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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #2844)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5170" to load....


Disk No: 2844
Disk Title: 3 ball Juggler
PC-SIG Version: S1.12

Program Title: 3 ball Juggler
Author Version: 1.12
Author Registration: $15.00
Special Requirements: EGA or VGA monitor, 512K RAM, DOS 2.1 or higher

Here's a program for those ''wannabe'' jugglers who've kept putting off
breaking those eggs or tossing those balls. But now there's no excuse.
Learn how to juggle with your computer.  You say, "my computer?" That's
right. 3 BALL JUGGLER, a rather unique program, uses animation to teach
you the basics of three-ball juggling, common mistakes made by
beginners, and some techniques of advanced juggling. A challenging
arcade game is thrown in for more fun.

1030D East Duane Avenue
Sunnyvale  Ca. 94086
(408) 730-9291
(c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.


    ║          <<<<  PC-SIG DISK #2844  3 BALL JUGGLER   >>>>          ║
    ║  To print the documentation, type:                               ║
    ║                               COPY README.DOC PRN  (press Enter) ║
    ║                               COPY README.TOO PRN  (press Enter) ║
    ║                                                                  ║
    ║  To start the program, type:  J (press Enter)                    ║
    ║                                                                  ║
    ║  To print the registration form, type:                           ║
    ║                             COPY REGISTER.DOC PRN  (press Enter) ║
    ║                                                                  ║
    ║                                                                  ║
    ║                                  (c) Copyright 1992, PC-SIG Inc. ║


------------------------  3 ball Juggler  ---------------------
                         Revision History

Rev. 1.01 -- 18 Sep 91 -- Limited release.

Rev. 1.10 -- 29 Oct 91 -- Limited release
  - Added sound toggle
  - Added multiple jugglers
  - Added 3 game levels and score table
  - Added larger dots and dot-toggle in lesson and trick section
  - Added First Magnitude logo
  - Added offer on 5 ball Juggler

Rev. 1.11  -- 31 Oct 91 -- Limited release
  - Fixed "drop through hand" bug and "sound toggle" bug

Rev. 1.12  --  14 Nov 91 -- Wide release
  - Darkened juggler 2's nose
  - Ball order in hand corrected
  - Added ASP logo


----------------------  3 ball Juggler  ---------------------------
--- A fast, EGA/VGA juggling tutor with challenging arcade game ---
                          Ver. 1.12

"3 ball Juggler" uses fast animation with high resolution EGA/VGA 
graphics to teach juggling. In addition to teaching all the 
fundamentals of three ball juggling, the program demonstrates some 
common mistakes most beginners make. Graphic and text instruction of 
several tricks are also provided. Speed can be varied allowing the 
juggling to be viewed in slow motion. A challenging multi-level 
nonviolent arcade game is also included. This game simulates 
juggling with control over each hand. (Distributed via Shareware.) 

To run "3 ball Juggler" go to the drive and directory containing the 
program and type J <Enter>. High resolution (640 x 350) color EGA or 
VGA is required. We would appreciate any comments or suggestions 
regarding this program. Please send them to: 

                    First Magnitude
                    175 E. Alex-Bell Road
                      Suite 220-316
                    Centerville OH 45459


          ----  3 ball Juggler Order Form  ----

Registration benefits:  You will receive the latest registered
version of this program and additional illustrated material on
juggling. You will also receive telephone support for 90 days
after registration. You may also choose to order "5 ball Juggler"
at the same time and save $5. Both programs may be purchased for
a combined price of $25. "5 ball Juggler" teaches four and five
ball juggling with the same fast high resolution graphics used in
"3 ball Juggler". In addition, "5 ball Juggler" has an option of
three, four, or five balls in the game section. Are you up to the
challenge? Finally, registered users will receive notices of
major updates and information on releases of other products.

