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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #2947)

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        T h e  P C - S I G  L i b r a r y  o n  C D - R O M


This may well be the greatest collection of software ever compiled.

The PC-SIG Library on CD-ROM is our premier collection of the entire
PC-SIG library.  Every shareware program we have is on one disc; over
700 megabytes of software you can have immediate access to.

Easy to use, all you have to do is insert the disc and type 'GO' at the
DOS prompt.  We've included all the tools you need for fast easy access
to the programs and their descriptions.

The WordCruncher text retrieval software allows you to quickly access
the description for any program you want.  All the programs are indexed
by title, filename, PC-SIG disk number, and every word within the
program description.  There couldn't be an easier way to find just the
right program.

The Narc utility, newly instituted with the tenth edition, allows you to
look directly at all the compressed program files on the CD without
having to download the program to your hard disk.  So if you want to
look at the programmer's notes or on-line documentation before using
valuable hard disk space, you can.

The PC-SIG Encyclopedia of Shareware is included on the disk, and a
printed copy of the book is included so you can peruse the available
programs from the comfort of your favorite chair.  All the programs are
logically divided into one-hundred twenty categories making it easier to
find just the right software.

Whether you're interested in Accounting or Windows, there's a shareware
program for you on the PC-SIG Library on CD-ROM.

Winner of the Optical Publishing Assn's Best Consumer Product Award.

Shareware for every imaginable need: Accounting Chemistry Educational
Engineering Games Hypertext Networks Programming Spreadsheets Utilities
Word Processing

System Requirements:

IBM PC/XT/AT PS/2 or compatible with 384K memory DOS 3.1 or higher and
Microsoft MS-DOS CD ROM extensions.

T h e E s s e n t i a l H o m e & B u s i n e s s C o l l e c t i o n

"Never before has such a valuable collection of popular shareware been
compiled on one CD-ROM that everyone can afford." Dr. File Finder a.k.a.
Michael Callahan

Finally, 368 of the most useful, popular, important shareware programs
have been put together on one CD. No matter what your need, it's on The
Essential Home & Business Collection.  Everything from Administration to
Windows software is here.

The Essential CD incorporates the WordCruncher text retrieval system.
Every program on the disc is indexed

by title, filename, PC-SIG disk number, and every word in the program
description.  A new utility, Narc, is implemented so you can look at the
program files and the author's on-line documentation without having to
first copy the program to your hard disk.  By using WordCruncher and
Narc, you can quickly find the program you want and review it to be
sure, without ever having to run it from your hard disk.

If you've got a CD-ROM player at home and want to get more use of it and
your computer, or if you're trying to avoid purchasing another Nintendo
cartridge, or if you just enjoy looking at new software, you need The
Essential Home & Business Collection.

System Requirements:

IBM PC/XT/AT PS/2 or compatible with 384K memory DOS 3.1 or higher and
Microsoft MS-DOS CD ROM extensions.

To Order in the U.S.A.: Call 800-245-6717 and ask for Customer Service.

Outside the U.S.A. call (408) 730-9291 for the name of the dealer in
your country.


Disk No: 2947                                                           
Disk Title: WinEZ                                                       
PC-SIG Version: S1.0                                                    
Program Title: WinEZ                                                    
Author Version: 2.0                                                     
Author Registration: $29.95                                             
Special Requirements: Microsoft Windows 3.0.                            
The Program Manager in Windows is, well clumsy.  It does not manage     
system resources properly, has a poorly integrated task manager and the 
"File, Run" command takes the user back to DOS 2.0.                     
WINEZ is one program that attempts to fix some of the defciencies of    
Program and Task Manager.  It installs itself as a couple of icons in   
the Title bar of each Window.  One icon is the new task manager and the 
other can double up as an application menu or a direct path to Program  
The Task Manager icon does what it says - manages tasks and manages them
well.  All loaded and running applications in Windows are available from
the menu of this icon and can be selected with a single mouse stroke.   
This icon menu also includes a run command with full path selection and 
a menu of previously issued commands.                                   
The other icon can be configured as either a power menu or a path to the
Program Manager.  It really shines when configured as the former.  This 
power menu lists all the groups in Program manager and any application  
defined in those groups is accessible from here.  This may not sound as 
good as it really is.  That is Program Manager has a bad habit of not   
releasing all the system resources it uses when a group is opened in    
Windows whereas WINEZ doesn't open a group so no system resources are   
wasted in that.  If system resources are a shortage, then WinEZ may     
provide a very good solution.  When configured as a path to the PM,     
WINEZ simply pulls up the Program Manager on any application currently  
on screen with one simple click.                                        
WINEZ is a very powerful piece of Windows shareware that will work      
wonders on any windows workstation.  Installation is a snap and         
documentation very comprehensive.  A must have Windows utility.         
1030D East Duane Avenue                                                 
Sunnyvale  Ca. 94086                                                    
(408) 730-9291                                                          
(c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.                                         


                            P C  -  S I G


Welcome to the world of Shareware, state of the art software you can
actually try before you buy.

