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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #2914)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5170" to load....


                                           RESUME MASTER   |
                               "For that winning edge in   |
                                     today's job market"   |
                                           Resume Master   |
                                             Version 3.0   |
                                          (c) Copyright,   |
                                         James S. Nixon,   |
                                              1991,1992.   |
                 T A B L E   O F   C O N T E N T S

WHAT IS SHAREWARE? ............................................ i

REGISTRATION FORM ............................................ ii

COMMENTS FORM ............................................... iii

INTRODUCTION .................................................. 1

INSTALLING RESUME MASTER ...................................... 2

STARTING RESUME MASTER ........................................ 3

MAIN MENU ..................................................... 5
        CHRONOLOGICAL RESUME .................................. 6
        TARGETED RESUME ....................................... 8
        VIEW RESUME .......................................... 10
        PRINT RESUME                                         
                TO PRINTER ................................... 11
                TO DISK FILE ................................. 12
        UTILITIES ............................................ 13
                SHELL TO DOS          
        SELECT PRINTER ....................................... 16
LOAD FILE/SAVE FILE/NEW FILE ................................. 18

HELP SCREENS (F1 KEY) ........................................ 19

SAMPLES ...................................................... 20
        COVER LETTER              
        TARGETED RESUME            

    The concept of Shareware is really quite simple. The
    author (that's me) retains all rights to the software
    (in this case, RESUME MASTER) but allows the software
    to be distributed freely. For example, you may have
    gotton RESUME MASTER off a bulletin board, received a
    copy from a friend, or purchased it from a company that
    specializes in "selling" shareware programs. Please
    note, the fee you pay to these companies is for their
    time, the cost of the disk, advertising costs,
    testing, etc, not for the program itself. In essense,
    you are paying for the service of getting the program
    to you. This is a legitimate service. Without
    these companies many of us would find shareware
    programs hard-to-find or completely unavailable.

    However, the author of the software does NOT receive any
    of this money. To be compensated, he relies on
    registration from the user (that's you). You may legally
    test out this program and give copies of it to your friends
    (provided it is intact and not altered in any way). In fact,
    the software author WANTS you to test his program and make
    sure it is right for you before being obligated to pay him
    for it. That is probably the biggest benefit of the
    shareware concept. If you don't like it or you don't find
    it useful, you don't pay for it. However, if you do find
    the program useful, more specifically, if use use RESUME
    MASTER to create a resume that will be used for employment
    purposes, namely applying for a job, then legally you must
    make a registration payment of $19.95 to yours truly -- a
    handy order form is included on the next page.

    All registered users will receive the registered
    version of RESUME MASTER. The registered version is
    essentially the same as the shareware version, with
    the exception of having removed the 10 second delay
    opening shareware screen. Additionally, you will be
    sent a bound, printed manual to RESUME MASTER.

        Registered users will be sent the current registered
        version of RESUME MASTER. The registered version is
        essentially the same as the shareware version, with
        the exception of having removed the 10 second delay
        opening shareware screen. Additionally, you will be
        sent a bound, printed manual for RESUME MASTER. Some
        shareware authors substantially limit the shareware
        version of their program in hopes that it will increase
        registrations from people seeking a copy of the more
        functional registered version. I have not done that.
        I rely on the honesty and integrity of the user for
        registrations, not on gimmicks.

        Registration permits a user the license to use RESUME
        MASTER only on a single computer; a registered user
        may use the program on a different computer, but may
        not use the program on more than one computer at the
        same time. Unauthorized duplication or distribution
        of the registered version is strictly prohibited.

        Quantity discounts on orders of 10 or more are available.
        Please contact me for additional information.

        To register RESUME MASTER, simple complete this
        registration form and send it along with a check or
        money order made out to James S. Nixon to:

              James S. Nixon, P.O. Box 1063, Van, TX 75790

        PRODUCT:  RESUME MASTER             Disk(s) Size

        COST:     $19.95                [] 3.5"    [] 5-1/4"

        QUANTITY: ________                

        TOTAL:    ________

        SHIP TO:

        Name: __________________________________________________

        Address: _______________________________________________

        City,State,Zip: ________________________________________

        Where did you get your shareware copy of RESUME MASTER?