Your Name: _____________________________________________________

Address:   _____________________________________________________

City:      _____________________________________________________

State:     _____  Zip Code: ___________  Country: ______________

Phone (optional): (      ) ______ - __________ [ ] home [ ] work

Please describe your system(s) (optional) :
[ ] CGA   [ ] TANDY    [ ] Hercules
[ ] EGA   [ ] MCGA     [ ] VGA ( If VGA,manufacturer?____________)
[ ] Mouse [ ] Joystick [ ] Hard disk

Where did you get your evaluation copy of this program?

[ ] BBS ________________________________________________________

[ ] Catalog ____________________________________________________

[ ] Friend    [ ] Other ________________________________________

3 ball Juggler                   ______ copies @ $15 =  ________

3 ball and 5 ball Juggler        ______ copies @ $25 =  ________

( We pay for Shipping )                    TOTAL   _____________

Please send Check or Money order in U.S. dollars only.

[ ] Check enclosed   [ ] Money order enclosed

Disk type: [ ]  5 1/4 360 K  [ ]  3 1/2 720K

Send order to:          First Magnitude
                        175 E. Alex-Bell Rd.
                          Suite 220-316
                        Dayton OH 45459


------------------  3 ball Juggler, Version 1.12  ---------------

Short description:
A fast, EGA/VGA juggling tutor with challenging arcade game

Long description:
"3 ball Juggler" uses fast animation with high resolution EGA/VGA 
graphics to teach juggling. In addition to teaching all the 
fundamentals of three ball juggling, the program demonstrates some 
common mistakes most beginners make. Graphic and text instruction of 
several tricks are also provided. Speed can be varied allowing the 
juggling to be viewed in slow motion. A challenging multi-level 
nonviolent arcade game is also included. This game simulates 
juggling with control over each hand. (Distributed via Shareware.) 

$15(US) for the three ball version. A 4 and 5 ball version is 
available for an additional $10(US). 

EGA/VGA, 512K, DOS 2.1 or later.

Distribution rights:
As the exclusive copyright holder for "3 ball Juggler", First 
Magnitude authorizes distribution only in accordance with the 
following restrictions. 

ASP approved vendors in good standing may distribute "3 ball 
Juggler" in accordance with the regulations of the Association of 
Shareware Professionals. Other vendors must contact First 
Magnitude for more information. To obtain the latest version of 
"3 ball Juggler" and restrictions on distribution, send a copy of 
your catalog to First Magnitude at the address below or call us 
at (513) 436-0232 or via CompuServe at 76170,2251. 

                    First Magnitude
                    175 E. Alex-Bell Road
                      Suite 220-316
                    Centerville OH 45459

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #2844

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

J        EXE    200892  11-08-91  11:00a
T_JUG1   3BJ      6728   9-09-91   1:58p
JUGLR1   3BJ     12770  10-28-91  10:16a
FMLOGOV  3BJ     13751  10-15-91  11:44a
RHS2     3BJ       416  10-28-91  10:18a
LHS2     3BJ       416  10-28-91  10:18a
RHS3     3BJ       416  10-28-91  10:26a
LHS3     3BJ       416  10-28-91  10:27a
RHS1     3BJ       416  10-28-91  10:17a
LHS1     3BJ       416  10-28-91  10:17a
JUGLR2   3BJ     15186  11-07-91   5:05p
JUGLR3   3BJ     16506  10-28-91  10:17a
SHAREW   PRN      5300  10-29-91   8:41a
README   DOC      1133  11-08-91   4:33p
README   TOO      2612  11-02-91  10:55a
HISTORY  DOC       660  11-14-91   8:36a
REGISTER DOC      2138  11-09-91  12:21p
VENDOR   DOC      1659  11-09-91   7:26p
FILE2844 TXT       792   3-27-92   1:54a
GO       BAT        38   5-29-87  11:21a
GO       TXT      1110   4-08-92   2:07p
       21 file(s)     283771 bytes
                       25600 bytes free