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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #2974)

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        T h e  P C - S I G  L i b r a r y  o n  C D - R O M


This may well be the greatest collection of software ever compiled.

The PC-SIG Library on CD-ROM is our premier collection of the entire
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Whether you're interested in Accounting or Windows, there's a shareware
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Winner of the Optical Publishing Assn's Best Consumer Product Award.

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For Immediate Release

today announced availability of The Eleventh Edition of the PC-SIG Library
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shareware and includes more than 300 new programs, 550 updated programs,
and the addition of 75 megabytes of Windows 3.x shareware.  The
user-interface has been completely re-engineered to take advantage of the
HyperWriter! hypermedia and multimedia authoring system from NTERGAID, Inc.

The implementation of HyperWriter! provides significant performance and
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for better referencing.  Users just c lick with a mouse, or point with the
cursor, on a program name to see a complete description of the program.
Downloading or copying a program is handled automatically by HyperWriter!
Addition of a preview option is especially important for anyone who uses
images, icons, or fonts.  "You can preview the whole library of images to
find the right one," according to Bruce Kent, product development manager.
"This CD finally makes it possi ble to conserve your disk space and paper,
yet still have all the information you need to make an informed decision,"
said Kent.

All new and updated programs have been reviewed and tested by PC-SIG. Every
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According to Kent, "In the ten ye ars we've distributed shareware, we have
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The PC-SIG Library on CD-ROM, Eleventh Edition has a list price of $179.

Upgrades from previous editions are available for $99.

Users of PC-SIG's Essential Home & Business Collection CD-ROM can upgrade
for $120.

PC-SIG CD-ROMs are distributed worldwide through a network of distributors
and resellers. Based in Sunnyvale, Calif., PC-SIG, Inc. markets and
supports one of the world's largest collections of shareware for IBM PCs
and compatible systems.  PC-SIG also publishes Shareware Magazine, which is
devoted solely to shareware.  The magazine is availa ble by subscription
and on newsstands nationwide.

System Requirements:

IBM PC/XT/AT PS/2 or compatible with 640K memory, DOS 3.1 or higher and
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mouse supported and VGA highly recommended.

To Order in the U.S.A.: Call 800-245-6717 and ask for Customer Service.

Outside the U.S.A. call (408) 730-9291 for the name of the dealer in
your country.


CALENDAR WISE              Version 1.11            Released 8/29/92

                           CALENDAR WISE
                        BLUE CANNON SOFTWARE
                           P. O. Box 7641
                     Charlotte, NC  28241-7641
                   REGISTRATIONS: 1-800-779-0850
                   SUPPORT LINE:  (704) 398-0850
                    FAX: (704) 398-0928 EXT. 22
                      COMPUSERVE:  70372,421
                         PRODIGY: NNHP69A
                        GEnie: M.BUCHANAN2
                    AMERICA ONLINE: MIKEB10676
                             Member of
          The Association of Shareware Professionals(ASP)
            Copyright (C) 1991,1992 Michael G. Buchanan
                   All rights reserved world wide
                            VERSION 1.11



Welcome to CALENDAR  WISE.  This program is a multi-subject planning
and tracking tool that  simulates  a  desktop  blotter   or  popular
write-on/wipe-off wall calendar.  It looks just like a large desktop
calendar  on  your  screen.   It lets you keep all of your important
scheduling and tracking information at the tip of your fingers.

Any information entered with a recurring frequency will  appear when
you need to see it.   Enter friends, relatives, or business contacts
birthdays once,  and you'll see them every year when  you  need  to.
Schedule information, Track information, See information!

CALENDAR WISE is the easiest to use and most logical way to view and
utilize vast monthly planning.   Press <F10> from the opening screen
to see a demo of CALENDAR WISE,   read  the  CALENDAR WISE  examples
below,  and give it a try,  because you'll wonder how you  ever  did
without it!

                    CALENDAR WISE FEATURES

* 100 different calendars  allow  you  to  keep  unrelated  planning

*  Multiple  calendars  can  be  referenced at once to view or print

* Information is  easily  entered  using recurring yearly,  monthly,
daily and weekly frequencies.

* Any item can be copied and pasted instantly.

* Reminders can be attached to an item.

* Items can be searched for and located quickly.

* The format  of  the  calendar  can  be  quickly  changed  so  that
different numbers of weeks can be viewed.

* Text size can be changed allowing more information to be viewed.

* Customize all of your calendars colors.

* Calendars can be printed to printer or file.

* CALENDAR WISE can run on a network with unlimited users.


         CALENDAR                           NOTE

Birthdays, Anniversaries:  Enter a 'Y' frequency,  and relatives,
                           friends, and associates birthdays will
                           appear every year.
Holiday Schedule:          Keep work holidays  here  and  quickly
                           merge them into other calendars.
Vacation Schedule:         Keep track  of an  entire  departments
                           Vacation schedule.
Work Schedule:             Schedule employees to work.  Enter 'W'
                           frequency   for  employee  that  works
                           every Thursday.  Merge  in the Holiday
                           Schedule,   cross  reference  it  with
                           Vacation Schedule,  easily  delete  an
                           occurrence from  the Work frequency if
                           there is a conflict.  Pull  all  store
                           schedules together for an overall view
Bill Payment Schedule:     Enter an 'M' frequency  for bills  due
                           monthly.If insurance is due quarterly,
                           enter an 'M3' frequency.  Three months
                           from now it will appear.  Keep   P. O.
                           Box,  Business license  renewal dates.
                           Enter  them  once  and  forget   about
Training Schedules:        Schedule  separate classes in separate
                           calendars.  Easily mark 5 day training
                           class,  paste in other weeks.
                           Schedule instructors, equipment.  View
                           calendars  together  for  printing  or
                           to find scheduling conflicts.
Other Ideas:
     College  student  class  schedule;
     Softball league play;
     Managers could keep daily commitments in separate calendars,
          so  that a  meeting can be scheduled  by looking at the
          attenders schedules of availability;
     Nightly  banking  computer  runs  could  be  separated    by
          checking,  savings,  mortgage  processing  so that each
          department   could  view  the  schedule  kept  in  data
        Schedule  of auto maintenance  to keep  track  of  when  oil
             changes are needed or when they were done;
        Family  doctor  and dentist appointments;
        History of employees absenteeism, comp days, etc.;     
        And on and on.................

                         TABLE OF CONTENTS


     B.  MAIN MENU





     1. IBM PC or compatible
     2. VGA or EGA monitor.
     3. DOS 3.01 or higher.
     4. 512K RAM
     5. Hard drive.
     6. 80286 or higher processor recommended



     These 9 files need to be included in the CALENDAR WISE package.

          CW.EXE      :  executable file
          CW.HLP      :  online help file
          CW.DOC      :  CALENDAR WISE manual
          CW1.PCX     :  graphics file
          CW2.PCX     :  graphics file
          README.DOC  :  installation instructions
          REGISTER.DOC:  registration form, survey
          INFO.DOC    :  CW user agreement, vendor, sysop information
          FILE_ID.DIZ :  BBS description file

     These files are created by CALENDAR WISE.

          USER.INF    :  user registration information
          CONFIG.INF  :  configuration information
          MAIN.TTL    :  file containing calendar names
          MAIN.INF    :  file containing calendar layouts, colors

          CLNDR*.STT  :  data file containing nonrecurring items
          CLNDR*.FRQ  :  data file containing recurring items
          CLNDR*.NOT  :  data file containing notes
              "*" is for position on calendar list, from 1 to 100



    If  you  run  CALENDAR  WISE on a network,  you will encounter a
warning screen when attempting to  edit a calendar that is currently
opened for update by another user.   You may open  the  calendar  in
view-only  mode.    If  you  open  the calendar for updating,  it is
possible that all changes someone  else  is currently making will be
lost or all changes that you make will be lost.    It  simply  is  a
matter  of  whomever  saves  their calendar last,  erases the others
changes.   This same warning can appear in a single user environment
(i.e.  if the calendar file is open and power is lost, or some other
reason causes the calendar file to not be closed properly).   Simply
choose "OVERRIDE FOR UPDATING"  to  circumvent the warning and reset
the file status.