        In order for me to improve RESUME MASTER I need your
        help. I want RESUME MASTER to be a simple-to-use but
        valuable tool for the user. To do this, I need feedback
        from you -- what you liked about and what you disliked,
        what you would like to see added to the program, or what
        you would like to see changed.

        Below you will find a short questionare. After fully
        testing out RESUME MASTER, I would appreciate you
        filling it out and returning it to me. You will not be
        contacted in any way, nor will your name and address be
        given out to anyone else. I want your input regardless of
        whether or not you decide to register. In fact, the
        non-registered users are the ones I need to hear from the
        most. I need to know what is preventing them from
        becoming a registered user. As an added incentive, if you
        fill out and enclose this form when you register, you may
        deduct $1.00 from your registration fee, making it $18.95
        instead of $19.95.


        Where did you get your copy of RESUME MASTER?


        Did/Does RESUME MASTER fulfill your needs as a resume
        generator? Comments.




        What do you like about RESUME MASTER?



COMMENT FORM (continued ...)

        What do you dislike about RESUME MASTER?




        What feature(s) would you like to see improved or added
        to RESUME MASTER to make it work better for you?




        List any specific problems or bugs you may have noticed
        while operating RESUME MASTER.




        Do you feel the $19.95 registration payment is a fair
        price for the program?


        Additional comments








        RESUME MASTER is a resume generator. Simply put, a
        resume generator prompts you to enter information about
        yourself, your past work history, your education, etc.
        It then takes this information, formats it, and prints
        it out to create a professional-looking one-page resume.
        You do not need to know anything at all about creating
        a resume. All you need do is enter the information that
        is requested of you and RESUME MASTER does the rest.

        Additionally, RESUME MASTER allows you create your choice
        of either a chronological-type resume or a targeted-type
        resume. This permits you to choose the resume type that
        will work best for you based on your own background.

        Even though RESUME MASTER is simple-to-use and straight-
        forward in it's approach, a help system is included in
        case you get stuck and don't want to refer back to the
        manual. You can get help at practically any point in
        the program by simply pressing the F1 key.

        An added feature in version 3.0 is the ability to send
        a copy of your completed resume to a disk file. This
        allows you to customize your resume by reading it into
        a word processing program and making minor changes or
        additions there.

        The only installation requirement that you should be
        aware of, is that all files that accompany the
        RESUME MASTER program must be located together
        in the same directory. The only exception to this,
        is for your data files -- the files that contain
        the information that will be used to print your
        resume. For example, your name, address, work
        history, etc. However, you do not need to worry about
        data files yet. There are not any on your distribution
        disk(s). They will be created once you begin using

        If you are using a floppy, make sure all files are
        on the same diskette.

        If you transfer the files to your hard drive, be sure
        that you transfer all of them to the same directory.

       ********************** IMPORTANT *************************
       *                                                        *
       * RESUME MASTER has a utility feature called "Shell to   *
       * DOS" that allows you to temporarily leave RESUME       *
       * MASTER to perform DOS functions such as erasing files, *
       * renaming a file, etc. If you are running RESUME        *
       * MASTER from a floppy disk and your system does not     *
       * have a hard drive, you must copy the file COMMAND.COM  *
       * onto a floppy disk. It may be copied to the RESUME     *
       * MASTER disk itself, provided there is room, or,        *
       * if you have two disk drives, to a diskette in          *
       * the other drive. COMMAND.COM is a file that came       *
       * with your DOS diskettes and should be located          *
       * on your DOS Start-Up Disk (the disk you use to boot-up *
       * your system when you first turn your computer on).     *
       * This is required only for the "Shell to DOS" option.   *
       * The rest of the program functions perfectly fine       *
       * without having access to the COMMAND.COM file.         *
       *                                                        *

        There are two different ways to start RESUME MASTER.
        However, in both cases, the first thing you need to
        do is to attach to the drive or directory where the
        RESUME MASTER program is located. At that point you
        have two options:

        You may start the program by simply typing the word RESUME.

