LaserJet.
	  PRNWHAT.exe--Extracts   data   from   columnar   ASCII   files.
	    Sequential data on rows may be stacked into columns
	  NOTABS.exe--Replaces  tabs  in ASCII files with  8  spaces  for
	    proper reading by EGraph.

			       E G r a p h
			  Copyright (c)1987-91

			 Great Basin Associates
			        653 Ave M
			 Boulder City, NV 89005

	EGraph is  a   technical graphics program for the IBM-PC with  a
	CGA,  EGA,  VGA color or mono,  MCGA, or  Hercules card.  LINEAR,
	LOG,  PROBABILITY,  and TIME SERIES axis scaling  may  be  mixed.
	Over   32,000  x,y  data  pairs  may  be  graphed.    Descriptive
	Statistics, Histogram,  Cumulative,  Frequency,  Mass, Moving Avg
	Distributions,  Polar,  Pie, Bar,  HiLoClose, Triangular Percent,
	Regression, Pearson III, Splines, and Contours can be added. Text
	lines, curves,  and points can be interactively placed on graph.

	Data  can  be  read directly  from Lotus  worksheet  files,  PRN,
	columnar ASCII files or keyboard.  Graphs may be printed directly
	on an Epson, HP LaserJet, HP Plotter, or saved as a   Lotus   PIC
	file.  High resolution graphs can be printed or plotted using all
	the  printers  and plotters supported by Lotus 123  or  Symphony.
	The  PIC  file can also be imported into other programs  such  as
	Freelance,  Word Perfect, Word and desktop publishers for editing
	and printing.

	It is menu  driven  with  pulldown  & pushbutton selection.  After
	reading  the  command  line  and data format sections below, users
	may  not  need  to read  the  rest of this manual before starting.
	Single drive users may replace the EGraph disk with a data disk.


	Options  can be set when starting EGraph by including values  for
	setting screen foreground and background colors or auto selection
	of graphics adapter or data file.  The command line format is:

	EGRAPH,a,b,c  or  EGRAPH filename    (command line format)

	The default values used when only EGraph is entered from the  DOS
	prompt is:

	a= 1	color blue foreground
	b= 7	color white background
	c= 0	auto selection of graphics adapter, 1 for manual

	For  example, EGraph,4,7 would set red on white screen  colors
	with auto select type of graphics adapter.  Color numbers are:

	0-Black, 1-Blue, 2-Green, 3-Light Blue, 4-Red, 5-Violet, 6-Brown,
	7-White:  Add 8 to these values for brighter foreground color.


			       EGraph MENU OPTIONS


	Input  data  files can be created from any program  that  creates
	ASCII  files or from Lotus Worksheet files (WKS, WK1). Most  word
	processor programs can create ASCII files but usually is not  the
	format  in which they normally save files.  Each line of data  is
	terminated by the carriage return (ascii 13) and linefeed  (ascii
	10)  sequence.  These terminate each row of data but will not  be
	displayed when using the TYPE filename DOS command.   TAB's(ascii
	9)  are  read as 1 character and not expanded into  8  spaces  as
	displayed using the TYPE command.  You can check for TAB's  using
	the DOS command COPY /B filename CON.  This displays the file  in
	binary format on the screen and TAB's show up as little  circles.
	This  should  be  kept in mind when  telling  EGraph  where  data
	columns  are located.  The included utility program  NOTABS  will
	read  a file and replace the tabs with 8 spaces.  To  use  NOTABS
	type NOTABS infilename outfilename.

	Below  are  data files in EGraph's default data  locations  of  9
	characters  wide  starting in column 1.  If your data is  not  in
	this format or data is row wise sequential then answer "Y" to the
	Change Default width, starting column, and # of variables/row.  A
        data file can have as many  title lines as desired.  EGraph  will
	detect the beginning of data when the line contains only numbers.
	Lotus  123 users can create columnar ASCII files by using / Print
        File Range Options Margins Left 1 or 0 Other Unformatted.


