PCjs Machines

Home of the original IBM PC emulator for browsers.


PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #2816)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5170" to load....


                                  Registration Form
                          The CONSTITUTION Notebook Program
                                     Version 1.22

     Use this form to register the TCN program.

     During the GO program or Main Menu option 14 of the TCN program, function
     key F4 lists the benefits of registration.  Detailed descriptions of some
     benefits of registration are included there.

     Notice that two levels of registration exist:

        1)  Basic

        2)  Extended

     The fee for basic registration is $15.00 (US).  You receive a number of
     items as a benefit of basic registration.  These items are listed below.
     Items 1, 2, and 5 are NOT shareware.

         1) an updated TCN program,  2) a handy set of utilities to go along
         with the TCN package,  3) a trial diskette containing the bill of
         rights from all fifty states,  4) a pocket sized version of the United
         States Constitution prepared by the Bicentennial Commission (while
         supplies last),  5) an uncommented seminar called "The Constitution
         Notebook",  6) a complimentary set of labels for your TCN package
         diskettes,  7) a list of materials and sources (including shareware
         and commercial software) related to study of the Constitution, 
         8) access to telephone support (one hour maximum, at your expense),
         and  9) automatic notice of updates when they occur.

     Extended registration benefits consist of being able to purchase 3 items
     from TCNbP Company that are not available to unregistered users.  These
     items are listed below.  NONE of these items is shareware.

         1) a proof reader's tape of the United States Constitution,
         2) a commented version of The Constitution Notebook seminar, and
         3) uncommented versions of the seminars containing all 5 rights
         documents included with the evaluation copy of the TCN package.

     The fee for extended registration benefits is as follows:

         The total fee for basic registration and extended registration with
         one extended benefit item (please circle) is $25.00 (US).

         The total fee for basic registration and extended registration with
         all 3 extended benefits items is $35.00 (US).

         If you order the items on the extended benefits list later, they are
         $10.00 (US) each.  Note buy two get one free offer above applies only
         if you order when registering.

                                  Registration Form
                          The CONSTITUTION Notebook Program
                                     Version 1.22

     To register, complete this form and enclose it with your registration fee
     payment.  Send to address shown under TCN program Main Menu option 14.

     Date: ..........................

     Name of Person or Organization to be registered


     If not a person, indicate department identifier ........................

     Street Address ...........................................................

     City .......................................State.......Zip Code..........

     Telephone Number   Area Code (    ) - .............................

     Indicate type drive you use to operate the TCN program   5-1/4",  3-1/2",
     or Fixed/Hard.  Circle one.

     Indicate size(s) of floppy drive(s) available on the computer that you use
     to operate the TCN program  5 1/4",  3 1/2",  Both.  Circle one.

     Please, provide ALL of the above.  Optional information is requested

     DOS Level? ..........  don't know
     Type CPU chip? older(?) 8086 8088 V20 286 386 486 SX DX newer don't know
     clock speed? 4.77  8  10  12 16 20 25 33 50 100 MHz don't know
     co-processor?  Yes No Don't know
     Hard drive capacity? less 10 20 30 40 60 80 100 120 Mb More  don't know
     Amount of RAM?  less 512 K  640 K  1 Meg 2 Meg  4 Meg  More don't know
     Provide data or circle appropriate items.


     Things you like about the program, don't like, wish it had, etc.  Provided
     comments that you especially liked or agreed with, disliked or disagreed
     with, did not understand.  Use additional pages if needed.  Thanks!





Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #2816

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

TITLE               27  11-27-91   8:01p
TCN      EXE    195262   8-09-92  10:56a
GO       EXE     64676   8-04-92  10:28p
HELP     TCN     52759   8-09-92  11:17a
MASTWORD LXX     12779   8-05-92   9:19p
REGFORM  DOC      5009   8-09-92  11:18a
MASTSYLL LXX      2910   8-05-92  10:56p
MASTLGTH LXX      2916   8-05-92   9:19p
MASTSORT LXX      2916   8-05-92   9:19p
MASTMISC LXX      1016  12-09-89   2:49p
VERSIONS LXX       720   8-07-92  10:03p
HELPINDX TCN       264   8-04-92  10:31p
OPTIONS  LXX        37   8-05-92  11:00p
       13 file(s)     341291 bytes
                       15360 bytes free