1.  The CALENDAR WISE executable file "CW.EXE" must be executed from
the current  directory.   If  you did  not execute  CW.EXE  from the
current directory, CALENDAR WISE  will tell you so, and not continue
to run.  To run CW.EXE,  change to  the directory that you installed
it into(for example. "CD \CWISE"),  and then execute CW.EXE.  If you
are using a menu program to execute CALENDAR WISE,you must set it up
appropriately.  Normally this is done by specifying the path(\CWISE)
separately  from the command  line (CW.EXE)  in  the  menu  program.
(i.e.  When then command line is specified as C:\CWISE\CW.EXE,  most
menu programs will  not change  to the \CWISE directory,  and CW.EXE
will not run then, because you are not in the correct directory)

2.  CALENDAR WISE uses a  portion of unused  video memory to quickly
swap menus onto the screen.  Task switchers such as the one included
in  DOS 5.0 or  Windows 3.1 capture the video display image and then
restore it upon returning to  the application.   They do not however
restore the extra memory on the video card which has critical infor-
mation  for CALENDAR WISE  screen  manipulation.   Upon returning to
CALENDAR WISE in these task switcher environments,  CALENDAR WISE
will automatically sense the corrupted memory, momentarily blank the
screen to refresh the lost info,  and then instantaneously allow you
to continue.



     Touch any key while on the opening screen and the calendar list
will  appear.    100  different calendars are available,  10 on each
page.   Calendars can be selected and unselected for menu operations
such as move, delete, or merge. Multiple calendars can be marked<F2>
to view simultaneously.  A  demo can be run showing  various  sample
calendars<F10> after the calendar list appears.

Movement Keys...

   Up arrow     - Previous calendar
   Down arrow   - Next calendar
   Left Arrow   - Previous calendar list
   Right Arrow  - Next calendar list
   Page up      - Previous calendar list
   Page down    - Next calendar list

Action keys...

   F1          - Help
   F2          - Mark/Unmark calendar for viewing multiple calendars.
               - Mark/Unmark donor calendars of a merge operation.
               - Mark/Unmark source calendar for a move operation.
               - Mark/Unmark calendar for setting default colors.
   F3          - Mark/Unmark recipient calendar for a merge operation.
               - Mark/Unmark destination for a move operation.
               - Mark/Unmark calendar for a delete operation.
   F10         - CALENDAR WISE demo.
   Escape      - Main Menu
   Enter       - View calendar(s).

F2  -  Marking calendars for viewing.

     This function allows you to view multiple calendars at the same
time.   By pressing F2,  an asterisk will appear to the left of  the
selected calendar's name.  Any number of calendars can be chosen for
viewing  and printing simultaneously.   The Enter key also chooses a
calendar to view,  so remember  that  this calendar will also appear
if the selection box is not on a previously marked calendar.   Also,
while viewing multiple calendars,  no  editing may  be done  to the
calendars  chosen.   "Multiple Calendars"  will appear at the top of
the calendar when multiples have  been chosen.   This feature can be
extremely handy to determine  multiple  managers  availability  when
scheduling  a  meeting,   or  to  see all employee vacations or work
schedules in different departments.   It provides  a quick  overview
of any or all calendars.

**Note :  You may automatically have CALENDAR WISE enter a specified
calendar upon execution.Simply enter CW /(calendar #) on the command
line.  For example, to start in calendar 1, enter CW /1, or CW 1.

F2  -  Marking calendar for setting default colors.

    After customizing  a  calendar's  colors,   the  colors  can  be
designated  as  the  default colors.   The default color scheme will
appear upon entering a new  calendar.   The default colors will also
appear in the preset  color  schemes(see  DISPLAY  -  SCREEN  COLORS
<F10>).   By pressing F2, an asterisk will appear to the left of the
calendar's  name.   You should then press Escape to get to the menu.
SET DEFAULT COLORS  is  located  under  OPTIONS.   After setting the
default colors,  any changes to the colors of the calendar  selected
will not affect the default color scheme.

F2, F3  -  Marking calendars for merging

     This  function  allows  you  to  merge  the  contents of one or
several calendars  into  another  calendar.    By  pressing  F2,  an
asterisk will appear to the left of the donor calendar's name.    By
pressing  F3,   an arrow   will  appear to the left of the recipient
calendar's name.  Any number of calendars can be selected as donors,
but only one calendar may be selected as the recipient of the merge.
You should then press Escape to get to the menu.   MERGE CALENDAR is
located under OPTIONS.   You will be asked to verify the calendar to
be merged.   If you select  "YES",   you  will then enter the merged
calendar.   When exiting this calendar you may still choose  to  not
save any changes, in effect leaving the recipient calendar as it was
prior to the merge. No changes are ever made to the donor calendars.
This feature can be extremely handy if holidays are kept exclusively
in one calendar.  This way, when a new calendar is started, they can
be easily merged in.  (Registration Note:  Please check REGISTER.DOC
as holiday calendars are included in the registration package.

F2, F3 - Marking calendar for moving

     This  function  allows  you  to  move  all  of  the information
associated with  a  certain  calendar  to  another  location  on the
calendar list.    Prior  to  moving  a  calendar,   the  source  and
destination must be chosen.  By pressing F2, an asterisk will appear
to the left of the calendar to be moved.   By pressing F3,  an arrow
will  appear  to  the  left of the destination on the calendar list.
You should then press Escape to  get to the menu.   MOVE CALENDAR is
located under OPTIONS.   Only one source and one destination may  be
chosen.  You will be asked to verify the calendar to be moved.  If a
calendar exists at the destination, you will be asked if you want to
overwrite it.

F3  - Marking calendar for deleting

     This  function  allows  you  to  delete  all of the information
associated with a certain calendar.    Prior to deleting a calendar,
one calendar must be chosen.   By pressing  F3,   an  arrow     will
appear  to the left of the calendar to be deleted.   You should then
press Escape to get to the  menu.   DELETE CALENDAR is located under
OPTIONS.  You will be asked to verify the calendar to be deleted.

           NOTE - Possible File Status Error Encountered.

     If you run CALENDAR WISE on a network,  you  can  encounter  an
error when attempting to delete,  move,  or merge a calendar that is
currently  opened  for  update by another user.   You must make sure
that the calendar is in the correct status before CALENDAR WISE will
allow this operation.   You can  do  this by simply choosing to view
the calendar,  and when the "CALENDAR IN USE" screen appears, choose
"OVERRIDE FOR UPDATE".   Make sure that no one is actually  updating
before  you  choose to override the file status.   Upon exiting this
calendar,  the file status  will  be  set  correctly so that you can
attempt the delete,  move, or merge operation.   This same error can
appear in a single user environment (i.e.   if the calendar file  is
open  and  power  is lost,  or some other reason causes the calendar
file to  not  be  closed  properly).    Simply  choose "OVERRIDE FOR
UPDATING" to circumvent the warning and reset the file status.



    The main menu  is  accessible  by  pressing  <Escape>  from  the
calendar  list.   Information and several options are available from
the main menu.

Movement Keys...

   Up arrow     - Previous submenu selection
   Down arrow   - Next submenu selection
   Left arrow   - Previous menu selection
   Right arrow  - Next menu selection
   Letter       - Menu selection beginning with letter

Action keys...

   F1           - Help
   Number       - Submenu selection of corresponding number
   Escape       - Calendar List
   Enter        - Select


     This displays the  registration  name  for CALENDAR WISE.   THE
VIEWED AND PRINTED.   Use one  of the  payment options listed on the 
PAYMENT METHODS  screen to  submit your  registration fee.   You may
print the order form  from the  main menu and  the calendar menu, or
We will return your registration number to enter on this screen.Your
registration  number is based on the information entered in the Name
field,  so please be sure that this  is what you will want to appear
on all calendars.   If the registration number and Name field do not
match,  the registration reminders will reappear.


