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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #3005)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5170" to load....


Disk No: 3005
Disk Title: WordCruncher 1 of 2 (also 3015)
PC-SIG Version: S1.0

Program Title: WordCruncher
Author Version: 4.50
Author Registration: $47.00
Special Requirements: A hard disk drive.

Add WORDCRUNCHER to the list of high-quality commercial software
programs now offered as shareware.  WORDCRUNCHER is a full- featured,
text retrieval program suitable for even the biggest jobs. If you
have a large body of text, and you want to be able to browse, search,
and even organize for computer access, consider WordCruncher for the

WORDCRUNCHER comes in two parts: Index and View.  The WORDCRUNCHER
Index portion takes a standard ASCII text file and indexes it on every
word.  Indexing on every word means it records where every single
word in the text occurs.  Once a text file is indexed, the View portion
lets you specify a single word or combination of words to search for
in the original text file, and jump directly to every place in the
text file that the word appears.  View also lets you browse through
the text or locate other words with new searches.

WORDCRUNCHER was originally developed for academic study, but is suited
to books or manuals whose use can benefit from random searching.  Its
most obvious use is for electronic versions of technical manuals.  With
a WORDCRUNCHER version of a manual, users could quickly search and
locate any word and topic.  Clear text presentation, highlighted search
hits, and informational headers make text retrieval very manageable,
without programming.

WORDCRUNCHER can handle the biggest jobs, and is routinely used
on CD-ROM-based products.  This is an industrial-strength program.

1030D East Duane Avenue
Sunnyvale  Ca. 94086
(408) 730-9291
(c) Copyright 1992 PC-SIG, Inc.


  ║      <<<<  PC-SIG Disk #3005 WORDCRUNCHER 1/2 (also #3015)  >>>>        ║
  ║ To install the WordCruncher you must decopress both diskettes onto      ║
  ║ your hard drive.                                                        ║
  ║                                                                         ║
  ║      To install, type:       C:\           (press Enter)                ║
  ║                              MD WC         (press Enter)                ║
  ║                              CD WC         (press Enter)                ║
  ║                              COPY A:.      (press Enter)                ║
  ║                                                                         ║
  ║ Insert disk #2, and Type:    COPY A:.      (press Enter)                ║
  ║                              PKZ WCSHARE1.ZIP    (press Enter)          ║
  ║                              PKZ WCSHARE2.ZIP    (press Enter)          ║
  ║                                                                         ║
  ║ To start the program, type:  WCVSHARE     (press Enter)                 ║
  ║                                                                         ║
  ║                                           Copyright 1992, PC-SIG, Inc.  ║


                          =  GENERAL INFORMATION  =

Usage:	Text Indexing, Retrieval and Analysis - Electronic Publishing

Special Requirements:	Hard Disk, 640K

How to Start:	Type "WCISHARE" for Index, "WCVSHARE" for View

Tutorials:	Includes multi-lesson tutorials for both View and Index which
		can be imported into your word processor and printed -- see

Directory & File Descriptions:

WCSHARE Directory
BARABIC.BYC	Arabic Character Sort Table
BDANISH.BYC	Danish Character Sort Table
BENGLISH.BYC	English Character Sort Table
BFRENCH.BYC	French Character Sort Table
BGERMAN.BYC	German Character Sort Table
BSPANISH.BYC	Spanish Character Sort Table
WCISHARE.BYM	Index processing message file
WCISHARE.EXE	Indexing Program
WCVATRB.BYS	Attribute File
WCVATRB.BYK	Attribute File Backup
WCVSHARE.EXE	Viewing Program

DOC Subdirectory
INFO.DOC	General Information on WordCruncher Share
WCVLEARN.DOC	View Tutorial
WCILEARN.DOC	Index Tutorial
ORDER.DOC	Ordering Information
LICENSE.DOC	License Information
QUICKREF.DOC	View Quick Reference Summary

MANUAL Subdirectory (The BYA, BYC, BYU, and BYX files were created by WCIShare)
WCMANUAL.BYA	WCSHARE Reference Manual Abbreviation File
WCMANUAL.BYB	WCSHARE Reference Manual Text File
WCMANUAL.BYC	WCSHARE Reference Manual Language Character Sort File
WCMANUAL.BYU	WCSHARE Reference Manual Attribute File
WCMANUAL.BYX	WCSHARE Reference Manual Index File