Shareware, a term coined in the early eighties, refers to the method of
distribution chosen by the software authors.  With shareware, you can
receive a program and put it through its paces without having to pay for
it. If you find the program useful, and choose to keep the program, then
you pay a modest registration fee to the author.

For the last nine years, PC-SIG has been providing shareware and public
domain software to its customers and members.  Since 1982 PC-SIG has
developed an unprecedented library of shareware programs, constantly
updated, consistently strong in every category.  Our library of
shareware contains over 2700 titles divided into 120 logical categories.

Every program we add to the library is thoroughly reviewed and tested to
insure that each one meets the high standards of reliability and value we
insist upon and you expect.  As a result, our library doesn't contain
every shareware program available, just those that really work.

PC-SIG has grown into the premier distributor of shareware and and
shareware information by producing shareware collections on CD-ROM,
publishing an encyclopedia of shareware, and by publishing Shareware
Magazine, a bi-monthly magazine distributed world-wide.

Quality and support - guaranteed.  All of our programs are guaranteed
virus free.  We've isolated our systems and check every program
submitted to insure that no viruses make their way to your computer or

Our support staff is available by phone as well as on our BBS to help
you with questions about installation and operation of PC-SIG's

Through our network of international distributors, PC- SIG strives to
bring you the most current, exciting, technically advanced software
available as shareware.

If you can't find the software you need in PC-SIG's library, it may well
not exist.

To order the latest in Shareware, in the U.S.A: Call (800) 245-6717

Outside the U.S.A. call (408) 730-9291 for the name of the dealer in
your country.



This disk contains version 2.1 of WinEZ.  An unzipping utility will be
required to "unzip" WINEZ21.ZIP (eg. PKUNZIP by PKWARE).

Version 2.1 enhancements are described below:

   * Improved WinEZ Icons (Fast Path Icon and Task Switch Icon)

   * Ability to position the WinEZ icons anywhere on the titlebar.  This
     will allow WinEZ to cooperate with any application that also uses the

New Generation Software


              S H A R E W A R E  M A G A Z I N E

Shareware Magazine has distinguished itself as the only internationally
distributed periodical devoted to the use and business of shareware.
Shareware Magazine provides detailed reviews of new products,
hard-hitting comparisons of shareware programs with regular retail
software, and timely information about changes in the industry and the
latest technology.

Intriguing columnists and regular features add to the excitement.  The
beginners section sheds light on new user's concerns regarding
everything from choosing the right operating system to alleviating the
intimidation of using on-line systems.

Educational sections focus on how low cost shareware can aid in
classroom learning, curriculum development, and as a forum for
discussing the impact of computers and technology in schools.

Graphics Gallery renders expert advice and suggestions on how to better
work with graphics, desktop publishing, CAD systems, and the Windows

Programmers benefit from others experience in developing new programs or
polishing existing ones as well as choosing the right programming

And columnists provide that subjective component, sometimes
controversial, that calls for a closer look at the way we compute and
how shareware effects what we do.

Published bimonthly, Shareware Magazine is available on a subscription
or at your local newsstand or computer bookstore.  In conjunction with
PC-SIG, there are special benefits for subscribers as well as
opportunities for discount purchases from PC-SIG.

To Order, in the U.S.A.: Call 800-245-6717 and ask Customer Service.

Outside the U.S.A. call (408) 730-9291 for the name of the dealer in
your country.


                                                                  WinEZ 2.1
                                                              User's Manual


                                Copyright (c) 1991 New Generation Software
                                                       All rights reserved.