     This displays registration prices for CALENDAR WISE.


     This  displays the  benefits of registration for CALENDAR WISE,
detailing the separate registration packages.


     This displays payment method  information  for  CALENDAR  WISE.


    This displays the BLUE CANNON SOFTWARE,  CALENDAR WISE Copyright


     This displays the disclaimer and trial use agreement that users
of CALENDAR  WISE  must  accept. 


     The 9 files listed on this  screen are included in the CALENDAR
WISE package.


     Since  CALENDAR  WISE  is  a user supported program,  an online
explanation of shareware is included. 


     This menu  selection will  print the CALENDAR WISE registration


     This  function  allows  you  to  move  all  of  the information
associated with a  certain  calendar  to  another  location  on  the
calendar  list.    Prior  to  moving  a  calendar,   the  source and
destination must be chosen.  By pressing F2, an asterisk will appear
to the left of the calendar to be moved.   By pressing F3,  an arrow
will appear to the  left  of  the  destination on the calendar list.
Only one source and one destination may be  chosen.    You  will  be
asked  to verify the calendar to be moved.   If a calendar exists at
the destination, you will be asked if you want to overwrite it.


     This function  allows  you  to  merge  the  contents  of one or
several calendars into  another  calendar.    By  pressing  F2,   an
asterisk  will appear to the left of the donor calendar's name.   By
pressing F3,  an arrow  will  appear  to  the  left of the recipient
calendar's name.  Any number of calendars can be selected as donors,
but only one calendar may be selected as the recipient of the merge.
If you select "YES", you will then enter the merged calendar.   When
exiting this calendar you may still choose to not save any  changes,
in  effect  leaving  the  recipient  calendar as it was prior to the
merge.   This feature can  be  extremely  handy if holidays are kept
exclusively in one calendar.   This way,  when  a  new  calendar  is
started, they can be easily merged in.


     This  function  allows  you  to  delete  all of the information
associated with a certain calendar.    Prior to deleting a calendar,
one calendar must be chosen.   By pressing F3,  an arrow will appear
to the left of the calendar to be deleted.   You will  be  asked  to
verify the calendar to be deleted.


     In order to save processing time,  disk space,  and memory, old
data  will  automatically be deleted.   You will be asked to enter a
date.   All nonrecurring items PRIOR TO THIS DATE WILL BE DELETED!!!
All recurring items with  an ending  date PRIOR TO THIS DATE WILL BE
DELETED!!!  This option affects every calendar.   Data is deleted at
the time you exit a calendar.   This date is displayed with the EXIT
menu.  CALENDAR WISE will,  fortunately,  not allow you  to set this 
date within one year prior to your system date. ***  BE CAREFUL  !!!
To be safe, leave it at it's default setting of 01/01/1980.


     This function allows you to edit your computer's current system
date and time.    The date is   in MM/DD/YYYY format,  or DD/MM/YYYY
format depending on your "SET DATE FORMAT" parameter. The time is in
military (24-hour) HH/MM/SS format.


     Choose the default printer port  for  printing.    An  asterisk
appear next to the current setting.


     After  customizing  a calendar to your taste,  you can then set
the default color setting to your colors.  All new calendars entered
will use the color scheme, and all calendars already setup will have
access to the default color scheme.   (Check DISPLAY - SCREEN COLORS
(F10) in section IIE).   By pressing  F2 while on the calendar list,
an asterisk will appear to the left of the  calendar's  name.    You
will  be  asked  to  verify prior to setting default colors.   After
setting the default colors,  changes to the selected calendar colors
will not affect the default settings.


     The order in which month, day,  and year appear on screen,  and
     when printed, can be changed here from MM/DD/YYYY to DD/MM/YYYY


     Included with CALENDAR WISE is a file called  'CW.DOC'.    This
manual  can be printed via this selection.   You've probably figured
this out.




    The default  layout  for  a  calendar  is  5  weeks  by  7 days.
Appearing in the upper left corner is the  registered  owners  name,
from the REGISTRATION FORM screen.   Top center is the calendar name
from the calendar list,  or 'Multiple Calendars".   Top right is the
currently  displayed  month  and  year.   Vertically on the right is
todays date, and across the bottom is a status line with certain key
function reminders.  Always check the status line across the bottom
of the screen to see what common keystrokes are available, and which
function keys are active.   The highlighted  box  moves  around  the
displayed  days using the arrow and page keys.   If more information
exists for  a day than can be displayed,  a small box appears around
the date.

Movement Keys...

   Up arrow     - Previous week
   Down arrow   - Next week
   Left arrow   - Previous day
   Right arrow  - Next day
   Page up      - Previous month
   Page down    - Next month
   Backtab      - Previous day
   Tab          - Next day
   Home         - Beginning of week
   End          - End of week
   Ctrl-Home    - January 1
   Ctrl-End     - December 31
   Ctrl-Pageup  - One year prior
   Ctrl-Pagedn  - One year forward
   Shift-Home   - Upper left corner
   Shift-End    - Lower right corner

Action keys...

    F1          - Help
    F5          - Copy
    F6          - Paste
    Escape      - Menu
    Enter       - Edit day

F5   -  Copy

     Move the day selection  box  to  the day containing the desired
data.  By pressing F5, the item for the selected date is copied into
memory.   If you want to copy the fourth item displayed into memory,
press F5 four times. The item in memory appears across the bottom of
the  screen.    If  this  item is not recurring,  pasting(<F6>) will
simply place it on the new day.   If this item is recurring, pasting
will use the day being  pasted  as the beginning day,  calculate the
duration of this item and subsequently calculate  the  corresponding
ending day for the item pasted.  This feature can be extremely handy
when scheduling infrequent items on many days.    A workers name can
easily be copied to memory and then added to all of  the  days he is
scheduled (i.e.   this Thursday,  next Monday,  next Wednesday).   A
five day stint in Atlanta can easily be added to the first  week  of
May, second week of September, etc..

F6   -  Paste

     By pressing F6,  a previously copied item(see F5 under Calendar
and  Edit  Day)  will  be  inserted on this day.   If the item to be
pasted is not recurring,  pasting  will  simply  place it on the new
day.   If the item is recurring,  pasting will  use  the  day  being
pasted  as the beginning day,  calculate the duration of the item to
be pasted and  subsequently  calculate  the corresponding ending day
for the item pasted.   This feature  can  be  extremely  handy  when
scheduling infrequent items on many days.  A workers name can easily
be  added  to all of the days he is scheduled (i.e.   this Thursday,
next Monday,  next Wednesday).    A  five  day  stint in Atlanta can
easily be added to the first week of May,  second week of September,

    It is important to know that pasting uses the day you  currently
are on as the beginning day.Therefore if you are pasting a recurring
monthly item from the  31st of a month to the 30th of another month,
this item will appear on the 30th and not at the end of every month,
even if the 30th is the last day of the month. 

F9 - Search again

     A previous search operation can  be  repeated.    If  the  last
search  was  successful,   this search starts with the day following
where the day selection box is located.   This means that if you see
items that  will  match a  subsequent search,  you may  move the day
selection box past them, prior to searching again.If the last search
was  unsuccessful, the search starts  with January 1 of the next year
to search.
     A status line appears across the bottom of the page indicating
the search parameters, and the status of the search.





     This field is what appears on the calendar.    If more space is
needed,  the note  field is  available  on the right,   which may be
toggled to  fill the  rest of  the line  by pressing <F8>.  A second
title line can be used as well,  allowing both lines to be viewed on
the calendar(for example,  FAMILY on the first line,  REUNION on the
second line). To delete  an item,  simply space  out this  field, or
press  <F3> and  it  will  automatically  put spaces  in this field.
Remember that deleting an  item will delete  all occurrences  of the
item.   Use <F7> to delete only one occurrence from a recurring item
as described later.