TUTOR Subdirectory
Files used in tutorials

                          =   SOFTWARE OVERVIEW   =

WCShare is the Shareware version of a robust, mature text retrieval and
analysis program for the PC: WordCruncher. This program is fully documented
(See WCMANUAL).  This program is designed for many text retrieval uses,
especially Electronic Publishing. WordCruncher includes two programs:

	1)	WCISHARE "indexes" data
	2)	WCVSHARE retrieves text from DOS text files.

                         =  ELECTRONIC PUBLISHING  =

WCVSHARE allows you to create an electronic book, then bundle a "run-time"
copy of WCVShare with your text. This is an economical method for distributing
electronic texts which benefit from access by a text retrieval program. A quick
look at how WordCruncher works and what it does:

                               =  INDEXING  =

	With WCISHARE, each word in a text is catalogued and alphabetically
sorted into a WordCruncher Index. The location of every occurrence of every
word becomes a part of the index. The result is a detailed electronic
"roadmap" of a text that makes possible sophisticated search combinations
of large documents with amazing speed.

	Existing electronic texts require very little preparation before
processing with WCISHARE. A simple set of markup codes allow electronic texts
to be structured in a manner similar to their paper counterparts, e.g. Title,
Section, Paragraph; Book, Chapter, Verse; Chapter, Page, Paragraph.

	WordCruncher allows indexing of documents in many foreign languages.
Users are able to define the proper sorting sequence of characters, such as
umlauts in German, accents in French, the "ch" in Spanish, etc.

                                =  VIEWING  =

	With WordCruncher's WCView, data can be retrieved according to a set of
user-defined parameters from large documents. With WCView, you can launch
searches according to flexible parameters that you define, using:

	+	single words
	+	combinations or lists of words
	+	substrings, such as a suffix or stem
	+	combinations of word lists
	+	boolean operators (and, or, but not)
	+	proximity (within "n" characters)

	+	Help displays are available throughout.
	+	WordCruncher is fast! Even in very large documents,
		it generally takes only a second or two to located every
		reference you're looking for - no matter how obscure - and
		display it on your computer screen in context.
	+	References can be displayed in windows with as much or as
		little surrounding text as required. Fill the whole screen
		with text if necessary, and page forward or backward through
		the document.

                                  = MANIPULATING =

        The WCVShare version of WordCruncher does not include the cut and paste
functions available in WCView software. Registered users receive a copy of
WCView with which they can manipulate the text in any number of ways. Print
data immediately, save it in a DOS text file, or place it in a temporary file
such as the WordPerfect Office Clipboard provides. Print or save:

	+	Specific blocks of text.
	+	A list of just the locations of your "hits"
	+	A report containing a certain number of lines of text
		around your hit, or the complete paragraph or verse.
	+	Book style indexes.
	+	Keyword (KWIC) concordances of words or phrases.

                            =  HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS  =

	+	IBM compatible personal computer.
	+	640K of internal RAM
	+	One 5.25" and/or one 3.5" disk drive.
	+	MS-DOS or PC-DOS Version 2.1 or later.
	+	A hard disk drive with enough space to accomodate your texts.


        "WordCruncher has been developed into one of the most powerful
analytical tools in a scholar's kitbag ... In fact, businessmen and
professionals of all kinds are likely to find it an invaluable tool."

                                           Chicago Sun-Times

        "WordCruncher indexes text files ranging in size from the miniscule
to the humongous and retrieves data in the twinkling of a cursor."

                                           PC Magazine

        "WordCruncher performs functions that formerly were possible only
with mainframe computer programs .. If you need text retrieval software, this
program is outstanding."

                                           Byte Magazine

                        = WHO USES WORDCRUNCHER AND HOW =

	A multi-national corporation has accounting offices throughout
the world. Detailed policies and procedures governing the financial
adminstration of the company are updated on a regular basis. The corporation
replaces their old paper manuals with CD-ROMs which include both the indexed
manuals and WordCruncher.