                                For IBM, PC/XT, PC/AT, PS/2 and compatibles

                                                    New Generation Software
                                                            P.O. Box 890482
                                                         Houston, TX  77289

                                                      Orders:(800) 964-7638
                                                             (713) 283-6760
                                                      Fax:   (504) 528-3736



       Overview  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
       Package Contents  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
       Features  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
       Getting Started   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
         Installing and Starting   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
         Registration  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
       Using WinEZ   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
         What you see...   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
         Using the Task Switch Icon  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
         Using the Fast Path Icon  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
         Setting WinEZ's Options   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
         Starting Other Applications   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
       General WinEZ Notes   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
       Licensing and Distribution   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
       Public Domain and Shareware  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
         ASP  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
       Trademarks   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
       Limited Warranty   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
       WinEZ Registration Form. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
       WinEZ Vendor Application Form  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

                                                            Contents  ii
                        New Generation Software (NGS)
                               W i n E Z  2.1

     A Windows 3.0 utility that provides a fast and easy way to:

     o  Switch to any other active applications directly from the one
        you are using.

     o  Switch directly to the Windows' Program Manager or any other
        add-in shell you may be using.

     o  Start any Program Manager application from within the
        application you are using.

     o  Start any application with WinEZ's enhanced version of the
        Program Manager's Run facility.

     Have you ever found yourself opening up too many Windows applications,
     only to find that you get lost searching for that one application you
     need?  Or have you ever found yourself wanting to quickly start an
     application from within the application you are using?  Well, New
     Generation Software has the solution for you!  WinEZ provides one of
     the easiest ways to switch between and start applications under Windows.

     Once WinEZ is installed and running, it places two new icons on the
     title bar of the active application.  The left icon or "Fast Path Icon"
     allows you to quickly start any application in the Windows' Program
     Manager, or be configured to jump directly to the Program Manager (or
     any add-in Windows' shell you define).  The right icon or "Task Switch
     Icon" provides you with a list of all active applications.  Similar to
     the Windows' Task List, WinEZ goes one step better and provides task
     switching without having to use the CTL-ESC or click on the background.

     WinEZ also provides an enhanced Run facility that offers you an
     easy way to navigate through directories and start applications.  It
     remembers your last 5 programs executed and the last directory path too.


     1. The Fast Path icon (left) can now be tied to:
        (a)  directly jump to Any add-in Windows Shell (not just Program Mgr)
        (b)  display a pull down "Power Menu" consisting of your Program
             Manager groups.  Each group then further expands into the
             applications under it.  This option is the new WinEZ default.

     2. We have further enhanced the "Run dialog" program to include
        remembering the last 5 commands entered and the last directory path.

     3. We have made registration simple and easy.  Order by phone using
        a credit card and within minutes you will be up and going.

     4. New "more polished looking" icons.  Plus, the ability to position
        the WinEZ icons anywhere on the title bar (version 2.1 enhancements).

                                                                       Page 1

     WINEZ.DOC      Installation and User's Guide

     WINEZ.EXE      Main program

     WINEZRUN.EXE   Program called by WinEZ to process the "Run..."

     WINEZGRP.EXE   Program called by WinEZ needed to process the
                    Program Manager Group files.

     REGISTER.EXE   Program called by WinEZ to register the program.

     WinEZ provides you with one of fastest ways to switch between and
     start applications under Windows.

     The "Task Switch Icon" (right icon):

     ■  Switch to any active application directly from your current

        There is no need to hunt down that one particular window.  From
        your current application, WinEZ's Task Switch Icon will
        display a menu of all your active applications.

        If an application is minimized when you request to switch to it,
        WinEZ will restore the application from an icon to a window.
        Later, when you switch to another application, using WinEZ, it
        will return the application back to the minimized state.  WinEZ
        may be configured to always minimize applications when switching
        to others  (See "Setting WinEZ's Options").

     ■  Start a new application from WinEZ's Run dialog.

        WinEZ's enhanced Run facility allows you to start new
        applications (DOS or Windows) without having to start the
        Windows' File Manager.  This dialog allows you to select a file
        (program or batch file) to be executed in a manner similar to an
        open file dialog.  Filters are available to display only certain
        types of file extensions (EXE, COM, BAT, PIF) for easy pickings.
        You may even enter the name of the program directly.

        Best of all, WinEZ's Run facility even remembers the programs
        that you ran.  Just drop down the list box (ComboBox) and select
        the file from its list.

                                                                 Page  2

     The "Fast Path Icon" (left icon):

     ■  Start an application defined in Windows' Program Manager Groups
        using WinEZ's Fast Path Icon.