     The frequency field consists of  two parts,  the frequency type
and the frequency number.    Four  frequency  types  are  available.
Yearly, Monthly, Daily and Weekly.   The first letter must be in the
first position of this three position field.   When the frequency is
entered, default data will appear in the other fields.   The day you
are editing will appear in  the  beginning field and 12/31/9999 will
appear in the ending field.   The frequency number pertains  to  how
many weeks apart, how many years apart, etc..  For every five years,
enter Y5; for semiannual,  enter M6; for biweekly, enter W2; and for
every  4 days,  enter D4.    If the first part of this field is left
blank, the item will be treated as non-recurring. If the second part
of this field is left blank, it will be replaced with a 1. To change
a recurring item to a non-recurring item, simply make the first part
of this field blank.   You do not need to blank any of the following
     You may also make a  frequency moveable.   A moveable item is a
monthly or yearly  frequency item that doesn't happen on the 15th of
every month,  for instance, but rather on the first Tuesday of every
month.  See <F4> below.

   Beginning Date

     The Beginning field denotes when the first occurrence  of  this
item  will  be.    If  the frequency for an item is monthly starting
March 31,  all occurrences of this  item  will  be at the end of the
month.   Likewise if you want an item to fall on  the  end  of  each
month  starting  February  28,   type  31 in the day portion of this
field.   For processing speed  reasons,  the earliest beginning date
year allowed is 1978.   On your personal calendar of birthdays,  put
the birth year in the note field.

   Ending Date

        The Ending field denotes when the last  occurrence  of  this
item  will  be.    If you are entering an event that happens for the
next x frequencies (i.e.    W2  for  10  times,   M1 for the next 18
months),  simply press any nonnumeric key while in this field.    An
asterisk will appear to the left.     Now enter x in the ending date
field,  rather than the actual ending date.   The actual ending date
will be calculated when you press <Enter>.

 1) The frequency,  beginning and  ending fields are only entered if
    the item is recurring.


         This field  is provided  so that  more  information  can be
attached to an item. Everywhere this item appears,so will this note.
Only one line of information may be attached to an item. If you need
more space,  fill in the item  field on a second line,  and attach a
second note to it.  If there is nothing in  the item field, the note
will simply disappear.   You can expand the notes area  by  pressing
     This feature can  be extremely handy on your calendars of bills
due,  to see how much  your insurance due quarterly will be,  or how
much your mortgage payment is.

Movement Keys...

   Up arrow     - Previous item
   Down arrow   - Next item
   Left arrow   - Previous character
   Right arrow  - Next character
   Page up      - Save data, Previous data page
   Page down    - Save data, Next data page
   Backtab      - Previous field
   Tab          - Next field
   Home         - First field
   End          - Last field
   Insert       - Toggle insert/overwrite mode

Action keys...

    F1          - Help
    F3          - Make the item field blank for deletion
    F4          - Moveable frequency
    F5          - Copy
    F7          - Delete day from item
    F8          - Toggle expanded notes area
    Escape      - Calendar
    Enter       - Save data

F4   -  Moveable frequency

     By  pressing  F4,   an  asterisk will appear to the left of the
frequency field.   the item  within  the  edit  box will then have a
moveable frequency.   "Moveable" means that this item has  either  a
yearly or monthly frequency,  but each occurrence does not happen on
the same date.   Rather each occurrence happens at the same point in
the  month,  relative to the first week of the month.   (i.   e. the
first Tuesday of each month, the second Friday of every other month,
political elections held on the first Tuesday of November every four
years.) To make an non-moveable  item  moveable,  or a moveable item
non- moveable,  you must be editing on the  beginning  date  of  the
recurring item.

F5   -  Copy

     By pressing F5,  the item inside of the edit box is copied into
memory for later use in pasting.  See also F5 and F6 under Calendar.
If this item is not recurring, pasting(<F6>) will simply place it on
the  new day.   If this item is recurring,  pasting will use the day
being pasted as the beginning  day,   calculate the duration of this
item and subsequently calculate the corresponding ending day for the
item pasted.   This feature can be extremely handy  when  scheduling
infrequent  items on many days.   A workers name can easily be added
to all the days he is scheduled (i.e.   this Thursday,  next Monday,
next Wednesday).  A five day stint in Atlanta can easily be added to
the first week of May, second week of September, etc..

F7   -  Delete one occurrence of a recurring item

     By pressing F7,  an asterisk  will  appear  to the right of the
frequency field.  The occurrence of the item on the day being edited
will be deleted from  occurrences  of  this  item.    Actually  what
happens  is  two recurring items are created;  one starting with the
item's beginning day and ending  with the occurrence previous to the
day being  edited;   and  one  starting  with  the  next  occurrence
following  the  day  being  edited and ending with the item's ending
date.    This  feature  can  be  extremely  handy  when  softball is
scheduled for the next 14 weeks, yet no games are played on Memorial
Day and the team has a bye on the fifth week.

* Note - Pageup and Pagedown save the data prior to  displaying  the
next  page.   This may cause confusion as to what you are viewing if
you have deleted some information on  a  page and are now looking at
the next page.   You may think that you are not seeing some data  on
the  new page that you expected.   Press Pageup to view the data you
expected to be here.   Of course you must have more than 10 items on
a day to encounter this.



Movement Keys...

    Up arrow    - Previous submenu selection
    Down arrow  - Next submenu selection
    Left arrow  - Previous menu selection
    Right arrow - Next menu selection
    Letter      - Menu selection beginning with letter

Action keys...

     F1         - Help
     Number     - Submenu selection of corresponding number
     Escape     - Calendar
     Enter      - Select


     Each calendar can be  viewed  displaying  anywhere from 1 to 25
weeks at a time(depending on your monitor).   An asterisk appears to
the left of the current selection.


     Each calendar can support large or small size text.  Small text
allows more items to be viewed on the calendar for each day.


Action keys...

    Left arrow  - Change color
    Right arrow - Change color
    F1          - Help
    F9          - Display previous preset color setting
    F10         - Display next preset color setting
    Escape      - Menu, don't save color changes
    Enter       - Save color changes

     Each calendar can support various colors.   The dates  for  the
current month (i.e.  month name displayed in the upper right corner)
should  be  set to contrast with the not current month color.   Text
without a frequency can be set to a different color than text with a
frequency.  By pressing F10, several preset color schemes, including
the default color  setting  (See  OPTIONS  -  SET  DEFAULT COLORS in
section IIB).  Custom coloring is available for:

     Border Color
     Calendar Color
     Calendar Grid Color
     Day Selection Box Color
     Menu Color
     Menu Text Color
     Current Month Color
     Previous/Next Month Color
     Recurring Text Color
     Nonrecurring Text Color

If you are viewing multiple calendars,the text colors will not be different
for  recurring and  nonrecurring items,  but rather text from each calendar
will be a different color until you view 10 calendars together.   After the
9th calendar, all text will be the same.  The text colors are,  from lowest
position on the calendar list to highest position: red, white, blue, black,
green, purple, bright blue, light green, magenta, light blue.  All calendar
text after the tenth calendar will also be light blue.


     The first print option available  is  printing  information  by
specifying  a beginning and ending date range.   If more information
exists on a day than you  have  allotted room to print,  an asterisk
will appear to the left of the appropriate day on the printout.



    If you wish to print a calendar  to  a file so that you may move
the file to another computer attached to  a  printer,   or  want  to
import it into a word processor,  enter the filename here.   A blank
filename will route the calendar to the printer.


    The  default  beginning  date will be the same as the upper left
hand day of the calendar that appears on the screen.


    The default ending date will be the same as the lower right hand
day of the calendar that  appears  on  the  screen.   If you want to
print x weeks from the beginning date,  simply press any  nonnumeric
key while in the ending date field.   An asterisk will appear to the
left.  Now enter x in the ending date field.  The actual ending date
will be calculated when you press <Enter>.

     Items Per Day

    This specifies how many rows each printed day will contain.  The
default is the number of days  that  can  be displayed on one day on
the screen.   If more information exists on  a  day  than  you  have
allotted  room to print,  an asterisk will appear to the left of the
appropriate day on the printout.