	A high school teacher in Long Island introduces his students to a new
way of studying Shakespeare. They "own" words, seeing how the Bard used a
particular word or image in a specific play, or throughout all his works. The
end result  -- better papers, excited students, more learning.

	A political science major is comparing the various campaign platforms
of several democratic contenders for the 1988 Presidential nomination. He
indexes all their speeches and position papers, then uses WordCruncher to
compare them on specific issues.

	A scientific society publishes their ten year index using the
WordCruncher Publishers ToolKit.


                               JOHNSTON & COMPANY
                                 P.O. Box 446
                            American Fork, UT 84003
                         (801) 756-1111, Fax 756-0242

	While it may be true that we are living in the Information Age, it is
equally true that we are more adept at generating information that we are at
keeping track of it. Business, education, industry and government are now
distributing information in electronic form that once was delivered on paper.

	Large texts are like haystacks, and the bits of information you're
looking for are the proverbial needles hiding somewhere inside. Traditionally,
finding these needles of information demanded tedious searches through
incomplete indexes, or frustrating "thumb-searches" though page after page
of printed matter.

	Electronic Publishing is a new and rapidly growing industry.
Johnston & Company has participated in hundreds of electronic publishing
projects, ranging from the Federal Acquisition Regulations to the
Riverside Shakespeare.

	Many text retrieval software companies have emerged, and Johnston &
Company reviews, analyzes, and understands the different programs,
technologies and approaches. There is no single program which satisfies all
the needs of the vast array of electronic publishing projects.

	If you or your company feels that Electronic Publishing may be an
important part of your future, let us help you initiate your investigation
into the world of electronic publishing and text retrieval.


Information on Site & Distribution Licenses and Custom Versions



This is a license for use of the software within your company or
goverment agency, and is not transferable.  This allows internal
use and copying of the software for as many sites / computers as
contracted for.  (See the ORDER FORM for Site License price
schedule).  An unlimited Site License allows unlimited copying
of the software for internal use by your company or government
agency.  Distributing, repackaging, or reselling of the software
to third parties is not allowed, except in the case of computerized
book distribution when WCVShare Run-Time is included with the text.
All licenses are prepaid.


Commercial and Governmental Use
This allows distribution of the WCVSHARE Run-Time software with
computerized book(s) that are distributed by your company or
government agency. (Please note that if you create a computerized book
using the WCShare program, you will need a license, since you would be
sending out WCSHARE code in the form of the .BYX, .BYA, and .BYC files,
and the WCVShare Run-time software included with with your book(s).)
This license is non-exclusive and non-transferable.  Please complete the
Sample Publisher's License Agreement and return the with the order form and
specify the Publisher's Version of WCShare. All licenses are prepaid.

Private Use
This license is not necessary for clubs or user groups distributing
the software on a SHAREWARE basis, providing that the entire
WCSHARE package with accompanying documentation files is
included in the distribution, and no more than a nominal fee (not to
exceed $10) is charged for such distribution.

Availability of Source Code
It is the policy of Johnston & Company not to release source code of
its products.

                         JOHNSTON & COMPANY
                           P.O. BOX 446
                    AMERICAN FORK, UT 84003-0446

Voice (801) 756-1111
FAX   (801) 756-0242

JOHNSTON & COMPANY hereby grants [ORGANIZATION NAME] a site license for
[NUMBER OF SITES/COMPUTERS LICENSED] computers for the use of the
following software programs:  [WCSHARE PRODUCTS LICENSED].

This is a perpetual license for the use of the software within your
company, and is not transferable.  This license allows internal use and
copying of the software by as many users/ machines as contracted for.
Distribution, repackaging, or reselling of the software, to third
parties is not allowed, except in the case of computerized book
distribution when WCVShare Run-Time is included with the text.
All licenses are prepaid.

The LICENSOR warrants that it has full power and authority to grant this
license herein.