              A:> RESUME


        Alternatively, you may specify the name of the data
        file you want to use at the same time you start

              A:> RESUME MYFILE.DAT
              A:> RESUME B:\MYFILE.DAT

        As you can see from the preceeding example, the data
        file can be stored on another drive or directory.
        To specify the data file you want to use at the command
        line, simply enter the filename after the word RESUME.
        For example, at the DOS prompt, enter RESUME MYFILE.DAT.
        The RESUME MASTER program will load and the file
        MYFILE.DAT will be created, or if it already exists, it
        will be opened for editing. If you want to create a data
        file or open an existing data file at a different path
        than where the RESUME MASTER program is located, be sure
        and preceed the filename with the desired path. For
        example, if the RESUME MASTER program is on a disk on
        drive A:, but you want to create a data file called
        MYFILE.DAT on the disk in drive B:, then at the DOS
        prompt, enter RESUME B:\MYFILE.DAT.

        One last thing -- no matter what filename you give
        your data file, it will be changed so the last four
        characters in the filename are ".DAT".  So entering
        "MYFILE" or "MYFILE.TXT" will both result in a file
        named "MYFILE.DAT".


                If you are using a color monitor, RESUME MASTER
                automatically determines that and RESUME MASTER
                is run in color. However, if you are using a
                color monitor but want to run RESUME MASTER in
                monochrome (black and white), simply use the
                switch /M at the command line when loading
                RESUME MASTER. Make sure /M is the last thing
                you enter before pressing the RETURN key.

                            RESUME /M

                            RESUME B:\MYFILE.DAT /M

        The main menu is where you make all your initial
        choices. To make a selection, simply enter the number
        of the option you want to perform. For example, to
        print a resume, enter the number "4".

        To LOAD a new file from disk, enter the letter "L".

        To SAVE the resume you are currently working on to
        disk, enter the letter "S"

        To clear the current resume and start over from
        the beginning, enter the letter "N", for NEW FILE.

        To exit the program, enter the letter "E".

        To get help, press the F1 KEY.

      ********************** IMPORTANT *************************
      *                                                        *
      * No matter where you are in the menu system, pressing   *
      * the ESC key will always take you back to the main menu *
      * or to the previous menu.                               *
      *                                                        *

                  |  1. Chronological Resume |
                  |  2. Targeted Resume      |
                  |  3. View Resume          |
                  |  4. Print Resume         |
                  |  5. Utilities            |
                  |  6. Select Printer       |
                  |       L = LOAD FILE      |       
                  |       S = SAVE FILE      |       
                  |       N = NEW FILE       |       
                  |  E = EXIT ... F1 = HELP  |       

        Select this option to create or edit a chronological-
        type resume. A chronological-type resume emphasizes
        career growth and past employers. Best used when your
        job target ties in directly to your past work experience,
        or you had a prestigious last employer.

        After entering the number 1 on the main menu for
        chronological resume, you will be shown another menu
        like the one below:

                       |1. Personal Info|
                       |2. Employment 1 |
                       |3. Employment 2 |
                       |4. Employment 3 |
                       |5. Education    |
                       |6. Job Target   |

       These are the screens that must be filled out in
       order to complete your chronological resume. If you
       are starting from scratch, you would want to select
       option 1, Personal Info, and proceed through all the
       other screens in order. However, if you have previously
       created the resume and simply need to edit it, this
       menu allows you to go directly to the screen that
       contains the information that needs to be changed.
       Pressing the ESC key will take you back to the main menu.

       After selecting which screen you want to go to, you will
       be taken to that screen and then you simply proceed to
       type in the information that is asked of you. The help
       screens (F1 key) can give you additional information on
       how to do this.

       While entering the information for your chronological-type
       resume, in addition to the normal editing functions
       like left and right arrow keys, backspace, delete, etc.,
       you also have the following editing options:

          Key(s)                Function Performed

       CTRL + LEFT ARROW KEY ... Move left one word.

       CTRL + RIGHT ARROW KEY .. Move right one word.

       HOME ........ Takes you to first character in field.

