PCjs Machines

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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #3033)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5170" to load....


Disk No: 3033
Disk Title: DOS-Joke
PC-SIG Version: S1

Program Title: DOS-Joke
Author Version: 1.7
Author Registration: $14.90
Special Requirements: Graphics monitor (EGA/VGA recommended). Hard drive

It sure looks like a usual computer with the DOS "C:" prompt on the
screen, but it sounds as if it has flatulence! This is no normal
computer; it's a computer with DOS-JOKE installed. Once you run
DOS-JOKE, it displays the standard DOS prompt, but it's ready for fun.
As with other DOS prompt practical joke programs, it displays
smart-aleck remarks when the user types something in. DOS-JOKE is unique
because it uses your built-in speaker to also "speak" the jokes. It
includes remarks, music, noises (a phone ringing), and noises of a
deeply personal nature-but those are probably the things that practical
jokers enjoy the most. You can even set it to go off at regular
intervals during your absence. It's a wacky program, but be warned that
some people may be offended by some of its actions. You have to decide
if that's good or bad.

1030D East Duane Avenue
Sunnyvale  Ca. 94086
(408) 730-9291
(c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.



			 PC-TALK  (THE SPEECH LIBRARY)              Vers 2.1

  PC-TALK (THE SPEECH LIBRARY) is a NEW product for business and personal
  applications. The library consist of several words/phrases that can be
  used in all sorts of applications. There is no special hardware need to
  use the SPEECH LIBRARY (excellent speech quality that works thru your PC
  speaker).  The speech commands can be put in any batch file (*.bat) and
  added to your programs/menus. This package is very easy to use, you simply
  need to type PC-TALK at the dos prompt, followed by the words/phrases you
  would like to say (example: to say HELLO WELCOME, type in "PC-TALK HELLO
  WELCOME"). Also included in this package is PCX display program that you
  can use to create your own TALKING SLIDESHOW for PRESENTATIONS, PRODUCT
  DEMO'S and TUTORIALS.  When you register, you will receive a complete
  speech library with over 1,000,000 bytes(3 disk) of speech, music and
  sound effects .


        * SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS:  256K memory,  one floppy
          disk and any  monitor. (hard disk recommended)

        * Designed to work on any IBM-PC Compatible.

	* Type "RUNME" to start the TUTORIAL program.

        * NOW THE PC CAN TALK.
        * Please register your shareware by sending $29.50 to:

                     CREATIVE SOFTWARE SOUNDS INC.
                              C.S.S.  Inc.
                           3005 Glenmore Ave.
			  Baltimore, MD 21214
			    (410) 665-0193                     ASP MEMBER

	   CALL toll free  1-800-847-0309  for CREDIT CARD ORDERS.




			 PC-TALK  (THE SPEECH LIBRARY)              Vers 2.1

  PC-TALK (THE SPEECH LIBRARY) is a NEW product for business and personal
  applications. The library consist of several words/phrases that can be
  used in all sorts of applications. There is no special hardware need to
  use the SPEECH LIBRARY (excellent speech quality that works thru your PC
  speaker).  The speech commands can be put in any batch file (*.bat) and
  added to your programs/menus. This package is very easy to use, you simply
  need to type PC-TALK at the dos prompt, followed by the words/phrases you
  would like to say (example: to say HELLO WELCOME, type in "PC-TALK HELLO
  WELCOME"). Also included in this package is PCX display program that you
  can use to create your own TALKING SLIDESHOW for PRESENTATIONS, PRODUCT
  DEMO'S and TUTORIALS.  When you register, you will receive a complete
  speech library with over 1,000,000 bytes(3 disk) of speech, music and
  sound effects .


        * SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS:  256K memory,  one floppy
          disk and any  monitor. (hard disk recommended)

        * Designed to work on any IBM-PC Compatible.

	* Type "RUNME" to start the TUTORIAL program.

        * NOW THE PC CAN TALK.
        * Please register your shareware by sending $29.50 to:

                     CREATIVE SOFTWARE SOUNDS INC.
                              C.S.S.  Inc.
                           3005 Glenmore Ave.
			  Baltimore, MD 21214
			    (410) 665-0193                     ASP MEMBER

	   CALL toll free  1-800-847-0309  for CREDIT CARD ORDERS.


Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #3033

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

RUNME    BAT      1550   2-21-92  11:12a
DOS-JOKE DOC     22815   2-21-92  11:12a
DOS-JOKE EXE     43742   2-21-92  11:12a
DOS-JOKE SLB    125691   2-21-92  11:12a
GO       BAT        30   2-21-92  11:12a
ORDER    FRM      1553   2-21-92  11:12a
PRINTDOC BAT       188   2-21-92  11:12a
FILE3033 TXT      2073   6-30-92   9:17a
PC-TALK      <DIR>
        9 file(s)     197642 bytes

 Directory of A:\PC-TALK

.            <DIR>
..           <DIR>
README   DOC      1867   2-14-92   1:51p
RUNME    BAT       128   2-14-92   1:51p
TUTOR    BAT     12518   2-14-92   1:51p
PC-TALK  DOC     23104   2-14-92   1:51p
PC-TALK  EXE     12096   2-14-92   1:51p
BIGPAUSE BAT        80   2-14-92   1:51p
CANDID   BAT       492   2-14-92   2:08p
GO       BAT        30   2-14-92   1:51p
MAKE-BAT BAT      1459   2-14-92   1:51p
ORDER    FRM      1565   2-14-92   1:51p
PHONE    BAT       246   2-14-92   1:51p
AFTERNOO          2048   2-14-92   1:51p
BIRTHDAY          1664   2-14-92   1:51p
BUSS             14336   2-14-92   1:51p
CHRISTMA          1664   2-14-92   1:51p
ESC               5119   2-14-92   1:51p
EXIT              1024   2-14-92   1:51p
FORHELP           2560   2-14-92   1:51p
GETME             6272   2-14-92   1:51p
GOODLOOK          2432   2-14-92   1:51p
HAPPY             1408   2-14-92   1:51p
HELLO             1279   2-14-92   1:51p
HELPME            6656   2-14-92   1:51p
MENU              6528   2-14-92   1:51p
MERRY             1408   2-14-92   1:51p
NEWYEAR           1792   2-14-92   1:51p
PAUSE             2276   2-14-92   1:51p
PHONERIN          3968   2-14-92   1:51p
PLEASE            1599   2-14-92   1:51p
PRESSF1           3456   2-14-92   1:51p
REGFEMAL          4416   2-14-92   1:51p
RETRY             1664   2-14-92   1:51p
TALKWELC          4991   2-14-92   1:51p
THANKYOU          1665   2-14-92   1:51p
WELCOME           1152   2-14-92   1:51p
WHISTLE           3072   2-14-92   1:51p
       38 file(s)     138034 bytes

Total files listed:
       47 file(s)     335676 bytes
                        2048 bytes free