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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #2774)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5170" to load....


Disk No: 2774
Disk Title: VideoMaster
PC-SIG Version: S1

Program Title: VideoMaster
Author Version: 7.41
Author Registration: $25.00
Special Requirements: None.  A printer is recommended.

Organize your videotape library with VIDEOMASTER, a custom database
manager.  Data entry is a breeze.  Edit, sort, and search.  Print
catalogs, listings, and even labels for both the videotape front and
spine.  VIDEOMASTER is well thought out and can make a videophile's
chores almost fun.

1030D East Duane Avenue
Sunnyvale  Ca. 94086
(408) 730-9291
(c) Copyright 1991 PC-SIG, Inc.



Mail To:  Unicorn Software Ltd.
          PO Box 911
          Wabash, Indiana 46992-0911

Please  enclose  a check or money order for $25.00 for every
copy  of  VideoMaster  you wish to register.  Write for Site
License information.


Street Address:______________________________________________


Version You Are Using:_______________________________________

Where Did You Obtain It From:________________________________

Any Suggestions For Improvements?

With registration you can choose one of  the  other  Unicorn
programs  to  review  and a Shareware version will be mailed
free  of  charge  (See  READ1ST.DOC  for  available titles).
Your choice:

Or you can use your MC, Visa, AmEx, or Discover by calling the
Public(software)Library  at 800-2424-PsL or 713-524-6394 or by
FAX to 713-524-6398 or by CompuServe to 71355,470 or  by  mail
to  PsL,  PO Box 35705, Houston, TX 77235-5705.  These numbers
are for ordering only.  Order #10214.

For  information  about  dealer   pricing,   site   licensing,
shipping   of  product,  returns,  latest  version  number  or
technical  support  call  219-563-HOME  or  write  to  Unicorn
Software Ltd. directly.



                         Unicorn Software Limited
                                PO Box 911
                              Wabash, Indiana

Dear Shareware User,

If for any reason you need help with this Unicorn Software Limited program,
please do the following:

1.   Read the documentation to make sure that you are doing everything that
is instructed there.

2.  Write down exactly what you did prior to the problem occuring, and  any
error messages that the computer gave you.

3.   Write  a  brief  note,  and  include the name and address of where you
obtained  the  software  from ( Sometimes the problem is with the copy that
the Shareware dealer has, and we can not correct that unless  we  have  the
name   and   address   of   the   supplier.),   and  send it along with the
problem description to the address above.  Include a self addressed stamped

You can also call 219-563-HOME from 6 to 9 PM EST.

Unicorn stands ready to support  every  program  that  we  distribute,  and
history  has taught us that sometimes a minor problem with the instructions
or the level of computer knowledge a User has can cause the User to  simply
give  up  on  a  program.   When  you  bought  this program you felt it was
something that would be useful to you, if a minor problem is preventing you
from trying the program out, let us know we're here to help.

Charles P. Schell IV


                               Version 7.41
                      'Mastering Your Video Library'

                       From Unicorn Software Limited

                                Created By:
                           Charles P. Schell IV

              Copyright (C) 1987-91 Unicorn Software Limited
                            All Rights Reserved
          VideoMaster is a Trademark of Unicorn Software Limited

                          ____|__     |               (R)
                       --|       |    |-------------------
                         |   ____|__  |  Association of
                         |  |       |_|  Shareware
                         |__|   o   |    Professionals
                       -----|   |   |---------------------
                            |___|___| MEMBER

                         Unicorn Software Limited
                                PO Box 911
                           Wabash, IN 46992-0911
                          TechLine (219)563-HOME
                              CIS #70272,3317
Unicorn  Software  Limited  is  a  member  of  the Association of Shareware
Professionals (ASP).  ASP wants to make sure that the  shareware  principle
works  for  you.   If you are unable to resolve a shareware-related problem
with an ASP member by contacting the member directly, ASP may  be  able  to
help.   The ASP Ombudsman can help you resolve a dispute or problem with an
ASP member, but does not provide technical support for  members'  products.
Please  write  to the ASP Ombudsman at 545 Grover Road, Muskegon, MI 49442-
9427 or send a Compuserve message via  CompuServe  Mail  to  ASP  Ombudsman


VideoMaster is a "shareware program" and is provided at no  charge  to  the
user  for  evaluation.   Feel  free  to  share  it  with  your friends, but
VideoMaster must be distributed in  unmodified,  complete  form,  including
this  Reference  Guide  and License Agreement. Also, VideoMaster may not be
distributed  in  conjunction  with  any  other  product.   The  essence  of
"user-supported"  software  is  to  provide  personal  computer  users with
quality software without high prices, and  yet  to  provide  incentive  for
programmers  to continue to develop new products.  If you find this program
useful and find  that  you  are  using  VideoMaster  and  continue  to  use
VideoMaster  after  a reasonable trial period, you must make a registration
payment of $25.00 to Unicorn Software Limited, P.O.   Box  911  Wabash,  IN
46992-0911.  Or you can use your MC, Visa, AmEx, or Discover by calling the
Public(software)Library  at  800-2424-PsL  or  713-524-6394  or  by  FAX to
713-524-6398 or by CompuServe to 71355,470 or by mail to PsL, PO Box 35705,
Houston, TX 77235-5705. These numbers are for ordering only, order # 10214.
For information about dealer pricing, site licensing, shipping of  product,
returns,  latest  version  number or technical support call 219-563-HOME or
write to Unicorn Software Ltd. directly.