JOHNSTON & COMPANY hereby disclaims all warranties relating to this software,
whether express or implied, including without limitation any implied
warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
JOHNSTON & COMPANY will not be liable for any special, incidental,
consequential, indirect or similar damages due to loss of data or any other
reason, even if JOHNSTON & COMPANY or an agent of JOHNSTON & COMPANY has been
advised of the possibility of such damages.  In no event shall JOHNSTON &
COMPANY's liability for any damages ever exceed the price paid for the
license to use the software, regardless of the form of the claim.  The person
using the software bears all risk as to the quality and performance of the

This agreement shall be construed and enforced in accordance with the
laws of the STATE OF UTAH.  Any action or proceeding brought by
either party against the other arising out of or related to this
agreement shall be brought only in a STATE or FEDERAL COURT of competent
jurisdiction located in Salt Lake City, Utah. The parties hereby
consent to in personam jurisdiction of said courts.


AUTHORIZED  SIGNATURE:   _____________________________________

TITLE: _______________________         DATE: _______________


TITLE:  President               DATE: ______________________SAMPLE PUBLISHERS LICENSE AGREEMENT

                         JOHNSTON & COMPANY
                           P.O. BOX 446
                    AMERICAN FORK, UT 84003-0446

Voice (801) 756-1111
FAX   (801) 756-0242

This agreement entered into, by and between JOHNSTON & COMPANY, INC.,
located at P.O. Box 446, American Fork, UT 84003-0446, USA (herein after
located at <ADDRESS, CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE> (herein after referred to as

This contract allows LICENSEE to DISTRIBUTE the program(s) developed
by LICENSOR referred to as WCVSHARE RUN-TIME with computerized books
developed by LICENSEE.  This perpetual license of the WCSHARE software
shall pay LICENSOR a one time fee of US $100.00 in exchange for said license.
and stipulates that the entire WCVSHARE RUN-TIME package with accompanying
documentation and tutorial files is included in the distribution.

The LICENSOR warrants that it has full power and authority to grant this
license herein.

JOHNSTON & COMPANY hereby disclaims all warranties relating to this software,
whether express or implied, including without limitation any implied
warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
JOHNSTON & COMPANY will not be liable for any special, incidental,
consequential, indirect or similar damages due to loss of data or any other
reason, even if JOHNSTON & COMPANY or an agent of JOHNSTON & COMPANY has been
advised of the possibility of such damages.  In no event shall JOHNSTON &
COMPANY's liability for any damages ever exceed the price paid for the
license to use the software, regardless of the form of the claim.  The person
using the software bears all risk as to the quality and performance of the

This agreement shall be construed and enforced in accordance with the
laws of the STATE OF UTAH. Any action or proceeding brought by either party
against the other arising out of or related to this agreement shall be brought
only in a STATE or FEDERAL COURT of competent jurisdiction located in
Salt Lake City, Utah. The parties hereby consent to in personam jurisdiction
of said courts.

This agreement can only be modified by mutual written consent of both


_________________________________________  _________________
AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE                             DATE


_________________________________________  _________________
JOHNSTON & COMPANY, INC.                         DATE


You can order or register WCSHARE products by MasterCard or Visa!

To register with MasterCard or Visa, please fill out the information
requested below and the enclosed order form.

MasterCard ______ or Visa ______

Card Number _________________________________________________________

Expiration Date _____________

Card Holder's Signature REQUIRED ____________________________________

TO:                           FROM:

Johnston & Company            Name: __________________________________
P.O. Box 446
American Fork, UT 84003  (Company): __________________________________

801-756-1111 Voice         (Title): __________________________________
801-756-0242 Fax
                	   Address: __________________________________
date: ___________       City,State: __________________________________
                                                              Zip Code
			   Country: _________________________

		      Phone Number: _________________________

WCSHARE (Includes WCVShare and WCIShare) User Registration for MS-DOS:
Includes WCVShare Upgrade to WCView, Printed Index Documentation

    Diskette set with programs and documentation files .. $47.    ______
    Site license for the use of WCVSHARE & WCISHARE
    (Includes one diskette set with program disk & documentation.)
    2 to   9 computers ..... at $36 each    # computers ___x 36   ______
   10 to  24 computers ..... at $28 each    # computers ___x 28   ______
   25 to  49 computers ..... at $22 each    # computers ___x 22   ______
   50 to  99 computers ..... at $16 each    # computers ___x 16   ______
  100 to 149 computers ..... at $12 each    # computers ___x 12   ______
  150 to 199 computers ..... at $11 each    # computers ___x 11   ______
  200 or more computers .... $2000 one time fee                   ______

