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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #2850)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5170" to load....


Changes to Early Bird Version 1.0f

Changes from 1.0 to 1.0f (maintenance release):
  o Added bound manual to registration package.
  o Several documentation improvements/enhancements.
  o Fixed a problem with changing the Class to one that isn't current.
  o Fixed a problem with installation for Hercules Monitors.
  o Disabled CGA Snow suppression (bug) for Hercules/Monochrome Monitors.

Since there have been no other major releases of this program to the public,
there are no other changes to list here.  However, this program went through
a very extensive and time consuming BETA testing process to get all problems
resolved BEFORE the first major public release.

The "Info" pull-down menu in the Early Bird Editor describes a large number of
exciting upgrades currently being added to the program.  Please feel free
to contact Allan Computer Products if you have any ideas which you would
like to see implemented in the program.  In addition, remember to register and
pass the program along to your friends, thereby keeping the shareware concept
working.  This will allow implementation of these exciting upgrades as soon
as possible.


Disk No: 2850
Disk Title: Early Bird
PC-SIG Version: S1.0F

Program Title: Early Bird
Author Version: 1.0F
Author Registration: $30.00
Special Requirements:
Hard disk recommended. Microsoft mouse driver V6.14+ supported.

Early Bird is the one of the best user-friendly, full-featured reminder
program available. It features simple or complex reminders (e.g., 3 from
last Thurs of every 9 month), desktop calendar & scan (AUTOEXEC) modes,
color pull-down & pop-up menus, context sensitive on-line help, alarm,
DOS shell, mouse support, file commands, & selectable group printing.
Also has user definable classes, notice, print/display options and many
special effects.

1030D East Duane Avenue
Sunnyvale  Ca. 94086
(408) 730-9291
(c) Copyright 1991 PC-SIG, Inc.


Introduction to Early Bird(tm) v1.0f

Welcome to Early Bird!  You will never forget another event!  Just use Early
Bird to store all your events (reminders).  Early Bird is designed to be very
user friendly and supports virtually every type of reminder possible.  The
reminder types can be as simple as "Monthly" or "Annual", or as complicated
as the "third from the last Thursday of every fourth month!"

To install Early Bird onto a FLOPPY DISK or HARD DISK, type:
    INSTALL       <and press Enter>

To view the manual and documentation files on your screen or print
them on your printer, type:
    EBDOC         <and press Enter>

To enter the Early Bird Editor, type: EB       <and press Enter>
To scan reminders, type:              EB SCAN  <and press Enter>

To get detailed help on running Early Bird, type:
    EB ?          <and press Enter>


Registration Form for Early Bird (tm) Version 1.0f

Fast VISA/MC/Discover/Amex registration by phone or FAX:

  TOLL FREE 24 HOUR ORDER LINE: 1-800-374-5725 (orders only)
  Outside USA:                  (913) 384-5725
  FAX number:                   (913) 385-3451
  Compuserve orders:            71341,2253

Or send order    Allan Computer Products
form to:         PO Box 2177
                 Shawnee Mission, KS 66201
                                                  PRICE     PRICE
ITEM                               QUANTITY       EACH      EXTENDED

Early Bird Full Registration*      ________       $30       $_______
Current Version Diskette Only      ________       $8        $_______

                                     Shipping and handling  $  4.00
                   Foreign S&H outside US/Canada, $4 extra  $_______

                                                  SUBTOTAL  $_______

                     Kansas residents please add sales tax  $_______

                                                     TOTAL  $_______
Subtract 20% for quantities of 2 to 9 for any one
item.  Please call for larger orders or site licenses.

*Full registration of Early Bird provides a bound manual, current
 registered version diskette, lifetime registration, technical
 support, and addition to mailing list for upgrade notification and
 program hints.

Where did you get Early Bird?_______________________________________

Please indicate one disk size:     []3.5"    []5.25"

Payment:  []VISA    []MasterCard    []Discover   []American Express
          []Check (U.S Funds only, drawn on U.S Bank)
          []Purchase Order (Major U.S. Corporations Only)

VISA/MC/Discover/Amex/PO#: __________________________Exp.Date:______
Signature (non-Compuserve orders): _________________________________

Registered User Mailing Address:





     Country:______________________Day Phone:____________________

Thank you for your order!    Prices Subject to change.   T#: ASP M1


Early Bird Version 1.0f README.DOC file

(NOTE: The 50 page Early Bird on-disk manual is in the "compressed" file
EB.CMP. Just run EBDOC from the DOS prompt to view or print this manual.)