The $25.00 registration fee will license  one  copy  for  use  on  any  one
computer  at  any one time.  You must treat this software just like a book.
An example is that this software may be used by any number  of  people  and
may be freely moved from one computer location to another, so long as there
is no possibility of it being used at one location while it's being used at
another. Just as a book cannot be read by two different persons at the same

The  VideoMaster cataloging program is protected by United States Copyright
Law  and  International  Treaty  provisions.   All  rights  are   reserved.
Non-registered users of VideoMaster are licensed only to use the program on
a  trial  basis for the sole purpose of determining whether or not it meets
their requirements. All other use requires registration.

Commercial users of VideoMaster must register and pay for their  copies  of
VideoMaster  within  30  days  of  first use or their license is withdrawn.
Site-License arrangements  may  be  made  by  contacting  Unicorn  Software

You  are encouraged to pass a copy of VideoMaster along to your friends for
evaluation.  Please encourage them to register their copy if they find that
they can use it.  All registered users will receive a copy  of  the  latest
version  of  the  VideoMaster  system and another Unicorn Software  program
to try.

Unicorn Software Limited makes no warranty of any kind, express or implied,
including  without  limitation,  any  warranties  of merchantability and/or
fitness for a particular purpose. Unicorn Software  Limited  shall  not  be
liable  for any damages, whether direct, indirect, special or consequential
arising from a failure of this program to operate in the manner desired by
the user.  Unicorn Software Limited shall not be liable for any  damage  to
data  or  property which may be caused directly or indirectly by use of the


The  License  Agreement  and  Warranty  shall be construed, interpreted and
governed by the laws of the state of Indiana.

        * Program is easy to use, menu driven and installs automatically.

        * Runs on 256K RAM, under DOS 2.10 or greater and uses any Graphics

        * Standard entries for Title,  Star,  CoStar,  Tape  Number,  Start
Point, MPAA Rating, Category, and Synopsis.

        * 3 User Defined Fields of 30,29 and 5 characters each.  The  names
the User assigns to these fields are used on all screens and in print outs.

        *  The  option of Updating or Deleting for a Specific Title or Tape

        * User sets screen colours, default data drive, and printer codes.

        * The choice of obtaining Print Outs for all data or a Criteria.

        *  Criteria  selections  for  specific:  Star,  CoStar, Title, Tape
Number,  MPAA  Rating,  Range of Numbers, Category, any of the User Defined
Fields, or a ComboZ of up to 4 of the data fields (with And/Or option).

        *   Print   Outs   available:   An    abbreviated   listing,   full
catalog, front labels, or spine labels.

        * Custom List option that allows the User to pick and choose  items
for a print out.

        * Find! option that searches for specific tapes by  Title,  CoStar,
Tape  Number, MPAA Rating, Category, Star, User Defined Field, or ComboZ.

        * Quik Info Key (F1) will supply user with the last number  in  use
and  the  next missing number in the data file (Great during Add and Update

        * Close Nuf' feature that allows partial 'wildcard'  style  entries
to be used for Criteria and Find! options.

        *  Choice  of  indexing  by:  MPAA  Rating,  Title,  CoStar,  Star,
Tape Number, or Category.

        * Speed Up Sort resequences entire file for speed.

        * Chase Ghost option rids file of accidentally added blank records.

        * DOS shell option.

        * User names data file.

        * Synopsis sections features WordWrap & Right Justification.


To help you catalog your video tapes and assist you in  printing  catalogs,
listings  and  labels  for  the  spine  and  front  of the tape.  There are
entries for Tape Number, Title, Rating, Start Point, Star, Co Star,  and  a
eight line Synopsis as well as Category and three User defined fields.

Getting Started:


Type VIDMSTR to start.

When you first start the program, the computer will bring  up  the  Default
Set  Up  screen. Just enter the info requested.  When  you  name  the  Data
Drive, the program will automatically copy the data files to that drive for
you ! So Have A Disk In The Drive And Ready !  In order to create new  data
disks  see  Set  Defaults  below. You can rename the data file now or do it
later. See below on how to do it later.

QEMM.SYS And Other Extended Memory Managers:

Occaisionally a problem will  be  incurred  by  a  person  using   QEMM.SYS
or other extended memory manager.  This has to do with the way that the SYS
file  manages  memory vs the way that the program wants to use the extended
memory (The program will attempt to use extended memory  automatically,  if
it is available).

On  the distribution disk there is a program called UNIEMM.COM (This can be
renamed to any legal file name EXCEPT the name of the EXE program).  If you
attempt  to run the program and get a DOS ERROR or RUN ERROR message at the
top of the  screen,  use  the  UNIEMM utility to  start  the  program.   It
will  tell  the  program  you  are  using  an extended memory that has this
anomoly and command  the  program  to  remain  in  low  memory  instead  of
switching  to  extended  memory.   After  passing these instructions to the
program, the program will start  with  no  other  commands  needing  to  be


         Color    Letter
         Black      N     {As in Noir}
         Blue       B
         Green      G
         Cyan       BG
         Red        R
         Magenta    RB
         Brown      GR
         White      W

User Defined Fields:

There are three User Defined Fields, they are 30,29  and  5  characters  in
length.  When  in  Default Set Up you can name these anything you want.  ie
Director, RCA Library Number, Length,  Thumb  (For  Up  or  Down  reviews),
Writer,  Original, well you get the idea.  You can change these anytime you
want. What you enter here will appear on the Add, Update, Delete  Menus  as
well as the print outs.

WARNING:  When you enter the names of these fields try to use  a  different
first  letter  for  each  option:  Instead of Tempo and Tenor, use Mood and
Tenor.  Failure to do this will confuse the program when you select it from
a menu by using the first letter.  You can still use the lite  bar  if  two
fields are named the same.

Right Justify:

See below on what this function does and how it works.

The System:

Is designed using KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid) so not much  information  is
needed to get started. Here are a few notes to help you use the system:


The ESC key will take you back one menu or abort operation.