Diskette format (choose one)     5.25" disk ____    3.5" disk ____

Extra program disk & documentation with purchase of
site licenses of 2 or more available at $8.00 each.     ___x  8   ______

WCVSHARE VIEW Run-Time Registration for MS-DOS:
(Includes Upgrade to WCView)

    Diskette with programs and documentation files ...... $35.    ______
    Commercial site license for the use of WCSHARE.
    (Includes one diskette set with programs & documentation files.)
     2 to  9 computers ..... at $30 each    # computers ___x 30   ______
    10 to 24 computers ..... at $25 each    # computers ___x 25   ______
    25 to 49 computers ..... at $20 each    # computers ___x 20   ______
    50 to 99 computers ..... at $15 each    # computers ___x 15   ______
    100 or more computers .. $1000 one time fee                   ______

Diskette format (choose one)     5.25" disk ____    3.5" disk ____

Extra program disk & documentation with purchase of
site licenses of 2 or more available at $7.00 each.     ___x  7   ______

WCSHARE PUBLISHER Registration (includes WCCMPRS Compression
SPLIT/INSTALL Programs, and replicable WCVShare Run-time Disk),
- Note: Publisher Version allows distribution of computerized
books with WCVShare Run Time ONLY.

  * Diskette with programs and documentation files ......$100.    ______
  * Site license for the use of WCSHARE, WCCMPRS, WCSPLIT
    (Includes one diskette set with program disk & documentation.)
    2 to   9 computers ..... at $85 each    # computers ___x 85   ______
   10 to  24 computers ..... at $70 each    # computers ___x 70   ______
   25 to  49 computers ..... at $55 each    # computers ___x 55   ______
   50 to  99 computers ..... at $40 each    # computers ___x 40   ______
  100 or more computers .... $2500 one time fee                   ______

Diskette format (choose one)     5.25" disk ____    3.5" disk ____

Extra program disk & documentation with purhcase of
site licenses of 2 or more available at $8.00 each.     ___x  8   ______

Please add $5.00 for shipping & handling for each
package.                                         ___x $5.00/10.00 ______
(Please add $10.00 per package for overseas

Utah residents add 5% sales tax.                                  ______

					Total enclosed            ______

  MasterCard, Visa, Check or Money Order drawn on a U.S.A. bank in U.S.
  funds.  Corporate Purchase orders (net 30) accepted for software from
  large corporations within the USA & Canada.  All licenses are prepaid
  only.  All orders outside of the United States & Canada must be prepaid.

* Includes a free upgrade to the next version of the software, when



BookShelf (return to)                          [F5]
Bookmarks                                      [Alt]+[=]
Change Menu                                    [Ctrl]+[F4]
Citation Control                               [Shift]+[F4]
Color Set (monitor setting)                    [Shift]+[F8]
Combine Word Lists                             [F2]
Display Colors                                 [F8]
Duplicate References (delete)                  [Shift]+[Del]
Duplicate References (set criteria)            [2] (at Reference List display)
Exit Program                                   [Shift]+[F10]
Frequency Distribution                         [1] (at Reference List display)
Function Key Help                              [Shift]+[F9]
Help Screens                                   [F9]
List Files                                     [Shift]+[F5]
Main Menu (return to)                          [Alt]+F10]
Next Display (go to)                           [Enter]
Previous Display (return to)                   [Esc]
Print & TextOut                                [F6]
Restore Selected Reference List                [Ctrl]+[F3]
Retrieve Saved Reference List                  [Alt]+[F6]
Save Reference List                            [Shift]+[F6]
Search Bounds                                  [Alt]+[=]
Search Bounds (on/off)                         [Ctrl]+[Home]
View Selected Reference List                   [Shift]+[Ins]
Tunes                                          [Alt]+[F8]

TO START WCVSHARE:                             TO EXIT WCVSHARE:
=================                              =================
Type "wcvshare"                                Press [Shift]+[F10]

Insert Book:                                   Select Book:
Press [Ins].                                   Highlight or type title and press [Enter].
Specify drive path and press [Enter].          Remove Book:
Highlight title and press [Enter].             Highlight title and press [Del].