        With WinEZ's Power Menu, you can start any application that
        you've defined in the groups of the Program Manager.  WinEZ's
        Fast Path Icon can be configured for either the Power Menu or
        the ability to jump directly to an application when selected.

        The Power Menu is a drop down menu with a list of all the group
        items of the Program Manager.  Each group item has a submenu
        that contains all of the applications in that group.  So instead
        of leaving your current application to activate the Program
        Manager, just bring up the Power Menu and "viola!", your group
        applications are just a click away.

     ■  Switch directly to the Program Manager or any add-in Windows shell.

        WinEZ's Fast Path Icon also can be configured to allow you to
        jump directly to any active application that you define.  By
        default, WinEZ will jump directly to the Program Manager.  When
        you click on this icon, WinEZ will bring this application to the
        top for you to use (See "Setting WinEZ's Options").


     WinEZ is easy to install.  First, you will need to unzip the
     WINEZ.ZIP file into a subdirectory (i.e. C:\WINDOWS).  You will
     need an unzipping utility, like PKUNZIP, to do this.

     Once unzipped, you have two choices to get WinEZ up and running.

     1. To allow WinEZ to run automatically every time you start
        Windows, you will need to modify the WIN.INI file found in the
        Windows subdirectory.  By editing the line containing the LOAD
        keyword, append the program name WINEZ.EXE.

        For example:  LOAD=C:\WINDOWS\WINEZ.EXE

        The next time you start Windows, WinEZ will be started for you

     2. If you wish to start WinEZ manually, it would be best to install
        WinEZ into a group menu of the Program Manager.  Choose 'New'
        off the 'File' Menu of the Program Manager (Refer to the
        Windows' documentation on how to install programs within a Group
        of the Program Manager).

                                                                 Page  3

     WinEZ is a shareware product and is available to you, free, for an
     evaluation period of thirty days.  If you like what you see and
     feel that it will be useful, you are encouraged to register with
     us.  The base registration fee is $29.95.

     So what does that give you?  Well, by registering WinEZ you will:

     ■  Receive a registration number that will remove that annoying
        About box that appears every time you start WinEZ.

     ■  Receive information about future releases of WinEZ and other NGS

     ■  Encourages NGS to continue producing new high quality Windows

     How do I Register?  Well, the quickest way to register is to call
     us at 1-800-964-7638 or (713)283-6760.  After we take your order
     information, you will be given a registration name and number that
     you will type in the Registration Dialog Box.  Make SURE you type in
     both the name and number EXACTLY the way you received the information.

     You also may register by sending the Registration Form (found at
     the bottom of this document) to NGS by:

     ■  Sending the form via Fax to: (504) 528-3736

     ■  Mailing the Form to:
            New Generation Software
            P.O. Box 890482
            Houston, TX  77289

     ■  Sending the form electronically (E-mail) to NGS on Compuserve:
        ID: 70312,127

                                                                 Page  4


     WHAT YOU SEE...
     Once WinEZ is up and running, you will notice two new icons that
     have attached themselves next to the system menu icon on the title
     bar of the active window.  With WinEZ running, most windows that
     become the active application will contain these icons.

     The left icon represents the Fast Path Icon that can be configured
     to bring up the Power Menu or to switch directly to the Program
     Manager (or any Windows add-in shell application).  By default, the
     Fast Path Icon displays the Power Menu that allows you to quickly
     start any application defined in the Windows' Program Manager.  See
     "Setting WinEZ's Options" for more details on configuring the Fast
     Path Icon.

     The right icon represents the Task Switch Icon which presents
     you with a menu of all the active applications currently
     running.  This will allow you to jump directly to another
     application without hunting for it, using the Task Manager, or
     having to type any keyboard sequences.

     By default, the Fast Path Icon is configured for the Power Menu.
     This icon can be used to start applications defined in the Windows'
     Program Manager.  To select an item, press and hold the mouse
     button 1 over the icon until the menu appears.  Drag the pointer
     over the group item in the menu, a submenu will appear, displaying
     the applications within that group.  Drag the mouse pointer over
     the application item then release it.  The application will be

     If the Fast Path Icon is configured to jump to an active
     application (i.e. Program Manager), then just click on it with the
     mouse and immediately the application defined will be activated.
     (i.e. the Program Manager in this case). To change the Fast Path
     application, you will need to select the Options...  item from
     within the Active Applications Icon.  There you will be able to
     specify the name of any application that is active.  This icon should
     be used only for applications that are running. If the application
     is not running, clicking on this icon will sound a beep.