The  box  in  the  upper  right  hand  corner  of  the  screen will contain
information on how to move around, and data entry tips.

The last line of the screen will tell you what the highlighted option does.

All menu entries can be selected with the light bar,  or  by  pressing  the
first letter of the option.

How To Enter Tapes:

There are three data samples in the data files already, they are: One Title
Tape and Five Title Tape.  To take a look at these just  enter  the  Update
mode and select the one you wish to view.

Tapes With One Title:

Just enter the data for the tape and hit PageDown when done.

Tapes With Multiple Titles (More Than One Movie On The Tape):

Enter  the data for each Title as if it were two separate tapes, except use
the same Tape Number.  It does not matter what order you enter them in. The
program  will  put them order of Start point. The program will print out up
to 5 titles per tape on a label,  more than 5  will  not  print  out  on  a

Also,  try running the Find! and Criteria functions with the sample data to
get a feel for how these functions work.  This is a powerful program!


The Data Entry Screens:

Any of the data entry screens during Add  or  Change modes can be  'zipped'
through.   That  is  if  you  do  not enter  the  all  the  Synopsis  lines
just hit PageDown after entering the ones you need to blank the rest of the


This  feature  is an option during Add and Update operations.  What it will
do is allow you to  type  in  the  Synopsis  without  paying  attention  to
carriage  returns,  then  when you hit the PageUp key it will re format the
text for you (and Right Justify if you have  it  turned  on.   Here  is  an

You Enter:

         This is a great movie that has a lot of action and car crashe
         s and violence.  At one point you think the story is going on
         e way then it turns out completely different.  Not a big winn
         er at the Academy Awards but good enough to while away a few
         hours on a Saturday night.


         This is a great movie that has a lot of action and car
         crashes and violence.  At one point you think the story is
         going one way then it turns out completely different.  Not a
         big winner at the Academy Awards but good enough to while
         away a few hours on a Saturday night.

WordWrap & Right Justify:

         This  is  a  great  movie  that  has  a lot of action and car
         crashes and violence.  At one point you think  the  story  is
         going one way then it turns out completely  different.  Not a
         big  winner  at  the  Academy Awards but good enough to while
         away a few hours on a Saturday night.

It enables you to type as fast as you want with no cares as to where the
carriage returns should be.


When  WordWrapping  a  Synopsis that has previously been Wrapped with Right
Justify ON you might  have  problems.   The  program  does  not  understand
grammar and might try to wrap things that do not need to be.

Example(From Above)

         This  is  a  great  movie  that  has  a  lot  of  action  and
         carcrashes and violence.  At one point you think  the   story
         isgoing one way then it turns out completely  different.  Not
         abig winner at the Academy Awards but good  enough  to  while
         away a few hours on a Saturday night.

If this happens, just use the INS and DEL keys to fix it.

Change  And  Erase:

When you select either of these options the screen will display  up  to  32
Tape  Numbers and Titles.  Move the light bar to the one you want to Update
or Delete and press the enter key.  The ESC key will take you back  to  the
Main  Menu and the PageDown key will bring up the next 32 Titles.  When the
program reaches the bottom of your file it will start again.

You also have the option of looking for a specific  Tape  Number  or  Title
(These  will always be the last two displayed, so use the End key to get to
the bottom and select the one you want).

When  Erasing  if you select a Tape Number the Titles  for  the entire tape
will appear, then you will be asked to confirm the deletion.

Close 'Nuf:

In  the Change, Erase, Criteria, and Find!  when you enter the Title, Star,
User Defined Fields, etc you do not have to enter  the  entire  thing.  For
example  when  entering  a  title  you wish to deal with you do not have to
enter the full Title, only the first few words, or even letters.  In Update
this will allow you to view all the records that are Close 'Nuf to what you
entered.  EXAMPLE: Entering "Meet" will  bring  up  "Meet  Me",  "Meet  The
Beatles" and "I'll Meet You On The Other Side"


You can print out All the data or select a Criteria of data to print.


You   can  choose  the Star, COStar, MPAA Rating, Title, Category, Cassette
Number, or any of the User Defined fields to select a Criteria of. Remember
that 'Close Nuf' applies here too.  So by selecting CoStars named  Bob  you
would  get  all  of  Bob Mea's Cassettes but also Bob Wallace, Bob Redford,
etc.  You may also select a range of tape numbers, keep in mind that  these
are  inclusive, ie 25 to 27 will get you 25,26 & 27.  You can also select a
ComboZ of Criteria (see below).


Selecting  this  entry on the Criteria or Find! screen will let you combine
up to four Criteria.  For example you want a listing of all Tapes that  are
in  Category  A  and  by  Burt Reynolds. Select the Category entry from the
ComboZ screen, then type in A next select the Star entry, when you do  that
you  will  have  a choice of making the statement And or Or.  (Chose And in
this example) then you can enter the Burt Reynolds.  The program will  find
all records meeting that Criteria and take you to the Forms menu or display
it  on  the screen.  (If you had selected Or in the above example you would
have gotten all records  for  Category  A  or  any  starring  by  the  Burt
Reynolds {even those not category A})

A more complex example would be Category A or Category B and  User  Code  D
and  Title  A. (You would get all Categories A or B with the Code D and the
title beginning with A.)


A Listing provides the Tape Number, Category, Title & Star.

A Catalog provides all information.

Front  Labels:  Gives you Title, Tape Number, & Start Point.   (All  Labels
are standard 3" X 15/16" Pin Fed Labels.