To run Early Bird, the following are the system requirements:

     o IBM PC, XT, AT, PS/2 or 100% compatible

     o PC-DOS or MS-DOS Version 2.1 or later

     o At least 200k of available RAM memory. (The number of
       reminders supported by Early Bird is limited only by memory.)

     o One double-sided floppy disk drive. (A hard disk is optional
       but recommended for an improvement in speed.)

     o 80-column color or monochrome monitor.  No graphics monitor
       capability is needed.  (You may select any color scheme to
       use with Early Bird.)

     o Microsoft mouse or compatible is optional.  If used, version
       6.14 or higher of the mouse driver (or equivalent) is

     o A printer is optional if you wish to get printed output of
       your reminders.  (User selectable printer configuration
       options are supported).

If you are having problems seeing parts of Early Bird on your computer
monitor due to the default color selections, simply start up the
Early Bird Editor with the option /BW or /LCD.  That is, for example:

      EB /LCD

Then select the Options pull-down menu, choose Modify Colors, and select
any colors that you prefer.

To register or order upgrade disks for Early Bird, print out the file
ORDER.DOC on your printer, fill it out, and return it to Allan Computer
Products OR CALL TOLL FREE 1-800-374-5725 with your Visa, Mastercard,
American Express or Discover card.



Last updated:  September, 1991

This file provides information for Shareware Distributors, Disk Vendors,
Sysops and Computer Clubs who wish to distribute the Early Bird v1.0f

Early Bird Version 1.0f Changes

     o Minor bug fixes
     o Supports International characters
     o Added flexibility to command line option entry
     o Incorporated new address/phone number information and payment options

Address Information

     Allan Computer Products         (913) 384-5725 (Voice)
     PO Box 2177                     (913) 384-3451 (FAX)
     Shawnee Mission, KS 66201       1-800-374-5725 (US orders only)

Program Description (Welcome to use or modify for your catalogs...)

     Early Bird(tm) Home and Business Reminder Program v1.0f,
     copyright (C) 1990-91 by Allan Computer Products. This is the
     best user-friendly, full- featured reminder and calendar
     program available. It features simple or complex reminder
     types (e.g., 3rd from the last Thursday of every 9th
     month), desktop calendar and scan (AUTOEXEC.BAT) modes,
     color pull- down and pop-up menus, context sensitive
     on-line help, alarm, DOS shell, mouse support, file
     manipulation commands, and selectable group printing.  In
     addition, Early Bird offers user definable classes, notice,
     print, color and display options, special sound and visual
     effects and reminder creation defaults. Once you try it,
     you'll never stop. Author is a member of the ASP.

Bulletin Boards

     If possible, name the compressed file EB10F..., e.g., EB10F.ZIP

System Requirements

     o IBM PC, XT, AT, PS/2 or 100% compatible
     o PC-DOS or MS-DOS Version 2.1 or later
     o At least 200k of available RAM memory. (The number of reminders
       supported by Early Bird is limited only by memory!)
     o One double-sided floppy disk drive. (A hard disk is optional but
     o Any color or monochrome monitor.  No graphics monitor capability is
     o OPTIONAL - Microsoft mouse (v6.14 or higher driver) or compatible.
     o OPTIONAL - All printers supported to get printed output of your

Registration for $30 plus S&H provides the following:

     o Bound User Manual
     o Current-version Registered User Diskette
     o Technical Support
     o Lifetime Registraion
     o Addition to Mailing List (upgrades, etc...)

Limited Distribution License:

As the exclusive copyright holder for Early Bird, Allan Computer Products
authorizes distribution only in accordance with the following restrictions.

The Early Bird package is defined as containing all the files listed below:


If any files listed above are missing, then the package is not complete and
distribution is forbidden.  Please contact us to obtain a complete package
suitable for distribution.