       END ......... Takes you to the last character in field.

       RETURN ...... Takes you to the next field. If at last
                     field, prompts you whether or not to
                     accept screen contents.

       TAB ......... Takes you to next field.

       SHIFT + TAB . Takes you to previous field.

       CTRL + C .... Clears or Erases the field

       CTRL + R .... Restores field to the value it had
                     when the file was first loaded, OR,
                     if saved since then, to the value it
                     had the last time the file was saved.

       CTRL + A .... Restores all fields on screen to the
                     values they had when the file was first
                     loaded, OR, if saved since then, to the
                     values they had the last time the file
                     was saved. Will first show you what
                     changes would be made and prompt you
                     to confirm.

       CTRL + N .... Takes you to the next screen. This is
                     quicker than escaping to the main menu
                     and making your selection there.

       CTRL + P .... Takes you to the previous screen. Once
                     again, this is quicker than escaping
                     to the main menu and making your choice

       ESC ......... Returns you to the main menu

        Select this option to create or edit a targeted-
        type resume. A targeted-type resume allows you to
        custom-tailor your resume to a specific job. De-emphasizes
        past work experience. Best used when you are concentrating
        on a specific job, or have had very little past
        work experience.

        After entering the number 2 on the main menu for
        targeted resume, you will be shown another menu
        like the one below:

                       |1. Personal Info|
                       |2. Employment 1 |
                       |3. Employment 2 |
                       |4. Employment 3 |
                       |5. Education    |
                       |6. Capabilities |
                       |7. Achievments  |
                       |8. Job Target   |

       These are the screens that must be filled out in
       order to complete your targeted resume. Please note
       that capabilities and achievments are each separated
       into two screens. Choosing option 6 or 7 takes you to
       the first of the two screens, respectively. If you
       are starting from scratch, you would want to select
       option 1, Personal Info, and proceed through all the
       other screens in order. However, if you have previously
       created the resume and simply need to edit it, this
       menu allows you to go directly to the screen that
       contains the information that needs to be changed.
       Pressing the ESC key will take you back to the main menu.

       After selecting which screen you want to go to, you will
       be taken to that screen and then you simply proceed to
       type in the information that is asked of you. The help
       screens (F1 key) can give you additional information on
       how to do this.

       While entering the information for your targeted-type
       resume, in addition to the normal editing functions
       like left and right arrow keys, backspace, delete, etc.,
       you also have the following editing options:

          Key(s)                Function Performed

       CTRL + LEFT ARROW KEY ... Move left one word.

       CTRL + RIGHT ARROW KEY .. Move right one word.

       HOME ........ Takes you to first character in field.

       END ......... Takes you to the last character in field.

       RETURN ...... Takes you to the next field. If at last field,
                     prompts you whether or not to accept screen

       TAB ......... Takes you to next field.

       SHIFT + TAB . Takes you to previous field.

       CTRL + C .... Clears or Erases the field

       CTRL + R .... Restores field to the value it had
                     when the file was first loaded, OR,
                     if saved since then, to the value it
                     had the last time the file was saved.

       CTRL + A .... Restores all fields on screen to the
                     values they had when the file was first
                     loaded, OR, if saved since then, to the
                     values they had the last time the file
                     was saved. Will first show you what
                     changes would be made and prompt you
                     to confirm.

       CTRL + N .... Takes you to the next screen. This is
                     quicker than escaping to the main menu
                     and making your selection there.

       CTRL + P .... Takes you to the previous screen. Once
                     again, this is quicker than escaping
                     to the main menu and making your choice

       ESC ......... Returns you to the main menu

        Select this option to quickly preview your resume
        before printing.

        After entering the number 3 on the main menu for
        view resume, you will be shown a menu like the
        one below:

                      |1. Chronological |
                      |2. Targeted      |

        Select which type of resume you want displayed
        by entering the number 1 or the number 2. The resume
        will then be displayed, one screen at a time.

        Select this option to print your resume to the printer.