Spine Label: This will print labels for the spine of the tape.  They  will
contain the Tape Number and Title

A Kustom Listing allows you to build your own print out.  Simply choose the
number  beside  the  items  you  wish  to  include  in  you print out.  The
computer will track the number of characters you have left and tell you  if
you go over 80. Hit PageDown to start the printout or ESC to abort.


Can  help you find all of the Tapes in the data file that have a particular
Tape Number, Star, COStar, MPAA Rating, User  Defined  Field,  as  well  as
Category.   Using  "Close  'Nuf" you can Find! any tape easily, ie enter as
much information as you remember and it will search based  on  your  input,
even  if it is only one letter.  NOTE: PageUp on these data display screens
will take you back to the previous record, PageDown to the next record  and
ESC  to  the Find! menu and END to the bottom of the data file, HOME to the
top.  You can also Find!  for ComboZ (see above).



You  can  put  the  file  in  Title,  Number,  Artist, Rating  or  Category
order  by  selecting  the  appropriate option.

Build For Speed:

Should be run occasionally to keep the file in sequential order for speed.

Ghost Buster:

This feature should be run if you get blank records in your data  file,  by

Default SetUp:

Same as above.  If you wish to create a new data disk, just blank  out  the
Data  Drive  or  insert the letter "Z" and then hit the page down key.  You
will then have the opportunity to name a new Data Drive and File Name.

File Name:

Any  eight character filename allowed.  Reserved name is TEMP.  If you just
want  to  change  the  file  location:  Just copy the files UNICORN.DAT and
UNICORN.NTX to whatever location and/or name you desire,  then  change  the
name within the program.  You MUST copy the files first before changing the
name  on  the  Defaults menu.  ie COPY UNICORN.* A:THING.* (NOTE: The index
{NTX} and data {DAT} file MUST have the same name)

Printer SetUp:

This  allows you to customize the printer codes used by the program.  These
codes can be found in your printer manual.  The codes that the program  has
when originally distributed are for the Epson FX100.  You will need to know
the code for 10 cpi (Pica), 12 CPI (Elite), Enlarged, Condensed (17CPI) and
Double  High/Wide.   If  your  printer cannot handle double high/wide DON'T
PANIC,  just  leave it blank; the program will use Enlarged for that entry.
You do not have to enter the ESC part of the code,  the  program  will  add
that  automatically.  You  can  enter  the letter ESC code or the number it
does not matter: ie ESC code 119 can be entered as "119" or "w".   (Do  not
enter any " "s!)

The codes are used as follows:

           10 CPI        Reports/Catalogs
           12 CPI        Reports/Catalogs
           Enlarged      Spine Labels
           Dbl High/Wide Tape Numbers on Labels
           Condensed     {Not Used}

Shell To DOS:

You  can  exit  temporarily  to  DOS  by using that option on the Utilities
Menu.  The file COMMAND.COM must be on root directory of the same  disk  as
the   other   program   files   to   do   this.  You  must  return  to  the
subdirectory/drive  of  VideoMaster prior to entering EXIT to return to the

Upgrading To 7.40:

Upgrade To 7.40:

If   you   are  using  a version prior to 7.29 this will help  you  upgrade
your existing data files.  Before installing ANY of the programs files:

        1.  Copy the ALL files with the DAT extension  from  your  existing
        sub  directory  or  diZk  onto a work diZk or sub directory and set

        2.   Copy  all  of  the files from the distribution dizk containing
        version 7.40 onto your existing dizk or sub directory.

        3.  Start the program and complete the Default Set Up screen as you
        desire, then from the Main Menu go to the Utilities  Menu.   Select
        the Upgrade To 7.40 option from the Utilities Menu.

        4.   Once  selected  you  will be prompted for the sub directory or
        dizk location  and the file name of the old files. DO  NOT  INCLUDE
        THE  DAT EXTENSION!  For example  your old data file name was TAPES
        and you have copied it to sub directory TEMP on you C: drive.  When
        prompted you would enter: C:\TEMP\ for location and TAPES for name.

        5.  The program will import all of the old files into version 2.70.

        6.  Registered Users have the option of just mailing their old data
        files (and .75 in stamps) to Unicorn and having them  Upgraded  for

For Versions After 7.29:

Just copy the file VIDMSTR.EXE to your work dizk/location.  All  files  are

Quik Info:

The program will provide you with the last Tape Number used and any missing
Numbers by hitting the F1 key. When you  are  done  just  hit  any  key  to
continue the program. This is helpful when doing Adds and Updates.


Is a program that will enable you to work with files created  by  Cassette,
Album  and  CDMaster  all at the same time.  It will perform the same Find!
and Print functions as this program, but will use the data from all of  the
*Master  programs  that you are currently using.  Also, the program will do
comparisons between the  files  to  find  multiple  titles.   Finally,  the
program will compare two completely different data files from two people --
so if you have a friend using one of the programs it will compare your data
to his.

This  program  is  FREE  to  registered  users  and  will  be sent with the
registered version of the program.

Technical Assistance & Latest Versions:

Both  registered  and unregistered Users can obtain technical assistance by
calling (219) 563-HOME (4663).  Unregistered Users will need to provide the
name  and address of where they obtained the software from in order to gain
this assistance.  This will let us go back to  that  company  if  they  are
distributing an older version and it helps us track who is distributing the
program.   The  number is manned (by a human) from 6:00 to 9:00 PM EST, all
other hours by an answering machine.


Unicorn Software Support conferences exist on the following BBSs:

** The Kokomo BBS:      317-457-9100
** The RoadHouse BBS:   317-784-2147  (FIDONET 1:231/290)

Both  BBSs  allow  first  time  downloads and will  always have  the latest
versions of Unicorn's software. Unicorn Software programs are available via
"File Request"  from  The RoadHouse BBS (1:231/290). You can FREQ the magic
name "UNICORN" from 1:231/290 for information on Unicorn Programs and their
FREQable "magic" names.)