The Early Bird package - including all related program files and
documentation files - CANNOT be modified in any way and must be distributed
as a complete package, except that small additions to the package, such as
the introductory or installation batch files used by many shareware disk
vendors, are acceptable.

No price or other compensation may be charged for the Early Bird package. A
distribution fee may be charged for the cost of the diskette, shipping and
handling, as long as the total (per disk) does not exceed US$8.00 in the
U.S. and Canada, or US$12.00 internationally.

Disk Sets & CD-ROMs:
The Early Bird package CANNOT be sold as part of some other inclusive
package.  Nor can it be included in any commercial software packaging
offer, without a written agreement from Allan Computer Products.

   ASP Approved Vendors who wish to distribute the Early Bird package
   as part of a collection (such as PsL's MegaDisk set, or a CD-ROM
   package) may do so provided that all the other restrictions are met.

   Vendors (non-ASP Vendor Members) who wish to distribute the
   Early Bird package as part of a collection (such as PsL's MegaDisk
   set, or a CD-ROM package) must obtain permission from Allan Computer
   Products prior to beginning such a distribution.

   If you wish to add any of our programs to a CD-ROM or other collection,
   please check the release date of the version you have.  If the version
   is over twelve (12) months old then please contact us to ensure that you
   have the most current version.

Disk-of-the-Month (or Subscription) Distribution:
If you would like to distribute the Early Bird package as a Disk-of-
the-Month, or as part of a subscription or monthly service, then the
following restrictions apply:

   ASP Associate (Disk Vendor) Members in good standing are hereby given
   permission to distribute the Early Bird package under the Disk-of-
   the-Month style of distribution.

   Others (non-ASP Members) must contact us in advance to ensure that you
   have the most current version of the software.

   You cannot use a Disk-of-the-Month distribution to use up your inventory
   of old (out of date) disks.  Only current versions may be shipped as
   Disk-of-the-Month disks.

The Early Bird package cannot be "rented" or "leased" to others.

You may not list any of our products in advertisements, catalogs, or other
literature which describes our products as "FREE SOFTWARE".  Shareware is
"Try-Before-You-Buy" software, it is not free.

Allan Computer Products prohibits the distribution of outdated versions of
the Early Bird package, without written permission from Allan Computer
Products.  If the version you have is over twelve (12) months old, please
contact us to ensure that you have the most current version.

U.S. Government Information:  Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S.
Government of the computer software and documentation in this package shall
be subject to the restricted rights applicable to commercial computer
software as set forth in subdivision (b)(3)(ii) of the Rights in Technical
Data and Computer Software clause at 252.227-7013 (DFARS 52.227-7013).  The
Contractor/manufacturer is Allan Computer Products, PO Box 2177, Shawnee
Mission, KS 66201.

All rights not expressly granted here are reserved to Allan Computer

Applying for ASP Associate Membership:

If you would like to apply for ASP Associate Membership (to become an ASP
Approved Vendor or BBS), simply write to the following address and request
a Vendor Membership Application Package:

   ASP Executive Director
   545 Grover Road
   Muskegon, MI  49442-9427

   or send a CompuServe message via CompuServe MAIL to ASP Executive
   Director 72050,1433.  You may also FAX a request to the ASP Executive
   Director at 616-788-2765.

Please Help Us Serve You Better:

We would appreciate copies of anything you print regarding Early Bird.
Please send us a copy of any reviews, articles, catalog descriptions, or
other information you print or distribute regarding the Early Bird
package.  Thank you for your time and assistance and for supporting the
shareware marketing concept.

Thank you for your support!

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #2850

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

GO       BAT        31   9-01-91
CHANGES  DOC      1205   9-01-91
EB       REM       990   9-01-91
EBDOC    EXE     13752   9-01-91
EB       CMP     41612   9-01-91
EB       EXE     83341   9-01-91
EB       HLP     41231   9-01-91
README   DOC      1732   9-01-91
HOLIDAYS REM      1385   9-01-91
ORDER    DOC      2359   9-01-91
INSTALL  BAT      4887   9-01-91
GO       DOC       915   9-01-91
VENDOR   DOC      7646   9-01-91
FILE2850 TXT       794  12-18-91   4:18p
       14 file(s)     201880 bytes
                      113664 bytes free