     Weeks Per Page

    This specifies how many  weeks  will  be  printed before a forms
feed is sent to the printer.

* Note - You may have to manually set your printer to 12  characters
per  inch  or  higher,  or to landscape,  to fit the calendar on the


     The second print  option  available  is printing information by
specifying a beginning and ending date range,  one month  per  page.
If  more  information exists on a day than you have allotted room to
print, an asterisk will appear to the left of the appropriate day on
the printout.



     If you wish to print a calendar  to a file so that you may move
the file to another computer attached to  a  printer,   or  want  to
import it into a word processor,  enter the filename here.   A blank
filename will route the calendar to the printer.


    The default beginning date will be the same as the current month
indicator that appears in the upper right hand corner on the screen.
The day portion of this field is not used.


    The  default  ending  date will be the same as the current month
indicator that appears in the upper right hand corner on the screen.
The day portion of this field is  not used.   If you want to print x
months from the beginning date,  simply  press  any  nonnumeric  key
while  in  the  ending  date field.   An asterisk will appear to the
left.   Now enter x in the ending date field. The actual ending date
will be calculated when you press <Enter>.

     Items Per Day

    This specifies how many rows each printed day will contain.  The
default is the number of days that can be displayed on  one  day  on
the  screen.    If  more  information  exists on a day than you have
allotted room to print,  an asterisk  will appear to the left of the
appropriate day on the printout.

* Note - You may have to manually set your printer to 12  characters
per  inch  or  higher,  or to landscape,  to fit the calendar on the


    Included with CALENDAR WISE  is  a  file called 'CW.DOC'.   This
manual can be printed via this selection.   You've probably  figured
this out.


     Choose  the  default  printer  port for printing.   An asterisk
appear next to the current setting.


     An item can be quickly  located  by entering the text to search
and the beginning day.   The text field only  compares  against  the
title field of an item, not the notes field.   A match does not need
to be the entire title you are looking for,  and the matching is not
case-sensitive.    You  will  be  returned  to  the  calendar screen
following the search.   Press <F9> to find the next occurrence or to
search the next year if no match was found.  Please read the section
pertaining to successive searches by pressing <F9>.   Of special note
is how searches are handled depending on whether the last search was
successful and if the day selection box is now located on a different
day.  It is located in the "Calendar" section of this manual.


     Rather than paging thru multiple months  to  see  a  particular
date,   you  may  enter  the  date  here  and immediately it will be
displayed.  Also available here is  the same  feature for  automatic
date   calculating   available  throughout  the program.   Press any
nonnumeric key and an asterisk will appear.  Enter  06  in the month
portion of the date field and you will go 6 months ahead.


     The name of this calendar is entered here.   It will appear  on
the  top  of  the screen,  the top of printed calendars,  and on the
calendar list.   You  are  initially  prompted  to type the calendar
name.  It can be changed by returning here and retyping it.


     This function allows you to edit your computer's current system
date and  time.   The date is  in MM/DD/YYYY format,  or DD/MM/YYYY,
depending on your date format parameter set from the main menu.  The
time is in military (24-hour) HH/MM/SS format.

For the following, please refer to the descriptions in section IIB.



     This will return you to the  calendar list.   An option to save
any changes is displayed prior to leaving this calendar.   All  menu
colors, attributes, and data will be updated if save is chosen.  The
auto-delete  date  also  appears  on this screen.   All nonrecurring
items PRIOR TO THIS DATE WILL BE DELETED!!! All recurring items with
an ending date PRIOR TO THIS DATE WILL BE DELETED!!!!!   Please read
the section of this manual pertaining to setting the delete date. To
be safe, leave it at it's default setting of 01/01/1980.


     This will return you to the DOS prompt.   An option to save any
changes  is  displayed  prior  to  leaving this calendar.   All menu
colors, attributes, and data will be updated if save is chosen.  The
auto-delete date also  appears  on  this  screen.   All nonrecurring
items PRIOR TO THIS DATE WILL BE DELETED!!! All recurring items with
an ending date PRIOR TO THIS DATE WILL BE DELETED!!!!!   Please read
the section of this manual pertaining to setting the delete date. To
be safest, leave it at it's default setting of 01/01/1980.



     BLUE CANNON SOFTWARE  markets  CALENDAR  WISE via the shareware
marketing channel.   Revenue is collected from  satisfied  customers
who  have  evaluated  the  program  and  wish to continue to use it.
Satisfied customers are premium  advertisers and distributors of the
software.   If you like CALENDAR WISE,  please  register.    On  the
REGISTRATION FORM screen,  there is a Registration Name field.   THE
We  will  return  your registration number  to enter on this screen.
Your registration number is based on the information entered in  the
Name  field,   so  please be sure that this is what you will want to
appear on all calendars.   If the registration number and Name field
do not match, the registration reminders will reappear.

     Use one of the payment options listed under PAYMENT METHODS  in
section IIIC to submit your registration fee.


All registered users receive:

1.  The latest version of CALENDAR WISE on either 5 1/4 or 3 1/2 disk.
    This way when you register you are assured that your program will
    include all the newest features.
2.  The "LIKE WISE" newsletter, which features news items and tips of
    interest to CALENDAR WISE users.
3.  A discount subscription rate for Shareware Magazine, one of the
    industry's leading shareware publications.  The $14.95 yearly
    subscription rate is reduced to $9.97
4.  A FREE membership kit for CompuServe, an on-line service that
    provides access to electronic mail, shareware libraries, travel
    services, shopping, and much more.  A $15.00 usage credit is also

Two registration packages are offered to users of Calendar Wise.

The $29.99 Registration includes:

1.  Professionally bound USER REFERENCE MANUAL.  Complete with screen
    shots, this attractive manual makes using CALENDAR WISE as
    easy as can be!  It's a great tool to have handy on a shelf!
2.  Technical support is offered via phone, fax, mail or Compuserve
    mail, for the current CALENDAR WISE version.
3.  Substantial DISCOUNTS are offered on the newest version of CALENDAR
    WISE. Keep on top of all of the newest enhancements, and upgrade
    at fantastic savings!
4.  VALUE PACKS of other great ASP shareware.  BLUE CANNON SOFTWARE
    has selected some of the best shareware available, and placed them
    into three categories.   Application programs(including the BOXER
    text editor, a screen blanker, virus program), Education(including
    programs great for younger children), and Games(including Jill of
    the Jungle).  Movies to Go is always included!  It's a fantastic
    graphic database of all of your favorite movies!  (All Value Pack
    contents are subject to change, Also, just as with CALENDAR WISE,
    if you continue to use the products, you are expected to register 
    with the respective authors.)
5.  Holiday Calendars (legal, religious, etc). We've set them up. All
    you have to do is quickly merge them in!

The $24.99 Registration includes:

1.  Technical support via mail or Compuserve mail.
2.  Upgrade notices for major revisions of CALENDAR WISE.

    This registration option doesn't include the professionally bound
    manual or the Value Packs.   It's a great  option for those  that
    register multiple copies, but don't need more manuals.  Remember,
    if you plan  to use  CALENDAR WISE  on multiple  computers at the
    same time,  you must register each copy.  Site licenses and group
    discounts are available!  Check below.

*  An order form is contained in REGISTER.DOC, and can be printed 
   from the menu.

   Full Registration Package                     -  $29.99
   Registration                                  -  $24.99

                    NETWORK COMPUTER USE
   Each server on local area network (2 manuals) - $149.99

         All parties interested should contact BLUE CANNON
         SOFTWARE for a license agreement. Discounts start
         at 25% for 5 copies, and can reach  over 50% off.
         Special  discounts  are   offered  for   multiple
         purchases from  user group members,  organization
         members, educational groups.


MAIL:  Mail your registration with a check, money order,or credit card
       information to the BLUE CANNON SOFTWARE, PO Box 7641, Charlotte,
       NC, 28241, USA

PHONE: Have the name you want to appear on all of the calendars already
       selected, and your credit card information available.  Our order
       number is 1-800-779-0850.