Also, we monitor the Shareware conference on the following networks:  RIME,
Intelec, NANet, MediaNET, and NAPNet.

The regional  hub  for  RIME  in  Indiana  (IBM-NET)  will  upload  any  of
Unicorn's files to the net on request:

** IBM-Net BBS:  317-882-5575

The  regional  hub  for  Intelec,  NAPNet,  and MedaiNet will upload any of
Unicorn's files to the net on request:

** Media Net  317-547-6204


All  of  Unicorn's  programs  are  also  available  through  the  Shareware
Distribution Network  (SDN),  and may be downloaded  from any  SDN location.
The Central Indiana SDN contact point is:

** Someplace BBS  317-353-9981  (FIDONET 1:231/120)


The above listed BBSs will always have the latest versions within hours  of
release.  Additionally, these BBSs have proven to be reliable and worth the
cost  of every minute of connect time.  Even if you are not looking for our
latest versions:  Give Them A Call!

Other Unicorn Programs:

All programs are MSDOS compatible, run on 256K RAM, use IBM  graphics/laser
printers,  mono  or colour monitor, and can operate on one/two or hard disk
drives (except DayMaster & CompUser which require a hard  or  high  density
drive).   The  User  can set the colours, printer codes, default data drive
and data file name. There are no 'crippled' features or options.  The  only
difference  between  the  shareware  and registered versions is the lack of
'plea' screens on the registered version  and  the  clarity  of  the  Users
conscience.  Amount in {} is price for registration.

                           The *Master Series

CDMaster - To help Users catalog their CDs and assist in printing catalogs,
listings  and  labels  for the case and front of the CD.  There are entries
for CD Number, Title, Artist, and up to 24 Tunes as well as Category and  3
User  defined  fields.   The program will hold up to 9999 CDs (depending on
disk  space)  and  can  be  used  to find even a single song.  It will also
produce a list of every Tune User have in addition to the regular  catalogs
and case inserts.  Find! option locates CDs by any of the data fields or by
a User defined mix of data fields. {$25}

AlbumMaster  -  To help Users catalog their Albums and assist with printing
catalogs, listings and labels for the front of the Album. There are entries
for Album Number, Title, Artist, and up to 12 Tunes on each side as well as
Category and 3 User defined fields.  The User can define fields for use  as
producer,  writer,  opinions  etc.  The program will hold up to 9999 Albums
(depending on disk space) and can be used to find even a single  song.   It
will also produce a list of every Tune User have in addition to the regular
catalogs. Multiple data field Finds!  and User designed listing make this a
must have for audiophiles. {$20}

CassetteMaster - To help  User  catalog  their  cassette  tapes  and  print
catalogs,  listings  and  inserts for the case and front of the tape. There
are entries for Tape Number, Title, Artist, and up to 14 Tunes on each side
as well as Category. The User can also define  three  entries  for  use  as
producer,  writer,  opinions  etc.   The  program  will  hold  up  to  9999
individual Tapes, with two Titles per Tape (depending on  disk  space)  and
can  be  used  to  find even a single song.  It will also produce a list of
every Tune User have in addition to the regular catalogs. The case  inserts
not  only  print all the tunes, artist, and title but the User defined info
as well.  Find!  and Criteria print option make this very  useful  for  the
'home recorder' or the 'store bought' cassette tape User. {$25}

VideoMaster  -  To  help  User catalog their video tapes and assist User in
printing catalogs, standard and User customized listings and labels for the
spine and front of the tape.  There are entries  for  Tape  Number,  Title,
Rating,  Start Point, Star, Co Star, three User defined entries and a seven
line Synopsis as well as Category.  User can find any tape  by  any  field.
The  program  can  handle  up to 5 titles per tape, with the data file only
being limited by disk space. Great for the home video buff. {$25}

PostCardMaster - The program will help User compose post cards and maintain
addresses  on  disk.   Then  User  may  retrieve  either  listings  of  the
addresses  and  cards, address labels, 3X5 cards, 4X6 post cards or Roladex
cards.  The primary purpose of the program is  to  print  post  cards,  and
address them for the User. Post cards cost 1/3 the price of a letter and in
some  cases  are equally as good ie meeting notices, invitations, change of
address.  This program is a update for an earlier Unicorn Software  release
called FORWARD2. {$20}

DayMaster   -   The   program   provides   User   with  trivia,  birthdays,
anniversaries for a particular date, but also allows User to include  their
own  information  for  any  date.  It  also  gives a quote for the day, and
informs User of any reminders (Weekly/Daily/Monthly/Single/Annual/Range  Of
Dates)  the  User might have.  All of this can take place at boot up or any
other time User activate the program. The  data  file  contains  over  2000
historical events and quotes. {$20}

                            The OMNI* Series

OMNIDiZk - A disk  cataloger  and  labeling  utility.   Features:  Reads  a
floppy  into  memory  and lets User save the data (The saving is optional);
Print out 4 X 1 7/16 or 3 X 15/16 labels as well as catalogs; Perform Find!
searches on any files that User has saved; Print lists of every  file  name
in  the  data  file;  Allow  complete Updates of disks or of just the title
info; Lets User enter a 23 character title, 3 character code and two  lines
of  remarks  up  to  52  characters  each;  Lets User set the data and read
drives. {$20}