	Example of 1 Y variable data file
	Title lines are ok.
	       Y1   'Y1 is not required and is used for clarity here
	    10122   'Y data without an X is useful for time series data
	    9.999   'or probability and cumulative distribution
	  1.23E-6   'scientific notation ok!

	Example of 1 X and 1 Y variable data file
	       X1       Y1
	      .99     2222
	     .999      589
	    .9999    -98.4  'X values may be user computed probabilities


	Example of 2 Y variable data file
	   Y1       Y2
	3.03333  4343.34
	1.0E-38  1.0E+38  'values from +- 10 to the 38th power.
	 2322     1231  'range limit of 1E+38

	Example of 1 X and 2 Y variable data file
	   X1       Y1       Y2
	 -233      444    3.222
	1234567 2.098456-12.34567  'up to 7 significant figures
	123456789     44.3    9.982   more are rounded: 1.2345679E+08

	Example of 2 X and 2 Y variable data file
	   X1       Y1       X2       Y2
	  obs    close       hi       lo  ''or Hi/Lo/Close
	    1   33.125       35       30
	    2       23       33     22.5
	    3     23.5       26       22

	Example of 7 X,Y sub variables
	   X1       Y1
	    1        1
	    2        2
		       'a blank or letters in Y1 or Y2 will cause
	    1        2  a start of a new line to be drawn.  This is
	    2        3  useful for displaying more than 2 lines.
			Digitized lines can be graphed as was done
	    1        3  for the map of western U.S states example.
	    2        4  Confidence limits may be read in as X2,Y2
			values with a blank line to separate upper
	    3       -6  and lower limits.  Several confidence levels
	   22       13  can be added in this manner.  Each line for
	   .1       -9  Y2 values will be graphed in a different
			color or dash style when a blank Y2 value is
	    5        8  encountered.  This allows more than 2
	    6        9  variables to be graphed with different line
			styles (see EXAMPLE3.DAT file).  # of blank
	    7        7  blank values before new line can be set
	    9        4

	   12       12
	   15        5

	The  included  utility program PRNWHAT can be used to  read  your
	original  data file and extract data into columns for  EGraph  if
	your data file is not in the above form.

	Lotus  worksheet  files  (.WKS or .WK1) may  be  read  by  simply
	entering  the entire worksheet filename with the  .WK1  extension
	and  EGraph  will know to read the file as a  Lotus  or  Symphony
	worksheet file.  You will be prompted to select a X1, Y1, X2,  or
	Y2  variable  and the worksheet range to be read  into  it.   For


	example, to read the first 20 values in column A, you would enter
	"A1..A20" as the start and end of the data range to read into the
	variable.  To read rowwise use "A1..L10" to read row A1..L1, A2..
	L2, etc.  Several  data ranges in the worksheet can be repeatedly
	selected  for  entry into one of EGraph's variables  in order  to
	graph  several data ranges.  When you save your Lotus  worksheet,
	you must remember what ranges your data to be graphed is in.

	File names may use DOS wildcard characters * and ? to help locate
	files.   B:*.dat, Test?.*, \data\project1\cost*.* are legal  file
	names.   The files matching the filename mask will  be  displayed
	and you may then select your filename choice for data reading.

	Select  FILE,  sHell  for  temporary  exit  to DOS.  Type EXIT to
	return to EGraph  from DOS.  The file COMMAND.COM that comes with
	DOS must be in your boot drive.


	Data  can  be entered or edited from the keyboard and  saved  for
	rereading.   A  blank  cell for Y1 or Y2 values  will  start  the
	beginning  of  a  new  line to be drawn so  that  100's  of  line
	segments  or variables can be graphed.  Data entry is  terminated
	by  hitting  the Escape key.  If Y2 values are entered,  you  may
	select to either graph them or use them as labels for Y1 values.