                                                                 Page  5

     As stated previously, the Task Switch icon allows you to quickly
     switch between applications.  When you're ready to switch to
     another active application, position the pointer over the Task
     Switch Icon (that's the right icon in the title bar).  Click and
     hold mouse button 1. You are presented with a menu of your active
     applications (assuming you are running more than one application)
     and WinEZ's other features.  Drag the pointer over the application
     that you want to activate and release the button.  The application
     you selected will now be the active one.

     The Task Switch Icon also presents you with the other
     facilities of WinEZ.  Along with the active applications, other
     items in the menu are:

     Run...      This item is the enhanced Run facility that brings up a
                 dialog box allowing you to enter an application to
                 execute or select an application from a list box.

     Options...  This item displays a dialog box that allows you to
                 configure WinEZ.  This includes the action performed by
                 the Fast Path Icon and the behavior of the windows when
                 switching between applications (See "Setting WinEZ's
                 Options" section for more details).

     About...    This item brings up WinEZ's About Box dialog.

     Exit        This item will end WinEZ and remove it from memory.

                 Note: This item will be unavailable (grayed out) on non
                       standard windows (i.e. dialog boxes).

                                                                 Page  6

         The Run Dialog Utility
         When selected from the Active Applications Menu ("Run..."), a
         dialog box will appear that will allow you to enter the name of
         a program to be started.  The full path name is required if the
         file is not in the current directory displayed.

         Included in this dialog is a listbox that contains files found
         in the current directory.  This dialog is similar to an Open
         File dialog usually found in many Windows applications.  You
         change directories or drives by selecting the appropriate items
         in the directories listbox.

         A filter is available to allow certain filetypes to be included
         in the listbox.  Current filters include: EXE, COM, PIF, BAT,
         and all files.  These can be used to quickly locate the file
         that needs to be executed.

         An additional feature of the Run dialog is its ability to keep
         a list of the last five programs that have been started through
         this facility.  To recall the name of a previous entry, push
         the button to the right of the entry field to drop down the
         listbox containing the last programs executed.  Select the
         program name you want and then select the Run button.

                                                                 Page 7

     WinEZ may be configured by selecting the Options... item from the
     menu under the Active Applications Icon.  This is where the
     switching behavior can be set and the Fast Path Icon actions can be

         Switching Behavior
         When using WinEZ to switch between applications, WinEZ attempts
         to return the application back to its minimized state, if it
         was found that way before switching to it.  WinEZ also can be
         configured to always minimize applications when switching to
         other applications.  Choose the switching behavior by selecting
         the appropriate radio button corresponding to the preferred

         ■  Default Switching

                WinEZ will minimize the application before switching to
                another, only if it was minimized when WinEZ switched to

         ■  Always Minimize on Switch

                WinEZ will always minimize the application before
                switching to another

                Note: WinEZ will only minimize windows that support
                      being minimized.

         Fast Path Icon Action
         The Fast Path Icon can be configured to perform one of two
         functions.  Using this icon can jump you directly to a
         specified application that is running or bring up WinEZ's Power
         Menu.  The two options are available for your selection.
         Choose the Fast Path function by selecting the appropriate
         radio button corresponding to the preferred option.

         ■  Power Menu

                If this option is chosen, then the Power Menu will be
                displayed when you click on the Fast Path Icon  (See
                "Starting Other Applications" on how to use the Power

         ■  Title of Window

                If this option is chosen, then the application specified
                in the entry field will be activated when the Fast Path
                Icon is pressed.  To specify the application you wish to
                switch to, enter the text found in the title bar of that
                application.  The default is the Program Manager.

                                                                 Page  8

     WinEZ Icon Position
         The WinEZ icons can be positioned anywhere on the title bar.

         ■  Left

              - will left justify the WinEZ icons

         ■  Right

              - will right justify the WinEZ icons

         ■  Number of pels from left

              - will place the WinEZ icons the specified amount of
                pels from the left side of the title bar


     ■  Menus may not be created under low memory conditions.

     ■  WinEZ creates two files during execution.  These files will be
        placed in your Windows subdirectory.

        WINEZ.INI      File created by WinEZ to save its option

        WINEZ.DAT      File created by WinEZ that contains data from the
                       Program Manager for the Power Menu.  This file
                       should not be edited.