OMNIDay - Handles up to 10 Users  with  PassCode  protection  for  privacy,
optional  encryption  of data with 10,000 possibilities per User, automatic
entry of text date line, and a full function text editor with online  Help.
The  data  file is dynamic (only as large as entries) and can be located on
any drive.  Daily entries can be from 1 to 5000 lines with the  ability  to
change  history (Alter Entry) and the ability to make history vanish (Erase
Entry).  The Reminisce feature allows  User  to  'thumb'  through  entries.
Prints  out  the  entire  opus  or selected dates.  User names the opus and
enters their name into program for use on screen and in print outs. {$25}

                            The Comp* Series

CompUser - A rated cyclopedia with the names, addresses and  phone  numbers
of  shareware  distributors,  hardware  companies, authors, computer clubs,
BBSs and more.  Almost 3000 entries are in the complete database and it  is
updated  almost  daily with revisions being mailed out every  90 days.  The
program creates, edits & prints post cards, address labels  and  more.   It
will  also  import  new  data  and allow the User to change the data in the
file.  Great for clubs (looking for authors  and  distributors),  shareware
authors  (looking  for markets), shareware libraries (looking for authors),
BBS Users (looking for new BBSs) and the average Comp{ter}User (looking for
all of the above).  All entries  are  rated  A,B,C,D,  or  F  for  size  of
operation  and  the  way  that  they  conduct business. This alone makes it
worthwhile because Users  can  avoid  poorly  rated  businesses  that  have
historical problems and lack good customer service. {$30/Year}
                             The *4D Series

DiZk4D  -  The  first dizk cataloging system specifically written for 4DOS.
DiZk4D will: Read a floppy into memory and lets User  save  the  data  (The
saving is optional). Lets the User enter a 21 character title, 4 digit DiZk
number, 3 character code and two lines of remarks up to 65 characters each.
Change  or  add  file descriptions. Users have the option of using the same
description for all files, or describing them  individually  using  a  full
screen  editor. Prints out 4 X 1 7/16 or 3 X 15/16 labels of the file names
or of file names and descriptions.  Prints out or writes to a file complete
or select listings and catalogs.  Prints out a complete list  of  all  file
information, or writes that information to a file.  Perform Find!  searches
on  any  filename,  description,  date,  title, DiZk number (alphanumeric),
code, or remarks.  Allows complete Updates of DiZks or of  just  the  title
info.  Lets User use Auto numbering of DiZks. {$25}

Check with your favourite shareware dealer or do one of the following:

1.   Call  the  Kokomo  BBS  at  317-457-9100  {First call downloads in the
Unicorn Support Conference) or IBM-NET at  317-882-5575.   Both  BBSs  will
always have the latest versions of all of Unicorn's programs.

2.   Send  three blank formatted disks for each disk desired to Unicorn and
we'll copy them for you. {Each title is on one disk, the other disks  cover

3.  Send three dollars per title and we'll send them to you.


Charles P. Schell IV

                                   New Stuff

Version 7.00     Changed Quik Xit key to Quik Info Key.

                 Added 3 User defined and named fields.

                 Added 2 lines to Synopsis.

                 Reformatted Code Structure.

                 Added Criteria selections.

                 Added New Custom Form.

                 Added Printer Set Up.

Version 7.20     Made  both  Delete   and   Update   selections   'Point  &

                 Tape Number and Title entries for Delete and Update are no
                 longer 'hidden' options.

                 ComboZ feature added.

Version 7.31     WordWrap and Right Justify added for Synopsis.
                 Allow renaming of Data File during initial set up.

                 Speeded Up and Improved Close 'Nuf feature.

Version 7.35     DOC rewritten.

                 Delete & Update features now return you to Main Menu if no
                 data is in the file.

                 Ability to Change or Add another on Add menu

Version 7.40     Textured backgrounds added and all menus changed.


This file contains information regarding the posting  of  Unicorn  Software
programs  on Bulletin Board Systems. This file includes sample descriptions
which you may use to describe the package.

Disk Vendors and Distributors please refer to the VENDOR.DOC text


Home, Collections, Applications, Data Base, Misc



VideoMaster 7.40 Video Catalog System


VideoMaster  7.40 A great way to catalog
and label video  tapes.   Does  multiple
searches,   allows   up  to  an  8  line
synopsis,  prints  catalogs,  lists  and
labels.   From  Unicorn Software Limited
{ASP Member}

Author/Publisher Information:

Unicorn Software Limited is a small software company owned and operated  by
Charles P. Schell IV.

At Unicorn Software Limited we believe that the PRIMARY purpose of business
is  service,  not  profit.   This concept is fundamental to our approach to
product development, production and marketing.

Unicorn Software Limited has been producing top quality  computer  software
at reasonable prices, continuously, since 1985.

Please  feel  free  to  contact  me  at any time if you have any questions,
comments or suggestions.  I  can  be  reached  by  mail  at  the  following

   Charles P. Schell IV
   Unicorn Software Limited
   PO Box 911
   Wabash, Indiana 46991-0911

I can also be reached by voice or electronically as follows:

Voice:  219-563-4663.   The number is manned (by a human) from 6:00 to 9:00
PM EST, all other hours by an answering machine.


Unicorn Software Support conferences exist on the following BBSs:

** The Kokomo BBS:      317-457-9100
** The RoadHouse BBS:   317-784-2147  (FIDONET 1:231/290)


Also, we monitor the Shareware conference on the following networks:  RIME,
Intelec, NANet, MediaNET, and NAPNet.

Limited Distribution License:

As the exclusive copyright holder for VideoMaster, Unicorn Software Limited
authorizes on-line distribution  only  in  accordance  with  the  following
restrictions.  Disk Vendors and Distributors should refer to the VENDOR.DOC
text file for complete license information.