	Editing keys are:
	Escape....Exit editor
	Space.....Delete cell contents
	Insert....Insert cell in data column
	Ctrl-Y....Remove cell in data column
	Delete....Delete character
	Enter.....Enter displayed value and move down 1 cell
	Arrow.....Move left, right, down, or up 1 cell
	PageUpDn..Move 1 page
	Home......Move to top of column
	End.......Move to end of column
	F1........Swap X1-Y1 with X2-Y2
	F2........Copy pointer X-Y to other X-Y
	F3........Swap pointer X with Y
	F4........Copy X1 to X2
        F5........Undo edit
	+.........Begin Math: +x<operator>y [;N]

	Select  EDIT,  Fill  to fill a data column using start-step-stop.
	Use fill X2 to supply values for interpolation under  STATS.  For
	MATH use the editor Alt*H help screen for examples.

	PLOT: Graph Titles, Axis Labels, and Scaling:

	After the data values are edited, select PLOT, Titles, Graph type
	or Scaling for desired settings.  Press  escape  from  within one
	sub-menus to exit back to the main menu line:  Select  PLOT, Plot
	to view and edit graph.  Press  Alt*H  for help in graph editing.
	Once your  graph  is setup, you may save the current settings and


	and titles to file for future use (FILE, sAve setup).   The setup
	files may be edited outside EGraph for easy updating.

	Select PLOT, Manual scaling for setting of the X and Y axis scale
	range.  The Y axis may be inverted to graph such things as  depth
	using positive values.  Display of the X axis values may  be sup-
	pressed so that you may add your own labels.  A second Y axis for
	Y2 values may be added. Time series  plots  with  blank  rows  in
	the  Y2 column may be reset to start of the time scale for graph-
	ing several variables using a time  series X axis.   Select PLOT,
	Auto scaling to reset EGraph's default settings.

	Select PLOT, Plot to view and edit the graph.  Use the arrow keys
	to  add text, symbols, straight lines or curved lines.   You  may
	also  get the cursor coordinates.  The cursor is moved using  the
	arrow  keys  or Left Shift*Arrow keys together for  small  moves.
	After moving to a location begin entering text and terminate with
	the  Enter key.  The last line, symbol, or text type added can be
	deleted with the Delete key.  To switch type of editing to delete
	enter that  type anywhere on the screen and then proceed deleting
	that  type  one  at a  time  with the Delete key.  When finished,
	press the ESC key to exit.

	Graphic editor keys are:
	Escape...........End editing & return to main menu
	Arrow............Move cursor left, right, up, down 8 pixels
	LeftShift-Arrow..Move cursor 1 pixel
	Enter or arrow...Enter text string being added
	F1...............Add a marker
	F2...............Start and end a dashed line
	F3...............Start and end a straight line
	F4...............Mark 3 points on a curved line
	F5...............Toggle display of cursor x and y coordinates
	F6...............Increase editing color, line & marker type
	F7...............Decrease color, line & marker type
	Delete...........Delete last text, marker, or line type added

	Graph Printing and Lotus PIC Files:

	After viewing & editing the graph, select PLOT, File to print the
	graph.  The EPSON option will print your  graph as half, full, or
        manually  set  size  directly  on  an  Epson  compatible  printer
	installed  on the LPT#1 port.  Either Epson FX (9 pin) or LQ  (24
	pin)  type  compatible printer may be used.  The  HP-LaserJet  is
	also  supported directly or sent to file.  The LaserJet file  can
	be sent to a LaserJet later using  Copy /b filename PRN.

	The Lotus PIC file option creates a high resolution file that can
	be  graphed  or  plotted using Lotus'  or  Symphony's  PGRAPH.EXE
	program.   When naming your graph file add the extension .PIC  so
	PGRAPH  can locate it.  The enclosed graph examples were  plotted


	using  Lotus PGRAPH.EXE and an HP lasor printer.  Other  programs
	like Freelance, Word Perfect 5, and desktop puplishers can import
	the  PIC file for editing and printing.  Although  not  displayed
	properly in EGraph the Lotus LICS extended character codes can be
	used  as  text by holding down the ALT key  & entering  the  code
	number on the NUMBER PAD only.