FAX:   Be sure to fill out the credit card information.  Our Fax number
       is 704-398-0928 ext 22.

COMPUSERVE MAIL:  Make a copy of REGISTER.DOC to upload. Fill out this
       copy.   Be sure and complete  the credit  card information. Our
       Compuserve ID is 70372,421.


Currently  agents  are available to take  registrations in  Europe and
Australia.  Their contact information is listed in REGISTER.DOC which
can be printed from the menu.


     Shareware is not a type of software,   but  rather  a  form  of
marketing  and  distribution.    Users  are  given  a  chance to try
software before spending  the  sometimes  outlandish fees for retail
software.  If you try a shareware program and continue to use it you
are expected to register it.   Individual programs differ on details
of registration and levels of support offered.   It is important  to
know  what  is  supplied  with your registration,  whether continued
support,  upgraded programs,  or  printed manuals will be available.
Copyright laws apply to both shareware and commercial software,  and
the  copyright  holder  retains  all  rights  The  main  difference,
however,  is that shareware authors specifically grant the right  to
copy  and distribute the software,  either to all and sundry or to a
specific  group.    For  example,    some  authors  require  written
permission before a commercial disk vendor may copy their  software.
When looking for software,  you should find software that suits your
needs  and pocketbook,  whether commercial or shareware.   Shareware
makes fitting your needs easier, because you can try before you buy,
the  ultimate  money-back-guarantee.    Most  likely  shareware  can
deliver  a  lower  priced  product  because  there  is  no  overhead
marketing and distributing.



     If you find this  program  useful  and  find that you are using
CALENDAR WISE and continue to  use  CALENDAR WISE after a reasonable
trial period(30 days),  you must make a registration payment to BLUE
CANNON SOFTWARE.   The appropriate amount is stated on  the  pricing
schedule  and  continued  use is only valid for the amount received.
If in the future you are no longer using CALENDAR WISE in the way it
was originally registered, you must register again.



     This program is produced by a  member  of  the  Association  of
Shareware  Professionals  (ASP).    ASP  wants to make sure that the
shareware principle works for you.   If  you are unable to resolve a
shareware related problem with  an  ASP  member  by  contacting  the
member  directly,   ASP may be able to help.   The ASP Ombudsman can
help you resolve a dispute or  problem with an ASP member,  but does
not provide technical support for member' products.  Please write to
the ASP Ombudsman as 545 Grover Road,  Muskegon,  MI 49442 or send a
Compuserve message via Compuserve Mail to ASP Ombudsman  70007,3536.
The ASP Ombudsman may also be contacted by FAX: (616) 788-2765.   In
communication  with  the  ASP Ombudsman,  please include a telephone
number and/or FAX if available.



    If  you  encounter a critical error message(i.e.   one that halts
processing,  consult this table  for  an explanation of the message.
If you cannot resolve the problem, call for technical support.


7  Out of Memory
24 Device Timeout
25 Device Fault
51 Internal Error 
57 Device I/O Error
61 Disk Full (should only run CALENDAR WISE from a hard drive)
67 Too Many Files (Increase config.sys "files=" command,  check your
   DOS manual)
68 Device unavailable
71 Disk Not Ready (should only run CALENDAR WISE from a hard drive)
72 Disk Media Error


CALENDAR WISE Version 1.11                           August 29, 1992
This file contains:



This software and accompanying documentation are protected by United
States Copyright law and also by  International  Treaty  provisions.
Any  use of this software in violation of Copyright law or the terms
of this limited  license  will  be  prosecuted  to  the  best of our
ability.   The conditions under which you may copy this software and
documentation are clearly outlined below.

                       TRIAL USE INFORMATION

BLUE CANNON SOFTWARE hereby grants you a limited license to use this
software for evaluation purposes  for  a period not to exceed thirty
(60) days.   If you intend to continue using this  software  (and/or
it's documentation) after the thirty(30) day evaluation period,  you
MUST  make  a  registration payment to BLUE CANNON SOFTWARE.   Using
this software after the thirty  (30) day evaluation period,  without
registering the software is a violation of the terms of this limited



Calendar Wise must be distributed  without  modification,   in  it's

Calendar Wise may not be listed in advertisements,  catalogs,  or in
any  other manner which describes it as "FREE SOFTWARE".   Shareware
is "Try-Before-You- Buy" software, it is not free.

Calendar Wise is not to be used as an enticement to purchase another
product without the explicit consent of the author.

Calendar Wise is not  to  be  packaged  for sale with it's reference
manual,  or  other  supporting  documentation  pre-printed  for  the

The  PRINTED User's Guide may not be reproduced in whole or in part,
using any means,   without  the  written  permission  of BLUE CANNON
SOFTWARE.   In other words,  the disk-based documentation may not be
distributed in PRINTED (hardcopy) form.

No price or other compensation may be charged for the CALENDAR  WISE
package.    A  distribution  cost may be charged for the cost of the
diskette,  shipping and handling,  as  long  as the total (per disk)
does not exceed US$8.00 in  the  U.S.    and  Canada,   or  US$12.00

Calendar Wise may not be rented, leased, sold, modified, decompiled,
disassembled,  otherwise reverse engineered.   Any such unauthorized
use  shall  result  in  immediate  and automatic termination of this

BLUE CANNON SOFTWARE prohibits the distribution of outdated versions
of the CALENDAR WISE package,   without written permission from BLUE
CANNON SOFTWARE.  If the version you have is over twelve (12) months
old,  please contact us to ensure that you  have  the  most  current
version.    This version was released on the date at the top of this

All rights not expressly  granted  here  are reserved to BLUE CANNON


                      VENDOR.DOC and SYSOP.DOC

The information provided in below is intended for Shareware Vendors,
Shareware Distributors,   Computer  Clubs,   and  BBS's  who wish to
distribute CALENDAR WISE.


       VERSION:            1.11

       CATEGORY:           Business, Home, Desktop Utilities,
                           Calendars, Scheduling

       BBS FILENAME:       CWISE11.ZIP

       KEYWORDS:           CALENDAR WISE CW Date Dates
                           Schedule Scheduler Blotter
                           Planner Tracker ASP Shareware
                           BLUE CANNON

       REGISTRATION FEE:   $29.99

       USER SUPPORT:       Latest version; technical support by
                           mail, phone, fax or Compuserve mail

       40 CHAR DESCRIPTION:Multi-subject planner, CALENDAR WISE


CALENDAR WISE is a multiple subject planner/tracker that simulates a
desktop blotter or popular  write-on/wipe-off  wall  calendar.    It
appears  on  screen as large desktop calendar.   Up to 100 different
calendars allow you to  keep unrelated planning separate.   Multiple
calendars can be referenced at  once  to  view  or  print  together.
Information is easily entered using recurring yearly, monthly, daily
and  weekly  frequencies.    Any  item  can  be  copied  and  pasted
instantaneously.   Reminders can be attached to an item.   Items can
be searched for and located quickly.  The format of the calendar can
be quickly changed to view different numbers of weeks can be viewed.
Text  size  can  be  changed allowing more information to be viewed.
Calendars can be printed to printer or file.   CALENDAR WISE can run
on a network with unlimited users.


IBM PC or compatible,  VGA or EGA monitor, Hard Drive, 512K RAM, DOS
3.0, 80286 or higher recommended.


Reminders  disappear  once  user  obtains  the  registration number.
Printed manuals and support for the current version  is  offered  by
phone,   fax,   mail  or Compuserve mail.   Prices are listed on the
pricing structure screen and in the manual.


BLUE CANNON SOFTWARE was  formed  by  Michael  G.  Buchanan and is a
member of the ASP.   It is the intention of BLUE CANNON SOFTWARE  to
enhance   CALENDAR   WISE  and  introduce  other  software  products
available via the shareware marketing scheme.  You can contact us by
phone, fax, mail, or Compuserve mail.  Information is listed below.

