PCjs Machines

Home of the original IBM PC emulator for browsers.


PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #2854)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5170" to load....


Disk No: 2854                                                           
Disk Title: PC-Write Standard 4 of 4                                    
PC-SIG Version: S1                                                      
Program Title: PC-Write Standard Level                                  
Author Version: 2.0                                                     
Author Registration: $129.00                                            
Special Requirements: 384K RAM (640K recommended).                      
With PC-WRITE STANDARD LEVEL, Quicksoft introduces a new member of the  
PC-Write family of word processors.  Ease of use is stressed in this    
version without limiting its standard word processing options.          
Pull-down menus help to keep the learning curve short for the novice.   
The more experienced word processor may choose to bypass the pull-down  
menus in favor of the faster function key commands or use both.  Mouse  
support is offered, as is online context-sensitive Help.  Multiple      
windows allow you to edit up to ten windows or documents at one time.   
Also included is a conversion tool to import and export files to and    
from WordPerfect, ASCII, and DCA/RFT standards.                         
To complete the package, Quicksoft introduces the ``adaptable word      
processor'' which lets you customize it to your specific word processing
needs.  Control the look and feel of the program.  Customizing has never
been easier.  Set your preferences, or ``select your profile,'' from the
pull-down menu bar, the program's Customizer, or during installation.   
1030D East Duane Avenue                                                 
Sunnyvale  Ca. 94086                                                    
(408) 730-9291                                                          
(c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.                                         

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #2854

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

GO       BAT      1516   9-20-91   2:00p
PRINT    TST      1972   9-20-91   2:00p
CHARS    TST      1041   9-20-91   2:00p
JUSTIFY  TST      4916   9-20-91   2:00p
MENUPRT  BAT       119   9-20-91   2:00p
MENUPRT1 EXE     31560   9-20-91   2:00p
MENUPRT2 EXE     56745   9-20-91   2:00p
MENUPRT3 EXE     29609   9-20-91   2:00p
MENUPRT4 EXE     33305   9-20-91   2:00p
MENULAZ  BAT        87   9-20-91   2:00p
MENULAZ1 EXE     46314   9-20-91   2:00p
MENULAZ2 EXE     42985   9-20-91   2:00p
MENULAZ3 EXE     22729   9-20-91   2:00p
HPFIX    BAT      1452   9-20-91   2:00p
PLUSDOWN BAT      6280   9-20-91   2:00p
DESKDOWN BAT      3067   9-20-91   2:00p
QUADDOWN BAT      3904   9-20-91   2:00p
PSREAD   ME      10113   9-20-91   2:00p
PSDOWN   INI     21166   9-20-91   2:00p
PSDOWN   FIN         4   9-20-91   2:00p
PS       DEF     13823   9-20-91   2:00p
PSZNORM  ADD        52   9-20-91   2:00p
PSZNEW   ADD        68   9-20-91   2:00p
PSZNET   ADD        66   9-20-91   2:00p
PSPRINT  TST      1068   9-20-91   2:00p
PCWRITE  DIR      3031   9-20-91   2:00p
PCW4     DIR         2   9-20-91   2:00p
FILE2854 TXT      2369  10-14-91   1:27p
       28 file(s)     339363 bytes
                        7168 bytes free