     ■  To make the dragging of the mouse more responsive when using the
        Power Menu, add the following lines to the WIN.INI file (under the
        [Windows] heading) found in your Windows subdirectory:


     ■  WinEZ return codes from the Run dialog box or Power Menu:

        RC     MEANING
        --     -------
        0      Out of memory
        2      File not found
        3      Path not found
        11     Invalid .EXE file
        14     Unknown .EXE type

     ■  If you are having problems executing version 2.  Delete the files
        WINEZ.DAT and WINEZ.INI from your Windows subdirectory (remember to
        first write down your registration number if you are a registered
        user), then re-start WinEZ.

                                                                 Page  9

     WinEZ is copyright and has been released for distribution as
     SHAREWARE.  Please note that a great deal of effort and time has
     been invested in the development of this program.  You are granted
     a license to try WinEZ for a reasonable trial period without risk.
     If, after this time, you find this program useful and intend to use
     it, you are expected to register.  The base registration fee is

     You will find a registration form at the end of this user's manual
     that outlines the procedures for registering your copy of the
     program.  Please keep in mind that NGS must have a registration
     form on file for you before any product support can be offered.

     Operators of electronic bulletin boards (Sysops) are encouraged to
     post WinEZ for downloading by their users.

     WinEZ may be uploaded to and downloaded from commercial systems
     such as CompuServe, the Source, and BIX.  The only charge paid by
     the subscriber is for on-line time and there is no charge for the
     program.  Those copying, sharing, or electronically transmitting
     the program are required not to delete or modify the copyright
     notice and restrictive notices from the program or documentation;
     anyone doing so will be treated as a contributory copyright

     If you are passing this program on to others, uploading it to a
     bulletin board system, or including it in a user's group library,
     do not separate the files contained in the distribution archive -
     pass the entire archive on to the intended party.  This ensures
     that those who receive the program will have all the correct
     configuration utilities and documentation necessary to get WinEZ up
     and running quickly.  A listing of the files you should have and a
     description of each is listed in a previous section of this

     The WinEZ documentation may not be modified by users.  The program
     may not be separated from the documentation when distributed.
     Printed or Photocopies ("Xeroxed") copies of the WinEZ
     documentation (i.e., this manual) may not be distributed or sold
     without the written permission of the New Generation Software.

     No other person other than NGS, may accept payment or royalties for
     this program.

     This license to use WinEZ does NOT include the right to distribute
     or sell WinEZ.  Distribution terms are detailed on the next page.

                                                                Page  10

     Distributors of "public domain" or user-supported software
     libraries must obtain written permission to distribute copies of
     WinEZ.  No one may use WinEZ as a promotion for any commercial
     venture or as an enticement for the user to pay for any program,
     product, or service unless they have received the express written
     permission of NGS.

     In order to distribute WinEZ, a dealer or disk vendor must comply
     with the following conditions:

     1. You must obtain written permission from NGS to distribute WinEZ.
        Please use the vendor application supplied near the end of this
        user manual.  If you receive no reply, write again: Silence does
        NOT constitute permission, and you may not distribute "pending"
        receipt of permission.

     2. A maximum disk fee as set by NGS in the vendor contract must not
        be exceeded.  WinEZ may not be included on any disk sold for
        more than this maximum.  Major CD-ROM or optical disk libraries
        are exempt from this restriction, provided that they have NGS's
        permission to distribute WinEZ.

     3. Vendors may not modify or delete ANY files on the disk.  Vendors
        may add a "GO" program, or a reasonable number of small text
        files designed to assist or provide a service to the user, but
        these added files must be easily identifiable and end-users must
        be allowed to delete the added files.

     4. Vendors must make a reasonable effort to distribute only the
        most recent versions of WinEZ.  All vendors who have requested
        and received written permission to distribute WinEZ will receive
        new MAJOR releases as they are issued.

     5. All disk vendors must comply with any and all vendor guidelines
        vendor requirements set forth by the Association of Shareware
        Professionals (ASP);  for more information about ASP, contact
        its chairman, Jim Button, at Buttonware in Seattle.  Violation
        of any ASP guideline or requirement automatically revokes
        permission to distribute WinEZ.