                        BLUE CANNON SOFTWARE
                           P.O. Box 7641
                      Charlotte, NC 28241-7641
                       PHONE: (704) 398-0850
                    FAX: (704) 398-0928 Ext. 22
                       COMPUSERVE:  70372,421
                          PRODIGY: NNHP69A
                         GEnie: M.BUCHANAN2
                     AMERICA ONLINE: MIKEB10676
                           Member of the
            Association of Shareware Professionals (ASP)

We would appreciate copies of  anything you print regarding CALENDAR
WISE.   Please send BLUE CANNON SOFTWARE  a  copy  of  any  reviews,
articles,   catalog descriptions,  or other information you print or
distribute regarding the CALENDAR WISE package.   Thank you for your
time and  assistance  and  for  supporting  the  shareware marketing
concept.   If you would like your Computer Club or User Group to  be
placed  on  our  mailing  list  for  future  upgrades  to any of our
products, please contact us for complete details.



The  following is a list of the files contained in the Calendar Wise

CW.EXE              executable file
CW.HLP              online help file
CW.DOC              user's manual
CW1.PCX             graphics file
CW2.PCX             graphics file
REGISTER.DOC        registration info
INFO.DOC            this file
README.DOC          installation information
FILE_ID.DIZ         BBS description file


                         WELCOME TO CALENDAR WISE
      Calendar Wise is a multi-subject planning and tracking tool.

     To execute  Calendar Wise,  the directory  that you previously
     installed into must be the current directory.(i.e. "CD \CWISE"
     and  then  "CW".)   If you are  not in the  current directory,
     Calendar Wise will give  you an error  stating just that.  You
     must change  to the  directory where  CW.EXE is  located prior
     to executing CW.  If you are executing CW from a menu program,
     make sure to set the menu program to do this.


          1.   IBM PC or compatible
          2.   VGA or EGA monitor
          3.   512k RAM
          4.   DOS 3.0 or higher
          5.   Hard Drive
          6.   CALENDAR WISE is a graphic based program, so a
               80286 or higher processor is recommended.

     Calendar Wise documentation and registration information can be
     printed  via  menu  selections.   Be sure  to print the  manual,
     because it can best explain the features and intricacies of the

                    BLUE CANNON SOFTWARE    Member ASP




All registered users receive:

1.  The latest version of CALENDAR WISE on either 5 1/4 or 3 1/2 disk.
    This way when you register you are assured that your program will
    include all the newest features.
2.  The "LIKE WISE" newsletter, which features news items and tips of
    interest to CALENDAR WISE users.
3.  A discount subscription rate for Shareware Magazine, one of the
    industry's leading shareware publications.  The $14.95 yearly
    subscription rate is reduced to $9.97.
4.  A FREE membership kit for CompuServe, an on-line service that
    provides access to electronic mail, shareware libraries, travel
    services, shopping, and much more.  A $15.00 usage credit is also

Two registration packages are offered to users of Calendar Wise.

The $29.99 Registration includes:

1.  Professionally bound USER REFERENCE MANUAL.  Complete with screen
    shots, this attractive manual makes using CALENDAR WISE as
    easy as can be!  It's a great tool to have handy on a shelf!
2.  Holiday Calendars (legal, religious, etc). We've set them up. All
    you have to do is merge them in!
3.  Technical support is offered via phone, fax, mail or Compuserve
    mail, for the current CALENDAR WISE version.
4.  Substantial DISCOUNTS are offered on the newest version of CALENDAR
    WISE. Keep on top of all of the newest enhancements, and upgrade
    at fantastic savings!
5.  VALUE PACKS of other great ASP shareware.  BLUE CANNON SOFTWARE
    has selected some of the best shareware available, and placed them
    into three categories.   Application programs(including the BOXER
    text editor, a screen blanker, virus program), Education(including
    programs great for younger children), and Games(including Jill of
    the Jungle).  Movies to Go is always included!  It's a fantastic
    graphic database of all of your favorite movies!  (All Value Pack
    contents are subject to change, Also, just as with CALENDAR WISE,
    if you continue to use the products, you are expected to register 
    with the respective authors.)
6.  Windows Icons for CALENDAR WISE.

The $24.99 Registration includes:

1.  Technical support via mail or Compuserve mail.
2.  Upgrade notices for major revisions of CALENDAR WISE.

    This registration option doesn't include the professionally bound
    manual or the Value Packs.   It's a great  option for those  that
    register multiple copies, but don't need more manuals.  Remember,
    if you plan  to use  CALENDAR WISE  on multiple  computers at the
    same time,  you must register each copy.  Site licenses and group
    discounts are available!  Check below.

REGISTRATION INFORMATION                                  Version 1.11

Registration Name  [                    ]  (20 character maximum)
(The Registration Name will appear on all calendars and must match the
 registration number provided or the registration reminder screen will 
 reappear upon exiting the program.)

Contact Person___________________________________________________
Address       ___________________________________________________
City          ___________________________________________________
State/Prov    ________________
Zip           ________________
Country       ________________
H/B Phone     ___________________________________________________

How did you acquire CALENDAR WISE?
          Friend, Coworker  ____
          Computer Catalog  ____
          Mail Offer        ____
          Bulletin Board    ____
          Other             _____________________________________

What are your main application(s) for CALENDAR WISE?



                    PERSONAL COMPUTER USE                Number Amount

 Full Registration Package                     -  $29.99 ______ ______
 Registration                                  -  $24.99 ______ ______
                    NETWORK COMPUTER USE
 Each server on local area network (2 manuals) - $149.99 ______ ______

                   SITE OR GROUP LICENSES
     All parties interested should contact BLUE CANNON
     SOFTWARE for a license agreement. Discounts start
     at 25% for 5 copies,and reach 60% for 100 copies.
     Special  discounts  are   offered  for   multiple
     purchases from  user group members,  organization
     members, educational groups.               - CALL

 Select all 3 Value Packs                       - $4.99  ______ ______
 Additional disks                               - $2.99  ______ ______
 Additional manuals                             - $9.99  ______ ______

                    SHIPPING / TAXES
 North Carolina residents add 4% sales tax                      ______
 Shipping/Handling:  USA-$3  Canada-$4  Others-$7               ______

 Less $1 survey discount and/or $5 distribution discount     (-)______

 Disk Size    ___ 5 1/4  ___ 3 1/2
 Value Pack   ___ Applications ___ Education ___ Games


Choose One:
 __ VISA           Cardholder's Name: ________________________________
 __ MASTERCARD     Number: _________________________ Expiration: _____


MAIL:  Mail your registration with a check, money order,or credit card
       information to the BLUE CANNON SOFTWARE, PO Box 7641, Charlotte,
       NC, 28241, USA

PHONE: Have the name you want to appear on all of the calendars already
       selected, and your credit card information available.  Our order
       number is 1-800-779-0850.

FAX:   Be sure to fill out the credit card information.  Our Fax number
       is 704-398-0928 ext 22.

COMPUSERVE MAIL:  Make a copy of REGISTER.DOC to upload. Fill out this
       copy.   Be sure and complete  the credit  card information. Our
       Compuserve ID is 70372,421.   We can  also be contacted through
       PRODIGY - NNHP69A,  GEnie - M.BUCHANAN2,  and AOL - MIKEB10676.
Currently  agents  are available to take  registrations in  Europe and
Australia.  Their contact information is listed below:


Users  from   Britain,  Ireland,  and  Scandanavia  can  register  by
sending this information to:   Hillfoots Data Services,  Mains House,
Tillicoultry,  Clackmannanshire,  FK13 6PQ, UK.  The registration fee
in Pounds Sterling is :  Full Registration Package - 16.99,
                         Registration - 13.99,
                         LAN Registration -  83.99,
                         Don't forget shipping and handling - 4.