      ********************* IMPORTANT *************************
      *                                                       *
      * Before printing, be sure you have selected which type *
      * of printer that will be using. This is done by way of *
      * the "Select Printer" option under the main menu.      *
      *                                                       *
        Select option #4, "Print Resume", from the main
        menu. Then select the type of resume you want
        to print from the sub-menu -- either chronological
        or targeted. Select option #1, "Printer", from
        the next sub-menu to send your resume to your
        printer. Finally, enter the number of copies
        you want printed. The default is 1 copy. If you
        only want to print one copy, simply hit the
        ENTER key to accept the default value.

        If you are printing to a dot-matrix printer, you
        will be prompted whether you want to print on
        forms (computer paper) or on single sheets of paper.
        If you select single sheets, the program will pause
        before each copy to allow you to load the printer
        with a new sheet of paper.
      ******************* IMPORTANT NOTES *************************
      *                                                           *
      * 1. When printing multiple copies to a dot-matrix          *
      *    printer, some printers will print each sucessive       *
      *    copy one line down from the last, meaning that if      *
      *    the first line of the first copy starts on line 3,     *
      *    then the first line of the second copy will start      *
      *    on line 4, and so on. If you are printing only 2 or    *
      *    3 copies at a time, this should not be a problem.      *
      *    However, if you need more than 2 or 3 copies and       *
      *    you printer is behaving in the above-mentioned         *
      *    manner, you will be better off to break your           *
      *    printing down into sets of 2 or 3 copies.              *
      *                                                           *
      * 2. When printing in generic mode (meaning you selected    *
      *    Generic under the Select Printer option), be sure and  *
      *    remember to manually rest the printer before printing. *
      *    To do this, simply turn the printer off, then back     *
      *    on again.                                              *
      *                                                           *

        Select this option to send your completed resume to
        a disk file. The file you create can then be read into
        a word processor, text editor, desktop publisher, etc.
        for customizing it to your exact taste. You might
        want to add additional information, such as expanding
        on previous employers, education, etc. If your
        program has the capabilities, you might want to change
        the font size or type of font, underline or "make
        bold" additional parts or your resume, etc.

        Please note that resumes printed to a disk file
        cannot be read back into Resume Master. These
        are strictly used for importing into other programs.
        The data files, files ending in ".DAT", are the
        files used by Resume Master for storing your resume

        To print to a disk file, select option #4,
        "Print Resume", from the main menu. Then select the
        type of resume you want to print from the sub-menu,
        either chronological or targeted. Select option #2,
        "File", from the next sub-menu to send your resume
        to a disk file. Finally, enter the name of the file
        you want your resume saved under. You may include
        a path in the filename if you wish. For example,
        "C:\RMFILES\MYRESUME.TXT" is a valid name. Of course,
        to create the file in the current disk drive or
        directory, you would just enter the filename,
        such as "RESUME1.TXT".

        After entering the number 5 on the main menu for
        utilities, you will be shown a menu like the
        one below:

                        |1. Modify Screen |
                        |   Positions     |
                        |2. Select Delim. |
                        |   Character     |
                        |3. Shell to DOS  |

        To make a selection, simply enter the number 1,
        2, or 3. Pressing the ESC key returns you to
        the main menu. The three options are explained below.

        1. MODIFY SCREEN POSITIONS -- This is a very
           useful utility that allows you to modify the position
           of Past Employers, Education, Capabilities,
           and Achievements. You may insert a blank screen/
           field, delete an existing screen/field, or swap
           positions of existing screens/fields. The term
           "screen/fields" refers to what is being modified.
           If you are modifying the position of one of your
           employers, then this utility effects all the fields
           that are contained within it (company, date hired,
           job duties,etc.). Same thing with education. If you
           are modifying capabilities or achievements, then it
           effects each individual capability or achievement. In
           other words, it effects individual fields.

                INSERT - To insert a blank screen/field, simply
                move (using the cursor keys) to the desired
                insert position and press the ENTER key. All
                screens/fields at and below this position will
                be moved down one position. The bottom-most
                screen/field will be removed altogether.

                DELETE - To delete an existing screen/field, move
                to the desired delete position and press the
                DELETE key. This screen/field will be deleted
                and all screens/fields below it will be moved up
                one position.
UTILITIES (continued ...)