MAIN MENU                                      SELECT REFERENCE
=========                                      ================
To look up words, press [1] or [Enter].        At Main Menu, press [2].
To look up a reference, press [2].             Use up/down arrows to select a reference, press [Enter].

Printing a Screen: Press [Ctrl]+[Print Screen]
At BookShelf display, select a book.
At Main Menu, press [1].

To correct typing error                        [BackSpace]
To return to beginning of word                 [Ctrl]+[BckSpace]
To reposition cursor within word               Right/Left Arrows

To Look Up:                                    Use:
A single word                                  [Enter]
An exact phrase                                [Space]
A partial phrase                               [Alt]+[Space]
Words in the same paragraph                    [Shift]+[Space]
Words in the same window                       [Ctrl]+[Space]
Related words                                  [Ins]
Words with same prefix                         [prefix][*]
Words with same substring                      [*][substring][*]
Words with same suffix                         [*][suffix][.] (Use the asterisk found near the keypad.)
To combine two word lists                      [F2]

Press [Enter] to go to Reference List display.
Press [Enter] again to go to Expanded Window display.

==============================                 ======================
Move to next display           [Enter]         BookShelf, Word List, or Reference List:
Return to previous display     [Esc]           Up/Down one entry                      Up/Down Arrows
Return to Main Menu            [Alt]+[F10]     Up/Down one page                       [PgUp]/[PgDn]
Return to BookShelf display    [F5]            Beginning/End of list                  [Home]/[End]
View Help display              [F9]            At BookShelf display or Word List, you also may type
                                               book title or word.

Up/Down one line                               Up/Down Arrows
Previous/Next third-level code                 [Home]/[End]
Previous/Next second-level code                [Shift]+[Home]/[End]
Previous/Next first-level code                 [Ctrl]+[Home]/[End]
Beginning/End of computer book                 [Alt]+[Home]/[End]

Positioning the Cursor:
Left/Right one word                            Left/Right Arrows
Left/Right edge of screen                      [Shift]+Left/Right Arrows
Top/Bottom edge of screen                      [Shift]+Up/Down Arrows
Beginning of next line                         [Enter]

Distributed by:
Johnston & Company
Electronic Publishers
Post Office Box 446
American Fork, UT 84003
Voice (801) 756-1111, Fax 756-0242


Technical support is offered for WordCruncher Share in two different ways:

1. Voice Support

        WCShare registered users receive 60 days of free voice support.
        You can call (801)-756-1111 between the hours of 1:00pm and
        4:00pm MST for help with WCShare during the first 60 days after
        you purchase WCShare.  Voice support will not be available unless
        your registration card is on file with Johnston & Company.
        After 60 days if you desire voice support then you will be
        billed at the rate of $25.00 for each 15 minutes, with a 15
        minute minimum.  This is payable by Master Card or Visa only.
        Please have your card number available when calling technical
        support after expiration of your 60 day time period.

2. FAX Support

        FAX support is also free for the first 60 days.  After your 60
        day support period has expired there will be a flat rate of
        $10.00 per FAX.  Payable via Master Card or Visa only.  Please
        include your card number on your FAX after the expiration of
        your 60 day time period.

3. Contract Support

        Contract support can be purchased by companies that have site
        license agreements with Johnston & Company or have multiple
        installations of WCShare within the comapny. If you need support,
        give us a call or send us a FAX today for a quote on your
        particular situation.

5. Phone Numbers

        Voice Technical Support - 801-756-1111  1:00pm - 4:00pm MST
        FAX - 801-756-0242  24 hours

Thank You,

Johnston & Company

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #3005

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

WCSHARE1 ZIP    342386   2-12-92  11:21a
GO       BAT        28   1-07-92  11:42a
FILE3005 TXT      3035   4-21-92  10:37a
GO       TXT      1501   4-21-92   3:05p
        4 file(s)     346950 bytes
                       13312 bytes free