The VideoMaster package is defined as containing all the material listed in
the  PACKING.LST  text  file.   If any files listed in the PACKING.LST text
file, or the PACKING.LST file itself, are missing, then the package is  not
complete  and  distribution  is  forbidden.   Please contact us to obtain a
complete package suitable for distribution.

    o The VideoMaster package - including all  related  program  files  and
documentation  files  -  CANNOT  be  modified  in  any way (other than that
mentioned in the following paragraph) and must be distributed as a complete
package, without exception.  The PACKING.LST text file contains a  list  of
all files that are part of the VideoMaster package.

    o  Many  BBSs customarily add a small text file (advertisement) to each
archived file.  This text file describes the BBS and tells people that  the
file  was  downloaded  from  that  particular  BBS.  Other BBSs add a small
one-line message with their BBS name and phone number into  the  compressed
file,  which  will  display when the file is uncompressed.  Either of these
methods of mentioning your BBS are acceptable and may be used, provided the
program and documentation is otherwise unmodified and complete.

    o Unicorn Software  Limited  prohibits  the  distribution  of  outdated
versions  of  the  VideoMaster  package,  without  written  permission from
Unicorn Software Limited. If the version you have obtained is  over  twelve
(12) months old, please contact us to ensure that you have the most current

    o  Licensee  shall not use, copy, rent, lease, sell, modify, decompile,
disassemble, otherwise reverse engineer, or transfer the  licensed  program
except  as  provided  in  this  agreement.  Any such unauthorized use shall
result in immediate and automatic termination of this license.

    o U.S. Government Information: Use, duplication, or disclosure  by  the
U.S.  Government of the computer software and documentation in this package
shall be subject to the restricted rights applicable to commercial computer
software  as set forth in subdivision (b)(3)(ii) of the Rights in Technical
Data and Computer Software clause at 252.227-7013 (DFARS 52.227-7013).  The
Contractor/manufacturer is Unicorn Software Limited,  PO  Box  911,  Wbash,
Indiana 46991-0911.

All  rights  not  expressly  granted  here are reserved to Unicorn Software

BBS Update Program:

Most BBSs have standard procedures for acquiring new files.  They get  them
from  other  boards, new programs are uploaded by users, etc.  This is good
because most authors cannot  afford  to  mail  disks  or  upload  files  to
thousands  of  BBSs.  However, some BBSs prefer to obtain programs directly
from the authors.  If you would like to obtain programs directly  from  us,
automatically, then please help us to cover the cost.

If  your  BBS  would  like  to  receive  automatic  upgrades  to any of our
products, directly from us, then please refer to the information below. Due
to the time and expense we are generally unable to  upload  directly  to  a
large  number  of  Bulletin  Board  Systems.   However, we are able to mail
updates on disk (in a sealed envelope) to many BBS's.

If your BBS would like  to  receive  automatic  updates  then  please  take
advantage  of  our  BBS Update Program.  Under this program you can receive
updates for an entire year for only $10 for all 11 programs (this helps  to
offset our costs).

To  receive  updates,  simply send us a letter with the name and address of
your BBS, your mailing address, the name  of  the  person  we  may  contact
(preferably the SYSOP or CO-SYSOP), and a check or money order for $10 (for
countries  outside of North America please add an additional $10).  Payment
in U.S. funds drawn on a U.S.  bank only, please.

The BBS Update Program covers  all  eleven  programs  in  release.   For  a
complete list see the bottom of READ1ST.DOC (as of March, 1991)

NOTE:  All BBS's participating in our BBS Update Program will automatically
receive any NEW programs which  we  may  release  while  their  BBS  Update
Program is in effect.

The  BBS  Update  Program is only intended to help us cover our expenses in
those cases where a BBS desires to obtain the program directly from us.  If
you have other standard ways to obtain programs, then you may prefer not to
use our BBS Update Program.


This file provides information for Shareware Distributors, Disk Vendors and
Computer Clubs who wish to distribute Unicorn Software's programs.

BBS SYSOPs: Please refer to the SYSOP.DOC text file for information.

Individual and Company Users: Please refer to READ1ST.DOC for information.

Program Name & Category:

VideoMaster-Suggested categories are: Home, Collecting, Applications, Data
Base & Misc.


To  help  User  catalog  their  video  tapes  and  assist  User in printing
catalogs, standard and User customized listings and labels  for  the  spine
and  front  of the tape.  There are entries for Tape Number, Title, Rating,
Start Point, Star, Co Star, three User defined entries  and  a  seven  line
Synopsis  as  well  as  Category.  User can find any tape by any field. The
program can handle up to multiple titles on a sinlge tape, file only  being
limited by disk space.  Great for the home video buff.

The  User  can  set the colours, printer codes, default data drive and data
file name.   There  are  no  'crippled'  features  or  options.   The  only
difference  between  the  shareware  and registered versions is the lack of
'plea' screens on the registered version  and  the  clarity  of  the  Users

Hardware  Requirements:  256K  RAM,  IBM  graphics/laser  printers, mono or
colour monitor, can operate on one/two or hard disk drives.

Other Requirements: MS-DOS 2.11 or higher.

Registration Information:
   Registeration price is $25.

   For complete user registration information please refer to the
   INVOICE.DOC text file.

Author/Publisher Information:

Unicorn Software Limited is a small software company owned and operated  by
Charles P. Schell IV.

At Unicorn Software Limited we believe that the PRIMARY purpose of business
is  service,  not  profit.   This concept is fundamental to our approach to
product development, production and marketing.

Unicorn Software Limited has been producing top quality  computer  software
at reasonable prices, continuously, since 1985.
Please  feel  free  to  contact  me  at any time if you have any questions,
comments or suggestions.  I  can  be  reached  by  mail  at  the  following

   Charles P. Schell IV
   Unicorn Software Limited
   PO Box 911
   Wabash, Indiana 46991-0911

I can also be reached by voice or electronically as follows:

Voice:  219-563-4663.   The number is manned (by a human) from 6:00 to 9:00
PM EST, all other hours by an answering machine.