                SWAP - This option will normally be used only for
                capabilities and achievements. For the moment,
                let's pretend we are working with capabilities.
                First, decide which two capabilities you want
                to swap. Let's say we want to swap the position
                of capability number 7 with capability number 2.
                Now move to one of these two positions, it
                doesn't matter which. We will move to position 2.
                Once there, press the SPACEBAR. The text will now
                be highlighted or change colors. Now move down to
                position 7. As you move, notice that the text that
                was originally in position 2 moves along with the
                cursor bar. What is actually happening is that as
                you move, the text that was in position 2 is being
                swapped with the text in the highlight bar. When
                the highlight bar is at position 3, capabilities
                2 and 3 have been swapped, when the highlight bar
                is at position 4, capabilities 2 and 4 have been
                swapped. Do not worry, these "swaps" are only
                temporary and are not made permanent until you
                press the ENTER key. When you have moved to
                position 7, you will see that capabilities 2 and
                7 have swapped places, which is what we wanted.
                Press the ENTER key to make this change permanent.
                Pressing the ESC key at any point will abort the
                swap process.

        The modify screen positions utility will probably be most
        useful when you change jobs and need to move all your
        past employers down one position to make room for your
        new job. To do this, use the INSERT option at position
UTILITIES (continued ...)

        2. SELECT DELIMINATOR CHARACTER - This function allows
           you to select the type of character that is
           used to mark the beginning of each new job
           duty, achievment, and ability on your printed
           resume. The default and preferred character is
           a small square. However, some printers are unable to
           print this character. If your printer will not print
           this char., then select deliminator character *.
           Before doing this, you might want to check your
           printer manual. Some printers are capable of
           printing different character sets. To print the square,
           your printer must be using the IBM character
           set. To change your deliminator character, select
           option 2 from the utilities menu. A screen will
           then appear that shows the currently active
           deliminator character in the center of the screen.
           Pressing the spacebar toggles between the square and *.
           Press the ENTER key to accept the new value and
           return to the main menu. Pressing ESC retains
           the old value and returns you to the main menu.

        3. SHELL TO DOS - This utility allows you to perform
           DOS commands such as copying and erasing files
           without having to exit RESUME MASTER. After
           selecting option 1, Shell to DOS, on the utilities
           menu, you will temporarily leave RESUME MASTER and
           a DOS prompt will appear. Perform your DOS commands,
           then when you are ready to return to RESUME MASTER,
           type the word EXIT.

        After entering the number 6 on the main menu for
        select printer, you will be shown a menu like the
        one below:

                          |1. Epson/IBM|
                          |2. Laser    |
                          |3. Generic  |

        To select a printer, simply enter the number 1, 2,
        or 3. Pressing the ESC key returns you to the
        main menu. The three printer set-ups are explained

            EPSON/IBM - Select this option when printing to
            a dot-matrix printer. Your printer must be in
            either Epson or IBM mode to get bold text,
            underlining etc. Most printers operate or can
            operate in one or both of these modes, even
            non-Epson and non-IBM printers. For example,
            let's say you have a Star printer, as I do.
            Normally, the printer operates in standard
            mode, or the mode set-up for the Star printer.
            However, it can very easily be changed to
            operate in either Epson or IBM mode. To do this,
            you normally need to change the settings of
            some switches in your printer. It may sound
            complicated, but it is really quite simple.
            Consult your printer manual for details. Your
            best bet if you have a dot-matrix printer is
            to first try printing to your printer as it is
            currently set-up. If it doesn't print properly,
            you don't get underlining or bold text, or you
            get funny looking characters, then you are not
            in Epson or IBM mode. Consult your printer
            manual to see if your printer is capable of
            printing in Epson or IBM mode. If so, make the
            necessary changes and try again. If not, select
            the Generic mode, option 3.
SELECT PRINTER (continued ...)

            LASER - Select this option if you are printing
            to a laser printer. It should work for all
            Hewlett-Packard compatible laser printers. If,
            for some reason, it doesn't print properly, select
            Generic mode, option 3, and try again.