     Until formal requirements are adopted by the ASP, you must comply
     with the following guidelines:  Vendors must make an attempt to
     educate users on the nature of Shareware.  Catalogs,
     advertisements, order forms, and all disks sold should contain
     ASP-approved or recommended wording describing the nature of
     shareware, and should explicitly state that no part of disk sale
     revenues are paid to the programs' authors.  When vendor catalogs
     or advertisements carry both Shareware and PD programs, the
     Shareware programs must be differentiated from the public domain
     programs in some way (in the description, with an asterisk, by
     listing the registration fee, etc.).

                                                                Page  11

     WinEZ is a Shareware program conforming to standards as established
     by the Association of Shareware Professionals (ASP) located at 325
     118th Ave.  S.E., Suite 200, Belleview, WA 98005.

     The following trademarks and service marks appear in this product:

         Microsoft(R) and Windows(TM) are registered trademarks of
         Microsoft Corporation.

         PKUNZIP(R) is a registered trademark of PKWARE, Inc.


                                                                Page  12
                       WinEZ Registration Form

  Name:    ____________________________________________________________

  Company: ____________________________________________________________

  Address: ____________________________________________________________


  City:    ________________________________  St:______  Zip:___________

  Phone: (______)_________________      Country:_______________________

  Registration Fee(s)   ______ @ $29.95 each:              _______.____

  The $29.95 registration fee for WinEZ 2.0 includes a
  Registration number and a mailed invoice.  It is assumed
  you will download WinEZ 2.0 from a BBS.  If you do not
  have access to a BBS, we can send out a diskette and
  printed documentation for an additional $5.00.

      Add $5.00 shipping and handling to send out a        _______.____
      diskette and documentation
      (specify Diskette Size ____5.25" ____3.5")

      Texas Residents add 8% sales tax:                    _______.____

                                                    Total: _______.____

 Please enclose a check payable to New Generation Software.  You may
 also use your Visa or MasterCard.  For credit cards, please enter the
 information below:

 Card #: __ __ __ __ - __ __ __ __ - __ __ __ __ - __ __ __ __

 Expiration date: ____/____

 Signature:  _________________________________________

 Where did you get your copy of WinEZ?  ________________________________

 CompuServe id (if applicable):_____________

       Send to:  New Generation Software
                 P.O. Box 890482
                 Houston, TX.  77289

       or call:  Orders:(800) 964-7638  (713) 283-6760
                 Fax:   (504) 528-3736

       or send to us via CompuServe (70312,127)

   (Please allow 1 to 2 weeks for Mail, Fax, and CompuServe orders)

                      WinEZ Vendor Application Form

     Company Name: _________________________________________________________

          Address: _________________________________________________________



            Phone: _________________________________________________________

          Contact: _________________________________________________________

     What price are you planning to charge for WinEZ? ______________________

     Would you like to receive major upgrades as they become available? ____

     I certify that the above named company is a legitimate shareware disk
     vendor, and that the above named company will adhere to the policies
     set forth in the "Public Domain and Shareware Libraries" section of the
     WinEZ User Manual.

     Signature: ____________________________________  Date: ________________


     In order that We can verify that you are a legitimate shareware vendor,
     We request that you include a copy of your product catalog with this
     application, along with a blank diskette and mailer.  Once you have
     been approved, you will receive written permission from NGS to
     include WinEZ in your library for distribution.  Additionally, you
     will receive your diskette back containing the latest WinEZ release.

     We are also requesting that you send us revisions of your catalog as they
     are published.  The main reason behind this is that a mailing list of
     active vendors will be maintained.  Our continued receipt of your
     catalog will both enable us to verify that you have the most recent
     WinEZ release (within reason), as well as know that your business is
     still active.

     When major revisions are made to the program, We will send you the
     latest upgrade such that your library is kept up to date.

     Send this application to:

       New Generation Software
       P.O. Box 890482
       Houston, TX.  77289

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #2947

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

README   DOC       442   8-28-91  10:10p
WINEZ21  ZIP     46851   8-24-91   7:51p
FILE2947 TXT      3479   5-07-92  11:50a
CDROM    TXT      3693   1-21-92   6:10a
SHAREMAG TXT      1837   1-21-92   6:11a
PKUNZIP  EXE     23528   3-15-90   1:10a
PCSIG    TXT      2335   1-21-92   6:09a
GO       EXE     26022   1-10-92  12:14p
GO-FORM  DAT      2401   1-20-92  10:24a
GO-STRT  DAT       986   5-22-92  11:44a
WINEZ    TXT     33249   8-24-91   7:51p
       11 file(s)     144823 bytes
                       13824 bytes free