Users from  the remainder  of Europe  can  register  by  sending  this
information to:      Credit Suisse,  CH-3800 Interlaken,  Switzerland,
0367-206054-50, Abegglen Heinz.  The registration fee in Deutschemarks
is:  Full Registration Package  -  50,
     Registration - 42,
     LAN Registration - 250,
     Don't forget shipping and handling - 12.


Registrations for Australia can register by telephone  (02) 519-4233,
or FAX (02) 516-4236 or by mailing this information to Budgetware,
PO Box 496, Newtown  NSW 2042, Australia.  The registration fee in
Australian dollars is: Full registration Package - 37.99, 
                       Registration -  44.99,
                       LAN Registration -  229.99,  
                       Shipping and handling is included.

International orders directly to BLUE CANNON SOFTWARE - Visa payment
would work best, but postal money orders are available at your local
post office,  or  international  money  orders  are  available  from
American Express.  Currency conversion will be done for you.


A $1 discount can be earned by completing the following survey.

What level of DOS user are you?

     Novice              ______
     Intermediate        ______
     Advanced            ______

How familiar with "shareware" are you?

     Never heard of it before ______
     Had heard of shareware   ______
     Familiar with shareware  ______

How many other shareware programs do you use?

     0    _____
     1    _____
     2-5  _____
     6-10 _____
     10-  _____

Where will you be using CALENDAR WISE?

     Work      ______
     Home      ______

What will you use CALENDAR WISE for?

     Scheduling, Planning          _____
     Historical Tracking           _____
     Recurring reminders           _____

Please expand upon your applications for CALENDAR WISE?


What type of business do you work for?


What is your main reason for registering?

     Honesty   ______
     Support   ______
     Manual    ______
     Incentives offered, future discounts, etc  _____
     Company policy ______
     Other     ______

How would you like to see CALENDAR WISE improved?


Will you give someone else a copy of CALENDAR WISE?

     Yes                 _____
     Yes, definitely     _____





A $5 discount is offered for helping to  distribute CALENDAR WISE and
completing  the  following  distribution  information.   Distribution
entails  uploading CALENDAR WISE  to your local  BBS or  taking it to
your PC club's IBM librarian.

IBM PC User Group:
Name   _______________________________________________________

Bulletin Board:
Name   _______________________________________________________
BBS Phone Number _____________________________________________



                            P C  -  S I G


Welcome to the world of Shareware, state of the art software you can
actually try before you buy.

Shareware, a term coined in the early eighties, refers to the method of
distribution chosen by the software authors.  With shareware, you can
receive a program and put it through its paces without having to pay for
it. If you find the program useful, and choose to keep the program, then
you pay a modest registration fee to the author.

For the last nine years, PC-SIG has been providing shareware and public
domain software to its customers and members.  Since 1982 PC-SIG has
developed an unprecedented library of shareware programs, constantly
updated, consistently strong in every category.  Our library of
shareware contains over 2700 titles divided into 120 logical categories.

Every program we add to the library is thoroughly reviewed and tested to
insure that each one meets the high standards of reliability and value we
insist upon and you expect.  As a result, our library doesn't contain
every shareware program available, just those that really work.

PC-SIG has grown into the premier distributor of shareware and and
shareware information by producing shareware collections on CD-ROM,
publishing an encyclopedia of shareware, and by publishing Shareware
Magazine, a bi-monthly magazine distributed world-wide.

Quality and support - guaranteed.  All of our programs are guaranteed
virus free.  We've isolated our systems and check every program
submitted to insure that no viruses make their way to your computer or

Our support staff is available by phone as well as on our BBS to help
you with questions about installation and operation of PC-SIG's

Through our network of international distributors, PC- SIG strives to
bring you the most current, exciting, technically advanced software
available as shareware.

If you can't find the software you need in PC-SIG's library, it may well
not exist.

To order the latest in Shareware, in the U.S.A: Call (800) 245-6717

Outside the U.S.A. call (408) 730-9291 for the name of the dealer in
your country.



              S H A R E W A R E  M A G A Z I N E

Shareware Magazine has distinguished itself as the only internationally
distributed periodical devoted to the use and business of shareware.
Shareware Magazine provides detailed reviews of new products,
hard-hitting comparisons of shareware programs with regular retail
software, and timely information about changes in the industry and the
latest technology.

Intriguing columnists and regular features add to the excitement.  The
beginners section sheds light on new user's concerns regarding
everything from choosing the right operating system to alleviating the
intimidation of using on-line systems.

Educational sections focus on how low cost shareware can aid in
classroom learning, curriculum development, and as a forum for
discussing the impact of computers and technology in schools.

Graphics Gallery renders expert advice and suggestions on how to better
work with graphics, desktop publishing, CAD systems, and the Windows

Programmers benefit from others experience in developing new programs or
polishing existing ones as well as choosing the right programming

And columnists provide that subjective component, sometimes
controversial, that calls for a closer look at the way we compute and
how shareware effects what we do.

Published bimonthly, Shareware Magazine is available on a subscription
or at your local newsstand or computer bookstore.  In conjunction with
PC-SIG, there are special benefits for subscribers as well as
opportunities for discount purchases from PC-SIG.

To Order, in the U.S.A.: Call 800-245-6717 and ask Customer Service.

Outside the U.S.A. call (408) 730-9291 for the name of the dealer in
your country.



FROM:  ___________________________


[A]                                                                         [B]

                                  PC-SIG Inc.
[A]                                                                         [B]
                            1030-D East Duane Avenue

                               Sunnyvale  California


Fold - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Fold


       1.  Place any other pages underneath this page.
       2.  Using the Fold lines (above) as a guide, fold this flap under.
       3.  Fold the address flap so it covers this flap.
       4.  Tape or staple the envelope at the two spots marked [A].
       5.  Slip in any other enclosures (business cards, cheques, etc.).
       6.  Tape or staple the envelope at the spots marked [B].

PC-SIG Inc. 1030-D East Duane Avenue Sunnyvale CA 94086


     Do not mail cash.   Please allow four weeks for processing.


Check the items desired:

PC-SIG Disks - Member $2.49 for 5.25" or $2.99 for 3.5"
           Non-member $3.25 for 5.25" or $3.75 for 3.5"

_____  _____  _____  _____  _____  _____  _____  _____  _____

_____  _____  _____  _____  _____  _____  _____  _____  _____

_____  _____  _____  _____  _____  _____  _____  _____  total  ______

One year subscription to Shareware Magazine            $12.95  ______

Super Saver Membership                                 $34.95  ______
(includes a 1 year subscription to Shareware Magazine )
(also The Encyclopedia of Shareware, and 5 free disks )

The Encyclopedia of Shareware special price at         $14.95  ______

The Essential Home & Business Collection for           $59.00  ______

*** PC-SIG Library on CD-ROM 11th Edition  ***         $159.00 ______
              NEW LOWER PRICE!

Upgrade to the 11th Edition from ANY previous edition
of the PC-SIG Library on CD-ROM!                       $85.00  ______

Upgrade from ANY other shareware CD-ROM just           $99.00  ______

                                                    Subtotal   ______

If you want 3-1/2 inch disks please add .25 cents per disk     ______

Shipping and Handling                                          $4.00

                    California residents add 8.25% sales tax   ______

                                                       TOTAL   ______

      If you have any comments or suggestions, please let us know!

To order by phone with VISA or MASTERCARD call (800)245-6717
Ask for operator #2316


                     SELECT "Print Reply Form."

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #2974

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

CWISE11  ZIP    270604   1-25-93   2:01a
CDROM    TXT      3972   6-24-92   1:25p
SHAREMAG TXT      1837   1-21-92   6:11a
PCSIG    TXT      2335   1-21-92   6:09a
GO       EXE     26022   1-10-92  12:14p
SIGORDER TXT      3332   6-25-92   2:28p
PKUNZIP  EXE     23528   3-15-90   1:10a
GO-FORM  DAT      3109   6-29-92   3:26p
GO-STRT  DAT       536   1-25-93   2:05a
        9 file(s)     335275 bytes
                       22528 bytes free