	Single  floppy  disk system users should remove the  EGraph  disk
	after   loading   EGraph  and  replace  with  a data  disk.   The
	EGraph  distribution   disk does not have enough disk  space  for
	creating  graph  files.  The HPGL plotter option   requires  disk
	space  for  creating a temporary disk file before   sending   the
	graph to a plotter.


	STATS, Stats:
	Descriptive statistics for each of the variables can be displayed
	and  include  Sample  Size, Mean,  Median,  Min,  Max,  Variance,
	Std. Deviation, Std. Error of Mean, Skew, and Kurtosis.

	STATS, spLine:
	A  smooth  curve  can be fit  to X1,Y1 points by computing  X2,Y2
	points between the X1,Y1 input data points.  Examples of the  use
	of  this  spline  fitting is  for  interpolating  points  between
	rainfall depth-duration data or reservoir elevation-area-capacity
	data.   The  X2,Y2  points  are  interpolated  by  weighting  the
	tangents  of the lines connecting the X1,Y1 data input points  to
	create  a  smoother  curve through the  points.   The  number  of
	interpolated  points between input points are user defined.   The
	number of computed points between the input values is limited  to

	STATS, Interpolation:
	Interpolation & extrapolation  using  linear,  log,  & probabilty
	scaling to compute Y2 value from X1-Y1 lookup of X2 value.  Enter
	selected lookup points as X1-Y1 and use EDIT, Fill, X2 to provide
	a range of values for interpolation.

	STATS, Distributions:
	A frequency histogram will show how many of the Y1 values are  in
	a  class (interval or bin) displayed on the X axis.  All Y1  plot
	options should be set to N except Bar Graph.   A normal frequency
	curve  will be fit to the Y1 values and can be turned off  or  on
	using  the Y2 plot settings.  A better aid in checking to see  if
	your  Y1 data is normally distributed is to use Probability  with
	the  Pearson III option with 0 skew.  Normally  distributed  data
	will plot as a straight line on normal probability paper.

	The cumulative percent distribution of Y1 and Y2  values  may  be
	computed and graphed.  The formula used to compute each Y  values
	X plotting percent value is 100*Rank/N for percent of values less
	than  or  equal to and 100*(1-(Rank-1)/N) for percent  of  values
	greater than or equal to.  The X values in the original data will
	be replaced with the cumulative percentage values.  If the Spline


	or Regression options are used after the cumulative percent  then
	the X values  used will be percentages.  The cumulative distribu-
	tion is useful for viewing  how your  data is  distributed.   For
	example, daily streamflow cumulative  distribution  may be viewed
	to  see  what percent of the time  flow is below a certain value.
	Log X axis scaling or probabilty scaling may  be  used  to expand
	the lower percentage values.  Y1 and Y2  cumulative distributions
	can be graphed together for comparisons.

	Mass  curves are a cumulative sum of Y1 data usually  with  time.
	Changes  in  slope  of the mass curve can show a  change  in  the
	relation  with time.  A double mass curve is a cumulative sum  of
	both X1 and Y1 data to show changes in their relation.  Sometimes
	it  is  helpful using a double mass curve to use the  average  of
	several variables as X1 values to limit variability.   Regression
	errors plotted as a residual mass curve can help magnify  changes
	in the variables relationship.

	STATS, Regression:
	A regression line can be added to either the X1,Y1 or X2,Y2 data.
	The  regression  coefficients a and b, R  squared,  and  standard
	error  of  regression can be displayed on the  graph.   Selecting
	regression does not alter the original X,Y values.