Unicorn Software Support conferences exist on the following BBSs:

** The Kokomo BBS:      317-457-9100
** The RoadHouse BBS:   317-784-2147  (FIDONET 1:231/290)


Also, we monitor the Shareware conference on the following networks:  RIME,
Intelec, NANet, MediaNET, and NAPNet.

Limited Distribution License:

The VideoMaster package is defined as containing all the material listed in
the PACKING.LST text file.  If any files listed  in  the  PACKING.LST  text
file,  or the PACKING.LST file itself, are missing, then the package is not
complete and distribution is forbidden.  Please  contact  us  to  obtain  a
complete package suitable for distribution.

    o  The  program - including all related program files and documentation
files - CANNOT be modified in any way and must be distributed as a complete
package, without exception.  The PACKING.LST text file contains a  list  of
all files that are part of the VideoMaster package.

    o  No  price  or  other compensation may be charged for the package.  A
distribution cost may be charged for the cost of the diskette, shipping and
handling, as long as the total (per disk) does not exceed  US$8.00  in  the
U.S. and Canada, or US$12.00 internationally.

    o The VideoMaster package cannot be "rented" or "leased" to others.

    o  The  person receiving a copy of the VideoMaster package MUST be made
aware that each disk or copy is  ONLY  for  evaluation,  and  that  Unicorn
Software Limited has not received any royalties or payment for the product.
This  requirement  can  be  met  by including the complete program package,
which contains any appropriate registration reminders.

    o The person receiving a copy of the VideoMaster package MUST  be  made
aware  that  he  or  she  does  not  become a registered user until Unicorn
Software Limited has received payment for  registration  of  the  software.
This  requirement can be met by including the complete VideoMaster package,
which contains any appropriate registration reminders.
    o Unicorn Software  Limited  prohibits  the  distribution  of  outdated
versions  of  the  VideoMaster  package,  without  written  permission from
Unicorn Software Limited.  If the version you  have  is  over  twelve  (12)
months  old,  please  contact  us  to ensure that you have the most current
version.  This version was released in May, 1991.

    o Licensee shall not use, copy, rent, lease, sell,  modify,  decompile,
disassemble,  otherwise  reverse engineer, or transfer the licensed program
except as provided in this agreement.   Any  such  unauthorized  use  shall
result in immediate and automatic termination of this license.

    o  U.S.  Government Information: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the
U.S.  Government of the computer software and documentation in this package
shall be subject to the restricted rights applicable to commercial computer
software as set forth in subdivision (b)(3)(ii) of the Rights in  Technical
Data and Computer Software clause at 252.227-7013 (DFARS 52.227-7013).  The
Contractor/manufacturer  is  Unicorn  Software Limited, PO Box 911, Wabash,
Indiana, 46992-0911.

All rights not expressly granted here  are  reserved  to  Unicorn  Software

Vendor Update Program:

Most  vendors  have  standard procedures for acquiring new files.  They get
them from other vendors, BBSs, etc.  Most authors  cannot  afford  to  mail
disks  to  hundreds  (perhaps thousands) of vendors.  However, some vendors
prefer to obtain programs directly from the authors.  If you would like  to
obtain  programs  directly  from  us, automatically, then please help us to
cover the cost.

If you are NOT on our current mailing list, but you  would  still  like  to
receive  automatic  updates directly from us, then please take advantage of
our Vendor Update Program.  Under this program you can receive updates  for
an  entire  year for only $10 for all 11 programs (this helps to offset our

To receive updates, simply send us a letter with your name,  company  name,
mailing  address,  the  name  of the person we should contact (such as your
disk librarian), and a check or money order for $10. (Countries outside  of
North America please add an additional $10). Payment in U.S. funds drawn on
a U.S. bank only please.

The  Vendor  Update  Program  covers all eleven programs in release.  For a
complete list see the bottom of READ1ST.DOC (as of March, 1991)

All vendors participating in our Vendor Update Program  will  automatically
receive  any  NEW  programs  which we may release while their Vendor Update
Program is in effect.

The Vendor Update Program is only intended to help us cover our expenses in
those cases where a vendor desires to obtain the program directly from  us.
If you have other standard ways to obtain programs, then you may prefer not
to use our Vendor Update Program.
Please Help Us Serve You Better:

We  would  appreciate  copies  of anything you print regarding VideoMaster.
Please send us a copy of any reviews, articles,  catalog  descriptions,  or
other  information  you  print  or  distribute  regarding  the  VideoMaster
package. Thank you for your time and  assistance  and  for  supporting  the
shareware marketing concept.

Please  see  above for our mailing address and phone number.  Thank you for
your support!

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #2774

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

COLOUR   SET       502   8-06-91  11:26p
READ1ST  DOC     35138   6-07-91   6:47p
VIDMSTR  EXE    232320   6-13-91   4:57p
PROBLEMS DOC      1630  12-17-90   8:55p
PRINT    SET       226   6-01-91   7:35p
INVOICE  DOC      1825   3-17-91   8:56a
NEWUSER  DAT      5132  12-26-90   2:20p
VENDOR   DOC      8277   6-01-91   8:15p
SYSOP    DOC      6938   6-01-91   8:17p
PACKING  LST       852   5-06-91   8:16p
UNIEMM   COM      1372   5-06-91   8:20p
FILE2774 TXT       601   8-09-91   2:58a
GO       BAT       105   8-06-91  11:25p
PREVIEW  EXE      7347   4-18-91   1:15p
       14 file(s)     302265 bytes
                       12288 bytes free