PCjs Machines

Home of the original IBM PC emulator for browsers.


PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #2995)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5170" to load....


Disk No: 2995                                                           
Disk Title: Odyssey                                                     
PC-SIG Version: S1.0                                                    
Program Title: Odyssey                                                  
Author Version: 1.5                                                     
Author Registration: $99.00                                             
Special Requirements: Hard drive and a modem.                           
ODYSSEY is a communications program that brings some interesting        
features into a category of software dominated by a few big names.  Like
all the others, Odyssey provides DEC VT100 and VT320 (including         
132-column) emulation; ANSI, CompuServe B+, SuperKermit, Xmodem,        
Xmodem-1k, Ymodem, Ymodem batch, and Ymodem-g batch communications      
protocol.  In addition, it provides the super-fast Zmodem transfer      
Some interesting features include support for the MNP level 2, 4, and 5,
specifications for error correction and data compression.  Use of MNP   
can double the effective speed of your modem.  Normally these           
capabilities are added to the modem at a significant price premium.  Now
any modem can use them.                                                 
Probably the most unique feature is its ability to conduct file         
transfers in the background.  This lets you exit the communications     
program, and continue working with other programs as file transfers are 
conducted.  ODYSSEY also provides 43/50 line support, and supports COM1 
to COM8.  It supports the 16550 UART chip; has a full Pascal-like script
language with learn mode, and includes a full dialing directory with    
spreadsheet-like editing.                                               
A British version is available which includes Prestel/Viewdata          
1030D East Duane Avenue                                                 
Sunnyvale  Ca. 94086                                                    
(408) 730-9291                                                          
(c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.                                         


║                 <<<<  PC-SIG Disk #2995 ODYSSEY  >>>>                   ║
║  To print installation instructions, type:                              ║
║                                                                         ║
║        COPY README.TXT PRN  (press Enter)                               ║
║                                                                         ║
║                                                                         ║
║                                           Copyright 1992, PC-SIG, Inc.  ║


*                                                                       *
*   ------------------------------------------------------------        *
*   Copyright (C) 1991,              Don Milne and Micropack Ltd        *
*                                                                       *


If you downloaded Odyssey Shareware Version from a BBS, then it probably
came as a file called ODY150SH.ZIP, and contained the following files:-

         ODY150SH.LZH     - The Odyssey Shareware Program - archived.
         INSTALL.EXE      - Odyssey Installation Program.
         README.TXT       - You are reading it now.

You may if you wish now unpack the LZH file using LHARC, however the
reason for packing the files in this way is to make it easier for you to
install, using the supplied installation program, which will also create
the necessary configuration files etc. Here's how to to use the install

    1. Change to the drive/directory containing the above files.
    2. run INSTALL.

For example, if the files came on a floppy, then (pressing <Enter> after
each line) :-

      a:                           -- change to your floppy drive.
      install                      -- start the install program.

INSTALL will ask you for any details it requires during installation, such
as what drive and directory to use, what port your modem is connected to,
etc. It does NOT change your CONFIG.SYS, AUTOEXEC.BAT or do any other
strange tricks. When it's done you are ready to go. Enjoy your evaluation
period! Remember to read ODY150SH.DOC for summarised info on using the


LEGALESE (short version).

This package is a SHAREWARE distribution version of the Odyssey
Communications program. It has been provided to allow you to fully
evaluate the usefulness of the Odyssey package BEFORE spending your hard
earned pennies.

Please remember that SHAREWARE does NOT mean "Free Software", and it most
certainly does NOT mean that Odyssey is in the public domain. The purpose
of the Odyssey shareware version is solely to allow you to decide whether
or not Odyssey meets your needs. If it does, then we expect you to pay for
it! If you downloaded the package from a BBS, then you have not paid for
it, whether or not the BBS has connect charges. If you got the program
from a disk library, then you have NOT paid for Odyssey - you only paid
for the disk.

You are hereby granted a limited license to use and evaluate Odyssey
Shareware Version for 30 days. If at the end of that time you no longer
wish to use Odyssey then either remove it from your PC, or give it away.
If you continue to use it you MUST register your copy with Software Co-op.

You may not include the shareware version of Odyssey with any other
product, whether hardware or software, without specific permission in
writing from Software Co-op or the authors. For example, you may not
bundle Odyssey Shareware Version on a disk with any computer you sell, nor
may you include it with any software you distribute, whether or not that
software is paid for.

Permissions to distribute Odyssey Shareware Version are found in the file
DISTRIB.DOC after you install Odyssey.


REGISTRATION (short version).

Full registration information is contained in LICENSE.DOC after you
install Odyssey.

To summarize that information:

Registration fee: $99.00

For that registration you will receive a disk with the latest version, the
300 page printed manual, notice of updates, voice and BBS support, a
script compiler, an editor configuration utility, and a dialing directory
conversion program.

Software Co-op                  Outside North America contact:
5437 Honey Manor Dr
Indianapolis, IN 46241                     Shareware Publishing
USA                                        3a Queen Street
317-856-6052                               Devon EX12 2NY
76635,1670 (CIS)

317-856-2087 (PBS-BBS - Join Conference 1)

76635.1670@compuserve.com (Telenet)

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #2995

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

RUNFIRST BAT        35  12-01-91   8:03p
README   TXT      4531  12-01-91   5:53p
VIEWER   COM      2432   1-01-80   1:02a
INSTALL  EXE     15918  10-17-91   4:32p
ODY150SH LZH    292618  12-02-91   1:49p
FILE2995 TXT      2961   4-28-92   4:21p
GO       BAT        38   1-31-91  12:58a
GO       TXT       770   4-28-92   2:19a
        8 file(s)     319303 bytes
                       38912 bytes free