	When   using   Log10  transforms of the Y values  (options  3-5),
	the  R squared value is for untransformed values, not log  values
	and  the standard error of regression is given in  percent.   X,Y
	data   must  be  greater than zero to compute  Log10  transforms.
	Y=a+b*X   will  be a straight line with linear axis  scaling  and
	Y=aX^b will be  a straight line with log axis scaling.  An offset
	value  e may  also be  added for regression of Y=a(X+e)^b.   This
	is  useful  for  data that is not linear on log-log  paper.   The
	offset value "e" can be selected  if  an arbitrary base or  datum
	is  known   to   have   been  added   to  the  X  range   values.
	Otherwise,  for  curved   data   sets,  the  "e"  value  can   be
	determined  by  trial and error and noting the R^2  and  Standard
	Error  values.   The  point of zero  flow  for   water  discharge
	ratings  with  arbitrary  datums  is  an  example   of regression
	of  data requiring an X offset value.

	Caution should be used in extending regressions outside the range
	of data and near zero, especially option 2, Y=a+bX+cX^2.  This is
	a parabolic curve and can reverse direction.

	The X1-Y1 regression residuals can be plotted as Y'-Y,  predicted
	Y  minus  data Y.  Error plots that show a trend or  pattern  may
	indicate the need for a different regression type or transform of
	the original data.

	STATS, Probability:
	A  normal probability graph or a log-normal probability graph  of
	the Y1 or Y2 values may be made by selecting either linear or Log
	Y  axis  scaling.  The non-exceedance probability X  axis  values
	(plotting  position)  are computed by Rank/(N+1)  and  exceedance


	values  are  computed  by  1-Rank/(N+1).  The  X  values  in  the
	original  data  set are replaced with the probability  values  if
	read.  Spline or Regression used after Probability will be  based
	on  probability X values.  Probabilities for the X axis may  also
	be  computed  by the user and read in as X values so  that  other
	plotting  position  formulas  are  possible.   Upper  and   lower
	confidence  limits  may be computed by the user and  read  in  as
	X2,Y2 values and separated with a blank line to start a new line.

	Probability graphs are similar to Cumulative Distribution  graphs
	and can be used for similar purposes.  Probability graphs can  be
	used  to  view what data lies within a given number  of  standard
	deviations.   Changes in the slope of the probability  curve  can
	show  mixed populations in the data.  Normally  distributed  data
	plots  as  a straight line on normal probability paper  and  log-
	normally distributed data plots as a straight line on  log-normal
	graph paper.

	The  Pearson or Log-Pearson Type III distribution can be  fit  to
	the Y data by computing the mean, standard deviation, and skew of
	the  Y data or Log10 transforms.  The Pearson Type III deviate  K
	for  a given probability is then computed based on the  skew  and
	the  Y for that probability is computed as  Y=mean+std.dev.*K  or
	Log10(Y)=mean+std.dev.*K.  The Pearson III distribution with zero
	skew   is   the  normal  distribution.    The   Log-Pearson   III
	distribution with zero skew is the log-normal distribution.   The
	Pearson III option does not replace any of the original X,Y data.

	The Log-Pearson Type III distribution is used extensively in low-
	flow  and  flood  frequency  hydrologic  analysis.   A   complete
	frequency  analysis  program  using  the  Log-Pearson  Type   III
	distribution  is  available  from Great  Basin  Associates.   The
	Pearson  III  distribution may fit the Y data  better  when  high
	negative skew is found by the Log-Pearson III (data more normally
	distributed).   Some  annual series such as  high  15-day  runoff
	volume  may be more normally distributed and fit better with  the
	normal distribution.


	The  Y1  and Y2 values may be graphed as an  evenly  spaced  time
	series.   The X1 or X2 values are not needed and are  changed  if
	read.   The  general  time series can be used to graph any evenly
	spaced  data.

	Contour & Surface Plots of X,Y,Z data:

	The  included utility program CONTOUR.EXE may be used  to  create
	contour & surface plots with EGraph.  CONTOUR  reads  random  X,Y


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Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #3099

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

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