            GENERIC - If your resume is printed with strange
            characters or you get unexpected results after
            using the Epson/IBM or Laser printer mode, select
            the Generic print mode. You will not get underlining
            or bold text, so use only as a last resort.

      ******************** IMPORTANT NOTE **********************
      *                                                        *
      * 1. You only have to choose a printer mode once. Your   *
      * selection is saved to a file and then reloaded each    *
      * time you use the program.                              *
      *                                                        *
LOAD FILE/SAVE FILE (File Input Screen)

     When you select Load File or Save File from the main
     menu, a File Input Screen will appear. The File
     Input Screen allows you to either load a data file to
     edit or to save a file to disk, depending on whether
     you selected Load File or Save File. Data files
     are the files that contain the information that will
     be printed on your resume, such as your name, address,
     past employers, etc. Each data file will allow you to
     create one chronological-type resume and one targeted-
     type resume. RESUME MASTER allows you to create and work
     with as many data files as you want.

     The File Input Screen consists of four parts:

     Filename: --  Enter the name of the file you wish to
                   load or the name of the file you
                   want to save your resume under.
                   All data files must end in ".DAT". A
                   directory listing is provided in the middle
                   of the File Input Screen that lists all
                   RESUME MASTER data files that exist at the
                   current path.

     < Accept > --  After you have entered the name of the file
                    you want to load or save, TAB over to
                    "< Accept >" (it will begin blinking) and
                    press ENTER to confirm your selection.

     Path: -- This is the location that the selected data file
              will be stored or loaded from. The path consists
              of the drive (A:,B:,C:,or D:) and may also contain
              one or more directories (E.G. C:\RMASTER\DATAFILES).
              The Directory Listing lists all data files that
              exist at this path. If you want to save a data
              file and want it stored at a different path,
              or you wish to retrieve an existing data file that
              is located at a different path, simply change the
              path setting and press the ENTER key. The
              Directory Listing will then be updated to
              reflect the data files that exist at the new path.

     Directory Listing --  The Directory Listing list all
                           data files, if any, that exist at
                           the current path. These files are
                           listed between the two horizontal
                           lines on the File Input Screen.

        Select this option to clear the current resume and to
        begin creating a new one from scratch.

        While using RESUME MASTER, you can get on-screen help
        at almost any point in the program by pressing the F1 key.

        The following actions can be performed while the help
        screen is being displayed:

          Key(s)                Function Performed

        ESC ................. Removes help screen from display

        Home ................ Takes you to the beginning of the help

        End ................. Takes you to the end of the help

        Page Up ............. Scrolls up one page

        Page Down ........... Scrolls down one page

        The up arrow key .... Scrolls up one line

        The down arrow key .. Scrolls down one line

       The following three pages contain a cover letter, a
       chronological-type resume, and a targeted-type resume.
       All three are almost identical to copies that I recently
       sent to prospective employers. They are included as
       examples to help you in filling out your resume. Hopefully,
       you can get some ideas from them.

       The resumes are included to demonstrate content. They will
       print similar to a resume printed with the Generic print mode.
       Unlike the resumes you will generate, they do not include
       bold text, underlining, etc.

       Although this program is not intended to teach you the
       mechanics of filling out a resume, contacting potential
       employers, etc., I do want to emphasize the importance
       of always including a cover letter with your resume. A
       cover letter specifically points out the intentions behind
       your resume, allows you to emphasize specific things
       about yourself that relate to the company or position in
       question, and most importantly, gives your resume a
       "personal touch" that sets it apart from resumes without
       cover letters.

       A cover letter should be precise and to-the-point. It
       should never be over one page in length. If you know the
       the name of the person who will be reviewing your resume,
       address it to him/her directly.
May 25, 1991

Mr. Jeff Adams
Data Processing Manager
Computer Central, Inc.
1111 Anystreet
Dallas, Texas 75757

Dear Mr. Adams:

I would like to apply for the position of Assistant Controller as
described in the May 23rd edition of the Dallas Morning News.

I have had considerable experience with both computer applications
and programming in general. I have worked extensively with both
databases and spreadsheets, including writing some rather complex
macros for 20/20, a LOTUS 123 clone that is the system spreadsheet
where I am currently employed. Additionally, I have considerable
experience working with DOS, from performing file utilities such as
copying files, unerasing files, etc. to writing batch files.

My minimum salary requirement is $23,000.00, which could be
negotiable depending on the benefits provided by Computer Central,

I would appreciate the opportunity of an interview at your convience.
I feel I would make a worthwhile addition to your team.


                                            James S. Nixon

                                James S. Nixon
                                 P.O. Box 1063
                               Van, Texas 75790
                             Home: (111) 222-3333



  11/89 - Present   HOWE-BAKER ENGINEERS, INC.                     Tyler, TX
                    Document Controller - Quality Control Division

                    * Created a computerized menu system that quickly and
                      easily accesses all QC files
                    * Maintain several spreadsheets that chart weekly and
                      cumulative welding reject rate
                    * Completed change orders for Engineering Dept.
                    * Created and maintain drawing index for project on

  3/89 - 8/89       FLUOR-DANIEL, INC.                         Sugarland, TX
                    Drafter III

                    * Operated Hewlett-Packard plotters
                    * Used both AutoCad and VersaCad
                    * Worked extensively with DOS. Created batch files,
                      restored damaged or erased files, etc.
                    * Used dBase to keep track of drawings that were

  5/85 - 3/89       EASTEX BUILDERS SUPPLY                           Van, TX
                    Assistant Manager                           

                    * Assisted customers with product selection
                    * Supervised other employees
                    * Ordered materials for inventory
                    * Ordered forklift


  1988              TYLER JUNIOR COLLEGE, Drafting
  1985              VAN HIGH SCHOOL
                                James S. Nixon
                                 P.O. Box 1063
                               Van, Texas 75790
                             Home: (111) 222-3333


                    * Proficient in Primos and DOS operating systems
                      including JCL programming
                    * Proficient in use of Prime INFO database
                    * Proficient in LOTUS 123 and Prime 20/20 spreadsheets
                      including macro applications
                    * Extremely fluent in QuickBASIC programming. This
                      resume was generated by a program that I wrote.
                    * Familiar with basics of COBOL and "C" programming
                    * Self-starter. Ability to learn and work

                    * Created and maintain official drawing index for
                      project on Prime INFO database
                    * Designed and developed computerized menu system for
                      accessing Quality Control files
                    * Wrote spreadsheet macros that have been utilized
                      by other employees
                    * Produce weekly graph on LOTUS 123 that charts the
                      reject rate for all structural welding
                    * Computerized many of our Quality Control forms that
                      were previously done manually
                    * Have used both VersaCad and AutoCad
                    * Have spent considerable time operating
                      Hewlett-Packard plotters.
                    * Currently have two programs that are being
                      distributed by several different shareware companies


  11/89 - Present   HOWE-BAKER ENGINEERS, INC.                      Tyler, TX
                    Document Controller - Quality Control Division

  3/89 - 8/89       FLUOR-DANIEL, INC.                          Sugarland, TX
                    Drafter III

  5/85 - 3/89       EASTEX BUILDER SUPPLY                             Van, TX
                    Assistant Manager


  1988              TYLER JUNIOR COLLEGE, Drafting
  1985              VAN HIGH SCHOOL

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #2914

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

RESUME   EXE    205132   2-17-92   8:18p
BRUN45   EXE     77440   9-28-88   1:43a
PRINTDOC EXE      4196   2-20-92   6:34p
SHARE-M  TXT      4007   2-14-92   5:29p
SHARE-C  TXT      4007   2-14-92   5:27p
MANUAL   DOC     52657   2-20-92   6:10p
RESUME   CON        13   2-14-92   5:38p
REGISTER FRM      2389   9-16-91   8:58p
README            1305   2-14-92   5:24p
STANDARD DAT       199   8-02-91   8:23p
GO       BAT        32   9-29-92  11:26a
SHOW     EXE      2040   9-12-88  10:48a
       12 file(s)     353417 bytes
                        2048 bytes free